
EMUSIC-L Digest                                      Volume 61, Issue 14

This issue's topics:
	*** MIDI PATCHBAY schematics !!! *** (2 messages)
	BFF - Call to Artists
	Call for new electroacoustic and computer music works.
	Computer Music bibliography
	Is there a K2000 user group?
	job posting (2 messages)
	Just a passing note (2 messages)
	KLANGWIND: request for sounds
	Midi files/software archives on the Internet
	MIDI GS sequences available
	New IUMA Info :)
	Working out the kinks...

Your EMUSIC-L Digest moderator is Joe McMahon .
You may subscribe to EMUSIC-L by sending mail to with 
the line "SUB EMUSIC-L your name" as the text.
The EMUSIC-L archive is a service of SunSite ( at the 
University of North Carolina.
Date:         Wed, 2 Feb 1994 06:07:28 -0500
From:         David HAUBENSACK 
Subject:      *** MIDI PATCHBAY schematics !!! ***

Last summer, I built a simple MIDI patchbay of my own. It uses mechanical
switches, but is very useful, especially if you use a sequencer, an editor,
several MIDI controllers, etc... It has MIDI mixing and MIDI thru functions.
It draw schematics of it under a postscript format. The name of the
file is, it contains two pages...

I uploaded it to several ftp servers: /incoming /incoming /pub/MIDI/DOC (soon I hope)...

I can also send it uuencoded and splitted to this list if some people
does not have access to ftp.

Have fun, and feel free to contact me.


|  David HAUBENSACK, ,       |
|  C.E.A. Cadarache DEP/SIT                           |
|  13108 ST-PAUL-LEZ-DURANCE, FRANCE                  |
|  tel: (33)42254292  fax: (33)42257298               |
|                           ___     /\                |
|           /\  /\  /\     /\__\   /_/_               |
|          /_/_/ / /_/_   /_/_    /\__/\              |
|         / \_/ / /\__/\  \__/\  /_/_/_/              |
|        / / / / /_/_/ /____/ / /\____/\              |
|        \/  \/  \___\/ \___\/  \/    \/              |

Date:         Thu, 3 Feb 1994 03:01:15 -0500
From:         David HAUBENSACK 
Subject:      !!! MIDI PATCHBAY: where to find it !!!

The file is now available on
in /pub/midi/misc.


Date:         Wed, 26 Jan 1994 04:11:09 GMT
From:         Bret Battey 
Subject:      BFF - Call to Artists

The following Call to Artists is being distributed to many points across
the Internet. Although a Call to Artists may seem tangentially related to
the interests of your particular news or mailing group, please keep in
mind the interdisciplinary nature of the emerging digital arts. Beyond
Fast Forward seeks contributors whose work blurs extant boundaries
between media, technologies, ideologies, cultures, and disciplines.

Please distribute this Call to Artists to others to whom it would be of


    Beyond Fast Forward: A New Media Arts Event presents

                      A CALL TO ARTISTS
                  Interactive Installations
                       That Reconcile
                the New Digital Technologies
                    with Human Experience
      Co-Sponsored by 911 Media Arts Center & Northwest

Background Information
  911 Media Arts Center is Washington's only non-profit
  arts organization that supports artists and independent
  producers who use media -- video, film, audio, and
  multimedia -- as creative communication and artforms.
  911's programs include year-round public screenings and
  live media presentations, often with guest artists from
  around the region and the world; workshops that teach
  film & video editing, grant writing, screen writing,
  media literacy concepts, and the full spectrum of media
  production; and low-cost access to information and
  professional-quality media production equipment that
  enables everyone to speak and understand the language of
  media through images and sound.

  Northwest CyberArtists were established in 1992 with the
  goal of bringing artists and technologists from a variety
  of backgrounds together and facilitating collaborations,
  experimentation, and shared learning. Today, the group
  consists of over 250 people around the nation including
  many leaders in multimedia, virtual reality, professional
  audio, and related fields.

  911 Media Arts Center is re-imagining its current and
  future function as a broad-based community
  cultural/educational organization by presenting a weekend
  interactive event to address the artistic uses of, and
  the public interest issues surrounding the converging
  digital imaging and communications technologies. The name
  of this project is Beyond Fast Forward: A New Media Arts

  911 Media Arts Center will present Beyond Fast Forward
  (BFF) on September 22-25, 1994 at Seattle Center. BFF
  will be one of the first public events in the UPS. to
  focus on growing a new regional high-tech cultural
  industry that is rooted in the values of creativity,
  media literacy, and universal access to the new
  converging technologies. The primary intent of this event
  is to awaken Seattle and its leaders to the importance of
  access, media literacy, and support for artists and all
  others who want to use the tools of new media
  technologies for individual expression and communication.
  The secondary intent is to create a new networked
  infrastructure for growing Seattle's future high-tech
  cultural industries based on the creative uses of the
  converging technologies.

