EMUSIC-L Digest Volume 58, Issue 13
This issue's topics:
Korg Delta (2 messages)
Korg M1 (2 messages)
Korg Wavestation Question (5 messages)
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Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1993 08:04:52 CST
From: "Andy Blanchard, Drafting, b089, x5585"
Subject: KORG 01W USERS
Hey, any Korg O1W or O1W/fd users out there?
INPUT: I'm using a PC Computer Sequencer with MQX-32 MIDI
Interface and sending MIDI SysEx Data from my computer to Preset
my 01W/fd sequencer to a "Template form" rather than using the
Combination, multitimbral feature. The advantages are 1) the
sequencer has 16 tracks vs only 8 in the combination 2) it's easier
to route out MIDI thru Data to other External Devices. 3) I can generally
use one template for most of my MIDI tunes.
The Korg manual does not mention this because it is obviously focused
on using the 01's Internal Sequencer.
PROBLEM: The 01's SysEx Data is structured differently from let say,
the M1, whereas the M1 accepts program changes directly to it's PCM
Sound Card. Unfortunately, the 01 makes you preload patches from the
C & D bank into the A or B banks in order for them to respond to program
ATTEMPTS TO RESOLVE: First of all, my sequencer is running in Windows 3.1
and just purchased MUSIC QUEST individual librian for the 01W/fd. Before
I purchased it I was informed it would operate "in the background" and in
conjunction with any Windows sequencer - FALSE!, but works fine as far
as sending SysEx Data in A or B of Patches that use the C & D PCM
multisounds. Bascially what I am trying to do is send SysEx data to my
Korg 01 just before I audition that track or perferably while a track is
playing - NO LUCK!
I Understand that using Cakewalk for Windows in conjunction with
MUSIC QUEST's 4.0 allows you to do locate organized patches easily!
If the sequencer you are using can't work in conjunction with your libriain,
to me, it's basically worthless! I may purchase Cakewalk if this is true
Any Responses or comments will help . . . . .Thanks, Andy
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1993 12:43:54 CET
From: Jack Latanowicz
Subject: Korg Delta
Hi !
Anyone ever heard of KORG Delta ???
There is an used machine in some store down here. It's for about 120$US.
It's an 'string synthesizer' ???!!!??? Is it worth anything ? I like
old synths especially analog ones. But not only for antique stands but
also for their usefulness....
Any sugestions ??
Jack L.
Jack Latanowicz tel/fax Pl-(0-61) 798-202
Ul.Porzeczkowa 27 Jack@plpuam11.bitnet
61-306 Poznan
P O L A N D "exploring life is the sense of living..."
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1993 06:43:48 PST
From: metlay
Subject: Re: Korg Delta
> Anyone ever heard of KORG Delta ???
>There is an used machine in some store down here. It's for about 120$US.
>It's an 'string synthesizer' ???!!!??? Is it worth anything ? I like
>old synths especially analog ones. But not only for antique stands but
>also for their usefulness....
The Delta is a divide-down string machine of a type that was very common
in the era of multitudinous synth technologies between the Mellotron and
the Prophet-5. It has a nice, silky analog string sound to it, with (I
believe) full polyphony. I'm trying to remember if it also has a small
monophonic synth in it too. For $120 US it's not a bad machine at all,
assuming it works. Plug it in and try before you buy.
mike metlay * atomic city * box 81175 pgh pa 15217-0675 *
"I incorporated the sound into my dreams...but I didn't wake up." (suzanne)
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1993 12:48:40 GMT
From: Philip Jones
Subject: Korg M1
Hi, I have just joined EMusic and would like to know if anyone can
advise me on a good patch editor/librarian for a Korg M1 synth.
I am currently running my M1 and a Kawai K1 from a 386 SX25 running
SeqWin sequencer. I have a lot of sound for both these synths and
need some software to keep it all in order.
Also I would be interested if anyone has a copy of the K1 manual or
knows someone else that does, as I bought the module second hand and
am having some problems accessing more than one channel when running
the sequencers back through it.
Cheers, Philip Jones
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1993 11:58:22 PST
From: James Hedberg
Subject: Re: Korg M1
I think Opcode's "Galaxy Editor/Librarian" is supposed to be good, but
it's not exclusivly "M1". You do have to choose which Keyboard you
want to use it for @ install - if I'm not mistaken.
I don't actually own one, so my info. is second hand.
Jim Hedberg
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1993 16:24:00 LCL
From: Don Vincent
Subject: Korg Wavestation Question
A question for Wavestation owners:
I have a Wavestation Keyboard that I purchased over 2 years ago. I
believe that there is some kind of upgrade you can purchase/install that
will add additional waveforms to the instrument. Is there any other
information you can give me concerning this upgrade?
