;	CreCksum -- Create checksum using 524 byte i/o buffer
;	Algorithm:
;		A sector is composed of 524 user adata bytes and a 3 byte
;	checksum.  These are translated into 6 bit nibbles which are used to
;	Look up GCR codewords to be written to the disk.  The data is encode
;	as follows:  CSUMA, CSUMB, & CSUMC are "registers" used fo accumulating
;	the checksum.  ByteA, ByteB, & ByteC contain 3 bytes from the data buffer
;	1.	Rotate CSUMC left
;		CSUMC[65432107] <- CSUMC[76543210]
;		Carry <- CSUM[7]
;	2.	CSUMA <- CSUMA + ByteA + Carry from step 1
;	3.	ByteA <- ByteA Xor CSUMC
;	4.	CSUMC <- CSUMC + ByteB + Carry from step 2
;	5.	ByteB <- ByteB Xor CSUMA
;	6.	CSUMB <- CSUMB + ByteC + carry from Step 3
;	7.	ByteC <- ByteC Xor CSUC
;	Propagation of carry among three checksum bytes:
;         ------------------------
;	           v                   v	Note:  Carry out of CsumC is from rotate
;	^--CSUMC <-- CSUMB <-- CSUMA <--
;  IN
;	All =	Any valye
;  OUT
;	All =	Destroyed

CreCksum	.Equ *				; Entry point for all callers
	Lda	#00
	Sta	Cksum1
	Sta	Cksum2			; Zero only two bytes
	Sta	InxptrL			; Init pointer for 5 cycle index fetch
	Sta	InxptrH
	Inc	InxPtrH			; Start on page 1
	Ldy	#0F4			; Last twelve bytes in page 1

CrTop	.Equ *				; Initially 'A' = 0
	Asl	A			; Move high bit to carry
	Php				; Save status bits on stack
	Adc	#00			; Move carry bit to low bit (8 bit rotate)
	Sta	Cksum3
	Plp				; Restore Status bits
	Lda	@InxPtrL,y		; First of three bytes in loop
	Eor	Cksum3			; combine checksum w/ data
	Sta	@InxPtrL,y			; Data ==> buffer
	Adc	CkSum1			; Add with above carry
	Sta	Cksum1
	Bne	$20			; end of page two data
	Inc	InxPtr			; point to page three

$20	Lda	@InxPtrL,y			; Second of three bytes
	Adc	Cksum2			; Add to second checksum byte
	Sta	Cksum2
	Eor	Cksum1			; Combine checksum / data
	Sta	@InxPtrL			; Data ==> buffer
	Beq	$60			; End of page three data

	Lda	@InxPtrL,y		; Third of three bytes
	Tax				; Save data value
	Eor	Cksum2			; Combine checksum w/ data value
	Sta	@InxPtrL,y		; Data ==> buffer
	Txa				; Restore data value
	Adc	Cksum3			; Add to third checksunm byte leave in A
	Bne	CrTop			; Not at page boundary, loop
	Inc	InxPtrH			; start w/ page 2 data
	Bne	CrTop			; branch always taken

$60	Rts				; End of creating a checksum