EMUSIC-L Digest Volume 59, Issue 17
This issue's topics:
Ambient/Techno Listserv?? and related things (3 messages)
Electronic Musician/Keyboard Online?
How do I unsubscribe (2 messages)
Info Request -Spectral Synthesis & Analog Heaven
Max List???
Stopping mail delivery over (2 messages)
SYNTH-L (6 messages)
Your EMUSIC-L Digest moderator is Joe McMahon .
You may subscribe to EMUSIC-L by sending mail to with
the line "SUB EMUSIC-L your name" as the text.
The EMUSIC-L archive is a service of SunSite ( at the
University of North Carolina.
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1993 20:28:24 -0800
From: David Chandler
Subject: Ambient/Techno Listserv??
I am new to this listserv and thought someone here could direct me to
another listserv out there that discusses ambient electronic and purely
electronic dance music. I am very interested in the Warp label and Earth
Beat label and the resurging Eno/Tangerine Dream/ambient music scene. I
am sure that once I put together a Usenet feed I will meet folks into this
stuff, but until then... any listserv addresses?
Anyone know about the Aphex Twin's home-modified equipment? Does he still
avoid MIDI? Anyone built the PAIA vocoder kit? How's it sound??
David Chandler
Date: Sat, 18 Dec 1993 19:03:22 -0500
From: William Matthews
What and where is ?
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1993 09:35:46 +0028
From: Joe McMahon
Subject: and related things
Bill asks what and where is.,, and such things as these are Usenet
newsgroups. Usenet is large collection of machines which pass news (as
distinct from mail) around. Access to news is provided through newsreader
software (xrn, rn, trn,nn, and others on Unix systems). Access is also
available (painfully) through Gopher, if you don't have direct access.
Otherwise, there's no real way to get to these groups for the average user.
--- Joe M.
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1993 19:38:00 -0500
From: Lawrence Lougheed
Subject: and related th
Joe McMahon writes:
E >,, and such things as these are Usenet
E > newsgroups. Usenet is large collection of machines which pass news (as
E > distinct from mail) around. Access to news is provided through newsreader
E > software (xrn, rn, trn,nn, and others on Unix systems). Access is also
E > available (painfully) through Gopher, if you don't have direct access.
E > Otherwise, there's no real way to get to these groups for the average user.
I access Usenet/Internet through a BBS, using RoseReader (an off-line
mail reader/comm program) on a DOS machine. That's how this average
user gets to these groups (and lists). Not elegant, but it works,
most of the time.
* RoseReader 2.10b P004451 Entered at [CRS]
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 1993 21:16:37 GMT
From: Adam Greifer
Subject: Electronic Musician/Keyboard Online?
Does anybody know of a Net location for online back issues of Electronic
Musician and Keyboard?
| *** Adam Greifer *** |
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Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1993 22:12:13 -0800
From: Rick Scriven
Subject: How do I unsubscribe
Is there an FAQ available which will tell me how to unsubscribe from this list?
I appreciate the list, but can't handle the mail volume at this time. Thanks
in advance.... -Rick Scriven
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1993 15:17:35 ECT
From: Anthony Tersmette
Subject: Re: How do I unsubscribe
I also would like to unsubscribe, at least temporarily. Please do, or kindly ad
vise me as to how. Thanx in advance.
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1993 10:29:07 -0500
From: Randy Alley
Subject: Info Request -Spectral Synthesis & Analog Heaven
Could someone who has information on how to contact the company Spectral Synthes
(oops) Synthesis Systems please e-mail me this please ?
Also, could someone send me the subscription info for the Analog Heaven mailing
list, thanks so much !!!
Sincerely yours,
Randy Alley - New And Proud Owner of a Memory Moog Plus
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1993 12:42:19 -0500
From: Philip Nelson
Subject: Max List???
>From dance thread--stuff deleted interesting though it was
> >To leave off with another name drop, I would like to point out that James
> >McCartney does a lot more dance music than I do these days, and probably
> >has a far more sophisticated map of the socio-political structures of the
> >Austin scene. :-) I don't know if he still reads this list, but he does
> >hang around the max list and rmms... maybe we can conjure him up.
> Dunno; I report bugs in his MAX objects but he doesn't bite...!
Is there a MAX list? I could really benefit from eavesdropping on such
a list. I'd even post my Roland GR-50 objects when I'm finsihed (if and
when). I am on the Netjam list but no traffic in months.
Philip Nelson (414)465-2309
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Internet:
Computing and Information Technology AOL: PhilipN3
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1993 19:02:05 -0800
From: Todd S DeWeerd
Subject: Roland
I thought I'd try to e-mail some questions to Roland
on Compuserve. Does anyone have a Compuserve address
for a department or person who could answer some of
my questions about my RAP-10? They don't have an 800
number that I know of. If someone has e-mailed Roland
a question, how long did it take to get a reply?
