
EMUSIC-L Digest                                      Volume 61, Issue 04

This issue's topics:
	TG77 (11 messages)
	TG77 Data Entry

Your EMUSIC-L Digest moderator is Joe McMahon .
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University of North Carolina.
Date:         Mon, 14 Feb 1994 11:47:14 -0400
From:         "JAMIE M. HODGE" 
Subject:      TG77

        I've sent this message about three times.. does anybody know how to
get the data entry slider on the TG77 to act as a local controller? If not,
does anybody know of any Yamaha support group/node?..
                                                        Jamie Hodge

Date:         Tue, 15 Feb 1994 08:18:44 -0500
From:         "Jon Crystal (Jon Crystal)" 
Subject:      Re: TG77

>        I've sent this message about three times.. does anybody know how to
>get the data entry slider on the TG77 to act as a local controller? If not,
>does anybody know of any Yamaha support group/node?..
>                                                        Jamie Hodge

I may not quite understand your intent, but if you wish to assign the data
slider as a controller on the "controller" edit page, simply do so - it is
controller #06 I believe. No different than assigning one of the mod wheels
or anything else. That's all it takes.  Were you trying to do something


Date:         Tue, 15 Feb 1994 10:01:32 -0500
From:         "Joseph D. McMahon" 
Subject:      Re: TG77

JAMIE M. HODGE writes:
>         I've sent this message about three times.. does anybody know how to
> get the data entry slider on the TG77 to act as a local controller? If not,
> does anybody know of any Yamaha support group/node?..
>                                                         Jamie Hodge
Sorry, Jamie, it's just the nature of electronic mailing lists. If no one
answers, it usually means we're all clueless as to how to solve the problem.

 --- Joe M.

Date:         Tue, 15 Feb 1994 11:05:55 EST
From:         Brian Adamson 
Subject:      Re: TG77

% JAMIE M. HODGE writes:
% >
% >         I've sent this message about three times.. does anybody know how to
% > get the data entry slider on the TG77 to act as a local controller? If not,
% > does anybody know of any Yamaha support group/node?..
% >                                                         Jamie Hodge
% >
% Sorry, Jamie, it's just the nature of electronic mailing lists. If no one
% answers, it usually means we're all clueless as to how to solve the problem.
%  --- Joe M.

Subscribe to which can be done via a message to:

 I believe ...

I get mail from both lists & from this message's subject line had assumed
it was posted to the "sy-list" instead of "emusic-l"  ....  When I saw J.
McMahon's name on a TG77 message I was curious ... :-)

I don't know the answer to your question ... but someone on the sy-list might.

Good luck,

R. Brian Adamson                    Information Technology Division            Naval Research Laboratory
NRL Code 5523                       Washington, DC 20375

Date:         Tue, 15 Feb 1994 11:54:50 -0500
From:         "Jamie M. Hodge" 
Subject:      Re: TG77

>>        I've sent this message about three times.. does anybody know how to
>>get the data entry slider on the TG77 to act as a local controller? If not,
>>does anybody know of any Yamaha support group/node?..
>>                                                        Jamie Hodge
>I may not quite understand your intent, but if you wish to assign the data
>slider as a controller on the "controller" edit page, simply do so - it is
>controller #06 I believe. No different than assigning one of the mod wheels
>or anything else. That's all it takes.  Were you trying to do something

       I tried that, and it didn't work.. When you're in voice mode, I'm playing
hopscotch with the slider and nothing is happening..
      ooBorn UndSr a RhYuing P-anSt

Date:         Wed, 16 Feb 1994 11:14:37 GMT
From:         Neil Durant 
Subject:      Re: TG77

In <> "Jon writes:

> >        I've sent this message about three times.. does anybody know how to
> >get the data entry slider on the TG77 to act as a local controller? If not,
> >does anybody know of any Yamaha support group/node?..
> >                                                        Jamie Hodge
> I may not quite understand your intent, but if you wish to assign the data
> slider as a controller on the "controller" edit page, simply do so - it is
> controller #06 I believe. No different than assigning one of the mod wheels
> or anything else. That's all it takes.  Were you trying to do something
> else?
> Jon

It might not work in all modes though (I'm not sure).  I have an SY55 and
the data slider only works as a local controller in 'voice play' mode,
ie not in the multi-mode (because it's used for other parameters in that).

