
                         The ANALYTICAL ENGINE
       Newsletter of the Computer History Association of California
                             ISSN 1071-6351
                      Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994
                       Kip Crosby, Managing Editor
                 Jude Thilman, Telecommunications Editor


      EDITORIAL: WHAT'S IN IT FOR YOU? .......................... 2
      NEW ADDRESS Effective Next Issue .......................... 3
      IN MEMORIAM: GARY KILDALL  ................................ 3
      LET'S SEE, THIS PIN IS +5V....  ........................... 4
      DAVID CRAIG UNCOVERS A SLEEPING CAT ....................... 5
      FOG EXITS (on little cat feet) ............................ 5
      MOTOROLA'S MIDWESTERN MUSEUM .............................. 6
      EXPANSION OF UNUSUAL SYSTEMS .............................. 7
      NO JOY ON LISA DEVELOPMENT TOOLS .......................... 7
      SPOTTER ALERT ............................................. 8
      SPOTTER FLASH ............................................. 8
      DESPERATE PLEA FOR MONEY .................................. 8
      AND SPEAKING OF MONEY.... ................................. 9
      OVERVIEW OF BUREAUCRATIC PROCESSES ....................... 10
      Sosinski Talk About Computer Support at Xerox PARC ....... 11
      A CALIFORNIA COMPUTER ON THE MOON, by James Tomayko ...... 54
      BOOK REVIEW: HISTORY OF COMPUTING by Lexikon Systems ..... 56
      ACQUISITIONS ............................................. 58
      LETTERS .................................................. 59
      QUERIES .................................................. 65
      PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED .................................... 72
      THANKS TO.... ............................................ 73
      NEXT ISSUE ............................................... 74
      GUIDELINES FOR DISTRIBUTION .............................. 74
      GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION ................................ 74
      SUBSCRIBE! ............................................... 75
      NINES-CARD ............................................... 76
      ADD MONEY, MAIL.... ...................................... 78
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 2

      Editorial: WHAT'S IN IT FOR YOU?

      Quite a bit, actually.

      Dr. Tom Haddock, author of the fine _Collector's Guide to
      Personal Computers and Pocket Calculators_, makes a handsome
      offer to CHAC members: His unique and valuable book will be
      available from the publisher at a 20% discount.  Order directly

      Books Americana
      Box 2326
      Florence AL 35630 USA,

      mention the Association, and pay only US$11.95 plus $3 shipping
      for this indispensable reference.

      We hope that this will be the first of many such co-operations;
      as the CHAC grows and makes connections, we look forward to
      being more generous with our subscribers and benefactors. The
      process has already begun. Remember when the hard-copy edition
      of the ENGINE was a stapled sheaf of copier paper? It's become a
      proper magazine with cover art; before long we'll add
      illustrations inside. Remember when the electronic ENGINE was a
      30K file? The newest issues are six or seven times that size --
      and growing fast. And your ENGINE sub costs you _less_ than it
      did last July, because this year it's tax-deductible.

      There's so much we could do, in coming months and years, to
      bring you _more_ and _better_ computer history. We'll put more
      resource files, like Doug Jones' widely admired repair
      instructions for docs, up on our request mailer. We'd like to
      offer history books and tapes at special subscriber prices. Down
      the line, we hope to take advantage of technologies like CD-ROM
      and digital video -- to bring the real, perennial liveliness of
      computer history to whole new generations. And then, in 1999,
      the Museum....with luck, the most vivid and spectacular showcase
      that California computing could ever have.

      If you're a member of the CHAC, stick with us and these benefits
      will be yours. If you _haven't_ joined yet, joining now will
      mean more than ever before -- to you and to us. The _more_
      subscribers we have, the _more_ we can offer with every

      What's in it for you? Right now, plenty. Before long, even more!
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 3


      CHAC and the ANALYTICAL ENGINE are moving to Palo Alto, CA, in
      mid-August. We will have both a new snail-mail address and a new
      e-mail address, which will be published in the October ENGINE.
      Mail to the El Cerrito addresses will be forwarded.

      (It's classic....start in a garage, move to the Valley.)


      Dr. Gary Kildall, programmer of the CP/M operating system and
      co-founder of Digital Research, Inc., died on Monday, July 11,
      1994, in the Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula,
      Monterey, CA, USA. The County coroner's office is investigating
      his death, and at our press time, foul play had not been ruled

      Kildall was born on May 19, 1942 in Seattle, WA, where his
      parents operated the Kildall Nautical School -- for which he did
      his first programming. He received a bachelor's degree in
      mathematics and an M. S. and Ph. D. in computer science, all
      from the University of Washington.

      In 1972, while a teacher at the U. S. Naval Postgraduate School
      in Monterey, Kildall purchased an Intel 4004 microprocessor. His
      experiments with arithmetic routines for it drew him closer to
      Intel's fledgling programming efforts, and he began contract
      work for the company, developing code for the Sim-04 singleboard
      development system. Proceeding to the Intellec 8 Mod 8 [see
      "Dawn of the Micro," ANALYTICAL ENGINE January 1994,] he
      developed the first high-level language for microprocessors,
      PL/M, a port of the IBM mainframe language PL/I that was
      eventually offered by Intel for both the 8008 and 8080.

      He crucially influenced the history of the microcomputer in
      1973-74 when he wrote CP/M as a speculative operating system for
      a microprocessor-based computer using floppy disks for program
      and data storage. With his wife, Dorothy McEwen, he founded
      Digital Research (DRI) to market CP/M in several versions; it
      remained the dominant micro operating system for almost a
      decade, until Microsoft Corporation's MS-DOS overtook it in the
      marketplace. DRI later developed the GEM graphical operating
      environment, which was used on Motorola-based Atari computers
      and in several Intel-compatible applications -- notably the
      widely used page composition program Ventura Publisher.

      Dr. Kildall continued to teach at the Naval Postgraduate School
      for several years following the establishment of DRI. More
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 4

      recently he founded other computer-related companies including
      KnowledgeSet, which produced the first CD-ROM edition of
      Grolier's Encyclopedia, and Prometheus Light and Sound, a
      developer of advanced computer telephony. His last project of
      record was _Computer Connections_, a history of the computer
      industry, which he published earlier this year in a small
      edition for family and friends; a larger commercial edition is

      Gary Kildall will be remembered by the world's computing
      community as a gifted teacher, a consistent innovator, and a
      developer who took great personal risks but disdained the
      aggressive and litigious tactics of his competition. The
      Computer History Association of California extends condolences
      to Dr. Kildall's son, Scott, and daughter, Kristin; to his
      former wife, Dorothy McEwen; to his mother, Emma Kildall, and
      sister, Patricia Guberlet.

      LET'S SEE, THIS PIN IS +5V....

      While we were talking to Dr. Tom Haddock (above,) he came up
      with another idea of considerable merit: a Master Index of
      integrated circuits, with manufacturers' names, schematics,
      pinouts, production dates, and any other salient details, all
      keyed to the legend on the chip cap.

      Such an index would be useful to people in many walks of life,
      and especially for collectors and restorers. Not much is as
      frustrating as stumbling over a dusty box of IC's stuck into
      foam, and having no idea what they are. A comprehensive cross-
      index would also make it much easier to determine equivalency
      when the original chip simply isn't available. Modern machinery
      of almost any type -- from a computer to a pickup truck -- can
      be forced out of service indefinitely when a scarce or obsolete
      IC fails.

      Such an index would be voluminous, but CD-ROM technology would
      make it practical. At a time when American business derives new
      productivity from (for example) comprehensive regional and
      national databases of telephone numbers, it's clear that
      computing and computer history could benefit from organizing
      information on the same scale.

      Having said that, we have to wonder if this task has been begun,
      not by historians necessarily, but by the electronics industry
      itself. Has any attempt ever been made to collect and cross-
      index the IC catalogs or databases that already exist? If so,
      details please to the El Cerrito address or
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 5


      Admirers of California's computer history -- especially in its
      more obscure aspects -- should definitely check out David
      Craig's article, "Canon's Cat Computer: The Real Macintosh,"
      that appears in issue #6 of _Historically Brewed_, the magazine
      of the Historical Computer Society.

      Jef Raskin will be familiar to many of our readers as the
      supervising engineer for Apple's Macintosh project, a post he
      held from 1979 to 1982. But in February 1982 Raskin resigned
      from Apple because Macintosh development had reached an
      intractable philosophical fork: Steve Jobs wanted the Mac to be
      a strict technical descendant of the brilliant but troubled Lisa
      (see page 44,) whereas Raskin believed that the two were
      separate computers with distinct purposes and markets.

      Pursuing development of his own ideas, Raskin founded
      Information Appliance, Inc., in Menlo Park, CA, in 1984 -- and
      designed the computer that became the fascinating, but little-
      known, Canon Cat. We won't be specific about its unusual design
      philosophy, unique toolkit, or sad fate, but....if you're not a
      _Historically Brewed_ reader yet, we assure you that this
      fascinating article is one more good reason to subscribe!


      The FOG International Computer Users' Group, one of Northern
      California's earliest and most ambitious micro support groups,
      has apparently ceased operations, after months of conflicting

      FOG was established in Santa Clara, CA in September 1981, as a
      clearinghouse of information and support for users of the
      phenomenal Osborne micros. Founding members and early directors
      included Frank Morton, Byron McKay, Bob Kavinoky, Leo Grandi,
      Jim Schenkel, David Oates, Jack Brown and Gale Rhoades, among
      others. Practically from its inception to its demise, FOG
      published the FOGHORN, a newsletter which grew to embrace all of
      CP/M computing, and was one of the most respected and
      technically astute of all user-group newsletters. FOGLIGHT, a
      companion publication for the MS-DOS platform, was produced from
      late 1984 to mid-1991.

      FOG survived Osborne's shattering bankruptcy in September 1983.
      Building on a mailing list provided by micro software developer
      Sorcim/IUS, the organization grew to 10,000 members by January
      1984, and probably to 30,000 -- in almost every country of the
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 6

      world -- at its peak. "In its heyday, FOG was the world's most
      comprehensive source of information about micro hardware and
      software," says Gale Rhoades. "A comparable resource simply no
      longer exists. It was unique for its insistence on networking,
      on sharing knowledge of _how_ the system worked -- not just
      information on _what_ the computer was supposed to do, which is
      the focus of technical support today."

      Like many other West Coast support groups, FOG declined
      unrelentingly as the CP/M operating system faded from the micro
      marketplace. Its remarkable accumulation of hardware, software
      and documentation is scattered throughout Northern California,
      and we must assume that some of it has been sold. CHAC is
      cooperating in an effort to salvage any remaining FOG assets. We
      invite any principal of FOG, particularly someone with
      significant involvement between 1981 and 1984, to describe this
      history in greater detail for publication in the ANALYTICAL


      Motorola processors have been the speedy, spacious hearts of so
      many of California's best-known computers -- SUNs, Apple Macs,
      NeXTstations, Atari ST's, and lots of others -- that certainly
      the history of Motorola's electronic development is of interest
      to our readers. All the better to discover, as we recently did,
      that Motorola has its own Museum of Electronics.

      Founded in 1991, the Museum traces the evolution of Motorola,
      Inc., and its product lines from its beginnings as a maker of
      car radios in 1930, through historical exhibits bolstered by
      audiovisual presentations. It also uses interactive computer
      displays to highlight Motorola's widespread uses of contemporary
      electronics technologies. At 20,000 square feet, this facility
      is tidy but well-appointed, and the few pictures we received
      suggest that a rigorous visit would easily consume a whole day.

      This museum has won significant awards in its brief career,
      including the 1992 Dibner Prize for museum exhibition and
      presentation from the Society for the History of Technology. It
      hosts many educational programs in cooperation with Chicago-area
      school districts and in conjunction with Motorola University,
      which uses the Museum as a "three-dimensional textbook" for
      graduate courses in management and business administration.

      The Museum is located in Schaumburg, IL, 30 to 40 minutes' drive
      northwest of O'Hare International Airport and less than an
      hour's drive from the Chicago Loop. Admission is by appointment,
      Monday through Friday 9 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. and on some Sunday
      afternoons. For appointments or further information contact:
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 7

      Conference Planning
      Motorola Museum of Electronics
      1297 East Algonquin Road
      Schaumburg IL 60196-1065
      +1 708 576-8620

      (And be sure to request their excellent map.)


      Kevin Stumpf sent us this release:

      The Commercial Computing Museum Project is dedicated to the
      acquisition and preservation of artifacts and memorabilia from
      the commercial use of electronic digital computers (data
      processing and office automation). Without a proper and complete
      account of the practical, if not routine and mundane side of
      computing, its history would consist solely of a series of
      terrific and exciting technological leaps....that highlight the
      machinery instead of also recognizing the importance of the
      people, processes and procedures that harnessed and actually
      used the machines.

      The Commercial Computing Museum Project replaces and continues
      the work started by Kevin Stumpf under the name of the Unusual
      Systems Collection of Computer Control Panels and Consoles.

      Eventually the Project will become a "place" where people can go
      to be educated and entertained as they wander past static
      displays or participate in interactive displays that will....
      exhibit and demonstrate the tools and techniques of data
      processing and office automation.

      The museum will also be a repository of information, especially
      about Canadian companies, for student and professional
      historians of computing technology to write splendid histories
      of this vital aspect of the North American workplace, yet
      unglamorous aspect of the computing industry.

      For more information contact:
      Kevin Stumpf
      +1 519 744-2900


      We've had several -- say, three -- inquiries recently as to
      whether Apple plans to release Lisa development tools and source
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 8

      code into the public domain; certainly a question well posed by
      developers and historians alike. But according to highly placed
      sources at Apple, the answer is a firm no, at least in the
      foreseeable future. Oh, well!


      The publicity boom that began with the _New York Times_ and
      _Forbes ASAP_ pieces in April simmers along at a gratifying
      level. We've been mailing copies of the ENGINE, the FAQ, and
      other background information to any newspaper, magazine or
      online service that requests them.

      Of course we ask for tearsheets, and we've been in this business
      too long to assume they're always sent. Therefore, once again:
      If you spot any mention of CHAC or the ENGINE in any periodical,

      * If your copy of the piece is clippable, clip and mail to the
      El Cerrito address.

      * If you can't spare the physical copy, send the text as
      net.mail to, or photocopy and fax to the El
      Cerrito address.

      * If you're too busy for that, just send the publication name,
      date and page number and we'll do the hunting.

      Thanks! (And thanks to the spotters who have given us invaluable
      help with keeping up so far.)


      Mike Malone's fine (if we do say so) article from the April 17th
      _New York Times_ spread the good word still further as it was
      republished in syndication. Thanks to Joel Willard and to
      Quintin Christophe from Chicago, IL, for sending us the clipping
      from the May 19th _Chicago Tribune_, and to Dr. Dominic Verda of
      Scottsdale, AZ, for letting us know that it appeared in the
      _Arizona Republican_.


      Even the most casual computer watcher (not you, we know,) has to
      be amazed at the effect of computing on banking and securities
      trading. How much of the money in circulation exists only on
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 9

      DASD and display screens? Ninety per cent? Ninety-five? Who says
      cash is king!

      If there's that much money in cyberspace, we wouldn't mind a
      little more of it in _our_ cyberspace. In the last fifteen
      months the CHAC has earned a reputation; built a network of
      contacts; collected hardware and software; and, of course, put
      out five issues of the ANALYTICAL ENGINE. Nobody could give us
      that. We had to create, collect and earn it all.

      The only thing we don't have is money. Isn't it lucky that you
      _can_ give us money?

      One $35 sub to the paper ENGINE:

      * prints and mails ten more copies of the ENGINE, or

      * prints and mails about sixty letters, or

      * pays our Internet expense for a week, or

      * pays our locker storage for two weeks.

      When you subscribe to the ENGINE, your cash doesn't vanish
      anonymously into some vast river. It's serious money that does
      serious work -- and gets seriously appreciated. Not to mention
      that _you_ get four big, fact-packed, query-laden, trivia-prone
      issues of the ANALYTICAL ENGINE -- _and_ a tax deduction.

      Think about what thirty-five dollars can do for you. Then think
      about what it can do for the CHAC. Then subscribe -- and make it
      work for us all. Thank you!


      When you donate to the CHAC -- as many of you have -- take a few
      minutes to find out if your employer offers matching grants to
      charitable organizations. It can make a big difference.

      A matching grant is the purest win-win situation imaginable.
      First, of course, every dollar you give can mean up to two
      dollars for the CHAC. But it's also true that charitable
      generosity makes you look good to your employer. _And,_ when we
      receive matching money from companies, we can thank them in the
      august pages of the ENGINE -- which is good publicity for them
      _and_ for us.

      Make a matched contribution and you win, your company wins, and
      the Association wins twice. What could be better?

   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 10


      Even in the few weeks between the delayed April ENGINE and this
      one, CHAC made important gains in the real world.


      In April's ENGINE we noted Bruce Rice's prediction that the IRS
      would ask for more information, and they did; but one round of
      clarification sufficed, and on June 21 the IRS Exempt
      Organizations department "based on information you supplied....
      determined you are exempt from federal income tax.... as an
      organization described in section 501(c)(3)" of the Internal
      Revenue Code.

      The struggle for corporate and tax-exempt status, which occupied
      huge blocks of time between September 1993 and June 1994, is now
      finished. With this pre-eminent hurdle behind us, we can get on
      with the grass-roots business of building a staff, an
      organization, and a reputation.


      Of the two post offices we approached, one said it was too small
      to authorize the permit, the other promised to send us the
      paperwork but never has. Since we're moving to Palo Alto (see p.
      3) we'll try again at a post office down there.


      Our fundraising prowess has been greatly enhanced by the
      Association's newest staff member, Ms. Nancy Wiltsek of San

      Ms. Wiltsek has been a professional consultant in grants
      planning, fundraising and charitable contribution for several
      years, and has published articles on corporate philanthropy for
      the Applied Research Center and the Nonprofit Management
      Newsletter. She is a member of the Board of the Center for
      Electronic Arts, and of the Program Advisory Board of the
      Institute for Nonprofit Organization Management, University of
      San Francisco. She received her M. N. A. degree from that
      institution in 1990.

