
EMUSIC-L Digest                                      Volume 59, Issue 11

This issue's topics:
	power dips, line conditioners and puters (5 messages)

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Date:         Sat, 4 Dec 1993 21:42:50 -0600
From:         Mark Swann 
Subject:      power dips,, line conditioners and puters

are those 'safe power' boxes that are heavy as lead,, worth it,,
that is,,, in my apt..   sometimes the lights dim for a split second,,
i havent notcied it affecting my computer yet,, but, I wouldnt want a
reset,,  have any of you out there doing midi,, use these?
 Ive heard conflicting suggestions from different computer people,,
one said your lights should never dim,, say , when the a/c goes on,, and
that the problem is with a transformer outside..
thx.. svann

Date:         Mon, 6 Dec 1993 18:00:53 GMT
From:         Philip Jones 
Subject:      Re : power dips,, line conditioners and puters

Hi Mark

You Wrote : >

are those 'safe power' boxes that are heavy as lead,, worth it,,
that is,,, in my apt..   sometimes the lights dim for a split second,,
i havent notcied it affecting my computer yet,, but, I wouldnt want a
reset,,  have any of you out there doing midi,, use these?
 Ive heard conflicting suggestions from different computer people,,
one said your lights should never dim,, say , when the a/c goes on,, and
that the problem is with a transformer outside..
thx.. svann


If they don't affect your computer you are lucky, but you might not know that
they haven't. Sometimes if there is a spike during drive accessing the drive
can be corrupted but you won't know about until you can't load a specific file
or run a program. Also, spike and noise can cause major head aches when
recording as you might have a perfect take except for a massive click in the
middle, which doesn't do much for anyone's humour.

PS. Is that the first mail you have ever sent or is it that you can't format
a letter or manage to type in sentences? Oh Well that's about it. Don't worry
if you believe in luck.


Phil Jones(

Date:         Mon, 6 Dec 1993 17:29:11 -0500
From:         not Robert 
Subject:      Re: power dips,, line conditioners and puters

> are those 'safe power' boxes that are heavy as lead,, worth it,,
> that is,,, in my apt..   sometimes the lights dim for a split second,,
> i havent notcied it affecting my computer yet,, but, I wouldnt want a
> reset,,  have any of you out there doing midi,, use these?
>  Ive heard conflicting suggestions from different computer people,,
> one said your lights should never dim,, say , when the a/c goes on,, and
> that the problem is with a transformer outside..
> thx.. svann

umm, up to you and the work that you do... with a decent computer it
shouldn't matter as long as you haven't had problems up to now (as far as
dips) 'cuz you should be in the habit of saving your work frequently
anyway... Macs with the int'l (autoswitching 110/220v) power-supplies (i
think all the macs that have more than one slot have these)

as far as MIDI stuff goes... older gear can and will freak from line
spikes that go ignored by the worst computer powersupplies... and playing
live it is a must if you value your programs...

basically, if your house/apt is relatively new and everything is grounded,
i wouldn't worry -- if it's older, get one.

Date:         Tue, 7 Dec 1993 03:21:46 -0600
From:         Mark Swann 
Subject:      Re: Re : power dips,, line conditioners and puters

phil,, thx for reply,,, sentences?   as long as the info gets across,,
... that is,,  thoughts represented with or without grammar,, if its
there well,, hmm.    actually, i may get one of those safe power
things.. svann.

Date:         Tue, 7 Dec 1993 11:14:14 GMT
From:         Philip Jones 
Subject:      Re: Re : power dips,, lin

svann wrote ;

phil,, thx for reply,,, sentences?   as long as the info gets across,,
... that is,,  thoughts represented with or without grammar,, if its
there well,, hmm.    actually, i may get one of those safe power
things.. svann.

What can I say??!!!!  :)))

End of the EMUSIC-L Digest