EMUSIC-L Digest Volume 59, Issue 06
This issue's topics:
_EQ_ (2 messages)
Curtis Electromusic's Synthesource
Magazine? (5 messages)
magazines (12 messages)
SOS Magazine
Your EMUSIC-L Digest moderator is Joe McMahon .
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University of North Carolina.
Date: Fri, 24 Dec 1993 06:20:04 -0600
From: "Robert Gillette, 674-2434"
Subject: _EQ_
Sent on: 24-DEC-1993 06:17:47.33
Thanks J-Trane, for the response. I live in the boon docks (aka Abilene, TX)
and I tried the above mentioned stores. They, fortunately, do carry Keyboard
and Electronic Musician. We who live in the sticks have to go to Dallas, or
elsewhere, to find anything.
I appreciate the address etc. and will write the publisher.
|| Robert Gillette Abilene Library Consortium ||
|| GILLETTE@ALCON.ACU.EDU System Manager ||
|| DRAnet: ALC 915-674-2434 ||
Date: Fri, 24 Dec 1993 20:33:22 -0500
From: ""
Subject: Re: _EQ_
No Problem and Happy Holidays to all on this Server!
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1993 21:31:31 -0800
From: "R. Fahl"
Subject: Curtis Electromusic's Synthesource
I'm searching for back issues of the above publication. Do any of you
readers have copies they would reproduce for me?
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1993 14:34:38 -0600
From: "Robert Gillette, 674-2434"
Subject: Magazine?
Sent on: 22-DEC-1993 14:34:23.90
What is EQ?
|| Robert Gillette Abilene Library Consortium ||
|| GILLETTE@ALCON.ACU.EDU System Manager ||
|| DRAnet: ALC 915-674-2434 ||
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1993 22:08:37 -0500
Subject: Re: Magazine?
> Sent on: 22-DEC-1993 14:34:23.90
> What is EQ?
EQ is best described as "The Project Recording & Sound Magazine".
Originally (back in 1990) when the magazine was first released, they
were primarily invoved with the recording side of the music industry.
Shortly thereafter, EQ started incoroprating those "how's and why's" one
would use MIDI in thier studio (and in live setups) which
lead them to create basic MIDI articles (including the integration of computers
and music).
Joe 'J-Trane" Kellman
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1993 22:23:05 EST
Subject: Re: Magazine?
Let me take this one--
EQ is a commonly used shorthand for "equalization" which, in the audio
electronics world refers to the balance and adjustment of power transfer
across the range of frequecies of the audio spectrum. So, the commonly
seen many-slider "Graphic Equalizer" allows one to adjust the "volume" of
the music at any of a given number of ranges of frequencies, thereby high-
lighting the high-hat, for instance, or cutting out a low rumble. In the
old days of the phonograph, the magnetic cartridge ("needle") of course didn't
produce a perfectly linear frequency response, so a standard EQUALIZATION
is applied to that signal before amplification.
Corrections or additions are welcome!
John A. Pinion
Medical University of South Carolina
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1993 07:28:33 -0600
From: "Robert Gillette, 674-2434"
Subject: Re: Magazine?
Let me restate my question. It seems that there is a magazine called EQ.
I understand what is in the magazine and would like to see a sample issue.
There are no magazines listed in any source that I have found by that name.
Can anyone supply me with either the full or correct name of the magazine
-or- the publisher/distributor so I can request a sample copy. I am a
librarian and cannot find "EQ" listed.
Thanks in advance for any responses.
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1993 14:07:51 -0500
Subject: Re: Magazine?
> Let me restate my question. It seems that there is a magazine called EQ.
> I understand what is in the magazine and would like to see a sample issue.
> There are no magazines listed in any source that I have found by that name.
> Can anyone supply me with either the full or correct name of the magazine
> -or- the publisher/distributor so I can request a sample copy. I am a
> librarian and cannot find "EQ" listed.