      As fundraising manager for your Association, Nancy will bring
      significant experience and skill to the launching of our capital
      campaign and corporate donor campaign -- helping to establish a
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 11

      sound fiscal footing for the CHAC while she brings us ever
      closer to the founding of the Museum.


      With our nonprofit status accomplished, we can recruit an intern
      to help with typing and filing. Since the funding for a stipend
      hasn't appeared yet, we'll wait (again) to advertise until we've
      set up shop in the South Bay.


      The Association's hardware and software collection, all except
      the two minis and the library, has been moved to secure storage
      in Redwood City. It's still a locker, it's still expensive, but
      for the moment, it works. When we move the minis from San
      Francisco, we'll need to rent the next larger size....

      No doubt there are a few things we haven't thought of. And guess
      what, we still can't take credit cards.

      Herb Yeary and Charlie Sosinski talk about
      Computer Support at Xerox PARC
      Interview by Kip Crosby and Max Elbaum

      [On March 5, 1994, Max and KC stopped by Herb's comfortable
      place in the Valley to interview these two support specialists
      who maintained the in-house Xerox Altos and Dorados during the
      glory days of Xerox PARC's personal computer development. The
      result is a revealing look at the inner workings of an
      unparalleled R&D lab -- not only at its hardware and software,
      but at its politics too.]

      KC:     Herb tells me that you and he were two of the people who
      did assembly and production work at Xerox PARC.

      Charlie Sosinski:       I consider we were mostly in service, for
      the staff and for prototypes -- the Dorados, the biggies. Herb
      and I built the first ten or so Dorados, before they went into a
      production mode.

      KC:     What about Altos, Dandelions, some of the others?

      CS:     We serviced those. Our main function at PARC was to
      provide service for the software people.

      KC:     In other words, you were keeping the development machines
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 12

      up and running....

      CS:     Right, and everybody happy.

      KC:     I've never met anyone [in field service] who could keep
      _everybody_ happy.

      CS:     Herb and I were a good team, we kept a lot of people
      happy, and got compliments for it. It was a good time in our
      lives. Isn't that right, Herb? I mean, rarely would they have
      anything bad to say about us.

      Herb Yeary:     Just so long as we could keep the hardware

      KC:     So this was basically in-house field service. What period
      are we talking about? Roughly starting in '72, or earlier than

      CS:     Probably later. I started work at PARC in the middle of
      '74 as a contractor and I became an employee in early '77. Herb
      I think started in '76, and we both left in '85. So this was the
      golden era of the personal computer -- or the start of it.

      KC:     I was going to say, it was certainly the golden era of

      CS:     I think PARC then had three separate labs. They had Basic
      Sciences, and then the systems lab, and we were in the computer

      HY:     [And] a graphics lab at one point.

      CS:     Since it was in this great era of personal computer
      developments, we sort of outshone the other labs. We were sort

      HY:     I think they saw us as having more notoriety.

      CS:     Other labs didn't like that too much. They were a little

      KC:     I wonder, ultimately, if Xerox ever knew quite what a
      tiger they had by the tail, because so far as PARC was concerned
      -- I know there was a lot of organization and re-organization,
      and there was no small amount of friction between PARC itself
      and management elsewhere. We can sort of pivot off this book
      [Alexander and Smith's _Fumbling the Future_] because in a lot
      of ways it resembles an org chart -- it'll be great at filling
      in the names. As for what it actually felt like, we'll trust you
      gentlemen to fill us in on that.
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 13

      Max Elbaum:     Xerox PARC was one of the earliest participants
      in what later became known as the computer revolution. But
      hindsight is one thing and being at a particular point in time
      is another. What was it like to be in so close to the beginning
      of it? What were your motives for starting to work at PARC? When
      you started to work at Xerox, what did you expect?

      HY:     I had been working in field service for Scientific Data
      Systems. I expected this to be similar work, and up to a point
      it was -- maintaining computer systems. But when I got involved
      in debugging new ones, too -- the Dorado -- it was a much more
      exciting place than I had worked before. There was a lot of
      excitement in the air there and a lot of very gifted people,
      scientists and others. Just a tremendous amount going on.

      KC:     Did you come to Xerox from SDS as part of that deal, or
      was it an independent thing? I don't know whether Xerox
      inherited any of SDS's employees....

      HY:     It became XDS when Xerox bought them. But when I came to
      PARC it was actually a new job, I didn't transfer there or
      anything like that. And at that point I was working for
      Honeywell, Xerox had split off to Honeywell.

      KC:     Xerox had spun XDS off to Honeywell to get rid of the
      mainframes.... but then you came back to PARC. Okay; Charlie,
      what about you?

      CS:     I was a contractor at the time for a small Texas company
      that made very early computerized telephone systems. PARC bought
      one of these to experiment with and I was assigned to take care
      of it there, which I did for about two years. At first I didn't
      think PARC was a real place. It reminded me of the Disneyland of
      computers. I just couldn't believe the people and all the perks
      they had. When my job vaporized for the [communications]
      company, I went on at PARC because I knew it was a marvelous
      place. There were some very intelligent people there, plus Xerox
      funded it very well. So it seemed like a wonderful career move
      to work for them.

      KC:     I think it must have been, in its own way. What was PARC
      hoping to do with the computerized telephone system?

      CS:     They wanted to combine everything with the terminal --
      so that while you were typing away at your computer terminal,
      you could answer the phone through it, dial numbers through it,
      everything. Sort of an early attempt at multi-media, your whole
      office installed in your terminal.

      KC:     So they were building on what they had already created
      with EtherNet, and trying to go from local area communication to
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 14

      wide area communication between computers?

      CS:     Yes, I think this was the forerunner of their EtherPhone,
      which actually let people talk over the EtherNet. It was a D-
      machine system. I think they competed with Rolm at that time,
      with what they called CBX, computerized basic exchange units.
      Since PARC was using the Data General computers at that time,
      they were very interested in it because it seemed to fit right
      into their software.

      KC:     EtherPhone as a separate product is not something I ever
      heard of. I knew there was some experimentation along that line.
      Did it ever get beyond....

      HY:     As far as I know, no, it remained a prototype system.

      KC:     But it was their hope that they could take the EtherNet
      protocol and by tying it in to something like a PBX system, go
      as far with it physically as was necessary.

      HY:     I don't know the goals myself. But the principals
      involved were Dan Swinehart, mostly, and Larry Stewart.

      CS:     It was part of that everything in one computer. You get
      to do all of your communications by voice or by data.

      KC:     So that the strategic goals of the system were not unlike
      what people are trying to do, for example, with the AV-series
      Macintosh [Quadra] now, 20 years later. Voice, modem, any kind
      of way you want to interact through the computer, the protocol
      -- if you will -- is built in.

      Now, you mentioned Data General computers. PARC has to have been
      backed by a bunch of mainframes. Was PARC using XDS, were they
      using their own computers?

      HY:     In the early days when I got there they had a bunch of
      Data General 800s, I believe in the SSL laboratory. There were
      racks of these in the lab and terminals going into various

      KC:     So they had a bunch of Novas or Eclipses connected to a
      terminal in each office and they were running a network off a
      minicomputer backbone?

      HY:     Right.

      CS:     See, when I first came there I worked for SSL lab as a
      contractor, but [later] I hired on through the computer science
      lab, and they had a computer called MAX which was kind of built
      in the image of -- a PDP-10, was it? Which was a time-sharing
      machine used for developing the Alto.
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 15

      HY:     Well, when I came they had the Altos, and MAX was still
      in use. I think they built MAX first and probably used it as a
      time sharing system.

      KC:     MAX was basically a copy of a PDP-10, and the way I heard
      it was that PARC built MAX because Xerox wanted them to use
      either an XDS 940 or a Sigma 7, which was their own product, and
      PARC didn't want to do it because all the software they wanted
      to run was for a PDP-10. So they said, "Well, if Xerox out of
      its own mislaid corporate pride won't buy us a PDP-10, we'll
      just build one from scratch!"

      HY:     I believe that's accurate. I wasn't there when it
      happened, but in fact I've heard that said.

      KC:     That just speaks to the tremendous reservoir of
      engineering talent, of screwdriver and soldering talent that
      these guys must have had, because I can think of very few labs
      in the early Seventies with the nerve to try to duplicate
      someone else's existing architecture from the ground up.
      Especially to the level of software compatibility.

      HY:     These fellows didn't lack for engineering talent and
      they were well-rounded men. The printing machine was developed
      along the same time, and EARS -- that was Gary Starkweather...

      KC:     Gary Starkweather built a thing called the SLOT, which
      stood for Scanned Laser Output Terminal.

      HY:     That was the spinning prism -- rotating prism.

      KC:     Rotating prism in what sense?

      HY:     A laser was aimed at a rotating prism. The prism
      reflected the light and turned it into a raster scan.

      KC:     The interesting thing to me was that, through some
      wizardry I've never understood, they managed to make a laser
      printer with throughput as high as the copier it had been
      converted from. I think it was good for one page per second.

      HY:     That's correct. That was the original design.

      CS:     When I came in they already had EARS, and that was in

      HY:     That was the first one I had ever seen and it was already
      running.... I know that it was developed there and it was that
      scanning laser thing that made it go. It's the heart of most
      laser printers today, isn't it?
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 16

      KC:     Pretty much so. Some people have tried to replace the
      rotating prism with arrays of LED's, but they can't get the same
      reliability. Now EARS was an acronym, right? It stood for
      EtherNet, Alto, Raster character generator, and Scanner.

      HY:     That's right. I remember it used a Diablo 44 disc drive.

      KC:     What's this about a Diablo disc drive?

      CS:     We got the privilege to work on the EARS several times
      when it broke down. We didn't work on the engine so much but we
      worked on the computerized part.

      KC:     When it broke, how would it break?

      HY:     Generally disc drives. They weren't so good, they had
      head crashes and things like that.

      CS:     Or the computer got too hot. I think the main problems
      with the printer was the toner dust. They had to keep it clean.

      HY:     They had other fellows to do that.

      CS:     I think Ron Weaver did that, or Gary Swaggert. The engine
      was kind of unique since it was the only one around. So the
      [copier] engineers had to do most of the maintenance on the
      engine itself.

      KC:     When you say the engine, what do you mean?

      HY:     Was it a 3100, is that right?

      CS:     Something like that -- 3100 Copier Plus -- modified to a
      printer and they put this laser in it. 60-page-per-minute

      KC:     They were never small, it's true. And then what they did
      was build a laser engine and couple that to it -- laser head. So
      the laser that had been built for this machine was unique and
      when it had to be maintained -- where would you get the spare
      parts for something like that?

      HY:     They made them there -- as far as I know that stuff was
      all made there. PARC had a huge machine shop downstairs.

      KC:     When you went to repair or maintain, for example, the
      laser engine, would you have to go into it, see what was wrong

      CS:     We didn't do that.... other people did that. People who
      worked for Gary Starkweather were Xerox copier experts who came
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 17

      to PARC and did nothing but that.

      HY:     I think Dan Putnam was one....

      CS:     Yeah, who is now the vice-president at Adobe.

      KC:     People hop around! But you were maintaining computers,
      and these were the computers that, for example, Smalltalk
      development was being done on?

      HY:     That was yet another group of people and we didn't
      maintain that particular hardware, but it was the same kind of

      CS:     Several labs had ongoing development -- responsibility
      -- for the Altos and Dorados, and the computing machines were
      the same for each group, after the labs were initially set up.
      When Alto was developed it spread throughout PARC and a few
      outside of PARC.

      KC:     As soon as the Alto was developed, what they tried to do
      was get one on -- or under -- pretty much everybody's desk,
      right?  Because they needed to know if EtherNet worked, and that
      was the best test, was to put an Alto everywhere and hook them
      all together.

      HY:     I'm trying to think of how many machines they had there.

      CS:     I think we had a hundred.

      HY:     Sounds right. On our net -- we were Net 3, and we had
      the most Altos.

      CS:     And different areas and parts of the building had other
      nets of Altos as well, but our main lab was covered by this one
      net, and this was our domain.

      KC:     In your estimation, about how many Altos did they have up
      and running at PARC?

      HY:     Would you say two hundred?

      CS:     Yeah, I would say a couple hundred. The Alto 2 was
      developed, which was much more reliable, and had more memory....

      HY:     It had more memory because much more dense chips became

      KC:     What was the point of a Dorado? What would a Dorado do
      that an Alto wouldn't?

      HY:     It's very fast. It was several times as fast as the
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 18


      CS:     Since PARC did a lot of graphics stuff they really needed
      the computing power to do that. And it was least an order of
      magnitude faster than the Alto, it was a ten-MIP machine.

      HY:     Well, maybe three to five.

      CS:     Three to five MIPS, and three thousand watts of power!
      That's almost 20 years ago.... And that was dumped out on the
      building, and if you put a watt in the room, you've got to take
      a watt out. And it costs more to take that watt out.

      KC:     You bet it does. You notice my office is rarely cold.
      Back to the Alto and the Dorado, the first implication of what
      you're saying is that the Alto was good for about half a MIP?

      HY:     Along that order, maybe.

      KC:     It's a rather stunning amount of computer power for

      CS:     Yes, if the Dorado was an order of magnitude higher, that
      sounds about right.

      KC:     So now, I have never seen this anywhere. Of the
      integrated circuitry in the Alto and the Dorado, what proportion
      was Xerox in-house development? Were they developing their own
      processors at that point?

      HY:     Everything was off the shelf. They were working on other
      machines later, on the Dragon, where they did do processor
      development. I never was involved in the Dragon, and we left
      before that was finished. But people were working on IC designs.

      KC:     So for example, in the Alto, who built the processors?
      They weren't Intel processors.

      CS:     They were ALU chips -- a garden variety part.

      KC:     Fairchild maybe?

      HY:     It could have been Fairchild, or Signetics maybe....

      CS:     ALU 181's. And there were two of them in there --

      HY:     I think, 4-bit chips.

      CS:     In a 16-bit machine.

      KC:     So they got a 16 bit word width by stacking four 4-bit
      chips? They were cascadable?
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 19

      HY:     That's what I remember.

      KC:     Here again, that was incredible for the time -- for

      CS:     One of the companies I worked for before PARC was Four
      Phase Systems, and this fellow there was designing....his goal
      was the single-chip processor, and we're talking about 1972. He
      was very well known, I think he came from Fairchild to develop
      this single-processor chip.

      KC:     When you talk about a Fairchild or a Signetics 4-bit
      chip, that would fit for the period, because -- take the Intel
      4004 as an example, or one from General Instrument whose
      designation I forget -- a lot of people between 1971 and 1973
      were investing heavily in 4-bit processors. And a 16-bit word
      width by comparison was an accepted mainframe standard. Shrunk
      down into an Alto, that was quite an achievement.

      CS:     Do you guys [CHAC] have the Alto [in your collection] or

      KC:     I just hope I can find one that somebody will part with!

      HY:     If you find one outside the lab it's probably a 2. Most
      of the ones that left PARC were 2's. The 1's weren't as
      reliable, mostly because of the memory, and almost all of them
      stayed inside PARC.

      CS:     Which meant they were the ones we ended up working on!

      HY:     That's what we were there for. When one breaks you take
      the boards, you get it running again, and you might work on the
      boards a half a day, however long it takes. And the disc drives,
      we spent a lot of our time on disc drives and moving stuff. We
      moved stuff all over the place.

      CS:     And we had to reconnect the EtherNet every time....

      HY:     I would guess a third of our time was spent moving
      computers around.

      CS:     Fortunately they were on wheels.

      KC:     But still when you consider you have to reconnect

      HY:     Everything, not just the network. It took a couple of
      hours to move one from one office to the other. And we didn't
      just move one, maybe a pair or three or four.
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 20

      CS:     They had this neat software that would run every night,
      called DMT. And we had a dedicated Alto called Peeker, remember?
      And each machine would be left with a kind of screen saver
      running, a square that moved around and checked the memory in
      all these different locations. And if it got an error when it
      was doing this little test, the Peeker would log it.

      HY:     It was a memory diagnostic that ran overnight. I'll tell
      you this. The first Altos had these Intel.... I didn't think it
      was going to make it. The 4K chips when they came out were
      really okay, reliable, but the 1K Intel chips -- 1130's --

      CS:     Every morning we would check, and anyone who had a bad
      chip, we'd go in. The nice thing about it, so many of these
      software people didn't know they had a bad or a flaky memory
      chip, and a lot of times we'd say "We have detected a bad chip
      in your computer and we'd like to change it." And they'd say
      "Oh, wonderful!"

      HY:     They would fail, but luckily the diagnostic would catch
      it before.... And memory was doubly important because the Alto
      was the first bitmap-display machine -- at least that I'm aware
      of. It took about half the memory to run the bitmap display.

      KC:     It wasn't like you'd have memory on the motherboard that
      was CPU memory, and another bank off somewhere else that was
      video memory.

      CS:     It was all one hunk of memory and partitioned, half video
      -- half CPU.

      HY:     That's right, that was all in the software. The hardware
      was just a bank of memory.

      CS:     [Peeker] was a neat system. You could look at all the
      computers in your lab or even the other labs and tell who had a
      potential problem.

      KC:     It sounds like they were actively trying to make these
      machines easy to maintain. Was there anything else like that?

      CS:     One nice thing about working there was the attitude that
      maintenance and service were integral. In a lot of places you
      work, manufacturing and service don't really get along that well
      and they don't cooperate. Whereas PARC was a single community
      that knew what had to be done. They put great reliance on
      diagnostic procedures, and if you discovered a problem, they'd
      find the engineer who designed the component and require him to
      sit down with us until we all understood the problem.

   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 21

      HY:     I wouldn't even say it was required, they just did it.
      If anyone was having difficulty, they were on it right away.

