
     Newsletter of the Computer History Association of California
     ISSN 1071-6351
     Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995
     Kip Crosby, Managing Editor

     Editorial: ALMOST HOME ................................... 1
     Editorial: HANGING TOGETHER .............................. 2
     Joe Schoendorf Remembers the HP 21xx/2000 ................ 3
     15 Years of Life with the Macintosh, by Jef Raskin ...... 15
     IN MEMORIAM: TOM MANDEL ................................. 36
     CAROTHERS JOINS CHAC ADVISORY BOARD ..................... 37
     A BOOST FOR SILICON VALLEY'S HISTORY .................... 38
     NEW HOPE FOR THE AMIGA? ................................. 40
     SPOTTER FLASH ........................................... 40
     SPOTTER ALERT ........................................... 41
     MONEY, THE UNIVERSE, AND EVERYTHING ..................... 41
     YOU PUBLISH! OR WE PERISH! .............................. 42
     Legacy Book Review:
     Don Lancaster's TV TYPEWRITER COOKBOOK .................. 43
     OVERVIEW OF BUREAUCRATIC PROCESSES ...................... 45
     ACQUISITIONS ............................................ 45
     LETTERS ................................................. 45
     QUERIES ................................................. 50
     PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED ................................... 53
     THANKS TO....  .......................................... 55
     NEXT ISSUE .............................................. 55
     GUIDELINES FOR DISTRIBUTION ............................. 56
     GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION ............................... 56
     NINES-CARD .............................................. 57

     Editorial: ALMOST HOME

     The biggest thing on the CHAC's collective mind, for the last
     several months, has been whether we actually will rescue the SDS
     930; and it now seems reasonable that we will, _if_ we can raise
     enough money. We have the name of someone who specializes in
     moving vintage electronic equipment. We have enough donated
     storage space to pack it into. All we need now is the money to
     ship it.

     For the last year the ENGINE has done a remarkable job of
     supporting itself, and paying most of our recurring bills, out of
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 2

     subscription revenue. But there's no way that subs can cover a
     large, extraordinary expense like the cost of moving a mainframe.
     Once again we ask for donations from concerned individuals,
     groups and corporations.

     The SDS 930 at Table Mountain Observatory is almost certainly the
     last intact, bootable, fully documented SDS computer in the
     world. The Federal agency that owns it has worked miracles to
     keep it whole; but time is short, and pressure to scrap this
     hardware is mounting. We must rescue it all, or none, and soon,
     if ever.

     This is the last chance. Give to save the great 930 from being
     tipped and crushed; give to brighten the spark of our most
     central purpose. Bring a mainframe home to the applause it

     Editorial: HANGING TOGETHER

     Since the last ENGINE appeared, we've discovered two historical
     organizations whose purposes resemble our own; the Palo Alto-
     based Santa Clara Valley Historical Association, and the Computer
     Technical Archive in Sunnyvale. (See pp. 24.) These organizations
     and others, like the Sunnyvale Historical Society, the Perham
     Foundation, the Hewlett-Packard Archives, and the Intel Museum,
     are working hard to preserve history while it's accessible and

     This is the best news we could offer. Building a museum,
     cataloging artifacts, creating a conceptual and philosophical
     architecture to organize the history of computing -- these are
     massive tasks. (More so than we realized when we founded the
     CHAC, but big ideas are like big dogs; sometimes you pull them,
     and sometimes they pull you.) No single organization can realis-
     tically address them all. But small organizations with related
     purposes, springing up and persisting whatever the obstacles, are
     a sure sign of the _grassroots support_ that will be broad and
     deep enough to do the work as it deserves to be done.

     Contradictions and struggles are the restlessness of a great
     beginning. Too much history lies dormant and disorganized in
     filing cabinets, warehouses, garages. It's easy to be overwhelmed
     by the size of the task ahead. It can be hard to conceive of the
     power that will accomplish it. But the power of devoted,
     intelligent people, united by a great idea, deserves all our

     _Sustain the history of computing._ For your support of the CHAC
     and the ENGINE, we thank you. We encourage you, in the same
     moment, to contact our affiliated organizations, find out more
     about them, and offer your assistance. Your part in this rescue
     is yours to choose.
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 3

     Part Two:

     An Interview with Joe Schoendorf

     [Joseph Schoendorf is a venture partner at Accel Partners in
     San Francisco. From 1966 until the mid-eighties he served HP in
     many capacities, including as OEM marketing manager of the Data
     Systems Division and as a director of the Systems Marketing
     Center. His tenure at the company coincided exactly with HP's
     entry into the minicomputer market, and his recollections of that
     exciting struggle are vivid.]

     _KC:    Today I wanted to talk about the machines built between the
     2116A and the 3000, which I find very interesting, both in
     themselves and for what they represented. The 2116A was a
     special-purpose computer also called the Instrumentation
     Computer, and when people bought them for other things, it was
     somewhat to the surprise of the company. After the 2000 and 2100
     came the 3000, which was a computer everybody had to have, so
     popular that people are writing software for it to this day. I'm
     looking for the story of how HP got from one to the other._

     JS:     I'm going to add one layer to what you've said. I joined HP
     in June 1966 at what was then the Dymec Division, which was the
     systems division. It can be difficult to talk about the exact
     year of introduction of an HP product because they think in terms
     of a fiscal year, but it happened in November 1966. We actually
     had a whole series of models from the 2116,  probably three or
     four years before the 2100; we had the 2116A, B, C, then the 2115
     and then the 2114, which in its own right was an extraordinarily
     popular machine and put us into lots of different businesses
     besides instrumentation. The 2116A was a pure-play instru-
     mentation computer, and we sold it like an instrument. We used to
     go around and tell people very proudly that it met HP Class B
     environmental specifications, which means it ran from zero to
     55 C and anything up to 95% humidity; and its memory was lithium-
     impregnated, so it wasn't sensitive to heat the way other
     contemporary minicomputers were. It really was a rugged thing,
     designed and built to run wherever your instruments would run.

     _KC:    Lithium-impregnated core, this was?_

     JS:     Yes. We put lithium in because memory could often be a
     thermometer, behaving differently at different temperatures, and
     lithium stabilized that; which let us advertise, because HP would
     only advertise what was more than true, that the computer would
     run in zero to 55 C, the same spec as for a voltmeter or any
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 4

     other HP instrument. This was unheard of at the time for mini-
     computers, which were then very unstable. To give you the
     context, the PDP-8 was out at that point but the Data General
     [Nova] had not yet appeared.


     Our first computers were sold for instrumentation applications,
     as we had intended. Our very first customer was Woods Hole
     Oceanographic Institute, who had been using HP instruments and
     acquiring data to mag tape on shipboard, with the data recorded
     for batch processing later. The potential problem was that,
     coming back from a trip, they had to hope the recording worked,
     because if it hadn't, they had just spent 30 days out to sea for
     nothing -- which was quite expensive for them. After they
     installed the 2116A they could acquire the data, perform their
     computations in real-time, and not only have immediate answers,
     but be sure they had valid data while they were still out there.
     Most of our 2116 orders were for instrumentation applications.
     Shortly after that the 2115 came out, which amounted to a half-
     sized 2116 with more memory -- even then customers were
     constantly in search of more memory -- and then the 2114, which
     I'm virtually certain predated the 2100 by a couple of years, and
     which set the stage for the 2100 by moving Hewlett-Packard into
     the OEM business for the first time.

     OEM business I would call the center of the market at that time.
     Early minicomputer market volume was driven by OEMs who bought
     computers and did things with them, packaged it in other
     [dedicated] systems. Fishback & Moore, F&M Systems in Dallas, was
     a big engineering construction firm that made a specialty of
     repackaging computers and reselling them. I'm trying to think of
     some of our early customers for it.... Measurex, a major
     Cupertino-based process control company, used the 2115 and 14, I
     believe, as their prime OEM machine for paper plant management.
     Dave Boston was the CEO.


     When the 2100A came out, it was sort of the second-generation
     product, if you considered the 2116, 15, 14 to be differentiated
     by packaging and price. With each design we were able to make the
     computer smaller, make it faster, and stay on the semiconductor
     curve. As I recall, our claim to fame with the 2100 was that we
     broke the $10,000 barrier for the 16-bit minicomputer; the
     competition, by which I mean primarily the PDP-8, was a 12-bit

     _KC:    Got ya._

     JS:     It was a major difference. Now, the PDP-11 was contemporary
     with the 2100A, but I believe that because it was a newer and
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 5

     more complex machine, we beat them under the wire for $10K. The
     other major advantage of the 2100A was that it broke the 64K
     memory limitation -- compared to the 2116A, which was a 16K
     memory machine. [Laughs] Not 16 meg! Most people bought memory
     for HP minis in 4 and 8K segments because that fit their budget.
     A 4K block of memory in the late 60s was $10,000 as I recall, and
     we might have lowered it to $8,000 per 4K. If you had tried to
     buy a megabyte of memory at those prices, that would bankrupt

     _KC:    It certainly would. Now, when you say 4K in the case of the
     2116, what was the word length?_

     JS:     It was 4K of 16-bit words. We had only 16-bit words. Now,
     the 2100 came out as our first computer with semiconductor
     memory, we went to RAM and there was no more core in the machine.
     That let us get the packaging [size] down. And we made provision
     for up to one megabyte of memory, or it might even have been two!
     I remember a wonderful meeting with the person I regard as the
     father of the 2100A, Bob Frankenberg, who is now the CEO of
     Novell; I went in to him one day and asked why they allowed for a
     meg of memory in the machine. His answer was absolutely mind-
     blowing to me at the time, and in the perspective of history, it
     still is. He said, "I got so tired of the sales and marketing
     folks beating on me for more memory," -- because the old 64K
     limitation was pretty severe -- "I wanted to put so much memory
     in the machine that nobody would ever ask for any more."

     _KC:    A meg of semiconductor memory, in the context of the early
     70s, was a heck of a lot of memory._

     JS:     A heck of a lot of memory and a heck of a lot more money!
     But, as we've learned again and again in this industry, it soon
     became a limitation, which is what led to the 32-bit machines.

     _KC:    Right. Now, the base configuration of the machine was 64K?_

     JS:     I believe so, but of course, the base configuration was
     driven by price -- we were trying to make our computers
     attractive in a way that was relatively new to us. Ed Hayes was
     the OEM marketing manager, a marketing father of the 2100, and he
     called the 2100 the "Thoroughly Modern Mini." That was its
     marketing tag-line. He ran an advertisement that promoted a
     configuration for the 2100 and, whatever the exact configuration
     was, it was priced at $9,000 or $8,950, but there was an asterisk
     on it that led to a disclaimer, "quantities of 50 or more" in
     very small print. That was the way the game was played in OEM at
     that time, because OEMs didn't buy one machine; they always
     wanted to know what your price was for the quantity that they'd
     find useful, and 50 was a good starting point for a reasonable-
     sized OEM. Well, as I remember, either Hewlett or Packard saw the
     ad and got very annoyed. Ed showed me a copy of the ad as we ran
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 6

     it, I think in _Electronic News_, where one or the other had
     taken his pen and written "I never want to see this kind of
     advertisement again!" so hard that the point of the pen had
     broken the newspaper.

     _KC:    Oops!_

     JS:     He was worried that we were misleading customers by changing
     our pricing policy so radically. HP didn't really discount its
     instruments. A big discount on an HP instrument would be three
     per cent, and we would give that on the 31st day of every
     February, with great duress, if Al Oliverio said it was okay,
     which he usually didn't.

     It was strictly ethical, strictly legal, absolutely standard
     practice to advertise a typical OEM price reflecting fifteen or
     twenty per cent discount for 50 machines; and that was our
     published discount. But to advertise that as an up-front price,
     and use it in small print as a base for the deal, was a complete
     break with Hewlett-Packard tradition. It was one of the great
     many anguishes that we went through trying to become a
     minicomputer company, working from the background of having been
     an instrument company. You can take that story as one example of
     the psychic changes that had to occur because of who we were, and
     how great we were, and what we were trying to become -- which was
     a fierce competitor in the mini-computer business.

     _KC:    So, when the ad appeared, did it publish the quantity-one

     JS:     No, when it appeared, Hewlett read it as the quantity-50
     price and he didn't approve the ad. The ad just got cut and I
     don't think we ever ran another one like it. From then on, I
     don't remember everything we did specifically, but we changed our
     approach to life.

     _KC:    Now, the 2114 approached being a general-purpose computer?_

     JS:     The 2114 was in every respect a general-purpose, core-based
     mini-computer and a really successful machine. I don't remember
     its dollar profit or exactly what companies bought it, but it
     certainly brought in new HP customers that numbered in the
     hundreds. The first big order from Fishback & Moore in
     particular, I believe, was for the 2115's or 2114's to control
     the new California aqueducts. To pump water from up here to down
     there would require 50 or 60 pumping stations along the route,
     with a computer in each one, and our computer was chosen. It was
     one of the biggest OEM wins we'd had until that time. I don't
     know what they're running today, but in the '60s and '70s, the
     California water system was built with the Hewlett-Packard 21xx;
     I'm sure the configuration changed multiple times, but that was a
     very big order for us and it underwrote very big changes in the
     socioeconomic fabric of the State of California.
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 7

     _KC:    It certainly did! Now, it wasn't only an order for a
     respectable number of computers, but it was a high-profile

     JS:     A project that made us a much more legitimate OEM supplier,
     caused other OEMs to be attracted to Hewlett-Packard because we
     could then be perceived as competitive and aggressive. When
     companies are growing a business from zero, they're always marked
     by their big orders. And that was a big order!

     _KC:    This is fine. When you want to assess comprehensively what
     the computer has done for California, rather than separating the
     technical history, the commercial history, and the social
     history, you have to emphasize the ways it all fits together.
     This is the kind of interview I really want because it considers
     the way the technical stuff came down, the effect on the business
     that was done, and the effect on the customer-base that it went
     to. ....Shall we move on to the 2100?_


     JS:     The 2100 was, as I said, the true second-generation machine
     based on semi-conductor memory; and it started life with a major
     disaster, because we invented a power supply for it that didn't
     work. It was the first high-speed switching power supply.

     Thirty-five percent of the cost of a mini-computer in those days
     was metal frame and power supply. If you were going to get the
     cost down, the engineering targets you were likely to think of
     first were the power supply and the metal frame, and if the power
     supply could be made smaller, the size and cost of the frame
     would follow it down. Well, we designed a power supply optimizing
     for size and it didn't work, and I don't remember exactly why,
     but it was temperature-sensitive as hell and it just would not
     meet Hewlett-Packard's quality. We were ready to announce this
     machine and they had to call on Barney Oliver at HP Labs in a
     very Apollo-project-like "let's invent a brand new power supply
     from scratch in a month that will work in this machine and save
     our butts."

