
                        ;TU-58 firmware disassembly
                        ;ROM version:  23-389E2-00
                        ;disssembly version: 0.1

                        ; External RAM References:

                        FL_XOFF           EQU  2000h  ;xoff flag
                        ;Serial data from host is managed by a state machine.
                        ;The RDF (rst6.5) interrupt reads the UART and then
                        ;jumps to the address in cur_state. The handlers change
                        ;cur_state to implement the protocol.
                        CUR_STATE         EQU  2001h  ;current state
                        BYT_DON           EQU  2003h  ;transfered count
                        CHK_SAV           EQU  2005h  ;checksum save
                        ;command/response packet storage
                        ;some addresses are duplicated
                        ;since command and response use
                        ;some fields differently
                        PK_FLAG           EQU  2007h  ;flag
                        PK_CMDCT          EQU  2008h  ;count
                        PK_OPCD           EQU  2009h  ;op code
                        PK_MOD            EQU  200Ah  ;modifyer
                        PK_SUCC           EQU  200Ah  ;success code
                        PK_UNIT           EQU  200Bh  ;unit
                        PK_SWIT           EQU  200Ch  ;switches
                        PK_SEQL           EQU  200Dh  ;sequence low (unused)
                        PK_SEQH           EQU  200Eh  ;sequence hi (unused)
                        PK_CNTL           EQU  200Fh  ;data count low
                        PK_CNTH           EQU  2010h  ;data count hi
                        PK_BLKL           EQU  2011h  ;block number low
                        PK_SUMSL          EQU  2011h  ;summary status low
                        PK_BLKH           EQU  2012h  ;block number hi
                        PK_SUMSH          EQU  2012h  ;summary status hi
                        PK_CHK            EQU  2013h  ;packet check sum
                        ;data buffer (multiuse)
                        ;tape write starts with w_gap1 and
                        ;uses a larger buffer to allow for 
                        ;leading bits for AGC and SYNC
                        ;tape read data goes into buffer
                        ;send data to host starts with bf_type
                        ;the type, count and checksum are filled in
                        ;and the block sent without copy 
                        W_GAP1            EQU  2013h  ;zero filled gap
                        W_GAP2            EQU  2015h  ;zero filled gap
                        W_SYNC            EQU  2017h  ;sync word
                        BF_TYPE           EQU  2017h  ;packet type
                        BF_CNT            EQU  2018h  ;packet byte count
                        BUFFER            EQU  2019h  ;tape read/write buffer
                        W_BEND            EQU  2098h  ;end of data buffer
                        BF_CHKL           EQU  2099h  ;buffer check sum low
                        BF_CHKH           EQU  209Ah  ;buffer check sum hi
                        ;tape mark buffer
                        ;the tape mark is the block number
                        ;followed by the inverted block number
                        ID_HDR1           EQU  209Bh
                        ID_HDR2           EQU  209Dh
                        ID_HDR3           EQU  209Eh
                        CHKLO             EQU  209Fh  ;checksum low
                        CHKHI             EQU  20A0h  ;checksum hi
                        FL_GO             EQU  20A2h  ;flag GO
                        DR0_POS           EQU  20A3h  ;drive 0 cur position
                        DR1_POS           EQU  20A5h  ;drive 1 cur pos
                        TRG_BLL           EQU  20A7h  ;target block low
                        TRG_BLH           EQU  20A8h  ;target block hi
                        CUR_BLK           EQU  20A9h  ;current tape block
                        BTYCNT            EQU  20ABh  ;byte count (to go)
                        CASS_IN           EQU  20ADh  ;cassette in place
                        PB_IMG            EQU  20AEh  ;port b image
                        RTRY_CT           EQU  20AFh  ;retry count
                        SEEK_RT           EQU  20B0h  ;seek retry counter
                        SW_BITS           EQU  20B3h  ;drive select bit save
                        SUCCES            EQU  20B4h  ;success code
                        SUMST             EQU  20B5h  ;summary status
                        FL_BOOT           EQU  20B6h  ;init flag
                        STACK             EQU  20FFh  ;stack pointer

                        ; IO Port Map:

                        UART              EQU  08h
                        CSR               EQU  20h
                        PortA             EQU  21h
                        PortB             EQU  22h
                        PortC             EQU  23h
                        TIMERL            EQU  24h
                        TIMERH            EQU  25h

                                          ORG  0

0000  31 FF 20          RESET:            LXI  SP, STACK          ; 
0003  DB 21                               IN   PortA              ; 
0005  E6 40                               ANI  40h                ;boot sw active?
0007  CA 03 01                            JZ   BOOT_GO            ;then boot 
000A  CD 45 00                            CALL CLR_SW             ;reset everything
000D  CD 9A 07                            CALL SLF_TEST           ;do self test 

0010  F3                RST2:             DI                      ; 
0011  31 FF 20                            LXI  SP, STACK          ;reset stack 
0014  CD 49 00                            CALL SOFT_RST           ;reset protocol 

0017  3E 04             SND_INIT:         MVI  A, 04h             ;send init character 
0019  CD 31 02                            CALL OUTCH              ; 
001C  CD F0 00                            CALL CHK_BOOT           ;check for boot 
001F  C3 17 00                            JMP  SND_INIT           ;loop 

0022  00                                  DB   00h                ;filler
0023  00                                  DB   00h                ;
                        ;TRAP on UART frame error
0024  F3                RST_FRAME_ERR:    DI                      ; 
0025  31 FF 20                            LXI  SP, STACK          ;reset stack 
0028  DB 08                               IN   UART               ;get character 
002A  3E FD                               MVI  A, 0FDh            ;all stop 
                        ;RST5.5 TDRE
002C  D3 22             RST_UART_TX:      OUT  PortB              ;stop everything 
002E  2E 05                               MVI  L, 05h             ;loop count 
0030  C3 77 00                            JMP  INIT_LOOP          ; 

0033  00                                  DB   00h                ;filler
                        ;RST6.5 RDF
0034  F5                RST_UART_RX:      PUSH PSW                ; 
0035  E5                                  PUSH H                  ; 
0036  DB 08                               IN   UART               ;get UART character 
0038  2A 01 20                            LHLD CUR_STATE          ;get state pointer 
003B  E9                                  PCHL                    ;jump to it 
                        ;RST7.5 tape clock edge so shift tape bit in
                        ;bits are accumulated in B
003C  3E 10             RST_RD_STROBE:    MVI  A, 10h             ;reset int 7
003E  30                                  SIM                     ;  
003F  20                                  RIM                     ; 
0040  07                                  RLC                     ;SID into carry 
0041  78                                  MOV  A, B               ;save old bits 
0042  1F                                  RAR                     ;shift in input 
0043  47                                  MOV  B, A               ;return bit in B 
0044  C9                                  RET                     ; 
                        ;reset switches, XOFF and state
                        ;initialize 8155 registers
0045  AF                CLR_SW:           XRA  A                  ; 
0046  32 0C 20                            STA  PK_SWIT            ;clear switches 

0049  AF                SOFT_RST:         XRA  A                  ;clear XOFF flag 
004A  32 00 20                            STA  FL_XOFF            ; 

