EMUSIC-L Digest Volume 58, Issue 14
This issue's topics:
Mac Quadra 660AV - setup problems (5 messages)
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Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1993 09:28:00 CST
From: Sally Reid
Subject: Mac Quadra 660AV - setup problems
We have a new Macintosh Quadra 660AV and are experiencing setup problems.
We are running Finale 3.01, Performer 4.2 and Galaxy Plus. We use a
MOTU TimePiece. We have the latest updates for FINALE, the MTP and
Performer. Is there an update for the Opcode MIDI System (OMS)? The
Opcode number we have is disconnected.
Has anyone else had similar problems? The problem sems to be in making
OMS (for Galaxy), Macintosh MIDI Manager (for Finale) and the MTP
software compatible. After everything is set up per the manuals, we
cannot send or receive MIDI information. Suggestions?
We hope also to run OTTOMIX - controlling our Mackie 1604 mixer - but
haven't gotten that far yet! Advice appreciated.
Sally Reid
Abilene Christian University
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1993 08:31:15 -0800
From: Richard Clingman
Subject: Re: Mac Quadra 660AV - setup problems
> The Opcode number we have is disconnected.
I have had pretty good success with accessing tech support
through their internet connections. Here is their
email address:
> We hope also to run OTTOMIX - controlling our Mackie 1604 mixer - but
> haven't gotten that far yet! Advice appreciated.
Love to hear what you think of OTTOMIX when you get a chance
to use it; someone (rumor mill) told me it was too SLOW!
Good luck; hope this helps...
Richard Clingman,Sr.Training Developer | I want to put a small video in a
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Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1993 19:21:17 PST
From: "John M. Stokes"
Subject: Re: Mac Quadra 660AV - setup problems
I'm no Quadra/Timepiece Guru, but lemmee see if I can help...
First, are you just having problems getting MIDI data between the computer
and the MIDI instrument??
If so, I'd wager that your problems are with the TimePiece. I have a good,
computer/MIDI wiz, friend who got one, and even he had a few problems setting
up that thing.
Second, are your problems more of getting the three programs to communicate?
The only thing that comes to mind if that's your problem is your save formats.
Are you saving as standard MIDI files, rather than application specific files?
Third, are you running all three programs simultaneously? If so, chances are
your various MIDI managers and controllers are all trying to communicate
with your interface simultaneously, and the interface doesn't know which one
to listen to. It's possible that you can reconfigure the TimePiece and select
which signal to use at a given time so it doesn't get overloaded, but if that's
not possible, the only other solution I could give is only run one of those
programs at a time.
One other, minute possibility: check Appletalk. Some interfaces prefer it on,
others want it off. Try with both configurations (unless your manual tells
you which, obviously).
Without more info, I can't really give any more. Hope this helps!
John Stokes
P.S. Glad to see somebody from ACU!
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1993 03:44:21 EST
From: Paul Pizzi
Subject: Mac Quadra 660AV - setup problems
> We are running Finale 3.01, Performer 4.2 and Galaxy Plus. We use a
> MOTU TimePiece. We have the latest updates for FINALE, the MTP and
> Performer. Is there an update for the Opcode MIDI System (OMS)? The
> Opcode number we have is disconnected. Has anyone else had
> similar problems? The problem sems to be in making OMS (for
> Galaxy), Macintosh MIDI Manager (for Finale) and the MTP software
> compatible.
there's absolutely no way to get Performer and Finale work with OMS,
neither their publishers intend to add compatibility in the future;
for "political" reasons, I should guess...
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- Patria est ubicumque est bene (Pacuvius)
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1993 21:14:39 +0000
From: Nick Rothwell
Subject: Re: Mac Quadra 660AV - setup problems
>there's absolutely no way to get Performer and Finale work with OMS,
Performer will use OMS via MIDI Manager, although it's not a perfect solution.
Nick Rothwell |
CASSIEL Contemporary Music/Dance |
End of the EMUSIC-L Digest