     _KC:    The other thing, to my understanding from Barney about the
     power supply in the 2100, was that the one that didn't work was
     also too big, and made for a bigger frame. Now that you talk
     about 35 percent of the cost of the machine, I can understand the
     impact. What Barney seemed proudest of, regarding that power
     supply, was that it was half the size of the one it replaced._

     JS:     The size was absolutely critical. We were in disaster mode,
     wondering what the hell we were going to do, and one of the
     designs we actually considered used the old supply but put it in
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 8

     a separate box from the CPU, which would have been a two-box
     mini, with the power supply at a distance, like you get in some
     audio componentry today. I think it would have been a marketing
     disaster, and evidently my opinion was shared, because I know
     Marketing just threw up all over that; and Barney saved the day -
     - just plain and simple. This and a lot of other episodes taught
     us a little bit about the OEM business, and about just selling
     these things without so much religion, and we began to build a
     pretty reasonable computer business.


     _KC:    Can you expand on the phrase "so much religion?"_

     JS:     Oh, we were religious from day one. There were always
     internal wars as to who got to sell these machines. The Data
     Systems Division, that Tom Perkins ran, got to sell the pure-play
     digital computers. As soon as instrumentation capability was
     included, that order went into what was, I think, still called
     the Palo Alto Division or the Dymec Division. Each division
     wanted to see that order on its own bottom line, so there were
     always games being played: if we could get the customer to buy a
     data systems interface, which was a 16-bit general-purpose
     interface, the order came into the purview of this group, the
     instrumentation computer group. There was a war between the pure
     computer group and the instrumentation computer group that was
     friendly rivalry, but it went on almost forever.

     _KC:    When you say the "pure computer group," the Data Systems
     Division, you mean Cupertino?_

     JS:     Yes. Sometime in late 1969 or 1970, HP bought the Varian
     building on Wolfe Road in Cupertino, what was called Building 40
     -- or 41 -- which I believe they just tore down a few months ago.
     They created a "real computer" business that was focused on pure-
     play digital computers meant for end-user applications
     development. That was in contrast to Palo Alto and Dymec, what
     began as roughly the "technical computer" business and evolved
     over the years to "technical and commercial" -- technical, we
     sold to engineers, and commercial we sold to business people. But
     in ways that was an ill-founded separation, because some of the
     capabilities we had in the technical computer were capabilities
     that business people wanted. One of the great stories -- pardon
     me going fast-forward for a minute -- is of this pretty good
     database that the commercial computer guys invented called
     "Image," which ran in our DOS operating system, not DOS like
     Microsoft DOS, but the disk operating system for the machine. In
     contrast, the main operating system that the technical guys had
     was a real-time operating system. Well, if you think about it, a
     lot of commercial customers wanted real-time capability.

     _KC:    Oh, you bet they did!_
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 9

     JS:     They didn't have a use for instrumentation, you understand,
     they just wanted real-time capability sort of as the equivalent
     of today's multi-tasking preemptive capacity. Parenthetically, a
     lot of the stuff that the personal computer guys think is rocket
     science today, we were doing twenty years ago in proprietary
     operating systems, and making it work! But I remember Paul Ely,
     one of the truly great guys of the "pure computer" division and a
     gentleman I consider a mentor, would not allow the real-time guys
     to put a database to put Image under real-time. He just would not
     allow it to happen.

     _KC:    What was his thinking, so far as you understood it?_

     JS:     Customers didn't need it, it would confuse the business, and
     if real-time customers wanted Image, they should just buy DOS
     because that's the way it was! In the face of this we ran a
     guerrilla action -- including, I think, going over to the Data
     Systems Division and stealing the source code -- so that we could
     port Image to the real-time system. We were going to defy Paul's
     direction, disobey on principle, and implement Image in real
     time. (One of the accomplishments of that project, incidentally,
     was to introduce me to my future wife, whom we had just hired out
     of Iowa State as a computer science engineer.) The guy we put on
     the project was someone we'd hired from Harvard named Freddy
     Gibbons, who later went off and founded Software Publishing. He
     was the product manager for Image-1000, as we called it then, be-
     cause the real-time system -- the system that had the 2100 as
     part of it -- was collectively designated the Series 1000; this
     is in the mid-'70s. We introduced it, period, and it became a
     very, very successful product, because real-time and database was
     a natural combination that we sold to many companies who would
     not otherwise have become customers of Hewlett-Packard.

     _KC:    Okay. Now it seems like time to throw in something Barney
     mentioned, which was that, when you got as far as the 2000, 2100,
     there was a certain sector of HP management that began to worry;
     because HP was achieving a high profile in the general computer
     business, and without compromising traditional standards of
     quality and ruggedness, which had some people concerned that IBM
     -- as Barney said -- might put a tenth of their talent on it and
     really try to crush HP._

     JS:     That was exactly right. I mean, Hewlett was very
     appropriately conservative here. Pardon me thinking anecdotally -

     _KC:    Please do._

     JS:     First of all, I don't remember the 2000 and the 2100 as
     being the same thing. The 2000 was a time-share system that, I
     think, came to market before the 2100 did and was first used with
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 10

     the 2114. Ed McCracken was the father of it, both in the
     visionary sense and in the commercial sense, and he built a
     wonderful time-sharing business. I believe he had responsibility
     for the educational marketplace, which was the prime market for
     time-sharing in those days.

     _KC:    Right. And the time-sharing was inseparable from the version
     of BASIC._

     JS:     It was time-sharing/BASIC, one and the same, and Mike Green
     invented that, and then Mike went off to become a co-founder of
     Tandem. Time-sharing was another capability that got us into big
     businesses. Leasco became Hewlett-Packard's single largest
     customer by buying our time-share systems and leasing them to
     institutions, selling time, building service bureaus, making a
     market by replacing the larger time-share systems that had been
     run on mainframes. They built a huge business for themselves, and
     obviously for us too.

     _KC:    And unlike some people, you didn't particularly object to
     that. If somebody wanted to buy HP hardware and lease it out,
     that was fine._

     JS:     Yeah, that was no problem.


     But this opportunity that we picked up unfortunately led to
     another one that we missed. We ran a conservative company, which
     is why it's as great as it is, because we've stood the test of
     time, but we've also declined certain risks. We saw this
     commercial data processing opportunity and launched a very big
     project, under the leadership of Tom Perkins, called the Omega
     Project -- to build a 32-bit computer at least three to four
     years before DEC built the VAX.

     _KC:    You built a prototype._

     JS:     We built the prototype computer and were ready to launch it,
     and it would have worked -- I mean, it ran! But it wasn't a
     question of the product pure and simple. We didn't have a lot of
     experience in pure commercial computing, in midrange distributed
     computing, in commercial operating systems and COBOL, all of the
     stuff that was going on then; so we were even more careful than
     usual, because this would have required a frontal assault on
     IBM's market and everybody knew it. Now, HP's strongest suit
     besides reliability has always been support; we try to support
     our products better than anybody else, and if we can't support
     it, we don't sell it. As far as I remember, the issue finally
     came to a head when Perkins told Hewlett he'd need a $5 million
     investment to build a support organization for this product,
     which started an examination of the whole cost of becoming a
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 11

     serious computer player -- all the introduction costs and all the
     support costs, infrastructure, inventory, training, to do it the
     HP way. We began to wonder whether we could even complete the
     project. In the end the risk was judged excessive and the top-
     down decision was "kill the project."

     _KC:    Well, there were a number of influences on that decision.
     Barney makes the point that, at the time the full R&D budget for
     the Omega Project was being considered, Cupertino had already
     spent a lot of money and had less to show for it than some people
     found appropriate._

     JS:     They had not made any money.

     _KC:    Right. The other thing is that -- in context of the
     comprehensive R&D, manufacturing and support budget for a new
     line of computers -- everybody has to have remembered that Tom
     Watson, for the launch of the System/360, had spent $5 _billion_
     -- he had literally bet the company on introducing a new line.
     There might have been some reluctance to take relatively the same

     JS:     With a company that had not proved its ability to make a
     profit in the business. At that point, the computer business did
     not contribute profit to the Hewlett-Packard company very well at
     all, whether you were talking about the technical or the
     commercial computer business. Yes, that was a big bet that the
     company chose not to take at the time, and I remember a
     cataclysmic meeting for which they literally called all the
     engineers into a room, and told them that the project was dead,
     and at that very minute moving men came in and moved the Omega
     prototypes out of the building, so nobody could ever work on them

     _KC:    Were they destroyed?_

     JS:     I don't know. I know they were taken to warehouses. Whether
     they were physically destroyed or not, that decision effectively
     dispersed a lot of HP's most advanced resources in computing. You
     just have to look at the consequences! Most of the people who
     worked on that project ended up as founders of Tandem; and,
     because of the so-called disaster of 32-bit computing, nobody
     wanted to touch one again in any of HP's multiple computer
     divisions. So when DEC came out with the VAX, which was a 32-bit
     computer and a great one, we didn't respond because nobody had
     the _cojones _to build up a project after what had happened to
     Omega. We would have had a tremendous lead over DEC into the 32-
     bit market, whether it was five years or four or three, and we
     wouldn't touch it, we wouldn't respond. When we finally did
     struggle with it, with projects like Vision and Wide Word and a
     whole bunch of concepts that were being played with in the early
     '80s -- by that time, not having a 32-bit machine was killing us.
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 12

     Only the loyalty of Hewlett-Packard customers prevented us from
     going the hell out of the computer business during those years.
     We could have, or would have.

     _KC:    But you did exactly the opposite; because the 2000 and the
     2100 led up to the 3000, which, so far as I'm concerned, was the
     machine that committed HP to the computer business irreversibly._

     JS:     Well, as I mentioned, the 2100 was a general-purpose, 16-bit
     mini-computer that ran core and we used it with DOS and we used
     it with the real-time executive and we used it with time-sharing
     -- with, in essence, three separate computer operating systems.

     GENESIS OF THE 3000

     Now, the HP 3000 was a project that was getting underway just as
     the Omega got canceled, so we said, if we can't build a 32-bit
     machine, let's build the world's most modern 16-bit architecture;
     one that can address a full range of purposes without being three
     different machines. We decided on a register-based machine with
     re-entrance and several other advances over the 2100 architecture
     -- and I don't remember all the differences, but the 2100 had a
     16-bit memory register that gave limited addressing capability
     and the architecture was not comprehensively register-based....I
     think it included an A&B register and that was it. So, to em-
     phasize our design goals for the 3000, we created this three-ring
     sign logo for real-time, time-sharing and batch. The time-sharing
     came from the 2000; the batch came from DOS; and real-time came
     from the real-time. And then we broke the cardinal rule at
     Hewlett-Packard; we started to advertise and sell that machine
     before we built it.

     _KC:    Ouch!_

     JS:     We took orders for it based on what we thought it would do,
     not based on what it did, and we had people lined up. Had it done
     what we claimed it would do, that machine would have been
     phenomenal, but it wasn't possible. I think we told people it
     would do 64 terminals of time-sharing and run multiple jobs of
     batch and run real-time all at the same time. That was so far
     beyond the state of the art that people were just coming to us
     and betting on it, because this was Hewlett-Packard talking, and
     we didn't go out and talk through our hats, so we had a lot of
     credibility, but this time we weren't talking through our mouths.
     We got in big trouble! And we finally had to go out and pull the
     3000 off the market after it had been introduced, after we had
     taken orders for it, because we could not deliver what we had
     committed to deliver.

     _KC:    This was 1971. In what ways did the 3000, as first
     introduced, fail to live up to its advance billing?_
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 13

     JS:     Almost every way. I'm serious. With respect to software, I
     think it ended up not doing anything we said it would do. The
     number of terminals it supported was about four, instead of 64,
     and it couldn't run DOS if you were doing anything else. I mean,
     it was just really slow. We pulled the product off the market. We
     sent teams of senior managers out to sites where 3000's were
     already installed, to offer refunds and say, "We're sorry! We
     shouldn't have taken your money." Some customers wouldn't give us
     the machine back because they liked it and they knew eventually
     we'd get it right, but we were so ethical that we had to sever
     contracts and, in effect, say "This is not a sale. We sold you
     the wrong thing. Here's your money back. Give us the machine and
     we'll see you later." This wasn't "it didn't work by a little
     bit," it didn't work by a lot!

     _KC:    So the majority of first-generation series 3000s were

     JS:     Overwhelming majority.

     _KC:    And when was the re-introduction done?_

     JS:     I don't remember the exact year, but a couple of years later
     we relaunched with very toned-down specs that only included about
     half the capability we'd originally promised. In fact, we never
     did deliver a 3000 that fulfilled the original design goal, which
     was real-time, batch and time-share all running simultaneously in
     the same machine.


     _KC:    That didn't prevent the 3000 from becoming an immensely
     popular computer._

     JS:     After four or five very hard years of building a business,
     during which we learned how to sell true commercial data
     processing and distributed computing. That was a great learning
     curve for the company and we did get it right, but the process
     took us at least five years, and McCracken called that exactly.
     He used to go around telling people that any new operating system
     would take five years to get debugged and to find commercial
     acceptance in the marketplace. I think that was prophetic,
     because that's about how long it took the Macintosh to get right
     and at least how long it took Windows to get right.

     _KC:    At least!_

     JS:     McCracken said "at least," and that was a contrast, because
     we were always thinking, "Well, we've introduced this thing: year
     one, it's going to work."
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 14

     _KC:    And that sort of stood the industry perception on its head
     because people must have begun to realize, by then, that with
     luck you could get a generation of hardware right in 12 to 18

     JS:     For us then, probably 18 to 24, coming down to 12 to 18. We
     had a long-cycle design mentality; it took us too long to build
     hardware and we were trying to reduce that, to get it down to 12
     months, but it took us two years at that time to do anything

     _KC:    Even so, there's a major disparity between that and five
     years for the operating system._

     JS:     Yes.

     _KC:    I have to touch on a point here, and it may be a painful
     point. The first time you took people's money before you had the
     thing to sell to them, it turned out to be not a win, to put it
     mildly. What effect did that have on HP's marketing practices
     from then on?_

     JS:     Some people lost their jobs. General managers were moved and
     pulled out of the business. I think Bill Terry was one of the
     victims. We became ultra-conservative in marketing. Don't in-
     troduce it until you can prove it and ship it! We went to the
     other extreme, the way we had with instruments. We never
     introduced an instrument we couldn't demonstrate and deliver in a
     reasonable time-frame. When we could demonstrate a capability to
     a customer and prove that we could build in quantity, then we'd
     deliver it. Actually we became, I would say, a bit shell-shocked.

     _KC:    Back to core values, but in a way it was a salutary lesson._

     JS:     It was a good lesson about how you do things, and it rebuilt
     our credibility; not without people losing their jobs -- which in
     HP, meant getting other jobs, not getting fired -- but George
     Newman was one of the people who was involved in that whole
     thing, too. We were very chastened. It hurt us badly, hurt our
     psyches, hurt our sense of winning. And it probably caused some
     people some major career points.