      KC:     Sounds like heaven, guys. Getting a problem with a
      computer and being able to sit down with the design engineer
      right there. You couldn't do better than that.

      CS:     Absolutely.

      HY:     Of course not. It was new to me.

      CS:     It was marvelous. Most of the engineers liked to talk to
      Herb and me because we never suggested better ways that they
      could design stuff -- or not usually. Often their colleagues
      would say "Why did you do it this way?" Whereas we just said
      "Oh, that's great!"

      KC:     So there was some question of hardware unreliability, but
      there was a degree of fail-safe. Did you mention you also had a
      de-bugging computer?

      CS:     They were named Smaug and Bilbo. From the trilogy by
      Tolkien. Smaug was the dragon and Bilbo was the Hobbit. I'm
      pretty sure Mike Overton built those, so he might have named

      HY:     I wasn't there at the very beginning of the Altos. I
      came along after the Altos were pretty much deployed but they
      needed somebody to help maintain them.

      KC:     So this debugging computer for the network, how would it
      work, what would it let you do?

      HY:     It was a normal [Alto,] but it was mounted in an open
      rack so we could get to it -- we had it accessible, and we had a
      scope on it. Open frame. We took the chassis out and put it in a
      rack and it was there about 4 feet off the ground.

      CS:     Since we had a spare set of boards of two in there, if
      someone had a problem we could just swap their board out.

      KC:     So that you had a couple of spares of pretty much

      HY:     Oh, sure, they were very generous with us in giving us
      spares. We always had plenty of spares.

      KC:     It's deadly. You talk about off the shelf parts. Those
      strange portrait mode black and white display tubes.... were
      they off the shelf?

      CS:     Ball Brothers Incorporated. I think they were built
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 22

      especially for PARC. Maybe they weren't.

      HY:     You're right. Maybe they had the monitors made and we
      just bought the tubes. PARC designed the frame for the thing.

      CS:     But I think the parts that went in it were standard Ball
      Brothers monitors.

      KC:     So there was nothing special about the pieces, it was the
      way all the pieces fit together?

      CS:     Absolutely, yes.

      HY:     Didn't Sun do a similar....

      KC:     They sure did. Now where was the manufacturing done, the
      board-level manufacturing?

      HY:     They did it somewhere else.

      CS:     Was it Twin Industries that built some of those early
      boards? Herb and I were there mostly when they were
      manufacturing Dorados. We had our board built by either Twin
      or.... initially they were called the Stitchwell boards. The
      first couple of Dorados were Stitchwell. Then they hired a
      person and she sat there with a Stitchwell machine and made

      KC:     Just before we leave the Alto, one question largely from
      personal curiosity: What were the differences between the Alto 1
      and the Alto 2?

      HY:     Repackaging mostly. And I think some minor design

      CS:     Actually they had to take larger memory chips. The Alto
      1's could only have 64K memory in them and the Alto 2 went up to
      256K. They were using the 4K chips....

      HY:     They came out with 4K chips, the Alto 2, and then went to

      CS:     Some of them went to 16. Those 1130's were not reliable
      chips and the Alto 2 never used those. So it made the Alto 2
      more reliable right off the bat.

      KC:     But the Alto 2 was the customer machine, the machine that
      was sold.

      CS:     Right. The White House bought some.

      KC:     As a matter of fact, one of the ones I just missed was
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 23

      one that had been installed at the House of Representatives. One
      of those did not happen to fall into my hands, too bad.

      CS:     One of the things about the Alto that made it easier to
      work on was that if the disc was dead -- in most computers --
      you could never boot, but this had this magic switch, in that you
      hit a certain key and you booted off the network. Even with a
      dead disc you could still do some diagnostics. If you had a dead
      part in the memory and it was right in the boot area, you could
      flip this switch on the front and it would swap the memory
      around so you could boot using the other part of it.

      KC:     Oh, make bank two into bank one....

              When we get past the Alto 2 we're up to the Dorado, and
      one thing I don't know is, were any Dorados ever sold?

      HY:     At least a couple.

      CS:     The Dorado was a very complicated machine and they
      thought it would take design engineers to maintain them. But
      Herb and I proved them wrong, that we could maintain them, so
      they re-thought that.

      KC:     Was it about the same size computer?

      HY:     The size of a large oven.

      CS:     The first ones we tried to put in offices were about the
      size of that stereo cabinet. It was so noisy. It had these high-
      speed fans on it, five of 'em. And it had to have a lot of sound
      deadening. We found that they were such an efficient heater in
      the office that the guy just about had to work in his underwear
      because it was so hot.

      HY:     I know we put one in Butler [Lampson]'s office.... It's
      been 10 years since we've worked there, and we worked there for
      almost 10 years, so this was quite a ways back.

      CS:     We worked so hard on reliability with the Dorados, then
      we decided they were unreliable just because they got so hot.

      HY:     You couldn't get the heat out of them very well.

      KC:     Even with 5 fans?

      CS:     Yeah, they had to put all that sound deadening material
      in there....

      HY:     The fans were like a hurricane. They were really big high
      volume fans.
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 24

      KC:     What made all the heat?

      CS:     ECL chips. The power supply, minus 5 volts, put out 300
      amps. They had a +5 and +2V -- they were 150 amps. It was easy
      to set a board on fire because you had this unlimited amount of
      current, and you'd have a short on the board.... We saw several
      of them just literally burn up. The fans were so powerful you
      couldn't see where the smoke was coming out. You could smell it
      and you knew that there was something seriously wrong, but you
      couldn't tell. And you had to shut each machine off and pull the
      boards out to find out.

      HY:     I remember one day -- this was probably the third or
      fourth machine we put together.... We'd plug each board in, turn
      it on, watch it a little, and turn it off, because we had to be
      very careful. But we plugged this one board in, turned it on,
      and it smoked a little bit so we turned it off. We decided that
      Charlie would watch to see where the smoke was. I turned it on,
      he leaned over the board, got real close to it, and about a
      dozen little capacitors went off like incendiary bombs! They
      flew all over! We took the board down and it turned out the
      capacitors had been installed backwards -- tantalum capacitors
      -- and it blew them up.

      CS:     Like fireworks going off! That was the problem with the
      Dorados, more than anything, was the unlimited current. It could
      be very destructive. So we had to make sure we had smoke alarms.
      We ended up putting all the Dorados in the computer room, in
      racks, two in a rack so that we could have a lot of air
      conditioning. We had about 20 Dorados in this one room in the
      early days, all connected to the terminals in the offices
      through the seven-wire interface. We'd go through stages of
      increasing the air conditioning to handle it . But they were
      very much in demand; people just loved that machine because it
      was fast. They would say, I could get my work done in an hour,
      and it would take me all day on an Alto.

      KC:     It sounds like the improvement in the Dorado wasn't just
      in raw processing speed, but comprehensive -- all the way up.
      Was there different software, or did the Alto and Dorado run the
      same software?

      HY:     The Dorado ran the Alto software in addition to its own.

      CS:     Mesa. Then they developed Cedar on the Dorado.

      KC:     What was that?

      CS:     That was one of these multi-window operating systems. You
      had the computer power there to do multi-tasking.
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 25

      KC:     And it would do cooperative multi-tasking, it was an OS/2
      style system where you could run several tasks at once with each
      task claiming a processor slice?

      CS:     That was all embedded in the software. Somehow I got the
      feeling it was a little more powerful than OS/2.

      KC:     With an operating system tailored to a five-MIPS machine,
      I don't doubt it. Was the Dorado also a 16-bit computer?

      CS:     Yes.

      KC:     Different processors, though?

      CS:     I think they just went to the ECL version.

      KC:     That was what made all the heat?

      CS:     Emitter-coupled logic is more current-driven than
      voltage-driven architecture. If we didn't have CMOS today I
      can't think of the problems we would have had building some of
      these microprocessors. You'd need a smoke stack on them!

      KC:     Pretty much. I'm sure you gentlemen realize that even
      with CMOS, there have been some problems in the industry lately
      with very-high-speed processors and some of the heat they put
      out. [_Great rumor about contemporary superscalar processor
      deleted by fact checker._]

      HY:     Meltdown time!

      CS:      Sounds like the only way out of that is to go to a
      point-six-micron [etch trace] technology. Then they have to go
      to lower logic voltage, to 3.3 [volts] rather than 5.

      KC:     We can foresee that, but I'm not sure it'll solve the
      problem. So eventually you had 15 or 20 Dorados sitting in this
      machine room where presumably you could keep an eye on all of

      CS:     We set up several different labs that had Dorados.

      HY:     I think they built over a hundred Dorados, and we had
      [responsibility for] maybe 60 of them....

      CS:     The other lab had some guys who started maintaining

      HY:     They built so many of them with the multi-wire boards,
      and those were probably the worst attempt at a board I've ever
      seen in my life.
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 26

      KC:     What do you mean by a "multi-wire" board?

      HY:     It wasn't a PC board, it was a process where they strung
      wires somehow.

      CS:     It was varnished wire with a layer of poured epoxy over
      it. The wires could meet at 90 degrees on the same level,
      something you can't do on a PC board -- you have to change
      levels. You could actually intersect these wires and they called
      the intersection a knuckle. But a lot of the boards developed
      shorts at the knuckles.

      HY:     They could short when they were hot and be okay when they
      were cool -- they were a disaster.

      CS:     So we went to a PC after that. It was from Stitchwell, to
      multi-wire, to PC.

      KC:     Was the same level of internal diagnostic on the Dorado
      that there had been on the Altos?

      HY:     Even better!

      CS:     The way we de-bugged a Dorado was, we'd use an Alto.
      This fellow Ed Fiala developed a system called Midas, which was
      built into the Dorado boards, where it had all the pertinent
      signals listed. And by hooking up this Alto and running this
      program Midas, we could look at all these signals on the
      Dorados, so when the Dorado stopped we could look at the result
      of all these mufflers -- as they called them -- or MUXes. That
      restored a signal and we could tell the state of all these

      KC:     It was basically a real elaborate Sniffer. Now if you had
      the Alto jacked into the network could you diagnose any Dorado
      on the network?

      HY:     No, this connection [to the Alto] was a hard wire....

      KC:     It's a "tell me where it hurts" connection?

      CS:     That's right. For each bank of Dorados we had an Alto,
      and we'd jack it in as soon as we had a problem reported.

      KC:     One Dorado, which sounds like a decently powerful
      machine, was connected to how many terminals?

      HY/CS:  One! The personal computer! That's why everybody loved

      KC:     It was a personal computer, except nine-tenths of it
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 27

      happened to be in the basement, so to speak.

      HY:     Oh, I'd say ninety-nine per cent, was off where the
      users didn't have to worry about it. All they had on their
      desks, really, was a terminal and keyboard, but they were hooked
      straight to this powerful machine.

      KC:     It was like having a dedicated minicomputer.

      HY:     That's what it was, exactly.

      CS:     The thing that always amazed me -- some people were
      prone to static, and you'd think you'd be immune to that having
      a computer in the basement, but some people would come in there
      and touch that keyboard and they'd damage a board. With the
      computer 200 feet away.

      KC:     You say that the first boards were hand-laid-up, and then
      came the multi-wire, and finally they went to PC boards as we
      understand the term. It sounds like....

      HY:     The PC Dorados were quite reliable. The multi-wires just
      weren't, because of the underlying technology.

      KC:     It sounds like kind of a long development cycle. How long
      were Dorados produced?

      CS:     We built the first couple in 1978, and we were still
      building some when we left in '85. They were starting to go to
      SUNs, but I think probably we were still making them -- or we
      weren't, but the garage was. I would say the Dorados were built
      for at least five years, at least until '82. The first couple of
      years you [HY] were doing most of the Altos and I was on the
      team that was building the Dorados.

      HY:     [laughs] You were the team, Charlie.

      KC:     Most of the Dorados were for use inside Xerox?

      CS:     At first CSL was going to have the only Dorados, because
      none of the other labs wanted to get involved in building them.
      It was a major effort. We had some 12 engineers for 2 years.

      HY:     It didn't seem like the lab wanted to do it at first,
      and [Bob Taylor] persuaded them to do it, I think. I don't know
      exactly how he did it, or how much was public and how much never
      left his office....

      CS:     Bob Taylor is a unique individual. He managed all these
      brilliant people and kept them together. They called it some
      type of democracy, but I always felt it was benevolent
      dictatorship. Once the other labs saw this Dorado, everybody
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 28

      wanted them. They'd say "My God, this is unbelievable."

      KC:     It sounds pretty unbelievable.

      HY:     They were about $50,000....

      KC:     In parts or finished?

      HY:     Probably thirty to fifty thousand in raw parts. That
      doesn't count if you sell the thing, it's got to be 3 or 4 times
      that. It had to cost $150,000 to $200,000 to the customer.

      KC:     Still, for 5 MIPS that wouldn't have been a bad price,
      at that time.

              Now, one other thing before we get to the social and
      political history. Another machine that I've always been curious
      about was called the Note Taker?

      CS:     Yes, that was Alan Kay's machine.... We didn't get
      involved that much, that was built in the other lab actually. I
      know it was originally Alan Kay's dream because we used to talk
      to him about -- he called it "Dynabook"....

      KC:     He called it the _Interim_ Dynabook. He has never
      conceded to this day that anything is actually the Dynabook.
      There's got to always be one more little improvement.

      CS:     That was the ultimate, right -- you'd never get there.

      KC:     So you were not involved with anything beyond the

      CS:     The Altos and the Dorados. We did do some service on the

      HY:     It was a scaled-down Dorado.

      KC:     Scaled down in what sense?

      HY:     In speed, power and all that.

      CS:     They were mostly built in the garage. It was about the
      size of an Alto -- or a little bigger, but it was the same kind
      of push-under-the-desk [form factor].

      KC:     It was an attempt to put some sizable fraction of a
      Dorado's power and functionality in an Alto's case.

      HY:     I think that's a fair description. It was called a D-

   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 29

      KC:     What was the Dandelion?

      HY:     Dandelion was an actual product that went through a
      couple of development cycles --

      CS:     and was called the Star.

      KC:     Oh, Dandelion became the Star. Now I got it.

              This just goes to show you that computer history has to
      be taken care of, to be moderated, to be curated if you will, at
      a lot of different levels. And that's a lot what we're about --
      striking a balance between nuts-and-bolts history and political
      and organizational history. But in the broad sense it's all part
      of the same thing.

              So, now -- what about the exodus?

      CS:     You field that first!

      HY:     I remember the day Bob Taylor resigned. I had no clue
      there was anything wrong, but there must have been something
      going on for a few months. Bill Spencer was putting pressure on
      Bob of some kind. Anyway, Bob called a meeting one Monday
      morning at nine o'clock. And he walked in and resigned, and it
      caught me flabbergasted. I didn't know what was going on. Then
      immediately Chuck Thacker resigned and I guess they both left --
      I know Bob did, I think Chuck did -- and Bill Spencer was
      addressing the group. And I thought maybe they were going to
      lynch him. He was a big man, a big imposing guy. I'd never seen
      such hostility. These guys were mad, they were fuming.

      CS:     I understand they offered him a good retirement if he
      would promise not to set up a lab in competition to PARC.

      HY:     There was a lot of loyalty to Bob Taylor. I remember Bill
      Spencer saying something about, what can I do to rectify
      this.... and one guy yelled "You can fucking resign!" They were
      just furious and they were all yelling. Some of those people I
      had never seen angry before, in all that time.

      CS:     There was probably no work done for the next couple of
      months, in some of the labs.

      ME:     Did they have some idea of why he had left --

      HY:     I'm sure some of the senior people did. I don't know
      about the rest of them. I was pretty far down looking up, and
      things were really murky. Later on we saw a copy of a letter
      that Bill Spencer had written Bob and it put a lot of pressure
      on him, saying he had to do things a certain way. He just wasn't
      that kind of person and wouldn't do it. It just angered
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 30

      everybody and they started leaving right away. Within two or
      three months, I bet sixty to seventy per cent of the people had

      CS:     That was somewhere in the middle of September, and by the
      first week of January the doors opened, I guess there was some
      milestone on the first of January -- and people really started
      rolling out. I think 40 or 50 people left.

      HY:     I'm sure they were all deciding where they were going to
      go. Just a handful of the original guys stayed.

      KC:     But you stayed.

      HY:     It's not the same for me, I'm a technical support
      person. I'm not a scientist, I'm talking about all the scientists
      who left.

      KC:     I know fairly well who left at that point. But you have
      an unusual perspective, from the public standpoint, of having
      been there after the exodus. Most of what you might call the
      public history of that whole event ends with the day it
      happened. So what happened after the exodus -- how did they try
      to build PARC back up?

      HY:     I don't know what the management actually tried or
      decided. I remember Doctor [George] Pake addressing the group a
      couple of times, and one time in particular he looked to me like
      me was almost in tears. I think he really regretted seeing the
      people leaving. You didn't see that in Bill Spencer, as far as I

      CS:     Spencer eventually took George Pake's place.

      HY:     Quite a bit later.

      ME:     How rapidly did they try to bring new people in?

      CS:     They started to reorganize the labs. They moved some

      ME:     Consolidation-type thing?

      CS:     Yeah, CSL was just totally gutted.

      HY:     Most of the major people left. A lot of the big guys

      CS:     A lot of them didn't go to DEC either.

      HY:     Certainly quite a few people did.
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 31

      CS:     Even Herb and I could see the writing was on the wall for
      us. What we had done in the past.... what gradually happened to
      us, within about a year, they sort of moved us out of the lab
      and put us in a service group.

      HY:     The hardware people were mostly gone, and so [management]
      didn't know what to do with us, or they didn't care so much
      about us. We were just a necessary part.... whereas before when
      the hardware guys were there we felt somewhat integrated into
      the group.

      KC:     And so the standard of internal cooperation went downhill
      and it wasn't the same after that.

      HY:     It didn't happen immediately. I'm not privy to
      management, I don't know all that went on in every place, but
      the productivity certainly went down.

