
EMUSIC-L Digest                                      Volume 59, Issue 13

This issue's topics:
	Alesis D4
	Drum Machine (4 messages)

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Date:         Fri, 17 Dec 1993 13:34:24 -0500
From:         "Mark A. Stringer" 
Subject:      Alesis D4

I lost my D4 manual and need to know if there is a way to display the software
version from the front panel.  My Unisyn manual says that the program will not
work with older software versions of the D4 operating system. Can anyone help?

Date:         Mon, 6 Dec 1993 11:50:19 GMT
From:         Philip Jones 
Subject:      Drum Machine

Hi All,

I have decided to buy a drum machine and wondered if anyone had any suggestions.
I have used the Alesis HR16 and am thinking of maybe getting one of these
2nd hand or maybe the newer SR16, but I don't like the pads on this if I have
to play the machine live for gigging. Has anyone got any other machines they
could recommend or do you know anything good or bad about the SR16.

Phil Jones (

Date:         Mon, 6 Dec 1993 15:15:07 -0600
From:         Arne Claassen ISE 
Subject:      Re: Drum Machine

>I have decided to buy a drum machine and wondered if anyone had any
> I have used the Alesis HR16 and am thinking of maybe getting one of these
> 2nd hand or maybe the newer SR16, but I don't like the pads on this if I have
> to play the machine live for gigging. Has anyone got any other machines they
> could recommend or do you know anything good or bad about the SR16.

> Cheers
> Phil Jones (

Eeek. Play a drum machines pads at gigs? I find those things useless enough for
programming (IMHO), but live work? Much rather use a keyboard, although that
still is fairly annoying for life play. I'd probably have to recommend getting
the Alesis D4 (if you want to stick with Alesis' sounds) and plug some pads
into that (it has 8 inputs). Of course you're looking at a lot more money now.
($300 for the D4 and ~$400 for a drumKAT or similar). A cheaper version would
be the SPD-11 (Roland), eight pads and about 256 built in sounds. Or on the
used market, there's always the Octapad II Pad-80 (sme pads as SPD-11, don't
really know the difference between the two.) SPD-11 runs around $600 (i think)
and an Octapad II can be found for around $400 used.
None of these include sequencers, as an SR-16 or HR-16 would, os it depends on
your needs. Can always get the SR-16 and add a DrumKAT at a later point for

Arne F. Claassen                 |"In cows we trust | EPS Classic * D4
     | E pluribus Moo"  | Mac Centris 650
              |                  |

Date:         Mon, 6 Dec 1993 15:16:20 -0600
From:         Ken Fansler 
Subject:      Re: Drum Machine

Phil  writes:

> ...2nd hand or maybe the newer SR16, but I don't like the pads on this if I
> have to play the machine live for gigging. Has anyone got any other machines
> they could recommend or do you know anything good or bad about the SR16.

I have the (older) HR-16, and it is still used by many people for many


I would strongly suggest looking into the Alesis D4 if you want a new machine -
It has some of the best sounds I've heard yet, and it's not as expensive as
some might think.

As for live playing, there are no pads on the D4, but there are audio inputs in
the back for triggering purposes - a set player could trigger the machine for
great sounds with human feel.

Good luck!

Ken Fansler

Date:         Mon, 6 Dec 1993 21:41:43 -0600
From:         Marty Hicks 
Subject:      Re: Drum Machine

I too would like information drum machines. It just dawned on me that you play
drum machines with your fingers but drumming involves using all the arms
(forgive me, I have focused on images for the last 12 years). The Roland Compact
Drum System TDE-7K is real alluring albeit expensive. You can use sticks with it
and the Roland SPD-11.

I just bought a Mac AV system and I'd like to be able to combine percussion with
electronic images. Any thoughts?


End of the EMUSIC-L Digest