     _KC:    One more question: If there was this split in the perceived
     computing market, between the real-time or engineering system and
     the time-shared commercial system, to what extent was that split
     carried forward into the division between the 3000 and the 9000?_

     JS:     HP was always organized on a division basis, and that was
     its greatness. It was also its weakness in the computer business,
     because you couldn't break up computer markets by divisions, and
     there was a war on at Hewlett-Packard from day one about "which
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 15

     computing platform, which hardware, which software." At one point
     we realized that we had over half a dozen different BASICs in the
     corporation, none of them compatible, each aimed at particular
     markets by the division that sponsored it. We were horribly
     inefficient in attacking the market because a division could do
     anything it wanted; there was maximum independence and minimum
     coordination. The problems got worse as platforms and their divi-
     sions proliferated -- the hand-held division, the desk-top
     division. Our entry into the 32-bit computer finally came out of
     the desk-top division, because the Focus chip set was designed to
     power a computer that was ten times faster than the 9845, which
     was a single-user desk-top BASIC system, that we then tried to
     put UNIX on and make it a general-purpose "workstation" using a
     $100 million proprietary chipset -- instead of going with the
     then-standard 68000 from Motorola, and that's a whole different

     15 Years of Life with the Macintosh
     by Jef Raskin


     The success of the Macintosh cannot be credited to any one
     person. I gave it its human-oriented, graphics-based, compact-
     sized nature from the very first, invented some now-universal
     interface concepts, and made many decisions that proved
     fundamental to its success. I hired a crew of unknowns who have
     become, almost without exception, men and women known throughout
     the industry for their continued innovation. It was not just me,
     but my original Macintosh crew of four, then a dozen or so, and
     finally hundreds of people, who created that first Macintosh. Now
     thousands at Apple continue to create and expand the Macintosh
     line of computers and the machines that will follow in its
     footprint. And even so it would have been a dead-end product,
     after all this effort, without the work done by thousands of
     software developers who give tens of millions of Macintosh users
     the tools they need. In this logarithmically spiraling cascade of
     numbers we come today to something over a hundred million people
     who use -- at their desks at home or at work, in their schools
     and libraries, at the beach, in airplanes, everywhere -- systems
     that look and feel much like Macs. Amplified by all this effort
     and the sincerest form of flattery, the influence of the
     Macintosh may well have touched the lives of over one percent of
     the world's population.

     The phenomenon that I have just described represents the
     expansion of one person's stream of ideas into a flood, but the
     stream had to first gather force from numerous tributaries. It
     was not just my own inspiration, but the flowing together of the
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 16

     genius of Ivan Sutherland and Douglas Englebart, the scientists
     at Xerox PARC, the development of the microprocessor, the success
     of the Apple II, the efforts of many other people whose work I
     studied and learned from (I will never be able to thank them all)
     -- and a lot of luck -- that led to that one nexus in space-time,
     in the spring of 1979, when I went to the CEO of Apple and told
     him that I wanted to design a new product I had been dreaming of
     for a while, and that I wanted to call it Macintosh.

     In 1994 the 10th anniversary of the introduction of the Macintosh
     was celebrated with a rash of articles -- some of dubious
     accuracy -- and parties at Apple and elsewhere. But it was also
     the 15th anniversary of the origin of the Macintosh project. This
     is the story of how the Mac, a product that has changed the face
     and interface of computing, first came into being.


     It's hard to say when the conceptual framework for the Mac began.
     Parts of it can be discerned as early as 1965 when I was a
     graduate student in computer science at Penn State. Already
     steeped in the technicalities of computer design and programming,
     I nonetheless found computers aggravatingly -- and unnecessarily
     -- difficult to use, and always looked for ways to make them less
     intimidating. I soon earned a reputation as being sympathetic and
     helpful to our least technical users, especially those in the
     arts and humanities. Since I was (and am) as comfortable in the
     humanities and the fine arts as I am with science and
     mathematics, I never forgot our shared pain and frustration with
     the nonsensical ways computers were (and are) operated. In
     contrast, most of my fellow students celebrated their detailed
     knowledge and seemed to enjoy the power and status that
     distinguished them from "ordinary users." They preferred to work
     with hard-nosed programming students with whom they could attack
     problems in full jargon.

     In my 1967 thesis, "The Quick Draw Graphics System," I took issue
     with the display architecture then in vogue. At this time, input
     was mostly via punched cards, and output took the form of ex-
     travagant quantities of oversize paper sheets from massive and
     noisy "line printers." Those who wanted pictures turned to
     expensive plotters designed to do engineering drawings. There
     were only a few CRT terminals at the Penn State computer center,
     and these could display only letters and symbols, usually in
     green or white on a black background. Hamstrung by specialized
     electronics -- in particular a circuit called a "character
     generator" -- that permitted no other use, they could not display
     graphics. One display at the center could draw thin, spidery
     lines on its large screen. With it you could do drawings that now
     seem crude, annotated by child-like stick-figure lettering.
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 17

     In this milieu my thesis was radical in suggesting that computer
     displays should be graphics- rather than character-based. I
     argued that, by considering characters as just a particular kind
     of graphics, we could produce whatever fonts we wished, and mix
     text and drawings with the same freedom as on the drawn or
     printed page. To prove my point, I wrote a program that generated
     the complex, two-dimensional notation of music. To accomplish
     this, I needed to enter graphic data into the computer system.

     Commercial digitizers were then as expensive as a small house; my
     only choice was to design and build one. Its input was somewhat
     indirect, in that as I pointed here and there, it produced
     punched cards which had to be read into the computer later. With
     only limited access to a machine shop and within the tiny budget
     a graduate student might worm from the university, I found it
     hard to achieve the required precision and repeatability; but my
     digitizer, although mechanically and electronically Rube-
     Goldbergish, was an inexpensive and practical one-point-at-a-time
     Graphic Input Device (GID). I did not know of [Douglas] Engle-
     bart, on the West Coast, and his recent invention of the mouse;
     even if I had, it would have been hard to hook it up to the
     mainframe we were using.

     A mark of how much things have changed was my casual use of the
     word "fonts" in the paragraph above. Today, almost every computer
     user thinks of character display and printing in terms of fonts;
     but when I was a graduate student -- and even when I started the
     Macintosh project -- most people in the computer world did not
     think of fonts in connection with computers. When I talked about
     the merits of serif and sans-serif fonts, the advantages of
     variable- over fixed-pitch fonts, or the beauties of Bodoni's
     work, I got blank stares and people might mutter. "There goes
     Raskin with his odd art stuff again." To talk about fonts and
     drawing was to emigrate from computer science to the world of
     graphic artists, typographers and other "arts people." Now,
     everybody seems to have a few dozen fonts on their computer to
     play with; what I wished for has happened.

     Another radical claim I made in my thesis was that ease of use
     should have a higher priority in the design of computers than
     speed and efficiency. Learning how to make code run in shorter
     time, or less memory, or both, was central to computer science
     training; human interface was not given the slightest
     consideration. Computer time was expensive then, and pride of
     place for human convenience was an alien concept. It was not
     unimportant at that time to use internal computer resources ef-
     ficiently, and it is still essential today. But efficiency should
     be neither an end in itself nor the highest ambition of the
     computer scientist -- contrary to the impression one often got in
     graduate school in computer science.

     Old-fashioned computer centers were an ideal breeding ground for
     pranks. Appalled by the daily waste of paper, a few friends and I
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 18

     once decorated the computer center building with a day's dis-
     carded output. Early arrivers the next morning found a band of
     white interrupting the red brick, and had to do some tearing to
     get into the building. The same stunt now could be considered a
     work of art. On another occasion a state-level dignitary was
     visiting the computer center. I set up the computer so that
     opening the massive printer cover (done by a remote command)
     would dump a wastebasket full of the punched-out paper chips from
     a card-punch into an air vent intake, giving the startling effect
     of a short-lived snow storm coming up from the floor. No one
     doubted the identity of the perpetrator (I guess I had a
     reputation) so sweeping and vacuuming were my lot.

     My friend and office-mate Steve Zins and I engaged in a rubber-
     band gun arms race: my best designs were single-shot guns of
     unprecedented accuracy, needed to shoot the flies generated by
     the adjacent cow fields. Steve created a Gatling gun that could
     plaster my chest with some 60 rubber bands in less than a second
     (though the gun took five minutes to load for that one burst.)
     But I digress...


     The first truly interactive graphical computer system that came
     to my attention was Ivan Sutherland's Sketchpad. Though the
     hardware available at Penn State would not allow me to follow his
     lead, Sutherland's work was a revelation and an inspiration. It
     used a CRT display and had a light-sensitive "pen" for graphic
     input. In high school I had built a rudimentary light pen for an
     oscilloscope, so I immediately knew how it worked. One pecu-
     liarity is that you had to put up a mark of some sort (Sutherland
     used the word "INK") so the pen had some light to detect. You
     just could not start drawing without first pointing to the "ink,"
     after which the computer could track the light pen. If you tilted
     the pen too far or moved it away from the screen, the computer
     "lost" the pen.

     These details must be emphasized. Without them it is too easy to
     imagine, when you hear that Sutherland's ground-breaking system
     had "rubber band" lines and could do graphic input and output,
     that it all worked in the now-familiar Macintosh and Windows
     fashion. By present lights Sutherland's system was crude and
     limited. In its own day it was a wonder and an inspiration.

     As I fretted with the details of getting my thesis approved, I
     began dreaming of a computer that would be graphical, easy to
     learn, easy to use, capable of everyday tasks such as word
     processing, and, above all, affordable. At the time this was not
     just a dream, but simply impossible. For a while, getting my
     degree also appeared an impossible dream; my thesis was rejected
     for not following the rules. One rule in particular was that you
     were to use only one font in a thesis; they didn't want you to
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 19

     turn out part of it on one typewriter and the rest on another.
     This had launched a local industry of typists who knew the
     university rules to the letter, and whom you paid to produce the
     final draft exactly to specifications, in the required number of

     My thesis had characters in several fonts, exactly to demonstrate
     that one could produce distinct fonts on a graphics-based system.
     The use of varied fonts was, I complained, part of the subject
     matter; to rule out their use was to attack the content, and not
     just the form, of the thesis. After months of verbal wrangling
     and a memo war, my thesis was accepted, fonts and all.

     Tired of Pennsylvania winters and Penn State's cold bureaucrats,
     my wife and I drove west, until we ran out of land in La Jolla,
     just north of San Diego. We knew nobody in the area, but by luck
     had ended up at the University of California's Scripps
     Institution of Oceanography. Walking out onto the Scripps pier I
     saw, for the first time, a pelican abruptly fold its wings and
     splash into the ocean. I thought it had been shot.


     Sometime in middle or early high school I was given a copy of
     Claude Shannon's marvelous _Information Theory_. I can remember
     no other books from that time, by both title and author, except
     Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes mysteries. It was eye-
     opening and completely wonderful to learn that this ephemeral,
     seemingly unquantitative stuff called information was amenable to
     a physics as rigorous as that for objects and motion -- and that
     this physics was almost purely mathematical in its development.
     This was extremely appealing, as mathematics was by far my first
     love, queen of all the subjects I could command. It may seem
     premature for one at the age of 14 or so to be so smitten; but it
     was my good fortune that Ron Genise -- a most wonderful teacher,
     and later friend -- had begun, in my sixth grade, to make the
     beauty and power of mathematics as alive and vivid for me as the
     performance of sports figures and cars were for my classmates. I
     believe that he first pointed out the Shannon book to me, and if
     my memory is astray on that point, at least I know that he led me
     to the intellectual point of view from which I could appreciate

     During this time I read an article about the rate at which
     information (measured, as Shannon had shown, in bits per second)
     could be communicated from the eyes to the brain. The number
     seemed much too low. For example, I could sight-read pieces by
     Chopin and Beethoven on the piano. As an early exercise in
     information theory I calculated the number of bits in each
     symbol. This is not difficult; for example, a note head specifies
     one of the 88 notes on the piano, and this takes a little over
     seven bits. It also specifies a duration, which for most
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 20

     practical purposes has one of 8 values, which is exactly three
     bits of information. So a note conveys approximately 10 bits of

     Ignoring other symbols and some details here (I was more precise
     in the paper I wrote at the time) and considering music where one
     is reading four chords each of six notes in a second, implies a
     transmission rate of 2400 bits per second (2400 baud.) This
     exceeded the rate at which neurophysiologists believed the senses
     could transmit data. This made me realize that I wasn't really
     reading each note, but analyzing the chords into harmonies:
     "that's an E-flat major chord in the first inversion..." and so
     on. All my brain had to deal with was the single concept of a
     certain chord, and not all the details of each note. Later,
     reading about psychology, I found that I had re-discovered a phe-
     nomenon called "chunking" which allows us to grasp much more than
     would be indicated the slow data rates experiment shows our
     brains can handle.

     This has been a paradigm typical of my entire life; supposedly
     different disciplines merge or interact, reinforcing each other.
     Studying math opens the path to a book on the physics of
     information which informs my classical musical studies, enhanced
     by my having ignored my music teacher's wishes and learned to
     play from jazz "charts" instead of sticking only to classical
     music. The speed at which I can read music seems to violate a
     fact I read in a science magazine (I am a compulsive reader, and
     will read almost anything,) the solution to which gives me an
     anchor of understanding when I am learning about something in
     psychology years later. Somehow it all fits together.


     My parents brought my brother and me up to recognize oppression
     and to fight it. Popular, gregarious, and very active in civic
     events, they risked friendship and fortune in defending racial
     equality in the 1950s and 60s.

     The following is part of the column I wrote about my father for
     the local paper:


     My father, Bill, died last week. It was not at all unexpected.
     His health had been failing since my mother died a few years ago.
     Recently he had had a stroke and was also diagnosed with
     congestive heart failure. He could barely speak. My brother
     Michael had flown in from Boston and the three of us were
     together for what was to be the last time. Bill struggled for
     speech and repeated, "What can I say? What can I say?", a phrase
     he had always used when overcome with emotion. We told him that
     he didn't have to say anything, but he finally said, with evident
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 21

     effort, "I love you." and embarrassed us a little by taking our
     hands and kissing them All I could think to do was to return the
     gesture and kiss his hand. At this he smiled his delightful
     smile, made lop-sided by his stroke, yet a smile that reminded us
     for a moment of the father he had been.

     If you had met him you'd have found a mild-mannered man, soft-
     spoken, well-liked and without self-interested ambition. The love
     between my parents was constant and evident to all who knew them.
     A responsible citizen, a merchant, a member of the school board
     after my brother and I had gone on to college -- he would not be
     on the board while we were students to avoid tainting our
     achievements with suspicions of favoritism. For many years he was
     the secretary of the Lions Club. He never accepted the many
     nominations to be president. He liked to lead by example, by
     quiet persuasion, and with gentle humor from the sidelines.

     On moral issues he was inflexible; I have space for only one
     example. In the '50's, long before the present civil rights
     movement was in full steam, he incurred the enmity of nearly the
     entire town by supporting the hiring of man of African descent as
     an English teacher, and backing another as a member of the Lions
     Club. I remember a long-time customer coming in to our store and
     saying, with true regret in her tone, "I can no longer shop here.
     You understand why."

     We had a solemn family meeting. Our parents told us that we had a
     choice to make: if we continued to back our beliefs we would be
     very poor for a while, there would be no toys at year's end, no
     going to restaurants, and so forth. We knew what he meant, our
     family-owned store was too often quiet, the piles of layaways for
     Christmas were not building up in the basement as they had in
     previous years. The other choice, he said, was to hold onto our
     beliefs privately but not push matters. He would not impose his
     values and the attendant risks on his children. It was up to us
     and we knew he would abide by our decision. Michael and I had no
     patience with people who judged others on their race or cultural
     background, and we said (as Bill proudly recounted years later)
     without hesitation that we didn't care about presents but that we
     did care about our friends. To do nothing was to give tacit
     approval to racism.