  This high-profile event will help define the future
  directions of interactive multimedia in the Northwest
  region by connecting the following five communities:

  *  Artists
  *  Educators
  *  Local and state governments
  *  Digital media industry
  *  Telecommunications & entertainment industry

  BFF will include winning installations from this call for
  artists, demonstration workshops and symposia by national
  leaders in the communities listed above, and evening
  performance/presentations by world class multi-
  disciplinary artists. It will also connect with the
  Bellevue Art Museum's opening of a new exhibition called
  Chaos Never Died that will feature the interactive
  multimedia works of internationally-recognized artists.

BFF Call for Artists
  911 Media Arts Center is collaborating with Northwest
  CyberArtists to produce interactive installations. Over
  15,000 square feet of space in 2 separate buildings
  (Pavilion and Center House) has been allocated to
  interactive installations, including the central
  performance area of Center House. Gallery space will be
  partitioned into zones based on general themes that
  emerge from this call, such as family, education,
  diversity, community, work, home, etc.

Guidelines for Artists' Interactive Installations
  The theme for BFF is artists' central role in the
  creative convergence of digital media with communications
  technology. Artists should relate this convergence to
  human experience through the central concepts and
  strategies of their installation. Here are the
  characteristics of a winning proposal:

     *  Artworks based on process rather than product or
       objects are encouraged;
     *  Artworks should be provocative, engaging, and
       designed for a constant flow of participants;
     *  Artworks should support multiple participants.
       Interaction between participants and/or the spaces
       at the Center (or beyond) is encouraged. Because
       communications technology bridges physical spaces,
       works need not be in a single physical location;
     *  Artworks need not incorporate the absolute leading
       edge of technology -- touch-tone phones, chroma-keyed
       blue screens, primitive cameras, keyboards, and
       computers can be used;
     *  Multi-modal sensory experiences are encouraged -- we
       want people to be immersed in an experience.

The Spaces
  Available installation spaces range from large open
  exhibition areas with some windows and high ceilings to
  traditional conference-style meeting rooms with carpeting
  and windows. However, at this preliminary stage, we are
  more interested in innovative concepts and awesome ideas,
  not specific space dimensions (which is why we are being
  so vague here).

  The Center House central performance zone (the space in
  the center of all the shops and restaurants on the main
  level, and the staircase/platform space just below) must
  focus on The Family. All other zones are open to
  interpretation by the artists as to their central themes
  and/or concepts.

  Preference will be given to installations that are truly
  interactive in their concept. We want to demonstrate the
  essence of actual human communication. using technology
  as an invisible tool rather than as the focus or reason
  for the work.

Who May Apply
  Any artist or group of artists, especially those from the
  Northwest, are welcome to submit a proposal as described
  below. As the trend in the twenty-first century is toward
  alliances. preference will be given to collaborations
  between artists, or between artists and members of the
  other 4 communities listed above. There is a special
  category for student groups of any age, who are
  encouraged to apply.

Support for Installations and Artists
  911 is in the process of securing corporate support for
  this exhibition. incoming proposals will help identify
  needed technology resources, including digital hardware
  and software, cameras, sound equipment, etc. 911 hopes to
  acquire all needed resources from regional providers, but
  cannot guarantee such support.

  Winning artists will be encouraged to collaborate with
  the high-tech companies they choose for their technical
  support, including working with personnel at the
  beginning phases of conceptualization. Applicants should
  assume the support they want will be available, but be
  prepared to identify alternatives. A materials budget
  will be developed individually for each winning project
  Artist fees will be paid based on the scope of works
  chosen and fund raising levels achieved. No living or
  travel expenses will be provided.

What To Submit
  Proposals should include the following:

     *  clearly describe the concept and experience of the
       installation in no more than 2 typed pages (yes,
       paper is old and lame, please humor us for this
       initial proposal);
     *  Up to 5 additional pages of drawings may also be
       submitted. Please include a separate list of
       necessary supplies and equipment, with company names
       if known;
     *  Applicant(s) resume(s) (no more than 2 pages for
       each applicant).

