EMUSIC-L Digest Volume 56, Issue 19
This issue's topics:
MIDI file unknown meta event
Midi items
MIDI software
Music Lines
simple sampler question. (2 messages)
Yamaha Consumer Keyboards
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Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1993 17:55:35 BST
From: "Steven D. Bramson"
Subject: Re: MIDI file unknown meta event
"Steven D. Bramson" writes:
>I am writing some software to read and interpret the non-midi event
>information in midi files (so you can document them). I have several midi
>files which have an undocumented (in the copies of the standard I have
>meta event. Meta events describe things such as copyright strings, track
>names, time signature, key signature, clock rate etc. All I know is that
>unknown meta event has hex code 21 (33 decimal) and is followed by a
>data byte.
Hendrik Jan Veenstra ( replied ..
Don't ask me where I got this from, since I don't remember...
*** Channel Prefix: 0xFF 0x20 0x01 0x0n
where 'n' indicates the channel of the following event. So, Channel Prefix
meta events help you in keeping the midi channel information together with
an event that doesn not contain midi channel information, like sys-ex
and text events.
*** Port Prefix: 0xFF 0x21 0x01 0x0n
No description for this last one, but I suppose the Channel Prefix
suggests enough ('n' is the port of the next midi event, etc...).
Hope this helps...
If you happen to know any meta events that I don't know, I'd appreciate a
short note... The ones known to me are no's 0x00-0x07, 0x20, 0x21, 0x2F,
0x51, 0x54, 0x58, 0x59, 0x7F.
Many thanks for the reply. I can confirm that I know of no meta events
other than those you list above.
I guess the port prefix is for the benifit of those lucky people with
multiple midi output ports, and hence 32 or more channels.
Steven D Bramson Data Management Group JET Joint Undertaking
Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 3EA United Kingdom
E-mail Voice 0235 465 013 Fax 0235 465 399
JET is Europe's fusion research project
Disclaimer: Any views expressed are mine and do not represent those of JET
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1993 11:48:24 -0400
From: Terry Horner
Subject: Midi items
Could anyone tell me where I might (if possible) obtain the following
through the Internet. If not available through the Internet, from where
can they be obtained?
Music Lines
Malmo College of Music
by Brengt-Arner Molin
Butch Mahoney
Music Box
Butch Mahoney
Nebulous Enterprises
Earlevel Engineering (part of HyperMIDI)
Fractal Music Generator
Earlevel Engineering
Michael Pelz-Sherman
These are mentioned in a MIDI bible and I am assisting a friend in
locating these.
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 01:06:44 MET
From: Vincenzo Palleschi
Subject: MIDI software
Dear Friends,
I have a question about MIDI software for real time processing of
keyboard signals, such as echo, delay and so on. As far as I remember,
some time ago I have seen something of this kind but I forgot where and
the name of the program, of course (I remember it was an old demo,
probably..). More in general, I think it would be fine to have
software for real time arrangement (I mean, programs like Band-in-a-Box
do the job, but you should FIRSTLY write the armonic part and AFTER
obtaining the arrangement).What about automatic recognition of chords
and real time processing? Even very cheap keyboards can do that, and
their processor is not a 486, I think ... Just another idea, maybe
some programmer on the net would like to try :-> I heard of a converter
for non-standard tunings from Roland which uses the mod-weel for
changing (in real time...) the tuning of the single notes on the keyboard
It looks quite simple to do with a PC, don't you think so?
Vincenzo Palleschi
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1993 10:35:11 -0400
From: Terry Horner
Subject: Music Lines
I have been asked by a colleague to locate something for him which
apparently is available through the Internet. It is called Music Lines
and was developed by Brengt-Arne Molin of Malmo College of Music. Can
anyone help locate this?
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1993 23:36:56 -0500
From: Mark Swann
Subject: simple sampler question.
very simple!, Im just learning about samplers and wondering,, that,,
in a midi/sequencer setup,, when you want to play back a program of
signals from your sequencer,, and you have sampler.. are there
'multitambral samplers' that can do this.?
that is,, say you have AKAI s101,, has a floppy anhd 2mg ram
you make your own samplers and use these for filling up 8 tracks
in your sequencer,,, now.. do samplers have places they can
store those original samples so that you can hear them all
when you play your sequence back thru it? thx. svann
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1993 13:05:10 -0500
From: Arne Claassen ISE
Subject: Re: simple sampler question.
> very simple!, Im just learning about samplers and wondering,, that,,
> in a midi/sequencer setup,, when you want to play back a program of
> signals from your sequencer,, and you have sampler.. are there
> 'multitambral samplers' that can do this.?
Ok, if i get this straight, you are wondering whether you can play back
sequences of multiple samples/voices. With my EPS it's like this, i got eight
tracks. To play them from a remote sequencer, i assign a midi channel to each
track and send the sequence split up over eight tracks. In addition, i can
have as many samples as i have keys and memory for each track, which i trigger
with the specific note on/offs. I imagine it's pretty much the same or at
least similar with other samplers. Personally, i've never heard of a unitimbral
sampler, unless it is also monophonic, such as some dj mixers with a sample
Hope that helps...
|Arne F. Claassen |
| |
| "It is by my will alone I set my mind in motion" |
| finger for PGP public key |
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1993 15:18:39 EDT
Subject: Yamaha Consumer Keyboards
I am not a "serious" or "professional" or even "academic" musician,
but I have this cheap (under $500) yamaha keyboard PSR-500 that is actually
touch sensitive and has a nice piano and "sampled" (although I doubt to
much resolution) sounds and I have it connected to my Mac.
The problem is, the manual includes very little good information
(let alone engineering data) even on dump file structure, for instance.
I would appreciate any information that might be useful, and I might add
that I have enjoyed keeping a little cheap keyboard around for years and
have extracted a great deal of learning and depth of knowledge from even
these frightfully toyish "instruments".
John A. Pinion
End of the EMUSIC-L Digest