EMUSIC-L Digest Volume 56, Issue 12
This issue's topics:
Score Readers (3 messages)
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Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1993 20:13:00 -0400
From: "J. M. Macknik"
Subject: Score Readers
I personally have heard a little scuttlebutt about this type of
project here. The Arts and Tech symposium brought the subject up, and I
believe someone mentioned that some people at Cornell were working on such
a system and were having quite a bit of success. I could be completely
wrong, however...list-eners from Cornell I'm sure could help me out with
this. Try calling some schools and see if they can give you a contact
name. I'll do a little leg-work here as well and see what I can come up with.
Good Luck -- Jim
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1993 11:57:36 -0400
From: Hal Perkins
Subject: Re: Score Readers
>This message appeared on the electronic music network I subscribe to.
>Is there any truth to this? And .. (ahem) will it run on a Mac?
> --Mark Simon
> tip@cornellc
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>RE: Score Reader that will scan sheet music and save as a usable file:
> I personally have heard a little scuttlebutt about this type of
>project here. The Arts and Tech symposium brought the subject up, and I
>believe someone mentioned that some people at Cornell were working on such
>a system and were having quite a bit of success. I could be completely
>wrong, however...list-eners from Cornell I'm sure could help me out with
>this. Try calling some schools and see if they can give you a contact
>name. I'll do a little leg-work here as well and see what I can come up with.
>Good Luck -- Jim
That's the first I've heard of it. If it exists, I wouldn't be surprised
if it runs on a mac. Maybe somebody in the electronic music studio in
Lincoln would know something?
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1993 09:40:06 GMT+2
From: "Pieter J. Nagel" <9053689@RKW-LAN.CS.UP.AC.ZA>
Subject: Re: Score Readers
> >This message appeared on the electronic music network I subscribe to.
> >Is there any truth to this? And .. (ahem) will it run on a Mac?
> >
> > --Mark Simon
> > tip@cornellc
> >
> >----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> >RE: Score Reader that will scan sheet music and save as a usable file:
> That's the first I've heard of it. If it exists, I wouldn't be surprised
> if it runs on a mac. Maybe somebody in the electronic music studio in
> Lincoln would know something?
> Hal
There is at least one such program in existence that I know of. I saw one
demonstrated on our campus (University of Pretoria, South Africa) during
one of those types of tech symposiums where electronic mice run mazes.
After being fed a sheet of music, it played the piece over a Soundblaster
( ran on a PC :-( )
I don't know what format it the data is saved in, but ANY format is better
than none, and from being able to play the music to saving it as a MIDI
file is but a small step.
I'll try to make contact with the creators - in such a way that they don't
catch on to quickly to the comercial potential of their little project.
I'll even try to get the program to you, all for a modest service fee ;-)
/_) /| /
/ i e t e r / |/ a g e l
No news from limbo.
End of the EMUSIC-L Digest