
EMUSIC-L Digest                                      Volume 59, Issue 12

This issue's topics:
	Aleatoric Composer
	Cakewalk for DOS and Windows
	digital audio and midi (2 messages)
	Help with Roland SCC-1
	Looking for PC Soundcard/software
	MPU 401 Book (INFO requested by Dan Schaaf)
	roland css-1
	Roland Rap-10
	SCC-1 GS-Modul
	Sound Blaster/MIDI Cable
	Sound Blaster/MIDI Interface (5 messages)
	Wincake & Wav Files
	WinCake 2.0 & MIDI Thru (2 messages)

Your EMUSIC-L Digest moderator is Joe McMahon .
You may subscribe to EMUSIC-L by sending mail to with 
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University of North Carolina.
Date:         Wed, 22 Dec 1993 14:47:37 -0600
From:         Jeff Wheeler 
Subject:      Aleatoric Composer

I just recieved the latest edition of "QuarterTone" newsletter from Twelve
Tone Systems. On page 4 there is a short article about a program called
Aleatoric Composer written by Calkwalk/Pro - Win user. It further states
that the program is available through most music bbs and most major
Internet ftp sites. Since I'm still taking tottler steps through Internet,
could anybody tell me exactly which ftp site would have this program? Also
has anybody had the opportunity to try it out?

Things are looking up; the days are getting longer!

Date:         Mon, 6 Dec 1993 17:19:19 MET
From:         Vincenzo Palleschi 
Subject:      Cakewalk for DOS and Windows

I would like to have information about Cakewalk for DOS vs. Cakewalk for
Windows. Is the DOS version supporting the MIDI in/out of the Sound Blaster?
Thank you for your help.

  |                            |                                     |
  | Vincenzo Palleschi         |   People usually get what's coming  |
  | IFAM - CNR                 |   to them ... unless it's been      |
  | Via del Giardino, 7        |   mailed.                           |
  | 56127 Pisa                 |                    - Anonymous -    |
  | ITALY                      +-------------------------------------+
  |              Tel. +39 (50) 542346 - FAX +39 (50) 589048          |

Date:         Sat, 25 Dec 1993 00:35:58 -0500
Subject:      digital audio and midi


Can anyone recommend a sequencing/notation program that can handle midi as
well as digital audio?  (i.e. organize my samples in .wav format as midi
events).  I've done a good bit of sampling with my turtle beach card but
can't stick them into my compositions.

Thanks and happy holidays,


ps  I am running a 486 under dos 6.2 and windows

Date:         Fri, 24 Dec 1993 22:48:36 -0800
From:         Todd S DeWeerd 
Subject:      Re: digital audio and midi

On Sat, 25 Dec 1993, THE DIGITAL WITCHDOCTOR wrote:

> Hey,
> Can anyone recommend a sequencing/notation program that can handle midi as
> well as digital audio?  (i.e. organize my samples in .wav format as midi
> events).  I've done a good bit of sampling with my turtle beach card but
> can't stick them into my compositions.
> Thanks and happy holidays,
> Phil
> sps5251@siena.bitnet
> ps  I am running a 486 under dos 6.2 and windows

The Roland Rap-10 card/software can mix wave and midi files.

Date:         Wed, 1 Dec 1993 14:37:43 -0600
From:         Kenneth Wayne Goodson 
Subject:      Help with Roland SCC-1


I've finally got a computer that's running (see message in:re AMBRA
Computers) but I cannot get Cakewalk Pro for Windows 2.0 to recognize my
Roland SCC-1 card. I managed to get everything set up correctly with the
right port address and IRQ (although not without a call to AMBRA tech
support) and I know the SCC-1 is working because I can run the utilties
disk that came with the card and it plays the demos fine. Cakewalk is
sending out a MIDI signal because my other sound modules (Roland U-220 and
a Roland CM-32L) are responding although not with the right patches. In
addition to the SCC-1, there is a MediaVision 16 sound card installed as
part the multimedia package that also includes a CD-ROM.

Can anyone offer a suggestion on getting Cakwalk to recognize and use the

Thanks in advance...