004D  21 74 01          CLR_STATE:        LXI  H, STATE_IDLE      ; 
                        ;setup 8155 registers
0050  22 01 20          SETREGS:          SHLD CUR_STATE          ;set next state 
0053  3E 4D                               MVI  A, 4Dh             ;en SDE mask 5,7 
0055  30                                  SIM                     ; 
0056  FB                                  EI                      ; 
0057  3E FE             SETRG1:           MVI  A, 0FEh            ; 
0059  D3 20                               OUT  CSR                ; 
005B  3E FD                               MVI  A, 0FDh            ; 
005D  D3 22                               OUT  PortB              ; 
005F  DB 23                               IN   PortC              ; 
0061  F6 01                               ORI  01h                ; 
0063  D3 23                               OUT  PortC              ; 
0065  3E 0C                               MVI  A, 0Ch             ; 
0067  32 AD 20                            STA  CASS_IN            ;set no cass
006A  AF                                  XRA  A                  ; 
006B  32 A2 20                            STA  FL_GO              ;reset go flag 
006E  3A 0C 20                            LDA  PK_SWIT            ; 
0071  E6 08                               ANI  08h                ; 
0073  32 0C 20                            STA  PK_SWIT            ; 
0076  C9                                  RET                     ; 
                        ;loop waiting for INIT from host
0077  CD F0 00          INIT_LOOP:        CALL CHK_BOOT           ;check boot swtch 
007A  20                                  RIM                     ; 
007B  E6 20                               ANI  20h                ;mask to RDR 
007D  CA 77 00                            JZ   INIT_LOOP          ;loop till data ready 
0080  2D                                  DCR  L                  ;dec timeout 
0081  CA 10 00                            JZ   RST2               ;start over? 
0084  DB 08                               IN   UART               ;read UART 
0086  FE 04                               CPI  04h                ;INIT 
0088  C2 77 00                            JNZ  INIT_LOOP          ;loop if not 
008B  CD 49 00                            CALL SOFT_RST           ;reset protocol 
008E  32 B6 20                            STA  FL_BOOT            ;save 
                        ;commands return here when done
0091  31 FF 20          IDLE_LOOP:        LXI  SP, STACK          ;reset stack 
0094  AF                                  XRA  A                  ; 
0095  32 0C 20                            STA  PK_SWIT            ;clear switch 
0098  32 A2 20                            STA  FL_GO              ;clear go 
009B  21 00 00                            LXI  H, 0000h           ;clear status 
009E  22 B4 20                            SHLD SUCCES             ;clear error bits 
00A1  22 03 20                            SHLD BYT_DON            ;clear bytes sent 
00A4  3E 4D                               MVI  A, 4Dh             ;en SDE mask 5,7 
00A6  30                                  SIM                     ; 
00A7  FB                                  EI                      ; 
                        ;Command loop
                        ;loop till FL_GO sets then dispatch
                        ;to the opcode routine
00A8  CD 18 03          CMD_LOOP:         CALL DRV_RDY            ;CART in place? 
00AB  CD F0 00                            CALL CHK_BOOT           ;check for boot req
00AE  3A A2 20                            LDA  FL_GO              ;command received? 
00B1  E6 80                               ANI  80h                ; 
00B3  CA A8 00                            JZ   CMD_LOOP           ;loop if nothing to do
                        ;got packet so check type 
00B6  3A 07 20                            LDA  PK_FLAG            ;get flag 
00B9  FE 02                               CPI  02h                ;is eq COMMAND?
00BB  C2 10 00                            JNZ  RST2               ;error?
                        ;check for opcode in range 
00BE  3A 09 20                            LDA  PK_OPCD            ;get opcode 
00C1  FE 0B                               CPI  0Bh                ;>max command? 
00C3  3E D0                               MVI  A, 0D0h            ;bad op code 
00C5  D2 75 07                            JNC  SET_SUCC           ;error exit
                        ;make pointer to routine 
00C8  3A 09 20                            LDA  PK_OPCD            ;get opcode 
00CB  21 D8 00                            LXI  H, JMPTBL          ;point to command table 
00CE  07                                  RLC                     ;mult X 2 
00CF  5F                                  MOV  E, A               ;index into table 
00D0  16 00                               MVI  D, 00h             ; 
00D2  19                                  DAD  D                  ; 
00D3  5E                                  MOV  E, M               ; 
00D4  23                                  INX  H                  ; 
00D5  56                                  MOV  D, M               ; 
00D6  EB                                  XCHG                    ; 
00D7  E9                                  PCHL                    ;jump to command 
                        ;function address table
00D8  46                JMPTBL:           DW   OP_NOOP            ;  
00DA  80                                  DW   OP_INIT            ;  
00DC  1D                                  DW   OP_READ            ;  
00DE  C7                                  DW   OP_WRITE           ;  
00E0  46                                  DW   OP_NOOP            ;  
00E2  95                                  DW   OP_POS             ;  
00E4  46                                  DW   OP_NOOP            ;  
00E6  EC                                  DW   OP_DIAG            ;  
00E8  86                                  DW   OP_GETST           ;  
00EA  46                                  DW   OP_NOOP            ;  
00EC  46                                  DW   OP_NOOP            ;  
00EE  46                                  DW   OP_NOOP            ;  
                        ;check for BOOT request
00F0  DB 21             CHK_BOOT:         IN   PortA              ;read flags
00F2  E6 40                               ANI  40h                ;mask to boot switch 
00F4  3A B6 20                            LDA  FL_BOOT            ; 
00F7  CA 00 01                            JZ   DB_BOOT            ;jmp boot sw active
00FA  F6 01                               ORI  01h                ; 
00FC  32 B6 20                            STA  FL_BOOT            ;set init flag 
00FF  C9                                  RET                     ; 
                        ;debounce BOOT switch
0100  E6 01             DB_BOOT:          ANI  01h                ;need BOOT twice 
0102  C8                                  RZ                      ;ret if first 
                        ;boot Switch really active
0103  31 FF 20          BOOT_GO:          LXI  SP, STACK          ; 
0106  21 C3 01                            LXI  H, RETRN1          ;disable RX data 
0109  CD 50 00                            CALL SETREGS            ;set 8155 regs
010C  AF                                  XRA  A                  ; 
010D  32 0C 20                            STA  PK_SWIT            ;clear option switch
0110  D3 23                               OUT  PortC              ;clear port C 
0112  06 FF                               MVI  B, 0FFh            ;delay count 
0114  CD 04 04                            CALL LNG_DLY            ;kill time 
0117  CD 9A 07                            CALL SLF_TEST           ;run self test
                        ;boot state handler
                        ;get here via boot switch
                        ;or serial boot command
                        ;state_boot acts different 
                        ;depending on how it was invoed
011A  32 0B 20          STATE_BOOT:       STA  PK_UNIT            ;set unit
011D  32 00 20                            STA  FL_XOFF            ;clr XOFF  
0120  21 00 00                            LXI  H, 0000h           ;set block num to 0 
0123  22 A9 20                            SHLD CUR_BLK            ; 

0126  CD 52 05          ST_BOO1:          CALL TAP_READ           ;read tape block 
0129  CD 0E 04                            CALL TAP_STP            ;stop tape 
012C  21 19 20                            LXI  H, BUFFER          ;buffer 
012F  0E 80                               MVI  C, 80h             ;count
                        ;send character/byte to host
0131  7E                BNXTCH:           MOV  A, M               ;get (next) byte 
0132  CD 31 02                            CALL OUTCH              ;send byte 
                        ;see how we got here 
                        ;check cur_state lo byte for 1ah
0135  3A 01 20                            LDA  CUR_STATE          ; 
0138  FE 1A                               CPI  1Ah                ;serial boot? 
013A  CA 51 01                            JZ   ST_BOO3            ; 
                        ;hardware boot switch
013D  7E                                  MOV  A, M               ;get character 
013E  FE 47                               CPI  47h                ;eq 'G'? 
0140  CA 6B 01                            JZ   SBOOTE             ;then done 
0143  06 02                               MVI  B, 02h             ; 
0145  E6 F8                               ANI  0F8h               ; 
0147  EE 30                               XRI  30h                ; 
0149  CA 4E 01                            JZ   ST_BOO2            ; 
014C  06 14                               MVI  B, 14h             ;delay count 
014E  CD 04 04          ST_BOO2:          CALL LNG_DLY            ;dont overrun host 
0151  23                ST_BOO3:          INX  H                  ;inc buffer pointer 
0152  0D                                  DCR  C                  ;dec byte count  
0153  C2 31 01                            JNZ  BNXTCH             ;loop till done 
0156  2A A9 20                            LHLD CUR_BLK            ; 
0159  23                                  INX  H                  ;inc block number 
015A  22 A9 20                            SHLD CUR_BLK            ; 
015D  3E 04                               MVI  A, 04h             ;read 4 blocks 
015F  BD                                  CMP  L                  ; 
0160  C2 26 01                            JNZ  ST_BOO1            ;loop if more 
                        ;see how we got here 
                        ;check cur_state lo byte for 1ah
0163  3A 01 20                            LDA  CUR_STATE          ; 
0166  FE 1A                               CPI  1Ah                ; 
0168  C2 26 01                            JNZ  ST_BOO1            ;if BOOTSW loop
                        ;serial boot end
016B  CD 49 00          SBOOTE:           CALL SOFT_RST           ;reset protocol 
016E  32 B6 20                            STA  FL_BOOT            ; 
0171  C3 91 00                            JMP  IDLE_LOOP          ;goto idle 
                        ;idle state handler
                        ;get here with new character in A
                        ;and nothing in progress
0174  FE 08             STATE_IDLE:       CPI  08h                ;eq BOOT? 
0176  21 1A 01                            LXI  H, STATE_BOOT      ;set next state
0179  CA C0 01                            JZ   RETRN              ; 
017C  FE 13                               CPI  13h                ;eq XOFF? 
017E  C2 89 01                            JNZ  ST_IDL1            ; 
0181  3E FF                               MVI  A, 0FFh            ; 
0183  32 00 20                            STA  FL_XOFF            ;set XOFF flag 
0186  C3 C3 01                            JMP  RETRN1             ;no state change 

0189  6F                ST_IDL1:          MOV  L, A               ; 
018A  E6 FE                               ANI  0FEh               ; 
018C  FE 10                               CPI  10h                ;eq CONTIN? 
018E  C2 98 01                            JNZ  ST_IDL2            ; 
0191  AF                                  XRA  A                  ; 
0192  32 00 20                            STA  FL_XOFF            ;clear XOFF 
0195  C3 C3 01                            JMP  RETRN1             ;no state change 

