ADB Device List

This is an obviously-incomplete list of known ADB devices and their identifying information (default address and handler ID).

License Dongles

Original Address 0x1

| Address | Handler ID | Make | Model Name | Model Number | Description | | ------- | ---------- | -------------------- | ------------- | ------------ | -------------- | | 0x1 | 0x34 | Rainbow Technologies | Sentinel Eve3 | | License dongle |

Encoded Devices

Original Address 0x2

| Handler ID | Make | Model Name | Model Number | Description | | ------------- | ----- | ---------------------------------- | ------------ | ----------- | | 0x01 | Apple | Keyboard | M0116 | Keyboard | | 0x02 | Apple | Extended Keyboard | M0115 | Keyboard | | 0x02 | Apple | Extended Keyboard II | M3501 | Keyboard | | 0x02 | Apple | AppleDesign Keyboard | M2980 | Keyboard | | 0x04[^5] | Apple | Keyboard ISO | M0118[^6] | Keyboard | | 0x05[^5] | Apple | Extended Keyboard ISO | M0115[^6] | Keyboard | | 0x06[^5] | Apple | Portable Keyboard | ? | Keyboard | | 0x07[^5] | Apple | Portable Keyboard ISO | ? | Keyboard | | 0x08 | Apple | Keyboard II | M0487 | Keyboard | | 0x09[^5] | Apple | Keyboard II ISO | ? | Keyboard | | 0x0A/0x0C[^5] | Apple | Powerbook 100/140/170 Keyboard | ? | Keyboard | | 0x0D[^5] | Apple | Powerbook 100/140/170 Keyboard ISO | ? | Keyboard | | 0x0E[^5] | Apple | Adjustable Keyboard Keypad | M1242[^6] | Keypad | | 0x10[^5] | Apple | Adjustable Keyboard | M1242[^6] | Keyboard | | 0x11[^5] | Apple | Adjustable Keyboard ISO | ? | Keyboard | | 0x12[^6] | Apple | Adjustable Keyboard JIS | ? | Keyboard | | 0x16[^6] | Apple | Keyboard II JIS | M0487[^6] | Keyboard |

Relative Pointing Devices

Original Address 0x3

| Handler ID | Make | Model Name | Model Number | Description | | ------------ | --------------- | --------------- | ------------ | --------------------------- | | 0x01 | Apple | Mouse | A9M0031 | Mouse | | 0x23 | Advanced Gravis | MouseStick GMPU | | 3-button joystick interface | | 0x23[^4] | Advanced Gravis | MouseStick II | | 5-button joystick | | 0x32[^3][^7] | Kensington | Turbo Mouse | 64210 | Trackball 4-button device |

Absolute Pointing Devices

Original Address 0x4

| Handler ID | Make | Model Name | Model Number | Description | | ---------- | ----- | ----------------------- | ------------ | --------------- | | 0x3A[^3] | Wacom | ArtZ 6x8 / Digitizer II | UD-0608-A | Graphics tablet |

Low-Speed Serial Devices

Original Address 0x5

| Handler ID | Make | Model Name | Model Number | Description | | ---------- | -------------- | ------------ | ------------ | --------------- | | 0x36[^1] | Global Village | TelePort ADB | A300 | 2400-baud modem |

Other Devices

Original Address 0x7

| Handler ID | Make | Model Name | Model Number | Description | | ---------- | ---------------------- | --------------------- | ------------ | ------------------------------------------- | | 0x02[^8] | Apple | Adjustable Keyboard | M1242 | Media keys device of AAK | | 0x22 | Sophisticated Circuits | PowerKey | PK-1 | Relay-controlled power strip | | 0x35[^7] | Neotech | Colour Adapter Module | | Module for Neotech Image Grabber NuBus card | | 0x41 | JLCooper Electronics | Media Control Station | 300007 | Jog dial and media control device | | 0x79[^2] | LaCie | FM Radio | ? | FM radio | | 0x7A[^10] | BeeHive Technologies | ADB I/O | | Analog and digital I/O interface | | 0x87 | Sophisticated Circuits | PowerKey Rebound! | PKRB-M | Watchdog timer |

[^1]: Also known to use default address 0x7. [^3]: Also emulates a standard mouse on address 0x3. [^4]: Initially has handler ID 0x01. [^7]: Source Jockelill on 68kMLA [^8]: Source Velociraptors on 68kMLA