
EMUSIC-L Digest                                      Volume 58, Issue 22

This issue's topics:
	Add-on cheap keyboard?
	Art FXR info requested
	HELP ME!!!!!! (7 messages)

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Date:         Mon, 22 Nov 1993 22:30:47 -0600
From:         Eric Stratton Moseley 
Subject:      Info.

A friend of mine has a Sound Canvas sound card, but wants
to get a cheap keyboard for input and some extra sounds.
Built-in speakers would be preferable, as he doesn't have
a sound system. The ads I've seen on this type of keyboard
don't mention polyphony or whether or not they are multi-
timbral. Anyone have something they can tell him about?
Respond to me or directly to Ronnie. His email address is

Thanks for any help you can give.


Date:         Thu, 18 Nov 1993 17:03:56 EST
From:         Larry R Larson 
Subject:      Re: Art FXR info requested

>  just got the new Electronic Musician with their >$250 Christmas Gala, from
> which i've already added up about a $1000 worth of items to be had.
> They mentioned the Art FXR which seemed to be a nice unit for the price and
> used as a supporting FX unit. A friend of mine, who does sound production
> hates Art equipment because of their noisyness, but then again he hates
> Alesis equipment for the same reason. Has anyone had experience with this
> unit?
> --
> Arne F. Claassen                 |"In cows we trust | EPS Classic * D4
>      | E pluribus Moo"  | Mac Centris 650
>               |                  |

I have had one for about three months to use while on the road.  A useful unit
that will not stand up to close studio scrutiny (but then, either will the

.02 worth

Date:         Thu, 4 Nov 1993 15:44:20 +22306512
From:         Ken Fansler 
Subject:      Re: HELP ME!!!!!!

I have a solution - You may not like it, though.

Buy a Mac...


Date:         Thu, 4 Nov 1993 16:37:25 -0500
From:         Phil Somebody-or-another 
Subject:      HELP ME!!!!!!

Hey guys.  I am about an inch and a half from blowing up my pc.  I've just finis
   hed putting a tune together with a rather difficult drum part.  The problem i
I can't get the snare drum to come in--the timing comes though right, just that
the snare track sounds like the bass drum.  No matter how I try to retask it,
it keeps coming though that way.  Sometimes, I'll get a measure of snare, but
a moment later, it's the bass drum.  I have them on separate midi chanells,
and I've set them to the two different instruments.  Any ideas?

I'm operating on a rather tight deadline, so any help you guys could lend
would be *more* than appriciated.  Thanks.



Date:         Thu, 4 Nov 1993 15:00:12 -0700
From:         john krikawa 
Subject:      Re: HELP ME!!!!!!

1) are the drum snare and bass drum different *patches*?
   if so, maybe there is a patch change command embedded into the snare track.
   What program are you using?  You should be able to seek and destroy them.
2)  If it's the same patch (i.e. like a drum kit...different keys play
    different percussion sounds, then I'm stumped unless I know a little more.

And, no don't go buy a Mac: with friends like that who needs steer manure for
  their winter rye.................
-john       ___                                    __/ |
___        |   |     JKrikawa@CCIT.Arizona.Edu    |    |___      ________
   \______/     \__________ Tucson, AZ ___../\./\/         \____/        \____

Date:         Thu, 4 Nov 1993 19:20:01 -0500
From:         Joe McMahon 
Subject:      Re: HELP ME!!!!!!

>Sometimes, I'll get a measure of snare, but
>a moment later, it's the bass drum.  I have them on separate midi chanells,
>and I've set them to the two different instruments.  Any ideas?

How many notes polyphony does your drum machine support, and how complex is
your drum pattern? You could be exceeding polyphony on certain notes, and
the timing of the events might be just enough different to sometimes get
you the snare and sometimes the bass when both are struck together. Try
shortening the notes and possibly offsetting them a tick or so. Your groove
won't be locked together quite so tight, but this might allow the polyphony
to free up enough to make it work. Alternatively, change the rhythm track
or borrow a second drum machine.

 --- Joe M.

Date:         Fri, 5 Nov 1993 01:29:00 -0500
From:         Ken Halfon 
Subject:      Re: HELP ME!!!!!!

Ken Fansler  Commented

KE4I have a solution - You may not like it, though.

KE4Buy a Mac...


    This is one of my pet peeves. Every platform I have owned and I
have owned several from the Commodore 64 to The IBM 386, Amigas
and Sparc I use now have all had music capabilities. It is unreasonable
to expect someone to change platforms just because you have a different
one and can do one or two things you believe someone else can't. They
have one or two things you can't do too.

    In all the hardware one thing remained constant. Music is music.
No matter where it is made, how it is made or why someone chooses to
make it. The creativity is in the hands of the musician and is in no
way shape or form platform dependant. Shape up!

                           ->>> KEN <<<-
 ~ 1st 1.11 #893 ~ Mice: For years we used traps...Now we use cords.

Date:         Fri, 5 Nov 1993 01:29:00 -0500
From:         Ken Halfon 
Subject:      HELP ME!!!!!!

Ken Fansler  Commented

KE4I have a solution - You may not like it, though.

KE4Buy a Mac...


    This is one of my pet peeves. Every platform I have owned and I
have owned several from the Commodore 64 to The IBM 386, Amigas
and Sparc I use now have all had music capabilities. It is unreasonable
to expect someone to change platforms just because you have a different
one and can do one or two things you believe someone else can't. They
have one or two things you can't do too.

    In all the hardware one thing remained constant. Music is music.
No matter where it is made, how it is made or why someone chooses to
make it. The creativity is in the hands of the musician and is in no
way shape or form platform dependant. Shape up!

                           ->>> KEN <<<-
 ~ 1st 1.11 #893 ~ Mice: For years we used traps...Now we use cords.
 ~ [R2.00p] ~ ExecNet Information Systems ~ Mt Vernon, NY ~ 914 667-4567

Date:         Fri, 5 Nov 1993 09:03:17 EST
From:         Bill Fox 
Subject:      Re: HELP ME!!!!!!

Hi Phil,

What sequencer are you using?  What device(s) is (are) being used to
generate your percussion sounds?  Is anything in omni mode on?  Is your
PC's MIDI out going directly to the sound modules or is it routed
through a MIDI patch bay?  Are the snare and bass drums mapped to
different notes on the same MIDI channel or the same note on different
MIDI channels or what?  Is anything rechannelizing, transposing notes,
processing MIDI in any way?  How are things connected?  Can you minimize
the length of your percussion events to help prevent using up polyphony
of your sound module(s)?

I hope that by asking these questions, I may stimulate an idea that,
upon investigation, helps you solve your problem.  Good luck and please
report back when you can what the solution is.

Bill Fox

End of the EMUSIC-L Digest