      CS:     They had to re-evaluate some of their projects because so
      many people left.

      I think they still continued development on the Cedar
      [multitasking environment] and the Dragon. When you lose all
      that talent --

      HY:     Even the Dragon, I'm sure, was slowed down a lot after
      Thacker and Butler Lampson left.

      KC:     It's amazing to me from what I know. I've come at this
      from another angle. I've talked to people at places like
      ParcPlace, where there were Xerox PARC alumni who were more
      trying to continue the traditions of software development,
      rather than hardware development. After the people like Thacker
      and Lampson and Adele Goldberg, people like that, Alan Kay,
      after they scattered all over the place it was almost difficult
      to understand how enhanced the processes must have been by
      having all these people in one building.

      HY:     Right. Dr. Kay and Adele Goldberg, though, didn't work
      for CSL and they weren't part of that group. I don't know when
      they left.

      CS:     This was a CSL group -- there were about 50 scientists.

      KC:     When the exodus happened it was mostly at CSL, so far as
      people who left immediately, but that was only the epicenter of
      the explosion. It went through the other labs and a lot of
      people left -- not then, but six months or a year later. It blew
      the whole place.

      HY:      Gary Starkweather left. I've heard a story about that.
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 32

      As far as I know his work is the only work that ever benefited
      Xerox. They made lots of money off his work, and for him to
      leave had to be sort of the crowning touch.

      KC:     Anything else?

      CS:     One unique experience over there. We were working in a
      Dorado lab called the Purple Lab, and there was this group that
      Larry Tesler was showing some of the software. One fellow was
      Steve Jobs, and there was a whole entourage. Somebody said "Oh,
      these people are from Apple Computers," and we said, "Who would
      ever buy a computer called 'Apple?'" Talk about underestimating.
      [copious laughter] Apple! What a dumb name for a computer!

      KC:     The funny thing was that you were looking right at Larry
      Tesler showing Steve Jobs around, and Steve Jobs went back to
      the office, burst in on Mike Markkula, and said roughly "I have
      seen the future and it works!" And it's true that Jobs took that
      vision and made it work, but look at how much more time and
      money he spent.

      HY:     Kip, I really appreciate your sense of the history.

      KC:     And yours! There's so much of it, gentlemen, we've
      barely begun.

      (c) Copyright 1993 - David T. Craig (1)
      CIS 71533,606


      This paper is an attempt by a long-time Lisa user to clarify the
      significance of the Apple Lisa personal computer for the
      computing industry. The audience is anyone who has an interest
      in innovative computing technology, and wants to learn a little
      about Apple Computer's brief foray into this area via the Lisa

      This paper hopes to show why the Lisa was significant in its
      time, and how some of what was called "Lisa Technology" is
      slowly migrating to other computer systems, notably the Apple
      Macintosh computer series.

      The author has never worked for Apple, and so is not privy to
      any "insider secrets" about this machine. All information
      contained herein was obtained from Apple's cornucopia of Lisa
      and Macintosh literature, from discussions with other Lisa
      owners, and through my personal involvement with and observation
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 33

      of both machines since 1984.

      This paper is loosely based upon the excellent article "The
      Legacy of the Lisa" (MacWorld magazine, Sep. 1985) as written by
      Mr. Larry Tesler, one of the Lisa's main designers and currently
      Chief Scientist at Apple Computer.


      Apple began developing the Lisa in 1979. The Lisa's charter was
      to build a revolutionary device that was truly easy to use, and
      thereby mitigate the limitations of existing computers.
      Developing a computer which was an order of magnitude easier to
      use than traditional computers required several major
      departures, not all of which were obvious.

      Even the name "Lisa" has always been rather enigmatic for most
      computer users, including Lisa owners. To set the story straight
      (as far as I know) here are the facts: Officially, Apple states
      that "Lisa" stood for "Local Integrated Software Architecture."
      Unofficially, "Lisa" has been associated with the name of a
      child fathered by one of the Lisa designers. (2)

      The Lisa had several design goals:

      * Be intuitive,
      * be consistent,
      * conform to the ways people actually work,
      * have enough performance to do the jobs that need doing,
      * provide an open software and hardware architecture,
      * be reliable,
      * be pleasing, and
      * fit into an everyday work environment.

      The Lisa was based on sophisticated hardware technology. The
      single compact desktop unit contained a 12-inch black-and-white
      screen, and two revolutionary floppy disk drives called "Twiggy"
      -- after the English supermodel of the day, because she, and
      they, were so thin. The Lisa contained a Motorola 68000
      processor and 1 megabyte of memory, expandable to 2 megabytes.
      Cabled to the Lisa's case were a keyboard, and a (then) uncommon
      peripheral called a "mouse," which was a key element of the
      Lisa's design.

      Apple introduced the Lisa to the general public in January 1983
      at a price of $9,995. In April 1985, after only one and a half
      years, Apple discontinued the Lisa in favor of its sibling, the

      Lisa development was a tremendous undertaking for Apple and
      basically required most of the company's resources, both
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 34

      financial and personal. Apple reports that Lisa cost $50 million
      to develop and required 200 man-years of development effort. The
      story behind the development is fascinating and should be more
      fully recorded, but this paper can provide only a "Reader's
      Digest" version of the development history; a more complete
      history can only be written by the developers themselves, and
      this author, sadly, believes that such a treatment will never
      see the light of day.

      The Lisa may be considered a computer that sprang from the loins
      of a host of predecessor systems, and many of its
      "revolutionary" ideas were not really new -- notwithstanding the
      cries of Apple marketers, who think everything Apple does is
      new. Work by many computer companies over decades (yes, decades)
      was drawn on by Apple to design the Lisa. For example, Apple
      borrowed several key ideas from Xerox and its early Alto system.

      In 1979 Mr. John Couch, Apple's head of software, was made
      General Manager of a new Apple division called POS, Personal
      Office Systems. Mr. Couch's charter was to develop and promote
      the Lisa for the office system market, and provide a return on
      Apple's substantial Lisa investment.

      From meager beginnings, POS blossomed into a 300-person
      division, with around 100 people devoted to the software and
      hardware development effort. The Lisa had begun as a rather
      humdrum text based system, not a good sign for a "revolutionary"
      computer. Couch assembled a team of very talented people from
      within Apple and throughout Silicon Valley. After some field
      trips to neighboring Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center), the
      developers (and some ex-PARC people who became Apple employees)
      embarked upon what became the Lisa computer as known to the
      public. Perhaps the key change at this point was the migration
      from a text-based system to a window-based system inspired by
      Xerox's Smalltalk development environment.

      Apple unveiled the Lisa in late 1982 to selected outsiders. On
      19 January 1983, after repeated delays and two years beyond the
      originally projected introduction date, Apple officially
      declared Lisa a working system that would be deliverable in May
      1983. Apple at this time hoped to mark the beginning of a new
      era in personal computers & establish the software technology
      standard of the 80's.

      Apple's comprehensive Lisa introduction also included a suite of
      revolutionary and sophisticated programs called the Lisa Office
      System (later renamed "Lisa 7/7" by Apple). This suite consisted
      of 7 general application programs -- LisaWrite, LisaDraw,
      LisaCalc, LisaGraph, LisaProject, LisaList, and LisaTerminal --
      and was bolstered by extensive well-written documentation and an
      innovative self-paced training course for new Lisa owners, based
      upon the LisaGuide program, which Apple called an "interactive
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 35

      manual." For hardware diagnostic purposes Apple provided the
      LisaTest program, though Apple appears to have discontinued the
      release of this program to owners in favor of referring them to
      the local friendly Apple dealer for Lisa servicing. For a user
      "operating system" Apple created the Desktop Manager. This
      program was a file organizer and program manager which created
      the illusion of a "desktop," on which users could place, move,
      rename, and delete files, and run programs.

      Apple supplied three different printers for Lisa, all capable of
      printing exactly what the user saw on the screen. The dot-matrix
      printer could print both high-resolution text and graphics. The
      daisy-wheel printer was unique in that it could also print
      graphics, though the ribbon was used up very quickly for this
      task. Later in the Lisa's life Canon provided a color inkjet
      printer for it. Apple appears to have had plans to support a
      laser printer with the Lisa, but these plans were abandoned,
      although Apple did have a $30,000 in-house laser printer which
      was used by the Lisa developers.

      Apple's internal software development centered around the Lisa
      Monitor environment, which was text-based, and resembled the
      environments Apple provided for its Apple II and Apple III
      computer systems. The majority of Lisa programs were written in
      the Pascal language by Apple, except for a few written in 68000
      assembler. A COBOL and a BASIC were also available. To give an
      idea of the size of this effort: The Lisa operating system
      source contained about 90,000 lines of Pascal, and the Office
      System applications contained approximately 50,000 lines each.
      The programmers used a wonderful window- and mouse-based editor
      called LisaEdit. Outside developers were offered a development
      kit called the Lisa Workshop, a descendant of the Lisa Monitor
      environment. With the Workshop a programmer could develop rather
      sophisticated programs, primarily in Pascal.

      A major software development effort by Apple focused on the Lisa
      Desktop Libraries, a collection of about 100 software modules
      which provided the software foundation for Lisa Technology.
      These modules were used by all Lisa programs and were the
      mainstay of the Lisa's consistent user interface. A key
      component of the Desktop Libraries was QuickDraw, a fast and
      versatile graphics module written in around 40,000 lines of
      68000 assembly language.

      During the Lisa's rather short life, very few programs were
      written for it by outside developers who could exploit its
      revolutionary user interface. The main reason for this was the
      lack of any fairly simple development environment that would
      allow outside developers to write "Lisa-like" programs without a
      tremendous amount of technical knowledge. After Apple developed
      the major Lisa programs, they attempted to develop a universal
      "framework" for programming called the Lisa ToolKit; but
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 36

      development of this, though basically finished, was halted when
      Apple withdrew resources from Lisa software development to
      accelerate Macintosh development. Apple had also not documented
      fully, nor designed in an easily understandable fashion, the
      code which formed the basis for the software component of Lisa
      Technology. Finally, third-party developers hesitated to commit
      to the Lisa given its high perceived price and its low sales

      A major headache for Apple during the development effort was the
      pair of Twiggy disk drives in each Lisa. The single 5.25-inch
      high density floppy (860K bytes) with software-controlled
      automatic ejection and micro-stepping technology proved a little
      too revolutionary, and held back the Lisa schedule. After
      introduction Apple wisely abandoned Twiggy in favor of the new,
      more reliable 3.5 inch Sony micro-floppy drives with 400K bytes
      per disk. Complementing the floppy drives was a ProFile hard
      disk drive with 5M bytes capacity, originally offered for the
      Apple III. A 10M byte ProFile was later developed by Apple for
      the Lisa 2.

      Apple spent a lot of time during Lisa's development testing Lisa
      features with real users. Apple's literature on this topic shows
      that the Lisa developers were occasionally surprised by the user
      testing results, but the end product of these tests was a better
      Lisa system. Apple also gave high priority to understandable
      foreign language translations for the Lisa software, developing
      a useful technical solution to the problem of "localization"
      through Phrase files which contained all the phrases that a Lisa
      program could display to the user. With access to the Phrase
      files, a translator with minimal computer skills could translate
      the program's messages and create a national-language version,
      without having to delve into the highly technical underlying
      source code. The Lisa at power-on also supported foreign
      language diagnostic messages, which could be keyed in from the

      Apple projected sales of 10,000 Lisas in the last half of 1983
      and 40,000 in 1984. In retrospect, Apple was able to sell around
      80,000 Lisas during its 18 month life -- an average of 4,500
      units a month or 13,000 per quarter, figures very close to
      initial sales projections. (I believe Apple's sales were less
      than expected in the first months after the Lisa's introduction,
      but sales picked up near the end of the Lisa's life).


      Apple confronted several significant risks with Lisa's

      On the technical front, the software development effort was
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 37

      immense, and could easily have delayed the introduction. The
      Twiggy disk drive proved barely workable, but the more reliable
      Sony 3.5 inch disk drives were substituted. The Lisa's printing
      technology was a risk, since Apple was basically trying to get
      dot-matrix and daisy-wheel printers to emulate a high-resolution
      laser printer. Font and printer problems were eventually

      On the business front, Apple had several very high hurdles to
      jump. The company was unable to invest enough time in helping
      outside developers. The seven programs of the Office System were
      basically all the programs Apple had for the Lisa's
      introduction. Product planners were on the dangerous edge of
      confusing the Lisa and Macintosh product lines. Finally, Apple's
      data communications strategy appeared primitive; Apple did
      develop a network for the Lisa, called AppleBus (later
      AppleTalk,) but Lisa networking never achieved popularity with

      After a year with the Lisa product line, Apple's management came
      to the conclusion that Apple could only support one line of
      computer with a graphical interface. Lisa lost out to the
      Macintosh. The Lisa's name was changed to Macintosh XL (quoted
      variously as standing for "Extra Large" or "X-Lisa"). In April
      1985 the Lisa was discontinued and the Macintosh became Apple's
      top-end computer; after the discontinuation Apple supported the
      Lisa hardware with a 5-year program of spare parts and repair

      To ease the transition to the Macintosh, Apple developed a
      program called MacWorks that allowed the Lisa to run most
      contemporary Macintosh programs. MacWorks supported Apple's
      strategy: to sell its remaining inventory of Lisas to the
      Macintosh public, which desired a Macintosh more powerful than
      the original 128K and 512K models.

      The bulk of Apple's remaining Lisa inventory was sold to a Utah
      company called Sun Remarketing. (3) Sun continues to sell the
      Lisa today as a Macintosh. Apple's final Lisa collection was
      placed in a landfill by Apple several years ago; I'm not certain
      of the reason for this, but believe it may have been a result of
      a lawsuit concerning the Lisa brought by several Apple

      The Lisa legacy at Apple is still somewhat alive, at least in a
      physical sense. The Apple Corporate Museum houses a few
      functioning Lisas for display purposes, but I believe they may
      be running Macintosh rather than Lisa software. [Unfortunately,
      the Apple Museum is currently closed indefinitely. -- Ed.]

   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 38


      The Lisa has proven to be one of the most underrated personal
      computer systems in the industry's history. When Apple
      introduced the Lisa in 1983, very few people seemed to
      understand the revolutionary concepts implicit in its design. In
      retrospect, we can say that Apple itself shared this lack of

      Apple's revolutionary "Lisa Technology" combined tight
      integration of hardware and software with a simple design goal:
      to make the computer as easy to use as possible, without
      sacrificing power that would enable the user to accomplish
      significant computing tasks. In Apple's words, Lisa Technology
      was based upon "the extensive use of graphics, consistent user
      interface, and pointing device (the 'mouse') which together
      emulate the way an individual works in the office".

      To quote one of Apple's Lisa documents, the Lisa hardware and
      software combination "must be seen to be believed;" but in fact
      it must be used, extensively, before it can be appreciated.
      Discussing Lisa's important differences will only bring on
      skepticism; demonstrating the system is some help, but often not
      a lot. The non-Lisa user meeting a Lisa for the first time will
      perennially ask, "Can something that looks so gimmicky really do
      serious work?" But I think that most people who spend several
      hours with a Lisa accomplishing something real -- aside from
      those few who have tried it and really don't like it -- will
      come away with positive conclusions about the Lisa's value, or
      at least the value of its technology.

      One effective presentation tool used by Apple for Lisa customers
      was the Lisa Concept Pyramid. The apex of this pyramid
      represented the solutions required by the target customer, the
      information professional, who was called a "knowledge worker" by
      Apple). The generic applications are all tools which can be used
      by almost anyone.

      The middle layer of the pyramid represented the underlying
      technology of a truly "easy to use" system. The prototype of
      this technology was created within Xerox PARC, but Apple's
      refinement of it consumed the bulk of Lisa's 200-man-year
      development effort. Many contributions by Apple were
      enhancements of integration and of the user interface; keys to
      that accomplishment included the one-button mouse and its driver
      software. Another cornerstone is Visual Fidelity, or the
      correlation between screen image and printed output now referred
      to as "WYSIWYG."

      The bottom layer is the foundation for the layers above. The
      major design issues were all dictated by the needs of the
      software, rather than the traditional domination of the design
      by hardware. (4) The Lisa operating system needed to be multi-
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 39

      tasking, to allow multiple programs to co-exist on the screen.
      The Graphics/Mouse technology was the key to making the Lisa's
      user interface possible.

      All Lisa user actions were centered around the one-button mouse.
      The user moved the mouse pointer (usually a small arrow-shaped
      pointer) to the screen object of interest. For example, to
      activate a menubar command the user moved the mouse pointer to
      the appropriate command group label, e. g. Edit, and pressed the
      mouse button. The selected menu would then "pull down" showing a
      list of the specific commands the user could work with. Still
      holding the mouse button down, the user dragged the mouse
      pointer to the desired command, e. g. Copy, and released the
      mouse button when the mouse arrow touched the Copy command and
      the command name in the menu was highlighted. At this point the
      selected menu command was activated and performed its function
      on the selected window object. For example, if you were using
      LisaWrite, the Lisa's word processor, you could copy data from a
      LisaWrite document by first selecting with the mouse pointer the
      text to copy, and then activating the Edit menu Copy command.

      The Lisa's technology has now been copied extensively by other
      systems, both within Apple and elsewhere. But in my opinion
      several aspects of the Lisa's design made it unique. These
      aspects have not, so far, been adopted to any significant degree
      by other microcomputer systems.


      The Lisa was powered on and powered off by a button on the front
      plate of the computer case, but its power button was not a true
      "hard" power switch; a Lisa, once plugged in, was always
      running. When the Lisa was "off" it was really in a low-power
      mode (what might now be called a sleep mode) that toggled to
      full power when the user pressed the power button. Conversely,
      if the user pressed the power button to turn the Lisa "off," the
      hardware called to the operating system (really to the Lisa
      Desktop Manager) which commanded all executing programs to save
      their documents. When all programs indicated that they had
      committed their documents to disk, the Lisa toggled to its low-
      power mode.


