
                Colorware Instruction Set by Mnemonic

OPN    CHR      OPN    CHR      OPN    CHR      OPN    CHR      OPN    CHR
----------      ----------      ----------      ----------      ----------

AAV+   +$       AED+   +.       BFL     B       BLG+   +%       BSO     g
CAI+   ++       CHR+   +-       COP     )       DAI     r       DCA     p
DCL     O       DFC     n       DFP     !       DFR     o       DJC     d
DMV     m       DPA     &       DPK     N       DRL     =       DSF     7
DSK     %       DSP+   +!       DTM     2       DVA     A       DVR     l
ECU     5       EJC     U       ELP+   +"       EPA     h       ERS     ~
ESC    ^[       ESF     9       ETC     3       ETP+   +'       FFD    ^L
FRR     ,       GFL     $       GS     ^]       HOM     _       HSR     w
IFL     I       JUS     ;       LAT+   +&       LMR     :       MAR+   +*
MOV     Q       MVR     i       OFL     V       OPT     (       PEK+   +0
POK+   +1       RCP     j       RCT+   +#       RDA     \       RHO     y
RHR     a       RHS     t       RJP     q       ROT+   +,       RPX     Y
RRD     @       RST     0       RTP     !       RVO     z       RZR+   +/
SAC     {       SAP     ^       SAR     #       SBC     [       SBL     4
SBR     b       SCC     c       SCD     *       SCP     ]       SCR     >
SCS     `       SCT     K       SDA     ^[      SEC     C       SEN     G
SHO     f       SIF     H       SKS     6       SLS     1       SPF     "
SRM     M       SSE     }       STD     '       STP+   +(       STW+   +)
SUB    ^Z       SUC     ?       SUP     -       SVO     e       SWM     L
SZR     E       VSR     x       WDA     .       WHC     u       WHR     \
WHS     X       WHU     s       WIP     v       WMP     k       WPX     T
WRD     F       WSF     8       XCD     <       XTD     +       XXX    ^M


                Colorware Instruction Set by Function

        Mnemonics preceeded by '+' denote extended functions


                        HOM     _       home

                        SAP     ^       set alphanumeric parameters

                        SAC     {       set alphanumeric cursor color

                        MAR+   +*       set left and right margins

                        CHR+   +-       set character size

------------------------(COLOR SETUP)

Color Selection:        SEC     C       set current color (forground)

                        SBC     [       set current color (background)

Color Lookup Tbl:       SCT     K       set color table

                        RCT+   +#       read color table

                        LAT+   +&       ld clr tbl with anti aliasing ramp
                        lat ..

Video Masking Regs:     SWM     L       set video memory write mask

                        SRM     M       set read mask

Blink:                  SBL     4       blink all pixels with specified color


                        SCC     c       set cursor colors

                        SCP     ]       set cursor parameters

                        RCP     j       read cursor position

                        DCA     p       erase cursor and redraw at new x,y

                        ECU     5       erase cursor unconditionaly

------------------------(COMMUNICATIONS OPTIONS)

                        SIF     H       select intf for returned options

                        SKS     6       send keystroke (parallel only)

                        SCR     >       send carriage return

                        SBR     b       set baud rate
STD ' set turnaround delay std SCD * start cmd DMA XCD < exit cmd DMA ------------------------(DIRECT VIDEO MEMORY ACCESS) SUC ? set up counters for DVMA suc WRD F write raster direct wrd RRD @ read raster direct SDA ^[ stop dir access read or write DMA Into Area of Int: WDA . write direct into area of interest RDA \ read direct from area of interest ------------------------(GRAPHICS) Drawing Options: AAV+ +$ anti-alias vector aav Current Access Pos: MOV Q set access position absolute mov MVR i set access position relative mvr Isolated Pixels: WPX T write pixel wpx WMP k write mult isolated pixels wmp RPX Y read pixel Vector Drawing: DVA A draw vec absolute dva DVR l draw vec relative dvr DMV m draw mult vectors dmv ...<0><0> SLS 1 set line style sls Incr Plotter Mode: WIP v write incr plotter mode wip Circle Drawing: DCL O draw circle dcl DFC n draw fat circle dfc Elipse Drawing: ELP+ +" draw elipse elp Filled Areas: DFR o draw filled rectangle dfr FRR , filled rectange relative frr DFP ! draw filled polygon dfp.. GFL $ general fill gfl IFL I interior fill BFL B boundary fill bfl OFL V overlay fill DSP+ +! define stipple pattern used for filling rectangles dsp .. SPF " select stipple pattern spf User Definable Symbols: DSF 7 define special font dsf ..<0> WSF 8 write special font wsf <0> ESF 9 erase special font esf ------------------------(GRID) BLG+ +% turn grid on and off blg <0/1> ------------------------(IMAGING) Area of Interest: DAI r define area of interest dai CAI+ ++ copy area of interest cai ROT+ +, rotate area of interest rot Multiple Pixels: WHS X write horz scan whs ... RHS + read horz scan WHC u write horz scan (non-AOI) whc .. Run Length Encd Xfrs: WHR \ write horz runs whr <0> RHR a read horz runs WHU s write horz runs (alt) whu whu <255> whu <255> intermixed ------------------------(INTERPRETER) SEN G set encoding sen XTD + extended command mode XXX ^M exit graphics interpreter ------------------------(JOYSTICK) EJC U enable cursor pos via joystick DJC d disable joystick cursor RJP q read joystick position ------------------------(KEYBOARD AND CONSOLE) Prog Ftn Keys: DPK N define pgm ftn key dpk .. DSK % define soft key dsk .. Prog Reg Disp: DRL = set led display to VAL (old kbd only) drl Remote Setup of Cons: SCS ` set control status scs ------------------------(MISC) ESC ^[ ignored as function code RST 0 full terminal reset FFD ^L form feed ERS ~ erase entire memory COP ) make copy cop <#copies> OPT ( set programmable options opt