0198  3E 04             ST_IDL2:          MVI  A, 04h             ;
019A  BD                                  CMP  L                  ;eq INIT? 
019B  CA 58 02                            JZ   GOT_INIT           ;
                        ;data or command pkt 
019E  3A A2 20                            LDA  FL_GO              ; 
01A1  E6 80                               ANI  80h                ; 
01A3  C2 10 00                            JNZ  RST2               ;error if go is set 
01A6  7D                                  MOV  A, L               ; 
01A7  32 07 20                            STA  PK_FLAG            ;save pkt flag 
01AA  32 9F 20                            STA  CHKLO              ;add to chksum 
01AD  11 19 20                            LXI  D, BUFFER          ;point to DATA buf 
01B0  FE 01                               CPI  01h                ;eq DATA? 
01B2  CA BD 01                            JZ   ST_IDL3            ; 
01B5  11 09 20                            LXI  D, PK_OPCD         ;point to CMD buf 
01B8  FE 02                               CPI  02h                ;eq CMD? 
01BA  C2 10 00                            JNZ  RST2               ;no is error 
01BD  21 C7 01          ST_IDL3:          LXI  H, STATE_CNT       ;
                        ;return saving next state
01C0  22 01 20          RETRN:            SHLD CUR_STATE          ;save next state
                        ;return, no state change
01C3  E1                RETRN1:           POP  H                  ;return 
01C4  F1                                  POP  PSW                ; 
01C5  FB                                  EI                      ; 
01C6  C9                                  RET                     ; 
                        ;count state handler
01C7  4F                STATE_CNT:        MOV  C, A               ;save count 
01C8  32 08 20                            STA  PK_CMDCT           ; 
01CB  32 A0 20                            STA  CHKHI              ;add to chksum 
01CE  FE 81                               CPI  81h                ;count too big? 
01D0  D2 10 00                            JNC  RST2               ; 
01D3  06 01                               MVI  B, 01h             ;preset B for add_chk
01D5  21 DB 01                            LXI  H, STATE_DATI      ;set next state 
01D8  C3 C0 01                            JMP  RETRN              ; 
                        ;data/cmd state handler
01DB  12                STATE_DATI:       STAX D                  ;save byte 
01DC  1A                                  LDAX D                  ; 
01DD  CD 13 02                            CALL ADD_CHK            ;add to checksum 
01E0  0D                                  DCR  C                  ;dec count 
01E1  CA E8 01                            JZ   ST_DAT1            ;done? 
01E4  13                                  INX  D                  ;inc pointer 
01E5  C3 C3 01                            JMP  RETRN1             ;return (same state) 

01E8  21 EE 01          ST_DAT1:          LXI  H, STATE_CK1       ;set next state 
01EB  C3 C0 01                            JMP  RETRN              ;
                        ;checksum1 state handler (1st.  char) 
01EE  21 9F 20          STATE_CK1:        LXI  H, CHKLO           ;get calc cksum 
01F1  96                                  SUB  M                  ;equal? 
01F2  C2 10 00                            JNZ  RST2               ;chksum error? 
01F5  21 FB 01                            LXI  H, STATE_CK2       ;set next state
01F8  C3 C0 01                            JMP  RETRN              ; 
                        ;checksum2 state handler (2nd. char)
01FB  21 A0 20          STATE_CK2:        LXI  H, CHKHI           ;get calc cksum 
01FE  96                                  SUB  M                  ;equal? 
01FF  C2 10 00                            JNZ  RST2               ;chksum error? 
0202  2A 9F 20                            LHLD CHKLO              ; 
0205  22 05 20                            SHLD CHK_SAV            ;save it 
0208  3E 80                               MVI  A, 80h             ; 
020A  32 A2 20                            STA  FL_GO              ;set go flag 
020D  21 74 01                            LXI  H, STATE_IDLE      ;return to idle 
0210  C3 C0 01                            JMP  RETRN              ; 
                        ;add to check sum
                        ;B is the odd/even byte counter
                        ;must be preserved between calls
0213  E5                ADD_CHK:          PUSH H                  ; 
0214  6F                                  MOV  L, A               ; 
0215  78                                  MOV  A, B               ; 
0216  EE 01                               XRI  01h                ; 
0218  47                                  MOV  B, A               ; 
0219  C2 24 02                            JNZ  ADDCK2             ; 
                        ;add lo byte
021C  7D                ADDCK1:           MOV  A, L               ; 
021D  21 9F 20                            LXI  H, CHKLO           ; 
0220  8E                                  ADC  M                  ; 
0221  77                                  MOV  M, A               ; 
0222  2E 00                               MVI  L, 00h             ; 
                        ;add high byte
0224  7D                ADDCK2:           MOV  A, L               ; 
0225  21 A0 20                            LXI  H, CHKHI           ; 
0228  8E                                  ADC  M                  ; 
0229  77                                  MOV  M, A               ; 
022A  2E 00                               MVI  L, 00h             ; 
022C  DA 1C 02                            JC   ADDCK1             ; 
022F  E1                                  POP  H                  ; 
0230  C9                                  RET                     ; 
                        ;send character to host
                        ;polled output
                        ;stop tape if this takes too long
0231  F5                OUTCH:            PUSH PSW                ; 
0232  E5                                  PUSH H                  ; 
0233  2E 08                               MVI  L, 08h             ;timeout counter 

0235  2D                OUTCH1:           DCR  L                  ;dec timeout 
0236  C5                                  PUSH B                  ; 
0237  CC 0E 04                            CZ   TAP_STP            ;if 0 stop tape 
023A  C1                                  POP  B                  ; 
023B  20                                  RIM                     ; 
023C  E6 10                               ANI  10h                ;mask to TDRE 
023E  CA 35 02                            JZ   OUTCH1             ;loop if full 
0241  3A 00 20                            LDA  FL_XOFF            ;XOFF set? 
0244  3C                                  INR  A                  ; 
0245  CA 35 02                            JZ   OUTCH1             ;loop if cant send 
0248  E1                                  POP  H                  ; 
0249  F1                                  POP  PSW                ; 
024A  D3 08                               OUT  UART               ;send character 
                        ;switch bit 08H is not documented
                        ;it sets FL_XOFF for each character
024C  3A 0C 20                            LDA  PK_SWIT            ; 
024F  E6 08                               ANI  08h                ; 
0251  C8                                  RZ                      ;ret if not set
0252  3E FF                               MVI  A, 0FFh            ; 
0254  32 00 20                            STA  FL_XOFF            ;set XOFF 
0257  C9                                  RET                     ; 
                        ;got INIT character
0258  31 FF 20          GOT_INIT:         LXI  SP, STACK          ;reset stack 
025B  CD 49 00                            CALL SOFT_RST           ;reset protocol 
025E  CD 4C 05                            CALL SND_CONT           ;send continue 
0261  C3 91 00                            JMP  IDLE_LOOP          ;goto idle 
                        ;send data packet
0264  21 17 20          SND_DATA:         LXI  H, BF_TYPE         ;point to type 
0267  36 01                               MVI  M, 01h             ;type=data 
0269  23                                  INX  H                  ;point to count 
                        ;generate check sum and send data/response to host
026A  56                SND_RESP:         MOV  D, M               ;get packet byte count 
026B  14                                  INR  D                  ;fix count for cksum 
026C  14                                  INR  D                  ; 
026D  AF                                  XRA  A                  ;clear checksum 
026E  32 9F 20                            STA  CHKLO              ; 
0271  32 A0 20                            STA  CHKHI              ; 
0274  06 01                               MVI  B, 01h             ;preset B for add_chk 
0276  2B                                  DCX  H                  ;point to pkt start
0277  7E                SND_RES1:         MOV  A, M               ;get byte
0278  CD 13 02                            CALL ADD_CHK            ;add to check
027B  7E                                  MOV  A, M               ;get same byte 
027C  CD 31 02                            CALL OUTCH              ;send byte 
027F  23                                  INX  H                  ;inc pointer 
0280  15                                  DCR  D                  ;dec count 
0281  C2 77 02                            JNZ  SND_RES1           ;loop 
0284  21 9F 20                            LXI  H, CHKLO           ;point to checksum lo 
0287  CD 8B 02                            CALL SND_CKSUM          ;send it 
028A  23                                  INX  H                  ;point to checksum hi 
                        ;send check sum
028B  3E 1E             SND_CKSUM:        MVI  A, 1Eh             ;delay count
028D  CD FB 03                            CALL DELAY              ;delay 
0290  7E                                  MOV  A, M               ;get chksum 
0291  CD 31 02                            CALL OUTCH              ;send it 
0294  C9                                  RET                     ; 
                        ;command: position tape
0295  CD FA 06          OP_POS:           CALL SET_BLK            ;setup block+count 
0298  CD A4 02                            CALL SEL_DRV            ;select drive 
029B  CD 24 03                            CALL SEEK               ;find block 
029E  CD 0E 04                            CALL TAP_STP            ;tape stop 
02A1  C3 46 07                            JMP  OP_NOOP            ;send response 
                        ;select drive and track
02A4  2A A9 20          SEL_DRV:          LHLD CUR_BLK            ;save current block
02A7  EB                                  XCHG                    ; 
02A8  21 AE 20                            LXI  H, PB_IMG          ;point to B image
                        ;select track 0 
02AB  36 E9                               MVI  M, 0E9h            ;trk0 fwd read stop 
02AD  7A                                  MOV  A, D               ;block num hi byte 
02AE  FE 08                               CPI  08h                ;block too large? 
02B0  3E FE                               MVI  A, 0FEh            ;partial operation
02B2  D2 75 07                            JNC  SET_SUCC           ;exit if error 
02B5  7A                                  MOV  A, D               ;blknum hi  
02B6  FE 04                               CPI  04h                ;blk >=400? 
02B8  3F                                  CMC                     ; 
02B9  7B                                  MOV  A, E               ;blknum lo 
02BA  17                                  RAL                     ; 
02BB  5F                                  MOV  E, A               ;save 
02BC  7A                                  MOV  A, D               ;blknum hi 
02BD  17                                  RAL                     ; 
02BE  E6 07                               ANI  07h                ;mask block number 
02C0  57                                  MOV  D, A               ; 
02C1  FE 04                               CPI  04h                ;bit3 set=track 1 
02C3  DA C8 02                            JC   SEL_UX             ;select unit 
                        ;select track 1
02C6  36 F9                               MVI  M, 0F9h            ;trk1 fwd read stop 
                        ;select unit
02C8  3A 0B 20          SEL_UX:           LDA  PK_UNIT            ;get unit 
02CB  FE 01                               CPI  01h                ; 
02CD  CA D8 02                            JZ   SEL_U1             ;eq unit 1? 
02D0  DA E4 02                            JC   SEL_U0             ;eq unit 0? 
02D3  3E F8                               MVI  A, 0F8h            ;bad unit 
02D5  C3 75 07                            JMP  SET_SUCC           ;error exit
                        ;select unit 1 (B)
02D8  7E                SEL_U1:           MOV  A, M               ;get port B image 
02D9  E6 F7                               ANI  0F7h               ;sel B low 
02DB  77                                  MOV  M, A               ; 
02DC  3E 04                               MVI  A, 04h             ;b cart switch 
02DE  2A A5 20                            LHLD DR1_POS            ; 
02E1  C3 E9 02                            JMP  SEL_COM            ; 
                        ;select unit 0 (A)
02E4  3E 08             SEL_U0:           MVI  A, 08h             ;a cart switch 
02E6  2A A3 20                            LHLD DR0_POS            ; 