      The Lisa maintained an orderly desktop for the user. At power-
      down, the Desktop Manager would save the state of the desktop as
      well as all open document data. When the user powered-up the
      Lisa, the Desktop Manager restored the desktop state as it was
      on power-down.

   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 40


      The Lisa supported a document-centered view which gave priority
      to documents, not programs. To start a new document in any
      application, the Lisa user tore off a sheet of "stationery" from
      a pad icon that resided on the screen. When "opened" by the user
      a stationery pad automatically duplicated itself, set its name
      and the current date, and created a window on-screen for the
      user. (Stationery pads survive in Macintosh System 7, but the
      Macintosh does not use a document-based view.) Lisa program
      icons rarely came into play except to move the program file to
      another disk. Generally, Lisa users kept document stationery
      pads easily accessible on the screen and kept program icons in a
      folder, which they opened only to add new programs or delete old


      Several design decisions made the Lisa's file system unusually
      reliable. To reduce the impact of a system crash, the file
      system maintained distributed redundant information about the
      files, in different forms and in different places on disk media.
      For example, information about a file in the central disk
      catalog was repeated in a special disk block at the head of that
      file. Also, each block on the disk specified the part of the
      file to which it belonged, in a special string called a "block
      tag." Since all files and blocks on a disk were able to identify
      and describe themselves, there were several ways to recover lost
      information. A utility called the Scavenger was able to
      reconstruct damaged disk catalogs from the redundant information
      stored in and about each file.

      The Scavenger is activated automatically whenever the Lisa
      determines that a disk has problems. At this point the Lisa's
      low-level operating system informs the Desktop Manager, which
      displays a dialog for the user. The user may elect to have the
      Lisa repair the disk or eject it. In my experiences with the
      Lisa I've only had one disk that the Scavenger could not fix.

      The Lisa's ProFile hard disk and Twiggy floppy drives also
      included extensive reliability features. One such feature was
      disk block sparing. When a disk block (of 512 bytes) was
      detected as beginning to fail, the Lisa's disk drive (whether
      ProFile or Twiggy) moved the data to a spare area of the disk
      and marked the failing block as "bad". Whenever a program
      attempted to access a bad block, the drive automatically
      substituted a "spared" data block.

      The original Macintosh supported block tags at the hardware
      level, but Apple never provided a Mac Scavenger program to
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 41

      monitor and use these tags. Neither did Apple's Finder program
      (the Desktop Manager equivalent for the Mac) support checks for
      failing disk blocks. After several years Apple abandoned disk
      block tag use. Newer Macintoshes have introduced block sparing
      for high density floppies and hard drives.


      Each Lisa contained a unique serial number, stored in a special
      electronic chip, which the Desktop Manager could read. The Lisa
      used the serial number for program protection, and to establish
      uniquely identified communication nodes within Lisa data


      All Lisas provided a simple and effective method of protecting
      user programs from piracy, and data files from overly curious

      When the user installed a new program, the Lisa "serialized" the
      disk copy of the program by writing the ROM-based serial number
      to the program floppy disk. The user of this disk would then be
      unable to copy this "protected master" program file to another
      Lisa. The user could still execute the protected program from
      the floppy disk, but this was tedious, given that Lisa programs
      tended to be large and floppy-disk-based program execution would
      try the patience of most users.

      Document protection was provided by passwording. The user could
      select a document icon with the mouse and, through a menu-driven
      dialog, obtain general information about the document. This
      information included the document's size and a field for the
      protection password. If the user typed a password into this
      field, the document was protected. When any user attempted to
      open a protected document, the Lisa displayed a dialog asking
      for the password.


      The Lisa did not display physical file names to the user.
      Instead the Desktop Manager presented a "document name view"
      which allowed descriptive names with up to 63 characters. The
      underlying filesystem allowed file names up to 31 characters
      long, which could not contain the directory separator character
      "-". For each document the Desktop Manager maintained a user
      document name (e. g. "Vacation Plans - 1983") and a physical
      low-level file name (e. g. "{T3D456}").

   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 42

      This non-physical file name scheme allowed the use of multiple
      documents with the same user-defined name, whose underlying
      physical file names were different. In this regard the Lisa
      mimicked the physical working desktop, where a worker might have
      five photocopies of the same document at the same time.

      To the best of my knowledge, no other currently available
      microcomputer supports non-physical document names.


      The Lisa keyboard contained small pull-out firm plastic sheets
      of helpful information. The first sheet showed the keyboard
      itself and a layout of all the keys that the could be typed in
      combination with the Option key. Other cards gave concise
      information about Lisa operating features and techniques, such
      as how to copy documents. Another blank card allowed users to
      write down important personal information pertaining to the
      Lisa; for example, the phone number of the local Apple service
      center or representative.


      The original Lisa contained 1 megabyte of physical memory, with
      about half of it used for the Lisa Desktop Manager and the
      Desktop Libraries. A sophisticated hardware-based memory
      virtualization allowed Lisa programs to access more memory than
      was physically installed. This strategy also allowed the Lisa to
      segregate executing programs so that they could not access other
      programs' data at inappropriate times. If memory protection was
      violated, the Lisa would stop the errant application and alert
      the user that the program had been terminated.


      Through the Environments Window, Lisa provided a simple method
      for the computer to run radically different operating
      environments. On boot-up, Lisa ran a special low-level program
      called the Environment Selector, which located and ran a default
      operating environment, if one was present. Otherwise, the
      Selector displayed a window allowing the user to select a run-
      time environment. Apple supplied two different environments: the
      Office System environment for non-technical end users, and the
      Workshop environment for programmers. Other companies supplied
      additional environments, e. g. an implementation of UNIX.

   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 43


      Lisa screen contrast could be adjusted by the user with a
      special program called Preferences. This program also allowed
      the user to define a duration of inactivity, after which the
      screen would automatically dim and lessen contrast. This feature
      prevented screen "burn-in," which happens when screen images at
      high contrast "burn into" the screen's phosphors. The Lisa
      automatically, gradually dimmed the screen in pleasing
      increments -- a nice touch on Apple's part which prevented a
      jarring change in screen brightness and contrast.


      For users who dealt with sensitive data, the Lisa provided a
      simple screen privacy feature. The user could press Option-
      Shift-[numeric keypad zero] at any time and the screen would
      immediately dim.


      The Lisa, when powered on, ran a special hardware self-test
      which made certain that it could safely run user programs and
      manipulate user data. Hardware failure would trigger a specific
      failure error number which could be used by an Apple service
      center to isolate the defective part.

      During these diagnostic tests (which took around 3 minutes to
      execute) the Lisa displayed icons and messages to the user. The
      messages could appear in either English, French, or German,
      according to which keyboard was attached; Lisa keyboards were
      self-identifying and provided the Lisa with information
      including the keyboard "language". For example, if the keyboard
      was a German keyboard, then all diagnostic messages appeared in

      Unfortunately, this language-sensing compatibility didn't extend
      to the menus of Office System applications and programs like


      Lisa firmware contained a "service mode" which could be
      activated when the computer was powered on; this special feature
      allowed the knowledgeable user to run additional diagnostic
      tests. Also supported was a cross-hatch display pattern which
      made it easier to adjust the screen contrast.

   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 44


      Any subassembly of a Lisa, except for dangerous portions like
      the monitor CRT, could be disassembled by the end-user, readily
      and with few if any tools. For example, users could remove and
      replace a disk drive with ease by just gripping the tabs at the
      base of the front panel, popping the front off, and unscrewing a
      single screw which held the drive in place.


      When Apple planned to discontinue Lisa, the company was left
      without a high-end system. All Apple had to offer at the time
      was the Macintosh 128K or 512K models, which were more compact
      than the Lisa but lacked the appeal of its bigger screen, bigger
      memory, and hard disk.

      Apple's hardware and software engineers quickly developed a
      special program named MacWorks that allowed a Lisa owner to turn
      that computer into a "big" Macintosh. Apple produced three
      versions of MacWorks before turning over all MacWorks
      development to Sun Remarketing (see endnote).

      Apple combined the new MacWorks with a renamed Lisa called the
      Macintosh XL. This gambit sold a rather surprising (to Apple)
      number of Lisas. MacWorks is still a commercial product for Sun
      Remarketing, which went on to develop an enhanced MacWorks Plus
      that lets a Lisa emulate a Macintosh Plus. (I wonder how many
      Lisas/Macintosh XLs Sun really sells now, but the company has
      been prodigious in developing and producing XL hardware
      peripherals, including larger hard disks and a board that allows
      SCSI devices to work with the XL.)

      Apple solved the problem of transferring Lisa data to a
      Macintosh with the Macintosh XL Migration Kit, consisting of a
      special Lisa program called Lisa-to-Macintosh and a set of
      Macintosh data conversion programs. The Lisa program (primarily)
      wrote Lisa data files to a Macintosh disk; the Macintosh data
      conversion programs took the resulting files and converted them
      to Macintosh data files in an appropriate format. For example,
      LisaWrite documents could be converted to either MacWrite or
      Microsoft Word files for use by the Macintosh.


      Though the Lisa is now over a decade old, Lisa Technology still
      influences the Macintosh. As the Macintosh product line matures,
      it has in many ways circled back to approach the Lisa of 1983.

      When Apple introduced the Lisa in January 1983, the Macintosh
      was already under development. In January 1984 Apple introduced
      the Macintosh which, at a casual glance, resembled a physically
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 45

      smaller Lisa in many ways. But underneath, the Macintosh and the
      Lisa were totally different. The Lisa depended on a multi-
      tasking operating system, the Macintosh only on single-tasking.
      The Lisa's extra memory (8 times that of the original Macintosh
      128) and hard drive allowed use of comparatively sophisticated
      Lisa programs and larger data files. The Lisa's Desktop Manager
      and its distinctive user interface were drawn on by the
      Macintosh developers as a foundation for the Macintosh Finder.

      A short list of Lisa legacy items from Mr. Larry Tesler's
      article "The Legacy of the Lisa" (MacWorld magazine, Sep. 1985)
      appears below (I've added the Software development list):

      * User interface
       - Menubar, pull-down menus, keyboard-activated menu commands
       - Printing dialog boxes
       - Appearance, structure, and operation of windows and scroll
       - Ability to move windows and icons by dragging with the mouse
       - Windows that zoom to open and close
       - Dialog and alert boxes with buttons and check boxes

      * Applications
       - QuickDraw graphics package
       - LisaDraw converted to MacDraw
       - LisaProject converted to MacProject
       - LisaWrite, LisaCalc, LisaTerminal influenced Macintosh
       - Lisa Desktop Manager influenced the Macintosh Finder design
       - Lisa printing architecture influenced Macintosh printing

      * Software development
       - Lisa Pascal converted to MPW Pascal
       - Lisa Clascal influenced MPW Object Pascal
       - Lisa Workshop influenced design of Macintosh Programmer's
       - Lisa Workshop editor (LisaEdit) influenced editor design
       - Lisa ToolKit influenced heavily the Macintosh MacApp

      * Hardware
       - Single-button Mouse design
       - ImageWriter printer

      The Lisa legacy may also be seen in its influence, through the
      Macintosh at least, on environments for non-Apple
      microcomputers, including Microsoft Windows, Digital Research's
      GEM, and Commodore's AmigaDOS. Close examination of these
      systems will show a superficial resemblance to the Lisa (and
      Macintosh) environments. But many times below the surface one
      finds behavior that is reminiscent of the PC-DOS and CP/M
      systems from (relatively) long ago.
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 46

      Other Macintosh technical areas influenced by the Lisa were:

      *       System 7 Stationery
      *       System 7 Apple Events
      *       Finder's Print Monitor

      When I work with the Macintosh (e. g. a Macintosh II series
      machine) in 1993, I notice two prominent differences from the
      Lisa of 1984.

      First, the Macintosh is much faster than the Lisa. Editing
      complicated images in LisaDraw is almost an exercise in
      futility. Apple has made excellent progress in enhancing the
      speed of its Macintosh series. If Apple had kept the Lisa
      product line one could only assume that hardware speed
      improvements would have followed advancing technology. I've
      heard that Apple developed a prototype Lisa based upon the 68020
      processor, but canceled this project along with the Lisa as a
      whole. This might have made the Lisa a much faster machine.

      Second, the Macintosh seems comparatively incomplete in some
      ways. For example, the Macintosh Finder does not save the
      desktop, open application location, and data states, as did the
      Desktop Manager. I miss being able to press the Lisa's power-off
      button and just walk away from the computer, knowing that the
      computer would save all my application data and turn off
      automatically. Whenever I wished to resume work, I just pressed
      the power-on button and the Lisa showed me a screen matching the
      one I had left.

      I don't mean to criticize the Macintosh unfairly, since it has
      in its own right contributed much to the field of personal
      computing. But the Lisa benefited in general by resulting from a
      total system approach that delivered integrated functions with a
      consistent and high quality user interface. I can only speculate
      how this "total approach" originated, but think it may have
      something to do with the experience and age differences of the
      Lisa and Macintosh development teams. From my readings it
      appears that the Lisa developers were about a decade older than
      their Macintosh counterparts. The Lisa developers came mainly
      from large computer companies like Xerox, HP, and DEC, which had
      created and manufactured minicomputer systems, while the
      Macintosh developers came mainly from within Apple's II and III
      computer divisions. The Lisa developers also appear to have had
      a different programming philosophy than the Macintosh
      developers. The Lisa's core software was primarily written in
      Pascal, a high-level language. Macintosh core software, on the
      other hand, was written in 68000 assembly language.

      I can only hope that Apple will resurrect some Lisa Technology
      that is appropriate for Macintosh (and newer) systems. This hope
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 47

      assumes that Apple will preserve the Lisa development materials
      as best it can. Unfortunately, my experiences in this area
      suggest that Apple has lost some Lisa materials already and does
      not put a high priority on saving (what many there may consider)
      the "antiquated" Lisa technology that remains. I see the
      preservation of Lisa design notes and Lisa Office System source
      code files as crucial for the continuation of the Lisa's legacy.

      Hopefully Apple will remove the confidentiality status of its
      Lisa materials in the upcoming years so that outsiders like
      myself may have access to this body of knowledge.


      The Lisa was considered by many at Apple to be a failed
      experiment. Even so it appears that some people working there
      understand, and wish to commemorate, the Lisa's legacy to the
      Macintosh. These people provided a short dedication to the Lisa
      Desktop Manager and its designers in the Macintosh System 7
      operating system, which first appeared in 1990, almost a decade
      after the Lisa's debut.

      On a Macintosh running System 7 you may obtain a dialog showing
      a Lisa dedication. Hold down the Option key and select the menu
      item "About the Finder" (this item is called "About this
      Macintosh" if the Option key is not held down). You should see a
      pretty mountain scene with a list of names at the bottom edge.
      Wait about 15 seconds and the bottom names will scroll, showing
      more names of contributors to various versions of the Macintosh
      Finder. Eventually you will see a dialog describing the Lisa
      Desktop Manager.


      Many reference materials for the Lisa exist but, unfortunately,
      most have become difficult to obtain. Fortunately, the author of
      this paper appears to have almost everything ever written about
      the Lisa, both in the general press and by Apple Computer. All
      my Lisa materials are available to others if they pay for the
      copying and shipping.

      This discussion of Lisa references mainly covers reference works
      pertaining to the original Lisa, not to the "Macintosh version"
      Macintosh XL. The original Lisa ran its own operating system
      (called the Lisa OS) while the Macintosh XL ran the Macintosh

      For general Lisa information I recommend the following books and
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 48

      * The Complete Book of Lisa (Kurt Schmucker, 1984)
      * The Lisa Computer System (BYTE magazine, Feb. 1983)
      * The Lisa 2: Apple's Ablest Computer (BYTE magazine, 1984)
      * A First Look at Lisa (Personal Computing magazine, Mar. 1983)
      * Apple's Lisa (The Seybold Report on Professional Computing,
        Jan. 1983)
      * Lisa Makes the Scene (Apple Orchard magazine, Mar. 1983)
      * Background Information: How Lisa Works (Apple Computer, 1983)
      * Introducing Lisa: Apple's Personal Computer for the Office
        (Apple Computer, 1983)
      * Apple Introduces Lisa: A Revolutionary Personal Computer for
        the Office (Apple, 1983)
      * The Apple Lisa (Officemation Product Reports, Apr. 1983)
      * Lisa/Mac XL Handbook (Michael Posner, Lisa Lives User Group,
      * How Apple presents Lisa (Softalk magazine, Sep. 1983)
      * Personal Computer Series: Apple Lisa 2 (Electronic Design,
        Jul. 1984)
      * Lisa Owner's Manual (Apple Computer, 1984)

      Three books were written for the Lisa, but only Schmucker's book
      may be considered worth reading. Michael Posner's 123 page
      handbook is worthwhile for a decent overview of the Lisa's
      history and operational information. This handbook is also
      noteworthy for its recent publication date, which demonstrates
      the longevity of the Lisa. To join Posner's _Lisa Lives_ user
      group write to him at 5170 Woodruff Lane, Palm Beach Gardens,
      Florida 33418.


      Several Lisa-specific magazines were also around for a while.

      * Semaphore Signal
      * ICON
      * The LisaTalk Report

      Semaphore Signal was a very detailed Lisa newsletter which
      produced around 30 issues. ICON was also good. The LisaTalk
      Report was the newsletter of the Lisa NetWorkers, a group which
      tried to breathe some life into the Lisa after Apple
      discontinued it.