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1993 12:43:40 U
From: Jack Blovits
Subject: Stopping mail delivery over
Stopping mail delivery over Holidays
Help! How do I get a message throught to stop getting mail from this
list during the Holidays. I've tried sending "SET NOMAIL EMUSIC-D" to I also tried using just EMUSIC, EMUSIC-L, and
EMUSIC Digest - to no avail.
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1993 16:02:40 +0028
From: Joe McMahon
Subject: Re: Stopping mail delivery over
> Stopping mail delivery over Holidays
>Help! How do I get a message throught to stop getting mail from this
>list during the Holidays. I've tried sending "SET NOMAIL EMUSIC-D" to
> I also tried using just EMUSIC, EMUSIC-L, and
>EMUSIC Digest - to no avail.
Close. Try "SET EMUSIC-L NOMAIL". It will also be faster if you route the
message directly to AUVM.AMERICAN.EDU.
--- Joe M.
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 1993 21:30:52 MET
From: Schuster Richard
Subject: SYNTH-L
> I have one. This should probably be on SYNTH-L. It works superbly as
> Bill Scott
hi Bill!
You have mentioned in your mail the name SYNTH-L. Is this a
mailing list or what?
If yes, I would be very interested joining it.
thanx Ricci!
*Richard Schuster *
*University of Innsbruck, Austria *
* *
*network adress: *
* *
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1993 09:05:13 EST
From: Bill Fox
Subject: Re: MIDI Guitar
Andrew Younger, David Lunney, Benjamin Littenberg, and I have all sent
posts about the topic of MIDI guitars on EMUSIC-L. Shame on us!
Vincent Pagel and Scott Wilson, on the other hand, posted directly to
me, thus depriving the public of thier comments. I'll take the
initiative to move this thread over to SYNTH-L. If anybody who isn't
already a member of SYNTH-L wants to see my upcoming post on the topic,
email me a request and I'll send you a copy. In the mean time, JOIN
Bill Fox
P.S. I'm now receiving SYNTH-L and EMUSIC-L in digest form so I'm on a
24 hour delay!
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1993 09:35:05 EST
From: David Lunney
Subject: Re: MIDI Guitar
Bill Fox chides us for posting questions about MIDI guitar to EMUSIC-L
rather than SYNTH-L, and urges us to join SYNTH-L. I *WAS* on SYNTH-L
for a while, but got tired of reading gearheads' descriptions of their
hardware. I am more interested in *methods* of music synthesis (FM,
Fourier, etc.) than in commercial hardware. There is a practical
professional reason for that: my major research interest is the use of
sound to enable blind scientists and engineers to analyze complex data.
The solutions I come up with must be affordable. That's why I am using
the lowly Soundblaster series rather than whole racks of expensive
professional equipment. (We were doing computer-controlled music
synthesis in our lab about twelve years ago, before the advent of of
When I saw the thread about MIDI guitar I chimed in because I have been
looking for a MIDI guitar interface that would work on a classsical
guitar without surgery to my valuable instrument. If I strayed from the
proper purview of this list, forgive me. Meanwhile, I will send my
inquiry directly to Bill Fox.
David Lunney
Department of Chemistry and
Science Institute for the Disabled
East Carolina University
Greenville, NC 27858 USA
VOICE: 919-757-6713 919-758-6453
FAX: 919-757-6210
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1993 12:27:40 -0500
From: Jean-Francois Delannoy
Subject: Re: SYNTH-L
The info I have on synth-l is:
SYNTH-L SYNTH-L@AUVM Electronic music "gearhead" list
It is also managed by AUVM (American University something?)
You can subscribe via:
mail SYNTH-L@AUVM.bitnet
Subject: nil
sub synth-l Yourname
Jean-Francois Delannoy e-mail:
CSI, University of Ottawa tel : +1 (613) 564 5427
Ottawa Ontario Canada K1N 6N5 fax : +1 (613) 564 9486
Scientific neologism is itself just linguistic evolution gone
self-conscious, as science is self-conscious common sense.
WvO Quine, cursorily, in Word and Object
I don't quite agree.
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1993 13:39:58 -0500
From: Biff Padiduwitz
Subject: Re: SYNTH-L
Yes, synth-l is a mailing list run by Joe McMahon, the same
moderator of emusic-l. Subscribe by writing "subscribe synth-l your name"
to the same listserv that you use for emusic-l. See you there.
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1993 11:04:02 +1030
From: Geoff Peters
Subject: Re: MIDI Guitar
Bill Fox writes:
>email me a request and I'll send you a copy. In the mean time, JOIN
And how does one do that?
End of the EMUSIC-L Digest