
EMUSIC-L Digest                                      Volume 58, Issue 24

This issue's topics:
	Files (2 messages)
	Files and the FTP site
	Instrument definitions for Sound Blaster? (2 messages)
	more sequencer questions.. musictime passpost bundle

Your EMUSIC-L Digest moderator is Joe McMahon .
You may subscribe to EMUSIC-L by sending mail to with 
the line "SUB EMUSIC-L your name" as the text.
The EMUSIC-L archive is a service of SunSite ( at the 
University of North Carolina.
Date:         Mon, 29 Nov 1993 12:50:29 GMT
From:         Philip Jones 
Subject:      Files

Is there a limit to the number of files that can be downloaded in
one day from LISTSERV and if so why? This is most annoying when getting

Philip Jones

Date:         Mon, 29 Nov 1993 13:38:08 EST
From:         Keith Maynard - CCC 
Subject:      Re: Files

> From att!AUVM.AMERICAN.EDU!AUVM.AMERICAN.EDU!owner-emusic-l Mon Nov 29
 07:50:21 1993

> Is there a limit to the number of files that can be downloaded in
> one day from LISTSERV and if so why? This is most annoying when getting
> packages!
> Philip Jones

According to the PDGET HELP file, there is a limit to the number and/or size
of files being requested. The limits apparently vary but the size I currently
have (1991 version) are:

        3 files/user/day or 100Kb/user/day
        10 files/host/day or 300 Kb/host/day host in this defn is that which
occurs after the '@' sign.

This limitation is apparently enforced by a program called TRICKLE which handles
LISTSERV requests.

This is my understanding of the information in this file.

Keith Maynard

Date:         Tue, 30 Nov 1993 13:50:16 -0500
From:         "Joseph D. McMahon" 
Subject:      Re: Files and the FTP site

> Is there a limit to the number of files that can be downloaded in
> one day from LISTSERV and if so why? This is most annoying when getting
> packages!
Yes, there is a 256K limit to keep people from monopolizing the site.

In other news, the FTP site is down temporarily until I can get the new
name - I've just been switched onto Ethernet instead of Ethernet routed
through AppleTalk, so I have a new nodename (which the former owner of
the Ethernet card did not know). I will see if I can get the name swapped
so that castrovalva points to the new address.

 --- Joe M.

Date:         Thu, 25 Nov 1993 10:24:08 EST
From:         David Lunney 
Subject:      Instrument definitions for Sound Blaster?

Dear e-music gurus:

You folks seem to work with some pretty high end gear, so my
question may be going to the wrong place.  I use the lowly Sound
Blaster to produce audio output in a lab computer for visually
impaired science students.  The SB is used to give spoken values
of numerical measurements (like temperature, for example) and is
also used to play more complex data (like spectra) as musical
patterns.  One problem I have encountered is that the SB instruments
mostly sound like funeral parlor organs, and it has been difficult
design voices that are readily distinguishable from each other.
(I have written a Pascal program that lets you change FM para-
meters and audition the results.  Even with that, it's difficult to
make good instruments.)

Now to my question: does anyone know of a public domain collection
of SB FM parameters?

David Lunney
Department of Chemistry and
Science Institute for the Disabled
East Carolina University
Greenville, NC 27858 USA
VOICE: 919-757-6713 919-758-6453
FAX: 919-757-6210

Date:         Sun, 28 Nov 1993 11:12:47 GMT
From:         Greg Lee 
Subject:      Re: Instrument definitions for Sound Blaster?

David Lunney (CHLUNNEY@ECUVM1.BITNET) wrote:

: Now to my question: does anyone know of a public domain collection
: of SB FM parameters?

There are several hundred I've collected from various sources in
file sbpatch.tar.gz available from in /outgoing.
They are collected in files each with 128 patches.  (The .tar
file is compressed with the FSF program gzip.)

Most of them are no good.

Greg Lee 

Date:         Wed, 3 Nov 1993 21:04:10 -0600
From:         Mark Swann 
Subject:      more sequencer questions.. musictime passpost bundle

the thing about shopping for a sequencer, is that, you have to
buy it before you know what it can really do,, compar that to
shopping for any other music related item,, you can hear a synth,
pick a bass, plug in an amp, test a microphone,, but,, the sequencers
come in this nice saran wrapped box with a few cereal box ingredient
explanations on the side. plus a salesperson, who,, (which is not
their fault) cant really keep up with *every damn software item
out there,, and is usually only familliar with one or two.
the one *they own.
well its either cubase plus some printing program or
passport 's musictime bundle... ....     svann.

End of the EMUSIC-L Digest