EQ is published by P.S.N. Publishing
2 Park Ave
Suite 1820
New York, NY 10016
Subscription Rates: 1 Year - 19.97
2 years - 33.97
3 years - 49.97
(of course there are those 'discount' cards in the magizine)
Back issues: 5.00
I'm pretty sure you pick a copy of _EQ_ at a pretty decent bookstore
(i.e. Waldenbooks, Barnes and Noble). I even recall buying a copy at a
local supermarket before I started to receive a subscription.
Joe 'J-Trane' Kellman
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1993 10:12:21 -0900
Subject: magazines
Which magazines and journals do midi folks read? Am trying to bring
myself up the midi learning curve as fast as I can.
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1993 14:15:45 -0500
From: William Matthews
Subject: Re: magazines
Computer Music Journal is the source for many good things. MIT Press.
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1993 14:39:24 -0500
From: Thom Cox
Subject: magazines
>Which magazines and journals do midi folks read? Am trying to bring
>myself up the midi learning curve as fast as I can.
Computer Music Journal (published by MIT Press), Electronic Musician,
Keyboard, Torso
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1993 14:58:06 -0500
Subject: Re: magazines
> >Which magazines and journals do midi folks read? Am trying to bring
> >myself up the midi learning curve as fast as I can.
> >Jason
I would like to add my $.02 in saying that Electronic Musician & EQ
have very good basic MIDI articles. You might want to look into
trying to purchase a particular back-issue of Electronic Musician
(January 1991) which features two very good articles on the basics of
MIDI and electronic music. I'm not sure if this may exactly fit
into your needs but it's worth having.
Happy Holidaze!!!!!!
Joe 'J-Trane' Kellman
otherwise known as the MIDI-Maniac
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1993 14:08:39 -0600
From: Jeff Wheeler
Subject: Re: magazines
On Wed, 22 Dec 1993, JASON B OHLER wrote:
> Which magazines and journals do midi folks read? Am trying to bring
> myself up the midi learning curve as fast as I can.
> Jason
I currently subscribe to Electronic Musician and am a past subscriber to
Keyboard. I like EM because it deals with more practical tips,
build-it-yourself projects, and product reviews. Keyboard is similar
except that they focus much of the time on performer profiles (what
set-ups they use on stage, how they recorded their last album, etc.). I
don't really have a problem with that; and I occasionally buy an issue if
there is someone in it whom I'm intersested in. Being involved in the more
experimental side of music, I wasn't interested in reading about the
keyboard player for Bon Jovi, twice in 3 years.
Both mags are a GREAT source for product reviews. It pretty much depends
on what kind of info you want from the mag.
Hope this was helpful.
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1993 14:25:57 CST
From: Bob Crispen
Subject: Re: magazines
>> >Which magazines and journals do midi folks read? Am trying to bring
>> >myself up the midi learning curve as fast as I can.
>> >Jason
Let me second Joe Kellman's recommendation of _EQ_. And (personal
opinion) _Keyboard_ seems a little more technical in its MIDI
articles than _Electronic Beautician_. I also like _Home and
Studio Recording_ but I don't recall much lately on MIDI. Then
there's _Mix_. I don't find many useful articles in _Mix_, but
their pictures of people's studios give me a boner.
| Rev. Bob "Bob" Crispen | Music should not be held responsible |
| | for the people who listen to it. |
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1993 20:58:00 -0500
From: Lawrence Lougheed
Subject: magazines
E > Computer Music Journal (published by MIT Press), Electronic Musician,
E > Keyboard, Torso
Do you have an address and/or phone number for subcriptions?
* RoseReader 2.10b P004451 Entered at [CRS]
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1993 01:03:58 -0400
From: Don Meissner
Subject: Re: magazines
>Which magazines and journals do midi folks read? Am trying to bring
>myself up the midi learning curve as fast as I can.
I suppose Electronic Musician is my favorite gear head magazine. It's fun to
look at pictures of all the gear you can't afford. Sometimes you learn a thing
or two as well, but all of the magazines fall into cheerleading mode q
quite often.
