EMUSIC-L Digest Volume 61, Issue 05
This issue's topics:
LFO, VCF, Huh? (5 messages)
Thanks for the abbrviation info.
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Date: Wed, 9 Feb 1994 10:14:04 -0600
From: Arne Claassen ISE
Subject: LFO, VCF, Huh?
ok, i've been playing with synths for a while and now that i finally got
myself a Juno, i'm even more into the abreviations. Sure i know what they
do and know how to tweak them, but aside from LFO, i don't know what they
stand for.
With they i refer to: VCF VCA DCO DCA (and i'm sure i'm missing some others.)
Just curious...
Arne F. Claassen |"In cows we trust | EPS Classic * D4
| E pluribus Moo" | Juno 106
| MTV for eMpty minds | Mac Centris 650
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 1994 16:51:01 +0000
From: Matthew G Overton
Subject: Re: LFO, VCF, Huh?
>ok, i've been playing with synths for a while and now that i finally got
>myself a Juno, i'm even more into the abreviations. Sure i know what they
>do and know how to tweak them, but aside from LFO, i don't know what they
>stand for.
>With they i refer to: VCF VCA DCO DCA (and i'm sure i'm missing some others.)
>Just curious...
You'll probably be inundated with replies but here goes just in case:
Voltage Controlled Filter
Voltage Controlled Amplifier
Digitally Controlled Oscillator
Digitally Controller Amplifier
The Juno series were analogue synths that used digital control to stop the
oscillators and other functions from going out of tune etc. The Prophets
were voltage controlled so drifted over time and were especially
susceptible due to heat. Digital control was more consistent and probably
cheaper. My old Juno 6 manual had this kind of info in it. I found that it
was important to understand how these components related to each other to
produce good 'synthetic' sounds. If your manual doesn't or you didn't get
one, try to get hold of one or a copy, or some kind of old manual, because
altho' it seems you can tweak swtiches and sliders, I think you'll gain
much more out of your synth with an understanding of analogue synthesis and
it will stand you in good stead when programming sounds on digital
synths/samplers. Just a suggestion!
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 1994 09:23:50 GMT
From: UK478 Stephen Charles
Subject: Re: LFO, VCF, Huh?
In article <9402091614.AA13426@ebs330>, Arne Claassen ISE
|> With they i refer to: VCF VCA DCO DCA (and i'm sure i'm missing some
Aren't acronyms fun! I can manage a few...
VCO - Voltage Controlled Oscillator
VCF - Voltage Controlled Filter
VCA - Voltage Controlled Amplifier
DCO,DCF,DCA - see VCO,VCA,VCF but D=Digitally
LFO - Low Frequency Oscillator
| Steve Charles Motorola LMPS |
| UK |
| "Opinions are mine and not my employers" |
| |
| Tel : 0256 484275 Email : |
| x400 : CSC007@email |
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 1994 13:24:09 MET
From: Andrea TONI
Subject: Re: LFO, VCF, Huh?
> cheaper. My old Juno 6 manual had this kind of info in it. I found that it
> was important to understand how these components related to each other to
Hi Matt ..
Do you still have by any chance this old Juno6 manual ..
I'm a proud owner of a J6 without manual .. I can of course manage .. but
I would love to have the original papers ..
Thnx in advance ..
Andrea TONI ( | | |
Solar System and Space VCO-->VCF-->VCA--> DUCATI 900SS
Science Division (SO) | | |
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 1994 15:00:09 +0000
From: Matthew G Overton
Subject: Re: LFO, VCF, Huh?
>Hi Matt ..
>Do you still have by any chance this old Juno6 manual ..
>I'm a proud owner of a J6 without manual .. I can of course manage .. but
>I would love to have the original papers ..
>Thnx in advance ..
Unfortunately, no. In retrospect, I realise that I really slipped up. I
should have at least photocopied it but I sold it on when I got rid of that
synth. Now, of course, I automatically photocopy any manual I lay my hands
on just in case :-)
Sorry I couldn't help :-(
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 1994 11:31:53 -0600
From: Arne Claassen ISE
Subject: Thanks for the abbrviation info.
Thanks to everyone that sent me mail on the abbreviations i mentioned.
Life is clearer now.
Arne F. Claassen |"In cows we trust | EPS Classic * D4
| E pluribus Moo" | Juno 106
| MTV for eMpty minds | Mac Centris 650
End of the EMUSIC-L Digest