02E9  32 B3 20          SEL_COM:          STA  SW_BITS            ;save cart sw bits 
02EC  4F                                  MOV  C, A               ; 
02ED  3A AD 20                            LDA  CASS_IN            ; 
02F0  A1                                  ANA  C                  ; 
02F1  CA F6 02                            JZ   SEL_C1             ; 
02F4  6B                                  MOV  L, E               ;mov blknum to HL 
02F5  62                                  MOV  H, D               ; 

02F6  CD FE 02          SEL_C1:           CALL CHK_SEL            ; 
02F9  EB                                  XCHG                    ; 
02FA  22 A7 20                            SHLD TRG_BLL            ;set target block 
02FD  C9                                  RET                     ; 
                        ;check selected drive for cart
02FE  CD 18 03          CHK_SEL:          CALL DRV_RDY            ;CART in place
0301  E5                                  PUSH H                  ; 
0302  21 B3 20                            LXI  H, SW_BITS         ;drive sel bits 
0305  DB 21                               IN   PortA              ; 
0307  A6                                  ANA  M                  ;and switches 
0308  3E F7                               MVI  A, 0F7h            ;no cart 
030A  C2 75 07                            JNZ  SET_SUCC           ;error exit 
                        ;cassette in place
030D  3A AD 20                            LDA  CASS_IN            ; 
0310  2F                                  CMA                     ; 
0311  B6                                  ORA  M                  ; 
0312  2F                                  CMA                     ; 
0313  32 AD 20                            STA  CASS_IN            ; 
0316  E1                                  POP  H                  ; 
0317  C9                                  RET                     ; 
                        ;or cass in bits to status reg
0318  E5                DRV_RDY:          PUSH H                  ; 
0319  DB 21                               IN   PortA              ;get cart sw 
031B  E6 0C                               ANI  0Ch                ;mask bits 
031D  21 AD 20                            LXI  H, CASS_IN         ;point to status reg 
0320  B6                                  ORA  M                  ;or bits 
0321  77                                  MOV  M, A               ;write back 
0322  E1                                  POP  H                  ; 
0323  C9                                  RET                     ; 
                        ;seek to block
                        ;returns with tape running forward
                        ;in gap between header and data
0324  3E F8             SEEK:             MVI  A, 0F8h            ;set retry count 
0326  32 B0 20                            STA  SEEK_RT            ; 

0329  CD FE 02          SEEKNX:           CALL CHK_SEL            ; 
032C  2A A7 20                            LHLD TRG_BLL            ;get target block 
032F  7C                                  MOV  A, H               ;get hi byte 
0330  E6 03                               ANI  03h                ;mask to 3ffh 
0332  67                                  MOV  H, A               ;put back 
0333  7A                                  MOV  A, D               ;get hi byte 
0334  E6 03                               ANI  03h                ;mask to 3ffh 
0336  57                                  MOV  D, A               ;put back 
0337  7D                                  MOV  A, L               ;get target lo
0338  93                                  SUB  E                  ;sub current lo
0339  6F                                  MOV  L, A               ; 
033A  7C                                  MOV  A, H               ;get target hi 
033B  9A                                  SBB  D                  ;subtract
033C  67                                  MOV  H, A               ; 
033D  D2 66 03                            JNC  SEEK02             ;jmp if no error 

0340  3A B0 20          SEEK01:           LDA  SEEK_RT            ; 
0343  3C                                  INR  A                  ;inc retry count 
0344  32 B0 20                            STA  SEEK_RT            ; 
0347  3E E0                               MVI  A, 0E0h            ;seek error 
0349  CA 75 07                            JZ   SET_SUCC           ;if zero exit 
                        ;retry seek
034C  7D                                  MOV  A, L               ;blk lo 
034D  2F                                  CMA                     ;negate 
034E  6F                                  MOV  L, A               ; 
034F  7C                                  MOV  A, H               ;blk hi 
0350  2F                                  CMA                     ;negate 
0351  67                                  MOV  H, A               ; 
0352  23                                  INX  H                  ;add 3 
0353  23                                  INX  H                  ; 
0354  23                                  INX  H                  ; 
0355  3A AE 20                            LDA  PB_IMG             ; 
0358  F6 04                               ORI  04h                ;reverse
035A  32 AE 20                            STA  PB_IMG             ; 
035D  CD 3B 04                            CALL FAST_RUN           ;backup fast 
0360  CD 0E 04                            CALL TAP_STP            ;stop tape 
0363  C3 80 03                            JMP  TAP_RUN            ;run forward 

0366  AF                SEEK02:           XRA  A                  ; 
0367  BC                                  CMP  H                  ;hi byte not zero 
0368  C2 75 03                            JNZ  SEEK03             ;room to rev fast 
036B  BD                                  CMP  L                  ; 
036C  CA 40 03                            JZ   SEEK01             ; 
036F  3E 04                               MVI  A, 04h             ; 
0371  BD                                  CMP  L                  ;small distance? 
0372  D2 80 03                            JNC  TAP_RUN            ;then just run slow 

0375  2B                SEEK03:           DCX  H                  ;dec desired block 
0376  2B                                  DCX  H                  ; 
0377  2B                                  DCX  H                  ; 
0378  CD 3B 04                            CALL FAST_RUN           ;run reverse 
037B  06 0F                               MVI  B, 0Fh             ;tach count  
037D  CD 10 04                            CALL TAP_DCL            ;decellerate motor 
                        ;set timer and run forward 30ips
0380  3E BE             TAP_RUN:          MVI  A, 0BEh            ;setup timer
0382  D3 24                               OUT  TIMERL             ;for 30 ips 
0384  3E C0                               MVI  A, 0C0h            ; 
0386  D3 25                               OUT  TIMERH             ; 
0388  3E CE                               MVI  A, 0CEh            ; 
038A  D3 20                               OUT  CSR                ;