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1993 17:39:59 GMT
From: "Steven D. Bramson"
Subject: Re: magazines
Which magazines and journals do midi folks read? Am trying to bring
myself up the midi learning curve as fast as I can.
I read Future Music available in the UK. This will keep you up to date
with new kit and software. I can thoroughly recommend
"Music Through MIDI - Using MIDI to create your own electronic music
system" by Michael Boom, Microsoft Press 1987.
It is a bit out of date but contains the specs for MIDI messages and some
good example setups of various musicians. Very readable. Might be
difficult to buy but I got it through my local library.
Steven D Bramson Data Management Group JET Joint Undertaking
Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 3EA United Kingdom
E-mail Voice 0235 465 013 Fax 0235 465 399
JET is Europe's fusion research project
Disclaimer: Any views expressed are mine and do not represent those of JET
Date: Fri, 24 Dec 1993 15:39:30 -0800
From: metlay
Subject: Re: magazines
>>Which magazines and journals do midi folks read? Am trying to bring
>>myself up the midi learning curve as fast as I can.
>Computer Music Journal (published by MIT Press), Electronic Musician,
>Keyboard, Torso
Torso? Isn't that a porno mag? :)
I also recommend Mix and EQ for more pro-studio application articles.
There's supposedly a new magazine called "MIDI" getting started; I know
nothing about it and don't plan to subscribe at this time. Home and Studio
Recording, when it incorporated its late lamented sister publication
Music Technology, had some good MIDI in it too.
mike metlay * atomic city * box 81175 pgh pa 15217-0675 *
"I'll make you a deal: You control your imagination, and I'll control my cynicism." (n. rothwell)
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 1993 09:17:08 -0800
From: Doug Wellington
Subject: Re: magazines
mike metlay * atomic city * sez:
>There's supposedly a new magazine called "MIDI" getting started; I know
>nothing about it and don't plan to subscribe at this time.
Well, I actually made the mistake of buying a copy of this magazine.
Don't waste your time or money! The columns are amateurish, with
poor writing and not much in the way of content either. There were
actually several mistakes in the contents of a couple columns. And
you'll get better editorials from this mailing list! :-) I had
received a flyer for "MIDI" in the mail, and almost bit, but after
getting this first one off of the stand, I won't bother.
Just my two cents...
Music Supply and Repair Service
2710 N. Paseo Tierra Verde
Tucson, AZ 85749 USA
(602) 760-0425
I'll import Waldorf products.
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1993 08:56:25 -0800
From: metlay
Subject: Re: magazines
>Well, I actually made the mistake of buying a copy of this magazine.
>Don't waste your time or money!
So noted. Thanks, man, you just saved me $20!
>I'll import Waldorf products.
Kewl! :)
mike metlay * atomic city * box 81175 pgh pa 15217-0675 *
"I'll make you a deal: You control your imagination, and I'll control my cynicism." (n. rothwell)
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1993 09:52:57 GMT
From: Philip Jones
Subject: SOS Magazine
Hi all,
There seems to have been numerous mentions of Sound on Sound magazine in
recent posts, both claiming an excellent magazine and also stating that
the reviews are a load of 'rubbish'! With this in mind I have decided to
conduct a survey of popular opinion regarding SOS so that I can forward
the information to the editors. Idealistic it maybe but at least it will
be interesting. So if you have time, read SOS and have opinions, please
fill in the below and send back to me at (
Please do not send any replies to EMUSIC-L as this could piss everyone
off when they next read their incoming mail!
1) How often do you read a copy of SOS?
2) What do you think of the review quality in this magazine?
3) What are your main interests with regard to Electronic Music?
4) How do you think SOS could be improved?
5) What do you think of SOS' feature articles other than the reviews?
6) What other music/recording magazines do you prefer to read (if any)?
If there are a significant number of responses to this questionnaire, I
will sort out the answers and post the general opinion back to EMUSIC-L
and to the MIDI forum at WHIP.ISCA.UIOWA.EDU. If you have any other
comments regarding SOS I would be very interested to hear them.
Phil Jones (
End of the EMUSIC-L Digest