     Some would say that we lost. We had to sell the store across from
     the railroad station and set up shop in a poorer neighborhood.
     Instead of big Buicks and Packards we drove the cheapest Renault.
     We no longer had a summer house by the lake. And the lovely
     presents we had become used to came no more. The Lions club split
     in two, a large whites-only club and a tiny integrated one with
     my father as secretary. But we won. The high school had its first
     black teacher, and others followed. The white Lions club faded
     and Bill's survived.
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 22

     There were no services; he was an atheist as righteous as any
     church-goer. He donated his body to science, and his love of
     humanity to his sons.


     The messages were clear. One was: figure out what is right and
     then stick to your guns. Another: principle is more important
     than practicality. These were two of the beliefs that propelled
     the Macintosh as it came into being. I was not uncomfortable
     defying common wisdom.

     This early training also made it easy for me to recognize girls
     and women as an oppressed class in our society. As a child I had
     seen my intellectually brilliant cousin, Miriam, given dolls
     while I would get the far more interesting Erector sets and chem-
     istry labs we both preferred. My feminist leanings were deepened
     by some of the things that later happened to my friend Karen
     Kalinsky. For example, when we were undergraduates at S. U. N. Y.
     at Stony Brook, I held a job in the computer center. Karen, also
     a math major, became interested in computers and decided to take
     the programming course; the head of the computer center there had
     offered jobs to the people who got the three highest scores on
     the final and Karen was rarely outscored on any test. Looking at
     the posted list, we saw that she had received the top score, and
     we anticipated working together at the computer center. The jobs,
     however, went to the three top men in the class! We were mad, she
     raised a ruckus, and I quit in protest.

     We went to Penn State next. As usual, I got a job at the computer
     center, and as usual, they wouldn't hire her -- in spite of
     credentials better than mine in some ways, such as grade point
     average -- because her "boy friend" worked there. After we were
     married, there was no way she could be hired. Nepotism, you know.

     By the time we reached the west coast, degrees in hand, we were
     smarter about jobs. She took a position first, running the
     computer at the Institute for Geophysics and Planetary Physics at
     University of California at San Diego (UCSD.) Shortly thereafter,
     I got a job at the University Computer Center. They didn't think
     to ask a man if his wife worked in a professional capacity -- on
     the form it only asked if your husband worked at the University.
     I also saw some of the sexist hurdles my cousin Miriam had to
     face, such as being ignored by the professors in classes. (Miriam
     is now a professor and researcher at the University of Michigan
     at Ann Arbor.) These experiences are relevant to our story; for
     one thing, they influenced my choice of the name "Macintosh" for
     my favorite computer.

     While working at the UCSD computer center, I became familiar with
     other parts of the school. The music department, filled with
     avant garde composers and performers, was intrigued by my back-
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 23

     ground in both computers and music (I had designed and built the
     first electronic music studio at Penn State.) It looked like a
     good fit and I became a graduate student there, working toward a
     Ph.D. in music. UCSD, like some English universities, is divided
     into colleges; at the time, the first two were named Revelle and
     Muir Colleges, and the newest was simply called "Third College."
     By a peculiar series of events (that would, for once, take us too
     far afield if I described it here,) I soon became the computer
     center director and a professor of Visual Art at Third College,
     positions I held from 1969 through 1974.

     The main computer center at Revelle College was noisy,
     antiseptic, and lit by fluorescent lights that glared off white
     vinyl floors. It was punch-card-oriented and built around a
     physically huge, multi-million dollar mainframe computer. The
     computer center I designed for Third College, located in a war-
     surplus Quonset hut, was very different. It used a pair of Data
     General Nova minicomputers with 16 interactive terminals. The
     decor was bean-bag chairs and Japanese paper lanterns, giving my
     center a friendly, funky feel. It became the natural home for
     people with what were then seen as "odd" computer applications,
     like music and art. Some of the campus's computer aficionados
     found that they preferred the unhurried, interactive context of
     the minicomputers to the fluorescent, buzzy mainframe environment
     on the other side of campus. In light of today's personal
     computers, which operate in homes, cars, and at the beach, it is
     hard to remember that in the early 1970's a computer center such
     as the one I created was countercultural, and perhaps unique.


     My computer center was funded primarily by the National Science
     Foundation and the University of California. I suspect that if
     Senators Proxmire or Helms had ever visited it they would have
     mistaken it for a typical waste of taxpayer's money. It looked
     more like a place to get stoned than to get educated, a hippy

     But looks are just looks, and I have always made my courses
     friendly in spirit while I demanded hard work from the students.
     The new computer center was an effective educational facility.
     Only ten per cent of the undergraduates who learned programming
     at UCSD went through my courses, but nearly half of the students
     who held paying jobs at the main computer center had done so.
     There was no doubt that the Third College computer center was
     doing a good job at creating future computer scientists. Better
     still, it was reaching students who would otherwise never have
     gone near a mainframe, just as the Macintosh would someday be
     used by people who thought they'd never touch a computer. It was
     not the technology that made my teaching so effective, but the
     interface! Students learned more and better in a pleasant
     environment where, to test their programs, they simply pressed a
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 24

     key and got results. The other side of campus was batch-oriented;
     you presented a deck and went to the printer to await your
     output. Fortunately Ken Bowles, the director of the Revelle
     center, had an enlightened attitude for someone in his position
     at the time; he did not regard a second, student-oriented
     computer center as a challenge to his hegemony. Years later
     Bowles would spearhead development of the computer language and
     operating system called UCSD Pascal, which would be essential to
     the success of Apple and the Macintosh.

     In retrospect, the Third College Computer Center was all that a
     grant administrator could wish for: it met its educational aims,
     resulted in appropriate publications, and later went on to
     inspire commercial products that have boosted the GNP (gross
     national product) to the tune of billions of dollars. It is
     definitely possible to see precursors of the Macintosh in the
     Third College center's low tables with small rectangular monitors
     and detached keyboards. Though they had to be tied to a common
     system, the effect was as if each student had a personal
     computer. Resources had to be shared in 1973, when a 4K byte
     (enough to hold about 800 words of English) random access memory
     (RAM) memory unit cost nearly two thousand dollars. As this is
     written, each 4K bytes of RAM in my Macintosh computer costs less
     than 10 cents.

     During the summers, I used one of the Novas as my personal
     computer. My mostly volunteer staff and student friends (notably
     Jon Collins, Barbara Zakarian, Bill Atkinson, and Steve Clark)
     helped me put the computer into the back of my truck on a wheeled
     dolly, and we used it wherever we went. One memorable time we
     took it with us into a restaurant, using it to figure the bill
     and the tip, to the amazement of the waitresses and patrons who
     crowded around. A computer outside of a lab was an absolute
     novelty. These experiences with a "portable" computer system gave
     me a foretaste of what it would be like to own a personal
     computer. Like the crocodile in Peter Pan, I would never forget
     that taste, and craved it for years.


     In 1972 I visited the Stanford University Artificial Intelligence
     Laboratory (SAIL,) which had an established reputation as a
     center for advanced research in computer science. I was also
     introduced to another magical place that had recently opened and
     was a short bicycle ride away. The Xerox Palo Alto Research
     Center (PARC) was to become even better known than SAIL in the
     coming years. Thanks to a strong common interest in early music
     as well as computers, I soon found a close friend in the person
     of Doug Wyatt, a tall, thin man who is as quiet as he is
     technically brilliant and musically talented. Doug took a leave
     of absence from PARC and came down to San Diego for a while to
     write new software for my computer center.
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 25

     A programming language I designed, "FLOW," was implemented and
     improved by Doug. The human interface used in this system, as
     well as the design of the language itself, were somewhat ahead of
     their time. It proved so effective that it came to the attention
     of the cognitive psychologist Don Norman, later to become a
     leader in the fields of cognitive psychology and man-machine
     interfaces, who is now an Apple Fellow and a writer of popular
     books on the subject. Norman did some of his first computer-
     interface-related work investigating why students learned faster
     and better with the "FLOW" computer language.

     The next summer I was invited to become a Visiting Scholar at
     SAIL. It was a great place to be. I remember fondly the memorable
     daily, end-of-the-day volleyball game, after which most of us
     would retire to the lounge and watch _Star Trek_. After which a
     lot of us would get supper and go back to work. There are a
     number of reasons why I remember watching _Star Trek_. I enjoyed
     the show, and once it led to a remarkable incident.

     To understand what happened, you have to know that an
     experimental robot occasionally roamed the halls and parking lots
     at SAIL. The rambling robot (in case you were picturing C3PO
     walking across the desert with R2D2) looked like a wheeled table
     full of surplus electronics. It was not at all humanoid, or even
     robotoid. On this occasion we were sitting down to watch Captain
     Kirk and his enterprising crew when the robot wandered in,
     stopped, swiveled its TV eye at the set and sat there throughout
     the show. At the end, it whirred into life, rolled itself around,
     and left as we did. Later I learned that Hans Moravec was working
     at a terminal that did not have TV feed (most terminals at the AI
     lab did -- another development way ahead of its time that I was
     exposed to) and had sent in the robot to beam the picture and
     sound back to his monitor. It occurred to me that we were
     probably the only people in the universe watching _Star Trek_ in
     the company of a robot.

     While at SAIL I used the early Defense Department progenitor of
     the now-popular Internet. ARPAnet allowed us to communicate with
     and use remote computers. It felt like magic to be sitting in
     California and running a computer at MIT. I became an early e-
     mail junkie, a habit that I have yet to kick after 20 years.


     The populations at SAIL and PARC intermingled freely and I found
     myself gravitating more and more toward the beanbag chairs at
     PARC. A significant portion of their work was based on the same
     goals as my own, to make the power of computers accessible to
     non-specialists. I suspect that I fit in easily and well because
     they didn't have to start by converting me to their point of
     view; I was already there. I meanwhile felt at home since, for
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 26

     the first time, I was among computer scientists who were on the
     same wavelength as I. They had accomplished independently what my
     thesis had called for a few years earlier: computers that were
     graphic-based, without impediments such as character generators.
     What was more exciting was that the people I spoke with were
     concentrating on interface design, which I also saw as the area
     of computer science most in need of development.

     By 1974 I was fed up with the politics in the UCSD art department
     and left the University, making my point in artistic fashion by
     ascending in a huge hot air balloon, playing the sopranino
     recorder, and announcing my resignation from 100 feet up in the
     air. I was also tired of the directions the computer industry was
     taking. It was all "more" and "bigger" and "faster," but not
     really better (this history is being repeated with personal
     computers today.) Nobody seemed interested in what I was
     preaching about usability. I sold my house near San Diego and
     moved to Brisbane, a town just south of San Francisco. I tried
     the life of a street musician and music teacher, started a com-
     pany that made radio-controlled model airplane kits (a business
     that continues today,) and became the conductor of the San
     Francisco Chamber Opera. I also worked briefly as a packaging
     designer, but left when I couldn't convince the owner that we
     could design boxes faster and better with a computer. In the
     1990's the owner's son, who better understood what I had
     proposed, wrote a set of computer programs to do box layout, and
     now has a successful business making boxes -- and an even more
     successful one selling the software.

     I also worked as an advertising and portfolio photographer
     (having been taught a bit about the art by my former student and
     forever mentor David Wing, now a professor of art at Grossmont
     College east of San Diego.) During this period of wandering, I
     started a company called Bannister & Crun to write software and
     manuals. The company was named after two characters (Minnie
     Bannister and Henry Crun) featured on the BBC's beloved Goon
     Show. Between the way the Goon Show's players mangled English and
     the spotty reception of my shortwave radio, it was sometimes hard
     following their humor; they were to radio what Monty Python was
     to become to TV.

     Our first job at Bannister & Crun was to computerize the South
     San Francisco sewer billing system, a job that required me to
     visit the sewage treatment plant from time to time and work on
     one of the most dreadfully designed computers I had ever seen, an
     early Qantel model. We also worked on other software projects and
     wrote manuals for companies that included National Semiconductor
     and Heathkit.


     In late 1974 the general purpose microprocessor chip was put on
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 27

     the market and I remember discussing its incredible potential
     with Doug Wyatt and a mutual musical friend, a talented and
     extraordinarily pleasant man named Brian Howard. Of broad
     learning, with a degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford,
     he was working for the preventive medicine department at the uni-
     versity, doing a characteristically wide range of things
     including building test equipment. Brian was to become a central
     intelligence in the development of the Macintosh and, later, one
     of the designers of Apple's first laser printer -- another
     product that changed the face of computing. He continues as a
     respected engineer at Apple.

     When the first microcomputer kit, the MITS Altair, was announced
     in 1975, Brian, Doug, and I just had to have one. With soldering
     iron, oscilloscope, and logic probe in hand, Doug and I built the
     Altair and (somewhat to our surprise) got it working. This was a
     non-trivial endeavor, but Doug's combination of methodical care
     and clever insight solved many a problem. I was experienced with
     a soldering iron and felt comfortable with the construction
     because electronics had been a hobby of mine as a child. I had
     won a science fair prize for a computer I made while in high
     school. Building a computer is, perhaps, nothing to crow about
     now, but in 1960 individuals just didn't have computers and kids
     didn't use or program them. I was still a hardware jock as an
     undergraduate, designing and building a computer from scratch for
     the Biology department at the State University of New York, then
     at Oyster Bay (now Stony Brook.) This background proved useful
     when creating the Mac, since I had a realistic idea of what could
     and could not be done with electronic components. Having done
     electronic design and testing myself, I could communicate with
     electronic wizards, and not be snowed when they spoke of
     impedance or logic levels.

     We got the Altair running a program that did stock market
     analysis, and we sold it for about $5,000 to Jim Hurst, a stock
     market guru. He'd been paying $10,000 per month in time-shared
     computer charges for the same work, so the micro system amortized
     out in two weeks -- a great savings to him. The computer had cost
     us a few hundred dollars and had served well as an introduction
     to microcomputing. With part of our profits we bought a slightly
     more sophisticated IMSAI, and I built the first modem kit that
     became available. I made back a bit of the money I spent on that
     kit by authoring a review of it for _Dr. Dobb's Journal_. I liked
     reviewing kits and I was soon writing the "Consumer Notes" column
     for that magazine. I became a reporter on the early personal
     computer scene; pieces I wrote appeared in _Personal Computing,
     Interface Age,_ the _Silicon Gulch Gazette, Kilobaud,
     Datamation,_ and _Byte_ magazine.

