EMUSIC-L Digest Volume 56, Issue 11
This issue's topics:
Robot sound effects? (7 messages)
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Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1993 11:54:16 EST
From: Doug Baker
Subject: Re: Robot sound effects?
I've seen a shareware program called VOC386 that has a robotize function,
... the program itself is a bit buggy but the robotize works very well.
You can change the way the robot sounds.
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1993 12:12:43 CDT
From: "Kevan L. Moore"
Subject: Re: Robot sound effects?
/Place for VOC386 : I'll look around for it on FTP, if I dont
/find it, I'll upload it to a site when I get home; will let you know
please post its location publicly so can get it. i've always loved
electronic voice sounds.
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1993 12:58:45 EST
From: Douglas Baker
Subject: Re: Robot sound effects?
Place for VOC386 : I'll look around for it on FTP, if I dont
find it, I'll upload it to a site when I get home; will let you know
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1993 17:23:33 EDT
From: Krisztian Rassay
Subject: Robot sound effects?
Can anybody tell me, how can I make sound effects like for example in
Kraftwerk music. I think how to generate a robot talking from a normal
digitalized sound file?
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1993 18:09:56 EDT
From: Krisztian Rassay
Subject: Re: Robot sound effects?
Doug! Can you point where can I obtain the program VOC386?
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1993 10:55:57 +0200
From: Rick Jansen
Subject: Re: Robot sound effects?
Usually robot voices like Kraftwerk uses them, and of the Galactica
Cylons etc are made with a device called a vocoder.
S&H's a module and s&h's looking good
Date: Sat, 25 Sep 1993 13:31:04 EST
From: Douglas Baker
Subject: Re: Robot sound effects?
Ok, I've posted VOC38620.ARJ on :
Wuarchive (
in /pub/msdos_uploads/sounds/
Have fun!
End of the EMUSIC-L Digest