EMUSIC-L Digest Volume 58, Issue 17
This issue's topics:
s/n (8 messages)
Your EMUSIC-L Digest moderator is Joe McMahon .
You may subscribe to EMUSIC-L by sending mail to with
the line "SUB EMUSIC-L your name" as the text.
The EMUSIC-L archive is a service of SunSite ( at the
University of North Carolina.
Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1993 00:32:26 -0500
From: Fred Mitchell
Subject: Re: unsubscribe
unsubscribe me as well. PLEASE!
the signal to noise ratio is WAY TOO LOW, and
the volume is incredible. If you don't unscribe me, I will
start bouncing all incomine messages.
That was a threat, not a promise. This is my 5th time requesting
to be unsubscribed. YOU WERE WARNED.
Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1993 16:12:53 GMT
From: Rikhardur H Fridriksson
Subject: Re: unsubscribe
> the signal to noise ratio is WAY TOO LOW, and
> the volume is incredible. If you don't unscribe me, I will
> start bouncing all incomine messages.
> That was a threat, not a promise. This is my 5th time requesting
> to be unsubscribed. YOU WERE WARNED.
I understand you perfectly. In fact I'm seriously thinking of doing the
same if this keeps up with the same signal-to-noise ratio.
For the ca. last week this list has poured in dozens of mailings daily,
taking a considerable amount of time just to go through and discover
that only a very few messages are of any relevance to me. Pleas restrain
yourself a little.
I can understand that lots of people want to help poor Jessica find
out about the difference between wave files and midi files. As I recall,
the first answer was perfectly good (though missing a reference to an
FAQ which in this case clearly what Jessica should have started with).
But then follow a number of answers saying essentially the same thing
over and over again. This is what Fred Mitchell calls a low signal to
noise ratio and this is where I agree with him.
Additionally, a number of mailings distributed to the whole list have
more relevance to a single person or few persons. Please try to send
them private E-mail if appropriate.
Rikhardur H. Fridriksson
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1993 07:03:51 GMT
From: lfabrici@CHARLIE.USD.EDU
Subject: Re: unsubscribe
In article <>, Fred Mitchell
>unsubscribe me as well. PLEASE!
>the signal to noise ratio is WAY TOO LOW, and
>the volume is incredible. If you don't unscribe me, I will
>start bouncing all incomine messages.
>That was a threat, not a promise. This is my 5th time requesting
>to be unsubscribed. YOU WERE WARNED.
Hey, dipshit! Type "unsubscribe" and then the name of the group and you'll
by unsubscribed. If you don't know how to use your machine, don't take it
out on us.
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1993 09:48:33 EST
From: ronin
Subject: s/n
mmm... let's see if i can be gracious about this.
first, i think we all need to remember that this list is distributed
to a hell of a lot of people, now, and with the internet link traffic
flow is even harder to gauge than it used to be. quite a few of us have
real jobs, and only get to our mailboxes every now and then. when we do
so, i suspect i am not the only one in the habit of simply starting at the
tail of the queue and just plowing on through, deleting and responding
as i go. this means that a single message in fact get multiple replies,
widely scattered in time, since it is viewed piecemeal by so many people.
second, replies have overlapping viewpoints which are often of service
to the inquirer. some are terse, some are verbose, some are nerdy, some
are cogent. i think this is a good thing. at least some people are bothering
to interact at all. many questions go unanswered, and there a lot of people
out there who are just 'along for the ride'. signal quality is up to all
of us, folks. do you have a particular interest? start a thread.
third, the s/n ratio on this list sometimes does stink. but it goes in waves,
and depends largely on your own level of expertise. i myself get tired of
all of the "i've got this and that and what kind of software do i use..."
kind of thing. personally, i believe that the synth netgroups exist for
this kind of thing. but what the hell. i'm even guilty of it myself,
and we don't like to be fascists around here.
fourth, unsubscription to a bitnet listserver is not always a piece of cake.
gating nodes change, interpretive software and various hubs is modified
without notice... all kinds of things happen. that's what the list owner
is for. go ahead. give joe a hard time. (evil teehee.)
-----------< Cognitive Dissonance is a 20th Century Art Form >-----------
Eric Harnden (Ronin)
The American University Physics Dept.
4400 Mass. Ave. NW, Washington, DC, 20016-8058
(202) 885-2748 (with Voice Mail)
---------------------< Join the Cognitive Dissidents >-------------------
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1993 15:53:31 -0600
From: Ken Fansler
Subject: Re: s/n
I respond by applauding in your general direction....
We've had no trouble here at Illinois State U. unsubscribing. But you know
what? I'll bet if we DID have trouble, we would probably not throw things
around the room in anger.
We try to keep a sense of humor here in the midwest.
Keep up the good work.
Ken Fansler
"Can't we all just get along?"
- Rodney King
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1993 11:15:48 -0500
From: "Joseph D. McMahon"
Subject: Problems with EMUSIC-L
Rikhardur H Fridriksson writes:
> I can understand that lots of people want to help poor Jessica find
> out about the difference between wave files and midi files. As I recall,
> the first answer was perfectly good (though missing a reference to an
> FAQ which in this case clearly what Jessica should have started with).
> But then follow a number of answers saying essentially the same thing
> over and over again. This is what Fred Mitchell calls a low signal to
> noise ratio and this is where I agree with him.
This is unfortunately the nature of an electronic mailing list. It is
next to impossible to know that someone else will write an answer to a
question, Also, there are a fair number of people who aren't major-league
contributors to the list who nonetheless can sometimes answer a question.
I personally welcome this. I'd rather see a list which is fairly busy and
friendly at the expense of some noise, foolery, and semi-personal messages.
I never envisioned this list as a dry, academic forum, where postings must
meet strict criteria. A mailing list is by definition an organic beast; it
is constantly changing in membership and size. It goes without saying that
as its composition changes, its flavor will change.
If the traffic interms of the number of messages is too steep, just send
a mail message to with the text
and you'll get a daily digest of all of the messages instead of large
numbers of them throughout the day.
I agree that personal stuff should indeed be addressed to specific persons,
but Jessica's inquiry was not personal, and it happened to be one that
a number of persons could answer.
I'm glad they did. I hope they'll keep doing it, too.
--- Joe M.
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1993 11:30:03 -0500
From: "Joseph D. McMahon"
Subject: Re: s/n
ronin writes:
> fourth, unsubscription to a bitnet listserver is not always a piece of cake.
> gating nodes change, interpretive software and various hubs is modified
> without notice... all kinds of things happen. that's what the list owner
> is for. go ahead. give joe a hard time. (evil teehee.)
You FIEND! I guess I'll just have to start downloading disco soundfiles to
the SparcStation in the Physics Department. Then again, you might retaliate
with loops of "Achy Breaky Heart", so maybe I'd better not. :-)
--- Joe
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1993 19:32:43 -0500
From: The Bare Facts BBS
Subject: eeek!
Re: Re: s/n
> You FIEND! I guess I'll just have to start downloading disco soundfiles to
> the SparcStation in the Physics Department. Then again, you might retaliate
> with loops of "Achy Breaky Heart", so maybe I'd better not. :-)
Geez, you guys fight dirty. :-) Maybe I'll FTP some .wavs of the Go-Go's to
End of the EMUSIC-L Digest