EMUSIC-L Digest Volume 56, Issue 18
This issue's topics:
Hammond Manual needed
HELP: Spatializer anyone?
MIDI for violas
PAiA 8700 modular system (2 messages)
Shareware editor for Kawaii
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Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1993 13:08:04 -0500
Subject: Hammond Manual needed
Recently I purchased a used A 100 Series Hammond Organ
with full 25 note pedal board. To my chagrin the family of
the previous owner could not find the manual--and I am
unfamiliar with playing a Hammond.
I just discovered, using the library and several
phone calls, that the Hammond Company does not exist.
A colleague suggested that someone on this list might
be able to assist me in obtaining a copy of the manual.
Since I am not a member of the list, anyone who might
be able to help me should contact me through my personal
BITNET account:
Thank you.
Johnnie L. Stones *** ***
Department of Psychology * *** *
Norwich University * * *
Northfield, VT 05663 * * *
PHONE: 802-485-2360 * * * * *
FAX: 802-485-2580 * ***
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1993 05:38:24 GMT
From: Chunming Kenneth Kwan
Subject: HELP: Spatializer anyone?
Any kind souls out there know something about a new product called the
Spatializer? It's supposed to produce 3-D sound effect that does not need
special decoder to reproduce, i.e., recordings that employ this technology
would yield certain 3-D sound effect on any ordinary CD or cassette players.
Could you please e-mail me with your info? Your help will be deeply
Ken Kwan
Bitnet: V537UE8Y@@ubvms.bitnet
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1993 00:14:02 -0500
From: brickman jonathan
Subject: MIDI for violas
Hello all. I would be greatly interested in hearing from anyone who knows
where one could find a box which would midify a viola. Any responses
would be appreciated.
||Jonathan E. Brickman
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1993 09:45:57 CDT
From: "Kevan L. Moore"
Subject: PAiA 8700 modular system
hello all.
a friend of mine has an original PAiA modular synth, circa 1980.
linear voltage-controlled oscillators, filters, amplifiers.
ring modulators, LFOs and a ton of patch cables. 6502-based 3-octave
keyboard outputs to a quad-addressable sample&hold so polyphony is
Granted, any $25 casio on the market can do more than this
system can, but he was wondering if anybody in the world would
be interested in having an antique functioning analog
modular synth?
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1993 14:08:57 -0500
From: "David C. Bloom"
Subject: Re: PAiA 8700 modular system
> hello all.
> a friend of mine has an original PAiA modular synth, circa 1980.
> linear voltage-controlled oscillators, filters, amplifiers.
> ring modulators, LFOs and a ton of patch cables. 6502-based 3-octave
> keyboard outputs to a quad-addressable sample&hold so polyphony is
> possible.
> Granted, any $25 casio on the market can do more than this
> system can, but he was wondering if anybody in the world would
> be interested in having an antique functioning analog
> modular synth?
> klm
...and if anybody _is_ interested, I have a dusty rack of PAiA modules
and an original linear VC mono keyboard. Disclaimer: this is not a
solicitation to sell, just an invite for interested parties to
contact me. Thx __David
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Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1993 11:10:47 U
From: David Williams
Subject: Shareware editor for Kawaii
Can anyone recommend a freeware or shareware editor for the K-4 that runs on a
Mac? Thanks.
David B. Williams Voice: 309-438-5447 Fax: 309-438-8318
The Office of Research in Arts Technology
College of Fine Arts, Illinois State University, Normal IL 61790-5600
End of the EMUSIC-L Digest