038C  3A AE 20                            LDA  PB_IMG             ;get port b bits 
038F  F6 80                               ORI  80h                ;set 30IPS 
0391  E6 FA                               ANI  0FAh               ;assert run forward
0393  32 AE 20                            STA  PB_IMG             ;save image 
0396  47                                  MOV  B, A               ; 
0397  DB 22                               IN   PortB              ; 
0399  E6 01                               ANI  01h                ;mask to run bit
039B  78                                  MOV  A, B               ; 
039C  D3 22                               OUT  PortB              ;set port bits 
039E  06 1E                               MVI  B, 1Eh             ;delay count
03A0  C4 04 04                            CNZ  LNG_DLY            ;delay if not run
03A3  CD 74 04                            CALL FND_MRK            ;find next tape mark 
03A6  FE 09                               CPI  09h                ;end of tape? 
03A8  F2 08 05                            JP   AT_EOT             ;
                         ;read ID block 
03AB  CD A9 04                            CALL PLS_RUN            ;thump run one-shot
03AE  0E 04                               MVI  C, 04h             ;count 
03B0  21 9B 20                            LXI  H, ID_HDR1         ;buffer 
03B3  CD D9 04                            CALL READBLK            ;read id block
                         ;check for good ID read
03B6  3A 9D 20                            LDA  ID_HDR2            ;get ID lo 
03B9  21 9B 20                            LXI  H, ID_HDR1         ;point to ID header 
03BC  2F                                  CMA                     ;complement bits 
03BD  BE                                  CMP  M                  ;match? 
03BE  C2 E1 03                            JNZ  ID_ERR             ; 
03C1  3A 9E 20                            LDA  ID_HDR3            ;get ID hi 
03C4  2F                                  CMA                     ;complement bits 
03C5  23                                  INX  H                  ; 
03C6  BE                                  CMP  M                  ;match? 
03C7  C2 E1 03                            JNZ  ID_ERR             ; 
                         ;good id read so set position
03CA  CD 20 05                            CALL SET_POS            ;set cur pos 
03CD  3A A7 20                            LDA  TRG_BLL            ;get target 
03D0  BB                                  CMP  E                  ;we there? 
03D1  C2 29 03                            JNZ  SEEKNX             ;jmp not there 
03D4  3A A8 20                            LDA  TRG_BLH            ;get target 
03D7  BA                                  CMP  D                  ;we there? 
03D8  C2 29 03                            JNZ  SEEKNX             ;jmp not there 
03DB  2E 08                               MVI  L, 08h             ;led 
03DD  CD F2 03                            CALL TOG_PC             ;toggle it
03E0  C9                                  RET                     ; 
                        ;errror on id read
03E1  2E 10             ID_ERR:           MVI  L, 10h             ;test point 2 
03E3  CD F2 03                            CALL TOG_PC             ;toggle it
03E6  21 B0 20                            LXI  H, SEEK_RT         ;retry counter 
03E9  34                                  INR  M                  ; 
03EA  C2 80 03                            JNZ  TAP_RUN            ;loop for retry 
03ED  3E E0                               MVI  A, 0E0h            ;seek error
03EF  C3 75 07                            JMP  SET_SUCC           ; 
                        ;toggle bit port C
                        ;A=bit to toggle
03F2  DB 23             TOG_PC:           IN   PortC              ; 
03F4  AD                                  XRA  L                  ; 
03F5  D3 23                               OUT  PortC              ; 
03F7  AD                                  XRA  L                  ; 
03F8  D3 23                               OUT  PortC              ; 
03FA  C9                                  RET                     ; 
                        ;short delay A=count
03FB  E6 FF             DELAY:            ANI  0FFh               ; 
03FD  00                                  NOP                     ; 
03FE  00                                  NOP                     ; 
03FF  3D                                  DCR  A                  ; 
0400  C2 FB 03                            JNZ  DELAY              ; 
0403  C9                                  RET                     ; 
                        ;long delay B=count
0404  3E 60             LNG_DLY:          MVI  A, 60h             ; 
0406  CD FB 03                            CALL DELAY              ; 
0409  05                                  DCR  B                  ; 
040A  C2 04 04                            JNZ  LNG_DLY            ; 
040D  C9                                  RET                     ; 
                        ;stop tape
040E  06 2B             TAP_STP:          MVI  B, 2Bh             ;tach cnt for stop 
                        ;decellerate tape
0410  DB 21             TAP_DCL:          IN   PortA              ; 
0412  E6 10                               ANI  10h                ;run_tp 
0414  C0                                  RNZ                     ;return if stopped
                        ;run motor reverse to stop
0415  3A AE 20                            LDA  PB_IMG             ;get old direction 
0418  EE 05                               XRI  05h                ;flip run+rev bits 
041A  D3 22                               OUT  PortB              ;change direction
041C  EE 01                               XRI  01h                ;turn on run bit
041E  D3 22                               OUT  PortB              ; 
0420  E5                                  PUSH H                  ; 
0421  67                                  MOV  H, A               ; 

0422  48                TP_DCL1:          MOV  C, B               ;reset timeout count 
0423  DB 21                               IN   PortA              ;read port
0425  6F                                  MOV  L, A               ;save for compare 

0426  DB 21             TP_DCL2:          IN   PortA              ;read port
0428  AD                                  XRA  L                  ;compare to last 
0429  E6 02                               ANI  02h                ;velocity (tach) bit?
042B  C2 22 04                            JNZ  TP_DCL1            ;jmp if change
                        ;no tach change
042E  0D                                  DCR  C                  ;so dec timer 
042F  C2 26 04                            JNZ  TP_DCL2            ;loop if no timeout 
                        ;no tach change for B loops
                        ;motor has slowed to desired speed
0432  3A AE 20                            LDA  PB_IMG             ; 
0435  F6 01                               ORI  01h                ;tape not run 
0437  D3 22                               OUT  PortB              ; 
0439  E1                                  POP  H                  ; 
043A  C9                                  RET                     ; 
                        ;run 60ips
043B  3E 5F             FAST_RUN:         MVI  A, 5Fh             ;setup timer 
043D  D3 24                               OUT  TIMERL             ;for 60 ips 
043F  3E C0                               MVI  A, 0C0h            ; 
0441  D3 25                               OUT  TIMERH             ; 
0443  3E CE                               MVI  A, 0CEh            ; 
0445  D3 20                               OUT  CSR                ;
0447  3A AE 20                            LDA  PB_IMG             ; 
044A  E6 7E                               ANI  7Eh                ;run reverse 60ips 
044C  32 AE 20                            STA  PB_IMG             ; 
044F  D3 22                               OUT  PortB              ;go 
0451  06 2D                               MVI  B, 2Dh             ;delay count
0453  CD 04 04                            CALL LNG_DLY            ;delay 
                        ;loop finding tape marks and decrementing
                        ;blocks to go in HL
0456  CD 74 04          FST_RUN1:         CALL FND_MRK            ;find next mark 
0459  FE 04                               CPI  04h                ; 
045B  FA 14 05                            JM   GOT_BOT            ;bot 
045E  FE 09                               CPI  09h                ; 
0460  F2 07 05                            JP   GOT_EOT            ;eot 
0463  CD A9 04                            CALL PLS_RUN            ;thump run one-shot 
0466  CD FE 02                            CALL CHK_SEL            ; 
0469  2B                                  DCX  H                  ;dec blocks to go 
046A  AF                                  XRA  A                  ; 
046B  BC                                  CMP  H                  ;eq zero? 
046C  C2 56 04                            JNZ  FST_RUN1           ; 
046F  BD                                  CMP  L                  ;eq zero? 
0470  C2 56 04                            JNZ  FST_RUN1           ; 
0473  C9                                  RET                     ; 
                        ;find block mark
                        ;returns count between clock edges
0474  16 0C             FND_MRK:          MVI  D, 0Ch             ; 
0476  1E 00                               MVI  E, 00h             ;clk time 
0478  06 05                               MVI  B, 05h             ;wait for clk timeout
                        ;loop till mark or motor timeout
047A  DB 21             FND_MK1:          IN   PortA              ; 
047C  E6 90                               ANI  90h                ;mask mark+runl 
047E  CA 7A 04                            JZ   FND_MK1            ;not mark+still running 
0481  E6 10                               ANI  10h                ;mask runl
0483  3E DF             ERR_STP:          MVI  A, 0DFh            ;motor stopped 
0485  C2 75 07                            JNZ  SET_SUCC           ;error exit 
                        ;tape mark found
                        ;so time the read clock
0488  CD C8 04          BLK_MARK:         CALL MRK_CLK            ;wait for clock 
048B  DB 21                               IN   PortA              ;read port A 
048D  E6 80                               ANI  80h                ;mask to mark bit 
048F  C2 99 04                            JNZ  BLK_MK1            ;hi so time it 
0492  05                                  DCR  B                  ; 
0493  CA 74 04                            JZ   FND_MRK            ; 
0496  C3 88 04                            JMP  BLK_MARK           ; 

0499  20                BLK_MK1:          RIM                     ;read port 
049A  E6 80                               ANI  80h                ;mask SID
049C  CA A0 04                            JZ   BLK_MK2            ; 
049F  1C                                  INR  E                  ;inc return value 

04A0  15                BLK_MK2:          DCR  D                  ; 
04A1  C2 88 04                            JNZ  BLK_MARK           ; 
04A4  3E 1D                               MVI  A, 1Dh             ;rst 7 mask 5,7 
04A6  30                                  SIM                     ; 
04A7  7B                                  MOV  A, E               ; 
04A8  C9                                  RET                     ; 
                        ;pulse tape run line
                        ;retrigger motor one-shot
04A9  F5                PLS_RUN:          PUSH PSW                ; 
04AA  3A AE 20                            LDA  PB_IMG             ;get port b bits 
04AD  F6 01                               ORI  01h                ;negate tape run 
04AF  D3 22                               OUT  PortB              ;set port 
04B1  00                                  NOP                     ; 
04B2  E6 FE                               ANI  0FEh               ;assert run 
04B4  D3 22                               OUT  PortB              ;set port

04B6  1E 03             PLS_RU1:          MVI  E, 03h             ; 

