EMUSIC-L Digest Volume 58, Issue 15
This issue's topics:
Demo (3 messages)
Your EMUSIC-L Digest moderator is Joe McMahon .
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Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1993 09:39:32 GMT
From: Gerard Vos
Subject: Demo
Hi there,
I'm a musician who's trying to become very famous :-) so I would
like to introduce you my first demo PAGE TOO
It contains about 45 minutes of self-made music in the rock-scene
I'm alone so I make music on synthesizers and a computer,
yet all the drumparts I played 'live'on a midi-drumkit so it doesn't
sound prefab.
It sounds great IMHO... so give it a chance.Including posting/airmail
and tape it costs US $10 or F 20 dutch guilders.
If you're interested send me an email.
thanks in advance!
Gerard Vos
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1993 09:18:55 EST
From: Bill Fox
Subject: Re: Demo
> From: Gerard Vos
> Subject: Demo
Gerard, no advertisements are allowed on EMUSIC-L. Therefore, I haven't
heard of your demo, yet. I won't know about your demo until I see an
advertisement about it where that sort of thing is acceptable. Try
posting to SYNTH-L. You'll have an audience on Gibraltar but you should
ask if advertisements are allowed there. Write to
and ask Mike if it is OK to advertise on Gibraltar.
Bill Fox
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1993 14:54:00 -0500
From: Joe McMahon
Subject: Re: Demo
Gerard, just a short followup. As Bill mentioned, we prefer not to have ads
on EMUSIC-L, simply because it tends to take over the discussion. However,
if you'd care to make a post about your compositional philosophy, and to
mention any specific things that you learned while producing your demo,
this would be of interest to the group. And if you included a line saying
something like "Write to me at the address shown above for details on
availability of this demo", that would be acceptable. This simply mentions
that the finished product exists and that anyone who asks can get a private
response to find out more about it (like, if you're selling it and for how
much). Keeps ads off the list, but still lets you announce that you have a
(Anybody have a problem with this? If so, speak up!)
--- Joe M.
End of the EMUSIC-L Digest