*Kenneth Goodson                   *Atlanta High School    *
*Band Director/UIL Computer Science*705 Rabbit Blvd        *
*                *Atlanta, TX  75551     *
*(903) 796-4636 (home)             *(903) 796-7213 (office)*
 "Up, up and away, in my beautiful balloon"-Fifth Dimension

Date:         Tue, 28 Dec 1993 14:27:21 GMT
From:         The Surrealist 
Subject:      Looking for PC Soundcard/software

Hello all. I am looking for a PC soundcard with the following features:

-16 bit sampling/playback.
-Midi support.
-Sequencing of samples and midi at the same time.
-At least 4 channels of samples at once.
-The samples can be used as instruments (Pitch adjustment)

        I can do all of this on my Amiga now with OctaMED software, but I
need to find a soundcard and software to do this on a PC with _16 bit_ samples.
I do mainly industrial music, so I need to be able to sequence drum beats,
and incorporate many other sounds such as voice samples. Would it be possible
to hold all the samples in RAM, or have them loaded from hard-drive when
needed? A combination of the two would be nice... For example, all of the
drum sounds would be stored in RAM (since they are used often), and voice
samples would be loaded from hard-drive when needed.
        Basically, I need to make 16 bit mods with midi at the same time. I
have a KORG DSS-1 keyboard, a 486DX2-66, 420MB HD, 8 megs RAM. Could someone
please point me in the right direction by telling me what soundcard/software
combination will make this happen. It would also be nice if the soundcard
is compatible with games or other programs, but not necessary.
        BTW, if any of you are familiar with OctaMED on the Amiga, I need
the features of that, but with 16bit samples instead of 8bit.
        Thanks in advance.

        Chris Hixon. (

Date:         Wed, 1 Dec 1993 11:58:36 AST
From:         Roswell James 
Subject:      Re: MPU 401 Book (INFO requested by Dan Schaaf)

In Message Tue, 30 Nov 93 07:57:43 AST,
  "Howard Harawitz"      writes:

>Hi --
>Hello Dan Schaaf --
>There's a book called "C Programming For MIDI" by Jim Conger that probably
>has what you want in it. It was published by M & T Books in Redwood City,
>California and copyrighted 1988.
>If you can't locate the book, you might try Roswell Computer Books here in
>Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.  It's an online computer bookstore that sells
>to people all over the world. Roswell's internet address is:
Hello Dan Schaaf

   Howard Harawitz forwarded your inquiry to me.  The book you are looking
for has gone out of print and is nolonger available.  Ther are two books
that I know of that are coming out soon on MIDI.

1. "PC Sound" by Tolhurst, W (M&T Books)
    This informative and entertaining guide teaches PV programmers how to
add audio capabilities to their dos and windows applications. The book
contains a mix of theory, sample source code, andapplications that
demonstrate the audio capabilities of the PC.  It also contains valuable
code examples which provide a solid basis programmers can build upon to
further explore this exciting medium.  Readers will develop a MIDI sequencer
program, patch editor, and player, a waveform syntheses editor and player.
The book comes with a disk loaded with source code sample MIDI scores and
sample patches.

2 "The Musician's Guide to MIDI" by Christian Braut (Sybex) 0-7821-1285-4.
   This is the electronic musician's guide to MIDI standards. Learn how to
recreate actual instrumental sounds ellectronically. Includes product
reviews and plenty of program code.
Thank you for shopping at Roswell Electronic Bookstore


Roswell James              |  Roswell Computer Books,(Halifax),Ltd.
1587 Brunswick Street      |     Representing over 7,000 Titles.
Halifax, N.S. B3J 2G1      | We can order in almost any title in Print.

Date:         Fri, 10 Dec 1993 12:44:10 MET
From:         Schuster Richard 
Subject:      roland css-1

what kind of instrument is this roland synthie?
It is a gs-modul.

thanx in advance, Ricci!!

*Richard Schuster                                        *
*University of Innsbruck, Austria                        *
*                                                        *
*network adress:                                         *
*                            *

Date:         Wed, 22 Dec 1993 13:54:02 -0800
From:         Todd S DeWeerd 
Subject:      Roland Rap-10

I'm the guy with the Roland Rap-10 and no one to share notes with.
Is there another newsgroup that deals with hard-drive recording?


