
EMUSIC-L Digest                                      Volume 56, Issue 10

This issue's topics:
	KRAFTWERK? (6 messages)

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Date:         Mon, 20 Sep 1993 14:29:36 EDT
From:         VEILLEUX BRANT 
Subject:      Re: KRAFTWERK?

Kraftwerk is NOT a new band they have been around since the early
1970's. They are from germany, and were one of the first all electronic
bands.  B.

Date:         Mon, 20 Sep 1993 18:00:23 EDT
From:         Krisztian Rassay 
Subject:      KRAFTWERK?

Does anybody know anything about the new KRAFTWERK band, called ELECTRONIC
MUSIC? I saw them on MTV beginning of summer. There was 2 video clips also:

Date:         Mon, 20 Sep 1993 23:48:38 GMT
From:         David Datta 
Subject:      Re: KRAFTWERK?

Elektric Music is an offshoot band from Kraftwerk. Karl Bartos is
behind the new band. They have 1 album (Esperanto) and 2 singles so

Discussions about the band have been held on the Kraftwerk mailing
list. E-mail me or to join the list.

- Dave

        "Information wants to be free." - Elektric Music

Date:         Tue, 21 Sep 1993 11:30:15 +0200
From:         Rick Jansen 
Subject:      Re: KRAFTWERK?

In article <>, Krisztian Rassay
|> Does anybody know anything about the new KRAFTWERK band, called ELECTRONIC
|> MUSIC? I saw them on MTV beginning of summer. There was 2 video clips also:
|> ???

Elektric Music. Consists of ex-Kraftwerker Karl Bartos and
Lothar Manteuffel. I haven't seen the clips yet though!
Not even during the recent MTV Goes Deutsch weekend. On
the other hand the only Kraftwerk clip they showed was The

Rick Jansen

  S&H's a module and s&h's looking good

Date:         Tue, 21 Sep 1993 11:18:57 EDT
From:         Krisztian Rassay 
Subject:      Re: KRAFTWERK?

I said, KRAFTWERK is no longer exists. The "regroupped" band name is
ELECTRONIC MUSIC. Have you heard anything about the new band??

Date:         Wed, 22 Sep 1993 20:29:59 +0200
From:         "Michael D. Lyons" 
Subject:      Re: KRAFTWERK?

 Krisztian Rassay said:

> I said, KRAFTWERK is no longer exists. The "regroupped" band name is
> ELECTRONIC MUSIC. Have you heard anything about the new band??

Kraftwerk is still very much alive. I saw them in concert in late May.

and Rick Jansen said:

> ...the only Kraftwerk clip they showed [during the MTV Europe Goes
> Deutsch Weekend] was The Model...

Hmmm, that's funny. I taped both "Music Nonstop" and "The Robots" that


End of the EMUSIC-L Digest