
EMUSIC-L Digest                                      Volume 58, Issue 18

This issue's topics:
	A Reliable Salesman!
	AMBRA Computers
	Concert by Juan Blanco, Cuban Pioneer
	Faculty Position
	Piano music needed
	Trying to reach Lon Amerman

Your EMUSIC-L Digest moderator is Joe McMahon .
You may subscribe to EMUSIC-L by sending mail to with 
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The EMUSIC-L archive is a service of SunSite ( at the 
University of North Carolina.
Date:         Thu, 18 Nov 1993 11:24:41 -0800
From:         "Michael A. Dalton ADP OPuS" 
Subject:      A Reliable Salesman!

This is just my way of thanking someone.....
I recently spent quite a bit of time on the phone
talking about a "high end" keyboard purchase. The
salesman answered all my questions and took all
the time necessary that *I* needed to feel good
about ny purchase.  Later, when I decided not
to make that purchase, I received the same high
quality service as we negotiated a significantly
less expensive piece of equipment. The deal was
made, no pressure, everything shipped and arrived
exactly as planned and exactly as described. SO,
here is a public 'thank you' to Mark Shultz
in the keyboard department at Lentines Music,
Akron, Ohio. By the way you can reach Mark
at (216) 434 3138, ...tell em 'Dalton Sent Me'!

| Michael A. Dalton | "What I say to you, I say to   |
| CIS 71410,2624  Voice: (503) 294-4200 x2541 |  everyone: Watch!" -Mark 13:17 |

Date:         Fri, 26 Nov 1993 21:05:19 -0600
From:         Kenneth Wayne Goodson 
Subject:      AMBRA Computers

(The following is personal opinion and does not reflect the position of my

WARNING! Do not purchase computers from Ambra Computer Corp., a wholly
owned subsidiary of IBM. I have had extreme problems with this computer
company in terms of service and support. If you are considering the
purchase of a new computer system, I would strongly recommend that you
look elsewhere. If you desire details, I will be glad to explain fully by
private email.

*Kenneth Goodson                   *Atlanta High School    *
*Band Director/UIL Computer Science*705 Rabbit Blvd        *
*                *Atlanta, TX  75551     *
*(903) 796-4636 (home)             *(903) 796-7213 (office)*
 "Up, up and away, in my beautiful balloon"-Fifth Dimension

Date:         Thu, 18 Nov 1993 23:45:10 -0500
From:         Chunming Kenneth Kwan 
Subject:      CALL FOR PAPERS

       Festival of Music by Contemporary Chinese Composers
             State University of New York at Buffalo
                        16-17 April 1994

                         CALL FOR PAPERS

The Festival of Music by Contemporary Chinese Composers is taking place 16-17
April 1994 at the State University of New York at Buffalo.  Sponsored by the
Music Department and various other university offices and student groups, this
festival will feature concerts of music by contemporary Chinese composers from
different countries.  There will also be paper sessions on contemporary Chinese
music and theorists and historians interested in this subject are invited to
submit papers.  300-word final abstracts of presentation are due 20 January
1994 and questions should be directed to:

Kenneth Kwan
222 Baird Hall
Music Department
SUNY Buffalo
Buffalo, NY 14260
Tel: (716)862-0548
Bitnet: V537UE8Y@ubvms.BITNET

Date:         Tue, 2 Nov 1993 22:06:12 -0500
From:         Neil Leonard 
Subject:      Concert by Juan Blanco, Cuban Pioneer

                         TRADITION AND AVANT GARDE

Pioneering Cuban electronic composer Juan Blanco
makes his first appearance in Boston for the US
premiere of his electro-acoustic compositions for
improvisers. Joining the venerable figure of the
Cuban avant garde in this extraordinary event are
composer-improvisers trombonist George Lewis and
saxophonist Neil Leonard III, who will each perform
their compositions for improvisation and
electronics. The music of each composer unites
Western and Non Western traditions in a new music
electronic context. The performance takes place on
November 6 at 8 p.m. at the ICA Theater, 955
Boylston St., Boston. Tickets are $10. The concert
is produced by The Space in collaboration with the
Boston Creative Music Alliance.