      Many other general Lisa references exist, ranging from general
      magazine articles to press clippings. For information about the
      Lisa's first operating system, Lisa Office System or Lisa 7/7,
      see the following:

      * Reviewing Lisa's Office System (St. Mac magazine, Mar. 1984)
      * Venerable Lisa Software Improved (Personal Computing magazine,
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 49

        Mar. 1985)
      * The Lisa Office System (Apple Computer, 1984)
      * Lisa Product Data Sheets (Apple Computer, 1983-1984)
      * LisaGuide screen prints (David Craig, 1984)

      The Product Data Sheets are worth reading for their descriptions
      of the programs Apple created for the Lisa, including LisaWrite,
      LisaDraw, LisaCalc, LisaGraph, LisaProject, LisaList, and
      LisaTerminal, as well as the Lisa itself. The screen prints are
      a complete collection of the 126 screens shown by Apple's
      interactive tutor for new Lisa users, LisaGuide.


      For historical information about the Lisa see the following.

      * The Legacy of the Lisa (MacWorld magazine, Sep. 1985)
      * The Apple 32 Line: Past, Present, and Future (A+ magazine,
        Jul. 1984)
      * Lisa Chronology (Orphan Support column, MACazine, 198?)
      * _Fire in the Valley_ (Freiburger and Swaine, Osborne-McGraw-
        Hill, 1984)
      * _The Little Kingdom: The Private Story of Apple_ (M. Moritz,

      The Lisa Legacy article is especially worth reading, since it
      was written by one of the Lisa's main designers, who provides a
      concise narrative of how the Lisa changed personal computing.

      Lisa development history and details are documented in the
      following references:

      * The Past, Present, and Future of the Macintosh Desktop
        (Semaphore Signal, Mar. 1986)
      * An Interview with Wayne Rosing, Bruce Daniels, and Larry
        Tesler (BYTE, Feb. 1983)
      * The Birth of the Lisa (Personal Computing magazine, Feb. 1983)
      * Lisa's Design (Popular Computing, Mar. 1983)
      * Lisa: A Vision for the Couch at Apple (Softalk magazine, Jul.
      * Racing to a Draw: How Apple Gets its Software out the Door
        (St. Mac, Jun. 1984)
      * Apple's Second Try at UNIX (UnixWorld magazine, Mar. 1988)
      * A Death in the Family (ICON magazine, Vol. 2, No. 3)

      The BYTE article is an excellent interview with the main Lisa
      designers. "Racing to a Draw" is worth reading for its fairly
      detailed description of LisaDraw and MacDraw development. The
      "Couch" article is a good discussion of Mr. John Couch, the
      General Manager for Lisa, who may be considered Lisa's "father".

   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 50


      Readers with technical aptitude can search out a smorgasbord of
      Lisa references that should satisfy the hungriest technophile:

      * The Architecture of the Lisa Personal Computer (Proceedings of
        the IEEE, Mar. 1984)
      * Lisa User Interface Guidelines (Apple Computer, Nov. 1983)
      * Lisa's Alternative Operating System (Computer Design, Aug.
      * Lisa: Up Close and Personal (Softalk magazine, Sep. 1983)
      * Network Introduction Package (Apple Computer, 1983)
      * The Lisa Applications ToolKit (Apple Computer, 1983)
      * Lisa Workshop User's Guide (Apple Computer, 1984)
      * Lisa Development System Internals Documentation (Feb. 1984)
      * Lisa Desktop Libraries Interface Listings (David Craig)
      * Lisa Hardware Manual (Apple Computer, May 1983)
      * Guide to the OS (Apple Computer, Oct. 1982)

      The Lisa Architecture paper is a tremendous resource of Lisa
      technical design and implementation facts, written by a primary
      Lisa designer, but it is extremely difficult to find. The Lisa
      User Interface Guidelines is a wonderful 100 page document that
      describes the design behind the Lisa's user interface. The
      Desktop Library interface listings describe the routines and
      data structures developed to implement Lisa Technology. The Lisa
      Hardware Manual is a lengthy tome describing Lisa's hardware in
      extreme detail; if you are an electronic-hardware fanatic, this
      manual is for you. The author also has a 1981 preliminary
      version of the hardware manual which runs to only 80 pages,
      versus 200 pages for the 1983 version. "Guide to the OS" is an
      internal Apple manual describing the Lisa Monitor development
      environment, precursor to the public Lisa Workshop environment.
      This document should be of interest to those who yearn for
      information about the Lisa's early development years and the
      tools used for the programming effort.


      Shortly after Apple introduced the Lisa in 1983, an enterprising
      computer engineer from Seattle started a programming group
      called the ToolKit User's Group (TUG). This group centered
      around the Lisa ToolKit, which was based on the Pascal language
      derivative Clascal, as developed by Apple for long-term Lisa
      development. Those with an interest in the ToolKit will find the
      following resources beneficial.

      * Software Frameworks: The Lisa ToolKit (BYTE magazine, Dec.
      * Professor Overrider's Almanac (David Redhed, TUG's newsletter,
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 51

        4 issues)
      * Save the ToolKit: A Call to Arms (Call A.P.P.L.E., Jun. 1984)
      * An Introduction to Clascal (Apple Computer, Jul. 1984)
      * The Lisa Applications ToolKit Reference Manual (Apple
        Computer, 1984)
      * Object-Oriented Programming for the Macintosh (Kurt Schmucker,
      * ToolKit source code (David Craig)

      The Schmucker Macintosh book is recommended for its concise
      introduction to the Lisa ToolKit and the Clascal language.
      Though devoted to the Macintosh and MacApp, Apple's ToolKit son,
      this book does provide an excellent chapter on both the ToolKit
      and Clascal. The ToolKit source code is a wonderful collection
      of well-written modules which any programmer could profit from


      Those inquiring about MacWorks, which allows a Lisa to run
      (most) Macintosh software, should pursue the following:

      * MacWorks XL User's Manual (Apple Computer, 1984)
      * MacWorks Plus: Making a Lisa Speak Macintosh (MacTech
      Quarterly, Spring 1989)

      Several articles and manuals describe how to transfer Lisa data
      to a Macintosh using the Macintosh XL Migration Kit; the most
      accessible is probably:

      * Using the Macintosh XL Migration Kit (Apple Computer, 1985)


      Several U.S. patents filed by Apple cover key Lisa technologies:

      * Lisa Twiggy disk drive front panel (Patent # Des. 266,426,
        Oct. 1982)
      * ProFile hard disk case (Patent # Des. 273,295, Apr. 1984)
      * Lisa case (Patent # Des. 277,673, Feb. 1985)
      * Lisa mouse (Patent # 4,464,652, Aug. 1984)
      * Twiggy disk drive (Patent # 4,466,033, Aug. 1984)
      * Lisa QuickDraw "regions" (Patent # 4,622,545, Nov. 1986)
      * Lisa Memory Management Unit   (Patent # 4,926,316, May 1990)


      There are several good Lisa hardware repair books which current
      Lisa (or Macintosh XL) owners should seriously consider
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 52


      * Macintosh Repair & Upgrade Secrets (Larry Pina, 1990)
      * Lisa/Macintosh XL Do-it-yourself Guide (Sun Remarketing, 1990)
      * Apple Service Technical Procedures: Lisa/Macintosh XL (Apple
        Computer, 1988)

      The Apple Service Technical Procedures manual is a very detailed
      document describing how to fix errant Lisas or Mac XLs. The
      original Lisa systems came with a wonderful disk called LisaTest
      that allowed a novice Lisa owner to diagnose the Lisa's


      For an overview of prior art that Apple liberally "borrowed" for
      the Lisa design, see various papers from Xerox and others (the
      entries marked "*" are contained in the Xerox publication "Xerox
      Office Systems Technology: A Look into the World of the Xerox
      8000 Series Products" [OSD-R8203A, Jan. 1984]).

      * The Star User Interface: An Overview (*)
      * Designing the (Xerox) Star User Interface (* [also in BYTE,
        Apr. 1982])
      * Alto: A Personal Computer (Computer Structures, Principles,
        and Examples, 1982)
      * The Smalltalk Graphics Kernel (BYTE, Aug. 1981)


      Finally, this article's author has written several other, more
      specific Lisa papers:

      * Apple Lisa Graphical Object-Oriented User Interface (Oct.
      * A Review of Apple's Lisa Pascal (Oct. 1988)
      * A Review of Apple's Lisa Workshop (Oct. 1988)
      * Apple Lisa 7/7 Tool Deserialization (1988)


      The Lisa may be seen in retrospect as an experiment that both
      succeeded and failed. It succeeded by introducing several
      concepts to the computing industry which revolutionized the way
      (some) computers were built and the ways (some) users used them.
      It failed to convince its dual target market (both power users
      and normal users) that it had met its goals of being easy to
      use, powerful, and reliable. Lisa marketing was both imaginative
      and aggressive for its time but, even so, could not measure up
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 53

      to the accomplishments of the system itself.

      Apple Computer is one of the few companies in the world with the
      gumption to attack Lisa-sized, Lisa-radical projects. Apple's
      successful demonstration that a desktop system could be both
      powerful and easy to use, and its attempt to migrate Lisa
      Technology features to its newer computers, should be considered
      a feather in the hats of all participants in the Lisa adventure.
      In a few short years, a relatively small group of talented and
      dedicated people developed a system meant to endow ordinary men,
      women and children with computing resources barely even dreamed
      of. Whatever provoked this conjunction of technical talent, it
      resulted in a brief, unparalleled flash of brilliance that is
      now a fading but alluring image.

      We can only hope that this fading flash will somehow be
      rekindled in the future. Having the Lisa legacy without learning
      from it would be worse than not having it at all.



      1) An earlier version of this article was published in LISA
      LIVES, the newsletter of the Lisa Lives Users' Group, for Spring

      This paper will shortly be available in an updated version which
      will include considerably more Lisa operational and technical
      information. To request a copy of the revised paper, please send
      2 or 3 Macintosh 3.5" disks and a SASE to:

      David T. Craig
      941 Calle Mejia, Apt. 509
      Santa Fe NM 87501

      2) Interesting conjectures as to "Lisa's" identity can be found
      in Robert X. Cringely's _Accidental Empires_ (Addison-Wesley,
      1992) and in Owen Linzmayer's _The Mac Bathroom Reader_

      3) Sun Remarketing
         Box 4059
         Logan, UT 84323-4059
         +1 800-821-3221
         FAX +1 801-755-3311

      4) This, too, was a philosophical inheritance from Xerox PARC.
      See Aaron Alpar, "LOGO and Smalltalk," ANALYTICAL ENGINE V1#2,
      page 8.

   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 54


      [We just had to include a commemoration for the silver
      anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing. Spaceflight computer
      expert Dr. James Tomayko of Carnegie Mellon University offers
      this description of MARCO 4418, a California computer to, core, built by TRW in Redondo Beach. -- Ed.]

      The computer in the Apollo Abort Guidance System (AGS) may be
      the most obscure computing machine in America's manned
      spaceflight program. The 330-page "Apollo Spacecraft News
      Reference" prepared for the Apollo 11 mission contains not a
      single reference to it, in contrast to several pages of
      description of the Primary Guidance, Navigation, and Control
      System (PGNCS) computer and its interfaces. The invisibility of
      the AGS is a tribute to PGNCS, since the AGS was never needed to
      abort a landing. It was. however, an interesting system in its
      own right.

      NASA policy decreed an abort if one more system failure would
      potentially cause loss of crew. Hence the failure of either the
      PGNCS or the AGS would have aborted the landing. The AGS
      operated in parallel to the PGNCS in the LEM (Lunar Excursion
      Module,) and provided independent position, velocity, attitude,
      and steering information; it could verify navigation data while
      the LEM was behind the moon and blacked out from ground control,
      and first exercised this capability during the Apollo 9 and 10
      circumlunar missions. The AGS pioneered "strapped-down" guidance
      system architecture, using sensors fixed to the LEM to determine
      motion, rather than a stable isolated platform as do
      conventional inertial guidance systems.

      The AGS system occupied only three cubic feet and comprised
      three major components: an Abort Electronic Assembly (AEA) or
      computer, an Abort Sensor Assembly (ASA) or inertial sensor, and
      a Data Entry and Display Assembly (DEDA) for the AGS.

      AEA and DEDA: The Computer Hardware

      Like the PGNCS computer, the AGS computer evolved as its
      designers clarified its requirements and purpose. The first
      design included only a "programmer," not a true computer but a
      fairly straightforward sequencer, with about 2,000 words fixed
      memory and without navigation functions. Its job was simply to
      bring the LEM to a lunar orbit higher than any surface
      obstacles; the crew would then wait for rescue from the Command
      Module, with its more sophisticated navigational and maneuvering

      In the fall of 1964, to bolster autonomy and safety, the AGS was
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 55

      respecified to provide rendezvous capability without relying on
      outside information. TRW then decided to include a computer,
      first considering an existing Univector accumulation machine,
      but finally choosing the custom-designed MARCO 4418 (for MAn
      Rated COmputer). It was an 18-bit machine, with 17 magnitude
      bits and a sign bit. It used 8-bit op codes and 13-bit
      addresses. Numbers were stored in the two's complement form,
      fixed point. Twenty-seven instructions were available, with per-
      instruction execution time varying from 10 to 70 microseconds.
      Unit size was 5 by 8 by 23.75 inches, weight 32.7 pounds, and
      power requirement 90 watts. The 4,000-word memory was bit serial
      access, divided into 2K fixed and 2K erasable cores. The cores
      were of the same construction throughout, unlike those in the
      primary computer, making the ratio of fixed memory to erasable
      memory in the MARCO 4428 re-definable; TRW was obviously
      building in compatibility with later applications.

      The DEDA was smaller, at 5.5 by 6 by 5.2 inches, and less
      versatile than its counterpart in the primary computer. It was
      located at the right of the LEM control panel in front of the
      pilot. Sixteen pushbutton keys included CLEAR, READOUT, ENTER,
      HOLD, PLUS, MINUS, and the digits 0-9. Of the nine windows in
      its single readout display, three showed the address in octal,
      one the sign, and five, digits; this resembled the readout of
      the Gemini spacecraft computer.


      AGS software repeatedly had to be "scrubbed" or reduced in size.
      By 1966, 2 full years before the first active mission using the
      LEM, only _20 words_ remained of 4,000 in AGS memory. Memory
      management became a key concern of both TRW and NASA. Since the
      fixed portion was programmed early and remained set to save
      money, all changes had to be made in the erasable portion, which
      became very expensive and arduous; the developers fought to free
      up storage literally one location at a time. Some programming
      also had to be altered to forestall possible dangers. For
      example, early versions of AGS software followed the primary
      computer in calling for engine shutdown and an attitude hold
      upon restart; this sequence would be potentially disastrous for
      a LEM close to the lunar surface. The installed version
      permitted the crew to fire the engines manually during a

      Software development followed a tight schedule and, despite
      obstacles, was completed in eleven months from receipt of
      mission profile and requirements to delivery of final program
      tape. One method of software verification was probably unique.
      To simulate motion and provide more realistic inputs to the
      computer, technicians drove MARCO 4418 around Houston in a walk-
      in van, with the programs running.
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 56


      The AGS was never used for an abort, but did contribute to
      rendezvous and docking with the CM on the Apollo 11 mission, and
      monitored PGNCS performance during all missions in which it
      flew. The only criticism of its performance was from astronaut
      John Young, who remarked that "one mistake in a rendezvous, and
      the whole thing quit;" restarts apparently occurred during
      recovery from some operator errors.

      In the last analysis, AGS was like a parachute -- mandatory, but
      presumably never needed. Its important legacy for NASA, however,
      was in improved ability to develop and manage spaceflight

      [Abridged and adapted, by permission, from Volume 18, Chapter 2,
      _Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology_ (Marcel
      Dekker, pub.)]

      An Encyclopedia of Computer History (Version 2.0)
      Antelope, CA: Lexikon Services, 1994
      Hyperstack for MS-DOS or MS-Windows,
      approximately 650 pages, US$19.95
      ISBN 0-944601-405

      Reviewed by Kip Crosby

      When I began collecting tidbits of computer history, I stashed
      them in an MS-Windows string-search database, sorted by date. I
      badgered after details and worried that they'd escape before I
      had time to key them in. My paperbacks blossomed with post-it
      bookmarks. I puzzled over contradictions from multiple sources.
      (Is everybody saying "Been there, done that?") After many
      rampages through libraries, and thirty or forty hours of keying,
      I had....a pretty good reference stack. For some things.

      Now along comes Mark Greenia and knocks my socks off. Watch out!
      Your socks are in peril too.

      Lexikon Services' HISTORY OF COMPUTING bills itself as many
      references: an encyclopedia, a dictionary, a personal and
      corporate biography, and a series of chronologies. Anything that
      won't fit in one of those frameworks is relegated to a rich
      series of appendices, including things like "Personnel Changes
      in the 1990's," "Top 50 Software Sellers," and "Decimal-
      Hexadecimal-Binary." There are odd calls here; for example, I
      might have included "Programming Languages" under General Topics
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 57

      rather than making it Appendix A, and if "Digital Computer
      Survey of 1953" is a General Topic, why is "Computer
      Manufacturers of 1956" Appendix B? But some awkward
      categorization only underscores the problem that this hyperstack
      bravely addresses: Computer history is a _huge_ topic from the
      standpoint of any single reference work.

      Okay. Computer history isn't all here, either, and some of the
      gaps are frustrating; as an example, the biographical section
      ranges from Howard Aiken to Konrad Zuse and comprises only
      twenty-five individuals. But an hour spent with the HISTORY OF
      COMPUTING will convince you that these gaps are less significant
      than they seem at first. This stack, in its voracious
      inclusiveness, has the same compelling fascination as the
      Guinness Book of World Records. Want to know about SHOOT
      (Superfluid Helium On-Orbit Transfer,) the first expert system
      used on the space shuttle? It's in here. Ever wonder what
      "Amstrad" is an abbreviation for? You'll just have to search and
      find out. What the heck was the "IRSIA-FHRS"? (Look in "Early
      Vacuum Tube Computers.") You can zip from entry to entry and
      menu to menu, mesmerized, until you stand up and discover that
      your knees are very stiff. Above and beyond the merit of the
      HISTORY OF COMPUTING as a reference work -- which is
      considerable-- its entertainment value as a computer history
      browser is a real clincher.