  Please submit 5 copies of all materials to:
     911 Media Arts Center
     117 Yale Ave. N.
     Seattle, WA 98109

  Please do not send original artwork, as NO materials will
  be returned. A panel made up of 911 staff, Northwest
  CyberArtists, and high tech professionals will judge the
  entries. NO FAXES WILL BE ACCEPTED. Applicants will be
  notified by May 15, 1994 as to the status of their

Deadline: April 1, 1994

For additional information: Call Chris at 911: 206-682-6552:
fax 206-682-7422


Date:         Sat, 19 Feb 1994 09:30:55 -0500
From:         Robert Thompson 
Subject:      Call for new electroacoustic and computer music works.



        Composers interested in having their experimental electronic and
        computer music works presented in a professional concert setting
        in Atlanta, Georgia USA are invited to submit works for

Concert: Atomic Cafe: New Sounds of Electroacoustic Music
DATE: June 5, 1994
Deadline for submission: April 15, 1994

Submit cassette tapes or DAT, bio, program note and SASE to:

Robert Thompson
Atomic Cafe Electroacoustic
Care of
Aucourant Records, P.O. Box 672902, Marietta, GA. 30067-0049, USA.

Selection will be based upon technical quality and artistic merit.
Selected works must be resubmitted on DAT for concert presentation.
Composers will be notified of concert date(s) and will be sent programs as
confirmation of presentation.


Aucourant Records Computer Music Series is seeking high quality computer music
works for consideration for future compact disc publication.  Interested
composers should send detailed CV, audio recording of submission on either
high quality cassette tape or on DAT, along with program note and biography.
Criteria is based on high quality of technical merit and artistic excellence.
Innovative, future-oriented music is actively sought.  Enquire via post
for further information.

Send submissions to:

        Aucourant Records / Computer Music Series
        Artistic Director, Dr. R.S.Thompson
        Care of - Aucourant Records
        P.O.Box 672902
        MARIETTA, GEORGIA 30067-0049 USA


Date:         Thu, 10 Feb 1994 07:52:00 EST
From:         Pedro Hernando Rozo Mora 

I want to know the names of Colombian (South American), that are in EMUSIC-L;
I'm Colombian, I'm on ITEC(TELECOM). Santafe de Bogota; I'am Enginner Systems.
I play piano and Guitar.

Pedro Rozo

Date:         Tue, 1 Mar 1994 01:11:31 +0100
From:         Piet van Oostrum 
Subject:      Computer Music bibliography

There is a bibliography on synthesizers, midi, computer and electronic
music that I have collected from various sources. I have tried to bring
some structure into it, but not all books will fit into a single subject.
NOTE: I haven't read these books, and the comments are from other people.

The latest version of this file can be obtained by ftp from
[] in pub/MIDI/DOC/bibliography or by mail from (send a message with HELP in the body). From the
mail-server the filename without pub/ should be used.
The latest monthly version is also available in the various news.answers
archives around the world, in music/midi/bibliography.

Date:         Fri, 25 Feb 1994 16:37:40 -0500
From:         Joe McMahon 
Subject:      EMUSIC-L goes WWW

Directly-connected Internet users: Announcing the new EMUSIC-L WWW site.
Mosaic users can now access the EMUSIC-L anonymous FTP site via the World
Wide Web.

Currently, we have a hypertext version of Piet van Oostrum's FTP sites list
which will take you directly to any of the sites with a single click, and a
goodly collection of synth reviews and miscellanea from the old newsgroup.

I am working on hypertext indices into the back issues; perhaps we'll be
able to  make the archives searchable as well.

The URL is "". If that
doesn't mean anything to you, you probably can't use it.

 --- Joe M.

Date:         Fri, 25 Feb 1994 11:04:11 GMT
From:         JOEL STERN 
Subject:      GRAHAME CD OUT

          I was asked by someone on the MIDI users group whatchmacallit BBS
          to put the following info out on the internet, which I am pleased
          to do:

          James Grahame has  begun mailing out  his completed Analog  Synth
          audio sampling CDs  to  people  who  ordered them.  Part  of  the
          hold-up occurred because he discovered at  the  last moment  that
          one  of  the sound contributors had submitted commercial samples.
          Thirteen  minutes worth  of samples had  to  be excised from  the
          completed master tape.