Date:         Fri, 10 Dec 1993 12:46:07 MET
From:         Schuster Richard 
Subject:      SCC-1 GS-Modul

sorry, I have tipped the wrong name.
the right one should be SCC-1 (GS-Modul)
Once again, what kind is that synthie from roland and
how much does it cost?

thanx, Ricci!!

*Richard Schuster                                        *
*University of Innsbruck, Austria                        *
*                                                        *
*network adress:                                         *
*                            *

Date:         Thu, 30 Dec 1993 14:55:56 -0800
From:         David Chandler 
Subject:      Re: Sound Blaster/MIDI Cable

I've got one of these cables (serial to dual midi) made by Sound Galaxy
and bought through mail order for $24 unused (hard to find, thus, they
kill you for it) that I'd sell for $10 (includes postage).

David Chandler  -  (503)241-2949

On Wed, 29 Dec 1993, Larry Koester wrote:

> EK>I've been looking at Sound Blasters (and other sound card with MIDI
> EK>erfaces) and I've seen that many of them require a separate piece to
> EK>make the MIDI interface work - i.e. the MIDI interface on the card is
> EK>actually a serial port and you have to buy an adapter.  I bought a
> EK>serial/MIDI adapter and used it with my Amiga 500, which I no longer
> EK>and I was wondering if it would be possible to use that with one of
> EK>sound cards.  One difference I noticed is that the sound card ports
> EK>the smaller (9-pin I think) while my MIDI adapter is 25-pin.  Can I
> EK>make an adapter to switch from 25-pin to 9-pin?
> On the SB16ASP, its not a serial, but a game port.  The pin out is
> readily available, Creative Labs even has a file on its BBS as to how to
> put together the cable yourself.  With the SB16ASP, the game port is
> still available for a joystick after the midi cable is connected, if
> you've used their cable.  The only problem is that the game port isn't
> speed sensitive (can give problems with faster machines).
> - Larry Koester, Bloomer, WI
> ---
>  ~ DeLuxe}/386 1.25 #641s ~ I tried the rest but bought the best!!!!

Date:         Sat, 25 Dec 1993 18:52:36 -0500
From:         "Eric K. Johnston" 
Subject:      Sound Blaster/MIDI Interface

I've been looking at Sound Blasters (and other sound card with MIDI
interfaces) and I've seen that many of them require a separate piece to
make the MIDI interface work - i.e. the MIDI interface on the card is
actually a serial port and you have to buy an adapter.  I bought a
serial/MIDI adapter and used it with my Amiga 500, which I no longer use,
and I was wondering if it would be possible to use that with one of those
sound cards.  One difference I noticed is that the sound card ports are
the smaller (9-pin I think) while my MIDI adapter is 25-pin.  Can I get or
make an adapter to switch from 25-pin to 9-pin?

Thanx for your help
Eric K. Johnston (Harvard Red & Old Gold)
The University of Dayton

Date:         Wed, 29 Dec 1993 14:57:47 +0100
From:         Martin Grecner 
Subject:      Re: Sound Blaster/MIDI Interface

> I've been looking at Sound Blasters (and other sound card with MIDI
> interfaces) and I've seen that many of them require a separate piece to
> make the MIDI interface work - i.e. the MIDI interface on the card is
> actually a serial port and you have to buy an adapter.  I bought a
> serial/MIDI adapter and used it with my Amiga 500, which I no longer use,
> and I was wondering if it would be possible to use that with one of those
> sound cards.  One difference I noticed is that the sound card ports are
> the smaller (9-pin I think) while my MIDI adapter is 25-pin.  Can I get or
> make an adapter to switch from 25-pin to 9-pin?
> Thanx for your help
> Eric
> Eric K. Johnston (Harvard Red & Old Gold)
> The University of Dayton

I'm sorry, but I think you can't use your adapter for this. Port on Sound
Blaster is not a serial port. It is actually a combination of joystick
and MIDI port, with MIDI being only ordinary TTL level (5V) output/input
from/to UART. Standard RS232C serial ports use +-12V signals. But it's
very easy to build your own MIDI adapter for SoundBlaster. You just
have to implement a current loop. I'll send you a file concearning this.

