EMUSIC-L Digest Volume 61, Issue 16
This issue's topics:
Need MIDI info for a guitarist (6 messages)
Wavestation Output Routing (4 messages)
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Date: Tue, 8 Feb 1994 10:27:00 EST
From: Don Vincent
Subject: Need MIDI info for a guitarist
I have a friend who is a guitarist, and he is interested in getting
involved with synths and MIDI. I have little to no experience with MIDI
interfaces for guitars. I know they exist, but I don't know which ones
to recommend to him. Also, are there any good beginner's guides to MIDI
and synths that I should recommend to him?
Thanks in advance for your help,
Don V.
email address:
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 1994 10:59:56 -0500
From: Thom Cox
Subject: Re: Need MIDI info for a guitarist
I have the Roland GM-70 interface, I love it!!!!!!
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 1994 09:21:05 EST
From: Bill Fox
Subject: Re: Need MIDI info for a guitarist
> From: Don Vincent
> Subject: Need MIDI info for a guitarist
> I have a friend who is a guitarist, and he is interested in getting
> involved with synths and MIDI. I have little to no experience with MIDI
> interfaces for guitars. I know they exist, but I don't know which ones
> to recommend to him. Also, are there any good beginner's guides to MIDI
> and synths that I should recommend to him?
> Thanks in advance for your help,
> Don V.
> email address:
A long time ago, there were some guitar threads on the MMML which I
saved. If you'd like a copy (many files appended), I'll send it out
privately, unless others wish to see it, too. CAVEAT!!! It will
consume MUCH BANDWIDTH with other guitar related topics and it is dated
material. There's probably no mention of Roland's latest offering, the
GR-1 with uses the same pickup (GK-2) as the older GR-50. GR-50 (1u
rack) and GR-1 (floor pedals) both include internal synths.
Bill Fox
P. S. Shouldn't these gear topics be on SYNTH-L instead?
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 1994 19:14:10 PST
From: "John M. Stokes"
Subject: Re: Need MIDI info for a guitarist
The big MIDI guitar synths out are the (somewhat unheard of nowdays)Roland
GR-50(I think that's right), the Roland GR-1 (in a stompboard config.) and the
new Roland GR-09 (also stompboard). The advantage to these is that you don't
have to buy a dedicated MIDI guitar, all you need is the Roland GK-2 guitar-to-
MIDI pickup which you install on your own guitar. This pickup is specific in
it's interface to the other Roland synths, so you have to buy it AND one of
the synths-you then can control any rack/keyboard synth via MIDI through the
guitar synth and GK-2, but a Non-Roland dedicated synth cannot be directly
controlled by the GK-2. I know of no other such setups. I heard a rumor a while
back of a Guitar-to-MIDI pickup that wasn't dedicated to a synth by (??) Akai,
but I have no idea if that is true. There is of course the option of buying
a dedicated MIDI guitar as well, with which you(your friend) could control
MIDI synths directly, but these tend to be pretty hi$$ if memory serves.
Hope this info helps!
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 1994 15:40:19 GMT
From: Neil Durant
Subject: Re: Need MIDI info for a guitarist
In <> "John writes:
> The big MIDI guitar synths out are the (somewhat unheard of nowdays)Roland
> GR-50(I think that's right), the Roland GR-1 (in a stompboard config.) and
> new Roland GR-09 (also stompboard). The advantage to these is that you don't
> have to buy a dedicated MIDI guitar, all you need is the Roland GK-2
> MIDI pickup which you install on your own guitar. This pickup is specific in
> it's interface to the other Roland synths, so you have to buy it AND one of
> the synths-you then can control any rack/keyboard synth via MIDI through the
> guitar synth and GK-2, but a Non-Roland dedicated synth cannot be directly
> controlled by the GK-2. I know of no other such setups. I heard a rumor a
> back of a Guitar-to-MIDI pickup that wasn't dedicated to a synth by (??)
> but I have no idea if that is true. There is of course the option of buying
> a dedicated MIDI guitar as well, with which you(your friend) could control
> MIDI synths directly, but these tend to be pretty hi$$ if memory serves.