          As  a personal note, I received mine last week and I'm very happy
          with the quality and variety of samples on  the disk. For $30 I'm
          sure you can't beat it.

          Anyone who's interested in getting a copy can call James on (306)
          757-5706 or (306) 536-3342 (days).

          Joel Stern

          tel:301-588-8061  fax:301-585-7642

Date:         Tue, 8 Feb 1994 10:33:00 EST
From:         Don Vincent 
Subject:      Is there a K2000 user group?

I have seen posts to this list about a K2000 discussion group on the
internet.  How/where do I join?

Don V.
email address:

Date:         Tue, 15 Feb 1994 10:27:50 -0400
Subject:      job posting


The Conservatory of Music at Oberlin College invites
applications for a non-continuing, full-time position in the
Technology in Music and Related Arts Program (TIMARA)
for the first and second semesters, 1994-95.

The Conservatory of Music is AmericaUs oldest school
dedicated to the training of professional musicians.
Founded in 1865, it was the first college-affiliated
conservatory in the United States.  Its students are enrolled
in undergraduate programs leading to the Bachelor of
Music in performance, composition, music education, music
history, historical performance, electronic and computer
music, and jazz studies; graduate programs leading to a
master of music in conducting, historical performance,
opera theater, master of music education, or master of
music in teaching.  Performance and artist diplomas are
also offered.  The Conservatory and College have earned
national reputations of excellence based upon the quality of
the student body (drawn from every state in the union and
abroad), fine faculty, and excellent facilities.

The TIMARA Program offers a four-year curriculum leading
to a Bachelor of Music degree in electronic and computer
music.  There are two full time teaching faculty, a full time
music engineer, and a part time teacher of studio recording.
There are 25-30 majors.
The individual appointed will have general responsibility for
and will perform the following specific duties:

1.      Teaching courses in analog and digital sound
synthesis, computer music software, and multi-track
recording techniques.

2.      Participation in meetings and activities of the TIMARA
Program Committee and the Conservatory of Music.

Qualifications include:

1.      Advanced degree.  A doctorate in composition or
computer music is preferred but persons nearing
completion of a doctorate will also be considered.

2.      Demonstrated experience and achievement in digital
and analog signal processing, sound synthesis,
computer programming, and composition.

3.      Experience with interactive computer music systems
in performance.

Interested persons should submit credentials to Karen L.
Wolff, Dean, Oberlin College Conservatory of Music,
Oberlin, Ohio 44074.  All credentials should be postmarked
by March 1, 1994 to ensure consideration.  Those received
after that date will be considered until the position is filled.
The appointment will be made at the rank of Instructor or
Assistant Professor.  Salary will be commensurate with
experience and qualifications.

Date:         Thu, 17 Feb 1994 14:02:41 -0800
From:         metlay 
Subject:      Re: job posting

Gary Nelson writes:
>The Conservatory of Music at Oberlin College invites
>applications for a non-continuing, full-time position in the
>Technology in Music and Related Arts Program (TIMARA)
>for the first and second semesters, 1994-95.

Oh, man, my alma mater...every once in a while I wish I
went ahead and got that music degree.... (and Gary is
quietly thanking God that I didn't....just kidding, Gary! :)

mike metlay * atomic city * box 81175 pgh pa 15217-0675 *
"Connellion to the nutput jaek." (o.c.r. attempting to grok xpander manual)

Date:         Wed, 23 Feb 1994 09:33:31 -0500
From:         Joe McMahon 
Subject:      Just a passing note

The gentleman (using the term loosely) who posted the ad about his new
album for the second time the other day was kind enough to send me a letter
in reply to my second request to stop in which, among other things, I was
characterized as an "imbecile".

I leave it to you to draw your own conclusions as to whether or not you
wish to purchase his album. Don't bother to send him mail; he obviously
doesn't care about anyone else's opinion.

Does anyone wonder why I sometimes contemplate yanking the netnews feed and
restricting posting only to subscribers?

 --- Joe M. (EMUSIC-L listowner and resident imbecile)

Date:         Wed, 23 Feb 1994 15:21:55 -0600
From:         Arne Claassen ISE 
Subject:      Re: Just a passing note

> The gentleman (using the term loosely) who posted the ad about his new
> album for the second time the other day was kind enough to send me letter
> in reply to my second request to stop in which, among other things, I was
> characterized as an "imbecile".
> I leave it to you to draw your own conclusions as to whether or not you
> wish to purchase his album. Don't bother to send him mail; he obviously
> doesn't care about anyone else's opinion.
> Does anyone wonder why I sometimes contemplate yanking the netnews feed and
> restricting posting only to subscribers?
>  --- Joe M. (EMUSIC-L listowner and resident imbecile)
REASONS for only scanning & r.m.m.s instead of posting a lot:
Random access by anyone with a netnews feed. Incredibly low S/N ratio.

