EMUSIC-L Digest Volume 58, Issue 10
This issue's topics:
Computer Music Journal (4 messages)
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Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1993 12:27:26 -0600
From: Arne Claassen ISE
Subject: Computer Music Journal
Since the nearest place that has CMJ is about two hours away, i'm tempted
to get a subscription. Could someone pass along subscription info (such as
address and price)? Thanks...
Arne F. Claassen |"In cows we trust | EPS Classic * D4
| E pluribus Moo" | Mac Centris 650
| |
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1993 19:17:30 GMT
From: Andy Farnell
Subject: Re: Computer Music Journal
> Since the nearest place that has CMJ is about two hours away, i'm tempted
> to get a subscription. Could someone pass along subscription info (such as
> address and price)? Thanks...
> --
> Arne F. Claassen |"In cows we trust | EPS Classic * D4
> | E pluribus Moo" | Mac Centris 650
> | |
please pass this on to me, the copy in our library is always missing, dog-chewed
, late or something so I thought I might start taking a personal copy, I have
a feeling we're talking less than L90 ($150?).
andy farnell
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1993 13:30:44 -0800
From: howell@CATS.UCSC.EDU
Subject: cmj
The subscription address for Computer Music Journal is:
The MIT Press
55 Hayward St.
Cambridge, MA 02142
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1993 10:43:04 GMT
From: Rikhardur H Fridriksson
Subject: Re: Computer Music Journal
> Since the nearest place that has CMJ is about two hours away, i'm
> tempted to get a subscription. Could someone pass along subscription
> info (such as address and price)? Thanks...
You can write to:
MIT Press Journals
55 Hayward Street
Cambridge, MA 02142
or call: (617)-253-2889
or E-mail:
The rates are (1 year/4 issues):
Individuals: $ 40.00
Institutions: $ 86.00
Students/Retired: 30.00
Outside of U.S.: Add $ 14.00 for postage & handling
In Canada: Add 7% GST
Rikhardur H. Fridriksson
End of the EMUSIC-L Digest