     Jim Warren, who ran the wonderfully-named _Dr. Dobb's Journal of
     Computer Calisthenics and Orthodontia_ (Running Light without
     Overbyte,) is a delightful, jovial, and unconventional man who
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 28

     sparked much in the industry. He created the West Coast Computer
     Faires and now works on creating political enfranchisement
     through technology. He often managed the Faires by cruising their
     huge exhibit halls on roller skates. One of the assignments he
     gave me in 1976 was to interview two fellow-members of the now-
     legendary Homebrew Computer Club centered in Palo Alto. The club,
     many of whose members went on to become prominent in the computer
     industry, was moderated by the very funny and genial Lee
     Felsenstein. This was also the man who designed the modem I
     reviewed (it's a small valley.) Doug Wyatt and I got an ovation
     one night when I announced that we had run our IMSAI for over a
     month without once taking the top off to fix something; it was a
     real milestone (and a tribute to clean soldering.)


     The members I was sent to interview were building a new computer
     in their garage. By coincidence both were named "Steve" and their
     project was the Apple I. I was impressed by Steve "Woz" Wozniak's
     brilliant and efficient design and pre-decoded bus concept, and
     his exposition of the advantages of the 6800 and 6502
     architecture over the competing 8008 and 8080-based machines.
     (Incredibly, this competition between architectures continues to
     this day.) I remember Woz explaining how the pre-decoded bus made
     peripherals simpler, that you could send information to
     peripherals the same way you wrote to memory, and that memory
     wasn't paged -- unimportant details in this essay perhaps, but
     indicative of the kinds of considerations that Woz paid careful
     attention to. And I loved the name "Apple" instead of the techie
     names everybody else was using; it fit my kind of iconoclastic
     spirit. Now we have become so accustomed to it that it is hard to
     remember how joltingly countercultural that name was at first. A
     computer company named "Apple"?

     The other Steve, Steve Jobs, was a delight to talk to about less
     technical aspects of computers. His enthusiasm and business
     orientation were exciting. They were just starting on the design
     of the Apple II, and I tried to convince them that they should
     employ bit-mapped graphics and not have a character generator,
     but Woz thought that software couldn't handle the character
     generation task fast enough and Steve Jobs didn't understand why
     I thought it so important. I had a different vision of what a
     microcomputer should be like, and PARC's programmers and my own
     work had convinced me that software could do the job. I tried to
     convince Woz by working out the code to put bit-mapped characters
     on the screen and calculating timings by counting cycles, but the
     Steves were not open to the idea. The concepts I espoused were
     far from the mainstream of computer design and for all their
     mold-breaking thinking, Steve and Steve were very strongly
     conditioned by the minicomputers they had seen. To do them
     justice, Woz was absolutely correct in stating that a character
     generator was much faster and its software less memory intensive
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 29

     than my all-graphics approach. But had I been able to convey my
     vision better, I suspect he could have made bit-mapping work fast
     enough back then.

     It was by the slimmest of chances that the Apple II had a high
     resolution graphics mode (Hi-Res) on which bit-mapped graphics
     could later be explored. Woz was not going to include it but Jobs
     asked Woz how many chips it would take to add the feature. Woz
     said that it would take only two, so Jobs insisted that they
     could afford it. Sometimes history stumbles along from accident
     to accident, things are done that seem like a good idea at the
     time, and every now and then they are.

     I tried to convince Jobs and Woz to visit PARC, which was a very
     academic and open place (Xerox may later have felt that PARC was
     too open,) but did not succeed. Jobs repeatedly told me (and any-
     body else he could get hold of) that a large corporation like
     Xerox couldn't do anything interesting. Hewlett-Packard's
     rejection of Woz's proposal for a personal computer, when he
     worked there, was a prime example of such corporate blindness,
     and ever after remained part of their psychological motivation.
     If I could have told them then that Hewlett Packard would someday
     make millions of dollars simply by selling peripherals to Apple
     computer products (as has happened,) the Steves would have been
     ecstatic, and rightfully so.


     I worked with Jobs and Woz and, under the aegis of Bannister &
     Crun, wrote a user-oriented portion of the manual for the Apple
     I. There was a tiny misunderstanding about the price: I was
     talking about $50 per finished page and they thought I had said
     that it would cost $50 for me to write the whole manual. We
     resolved our differences amicably and work proceeded.

     At about this time Jobs made a decision crucial to the history of
     personal computers. Paul Terrell ran the Byte Shop in Mountain
     View, one of the first retail computer stores in the world. When
     Jobs and Woz asked his advice he insisted that the Apple II must
     have a non-rectilinear, consumer-oriented, plastic case and --
     unlike the Apple I and many of its competitors -- should never be
     sold as a kit for which potential users had to scrounge parts at
     local surplus or electronics stores. I well remember the hassle
     of finding keyboards that worked properly with the very early
     microcomputers, and connectors to fit the idiosyncratic circuit
     boards. The Apple II, Terrell suggested, should circumvent these
     problems by being factory-built with an integral keyboard and
     power supply.

     Terrell was not quite alone in recognizing these desiderata. The
     SOL, designed by Lee Felsenstein and manufactured by Processor
     Technology, had a typewriter look. A Utah company, Sphere, sold a
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 30

     complete little machine with a programmer's hexadecimal keyboard
     (base 16 numbers only) and included a video screen even before
     the Apple I was released. The Commodore PET and TRS-80, both
     designed with much attention to consumer needs, followed soon
     after the Apple II. But though Apple was not alone, it had
     important advantages. One was Woz's remarkable BASIC interpreter
     with color graphics commands embedded in it. Another was that
     Apple was led by a raving firebrand in the person of Steve Jobs -
     - which was just what the industry needed.

     Bannister & Crun was engaged to write the manual for Apple II's
     BASIC. This gave me the chance to put some of what I had learned
     as a computer science professor into a vehicle that I believed
     would reach tens or hundreds of thousands of people in a few
     years. It had been hard to give up teaching, which I love and yet
     hope to get back to, but (as I wrote to my parents) I felt that I
     could do more good for education by working at Apple than in any
     other way open to me.

     The BASIC manual, first published in 1978, turned out to be a
     trend-setter. Instead of starting off with the then-customary
     explanation of the internal architecture of the computer, it got
     right to what people had to do to get the product working. It
     first explained in a step-by-step manner how to hook up the
     computer and use the keyboard. It then quickly moved the learner
     into doing color graphics (in 1978!). Another first: the manual
     used color illustrations and photos.

     Today, when computer products are graded by magazines on the
     quality of their documentation, it may be surprising to learn
     that the nascent company barely saw the need for an Apple II
     manual at all. Mike Scott (Scotty,) a large man whose occa-
     sionally high-handed manner and gruff speaking style could be
     intimidating, had come from National Semiconductor to be Apple's
     president. He said, half seriously, that at National they had
     done very well with one-page data sheets, and I could save the
     company a lot of money by doing likewise. I soon learned that in
     spite of his manner, he was open to cogent arguments. Later he
     was to protect and nurture my Macintosh project when it was at a
     delicate stage.

     Writing user documentation was a perfect prelude to creating the
     Macintosh at Apple. Doing manuals forced me to look at each
     product -- in excruciating detail -- from the customer's point of
     view. It is an experience I wish all computer and interface
     designers could share. Any design flaw that interferes with
     learning or using the product becomes painfully apparent as you
     struggle to explain the quirk to the user. Time after time Brian
     Howard and I would wrestle with these problems, our frustrations
     coming out as subtle, snide remarks about design errors --
     remarks that, in those innocent days, often appeared in our
     manuals. This sometimes annoyed marketing people, but it actually
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 31

     served the purposes of Apple's products. The comments told the
     truth, showed sympathy for the customer's plight, and created
     credibility for the rest of the manual and the company as a
     whole. Too many manuals are fairy tales about how a product is
     supposed to work, or how it worked in the previous version.

     When we wrote the Apple II manuals at Bannister & Crun the
     product was already finished -- we weren't trying to write a
     manual from specifications or rough prototypes. Trying to
     document a product still in development is an often-made mistake
     which guarantees a second-rate result. Since almost everybody now
     does this, customers have come to accept such manuals as
     standard. It can't work well, since you are documenting something
     different than what the customer will get, you are writing about
     a fiction, a planned product (and we all know that products
     always turn out exactly as planned.) To be sure, the manual can
     be edited to conform with changes, but that is not nearly as good
     as having the whole picture in mind from the beginning. Besides,
     you never catch all the changes, as the customers eventually find

     We weren't the only group writing good manuals; another example
     was the superb HP 35 manual. The HP 35 was the first scientific
     pocket calculator, another fabulous product that opened up an
     industry. Its manual was an inspiration in terms of writing, use
     of color and layout, and informal conversational style. Instead
     of a lecture about the calculator's remarkable stack architecture
     or revolutionary custom electronic chips, the manual started you
     out punching buttons and seeing what happened. Later, when the
     topic had some value and experiential basis, you were given a
     mental model of what was going on inside. Along with my Apple I
     and Apple II (serial number 2) I keep my HP 35, still in working
     condition, in my office. The inspiring manual is displayed
     alongside it.

     The Apple II manuals also worked because they were tested with
     typical users and rewritten as necessary, a concept nearly unique
     at the time in the computer industry, and one now regularly aban-
     doned (to the detriment of users everywhere) under the excuse of
     time pressures. The time thus "saved" is not always a win; what
     the manufacturer gains by a few weeks' shorter product cycle is
     lost doubly -- to customer dissatisfaction, and as a continual
     drain on the bottom line attributable to increased support costs.
     As CEO of Bannister & Crun I demanded that I have a real product
     in its packaging before I wrote a manual, and in those days I got
     what I asked for. Errors in the manuals were extraordinarily rare
     thanks to these procedures. Brian Howard turned out to be a great
     editor, along with his other talents; his comments and those of
     Doug Wyatt were my education in how to write clearly and simply.
     My writing has never achieved the standards they set, but
     inasmuch as it is better than it was, they -- and the many other
     people who have since bravely waded through my first drafts and
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 32

     let me know in no uncertain terms that a lot more work was
     required -- deserve a lot of credit.


     Having already approved the use of high-quality, coated paper,
     four-color illustrations, two-color printing throughout, and
     full-length manuals, management was reluctant to support the use
     of a wire binding so that the manual would lie flat (at least we
     had gone beyond flat lies.) I had often observed that most users
     didn't have a third hand to hold the manual open as they typed.
     During 1977, when I was merely a vendor to the company, two key
     people supported my point of view: co-founder Steve Jobs and
     chairman "Mike" Markkula, also known by his initials "ACM."
     Markkula had profited significantly from his experience at Intel,
     not only financially, but as a well-polished manager. Not having
     been in industry, I had never worked with a person of his
     extraordinary business skills, and I am still striving to live up
     to some of the examples he set. For one, he always gave the
     impression of having all the time in the world to hear what I had
     to say. He proved that he was listening, either by acting on my
     suggestions, or by taking the time to explain to me why they were
     not good ideas. One of my not-very-good ideas was to lower the
     price of the Apple II. I had been upset when I figured out how
     large Apple's margins were. Markkula patiently explained that
     while Apple's products were more expensive, the resultant
     financial strength of the company meant that Apple would be there
     for its customers in the future. It would have the money to
     develop new products and successfully market them while its
     competitors, who seemed to be doing a favor to their customers in
     the short term, would soon be out of business. He was right.

     Jobs, in the early days of Apple, was an adamant protector of my
     writer's prerogatives who championed the need for testing and
     revision when Scotty didn't see things my way. Thus protected, I
     did the manuals as I thought they should be done, and Apple got
     what the press -- and even other companies -- praised as the best
     manuals in the business.


     In mid-1977 I was still running Bannister & Crun, but my writing
     for Apple and the magazines had made me pretty well known in the
     industry, and I had lots of job offers. Chuck Peddle, leader of
     the PET computer project at Commodore, wanted me for a position
     there. Steve Jobs, who is as persistent a person as I've ever
     met, kept on asking me to join Apple as head of their
     publications department. I repeatedly declined, and he eventually
     asked what it would take to get me to join Apple. To put him off
     I made an impossible list which included an office with a window
     and a musical instrument, time to play gigs (I didn't want to let
     my musician friends down,) flexible hours, Apple's hiring
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 33

     everybody at Bannister & Crun who wanted a job at Apple, and so
     on. He simply agreed to all my conditions, which I then wrote
     down; as it turned out, I should have done this with more of his
     promises. Bannister & Crun became Apple's publications department
     with me at its helm. I joined on the 3rd of January, 1978 as
     Apple's 31st employee. I presented no resume and signed no forms.
     Apple did no checking on my background. That I had led a team
     that had produced the nascent industry's best manuals was enough.

     One day I heard that a new product, called the Apple II Pro, was
     being put together in the lab. From some technical details, I
     surmised that it could not possibly work as expected. So I snuck
     into the laboratory and turned on the prototype. Sure enough, it
     didn't do what it was supposed to. I went to Mike Markkula and
     told him that the machine wasn't up to snuff, and he replied that
     I couldn't be right, his engineers had assured him that all the
     problems had been solved. He was actually making plans for
     marketing and shipping the product and was about to start taking
     orders from dealers.

     I took him to the lab and demonstrated my discovery. Upon talking
     to the people working on the project I had discovered a classic
     management nightmare (though it was new to me at the time): the
     engineers working on the project said that while the project was
     mostly going OK, there were still some unresolved problems. The
     next level reported to their bosses that a handful of problems
     would no doubt be rapidly fixed; they in turn told Scotty that it
     was nearly done, and Scotty told Markkula that it was just about
     ready to roll. In a more mature company I would probably have
     been fired immediately for my end-run around the hierarchy, but
     this time I was able to make a case for a "New Product Review"
     department. This would do for systems and software what QA
     (Quality Assurance) programs did for circuit boards and
     mechanical assembly. Suddenly, I was managing two departments.

     Computers are not terribly useful without software (my definition
     of a computer is "a box for running software".) I argued that
     Apple would need to provide something new, application software,
     if we were to sell computers more widely. I created what may have
     been the first application software department at any
     microcomputer company. I tried to convince Apple to buy Visicalc,
     the first spreadsheet, when it was offered to us, but was out-
     gunned by Jobs and Markkula. It was Markkula's theory -- at least
     as he expressed it years later -- that to become a major
     application provider would have put a damper on third-party
     software developers, in the long run hurting Apple. What he said
     at the time I do not remember, but I do remember remaining
     unconvinced. With Markkula's approval I took a brief leave from
     Apple, arguing that if I could help make Visicalc a winner,
     Visicalc would sell a lot of Apple II's. As a result, I got to
     write the tutorial portion of the Visicalc manual, reporting to
     Dan Fylstra. Visicalc did sell a lot of our computers,
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 34

     established a new category of software, and -- since it was a
     business application -- greatly helped the credibility of
     microcomputers in general.

     In 1979 I found managers for two of my departments and became
     manager of Applications Software. Meanwhile, I was chafing at the
     limitations of the Apple II. The publications department managed
     to keep a secret that would have been embarrassing to the company
     had it been revealed at the time: the publications department was
     using not Apple IIs but Poly 88 computers. We were running a word
     processor I had designed and which had been implemented at
     Bannister & Crun. The Polys were a competing microcomputer that
     could handle both upper and lower-case letters -- a necessity in
     manuals. Due to mediocre design (they had no Woz,) poor
     marketing, and less imaginative management, they were soon out of
     business. Back in the garage days, in 1976, I had argued that the
     Apple II must have lower-case letters, but Woz disagreed. I held
     that the single biggest use of microcomputers would be word
     processing, he claimed that they would be used for game playing
     and programming in BASIC. But he had the ultimate argument:
     upper-case-only character generators were lots cheaper.