                                        Martin Grecner

Date:         Wed, 29 Dec 1993 15:27:07 +0100
From:         Rene de Bie 
Subject:      Re: Sound Blaster/MIDI Interface

> > I've been looking at Sound Blasters (and other sound card with MIDI
> > interfaces) and I've seen that many of them require a separate piece to
> > make the MIDI interface work - i.e. the MIDI interface on the card is
> > actually a serial port and you have to buy an adapter.  I bought a
> > serial/MIDI adapter and used it with my Amiga 500, which I no longer use,
> > and I was wondering if it would be possible to use that with one of those
> > sound cards.  One difference I noticed is that the sound card ports are
> > the smaller (9-pin I think) while my MIDI adapter is 25-pin.  Can I get or
> > make an adapter to switch from 25-pin to 9-pin?
> >
> > Thanx for your help
> > Eric
> > Eric K. Johnston (Harvard Red & Old Gold)
> > The University of Dayton
> >
> I'm sorry, but I think you can't use your adapter for this. Port on Sound
> Blaster is not a serial port. It is actually a combination of joystick
> and MIDI port, with MIDI being only ordinary TTL level (5V) output/input
> from/to UART. Standard RS232C serial ports use +-12V signals. But it's
> very easy to build your own MIDI adapter for SoundBlaster. You just
> have to implement a current loop. I'll send you a file concearning this.
>                                         Martin Grecner

I'm interested in this too! Can you send me a copy?

Thanks and regards,

Rene de Bie

Date:         Wed, 29 Dec 1993 17:09:00 -0500
From:         Larry Koester 
Subject:      Sound Blaster/MIDI Interf

EK>I've been looking at Sound Blasters (and other sound card with MIDI
EK>erfaces) and I've seen that many of them require a separate piece to
EK>make the MIDI interface work - i.e. the MIDI interface on the card is
EK>actually a serial port and you have to buy an adapter.  I bought a
EK>serial/MIDI adapter and used it with my Amiga 500, which I no longer
EK>and I was wondering if it would be possible to use that with one of
EK>sound cards.  One difference I noticed is that the sound card ports
EK>the smaller (9-pin I think) while my MIDI adapter is 25-pin.  Can I
EK>make an adapter to switch from 25-pin to 9-pin?

On the SB16ASP, its not a serial, but a game port.  The pin out is
readily available, Creative Labs even has a file on its BBS as to how to
put together the cable yourself.  With the SB16ASP, the game port is
still available for a joystick after the midi cable is connected, if
you've used their cable.  The only problem is that the game port isn't
speed sensitive (can give problems with faster machines).

- Larry Koester, Bloomer, WI
 ~ DeLuxe}/386 1.25 #641s ~ I tried the rest but bought the best!!!!

Date:         Thu, 30 Dec 1993 15:24:46 -0400
From:         "ANDREW G. YOUNGER" 
Subject:      Re: Sound Blaster/MIDI Interface

I would be very interested in seeing this file concerning MIDI adapters for
the Soundblaster, as I need to some how get one happening on my SB16.
Thanks a million
Andrew Younger

Date:         Thu, 30 Dec 1993 15:42:02 -0800
From:         Todd S DeWeerd 
Subject:      Wincake & Wav Files

Does anyone know how to make Wincake run a wav file?


Date:         Sun, 19 Dec 1993 15:46:43 GMT
From:         "Roy M. Randall" 
Subject:      WinCake 2.0 & MIDI Thru

ARRRG!  I buy a new version of a program and none of the old tricks work.

Does anyone know how to turn off MIDI Thru in WinCake 2.0 and KEEP IT
OFF?  In the earlier version one had to set this up as a parameter in an
ASCII file.  Now it doesn't work.

I can set it to OFF in the settings menu, but every time I load a new
file or restart the program, it's back to AUTO again.  I need it turned
off always.

Roy M. Randall, FG             |         I have a clue.
Inconsequential Systems, Inc.  |  For $20, you may have one too.               |

Date:         Sun, 19 Dec 1993 15:29:51 EST
Subject:      Re: WinCake 2.0 & MIDI Thru

Hate to suggest the obvious, but isn't there a "Save Preferences" button

End of the EMUSIC-L Digest