; TrackClass will return the class (from 0 to 8) of
; the track in IIOB+Track in the "Y" register
; returns: "Y" reg = class of track
; "A" reg = IIOB+Track
; "X" reg = unchanged
TrkClss .Equ * ; Entry point
Lda IIOB+Track ; Fetch current track value
Ldy #MaxClass ; Maximum class value
$21 Cmp ClssTbl,Y ; Track >= Table entry?
Bcs $42 ; Yep
Bne $21 ; Try the next track class
$42 Rts ; "Y" reg = track class value
ClssTbl .Equ * ; Start of track class table
.Byte 00 ; Track 0:15
.Byte 10 ; Track 16:31
.Byte 20 ; Track 32:47
.Byte 30 ; Track 48:63
.Byte 40 ; Track 64:79