     Though I often felt they were on the right track, I still could
     find myself at odds with Apple's founders, who were a strange mix
     of the radical and the conservative. They wanted to create per-
     sonal computers, but expected them to work much like the hard-to-
     use minicomputers from DEC, HP, and Data General. Dragging the
     two Steves into the interface future was preaching in an unknown
     tongue, and from my perspective, they didn't appear to be the
     advanced thinkers that they were made out to be in the press.
     They were visionary, and working like mad to drag the world into
     the personal computer future, it's just that I was a few years
     further out in the future. In spite of these differences I was
     the typical way-over-100%-effort and totally Apple-oriented
     employee. This extended into my personal life. Apple's Cupertino
     phone number was 996-1010. When I moved to Cupertino, I chose my
     home phone number, symbolically, to be just one step ahead of the
     rest of Apple: it was 996-1009.


     Apple employees were a diadem of the brightest and best cut
     jewels of Silicon Valley, some well known and some newly
     discovered. I was amazed at the competence of the people, whether
     in financial management, marketing, manufacturing, engineering or
     whatever; and they all seemed willing to share their knowledge
     and points of view with me. Competence clustered at Apple,
     partially thanks to the many contacts men like Markkula and Scott
     and our investors had in the industry, and partly as a result of
     Steve Jobs' incredible persistence. When Jobs was convinced he
     wanted someone, that person would be hounded to death,
     complimented, provided blandishments suited to his or her nature,
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 35

     and offered the world. Soon enough, Apple could deliver many of
     these promises. At NeXT, Jobs was to continue making similar
     promises, repeating the ploys he had developed in Apple's first
     years, to the disappointment of investors, employees, and
     customers alike. Too often we mistake the randomness of the
     universe as our own accomplishment when things go our way. Still
     more often we take that same randomness, when it goes against us,
     and regard it as punishment for our sins. In a complex world it
     is often impossible to tell accident from design.

     When Ken Rothmuller was hired from HP to start the Lisa project
     (which was after I had proposed the Macintosh, but before it was
     officially approved as a research project) I saw a new oppor-
     tunity to get my computer interface and architecture ideas
     accepted. I argued again that the screen architecture of this new
     product should be bit-mapped. But where I had failed with Woz and
     Jobs, I managed to convince Ken and his crew -- probably to Ken's
     detriment as Jobs found him difficult to work with (i.e. had
     strong opinions and didn't kowtow) and fired him. Jobs probably
     found me equally difficult, but I had already proved myself and
     my very productive and cost-effective publications department was
     one of Apple's many gems; it would have been hard to justify
     getting rid of me.

     In spite of the loss of Ken Rothmuller, the bit-mapped screen
     survived. This was a key win for me and (though they didn't know
     it at the time) for Apple, because it would force the software I
     was dreaming of to be implemented. No longer would computers be
     restricted to whatever font was in the character generator, and
     have to treat characters and graphics as fundamentally different
     kinds of things. Another major battle that I fought was to have
     black characters on a white background instead of the then-
     conventional white (or green!) lettering on a black background.
     The Lisa hardware designers were, like Jobs and Woz, dead set
     against this idea, noting that it took too much power, would
     require a higher refresh rate to avoid flicker, was not the way
     computers usually worked, and so on. I argued that people often
     printed computer output on white paper, and that was black-on-
     white, and that if you wanted it to look the same on screen and
     print (the WYSIWYG, or What You See Is What You Get principle)
     you had to do it black-on-white. But my industrial-strength
     argument had to do with something the Lisa crew (like the whole
     microcomputer industry) was just not thinking about: grayscale,
     or dithered, graphic images. If you worked in white-on-black and
     had a part-text and part-graphics image on the screen, which got
     reversed on printing, then either the screen or paper image would
     have to be a negative, and nobody wants to be forced to look at

     Again, after many memos, meetings, and informal and formal
     discussions, I managed to sell the idea. It was another key to
     the future.
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 36


     Copyright (c) 1995 by Jef Raskin as a portion of a book in its
     preliminary version. Comments and corrections are welcomed.
     Please send them to


     Tom Mandel, a highly regarded futurist and a specialist in on-
     line communications, died at Stanford Hospital in Palo Alto on
     Wednesday, April 5. At the time of his death he was 49 and had
     been a long-time employee of SRI International. He also
     administered the electronic version of Time Magazine distributed
     by America Online.

     While Dr. Mandel did his most formal work at SRI, he was best
     known to the computing community as a definitive participant in
     the emerging phenomenon known as cyberspace. Not content to view
     computer networking as a simple medium of communication, he
     worked tirelessly on the Sausalito-based WELL (Whole Earth
     'lectronic Link) to create a global forum where diverse ideas and
     opinions could be explored thoroughly in real time. He was
     abundantly comfortable with opinions himself, and brought
     intelligence, a quick wit, and a quick temper to ten years of
     postings in any number of discussions.

     Dr. Mandel was diagnosed with inoperable cancer on November 4 of
     last year, and immediately began a frank discussion of his
     prognosis, concerns and fears in a WELL forum he called My Turn.
     (Traffic from the forum was excerpted in the April 25th New York
     Times.) Expert medical attention could not slow the progress of
     his illness; but, true to his perceived responsibility within the
     on-line community, he continued to post on the WELL until three
     days before his death.

     A native of Chicago, Dr. Mandel lived primarily in Hawaii until
     1965, when he joined the U. S. Marine Corps and served a tour of
     duty in Vietnam. He then returned to finish college, earning a
     bachelor of arts degree in futuristics from the University of
     Hawaii in 1972.

     The ANALYTICAL ENGINE extends condolence to Tom Mandel's wife,
     Maria Syndicus of Mountain View; his mother, Mrs. Fred Mandel of
     San Mateo; his sister, Susan Cathey of Fresno; and his brother,
     Steve Mandel of New York.

The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 37


     Steve Carothers, a science teacher and head of the Technology
     Committee at J. L. Stanford Middle School in Palo Alto, CA, has
     joined the Advisory Board of the CHAC.

     Carothers has worked extensively to introduce middle-school
     students to computer communications, including on-line services,
     Internet presence, and the World Wide Web. He has also
     volunteered as a coach for Odyssey of the Mind, an international
     problem-solving competition for secondary-school students,
     sponsored by IBM. We value his membership on the Board, and look
     forward to his counsel, particularly on development of educa-
     tional resources in computer history.


     The seventh annual Computer Bowl(tm)  competition, played for the
     first time in cyberspace on the evening of April 20, was won
     decisively by the West Coast team with a final score of 230 to
     180. Held simultaneously at the World Trade Center (Boston, MA)
     and the Santa Clara (CA) Convention Center and connected by
     satellite uplink, the one-hour competition was hosted by industry
     executive Chris Morgan and by Nicholas Negroponte, director of
     the MIT Media Lab.

     The winning West Coast team included Eric Benhamou, 3Com; Steve
     Blank, Rocket Science Games; Andy Hertzfeld, General Magic; Roel
     Pieper, LTB Networks; and Captain Cheryl Vedoe, Tenth Planet.
     East Coast contestants were Joe Alsop, Progress Software; Captain
     Katherine Clark, Landmark Systems; Paul Gillin, ComputerWorld;
     John Landry, Lotus Development; and Carl Ledbetter, AT&T Consumer
     Products. Gillin, voted East Coast MVP, and Blank, West Coast
     MVP, received awards sponsored by ComputerWorld Magazine and
     presented by publisher Gary Beach.

     At half-time, The Computer Museum held a Celebrity Auction of
     items and services donated by individuals and pioneers in the
     high-tech industry. Popular items included a book of essays about
     Albert Einstein, signed by him; the opportunity to be publisher
     of ComputerWorld for one week; and an original painting by AARON,
     the world's only artificially intelligent robot artist. Auction
     and gate proceeds contributed more than $250,000 to The Computer
     Museum's educational programs.

     This is believed to be the first time a game show for broadcast
     has been conducted without the players in the same room. Game
     play was supervised by Dave Nelson and Bob Frankston, using a
     customized digital buzzer system designed to eliminate
     transcontinental timing delays.
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 38

     Subscribers to America Online (AOL) could log on to receive the
     questions as they were being asked of the contestants, then
     determine their individual scores after every question. Prizes
     were awarded to the highest-scoring AOL players. It also aired
     nationally as a special edition of "Computer Chronicles" on 298
     PBS television stations and in 200 major cities worldwide.


     The other day, just up our street, we discovered a "new"
     organization that will make a major contribution to this area's
     historical literature. The Santa Clara Valley Historical
     Association, by the end of this year, will "document the origins
     and history of the most technologically innovative region in
     modern times" in a book-and-videotape set, _The Making of Silicon
     Valley: A One Hundred Year Renaissance._

     Narrated by Walter Cronkite, the videotape will combine still
     photographs, archival footage, and interviews into a vivid
     chronology of the Valley's development, from the founding of
     Stanford University to today and tomorrow. Interview subjects
     include Bill Hewlett, Dave Packard, Ed McCracken, Steve Jobs,
     Gordon Moore, Regis McKenna, Finis Conner, Mike Malone....we
     don't have space for the whole list, but it's amazingly

     Projected retail price of the set is $24.95 -- not much for a
     potential classic of photojournalism. We'll let you know when
     it's available!


     Days after we discovered the Santa Clara Valley Historical
     Association, Frank McConnell forwarded an ad from _IEEE Grid_
     soliciting donations of technical docs for the new Computer
     Technical Archives in Sunnyvale. With the stated objective "[to]
     create a unique collection of documents related to the computer
     industry....not generally available in any other public
     collections," the Archive boasts roughly 1,500 linear feet of
     materials. Its director, Bill vanCleemput, actively seeks a wide
     variety of collectible docs including:

       Software user docs and code
       Demo disks or tapes
       Data sheets and collateral marketing material
       Press releases
       Quarterly and annual corporate reports
       Business plans
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 39

       News clippings
       Research reports
       Master's and Ph. D. theses (those not available from University

     The lion's share of the current collection is stored in lockers
     and the Archive seeks funding (of course) to expand the
     collection and make it publicly accessible.

     The CHAC looks forward to close and fruitful collaboration with
     the Computer Technical Archives as we confront the entirely
     nontrivial job of saving the paper (and mag) history of Califor-
     nia's computers. If you have anything you'd like to offer Bill,
     you can snail-mail him at Box 4376, Stanford CA 94309 USA; FAX to
     him at +1 408-733-8008, or voice him at +1 408-733-1300.


     As we go to press, a "virtual auction house" -- Onsale, Inc., in
     Mountain View, CA -- has begun operation on the World Wide Web at Founded by former GO Corporation executive Jerry
     Kaplan, Onsale offers vintage computer hardware, software and
     docs to the highest on-line bidder. All lots are illustrated,
     provenances are carefully written and bidding rules seem
     scrupulously fair.

     Our whirlwind tour of current lots disclosed a few startling
     prices -- is a tan-case Osborne One really worth a thousand
     bucks? -- but much worthwhile material is in the thoroughly
     affordable range of US$10 to $50. Some classic and early
     sourcebooks on computing, like original publications by von
     Neumann, Turing and Wilkes, would tempt almost anyone to go
     higher. There's even a 1906 Millionaire, one of the earliest and
     best-known mechanical calculators, although a starting bid of
     $4,000 means you might have to hock your laptop to pay for it.
     (We make no representation that these lots will still be
     available when you read this, but others will take their places.)

     An organized collector's market in computer memorabilia is a new
     phenomenon, and its repercussions can only be imagined. On one
     hand, agreed-upon standards of valuation may mean that less of
     this material will be casually destroyed -- and more will be
     learned about what remains. On the other, such a market might
     stimulate speculative pricing that would put vintage computers
     out of reach for amateur collector/historians. We don't know
     which way this cat will jump, but ENGINE readers can be trusted
     to assess the issues fairly and decide for themselves.

     Philosophy aside, this hypertextual "auction catalog" is probably
     as engrossing as anything on the Web. Whether you bid -- just a
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 40

     click! -- or abstain, you might find yourself browsing far into
     the night. We did.


     Fresh buzz of an Amiga revival followed the announcement that
     Escom AG, Germany's second-largest computer company, had acquired
     the assets of Commodore International Ltd. for the advantageous
     price of US$6.6 million. Escom president Manfred Schmitt
     announced that his company proposed a comprehensive line of desk-
     top computers including Amigas, to be built in China, and
     Commodore PowerPC's, probably to be built in Europe.

     Although Schmitt and others are optimistic about the sale, it
     still faces many hurdles, including the necessary approval of the
     U. S. Bankruptcy Court and of the Supreme Court of the Bahamas,
     where Commodore was incorporated. Objections have also been
     raised by IBM, by Dell Computer Corporation -- an unsuccessful
     bidder for these assets -- and by a Commodore trustee. Finally,
     Commodore's creditors have not yet agreed to the terms of sale.

     Personally, we hate to see popular and potent technology hog-tied
     by courts. Recent third-party development in Germany and
     elsewhere demonstrates that the Amiga platform still has lots of
     room to grow. We understand that Commodore's legal situation is
     of paralyzing complexity, and that a fair settlement is a
     prerequisite; but that shouldn't "paralyze" future production of
     Amigas, which are still eagerly sought by professionals in film,
     video, music and many other fields.


     The CHAC has been featured in "Business Reports: Techie
     Collectibles," an article on computer collecting by freelance
     writer Gary M. Stern, appearing in the May issue of _Profiles_,
     the inflight magazine of Continental Airlines. Thanks to Gary, to
     editor Anna Studabaker -- who sent us a copy -- and of course to

     The useful article by Dr. Edward Then ("The Discolouration of
     Plastic Computer Cases," ENGINE 2.3) is summarized in _Kovels on
     Antiques and Collectibles_ for May 1995. This is one more
     indication that obsolete computers are gaining the notice of
     antiquarians and collectors, and we're glad to encourage the
     adoption of proper conservation techniques.
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 41


     Copies of the ENGINE, the FAQ, and project information have been
     pouring out to print and broadcast media, especially in Silicon
     Valley. We do have tearsheets of most of the ink we know about.
     But is there ink we haven't heard of? Once more, with feeling: If
     you spot any mention of CHAC or the ENGINE in any periodical,

     * If your copy of the piece is clippable, clip and mail to the
     Palo Alto address.

     * If you can't spare the physical copy, send the text as net.mail
     to, or photocopy and fax to the Palo Alto

     * If you're too busy for that, just send the publication name,
     date and page number and we'll do the hunting.

     Thanks! (And thanks to the spotters who have given us invaluable
     help with keeping up so far.)


     The Computer History Association of California invites
     nominations for membership on its new Advisory Board, a planning
     body that will help shape our policies on such important
     questions as accession, fundraising, exhibition, site selection,
     education, and publishing.