Joe, please register my vote to yank netnews feed. I don't believe it offers
any sort of support to us.

BY the way, feel free to flame me, if net news is your only access to this
group. But if everyone that is actively using this list is an actual mail
subscriber, then kill the news. just another IMHO...

Arne F. Claassen               |"In cows we trust    | EPS Classic * D4
   | E pluribus Moo"     | Juno 106
            | MTV for eMpty minds | Mac Centris 650

Date:         Fri, 18 Feb 1994 17:27:57 GMT
From:         Jens Blanke 
Subject:      KLANGWIND: request for sounds

For our project KLANGWIND at the International Multimedia Workshop 'Island
Project', Gdansk, Poland, we are looking for short pieces of
electroacoustic sound samples from as many countries as possible. In order
to reflect the international character ('Hanseatic League') of this
project, we propose:

Make a record of ten spoken words from your local radio station, process
them by computer programs, effect machines, scissors & tape or treat them
by any means you like (or none at all) and send them to us:

     either mail: an audio cassette or DAT-cassette (48 kHz) to
          Andreas Plass, Waterloostr. 61, D-28201 Bremen, Germany,

     or email: a short soundfile (less than 2 MB) preferred in SD-
     (Digidesign) or AIF-format to

KLANGWIND is an outside sound sculpture consisting a larger number of
small loudspeakers arranged on a circle. They are playing your material,
which is copied onto looped tapes. The direction and properties of the
sound are influenced by the wind which is registrated by a wind recorder on
an antenna in the centre of the circle.

Our KLANGWIND project is presented at the International Multimedia
Workshop 'Island Project' in Gdansk, Poland, 24. May - 14. June 94, which
is part of the Ars Baltica.

Several installations are built on the granary island which is localized
in the centre of Gdansk. This place used to be in the past a unique
district of more than hundred granaries being a centre of intensive
trading. Now it is in a state of ruin and many buildings and structures
are in disarray. It has been forgotten until now, when it has become a
point of lively interest of city authorities that wish to localize here a
bank and hotel centre.

During the last ten years the Gallery Wyspa has used the granary island as
a place for exhibitions, actions, performances and other cultural
activities. We are interested to support an attempt to reconstruct the
cultural identity of the island of granaries.

We are Nina Beckmann, Jens Blanke, Andreas Plass (sculptures, live music,
electronics) building sound sculptures since 1991.

Nina Beckmann,
   Av. de la gare, F-30190 St. Genies de Malgoire,
   phone/fax (11.00 am to 1.00 pm GMT):  (+0033) 66817675

Jens Blanke,

Andreas Plass, Waterloostr. 61, D-28201 Bremen,
   phone: (+0049) 0421-553380

Date:         Tue, 1 Feb 1994 14:39:11 +0100
From:         Piet van Oostrum 
Subject:      Midi files/software archives on the Internet

There is a list of ftp and mail server archives with MIDI documentation,
programs and music on the Internet. Also enclosed is a list of MIDI and
electronic music related mailing lists.

The latest version of this file can be obtained by ftp from
[] in pub/MIDI/DOC/archives or by mail from (send a message with HELP in the body). From the
mail-server the filename without pub/ should be used.
The latest monthly version is also available in the various news.answers
archives around the world, in music/midi/archives.

Date:         Thu, 10 Feb 1994 11:55:37 GMT
From:         Heini Withagen 
Subject:      MIDI GS sequences available

The following MIDI GS sequences are available:

        - Go West by the Pet Shop Boys
        - Follow you, Follow me by Genesis
        - St. Elsewhere (theme song)

They can be obtained through the WWW MIDI Home Page
from or by anonymous
ftp from in the /pub/midi directory.

The MIDI Home page also contains other GS sequences
and more general information about MIDI.

More to come soon.......