04B8  CD C8 04          PLS_RU2:          CALL MRK_CLK            ; 
04BB  DB 21                               IN   PortA              ; 
04BD  E6 90                               ANI  90h                ;run_tp+mark 
04BF  C2 B6 04                            JNZ  PLS_RU1            ; 
04C2  1D                                  DCR  E                  ; 
04C3  C2 B8 04                            JNZ  PLS_RU2            ; 
04C6  F1                                  POP  PSW                ; 
04C7  C9                                  RET                     ; 
                        ;wait for clock in tape mark
04C8  3E 1D             MRK_CLK:          MVI  A, 1Dh             ;rst 7 mask 5,7
04CA  30                                  SIM                     ; 

04CB  DB 21             MRK_CK1:          IN   PortA              ; 
04CD  E6 10                               ANI  10h                ;run_tp 
04CF  C2 83 04                            JNZ  ERR_STP            ;error stopped? 
04D2  20                                  RIM                     ;read int status 
04D3  E6 40                               ANI  40h                ;mask tape clock 
04D5  CA CB 04                            JZ   MRK_CK1            ; 
04D8  C9                                  RET                     ; 
                        ;read block from tape
                        ;tape is running positioned in gap 
                        ;between header and data
04D9  3E 1B             READBLK:          MVI  A, 1Bh             ;rst 7 mask 5,6
04DB  30                                  SIM                     ; 
                        ;Tape read loop syncronizes to data by waiting for
                        ;rst7.5 interrupt generated by tape read clock.
                        ;Data is shifted into the B reg via interupt.
                        ;The housekeeping code is spread between the HLTs
                        ;to fit the bit time window.
04DC  FB                TAP_RD:           EI                      ;get bit 
04DD  76                                  HLT                     ; 
04DE  E6 80                               ANI  80h                ; 
04E0  CA DC 04                            JZ   TAP_RD             ;wait for sync bit
                        ;sync bit found now assemble bytes
                        ;and write to buffer 
04E3  FB                                  EI                      ;get bit
04E4  76                                  HLT                     ; 
04E5  FB                                  EI                      ; 
04E6  76                                  HLT                     ; 
04E7  FB                                  EI                      ; 
04E8  76                                  HLT                     ; 

04E9  FB                TAP_RD1:          EI                      ; 
04EA  76                                  HLT                     ; 
04EB  FB                                  EI                      ; 
04EC  76                                  HLT                     ; 
04ED  FB                                  EI                      ; 
04EE  76                                  HLT                     ; 
04EF  FB                                  EI                      ; 
04F0  76                                  HLT                     ; 
04F1  FB                                  EI                      ; 
04F2  76                                  HLT                     ; 
04F3  70                                  MOV  M, B               ;save byte
04F4  FB                                  EI                      ;get bit 
04F5  76                                  HLT                     ; 
04F6  0D                                  DCR  C                  ;dec byte count 
04F7  CA 02 05                            JZ   TAP_RD2            ;exit if done 
04FA  FB                                  EI                      ;get bit 
04FB  76                                  HLT                     ; 
04FC  23                                  INX  H                  ;inc pointer 
04FD  FB                                  EI                      ;get bit 
04FE  76                                  HLT                     ; 
04FF  C3 E9 04                            JMP  TAP_RD1            ;loop for 5 more bits

0502  3E 0D             TAP_RD2:          MVI  A, 0Dh             ;mask 5,7
0504  30                                  SIM                     ; 
0505  FB                                  EI                      ; 
0506  C9                                  RET                     ; 
                        ;eot while running fast forward
0507  F1                GOT_EOT:           POP  PSW               ;clean up stack 
                        ;eot while seeking
0508  21 FF 03          AT_EOT:           LXI  H, 03FFh           ;last block num
050B  22 9B 20                            SHLD ID_HDR1            ; 
050E  CD 20 05                            CALL SET_POS            ;make current 
0511  C3 29 03                            JMP  SEEKNX             ;seek target
                        ;bot while running fast reverse
0514  F1                GOT_BOT:          POP  PSW                ;clean up stack 
0515  06 28                               MVI  B, 28h             ;delay count 
0517  CD 04 04                            CALL LNG_DLY            ;delay 
051A  CD 0E 04                            CALL TAP_STP            ;stop tape
051D  C3 80 03                            JMP  TAP_RUN            ;run forward 
                        ;set current block position for drive
0520  2A 9B 20          SET_POS:          LHLD ID_HDR1            ;get tape position 
0523  EB                                  XCHG                    ; 
0524  21 A3 20                            LXI  H, DR0_POS         ;point to drv 0 pos 
0527  3A 0B 20                            LDA  PK_UNIT            ; 
052A  3D                                  DCR  A                  ; 
052B  FA 31 05                            JM   SET_PO1            ; 
052E  21 A5 20                            LXI  H, DR1_POS         ;point to drv 1 pos 

0531  73                SET_PO1:          MOV  M, E               ;save position 
0532  23                                  INX  H                  ; 
0533  72                                  MOV  M, D               ; 
0534  C9                                  RET                     ; 
                        ;calculate chksum for data in buffer
0535  2A A7 20          CALC_CK:          LHLD TRG_BLL            ; 
0538  22 9F 20                            SHLD CHKLO              ; 

053B  11 19 20          CCK_01:           LXI  D, BUFFER          ;point to data 

053E  0E 80             CCK_02:           MVI  C, 80h             ;count  
0540  06 01                               MVI  B, 01h             ;preset B for add_chk

0542  1A                CCK_03:           LDAX D                  ;get byte 
0543  CD 13 02                            CALL ADD_CHK            ;add to chksum 
0546  13                                  INX  D                  ;point next 
0547  0D                                  DCR  C                  ;dec count 
0548  C8                                  RZ                      ;exit if done 
0549  C3 42 05                            JMP  CCK_03             ;loop 
                        ;send continue character
054C  3E 10             SND_CONT:         MVI  A, 10h             ; 
054E  CD 31 02                            CALL OUTCH              ; 
0551  C9                                  RET                     ; 
                        ;read tape block
0552  3E F8             TAP_READ:         MVI  A, 0F8h            ;retry=8 
0554  32 AF 20                            STA  RTRY_CT            ; 

0557  CD A4 02          TAP_NXT:          CALL SEL_DRV            ; 
055A  3A AF 20                            LDA  RTRY_CT            ; 
055D  E6 01                               ANI  01h                ; 
055F  C2 6A 05                            JNZ  TAP_R01            ; 
0562  3A 0A 20                            LDA  PK_MOD             ; 
0565  E6 01                               ANI  01h                ;reduce gain? 
0567  CA 72 05                            JZ   TAP_R02            ; 

056A  3A AE 20          TAP_R01:          LDA  PB_IMG             ;get B bits 
056D  E6 DF                               ANI  0DFh               ;gain reduce=0 
056F  32 AE 20                            STA  PB_IMG             ;put back 

0572  CD 24 03          TAP_R02:          CALL SEEK               ;seek to block 
0575  3E A2                               MVI  A, 0A2h            ;delay count 
0577  CD FB 03                            CALL DELAY              ;delay 
057A  0E 82                               MVI  C, 82h             ;block size 
057C  21 19 20                            LXI  H, BUFFER          ;buffer pointer
057F  CD D9 04                            CALL READBLK            ;read block
0582  CD 35 05                            CALL CALC_CK            ;calc chksum
                        ;check chksum match
0585  2A 9F 20          CK_MATCH:         LHLD CHKLO              ;get calculated sum 
0588  3A 99 20                            LDA  BF_CHKL            ;compare to read sum 
058B  BD                                  CMP  L                  ; 
058C  C2 94 05                            JNZ  CK_BAD             ;error? 
058F  3A 9A 20                            LDA  BF_CHKH            ;same for hi byte 
0592  BC                                  CMP  H                  ; 
0593  C8                                  RZ                      ;exit if good
                        ;chksum was bad
0594  2E 02             CK_BAD:           MVI  L, 02h             ;test point 3 
0596  CD F2 03                            CALL TOG_PC             ;toggle it 
0599  CD 0E 04                            CALL TAP_STP            ;stop tape 
059C  2A 9B 20                            LHLD ID_HDR1            ;get block 
059F  23                                  INX  H                  ;fake next block 
05A0  CD 20 05                            CALL SET_POS            ;backup  
05A3  3A 0C 20                            LDA  PK_SWIT            ;maint switch 
05A6  E6 10                               ANI  10h                ;send bad data 
05A8  C2 BA 05                            JNZ  SND_BAD            ; 
05AB  21 AF 20                            LXI  H, RTRY_CT         ; 
05AE  34                                  INR  M                  ;inc retry count 
05AF  3E 01                               MVI  A, 01h             ;set retry required
05B1  32 B4 20                            STA  SUCCES             ;return code 
05B4  C2 57 05                            JNZ  TAP_NXT            ;out of retries? 
05B7  C3 C2 05                            JMP  ERR_DCK            ;then data chk error
                        ;send bad data to host
05BA  3E 80             SND_BAD:          MVI  A, 80h             ;count 
05BC  32 18 20                            STA  BF_CNT             ;set count 
05BF  CD 64 02                            CALL SND_DATA           ;send data
                        ;data check error
05C2  3E EF             ERR_DCK:          MVI  A, 0EFh            ;data check error 
05C4  C3 75 07                            JMP  SET_SUCC           ; 
                        ;command: write bock(s) 
05C7  CD FA 06          OP_WRITE:         CALL SET_BLK            ;setup block num 

