
EMUSIC-L Digest                                      Volume 58, Issue 09

This issue's topics:
	cakewalk pro,, cubase, pro4, (10 messages)
	WinJammer (2 messages)

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Date:         Tue, 2 Nov 1993 00:50:55 -0600
From:         Mark Swann 
Subject:      cakewalk pro,, cubase, pro4,

ive heard from a few people that cakewalk pro,, which prints also,,
is great,,, but,, also heard that cubase (same price, 350$) is lots
better,, however cubase does not print... ,, and that cakewalk pro
is really an amatuer program..  anybody out there that has seen
demos?     svann

Date:         Tue, 2 Nov 1993 10:02:20 -0800
From:         Doug Wellington 

You said:

>ive heard from a few people that cakewalk pro,, which prints also,,
>is great,,, but,, also heard that cubase (same price, 350$) is lots
>better,, however cubase does not print... ,, and that cakewalk pro
>is really an amatuer program..  anybody out there that has seen
>demos?     svann

Well, that message sounds pretty provocative to me!  I have used both
Cubase and Cakewalk.  Cubase, while being great on other platforms,
(Mac, maybe Atari?) is not very good under Windows.

Expect Cubase to crash at least once per session, sometimes more.  Stay
away from operations that affect large areas of a score.  Also, you can
pay extra and get Cubase Score, which has printing capabilities.  One
really nice feature of Cubase is the drum editing grid.  (Doesn't make
up for the other problems though...)

Cakewalk, on the other hand, is almost bullet-proof.  I have never been
able to crash it.  Cakewalk also has a scripting language, CAL, that lets
you do almost anything you can think of.  Neither Cakewalk nor Cubase
is an "amateur" program, although they can be used by amateurs.

Bottom line is, like almost everything else with computers, it is a
religious war between the different programs.  You can get demos of
both programs and judge for yourself.  FTP to FTP.UWP.EDU and look
in the directory /pub/music/programs.  Oh yeah, Cubase only works with
386 and above...  (Another reason I'm sticking to Cakewalk.  It works
on all of my computers.)

Music Supply and Repair Service
2710 N. Paseo Tierra Verde
Tucson, AZ 85749 USA
(602) 760-0425

Date:         Tue, 2 Nov 1993 16:35:15 EST
From:         Bill Mclaughlin 
Subject:      Re: cakewalk pro,, cubase, pro4,

hi, i haven't seen a demo but i have cubase running on a mac -the basic
version doesn't print but you can get "cubase score" for about $150 more that
does have full printing capabilites.  em  or keyboard magazine did a review a
few months ago i think,  anyway they said itwasn't as good as finale but
better than performer- it's more for someone into sequencing than ultra
serious notation work.  i personaly think cubase is the best sequencer for
the mac- but what do i know ??!!- see ya

Date:         Wed, 3 Nov 1993 03:49:58 EST
From:         Paul Pizzi 
Subject:      Cakewalk, Cubase etc...

> i personaly think cubase is the best sequencer for the mac-
> but what do i know ??!!- see ya

well, that depends very much on the type of music you write.
Cubase is a very good sequencer for pop music, with its drum
page, easy arranging features etc. But if you're into something
that's not 4/4 at a steady beat or if you need truly professional
sync capabilities the only product that really delivers is M.O.T.U.
Performer (or "Digital Performer", if you'd like to play with digital
audio as well).

I find the combination Digital Performer 1.4 + Finale 3.0.1 to
be the best available for sequencing and scoring creative music
or soundtracks.

Don't shoot me: it's just my personal opinion and not everyone is
eager to fo
rk out almost $1,500 for those.

     S        PAOLO PIZZI          S
     S   Time Elapsed Art Music
     S    Los Angeles - U.S.A.     S
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    email:            S S       S
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- Patria est ubicumque est bene (Pacuvius)

Date:         Wed, 3 Nov 1993 21:20:48 EST
From:         Bill Mclaughlin 
Subject:      Re: Cakewalk, Cubase etc...