Heini Withagen
Dep. of Elec. Engineering EH 9.29
Eindhoven University of Technology
P.O. Box 513                              Phone: 31-40472366
5600 MB Eindhoven                         Fax:   31-40455674
The Netherlands                           E-mail:

Date:         Sun, 6 Feb 1994 19:30:19 GMT
From:         Feigenbaum 
Subject:      New IUMA Info :)

                               IUMA INFORMATION

.___ ____ ___ _____    _____
|   |    |   \     \  /  _  \   the net's first free hi-fi music archive
|   |    |   /  Y   \/  /_\  \ .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.
|   |    |  /   |    \   |    \  The Internet Underground Music Archive
|___|______/____|__  /___|__  /    bands/music/artists/images/bubbles

   _Information File version 1.5, Last updated February 1, 1994_

contact: IUMA                        or     IUMA
         99 Mill Road                       217 Highland Ave, Suite #3
         Santa Cruz, California 95064       Santa Cruz, California 95060
         (408) 457-891

   Since November 1993, the Internet Underground Music Archive (IUMA) has
   provided music distribution on the Internet by compressing audio into
   the internationally standardized MPEG Audio format. With the Internet
   experiencing tremendous growth (20 million current users and hundreds
   of thousands users added each month) we expect the Internet
   Underground Music Archive to be accessible to the majority of people
   with computers by the late 1990s.

   Our goal is to maintain a publically accessible, fast Internet site
   that archives the music, artwork and text of any musician, group or
   band that wishes their music to be internationally and freely
   distributed. The site is currently located:
    * by _Mosaic, lynx, etc. :
    * by _WWW_:
    * by _FTP_:
    * by _gopher_:
          + 5. Worlds of SunSITE
          + 3. Browse all SunSite Archives
          + 10. electronic-publications
          + 2. IUMA


To have your music made available, it must be:

    * a) _ORIGINAL_ --- cover songs are not legal even though no money is
          involved. Feh, we don't like it, but we will abide.

    * b) _COPYRIGHTED_ --- this protects the artist making covers of the
          song illegal. We have info about copyrighting in the
          /IUMA/info/copyright directory. Use the word "Copyright" not
          "(c)" because at least one "legal expert" expressed that since
          the letter 'c' is not fully circled, courts might not
          "recognize" it as a copyright symbol.

    * c) _FREELY DISTRIBUTABLE_ - that means anyone can freely copy it,
          and freely copy it for anyone they like. Oftentimes software
          authors allow their 'ware' to be distributed this way but
          demand/suggest/plead that you mail them a check (usually far
          below what an equivalent commerical product would cost). The
          concept is coined "Shareware". You may, in your textfile,
          demand that after one week of playing that a listener must
          either play your recording at the highest possible volume or
          send a check/postcard/picture-of-them-as-a-child to you. They
          may choose to ignore your feeble demand. Commerical music is
          not "freely distributible" because it "belongs" to a label or

   The IUMA has recently courted some legal experts who will be creating
   legal templates ranging from a Public Domain Statement to an All
   Rights Reserved And I Mean It Statement for bands and artists to
   choose from.

   We also are authoring a policy that states any music on the IUMA is
   freely distributable _only_ in its native form and _only_ for no cost
   unless we, the IUMA project leaders, give written permission. This
   prevents the potential problem of one day finding your song on an
   audio CD without the being paid while allowing the inclusion of your
   song on a computer CD-ROM or on a "mirror site" (a Internet site that
   maintains a copy of the IUMA site) for further distribution or
   archival purposes.


Clear? Well anyway, here's what to send:


   Choose one song recorded using the highest possible fidelity. We will
   accept DATs, CD, cassettes and vinyl. Our tape deck has settings for
   normal bias, high bias, metal cassetes and DNR B and C.

  8-1/2 BY 11 INCHES

   Photographs, artwork, "cybersleeve," finger paintings, what have you
   with high contrast for best scanning results. Black and white results
   in smaller file sizes which is good for the Net. Any text other than
   artistic text belongs in the textfile, not above nor below the image.
   If you wish, you may also send a PC or Macintosh disk with the image
   in any common format. Specify PC or Mac on the disk itself.

  2 8-1/2 BY 11 INCH SIDES OF TEXT

   Whether or not someone on the net grabs a copy of your music/art will
   pivot on this text because it is likely to their first contact with
   you. Tell the potential listener about the musical style, your
   influences or if you were sober, ha ha, your location, how long the
   band has been playing together, your favorite live performance
   memories, your favorite farm animal, the song's lyrics, et al.

   Please begin with the name of the band and the title of the song.

   Please make a list of names of the musicians and what they played.