     An ideal nominee will have, first, a demonstrated interest in
     computer history or other technical history; second, a noteworthy
     record of accomplishment in a field or fields related to the
     mission of the CHAC; and, finally, a commitment to the survival
     of the nonprofit sector. While we anticipate that the majority of
     Board members will be residents of California, we welcome
     nominees from any state or nation.

     Please submit nominations by e-mail to, by fax to
     +1 415 856-9914, or by snail-mail to the Palo Alto address.


     It had to happen; the ENGINE's gaining weight again. We've always
     been 100% fat-free, but putting on muscle is one of our favorite
     activities. More pages, more pictures, and color are only a
     matter of time.
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 42

     Now, more pages and more copies do cost more to print. Fine! That
     contradiction resolves beautifully when _you_ subscribe to the
     paper edition. And if you do it now, your sub will start just in
     time for these muscular, captivating, picture-laden issues.

     The best ENGINEs are yet to come. If you're already a subscriber,
     your renewal will be its own reward as we send you _more_ and
     _better_ computer history for the same old thirty-five bucks. If
     you've been thinking about subscribing, surely you can be equally
     tempted by the same logic. Join the ever-growing -- but still
     select -- roster of CHAC members today.

     (And if you're one of the few -- yes, there are a few -- whose
     subs have lapsed? Hey. These hefty issues-to-be are exactly the
     ones you might miss; not to mention that, if you end up with
     holes in your collection, we can't promise to supply back issues
     indefinitely. Dig into the stuff on your desk, find your renewal
     form, and send it with a check. Thank you!)


     Each word of our title -- Computer History Association of
     California -- has a special and resonant meaning. Let us point
     out in particular that "California" means _all_ of California,
     without slight or favor.

     The first eight issues of the ENGINE (hey! it's true!) have
     inquired into the history of Intel, Hewlett-Packard, Apple, IBM,
     and several other renowned companies. But almost every major
     article we've published has been set in Northern California.

     Certainly our material has earned an enviable reputation for the
     ENGINE and frankly, if we were lazy, we'd mine Silicon Valley for
     articles and interviews that would fill our journal for the next
     thirty years. And yet....

     What about the pioneering institutions like UCLA, like Cal Poly,
     like the Jet Propulsion Labs? What about the Golden Land's great
     hardware builders -- SDS and Lobo, to name just two? What about
     cutting-edge coders, from Northrop to Quarterdeck and beyond? The
     computer history of Southern California is a treasure chest
     waiting to be cracked.

     If _you_ worked in computing in Southern California, we want to
     hear from you. More precisely, we'd like you to wave an article
     in our faces. Read the GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION, fire up your
     mail software, and break the silence of the whispering palms!
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 43

     Legacy Book Review:
     Don Lancaster

     Howard W. Sams, Inc., 1976
     256 pages, $9.95 (paper)
     ISBN 0-672-21313-3

     Reviewed by Kip Crosby

     _And it did come to pass, brothers and sisters, that LSI begat
     VLSI, and VLSI begat ULSI. And the suits entreated, let the
     micron be cloven, or we may go no further. And the lithographers
     muttered, nay, nay; but the engineers proclaimed, yea, yea; and
     behold, the micron was split in two. And in the fullness of time,
     once more the suits did implore...._

     Well, having squinted at my share of modern CPU dice, I can
     assure you that those quarter-microns are _really hard to see._
     Naturally, they're also crucial to the astounding functionality
     of contemporary chipsets. VLSI in its maturity has become one of
     the truly Big Wins of modern technology; a win so dazzling that
     not many are tempted to ponder the corollary loss. What have we
     lost? Read Don Lancaster's _TV Typewriter Cookbook_ and you'll
     know the answer.

     Between 1973 and 1976, electronics for the hobbyist was
     revolutionized (again) when integrated circuits became easily
     available and cheap. Don Lancaster possessed a masterful
     understanding of solid-state electronics, demonstrated at length
     by his earlier _TTL Cookbook_; and his specialty was the modular,
     straightforward circuit design that the electronic experimenter
     has always loved. He saw that by using a wide variety of IC's,
     conveniently through-plated blank PC boards, a handy TV set, and
     some diodes, resistors and keycaps, a hobbyist could affordably
     build a device he christened a "TV Typewriter" -- really a
     formidable knockoff of a video display terminal, but (at mid-
     seventies prices) hundreds or thousands of dollars cheaper than a
     "real" VDT. Lancaster claimed repeatedly that his device could be
     reproduced for "$30 to $150" and, even if the lower figure was
     wishful thinking, the higher was probably generous.

     Building the TVT was not for the faint of heart or tremulous of
     hand, but if you had bench space, patience, ready access to
     parts, and a reliable soldering iron, ten bucks more would buy
     you this book and the keys to the kingdom. In 256 (hmmmm....)
     copiously illustrated pages, Lancaster shepherds his reader
     through electronics and scanning fundamentals and the basics of
     data encoding -- ASCII, Baudot and Selectric -- before plunging
     into an exhaustively annotated comparison of commercially
     available IC types. Then he discusses memory, stressing proper
     application of PROMs and SRAMs, and constantly showing concern
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 44

     for the reader's wallet with money-saving shortcuts -- some of
     which seem horrific today, like lighting only five of the seven
     bars of an output LED.

     But the truly scary parts, for the modern computer user, are
     chapters four through eight, which treat system timing, cursor
     management, keyboard design and encoding, and serial and video
     interfaces. No summary I could give will be as vividly
     illustrative as a sample:

     _In Figure 5-6, we have used inverting tristate drivers for the
     tv typewriter timing and for external minicomputer control. We
     could also use a third set of drivers for access by a frame-
     rate cursor. But, since the frame-rate rise and fall time is
     not very critical (we have the entire vertical interval to
     use,) we can continuously "float" the frame-rate cursor
     addresses onto the memory address lines with high-value
     resistors. If we enable neither the tvt timing nor the
     external timing, the frame-rate cursor addresses appear on the
     memory bus. If we enable either of the other address sources,
     the low-impedance output of the drivers swamps the cursor
     address and takes over...._

     This passage, like much of the book, can be puzzled out concept
     by concept. But as someone who bought his first micro several
     years after this book was published, I've relied on my cursor for
     over a decade without ever thinking about swamped addresses.
     Similarly, if you use an external modem, you probably get very
     annoyed on the rare occasions your serial port locks up. And if
     you accidentally press a key before you let up on the one before,
     do you still get the output you want? Then your keyboard has n-
     key-rollover; and believe me, twenty years ago, n-key-rollover
     was _tough_ to design and build. Expensive, too.

     This book was of tremendous value in 1976 and remains so today,
     but the emphasis has migrated from the practical to the
     historical. The technical problems that Lancaster anatomizes have
     long since been solved, their solutions embedded in submicron
     ASICs produced by the billion. It would be unthinkable today to
     find a description of video circuitry that extended to the merest
     flip-flop -- at least in a mass-market paperback. The tremendous
     density and modularity of modern computer components, together
     with the changed character of an audience that can buy rather
     than build, means that today's books about "How Computers Work"
     speak primarily in conceptual terms. All the more important to
     remember that those flip-flops, etched into nearly ageless
     silicon, are working for a living in your Pentium or Sparcserver,
     hidden by a gray epoxy cap from sight and imagination.

     Lancaster's book is an inimitable classic poised exactly on a
     cusp of history, when the micro revolution was showing its
     earliest force, but the hand-wiring of circuits was still common
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 45

     art. Few other books as potently demonstrate the mystical moment
     when the solder only just flows and you know you hit it right.
     Scout your used bookstores for the _TV Typewriter Cookbook_ -- it
     may be hard to find but easy to spot, our copy is screaming
     chartreuse -- and read it carefully, slowing down for the bad
     corners. Then sit back and think "That was just the terminal. I'd
     still have to build the computer." You'll know at last how
     computers work....and why you'd probably rather buy, plug and


     Various governments sent us forms that we had to fill out and
     mail back. None of them bounced, so we must be doing something


     Dilating on this would only be depressing. Let's just say that if
     we can ever find any more storage space, we're going to have
     _lots_ more computers. Assuming they still exist by then.



     We're organizing a 20-Year Reunion of MITS Altair folks who took
     part in creating the first affordable "micro-computer," the MITS
     Altair in Albuquerque, NM. Ed Roberts, MITS founder and president
     20 years ago, has been contacted and plans to attend. David
     Bunnell, MITS tech writer and later founder of PC World Magazine,
     has also been contacted, as have dozens of other former MITS

     The governor of New Mexico is sending personal letters of
     invitation to these, plus Bill Gates and Paul Allen, who first
     formed "Micro-soft" in Albuquerque twenty years ago. We've been
     in contact with Paul Allen's office and been told "the timeframe
     is good for him...", though we don't yet have a firm commitment.

     The reunion will be held of the second day of the New Mexico
     Computer Fair & Expo, a three-day computer show at the
     Albuquerque Convention Center from June 9-11, 1995, organized by
     ComputerScene Magazine in New Mexico.

     If you know anyone who worked for MITS during the time of the
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 46

     Altair's creation, or for more information on the reunion or the
     New Mexico Computer Fair & Expo, please call ComputerScene at 1-

     _Greg Hansen_
     Publisher, ComputerScene Magazine


     The Unisys History Newsletter was written and published by George
     Gray. George is a Systems Programmer for the State of Georgia
     Department of Administrative Services and is heavily involved in
     Unite Inc., a Unisys User Group. He began his work on the Unisys
     History Newsletter as a hobby and published these six
     newsletters; now, he writes a regular column for UniSphere
     magazine. UniSphere is currently working on getting the remaining
     articles online via WWW, but unfortunately they are not available
     yet. With George's permission, I am able to bring you these six
     fascinating articles on-line.

     The newsletter is located at the WWW URL

     Here are the six titles:

     UNIVAC in Pittsburgh 1953-1963 , Vol. 1, Num. 1 (September 1992).
     The UNIVAC Solid State Computer, Vol. 1, Num. 2 (December 1992).
     EXEC II, Vol. 1, Num. 3 (March 1993).
     The UNIVAC 1100 in the Early 70s, Vol. 1, Num. 4 (June 1993).
     The UNIVAC File Computer, Vol. ?, Num. ?
     The UNIVAC III Computer, Vol. ?, Num. ?

     As you can see, mostly UNIVAC/Sperry history, but there is a
     light sprinkling of Burroughs within a few of these articles.


     _Randy Carpenter_
     Georgia State University


     On March 22, 1965, DEC unveiled the PDP-8 computer. That was 30
     years ago, and it's worth a pause to remember how far we've come
     since that day!

     For US$18,500, you could buy a 300 pound desktop computer,
     implemented in word-parallel solid state logic, with a 12 bit
     word and 4K words of 1.5 microsecond core memory. The price
     included an ASR 33 teletype, and the available paper-tape-based
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 47

     software included an assembler, a FORTRAN compiler, and a text
     editor of sorts.

     For more money, if you had room for two 6 foot tall mounting
     racks, you could expand the system to 32K of core memory and add
     other peripherals such as DECtape drives (functionally equivalent
     to floppy disk, but slower.)

     The PDP-8 computer was the minicomputer that opened up the small
     computer marketplace we know today! It was the first word-
     parallel machine costing less than $20,000, and its upward-
     compatible successors broke the $10,000 and $7,000 price
     barriers. Many PDP-8 systems continue in use today, mostly in
     industrial automation applications, and DEC continued to
     manufacture machines based on this architecture until 1990, when
     the microprocessor based DECmate III+ word processing system was
     finally discontinued.

     For a trip back through time, you can find more information about
     the PDP-8 on the Web at:

     Followups should be directed to alt.sys.pdp8.

     _Doug Jones_


     Dear fellow members, friends and enthusiasts, I am writing to
     tell you that the Historical Computer Society and "Historically
     Brewed" are still alive! We have not disappeared forever. We are
     about to resurface with the long lost, and eagerly sought after
     issue #8 of "HB." I am very sorry for the lateness of issue #8
     and for leaving you all in the dark for so long. In the past, I
     have been late with other issues of "HB," but never this long. I
     have experienced many personal difficulties and challenges over
     the last few months and my life aside from HCS has become
     extremely busy with the simple task of earning a living to
     support my family (if only I could run HCS full-time). I would
     also like to announce the birth of our son, Andrew David, on
     March 20th.

     To get to the point; I find that I am unable to further handle
     the entire operation of HCS -- now more than ever. It is very
     important to me . . but I have let it slip. There almost seemed
     to be no light at the end of the tunnel, but the good news is --
     HCS has added two new additions to its management. I would like
     to announce to you -- Kevin Stumpf, HCS' new Associate Editor and
     Walter Peterson, HCS' new Technical Director. Together (with your
     help too!) we plan to get HCS and "HB" back on track. There is
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 48

     still much interest, I receive loads of letters and e-mail, and
     we have a readership of over 300 members. You all have been very
     understanding and I know that we all want HCS to succeed. I have
     discovered that the hardest thing to recognize when managing a
     project, is when to realize that you can not do everything
     yourself, and when to delegate responsibility and authority to
     others. I've learned some valuable lessons.

     Here are a few other announcements:

     * Issue #8 will go out April 8th, whether at its best or not.
     Work on issue #9 will commence immediately thereafter.

     * Issue #9 will contain an exclusive interview with Ed Roberts,
     the creator of the MITS Altair and "Father" of the PC revolution.
     We let January slip by without even mentioning the 20th
     anniversary of the personal computer -- the Jan. 1975 issue of
     "Popular Electronics" announcing the Altair to the world!

     * Walter Peterson has plans to create a place for HCS on the
     Internet very soon! Stay tuned.

     * As Associate Editor, Kevin Stumpf will be taking responsibility
     for answering overdue correspondence, e-mail and article

     * Please allow us another week or so to get caught up on orders.
     If we still owe you a back issue, book or anything -- then write
     and remind me.

     * Help spread the word about the Historical Computer Society!
     Show "HB" to your local college library, computer club and
     computer stores.

     * Please send your stories and photos of computers!! We need a
     regular photo page.

     Computer History is inspiring and dynamic. I have never regretted
     what I started, nor have I ever wanted to quit. I have just been
     overwhelmed. Please accept my sincerest apologies. Thank you for
     all of your support and confidence!

     Kind regards,

     _David A. Greelish_
     President and Founder
     Historical Computer Society

     [We sympathize -- to an amazing extent -- with David's response,
     and salute his undimmed spirit. Producing a magazine of high
     caliber, for a small and specialized audience, is an unending
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 49

     struggle; and certainly the ENGINE, too, has been late in its
     time. Yet, because "computer history is inspiring and dynamic,"
     _Historically Brewed_ and the ENGINE must persist, must prevail.
     Please support the HCS in its laudable mission. -- Ed.]

     [We were enthused and reassured to receive _HB_ #8 just as we
     went to press. See PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED, p. 33. ]


     The 0.9 Unix/X version of a portable MSX/MSX2/MSX2+ emulator is
     available at

     This version includes *disk support*, support for several
     different kinds of MegaROM cartridges, MSX2+ option, and many
     small improvements.