> Hope this info helps!
> -John
There is a midi guitar pickup available which can be attatched to any
guitar and has a standard midi output, which can be connected to any midi
synth/expander module. It's called the 'Shaddow' and I think it's made
by a company called Shaddow - I could be wrong though.
It's a lot cheaper than a GK-2, but doesn't quite track as well.
Neil Durant
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 1994 13:37:00 CST
From: Jesse Traynham
Subject: Re: Need MIDI info for a guitarist
I just recieved a Macintosh For 1994 catalog and on page 18 there is somthing
about a G-VOX. The description is vague, but it gives me the impresson that
it interacts with MIDI in some way. Evedently the G-VOX works with Mac or PC.
I'm a guitarist as well and I'm begging for a way to communicate with MIDI on
the slacking budget that I run. If you have heard about this software please
relay any information that you can.
P.S. I do know that it is put out by the company Lyrrus.
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 1994 18:41:36 EST
Subject: Wavestation Output Routing
Has anyone bothered to route patches to the C and D outputs on the Wavestation
(EX) in Multi Mode?I misplaced my manual, and have been unable to successfully
make use of these outputs.
Concerning Wavestations...
The other day, my piano patch (00 on the card) started sounding as if a flanger
was hooked up to it. This annoying occurence only stopped when I played the
Wavestation from a remote keyboard. Any Ideas as to why?
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 1994 23:45:33 -0600
From: Arne Claassen ISE
Subject: Re: Wavestation Output Routing
>The other day, my piano patch (00 on the card) started sounding as if a flanger
>was hooked up to it. This annoying occurence only stopped when I played the
>Wavestation from a remote keyboard. Any Ideas as to why?
Can't answer for Wavestations in specific, but i get the same effect when my
midi box or my sequencer echos the signals i send. I.e. i get the original
signal of me playing and then, a millisecond or so afterwards, the echo
signal is played, creating a slight flanging effect. Of course, when i play
from a remote, only the midi-ed signal plays, since there is no source signal.
Hope that helps...
Arne F. Claassen |"In cows we trust | EPS Classic * D4
| E pluribus Moo" | Juno 106
| MTV for eMpty minds | Mac Centros 650
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 1994 10:12:03 +0000
From: Nick Rothwell
Subject: Re: Wavestation Output Routing
>Has anyone bothered to route patches to the C and D outputs on the Wavestation
>(EX) in Multi Mode?I misplaced my manual, and have been unable to successfully
>make use of these outputs.
Guesswork: you haven't programmed the part detail in the performance to set
effects routing to PATCH (or something explicit) rather than 50/50% A+B.
Nick Rothwell |
CASSIEL Contemporary Music/Dance |
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 1994 18:04:49 -0800
From: * Bouncer **
Subject: Re: flanging local keyboard sounds (was Wavestation Output Routing)
>Concerning Wavestations...
>The other day, my piano patch (00 on the card) started sounding as if a flanger
>was hooked up to it. This annoying occurence only stopped when I played the
>Wavestation from a remote keyboard. Any Ideas as to why?
It sounds like you had a "midi loop", where the output of the
Wavestation was probably connected to your computer's MIDI in, and then
the computer was echoing the MIDI message back out to the Wavestation's
MIDI in. The flanging you were hearing was due to the short delay
introduced between the time when the Wavestation plays the first note
(locally on from its own keyboard), and the amount of time it took
for the computer to process the MIDI message, and echo it out back
to the Wavestation (thus playing a second note, like a layer).
The reason you didn't hear the flanging when playing the Wavestation
from another keyboard was because there wasn't the LOCAL keypress
on the Wavestation's keyboard to play the first note, just the second one
via MIDI.
Billyb (** Bouncer **)
Attachment converted: Castrovalva:3 chords 2 (Midi/BYND) (0000749B)
Attachment converted: Castrovalva:3 chords 3 (Midi/BYND) (0000749C)
End of the EMUSIC-L Digest