   If you want your image to be placed somewher other than above the
   text, indicate where it should be inserted.

   IMPORTANT: This would be the right place to include an address for mailing lists/fan clubs/groupies, advertise
for a full demo tape, or
   beg for patronage . Again, you may send a PC or Macintosh disk with
   text in any common format if you wish to save us the trouble of typing
   it up. If you send a handwritten note, please write legibly.


   Just like the textfile above, but _focus_ on the musical style of your
   music. Here's an example by the group Deth Specula,

    "Deth Specula is a five-man, guitar-oriented, neo-retro band from
   Santa Cruz and plays both originals and covers. To quote Thomas
   Jefferson, '... they rule ....'"


   If your tape has more than one song on it, tell us in the note which
   one you want digitized. Don't make us choose, like many have, you may
   regret it, like many have. So that we may process and cross-index your
   music properly, please specify:

    * _Music genre_ (i.e. Experimental, Folk, Indie-Rock)

    * Feel free to be explicitly unusual or common.

    * _ Location_ (i.e. Santa Cruz, California, USA)

    * _ Approx. length of the song _(i.e. 4 minutes)

    * _ Mono/Stereo (i.e. recorded in stereo)

   Please include phone numbers, times we can reach you in an emergency,
   and a single name and mailing address. If you have an email address,
   fax number, etc. include it as well.

   Any special recording instructions belong in the note such as "use a
   Dolby Noise Reduction B" or "feel free to convert the song to mono."

   The IUMA is run by people dedicated to worldwide distribution of
   otherwise obscure bands and artists. Donations pay for not only the
   digitizing, compressing, scanning and typing, but also for the
   maintanence and management of IUMA as a whole. You can safely assume
   that we spend about an hour to process, upload, and archive your song,
   artwork and textfile. We think US$20 is not asking too much. Foreign
   currency is encouraged as it would be interesting. Checks should be
   payable to IUMA and are not tax-deductible.

   We do have an /incoming directory for those on the Internet who can
   perform their own conversion. However, we must insist that you
   compress your audio into the MPEG II audio format, perform the audio
   digitizing with true CD fidelity (44.1kHz, 16bit, Stereo or Mono,
   -90dB SNR) and that you submit files according the specifications
   described above.

   If you need to have anything returned, please enclose a
   self-addressed, prepaid, protective envelope. We'd prefer to keep your
   "master recording" in our file cabinet due to the fast and furious
   changes occuring in audio compression and our site itself. If you have
   special needs email or use the address and
   telephone number above.

   If you represent a label or more than a single artist, please
   email/write/call us to discuss arrangements.

   We look forward to hearing your music on the Net.

   Robert Lord, Jeff Patterson

           FTP: _______ ___    ___  ___  ___  ______
                    /\______\\__\  /\__\/\__\_\  \/\_____\
                    \/__  __//  / / /  / /       / /      |
Internet           __/ / /  /  /_/ /  / /  /_/  / /  /_|  |
     Underground  /\_\/ /_\ \  \_\/  / /  / /  / /  ___   |
Music Archive     \/______/  \______/\/__/  \_/\/__/   |__|

                    Internet Underground Music Archive
                       217 Highland Court, Suite #3
                       Santa Cruz, California 95060
                Telephone: (408) 457-8910 or (408) 429-5476

.___ ____ ___ _____    _____
|   |    |   \     \  /  _  \       the net's first hi-fi music archive
|   |    |   /  Y   \/  /_\  \     .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.
|   |    |  /   |    \   |    \    The Internet Underground Music Archive
|___|______/____|__  /___|__  /      bands/music/labels/images/bubbles
ftp               -[rP]-

Date:         Mon, 28 Feb 1994 10:28:02 -0500
From:         Joe McMahon 
Subject:      Working out the kinks...

I got a message from Phil Jones in which he told me that accessing the
EMUSIC-L Mosaic page got something which resembled the Bellman's map:
a complete blank.

Careful examination found a missing bracket on one of the keywords, which
was causing the entire document to be interpreted as part of the title.
Oh well. It's fixed now, and verified from an X Mosaic client on another
machine. (Thanks, Phil.)

Enjoy, and please let me know what else you'd like to see there. Perhaps
we might be able to set up a distribution point for people to send me URLs
to point to pages describing albums with cover art and sound bites, or
something like that. (No need for ads at all then.)

 --- Joe M.

End of the EMUSIC-L Digest