      Labeled "Version 2.0," this stack is really the fourth update
      since the HISTORY first appeared, and every revision has brought
      significant enhancement. The most welcome news in 2.0 is a true
      automatic text search feature, both menu-by-menu and across the
      whole stack, which does a lot to smooth out the sometimes
      puzzling organization. 2.0 is also more comprehensive than any
      previous version and, with over 1,300 entries, is the equivalent
      of a _big fat book._ The bibliography alone, with over two
      hundred attentively chosen titles, is worth the price of the

      If this program has an Achilles' heel, it is the minor
      copyediting and spelling. A few minutes' browsing in the Q-Z
      section of the Computer Dictionary, for example, turns up
      "Argone" for Argonne, "Sherbius" for Scherbius, and "Bletchly"
      for Bletchley as in Park. These errors would be no more than
      annoying, except that the program is a string-search engine....
      The search is marred, also, by being oblivious to a world of
      infixed capitalizations. When I search on "VisiOn" to find
      VisiCorp's windowing application suite, I'd rather not get hit
      with "vision," "envision" and "television," which give quite a
      few false matches. Presumably these quirks can be addressed in
      the next release, and if the stack's prior history is any guide,
      they will be. Greenia is conscientious about improvements.
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 58

      Uneven, unabashed, and unrivaled, Lexikon's HISTORY is a must-
      have for any student of computers or their ancestors. I look at
      paying $19.95 and 2Mb disk space for this stack, and remember
      the hours of fluorescent library dust I invested to come....not
      even close. If you've read this far into the ANALYTICAL ENGINE
      and you have a computer that runs MS-DOS or MS-Windows, order
      the HISTORY OF COMPUTING before this day is out.

      Lexikon Services
      3241 Boulder Creek Way
      Antelope, CA 95842


      [We haven't accepted a lot of hardware this quarter, since there
      was no point to storing it in El Cerrito, hauling it down to
      Redwood City and storing it again. Machines waiting in the wings
      include an Osborne One, a Cromemco Z-2D, an IMSAI VDP-40, an HP
      Integral, some sort of Altos, probably a Morrow MD-3, and
      possibly a Kaypro 10 and a Compupro.]

      HP 125
      Dan Swaigen

      "E. T. lives!" That's the traditional reaction to our April
      cover subject, the HP 125, with its futuristic "pod" looming
      from a pedestal base. This one was purchased from Dan Swaigen of

      We had to store this computer before we had time to do a
      technical assessment, but in general: It's a member of the "100
      Series" of micros (like the 110 laptop and the 150 touchscreen,)
      which flourished in the early Eighties. During this time, HP
      largely abandoned proprietary operating systems and applications
      for micros, so that (for example) the 125's operating system is
      CP/M, its BASIC/125 is modified MS-BASIC, and its WORD/125 is a
      custom version of Lexisoft's popular CP/M word processor,

      Like most early 125's, ours is paired with the 82901 dual 5.25"
      DSDD floppy disk drive, and a keyboard which unfortunately has a
      swath of plastic rot (see QUERIES). Another large box contains
      software for the 125 and 150, some of it still in the shrink-
      wrap, and a bunch of ring binders of program listings and
      possibly also HP newsletters. This is a treasure trove, and we
      impatiently await a second chance to look it over. Thanks, Dan!

   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 59

      Mel Shattuck

      Think back to the days when computers were the size of a
      room....then the size of a refrigerator, or two....then the size
      of a desk. At the dawn of the Great Shrinking, it was so easy to
      sit back and dream. _How about a computer with a handle on it?_

      And before long, each in its own way, there they were: the
      breathtakingly expensive IBM 5100, militantly odd digital group
      Bytemaster or Conterm Hyperion, wildly popular Osborne, or the
      Compaq Portable, very suit-and-tie. Yet Non-Linear Systems'
      Kaypro II, with its sporty silver-and-blue color scheme, somehow
      epitomizes the luggable. The Z-80 CPU made it quick, or quick
      enough; the nine-inch CRT, a big improvement over the five-inch
      screen of the 5100 or Ozzie, would let you do a whole day's word
      processing with no threat of a headache at the end. CP/M as the
      operating system opened the doors to a galaxy of software. Some
      combination of form factor, convenience, reliability, and the
      accessible $1795 price put this firmly in the pantheon of
      memorable computers.

      Mel Shattuck of Berkeley, a micro hand from the days of Cromemco
      and before, brought this pristine Kaypro over to CHAC's garage
      and donated it, along with appropriate distribution software,
      work disks, and manuals. Thanks a lot, Mel. Not having a Kaypro,
      in a computer museum in California, would be hard to imagine.



      In a recent exchange of E-mail with David Greelish at HCS, I
      discovered that he had also thought about the possibility of
      getting the USPS to issue commemorative stamps for the 50th
      anniversary of the birth of the US computer industry.

      My wife is a stamp collector, and she has a USPS booklet that
      has the rules for suggesting topics for postal commemorative
      stamps. What it says is that you have to submit the suggestion
      for a commemorative stamp or stamp series to the

      USPS Citizen's Stamp Advisory Committee
      Room 5800
      475 L'Enfant Plaza West SW
      Washington DC, 20260-6352

      It says that helpful background information should be provided
      but that suggested artwork should not be provided. The committee
      receives hundreds of suggestions every month, and they can only
      use a few suggestions a year, so brief and to-the point
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 60

      suggestions with clear and concise supporting statements are

      Suggestions approved by the committee and accepted by the USPS
      are then assigned to design committees which oversee the design
      of the stamp, so don't expect commemorative stamps to be issued
      without a few years lead time! Right now is the time to suggest
      commemoration of events that happened in 1947, and it may be too
      late to start the mill grinding to celebrate a 1946 event.

      I went through your list of dates and found the following stuff
      that has 50th birthdays coming up soon, to which I added a few
      things for which I don't have the dates or appropriate details:

      ENIAC -- America's first electronic computer, built at the Moore
      School of Electrical Engineering at the University of
      Pennsylvania, it became operational in November 1945, and was
      demonstrated to the Army on February 15, 1946. ENIAC was
      apparently converted to a stored program computer in 1947; this
      latter date may actually be more important than is generally
      realized, since it is at that time that ENIAC apparently became
      a general purpose computer in the sense we now understand the

      EDVAC -- \ I don't have the dates for these machines! Some, but
      ILLIAC -- \ not all of these machines need to be commemorated
      SILLIAC -- > but I don't know which. These were the research
      MADVAC -- / machines that filled an important gap between ENIAC
      ORDVAC - / and the birth of the modern computer industry.

      ERA 1101 -- The first commercially built computer to be
      delivered in the United States, this was sold by Engineering
      Research Associates to the Georgia Institute of Technology in
      December 1950.

      UNIVAC I -- This was the first commercially sold computer; the
      contract to build it was between the Eckert-Mauchly Computer
      Company and the U S Bureau of the Census, signed on Sept 25,
      1946. The machine was finally delivered by Remington Rand on
      March 31, 1951. Ultimately, 40 more machines of this model were
      sold. As a result, Remington was, for a few years, the world's
      leading computer manufacturer.

      IBM 701 -- The most important of the early computers, in
      retrospect. The prototype was unveiled on April 7, 1952; the
      first production model was shipped in December, 1952, and the
      first customer delivery, to Los Alamos, was made on April 1,
      1953. This machine propelled IBM into a position of world
      leadership in the computer industry.

      As an aside, I should note that the British should look into
      getting British commemorative stamps issued for the following
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 61

      important machines:

      Manchester Mark I -- This was the first fully operational
      computer that was designed from the start as a stored program
      machine. Runs first full length stored program, June 21, 1948.

      EDSAC -- Another event the British need to celebrate! Built by
      Maurice Wilkes at Cambridge, this ran its first program in May

      LEO -- The Lyons Tea Company's amazing venture, and a machine
      that not only marked the start of the British computer industry,
      but managed to beat the Americans to market!

      Finally, I'll suggest a general introductory argument to be made
      in letters to the USPS advisory committee:

      The computer industry was born in the wake of World War II, and
      over the next decade, we will be celebrating the 50th
      anniversaries of a number of important developments in this
      field. Given the important role that computers play in today's
      world economy, and given the important role our country has
      played in developing this industry, we feel that it would be
      very appropriate to mark these anniversaries on a series of
      commemorative postal stamps.

      -- from Doug Jones,

      [One of our favorite rationales for electronic transmission of
      the ENGINE is the warp-speed propagation of good ideas, and Doug
      has certainly contributed his share. Our Association's letter to
      the USPS Advisory Committee is in preparation. So far as the
      United Kingdom's GPO is concerned, we would certainly add
      COLOSSUS to the list of meritorious devices.]


      I can't say if the system was ILLIAC I or II, but the following
      text might be of interest. It's taken from the liner which
      accompanied a 10" LP record published by Bell Labs in 1961 under
      the title "Music from Mathematics":

           In addition to "playing" music it is also possible for a
           computer to "compose" music. On Side Two of this record is
           presented an excerpt from a series of unusual experiments
           conducted at the University of Illinois by Lejaren A.
           Hiller, Jr. and Leonard M. Issacson. They successfully
           programmed the ILLIAC computer to compose music according
           to various rules of musical composition which were stored
           in the computer. The computer produced sequences of
           letters and numbers which were then transcribed by hand
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 62

           into conventional musical notation suitable for playing by
           human musicians. This two-minute excerpt from the 20-
           minute _Illiac Suite for String Quartet_ is played by the
           WQXR String Quartet (Harry Glickman and Hugo Fiorato,
           violins; Jack Braunstein, viola; and Harvey Shapiro,
           cello). A more detailed description of _The Illiac Suite_
           is presented in the album notes.

      Excerpts from the enclosed notes, starting on page 7:

           THE COMPUTER AS COMPOSER [...] In order to investigate
           this idea [computer-composed music] L. M. Issacson and L.
           A. Hiller, Jr., in 1955, conducted a series of experiments
           of composing music with _Illiac_, the high-speed digital
           computer at the University of Illinois. They completed
           four groups of experiments and published samples of them
           in _The Illiac Suite for String Quartet_.


           To set a digital computer to composing simple melodies,
           Hiller and Issacson assigned numbers in sequences to the
           notes of the music scale from low C upwards. At first only
           white notes were used, with sharps and flats omitted; but
           in later experiments a chromatic scale of about two and a
           half octaves was used. Then the computer was set to
           generating sequences of random numbers. These can be
           interpreted as equivalent to random music.

      [a couple of pages of descriptions of the four movements and the
      sequence filters which were applied to produce the computer-
      written music]

           Musicians who have played computer compositions have
           complained that the score is often too difficult for human
           fingers and conventional musical instruments to perform

           That may well be. Perhaps in the future computers will
           compose "easier" scores; or, what is more likely, they may
           circumvent human musicians and conventional instruments
           entirely, and play the music themselves.

           In fact, several computers have been "practicing" for
           several months, and already they are becoming versatile
           musical instruments.

      For context, the disk shows a copyright date of 1960 and the
      enclosed booklet (from which the above was taken) shows a 1961

      -- from Joe Morris, MITRE.
      [Liner notes and booklet text reprinted by permission of AT&T.]
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 63


      I have a series of questions concerning the use of certain
      techniques in computer design. They are:

      1.) Which were the first computers to use microprogrammed
      architectures as opposed to hardwired architectures?

      2.) Which were the first computers to use interrupts? Was the
      interrupt state stored in RAM or internal registers on the

      3.) Which were the first computers to use paging of RAM or ROM

      If someone could point me at someone whom might know the answer
      to these questions or could suggest some publication, library,
      etc. that might be of help, I would be very much obliged.

      Andrew Robertson
      Department of the History of Science
      Harvard University


      Kip, got the ENGINE yesterday. Some random comments and
      responses to things in it:

      -- Cover, the picture of an HP 125 is not accurate. It has the
      pedestal base WAY too big. Have you considered taking photos and
      scanning them?

      -- Pg. 22, the Morrow doesn't _have_ a monitor or a keyboard.
      Let's not apply PC terms to pre-PC computers, please. The Morrow
      series hooks up to a serial TERMINAL, which provides the system
      console. Morrow sold several terminals under their label,
      including relabeled ADM 3A's and Freedom Liberty terminals.

      -- Pg. 25, note that the HP 86 will run CP/M with the insertion
      of a CP/M cartridge.

      -- Pg. 35 (1) The Husky Hunter is a CP/M machine which was part
      of the standard equipment of NATO forces. If Jan Besehanic
      wishes, I will copy the Husky brochures for him. If he wants to
      sell or trade the Hunter for another computer, I'd like to have
      it for my collection. (2) Tell Dave Lacey to talk to Sydex. They
      will add the Microlog format to 22DISK if it isn't already in
      there, and then anyone with a PC with an 8" drive attached can
      copy the files to other formats. Microsolutions will sell him a
      Compaticard and cable to attach an 8" drive to a PC, or I will
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 64

      copy the files for him for $10 a disk. I don't know what he can
      do about NBI word processor disks, but Sydex might have some
      ideas. (3) I have the NorthStar Advantage manuals, and will sell
      Bob Galles copies, if he wants. ED and ASM, of course, are
      standard CP/M utilities which any book on CP/M describes; he can
      look in his local library, or I will sell him a CP/M book. If
      F80 is a FORTRAN compiler, he will have to identify which one it
      is, by running it, before I can help him.

      -- Pg. 37, Tell John Todd West that Avocet sells a whole line of
      PC cross compilers, including Z80. They advertise in CIRCUIT
      CELLAR INK, among other places.

      -- from David A. J. McGlone, via GENIE


      Thanks for the useful information! We'll take this occasion to
      remind our readers that, as a resource for the worldwide
      community of CP/M computers and their users, nothing surpasses
      Lambda Software Publishing and _The Z-Letter_.

      As for our covers -- well, we certainly will run photos as this
      issue demonstrates, but we'll run art, too. April's cover was no
      engineering drawing, obviously; it was meant to _feel_ like an
      HP 125 and convey some of the design's ingratiating weirdness.
      -- KC]


      Just going through your on-line magazine. Really want to commend 
      you on this publication. I was wondering if something like this 
      existed and I am glad it does. There is a wealth of information 
      as well as hardware and software that should be preserved before 
      it becomes too difficult to find. The time is ripe for the 
      collection and organization of this material and devices.

      Lots of early microcomputer stuff is still out there to be 
      acquired before someone tosses it out (unknowingly). For 
      example, I often tour thrift shops for antique calculators, 
      books, etc. Recently, I stopped into the local thrift shop and 
      found that someone had anonymously donated the following: 

      - Osborne 1 portable
      - Commodore PET
      - Adam
      - Atari 800
      - original IBM PC
      - Commodore 64
      - VIC-20

      They weren't there the day before. (Since it was 1/2 off day, I 
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 65

      bought them all, except the Adam and the PC.) These machines 
      came close to being tossed in the dumpster by someone. Even the 
      thrift shop was not sure what they were. I am glad to see that 
      publications such as yours are bringing together individuals who 
      are interested and knowledgeable about computing and the value 
      of preserving its historical roots. Thanks to all your staff (& 

      -- from Mark Greenia, Lexikon Services Publications, via AOL


      Hello from sunny Nottingham, in the UK.

      I have just read vol. 1 #2 of your interesting publication. You 
      asked about the origin of "Minicomputer".

      The answer is in "The Ultimate Entrepreneur", by Glenn Rifkin 
      and George Harrar of ComputerWorld:

      "John Leng, who started and ran DEC's Canadian operation until 
      1964, flew to London to establish DEC's presence in the United 
      Kingdom. In the mid-sixties, mini-skirt fever raged on London's 
      Carnaby Street. Leng zig-zagged through British traffic in an 
      Austin Mini. He sent back sales reports: "Here is the latest 
      minicomputer activity in the land of miniskirts as I drive 
      around in my Mini Minor." The phrase caught on in DEC, and then 
      the industry trade publications grabbed onto it. The age of the 
      minicomputer was born."

      This book has many interesting anecdotes for anyone with an 
      interest in computer history.

      Keep it up, 

      -- from Nigel Lowey, DEC UK


      [Queries are sorted by subject, and within that, by model if 

      If the person querying has permitted us to publish an e-mail 
      address, we have done so, and please reply directly to it; 
      otherwise, reply to or the El Cerrito address, 
      and we will store and forward.

      Necessary warning: Income from subs keeps the ENGINE robust and 
      lack of same, unfortunately, makes it lose weight. Currently we 
      try to publish queries that we receive from anyplace in the 
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 66

      world, on the premise that, even if the subject and author 
      aren't in California, the answer well might be. If the ENGINE
      has to get thinner, we may be compelled to require a California 
      source or tie-in for published queries. Vote _against_ this dire 
      possibility by subscribing today! EOPlug ]


      I would like to procure a high-quality analog computer, known as 
      slide rule, preferably one with four digits of precision. The 
      usual supply stores don't carry them any more. Does anyone know 
      where slide rules can be found these days?
      -- from Peter van Roy, DEC Paris

      [This seems to be a question of general interest and we already 
      have two answers. Try:

      Bob Otnes
      Oughtred Society
      2160 Middlefield Road
      Palo Alto CA 94301 USA


      Suzanne Wyatt
      Box 83
      Dearborn MO 64439 USA

      both of whom have slipsticks for sale, so far as we know. --


      I'm ashamed to confess, I had never heard of a VT-180 before... 
      well, at least not until one was donated to our Classic Computer 
      Club. I've given it a full check-out, and discovered that this 
      unit contains a Z-80 CPU, has 64K RAM, and runs CP/M 2.0 from an 
      RX-180 floppy system.

      My question is: What the heck?