ALSO: Have any of you experienced problems with the notes sticking on
your Wavestation Keyboard? On the original demo Wavestation Keyboard I
tried out, keys were sticking left and right. Now this problem is
starting to happen to the new WS Keyboard I purchased. I called Korg to
see if this was a common problem, and their response was to take it to a
repair facility. Has anyone else had this kind of problem? How did you
get it fixed correctly?
Thanks for your help.
Don V.
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1993 22:25:53 -0500
From: Patrick Robinson
Subject: Re: Korg Wavestation Question
Don SEZ:
> ALSO: Have any of you experienced problems with the notes sticking on
> your Wavestation Keyboard? On the original demo Wavestation Keyboard I
> tried out, keys were sticking left and right. Now this problem is
> starting to happen to the new WS Keyboard I purchased. I called Korg to
> see if this was a common problem, and their response was to take it to a
> repair facility. Has anyone else had this kind of problem? How did you
> get it fixed correctly?
This is happening on my brand-new EX. The dealer from whom I purchased the
machine tells me to send it back to them, or to any other authorized Korg
repair place. He also told me to try this first:
Grab hold of the sticking key (mine was a black key... dunno if you do the
same thing for white keys) toward the front, closest to you as you sit at
the 'board, and pull it firmly to one side. If that fixes it, fine. If
it makes it worse, pull it to the other side. Apparently, there's a metal
rod in there that can get bent rather easily.
Just for the record, I don't think it helped. The service person I talked
with said that would be the first thing he'd do. If that failed, they have
to go in for major surgery from the underside, pulling circuit boards, and
It's annoying enough that I reckon I'll be sending it in...
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1993 14:03:41 CET
From: Jack Latanowicz
Subject: Re: Korg Wavestation Question
On Tue, 23 Nov 1993 22:25:53 -0500 Patrick Robinson said:
>Don SEZ:
>> ALSO: Have any of you experienced problems with the notes sticking on
>> your Wavestation Keyboard? On the original demo Wavestation Keyboard I
>> tried out, keys were sticking left and right. Now this problem is
>> starting to happen to the new WS Keyboard I purchased. I called Korg to
>> see if this was a common problem, and their response was to take it to a
>> repair facility. Has anyone else had this kind of problem? How did you
>> get it fixed correctly?
>This is happening on my brand-new EX. The dealer from whom I purchased the
>machine tells me to send it back to them, or to any other authorized Korg
>repair place. He also told me to try this first:
>Grab hold of the sticking key (mine was a black key... dunno if you do the
>same thing for white keys) toward the front, closest to you as you sit at
>the 'board, and pull it firmly to one side. If that fixes it, fine. If
>it makes it worse, pull it to the other side. Apparently, there's a metal
>rod in there that can get bent rather easily.
>Just for the record, I don't think it helped. The service person I talked
>with said that would be the first thing he'd do. If that failed, they have
>to go in for major surgery from the underside, pulling circuit boards, and
>It's annoying enough that I reckon I'll be sending it in...
Hi !
Sorry to drop in. I think to repair keys You don't need to take
out circuit boards. I opened my Korg M1 because on one evening
I poured some Coca-Cola and keys sticked and didn't come back.
Korg M1 has Yamaha's keyboard inside. I don't know if WS too,
but with these keys I had no problems so far.(only sticking ones).
BTW - I was shocked by simplicity of velocity sensors. I imagined
them to be piezoelectric for each key. When I discovered they are just
three metal pads, and whole thing is made on measuring time (speed)
of hitting key I was totally shocked.
Jack L.
Jack Latanowicz tel/fax Pl-(0-61) 798-202
Ul.Porzeczkowa 27 Jack@plpuam11.bitnet
61-306 Poznan
P O L A N D "exploring life is the sense of living..."
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1993 21:14:50 -0700
From: john krikawa
Subject: Re: Korg Wavestation Question
I've been going through wavestation keyboard blues for awhile now, I
really need to take mine in. I was so pissed off once that I ripped mine
apart (well, I was fairly delicate you know, it just hurt a little), the
keyboard module (a, my) was actually not that hard to take
out. I used a microfine needlepoint graphite dispenser on those metal
rods and center the rod on the key better....worked for few days, I
have yet to go back into the machine, but I should really take
it in....but I could just open it up once more......should go to the
dealer.....ahhhhhhhhh...........................can't part with it.
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 1993 18:45:35 +0000
From: Nick Rothwell
Subject: Re: Korg Wavestation Question
>Is there any other
>information you can give me concerning this upgrade?
It's the EX upgrade. I have no idea what it costs or what availability is
these days.
>ALSO: Have any of you experienced problems with the notes sticking on
>your Wavestation Keyboard?
Some black keys started sticking on mine. Seems a common problem. I traded
it in for the A/D and told the store that I'd pay to have it cleaned at the
time. I don't know what happened after that, and don't particularly care...
Nick Rothwell |
CASSIEL Contemporary Music/Dance |
End of the EMUSIC-L Digest