Juan Blanco, 74, has been a leading figure of the
Cuban avant-garde for over 50 years. With over 160
published works, he is Cuba's first electronic
composer and a musician whose works assimilate the
entire spectrum of Cuban music from folkloric Afro-
Cuban idioms to popular music and the Western
classical tradition. In this respect he is a
quintessentially Cuban musician. His pieces include
symphonies and chamber pieces, as well as music
concrete, pieces for folkloric instruments and
magnetic tape, and a multimedia work for the jazz
group Irakere and animated film. He will be
presenting several US premiers, including "Circus
Toccata, "along with a world premier of "Espacios V"
written especially for Leonard.

Date:         Sun, 21 Nov 1993 13:54:20 -0500
From:         Gene Griswold 
Subject:      Faculty Position


CHAIRPERSON, DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC, tenured position as Associate or Professor
of music.  Contingent upon state funding.

DUTIES: The chairperson is the chief academic and administrative officer of
the Department of Music and reports to the Dean of The College of Fine Arts
and Communication.  The chairperson is responsible for the overall planning
and coordination of the academic program including departmental governance,
instruction, curricula, advising, faculty recruitment/assignments, and fiscal
management.  The chairperson acts as an advocate for the faculty, students and
administration in fulfilling the mission of the department and university.

APPOINTMENT: Salary and rank dependent upon qualifications and experience.
Academic year appointment starting July 12, 1994.  The position as chairperson
is a 10-month appointment for a three-year term subject to review and
evaluation by the faculty and dean.  An additional summer contract as
chairperson is available.

QUALIFICATIONS: Completed doctorate.  Substantial and successful experience as
an administrator in a music unit in higher education.  Evidence of strong
leadership skills and a commitment to the shared governance model of
administration.  An understanding of the role of a large music department with
traditional undergraduate and graduate degrees in music and music education.
Distinguished in at least one field of music specialization, with a record of
excellence in teaching and research, or scholarly and creative activity in an
area of music or music education commensurate to the rank of Associate or
Professor of music.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Towson State University is a large, public-supported,
comprehensive, metropolitan university located in a suburb north of Baltimore.
The Department of Music enrolls approximately 350 undergraduate and graduate
majors served by 65 full- and part-time faculty.  The department offers
degrees in performance, music education, theory and composition, literature,
and jazz/commercial music.  The department is an accredited member of the
National Association of Schools of Music.

APPLICATION: A completed application should include:
A letter of application.
A resume.
Three (3) CURRENT letters of recommendation.
A list of five (5) other references.
A statement of philosophy addressing leadership, administration, and
     management of a music department in higher education.


Dale Rauschenberg, Chairperson
Search Committee
Department of Music
Towson State University
Towson, MD 21204


Date:         Tue, 9 Nov 1993 02:58:05 EST
From:         Paul Pizzi 
Subject:      Piano music needed

     -- C A L L   F O R   N E W   P I A N O   M U S I C  --
A friend of mine is a talented Japanese pianist who works in the
contemporary/avant-garde music environment in Amsterdam, Holland.
She's going to organize a concert tour throghout Europe and Japan
and would like to present new, unpublished works written by young composers
from all over the world.

You may submit your PIANO SOLO work(s) to her mentioning my name
and this message on the Internet even though I absolutely can't
guarantee your music will be accepted for performance.

If interested write to:

Nicolaas Maesstr. 90/2nd
1071RE Amsterdam

There is no deadline as far as I know,  but the soon you w
the soon you'll be considered.

Good luck!

     S        PAOLO PIZZI          S
     S   Time El
apsed Art Music    S
     S    Los Angeles - U.S.A.     S
     S                             S
     S           email:            S
     S       S
     S      S
     S  S
     S                             S

- Patria est ubicumque est bene (Pacuvius)

Date:         Fri, 19 Nov 1993 09:19:22 PST
From:         metlay 
Subject:      Trying to reach Lon Amerman

Sorry for the bandwidth, gang, but I recently saw a post here by
Lon Amerman, an acquaintance in the Bay Area whose email address
I'd lost and was stripped out by the List Server. Lon, please
drop me a note sometime, okay? Thanks.

mike metlay * atomic city * box 81175 pgh pa 15217-0675 *
"I incorporated the sound into my dreams...but I didn't wake up." (suzanne)

End of the EMUSIC-L Digest