      As I said, I've never seen a reference to the VT-180 or RX-180 
      floppies anywhere, and I'm dying to know a little bit more about 
      them. What were they developed for? When were they in 
      production? What format is the RX-180? How close on the heels of 
      this machine was the Rainbow released? Thanks very much for any 
      and all information! 
      - from Seth J. Morabito, Cornell University Classic Computer 

   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 67


      When I was in junior high back in 1977, we had a computer that I 
      believe was manufactured by DEC, but it went by the name 
      "EDUCOMP". The computer's distinguishing features were as 

      - Had a Teletype with a punch-tape read/write unit as the I/O 

      - Had a drive for those 5-inch Dectape thingy's.

      - Had an OS built around BASIC. This OS was loaded in from the 
      tape when the system was booted. 

      - Booting the system consisted of inserting one of those 
      circular key-things into the system unit (which was about the 
      size of a large modern microwave oven, as was the tape drive), 
      turning the key, and depressing four toggle switches in the 
      proper sequence.

      - If everything was working, the teletype would respond with a 
      "." prompt, at which point you typed "R BASIC" (there was no 
      lower case). The tape would whir back and forth for a minute or 
      so, and then come back with the word "READY".

      - There was a variety of software available. The most popular 
      was a horserace simulation where the greatest horses of all time 
      (Man-O-War, Citation, Whirlaway, Coaltown, etc.) competed 
      against each other with the help of an odds table and a random-
      number generator. The user could place bets and win or lose 

      - Other software included a lunar lander, 3D tic-tac-toe, a 
      simulation of Mendelian inheritance in a population of moths, a 
      rather interesting diplomacy simulation, and several others. All 
      programs used either pure text or primitive TTY character 
      graphics. All were written in BASIC. Does anyone else remember 
      this system? Did DEC make it? Any info and other reminiscences 
      will be much appreciated!!

      -- from Richard S. Smith,


      Hi. I've just been given a Fortune 32:16 system that is about 12 
      years old and has been in daily use all that time running the 
      inventory & sales ledgers etc for a small business with 5 
      terminals and two printers. The configuration is as follows:

      68000 Processor 1 Mb RAM 20 Mb Shugart Hard Disk 5 1/4" Floppy 
      (800K maybe?) at least 8 serial ports
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 68

      The software I have is: For:Pro 1.8f & 1.7 Fortune Word 
      Processor Fortune Business Basic Fortune Account system, written 
      in Business Basic. Just about all the Docs are also here.

      What I'm after is the Fortune C development package, more up to 
      date OS; I know there was a For:Pro 2.1 as the C-Kermit makefile 
      supports it. Also any hardware info would be good as I'd like to 
      try and upgrade the RAM and Hard Drive.

      So please, if anyone has anything on this let me know. I used 
      one of these for a short time when they first came into the UK 
      and they were pretty impressive in their day.

      Thanks for anything you have!

      -- from Jonathan Stockley, via Internet


      I'm looking for information on the old Mattel Intellivision 
      video game console.

      1) The Intellivision I (brown case, internal power supply) 
      requires (according to the box of the Computer Module) "factory 
      modification" to allow it to be used with the Atari 2600 adapter 
      (or as Mattel called it, the "System Changer"). Does anyone know 
      what this modification was and how to do it?

      2) The Intellivision II has some compatibility problems with 
      some 3rd party software. I hear there is a modification to fix 
      this. Anyone have this information?

      If anyone knows of sources for game cartridges or consoles or 
      especially stuff for the Intellivision Computer Module or the 
      Aquarius, please let me know. 

      -- from David Tipton,


      I am looking for a MITS Altair floppy drive including controller

      -- from Rick "richard66" Shane, +1 614 444-0213, via AOL


      You and half the rest of the world -- lately. The good news is
      that Haddock catalogs this drive at US$200 to 300, so it's not
      stratospheric, but it will still take some digging at any price. 
      If we hear of one for sale we'll let you know. -- Ed.]
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 69


      Does anyone have a CP/M disk for the NCR Decisionmate V? I have 
      the original system with all manuals, and it has a hard drive 
      but I can't boot it since the system files got messed up. Any 
      CP/M boot disk should work... 


      -- from John Wink,, via Internet


      You're being too optimistic when you surmise that "Any CP/M boot
      disk should work," but if David McGlone has a bootable disk in
      the proper format, he can help you out. See the address for 
      Lambda Software Publishing on page 73. ]


      I just picked up a NorthStar Horizon computer. (It will go 
      nicely with my SOL-2.) On turn-on, it tries to access the 
      floppy, but I don't have the boot disk. Does anyone have a copy 
      of the boot floppy that they could duplicate/email? I would also 
      like to know if there is any documentation available (SAM's, 
      TAB, etc.) Thanks,

      -- from Charlie Brett,


      Again, David McGlone at Lambda Software Publishing is your 
      source. Refer to his letter on page 64. ]


      I picked up a couple of these Racal-Milgo things for US$2 ea. I 
      really would like to figure a way to use them, as every time I 
      power them up they say "HELLO," and I like that. I wish all the 
      rest of my stuff was so polite as to greet me before it started 
      causing problems! Anyone want to tell me what use I could put 
      these to? -- as just turning them on and off again is getting 

      -- from David Case, via Internet


      A friend has....decided to go back to the basics of computing 
      and teach himself some machine code. He obtained a Research 
      Machines link 480Z machine -- Z80 processor. 
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 70

      Does anyone have, or does anyone know where I might find, a 
      listing of the call addresses into the ROM? 

      (Until he started asking me about this, I'd forgotten that I'd 
      ever written machine code... I think it's a worthy intellectual 
      challenge for a musician who's become fed up with using Amiga 
      programs without knowing what happens under the hood...) 

      -- from Mike Holderness, via Internet


      .... I'm working on a history of, amongst other things, the 
      semiconductor laser, and I'm trying to track down its first 
      application to data storage. I have the Philips/compact disc 
      side of the story fairly well tied down, but there are two other 
      things I need to know, viz.:

      - How on earth and why did IBM get involved with MCA (in 
      Discovision, the company that holds the basic patents on laser 
      audio-video analog disk technology)?

      - Who first proposed adapting the compact disk player for use as 
      a CD-ROM drive?

      -- from Bob Johnstone,


      Today I bought at a second-hand shop a Sharp MZ-800 computer 
      (built-in cassette drive, plugs into TV set). At boot-up you can 
      either load something from tape or enter a monitor. The only 
      functions of the monitor that I have as yet discovered are 
      loading from and saving to tape, and turning the beeper on/off.

      Does anyone know about this thing? Manuals? Software? Useful 

      All info appreciated! Cheers,

      -- from Sander van Malssen, via Internet


      A friend....just had his tape drive blow out on him. It is a 
      TEAC CT-600H according to the number on the cassette, and the 
      size is 60Mb per tape. The thing about this drive, though, is 
      that it appears to take standard tape cassettes! I've never seen 
      a drive like this before. Does anyone know where we could find a 

   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 71

      -- from Peter L. Buschman,


      By "standard tape cassettes" do you mean quarter-inch audio
      cassettes, or is this one of those drives from the mid-eighties 
      that backed up to video tapes? Just curious. -- Ed.]


      Russell Schulz of Edmonton, AB, Canada notes that reprints of 
      the "UNIX System Software Readings" are available from UMI, 300
      North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI, USA; +1 313-761-4700, business 
      hours US Eastern time. UMI quotes bound reprints of the 
      AT&T/Bell System Technical Journal (which is what these were) at 
      US$50 per issue, with four to six weeks' delivery.


      Does anyone know where I can get a boot disk for a VICTOR 9000 
      system? It is a CP/M-86 machine. I bought it at a garage sale 
      (actually I wanted the printer, an Epson MX-100, and they would 
      not sell me just the printer). I received some of the manuals 
      and some program disks including a SYSGEN disk but not the boot 
      disk. Any other info on this machine is appreciated i. e.: 
      upgrading, possible uses other than a big paperweight or a boat 

      -- from, via Internet


      I seem to remember that in 1983, before the Mac hit the 
      scene....the VisiCalc people came out with a GUI for the PC (XT-
      class, AT's hadn't come out yet) called VisiOn, which included 
      the first mouse available for PC's. It came with a word 
      processor and some other software. Does anyone remember this? I 
      just remember the ads (I owned an Apple ][ at the time). What 
      was it like?

      -- from Jonathan Badger, via Internet


      Our on-line references say that VisiCorp introduced VisiOn, a 
      suite of integrated software with windowing capabilities, at 
      Fall COMDEX in November 1982. A projected list price of US$1500, 
      daunting hardware requirements (512K RAM) and rampant bugginess 
      doomed it almost immediately; but Bill Gates perceived it as 
      enough of a threat that he accelerated the development of the 
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 72

      Interface Manager, which became MS-Windows. You'll find some
      more details in _PC/Computing_ magazine (US), March 1993, on 
      page 158. -- Ed.]


      I know someone who needs to read a 5.25-inch floppy, 16 hard 
      sector, using an old Word Management System. If I could find a 
      machine that would read the old Micropolis drive diskettes, I've 
      got the old program. 

      Anyone got a way?

      -- from "hshubs" via BIX


      Small computers and terminals of the 1970s and early 1980s 
      typically have hard plastic cases, gray to gray-beige in color. 
      Over a period of years this plastic has often turned a garish 
      yellow-brown and become very brittle. This has happened to a lot 
      of Hewlett-Packard computers -- including our own HP 86 and HP 
      125 -- but Karen Lewis at HP Archives says it also appears on 
      many Apple II's and III's.

      Protecting the computer case from UV light will arrest this 
      degradation, but we're interested in reversing it! We've asked
      several authorities and, so far, only learned that xylene-based 
      copier cleaner will restore the original appearance of the 
      plastic surface. But xylene is nasty to electronic components 
      and painted finishes, it's quite toxic, and something tells us
      this isn't a permanent repair anyway.

      To the best of our knowledge, this is a minor epidemic and will 
      have much worse effects in ten to twenty years if not explored 
      now. If any ENGINE reader has pertinent background in the 
      chemistry of plastics, we -- and quite a few others in the
      curators' and restorers' community -- will be grateful for


      _The Computer Museum NEWS_, Summer 1994. Networked Planet; 
      Computer Bowl All-Star Game; Internet Auction; Contemporary Art 
      and Computers; Special programs. 8 pp.; available with US$25.00-
      50.00 annual membership. From Brian Wallace.

      _International Calculator Collector_, Volume 2 Number 2, Summer 
      1994. Collecting trends; New members; "Calculated Boom" (October
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 73

      1972 _Newsweek_ reprint); Ten-key adding-listing machines; 
      Classifieds; more. 16 pp.; US$12 per year with membership. From 
      Guy Ball.

      _Historically Brewed_, newsletter of the Historical Computer 
      Society. Issue #6, Jul/Aug 1994. Kaypro Korner; Canon Cat; PCjr; 
      Unisys; The MITS Story. 24 pp. US$15.00 per year; Can$20.00; 
      International, US$24.00. From David Greelish.

      _The Z-Letter_, newsletter of the CP/M and Z-System community.

      Number 30, March/April 1994. Bondwell 2 laptop; Evolution of ZDB 
      Z-System database; correspondence, resources and technical 
      discussion. 20 pp. [We printed this in the April issue as the 
      contents listing for _Z-Letter_ #28. We regret the misprint.]

      Number 31, May/June 1994. Customer and subscription database 
      programming; Bench debugging; Speeding up Eagle disk drives; 
      correspondence, resources and technical discussion. 24 pp.

      US$18 for 12 issues (2 years); Canada/Mexico, US$22; 
      International, US$36. From David A. J. McGlone.


      The Computer Museum, 300 Congress Street, Boston MA 02210. Brian 
      C. Wallace, curator of historical computing.

      International Association of Calculator Collectors, 10445 
      Victoria Avenue, Riverside CA 92503. Guy Ball, Bruce L. Flamm, 

      Historical Computer Society, 10928 Ted Williams Place, El Paso 
      TX 79934. CompuServe 100116,217. David A. Greelish, director and 

      Lambda Software Publishing, 149 West Hilliard Lane, Eugene OR 
      97404. David A. J. McGlone, editor and publisher.

      Unusual Systems, 220 Samuel Street, Kitchener, Ontario N2H 1R6, 
      Canada. Kevin Stumpf, president.

      THANKS TO....

      Nancy Mulvany and Robert Praetorius for donations.

      Roger Sinasohn and his rough-but-ready Land Rover for help with 
      the (re)move to Redwood City.
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 74

      Tom Haddock and Dan Alexander for the book tie-in.

      Wesley Hohfeld for lending us his pickup truck; and Hilary 
      Crosby for driving it.


      IBM and RAMAC, Part Two; and lots, lots more....


      The ANALYTICAL ENGINE is intellectual shareware. Distribution of 
      _complete, verbatim_ copies through online posting, Internet 
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      by the Computer History Association of California.

      Excerpting or brief quotation for fair use, including review or 
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      Alterations, abridgments or hacks of the ANALYTICAL ENGINE which 
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      The ANALYTICAL ENGINE solicits manuscripts of 750 to 2500 words 
      on the general topic of the history of computing in, or with 
      significant reference to, the State of California. Articles 
      should focus on one interesting or illuminating episode and 
      should be written for a technically literate general audience. 
      Submissions are welcome from both members and non-members of the 
      CHAC. Article deadlines are the fifteenth of each month prior to 
      publication: June 15 for the July issue, September 15 for the 
      October issue, December 15 for the January issue, and March 15 
      for the April issue. 

   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 75

      Each author may publish a maximum of one signed article per 
      year. This restriction does not apply to letters, queries or 
      interviews. Thank you for cooperating to protect diversity of 
      voices and topics. Previously published material will be 
      republished only in clearly attributed quotations or citations; 
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      The preferred document file format is Microsoft Word for DOS or 
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      will be acceptable. Submit manuscripts on DOS 5.25" or 3.5", or 
      Mac HD (1.4) diskettes. Alternatively, please send your article 
      as ASCII or ISO Internet mail. Please avoid submitting on paper 
      unless absolutely necessary.


      In the first months of 1952, Rey Johnson leased the building 
      that became the IBM San Jose Labs. On April 24, 1953, an IBM 701 
      was delivered to Lockheed Aircraft Company in Glendale. 
      California's computer industry was off to a flying start -- more
      than forty years ago. Today it continues to set standards for 
      the world.

      During that forty years, millions of people designed, engineered 
      and produced hardware and software, each contributing to a vast 
      transformation of California's economy.

      So where are our millions of subs? Where are our millions of 

      The ANALYTICAL ENGINE works tirelessly to present the stories of 
      industry notables like Rey companies 
      like Hewlett-Packard....little-known hardware like Intel's
      pioneering "blue boxes." These are stories for _you_ -- and for
      millions like you. The ANALYTICAL ENGINE is completely devoted 
      to the history of computing in California, one of the most 
      spectacular successes of the Industrial Age.

      And all we need is you. Your story, your subscription. Either 
      one (or both!) will help us ever climb this climbing wave --
      help us promote and celebrate the lengthening past of California
      computing while its future unrolls beneath our feet. Four times 
      a year, the ANALYTICAL ENGINE will bring articles, interviews, 
      provocative editorials and the latest computer history news to 
      your doorstep, mail stop, or e-mail server.

      Our big job's getting bigger. If you're reading this ENGINE as
      shareware, subscribe today. There's a lot in it for you.
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 76


      Always remember that, if you're expecting an ANALYTICAL ENGINE
      and you don't get one, we want to know about it. Pronto.

      We're not saying that this is likely and, frankly, it isn't.
      But: Maintaining the list of addresses to send the ENGINE via 
      Internet mail requires the (fallible or fatigued) human brain as 
      a bridge between two pieces of software. As for paper copies, it 
      seems that the Postal Service occasionally sends one to 
      \dev\null. In early July we know that one electronic copy, and 
      two paper copies, of the April ENGINE were definitely mailed and 
      never arrived. If you're supposed to get an ENGINE and you don't,
      _complain_ and we'll send you another one.
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994          Page 77


      Hey, That Moose Is Eating My Tape!

      The UCLA computer club ("UCLA CC" or just "CC") was formed in 
      the sixties, and was already a thriving institution by 1969. 
      "The machine" that we got to use was an IBM 360/91, a mainframe 
      running IBM's OS/MVT. We would submit card decks in the evening, 
      and we'd get our printouts back the next morning. Each club-
      member's job was allotted 18 seconds of CPU time per night. 
      These charges were accounted for in terms of the "Machine-Unit-
      Second", or "MUS". So, eventually, the UCLA CC had their own 
      punched cards made up with a large picture of a moose on them, 
      chewing on a magtape, with a stack of printout paper and the 
      "club log" in the background.

      The '91 was roughly a ten million dollar machine; I heard that 
      there were only about 10 of them ever made. "Ours" had 16 
      Megabytes of core memory in it -- half the memory of the $10,000 
      workstation I'm typing this onto (but of course it isn't real 
      magnetic doughnuts any more).

      Originally, the "club log" was simply a logbook (an engineering-
      style lab book) to keep track of when and by whom the club's 
      office in the engineering building was opened and closed each 
      day. Each log entry had a time and a small area for comments. 
      Gradually, the comments section took over, and the log evolved 
      into something like a 50-person shared diary, in the form of 
      more than a dozen lab books. Clubbies would write stories, 
      poems, songs, parodies, philosophy, draw cartoons and 
      psychedelic art -- in some ways it was like an unmoderated, very 
      local, multimedia-based newsgroup. Unfortunately, the log(s) 
      were stolen during the 1970's, and they never re-appeared....

      -- from Doug Landauer, Ben Lomond, CA.

      [Can you _imagine_ having a 360/91 for your computer club? I 
      wonder if that machine is still around! -- KC]
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994         Page 78

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      for the Association. Please contact me.
   The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 1, July 1994         Page 79

         National Computing Science Day PRELIMINARY BALLOT

      ____ I vote FOR the Federal proclamation of a National Computing 
      Science Day.

      ____ I vote AGAINST the Federal proclamation of a National 
      Computing Science Day.

      ____ I think a National Computing Science Day, if proclaimed, 
      should implement the following features; and/or these are my 
      reasons for my vote (optional):

