Has anybody tried accessing the "+/Yes" and "-/No" buttons via midi using
either controllers or sys-ex ?

Neil Durant

Date:         Wed, 16 Feb 1994 16:39:05 -0500
From:         "Jamie M. Hodge" 
Subject:      Re: TG77

Jamie wrote:
>> >        I've sent this message about three times.. does anybody know how to
>> >get the data entry slider on the TG77 to act as a local controller? If not,
>> >does anybody know of any Yamaha support group/node?..
>> >                                                        Jamie Hodge
>> I may not quite understand your intent, but if you wish to assign the data
>> slider as a controller on the "controller" edit page, simply do so - it is
>> controller #06 I believe. No different than assigning one of the mod wheels
>> or anything else. That's all it takes.  Were you trying to do something
>> else?
>> Jon
>It might not work in all modes though (I'm not sure).  I have an SY55 and
>the data slider only works as a local controller in 'voice play' mode,
>ie not in the multi-mode (because it's used for other parameters in that).
>Has anybody tried accessing the "+/Yes" and "-/No" buttons via midi using
>either controllers or sys-ex ?
>Neil Durant

        Well, I finally looked up the slider on the midi specs sheet, and lo
and behold!: The damn thing receives controller #6, but the slider doesn't t
transmit!!! Damn.. Well so much for design.. Thanks for the advice anyways..
                                                                Jamie Hodge

      ooBorn Under a RhYming Planet

Date:         Wed, 16 Feb 1994 23:02:25 CST
From:         HARRY HAECKER 
Subject:      Re: TG77

I have tried to send data slider messages from the TG77 to Cakewalk while
recording (that is, just slip-slidin' up and down), and have not received
any CC messages in the event window.  I really don't think the Data Slider
does jack in terms of "real-time control": it's just for changing values
in edit mode.  I've read the manual ( believe it or not!!) and never noticed
anything of this sort mentioned.(page 29)

I have been able to "capture" the Bulk Protect Off message and send it before
sending the other SysEx parameters for a song.  That feature is all I've
noticed in terms of button-pushingactivated SysEx messages.
Harry Haecker (bthaec@lsuvm.bitnet)

Date:         Thu, 17 Feb 1994 08:25:43 -0500
From:         "Jon Crystal (Jon Crystal)" 
Subject:      Re: TG77

>I have tried to send data slider messages from the TG77 to Cakewalk while
>recording (that is, just slip-slidin' up and down), and have not received
>any CC messages in the event window.  I really don't think the Data Slider
>does jack in terms of "real-time control": it's just for changing values
>in edit mode.  I've read the manual ( believe it or not!!) and never noticed
>anything of this sort mentioned.(page 29)

Sounds like a difference between the TG and the SY:  on the SY77 the data
slider most certainly is functional as a continuous controller for SY patch


Date:         Thu, 17 Feb 1994 13:04:18 -0500
From:         "Jamie M. Hodge" 
Subject:      Re: TG77

>I have tried to send data slider messages from the TG77 to Cakewalk while
>recording (that is, just slip-slidin' up and down), and have not received
>any CC messages in the event window.  I really don't think the Data Slider
>does jack in terms of "real-time control": it's just for changing values
>in edit mode.  I've read the manual ( believe it or not!!) and never noticed
>anything of this sort mentioned.(page 29)

The midi implementation sheet indicates that the data slider doesn't transmit
a thing.. oh well..
      **Born Under A Rhyming Planet
        +8 Records, Chicago, Il.

Date:         Thu, 17 Feb 1994 22:29:20 GMT
From:         Jeff Baust 
Subject:      Re: TG77

The data slider can initiate a string of Sysex info, so if your
sequencer has realtime transform on the input, you can map the sysex
to whatever continuous controller you need.  I just tried it with
Notator, and it worked fine.  It will create interruptions in the music,
if the TG is your sound source.

Date:         Wed, 9 Feb 1994 00:18:07 -0400
From:         "JAMIE M. HODGE" 
Subject:      TG77 Data Entry

        Why is it that I can't get the Data Entry slide on the TG77 to
controller LFO, pan, etc.  Is it incapable of controlling itself? Please
help, I can't afford at midi slider board, and desperately need real-time
                                                        Jamie Hodge

End of the EMUSIC-L Digest