05CA  AF                WR_NEXB:          XRA  A                  ;clear go flag 
05CB  32 A2 20                            STA  FL_GO              ; 
05CE  CD 4C 05                            CALL SND_CONT           ;send continue 
05D1  D5                                  PUSH D                  ; 
05D2  CD 18 03          WR_WAIT:          CALL DRV_RDY            ;cartridge in place? 
05D5  CD F0 00                            CALL CHK_BOOT           ;boot request? 
05D8  3A A2 20                            LDA  FL_GO              ; 
05DB  E6 80                               ANI  80h                ; 
05DD  CA D2 05                            JZ   WR_WAIT            ;loop till go sets
05E0  3A 07 20                            LDA  PK_FLAG            ; 
05E3  FE 01                               CPI  01h                ;did we get a data packet 
05E5  C2 10 00                            JNZ  RST2               ;no then reset 
05E8  D1                                  POP  D                  ; 
                        ;zero fill buffer if not full block
05E9  CD A4 02          Z_FILL:           CALL SEL_DRV            ; 
05EC  E5                                  PUSH H                  ; 
05ED  D5                                  PUSH D                  ; 
05EE  3A 08 20                            LDA  PK_CMDCT           ;get count 
05F1  D6 80                               SUI  80h                ;subtract full count 
05F3  CA 01 06                            JZ   W_SETUP            ;no fill? 
05F6  4F                                  MOV  C, A               ;save count 
05F7  21 98 20                            LXI  H, W_BEND          ;point to buf end 
05FA  AF                                  XRA  A                  ;zero byte 

05FB  77                Z_FIL1:           MOV  M, A               ;put in buffer 
05FC  2B                                  DCX  H                  ;dec pointer 
05FD  0C                                  INR  C                  ;inc count 
05FE  C2 FB 05                            JNZ  Z_FIL1             ;loop 
                        ;setup gap, sync and chksum
0601  CD 35 05          W_SETUP:          CALL CALC_CK            ; 
0604  2A 9F 20                            LHLD CHKLO              ;get checksum 
0607  22 99 20                            SHLD BF_CHKL            ;save in buffer
                        ;write requires 47 zero bits followed
                        ;by a single 1 bit before the data 
060A  21 00 00                            LXI  H, 0000h           ;zero gap 
060D  22 13 20                            SHLD W_GAP1             ; 
0610  22 15 20                            SHLD W_GAP2             ; 
0613  21 00 80                            LXI  H, 8000h           ;single 1 bit
0616  22 17 20                            SHLD W_SYNC             ;set start of record
0619  3A AE 20                            LDA  PB_IMG             ;get port b bits
061C  D3 22                               OUT  PortB              ;set port 
061E  DB 21                               IN   PortA              ;read port a 
0620  E6 01                               ANI  01h                ;write permit 
0622  3E F5                               MVI  A, 0F5h            ;write protect 
0624  C2 75 07                            JNZ  SET_SUCC           ;error exit 
0627  D1                                  POP  D                  ; 
0628  E1                                  POP  H                  ; 
0629  CD 24 03                            CALL SEEK               ;find block
062C  F3                                  DI                      ;
                        ;delay past gap 
062D  3E 0F                               MVI  A, 0Fh             ;delay count
062F  CD FB 03                            CALL DELAY              ;delay
0632  21 13 20                            LXI  H, W_GAP1          ;point to write buf 
0635  06 86                               MVI  B, 86h             ;byte count 
0637  16 8A                               MVI  D, 8Ah             ;byte count+trailer 
                        ;turn on write
0639  3A AE 20                            LDA  PB_IMG             ;get port B bits 
063C  F6 02                               ORI  02h                ;turn on write 
063E  5F                                  MOV  E, A               ; 
063F  E6 BF                               ANI  0BFh               ;erase enable 
0641  D3 22                               OUT  PortB              ;set port 
0643  0E 08                               MVI  C, 08h             ;bit count 
                        ;write loop
0645  3E FF             WR_LOOP:          MVI  A, 0FFh            ;set SOD hi 
0647  30                                  SIM                     ; 
0648  7E                                  MOV  A, M               ;get byte 
0649  0F                                  RRC                     ;shift data to next bit 
064A  77                                  MOV  M, A               ;save shifted byte 
064B  F6 7F                               ORI  7Fh                ;set SOD lo if data=0
064D  30                                  SIM                     ; 
064E  0D                                  DCR  C                  ;dec bit count 
064F  CA 62 06                            JZ   WR_LO02            ; 
0652  05                                  DCR  B                  ;dec byte count 
0653  C2 71 06                            JNZ  WR_LO03            ; 
0656  7B                                  MOV  A, E               ; 
0657  D3 22                               OUT  PortB              ; 
0659  00                                  NOP                     ; 
                        ;byte count=0 so write trailer
065A  3E 7F             WR_LO01:          MVI  A, 7Fh             ;set SOD lo 
065C  30                                  SIM                     ; 
065D  00                                  NOP                     ; 
065E  00                                  NOP                     ; 
065F  C3 45 06                            JMP  WR_LOOP            ; 
                        ;next byte
0662  15                WR_LO02:          DCR  D                  ;dec trailer count 
0663  CA 75 06                            JZ   WR_DONE            ;exit if done 
0666  23                                  INX  H                  ;point to next byte 
0667  3E 7F                               MVI  A, 7Fh             ;SOD lo 
0669  0E 08                               MVI  C, 08h             ;set bit count 
066B  30                                  SIM                     ; 
066C  05                                  DCR  B                  ;dec byte count 
066D  00                                  NOP                     ; 
066E  C3 45 06                            JMP  WR_LOOP            ; 
0671  04                WR_LO03:          INR  B                  ; 
0672  C3 5A 06                            JMP  WR_LO01            ; 
                        ;write done
0675  3A AE 20          WR_DONE:          LDA  PB_IMG             ;get port b bits 
0678  D3 22                               OUT  PortB              ;turn off write 
067A  3E 0D                               MVI  A, 0Dh             ;mask 5,7
067C  30                                  SIM                     ; 
067D  FB                                  EI                      ;enable irq 
067E  CD 0E 04                            CALL TAP_STP            ;stop tape

0681  3E FF                               MVI  A, 0FFh            ;disable retry 
0683  32 AF 20                            STA  RTRY_CT            ; 
0686  CD 85 05                            CALL CK_MATCH           ; 
0689  2A 07 20                            LHLD PK_FLAG            ; 
068C  22 9F 20                            SHLD CHKLO              ; 
068F  CD 3B 05                            CALL CCK_01             ;calc check sum 
0692  2A 05 20                            LHLD CHK_SAV            ;get RSP check 
0695  22 99 20                            SHLD BF_CHKL            ;put in buffer 
0698  CD 85 05                            CALL CK_MATCH           ;match? 
069B  3A 08 20                            LDA  PK_CMDCT           ;get count 
069E  CD EF 06                            CALL ADD_DON            ;add to bytes done
06A1  CD DD 06                            CALL REMAIN             ;dec remaining 
06A4  DA CA 05                            JC   WR_NEXB            ;more to do? 
                        ;zero fill rest of 512 byte block
06A7  3A A9 20                            LDA  CUR_BLK            ;get block
06AA  E6 03                               ANI  03h                ;last tape block? 
06AC  3A 0A 20                            LDA  PK_MOD             ;get mod flag 
06AF  CA C6 06                            JZ   WR_VERF            ; 
06B2  FE 00                               CPI  00h                ; 
06B4  FA C6 06                            JM   WR_VERF            ;verify set?
                        ;zero fill and write next tape block 
06B7  21 00 00                            LXI  H, 0000h           ;zero out count 
06BA  22 07 20                            SHLD PK_FLAG            ;and flags 
06BD  22 AB 20                            SHLD BTYCNT             ; 
06C0  22 05 20                            SHLD CHK_SAV            ; 
06C3  C3 E9 05                            JMP  Z_FILL             ;and write it 
                        ;write verify if flag set
06C6  E6 01             WR_VERF:          ANI  01h                ;read after write
06C8  CA D7 06                            JZ   WR_VER2            ;skip?
06CB  CD FA 06                            CALL SET_BLK            ;reset block number

06CE  CD 52 05          WR_VER1:          CALL TAP_READ           ;read verify 
06D1  CD DD 06                            CALL REMAIN             ;update bytes remaining 
06D4  DA CE 06                            JC   WR_VER1            ;more to go? 