good point(s) - especially the money, a few things cubase does well besides
the drum map- first, i really like the graphical arrangement of musical parts
which are very easy to cut, copy move etc, i also like the mixer - i use it
not only to control each track but i also am starting to use it to control
patches, etc, the other thing i like is the interactive phrase synth, which
composes new music- interactively and simultaneously based on a
predetermined phrase , plus new input - all modulated like on a synth - the
results (with practise) can be very interesting and musical. -one last thing
is the score display and edit- that was the main reason i picked cubase over
vision- my second choice - and very popular in studios here in the nyc area-
some perspective: before cubase i used a brother hard disk recorder

the lonesome id

Date:         Fri, 19 Nov 1993 00:20:53 -0600
From:         Mark Swann 
Subject:      master trax pro vs. cubase

would anyone like to try to convince me which sequencer is better?
cubase or mastertrax? Ive heard cubase is more 'intuitive' and master
trax is moreof a polished workhorse type,,, Ive read thbrochures,,
cant tell a lot  of difference except the phrase synthesizer on cubase
looks interesting,, Im not including the fact that mastertrax does
not print in the comparison at this point.
      oh well, its back to the phone calling the software companies!
sometimes I wish i was not such a meticulous buyer.  svan

Date:         Thu, 18 Nov 1993 22:41:30 PST
From:         James Hedberg 
Subject:      Re: master trax pro vs. cubase

I've been using Pro5 for a few months & can answer some of the basics,
but it would be helpful to know what exactly your expectations are
(ie. what are you trying to do!?!).


> would anyone like to try to convince me which sequencer is better?
> cubase or mastertrax? Ive heard cubase is more 'intuitive' and master
> trax is moreof a polished workhorse type,,, Ive read thbrochures,,
> cant tell a lot  of difference except the phrase synthesizer on cubase
> looks interesting,, Im not including the fact that mastertrax does
> not print in the comparison at this point.
>       oh well, its back to the phone calling the software companies!
> sometimes I wish i was not such a meticulous buyer.  svan


Date:         Fri, 19 Nov 1993 00:53:05 -0600
From:         Mark Swann 
Subject:      Re: master trax pro vs. cubase

pro5?  I guess that is the new one,, the brochure i have is mastertrak
pro4.. windows.... what Im wondering is,, do all the 'word processor'
type manipulation abilities in pro4  ,,,, also show up in cubase?
that is,,, being able to change tempo every measure,,
ccutting out musical phrases for saving,, or creating other songs,,
what i need from a sequencer is total tempo flexibility,,,
for rather experiemental audio work (cant think of a category)
i realize this is a tough question unless a person has used both
programs,, and,, even the salespeople Ive talked to, that specialize
in midi,, havent used both of them,, still looking tho..
on master trax,, can you see the actual musical staff? the brochure
does not show sucha screen, only piano roll, etc,,
thx,, svann.

Date:         Thu, 18 Nov 1993 23:03:22 PST
From:         James Hedberg 
Subject:      Re: master trax pro vs. cubase


> pro5?  I guess that is the new one


> pro4.. windows....

I'm running on a MAC (PowerBook).

what Im wondering is,, do all the 'word processor'
> type manipulation abilities in pro4  ,,,, also show up in cubase?

I don't know. :(

> what i need from a sequencer is total tempo flexibility,,,

Yes, MT Pro5 is very _tempo_ flexible.

> on master trax,, can you see the actual musical staff?

No, there's no musical staff.  I thought that might be a drawback at
first, but I don't miss it at all now that I'm used to the program.

I am not interested in printing charts or lead sheets tho, so if you
are - beware.


Note:  Just a general comment - I like Pro5, but I haven't had much
experience with other stuff, so I don't have anything to compare to.

Date:         Fri, 19 Nov 1993 02:05:48 -0600
From:         Mark Swann 
Subject:      Re: master trax pro vs. cubase

ok jim, thx for the info,,, svann,
I dont think i could do it without a staff,, prob spring for cubase
,, off to the store!

Date:         Sun, 14 Nov 1993 23:08:36 +22305606
From:         brickman jonathan 
Subject:      WinJammer

Hello all.  I would greatly appreciate it if any users of WinJammer
would be so kind as to write me.  I have some questions about
functionality.  Or, of course, if public discussion is desired,
that'd be welcome too...
||Jonathan E. Brickman

Date:         Wed, 17 Nov 1993 00:48:31 CST
From:         FA19000 
Subject:      Re: WinJammer

> Hello all.  I would greatly appreciate it if any users of WinJammer
> would be so kind as to write me.  I have some questions about
> functionality.  Or, of course, if public discussion is desired,
> that'd be welcome too...
> ||Jonathan E. Brickman

I'm interested in knowing how WinJammer compares to commercial programs
such as MasterTracks Pro.
         Janice Saffir

End of the EMUSIC-L Digest