
EMUSIC-L Digest                                      Volume 61, Issue 18

This issue's topics:
	Mac Sequencing Program? (6 messages)

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Date:         Tue, 15 Feb 1994 16:49:10 CST
From:         FA19000 
Subject:      Mac Sequencing Program?

Does anyone know of any PD or shareware sequencing programs
for Mac?
                                       Janice Saffir
Northeast  Missouri State Univ.        FA19%ACADEMIC.NEMOSTATE.EDU
Kirksville                             FA19@NEMOMUS.BITNET

Date:         Wed, 16 Feb 1994 10:22:16 PST
From:         "John M. Stokes" 
Subject:      Re: Mac Sequencing Program?

I'm not sure if it's shareware, but there is a MIDI sequencer by Alltech
that I got free-and I even think it was legal.

Right off the top of my head, I don't remember what it's called, but I'll
try to get back to you on it. Supposedly, it's included free with their MIDI


Date:         Thu, 17 Feb 1994 10:29:23 -0600
From:         Ken Fansler 
Subject:      Re: Mac Sequencing Program?

> I'm not sure if it's shareware, but there is a MIDI sequencer by Alltech
> that I got free-and I even think it was legal.
> Right off the top of my head, I don't remember what it's called, but I'll
> try to get back to you on it. Supposedly, it's included free with their MIDI
> interfaces.
> -John

It wouldn't be Master Trax Jr., would it?

Ken Fansler

Date:         Thu, 17 Feb 1994 11:50:00 -0500
From:         "Jon Crystal (Jon Crystal)" 
Subject:      Re: Mac Sequencing Program?

>> I'm not sure if it's shareware, but there is a MIDI sequencer by Alltech
>> that I got free-and I even think it was legal.
>> Right off the top of my head, I don't remember what it's called, but I'll
>> try to get back to you on it. Supposedly, it's included free with their MIDI
>> interfaces.
>> -John
>It wouldn't be Master Trax Jr., would it?
>Ken Fansler

Maybe "MiniTrax" which is a 16-channel sequencer on the shareware circuit?


Date:         Fri, 18 Feb 1994 13:01:36 GMT
From:         UK478 Stephen Charles 
Subject:      Re: Mac Sequencing Program?

In article <>, "Jon Crystal (Jon Crystal)"

|> Maybe "MiniTrax" which is a 16-channel sequencer on the shareware circuit?
|> Jon

Minitrax1.55 is a PD demo by Altech - 16 track basic funcionality sequencer

Have a nose around in  mac/sound/midi/...         pub/midi/...

There's all sorts of MAC MIDI software as PD, shareware & crippleware in there.

Have fun

|  Steve Charles                           Motorola LMPS |
|                                                     UK |
|      "Opinions are mine and not my employers"          |
|                                                        |
|  Tel : 0256 484275         Email : |
|                            x400  : CSC007@email        |

Date:         Sat, 19 Feb 1994 16:03:28 PST
From:         "John M. Stokes" 
Subject:      Re: Mac Sequencing Program?


Thank you, Jon! Minitrax is what I was thinking of.


End of the EMUSIC-L Digest