     _Marat Fayzullin_
     University of Maryland

     [We urge any interested reader to check out Marat's Web site, It's one of the widest-ranging and most
     eccentric computer history Web pages around -- and that's a
     compliment. -- Eds.]

     during DECUS-95 AUSTRALIA

     Here is an opportunity for all those past (and present) Digital
     PDP users (or anyone interested in PDP-1 through to PDP-15) to
     get together at a Re-Union Dinner to be held during the
     Symposium, on the Monday evening, 21st August, 1995. This has
     been chosen to avoid clashing with other Symposium events.

     The celebration will be held during the Symposium week, but not
     formally part of the Symposium, so that non-Symposium-goers could
     attend. It should cost no more than $45 per head for DECUS
     members and $50 for non-members.

     The committee is seeking ADVANCE BOOKINGS -- do not send any
     money yet -- so that we can decide on a suitable location.

     We hope to make this a fun night for all with displays of
     light/portable memorabilia and some Guru Quizzes.

     The fact that 1995 is 30 years since the release of the PDP-8,
     and 25 years since the release of the PDP-11, should give added
     impetus to the function. Note that there will be a PDP-8 30th
     Anniversary Display at DECUS-95.

     Enquiries: Mike Chevallier (02-498 3383) and John Geremin (02-
     764 4855).
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 50


     OH, BOY....

     I'm looking for the TCP/IP software for an old 3Com/Bridge CS/210
     terminal server. All I have is the XNS disk.

     Please respond if you have this software, I would really like to
     get this up and running. 3Com will not help me. Thanks much.

     _James Sanford_


     I have just gotten the portable BCPL compiler working on my PC
     and would appreciate any pointers to archived BCPL source code. I
     would be particularly interested in acquiring the sources to OS6
     by Strachey and Stoy; also the two monographs on OS6 published in
     the Oxford Programming Research Group Monographs series, 197?

     _Hans B. Pufal_
     Cross Products Ltd, Leeds, England


     Anybody got one floating around? Have calculator, would like to
     find clean manual and leather case. TIA,


     HP APOLLO 425e:

     What was an HP Apollo 9000 Model 425e? I seem to remember that
     the model 300 was a 68030 based workstations, so does 4xx
     indicate a 68040 machine? If so, what does the 25e bit mean? What
     was the rest of the machine like (ie graphics)?  Any info
     gratefully received,

     _Dave Wragg_
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 51


     Could someone point me to information about the IBM Model 36
     minicomputer, and [perhaps] specifically the B23 version? All I
     know so far of any historical relevance is that it was released
     after the System/32 [ca. 1975].

     References to books/e-texts or actual core dumps of your favorite
     bugs in the machine would be greatly appreciated.

     _Richard "frodo" Martin_


     Anyone out there who worked on / designed or used a Lockheed
     Electronics LEC or MAC 16 minicomputer or the telefile Computer
     Products TCP16/5 mini which emulated it (in microcode); I would
     be interested in hearing from you.


     _Scott Finner_


     I'm doing some research on microprocessors but I've found
     limited, new background info on the subject.

     Does anyone here know what the top 4 companies that make
     microprocessors in the United States are? I'm guessing it's the
     same companies that are considered the top manufactures of CPUs,
     such as AT&T, DEC, Intel, Motorola, and National Semiconductor.
     But I have a feeling I could be mistaken.

     Also, does anyone know where I can find out how many
     microprocessors were manufactured in the United States last year?
     Please e-mail me back ASAP if you have any info to these
     questions. My e-mail address is:

     Thanks ahead of time for your help.

     _Bonnie Burton_
     University of Colorado


     I'm looking for a needle in a haystack :-).... information on a
     PC based LAN called Q*NET from somebody called TCS. The software
     seems to be copyrighted 1984. I also need info on something
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 52

     called Ethershare (I believe from 3Com) from the same period.

     We have a piece of software running on this that we'd like to
     interface to the rest of our network if possible primarily so
     users of this software don't need 2 PC's to access both their
     proprietary software & our network services.

     Given the age of the network software this seems like the place
     to ask this question. Pointers to other appropriate places to ask
     would also be appreciated.


     _Andy Stoffel_
     Plymouth State College, Plymouth, NH, USA


     I'm working on a book on pocket electronic calculators and am
     looking for an address for Sir Clive Sinclair (Sinclair
     calculators, computers, and a host of other uniquely designed
     electronic equipment) so I can ask him some questions about his
     involvement at the time. If anyone can help, please email me at Even if you know a friend of a friend,
     anything that may help, please forward it.  Thanks!

     _Guy Ball_
     Editor and Publisher
     _International Calculator Collector_


     I'm looking for a brief history or chronology of windowing
     environments -- and not just Mr. Gates' version... I'm interested
     in Englebart's work, the stuff that went on a Xerox PARC, at
     Stanford, MIT, Sun, etc. And oh, yes, that Microsoft Windows
     thing as well. While it's relatively easy to find information
     about PC/DOS-based is more difficult to find,
     for example, details of UNIX-based windowing systems and en-

     The information need not go into excruciating detail -- a general
     timeline would be a great start. Any help or pointers would be
     greatly appreciated.


     _Scott Fordin_
     SUN BOS Information Architecture
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 53


      _Australian Computer Museum Society Newsletter_.

     #3, 13 February 1995. Committee news; Membership information;
     Computer Museum Boston; Notice of General Meeting; Draft
     Collection Policy document; more. 14 pp.

     #4, 11 April 1995. Committee news; Membership information; Oral
     history; Correspondence; Top 10 computers; more. 7 pp. From Jim

     Charles Babbage Institute NEWSLETTER, Volume 17 Number 2, Winter
     1995. CBI accepts Hurd papers; CBI on the Web; Tomash Fellowship
     to Akera; New trustees; Update on Kevin Stumpf's Commercial
     Computing Museum; Recent publications. 6 pp. From Judy O'Neill.

     The Computer Museum NEWS, Spring 1995. AARON the Robotic Artist;
     Computer Bowl 2.0; Networked Planet. 8 pp. From Gail Jennes.

     Hewlett-Packard _Journal_, recognizing technical contributions
     made by HP personnel.

     Volume 46 Number 2, April 1995. Design and development of the PA
     7100LC microprocessor; integration of MPEG video, telephony, and
     multimedia peripherals; business server development; HP
     Distributed Smalltalk; more. 120 pp. From the editors.

     _Historically Brewed_, newsletter of the Historical Computer
     Society. Issue #8, Spring 1995. Doug Jones' PDP-8 Story part II;
     For the Collector; Intro to Classic Computing (blinkenlights);
     Home Arcade Enthusiast; Apollo mission exhibit at American
     Computer Museum. 16 pp. US$15.00 per year; Can$20.00;
     International, US$24.00. From David Greelish.

     _HISTORY OF COMPUTING: An Encyclopedia of Computer History_ by
     Lexikon Services. Version 3.41, April 1995. Approximately 800
     pages, featuring expanded treatments of early micros, Internet,
     and chronologies. US$19.95. From Mark Greenia.

     _International Calculator Collector_, Issue #8, Spring 1995;
     Calculator Twins, HP Calculator Database, interview with Jack St.
     Clair Kilby, classifieds, resources, more. US$12 per year with
     membership ($16 foreign). From Guy Ball.

     _Random Output_, monthly newsletter of East Bay FOG.

     Volume 11 Number 3, March 1995. Computer History in California;
     AOL Demo; How to Buy a Modem. 4 pp.
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 54

     Volume 11 Number 4, April 1995. Computer History in California;
     Web glossary; Joseph Jacquard; Family Tree Maker. 4 pp.

     Volume 11 Number 5, May 1995. Lotus macros; Cache buffers;
     QBasic. 4 pp. From Pete Masterson.

     _The Z-Letter_, newsletter of the CP/M and Z-System community.

     Number 35, January/February 1995. New products; CPMUG, SIG/M and
     Sound Potentials libraries; Starting to Use the Z-System;
     programming, letters, resources and more. 24 pp.

     Number 36, March/April 1995. AmigaZ80; Intro to aliases; Tax prep
     on CP/M; Index to issues 1-34; programming, letters, resources,
     more. 22 pp.

     US$18 for 12 issues (2 years); Canada/Mexico, US$22;
     International, US$36. From David A. J. McGlone.


     Australian Computer Museum Society, PO Box 103, KILLARA 2071,
     NSW, Australia. Michael Chevallier, secretary.

     Charles Babbage Institute, 103 Walter Library, 117 Pleasant
     Street SE, Minneapolis MN 55455. Judy E. O'Neill, associate

     Classic Computer Club, 42 Achilles Road, West Hampstead, London
     NW6 1AE, UK. Stephen I. Walters, director.

     Commercial Computing Museum (formerly Unusual Systems,) 220
     Samuel Street, Kitchener ON N2H 1R6, Canada. Kevin Stumpf,

     Computer Conservation Society, 15 Northampton Road, Bromham,
     Beds. MK43 8QB, UK. Tony Sale, secretary.

     The Computer Museum, 300 Congress Street, Boston MA 02210. Brian
     C. Wallace, curator of historical computing.

     Computer Technology Archive, Box 4376, Stanford CA 94309. Bill
     vanCleemput, director.

     East Bay FOG, c/o Pat Watters, 5497 Taft Avenue, Oakland CA
     94618. Tom Lewis, president.

     Hewlett-Packard _Journal_, Hewlett-Packard Company, Box 51827,
     Palo Alto CA 94303-0724. Richard P. Dolan, editor.
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 55

     Historical Computer Society, 2962 Park Street, #3 (note change of
     suite number,) Jacksonville FL 32205. David
     A. Greelish, director and editor.

     International Association of Calculator Collectors, 14561
     Livingston Street, Tustin CA 92680-2618. Guy Ball, Bruce L.
     Flamm, directors.

     Lambda Software Publishing, 149 West Hilliard Lane, Eugene OR
     97404. David A. J. McGlone, editor and publisher.

     Lexikon Services, Box 1328, Antelope CA 95843.
     Mark Greenia, director.

     Santa Clara Valley Historical Association, 525 Alma Street, Palo
     Alto CA 94301. John McLaughlin, director.

     THANKS TO....

     James Birdsall for his donation.

     Brian Case for proposing that we attend the Asilomar Workshop;
     John Wharton for making sure it could happen; and Lee Felsenstein
     for enjoyable transportation.

     Max "Clive" Maxfield for fellowship and good ideas.

     Len Shustek and George Comstock for a fine working lunch.

     Bill Terry for help with this issue's interview.

     Dale, Doug, Patrick and Valerie -- the Cosmic Wombat Band -- for
     putting up and keeping it there.

     All the great new ENGINE subscribers!


     Mac and Me, part two? HP 3000? An interview with a micro pioneer?
     Why SUN is SUN? We'll leave you guessing, but it might be the
     thickest issue yet!
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 56


     The ANALYTICAL ENGINE is intellectual shareware. Distribution of
     _complete, verbatim_ copies through online posting, Internet mail
     or news, fax, postal service or photocopying is encouraged by the
     Computer History Association of California.

     Excerpting or brief quotation for fair use, including review or
     example, is also permitted, with one exception: Any material
     copyright to or by a third party and reprinted in the ANALYTICAL
     ENGINE by permission shall not be used in another periodical or
     context, unless the permission of the copyright holder is
     separately secured for the new use.

     Alterations, abridgments or hacks of the ANALYTICAL ENGINE which
     change the intent or meaning of original content; or which
     contrive to bring income to any person or organization other than
     the Computer History Association of California; or which contrive
     to injure the Computer History Association of California, its
     officers, contributors, volunteers or members; are PROHIBITED.
     Reproduction of the ANALYTICAL ENGINE without its subscription
     coupon is abridgment in this sense.


     The ANALYTICAL ENGINE solicits manuscripts of 750 to 2500 words
     on the general topic of the history of computing in, or with
     significant reference to, the State of California. Articles
     should focus on one interesting or illuminating episode and
     should be written for a technically literate general audience.
     Submissions are welcome from both members and non-members of the
     CHAC. Article deadlines are: July 15 for the November issue,
     October 15 for the February issue, January 15 for the May issue,
     and April 15 for the August issue.

     Each author may publish a maximum of one signed article per year.
     This restriction does not apply to letters, queries, book reviews
     or interviews. Thank you for cooperating to protect diversity of
     voices and topics. Previously published material will be
     republished only in clearly attributed quotations or citations;
     or when its publication in the ANALYTICAL ENGINE will bring it to
     the attention of a significantly broader audience; or when the
     original publication is materially obsolete or inaccessible.

     Decision of the editors is final but copyright of all published
     material will remain with the author.

     The preferred document file format is Microsoft Word for DOS or
     Windows, but almost any DOS or Macintosh word processor file will
     be acceptable. Submit manuscripts on DOS 5.25" or 3.5", or Mac HD
     (1.4) diskettes. Alternatively, please send your article as ASCII
     or ISO Internet mail. Please avoid submitting on paper unless
     absolutely necessary.
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 57



     _submitted anonymously_....

     As many of us know, cats have a special affinity for computer
     peripherals, especially that are purring softly, even more so if
     they're warm.

     A woman in the Los Angeles area had a cat, and also owned a
     LaserJet -- a IIp, to be exact, with a front-opening paper tray.
     Said owner started a batch and left the room, only to hurry back
     in when she heard her pet scream in pain.

     You guessed it. The fascinated cat had taken a closer look at the
     autonomous motion of the paper being printed; the rollers of the
     paper feed had grabbed the cat's tail and tried to pull it past
     the laser....and done a remarkable job. Kitty was still in one
     piece, but there was no question of simply pulling its tail out

     The woman called the fire department and met with laughter, from
     a dispatcher who figured that now he'd heard __everything_.  She
     called her vet, who came to the house, shaved the cat's tail --
     presumably after administering a tranquilizer -- and extricated
     it.  Then HP Customer Service (the source of this story) cleaned
     the cat hair out of the printer. The cat has since recovered, and
     the LaserJet still works fine, but they're not often found in the
     same room.
The Analytical Engine, Volume 2, Number 4, August 1995         Page 58

     ADD MONEY, MAIL....

     and enjoy fascinating articles, letters, queries and editorials
     while you support the study and preservation of California's
     unparalleled contribution to computing. Annual membership will
     bring you four issues of the ANALYTICAL ENGINE and the
     satisfaction of working toward a world-class computer museum
     for the Golden State.

     ____ Yes! Please enroll me in the Computer History Association
     of California for the next year. I enclose

     Individual membership: $25 on-line / $35 paper (circle)

     Corporate/institutional membership: $75 on-line / $85 paper

     Low-income/student membership: $15 on-line / $25 paper (circle)

      and send four issues of the ANALYTICAL ENGINE to

     ____ Internet address: ______________________________

     ____ CompuServe ID#: ________________________________

     ____ Other gateway: _________________________________

     My mailing address is:

     Name: _______________________________________________

     Company: ___________________________________________

     Suite, Box, Mail stop: ______________________________

     Street: _____________________________________________

     City: _____________________ Zip/postcode: ____________

     Country: _______________ Phone: _____________________

     ____ I will submit an article to the ANALYTICAL ENGINE. (Please
     refer to the guidelines for submission, above.)

     ____ I will help produce the ANALYTICAL ENGINE or do other work
     for the Association. Please contact me.