06D7  CD 0E 04          WR_VER2:          CALL TAP_STP            ;stop tape 
06DA  C3 46 07                            JMP  OP_NOOP            ;send response 
                        ; inc block and calc bytes remaining
06DD  2A A9 20          REMAIN:           LHLD CUR_BLK            ;inc cur tape block 
06E0  23                                  INX  H                  ; 
06E1  22 A9 20                            SHLD CUR_BLK            ; 
06E4  2A AB 20                            LHLD BTYCNT             ;get byte count 
06E7  11 80 FF                            LXI  D, 0FF80h          ;subtract block size 
06EA  19                                  DAD  D                  ; 
06EB  22 AB 20                            SHLD BTYCNT             ;save bytes remaining 
06EE  C9                                  RET                     ; 
                        ;add current transfer to total 
06EF  21 03 20          ADD_DON:          LXI  H, BYT_DON         ; 
06F2  86                                  ADD  M                  ; 
06F3  77                                  MOV  M, A               ; 
06F4  23                                  INX  H                  ; 
06F5  7E                                  MOV  A, M               ; 
06F6  CE 00                               ACI  00h                ; 
06F8  77                                  MOV  M, A               ; 
06F9  C9                                  RET                     ; 
                        ;setup count,block and modifyer
06FA  2A 0F 20          SET_BLK:          LHLD PK_CNTL            ;get count 
06FD  2B                                  DCX  H                  ;correct count  
06FE  22 AB 20                            SHLD BTYCNT             ;save count 
0701  2A 11 20                            LHLD PK_BLKL            ;get block num
0704  3A 0A 20                            LDA  PK_MOD             ;get modifyer 
0707  FE 00                               CPI  00h                ;special address 
0709  FA 11 07                            JM   SET_BL1            ;mode?
                        ;not special address mode so
                        ;convert block number to 0-2047 
070C  5D                                  MOV  E, L               ; 
070D  54                                  MOV  D, H               ; 
070E  19                                  DAD  D                  ; 
070F  19                                  DAD  D                  ; 
0710  19                                  DAD  D                  ; 

0711  3E F8             SET_BL1:          MVI  A, 0F8h            ;range check 
0713  A4                                  ANA  H                  ; 
0714  3E C9                               MVI  A, 0C9h            ;bad block number 
0716  C2 75 07                            JNZ  SET_SUCC           ;error exit 
0719  22 A9 20                            SHLD CUR_BLK            ;set block number 
071C  C9                                  RET                     ; 
                        ;command: read block (s)
071D  CD FA 06          OP_READ:          CALL SET_BLK            ;setup starting block 

0720  CD 52 05          OP_RD1:           CALL TAP_READ           ;read block 
0723  CD DD 06                            CALL REMAIN             ;calc bytes remaining 
0726  D2 37 07                            JNC  OP_RD2             ;jmp if not 128 bytes
                        ;128 byte transfer
0729  3E 80                               MVI  A, 80h             ;count 
072B  32 18 20                            STA  BF_CNT             ;set count 
072E  CD EF 06                            CALL ADD_DON            ; 
0731  CD 64 02                            CALL SND_DATA           ;send to host 
0734  C3 20 07                            JMP  OP_RD1             ;loop
                        ;less than 128 bytes left
0737  CD 0E 04          OP_RD2:           CALL TAP_STP            ; 
073A  7D                                  MOV  A, L               ; 
073B  C6 81                               ADI  81h                ; 
073D  32 18 20                            STA  BF_CNT             ;set count 
0740  CD EF 06                            CALL ADD_DON            ; 
0743  CD 64 02                            CALL SND_DATA           ;send to host
                        ;fall through to send response packet 
                        ;command: no operation
                        ;format and return response packet
0746  21 02 0A          OP_NOOP:          LXI  H, 0A02h           ;flag+count 
0749  22 07 20                            SHLD PK_FLAG            ; 
074C  3E 40                               MVI  A, 40h             ;end packet 
074E  32 09 20                            STA  PK_OPCD            ; 
0751  3A B4 20                            LDA  SUCCES             ; 
0754  32 0A 20                            STA  PK_SUCC            ;success code
0757  AF                                  XRA  A                  ; 
0758  32 11 20                            STA  PK_SUMSL           ;summary status 
075B  3A B5 20                            LDA  SUMST              ; 
075E  32 12 20                            STA  PK_SUMSH           ;summary status 
0761  2A 03 20                            LHLD BYT_DON            ; 
0764  22 0F 20                            SHLD PK_CNTL            ;actual count 
0767  06 05                               MVI  B, 05h             ;delay count 
0769  CD 04 04                            CALL LNG_DLY            ;delay 
076C  21 08 20                            LXI  H, PK_CMDCT        ;point to packet 
076F  CD 6A 02                            CALL SND_RESP           ;send it 
0772  C3 91 00                            JMP  IDLE_LOOP          ; 
                        ;set error in summary status and success code
                        ;fall through to init and return packet (OP_NOOP)
0775  32 B4 20          SET_SUCC:         STA  SUCCES             ; 
0778  3E 80                               MVI  A, 80h             ;error bit
077A  32 B5 20                            STA  SUMST              ;
077D  31 FF 20                            LXI  SP, STACK          ;reset stack 
                        ;command: initialize
0780  CD 4D 00          OP_INIT:          CALL CLR_STATE          ;reset protocol 
0783  C3 46 07                            JMP  OP_NOOP            ;send response 
                        ;command: get status
0786  3A 0A 20          OP_GETST:         LDA  PK_MOD             ; 
0789  E6 80                               ANI  80h                ; 
078B  CA 46 07                            JZ   OP_NOOP            ;send response 
078E  3A AD 20                            LDA  CASS_IN            ; 
0791  E6 0C                               ANI  0Ch                ; 
0793  0F                                  RRC                     ; 
0794  32 B5 20                            STA  SUMST              ; 
0797  C3 46 07                            JMP  OP_NOOP            ;send response 
                        ;Self test
079A  3E 01             SLF_TEST:         MVI  A, 01h             ;set boot 
079C  D3 23                               OUT  PortC              ; 
079E  AF                                  XRA  A                  ;clear result code 
079F  32 B4 20                            STA  SUCCES             ; 
07A2  06 C8                               MVI  B, 0C8h            ;delay count
07A4  CD 04 04                            CALL LNG_DLY            ;kill time 
                        ;Test ROM
07A7  21 00 00                            LXI  H, 0000h           ;point to ROM 
07AA  22 9F 20                            SHLD CHKLO              ; 
07AD  EB                                  XCHG                    ; 

07AE  CD 3E 05          TST_01:           CALL CCK_02             ;calc sum for 256 bytes
07B1  3E 08                               MVI  A, 08h             ;number of blocks 
07B3  BA                                  CMP  D                  ; 
07B4  C2 AE 07                            JNZ  TST_01             ;loop if not done 
07B7  2A 9F 20                            LHLD CHKLO              ;get checksum 
07BA  2C                                  INR  L                  ;inc 
07BB  C2 E5 07                            JNZ  TST_04             ;not zero=error 
07BE  24                                  INR  H                  ;inc 
07BF  C2 E5 07                            JNZ  TST_04             ;not zero=error 
                        ;Test RAM
07C2  21 10 20                            LXI  H, PK_CNTH         ;point to ram 
07C5  75                TST_02:           MOV  M, L               ;write to RAM 
07C6  2C                                  INR  L                  ;next 
07C7  3E F0                               MVI  A, 0F0h            ;end count 
07C9  BD                                  CMP  L                  ;at end? 
07CA  C2 C5 07                            JNZ  TST_02             ;loop if not 

07CD  2D                TST_03:           DCR  L                  ;point to previous 
07CE  7E                                  MOV  A, M               ;get RAM 
07CF  BD                                  CMP  L                  ;pattern match? 
07D0  C2 E5 07                            JNZ  TST_04             ;RAM error 
07D3  FE 10                               CPI  10h                ;end of test? 
07D5  C2 CD 07                            JNZ  TST_03             ;loop if not
                        ;Reset IO 
07D8  CD 57 00                            CALL SETRG1             ; 
07DB  3E 05                               MVI  A, 05h             ; 
07DD  D3 23                               OUT  PortC              ; 
07DF  AF                                  XRA  A                  ; 
07E0  67                                  MOV  H, A               ; 
07E1  6F                                  MOV  L, A               ; 
07E2  C3 E8 07                            JMP  TST_05             ; 

07E5  21 FF 80          TST_04:           LXI  H, 80FFh           ;failled self test 

07E8  22 B4 20          TST_05:           SHLD SUCCES             ;set result 
07EB  C9                                  RET                     ; 
                        ;command: diagnostics
07EC  CD 9A 07          OP_DIAG:          CALL SLF_TEST           ; 
07EF  C3 46 07                            JMP  OP_NOOP            ;send response 
                        ;ROM check sum
                        ;the following bytes should be calculated
                        ;so the sum of all the ROM bytes is $FFFF
07F2  CD                                  DB   0CDh               ;
07F3  79                                  DB   79h                ;

07F4  00                                  DB   00h                ;
07F5  00                                  DB   00h                ;
07F6  00                                  DB   00h                ;
07F7  00                                  DB   00h                ;
07F8  00                                  DB   00h                ;
07F9  00                                  DB   00h                ;
07FA  00                                  DB   00h                ;
07FB  00                                  DB   00h                ;
07FC  00                                  DB   00h                ;
07FD  00                                  DB   00h                ;
07FE  00                                  DB   00h                ;
07FF  00                                  DB   00h                ;
