
Subj:	Remember it's a prelim.  spec.  The phys. channel has yet to be added.

         Title:  Computer Interconnect Specification


         Date:  15-NOV-81

         Authors:  D. Thompson
                   J. Buzynski
                   J. Hutchison

                   R. Casabona
                   R. Giggi
                   R. Stewart
                   W. Strecker

         Abstract:  This document describes and specifies the implementation
                    independent  functional characteristics  of the Computer
                    Interconnect (CI) and its system interfaces.

         Revision History:

         Rev #   Description             Authors            Date

          1      Draft                   Thompson,          1-MAY-81

          2      Add priority queued     Thompson,         15-NOV-81
                 model, misc. changes.   Hutchison
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                    Page 2

           1.0     SCOPE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
           2.0     NOTATIONAL CONVENTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
           3.0     INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
           4.0     GLOSSARY OF TERMS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
           5.0     REFERENCE DOCUMENTS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
           5.1       CI Design Memoranda  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
           5.2       Port Architecture And Implementation 
                     Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
           5.3       Higher Level Protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
           5.4       CI Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
           5.4.1       CI Node Tester . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
           5.4.2       CI Network Exerciser . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
           6.0     OVERVIEW OF THE CI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
           7.0     ARCHITECTURAL LAYERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
           7.1       Port Layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
           7.2       Data Link Layer  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
           7.3       Physical Channel Layer . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
           8.0     PORT SPECIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
           8.1       Path Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
           8.2       Sequentiality And Priority . . . . . . . . . . .  28
           8.3       Datagrams  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
           8.4       Virtual Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30
           8.5       Datagrams (General-purpose)  . . . . . . . . . .  32
           8.6       Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
           8.7       Data Transfers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  34
           8.7.1       Writing Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  36
           8.7.2       Reading Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  39
           8.8       Configuration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  44
           8.9       Diagnostic And Booting (Maintenance) Operations   48
           8.9.1       Loopback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  48
           8.9.2       Resetting Remote Systems . . . . . . . . . . .  50
           8.9.3       Writing Remote System Memories . . . . . . . .  52
           8.9.4       Reading Remote System Memories . . . . . . . .  55
           8.9.5       Starting Remote Systems  . . . . . . . . . . .  59
           8.10      Maintenance/Configuration Datagram Service . . .  61
           8.11      Unrecognized Packets . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  62
           8.12      Port Performance Counters  . . . . . . . . . . .  62
           9.0     CI INTERFACE AND SYSTEM STATE  . . . . . . . . . .  63
           10.0    DATA LINK SPECIFICATION  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  70
           10.1      Packetization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  70
           10.1.1      Framing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  71
       Character Sync . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  71
       Packet Length/Type . . . . . . . . . . . . .  72
           10.1.2      Addressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  73
           10.1.3      Packet Integrity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  74
           10.2      Channel Control  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  75
           10.2.1      Arbitration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  75
           10.2.2      Acknowledgement And Retransmission . . . . . .  77
           10.2.3      Data Link Performance Counters . . . . . . . .  79
           10.3      Data Link Structured Specification . . . . . . .  80
           10.3.1      Global Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  80
           10.3.2      Transmitter  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  82
           10.3.3      Receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  86
           11.0    PHYSICAL CHANNEL SPECIFICATION . . . . . . . . . .  88
           11.1      Channel Character  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  88
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                    Page 3

           11.2      Isolation Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  88
           11.3      Bit Transmission And Reception . . . . . . . . .  89
           11.3.1      Encoding And Decoding  . . . . . . . . . . . .  89
           11.3.2      Packet Format  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  90
           11.3.3      Bit Synchronization  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  90
           11.3.4      Trailer  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  91
           11.4      Carrier Detection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  91
           11.5      Media -- Cables And Couplers . . . . . . . . . .  91
           11.6      Input/Output Signal Level Specification  . . . .  91
           11.6.1      Driver Power Output Specification  . . . . . .  91
           11.6.2      Receiver Input Power Specification . . . . . .  92
           11.7      Input/Output Signal Timing Specification . . . .  92
           11.7.1      Driver Output Signal Timing  . . . . . . . . .  93
           11.7.2      Receiver Input Signal Timing . . . . . . . . .  93
           12.0    CONFIGURATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  95
           12.1      Physical Topologies  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  95
           12.2      Installation Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  95
           12.2.1      Installation Rules For Signal Cables And 
                       Couplers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  95
           12.2.2      Power, Grounding And Site Preparation For 
                       Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  96
       Primary Power Distribution:  . . . . . . . .  97
           12.3      Addressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  97
           12.4      Installation Of A New Node Onto An Operational 
                     Cluster  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  98
           12.5      Bus Maintenance And Temporary Configurations.  .  98
           12.5.1      On-Line Maintenance Procedures . . . . . . . .  98
           12.5.2      Use Of Extender Cards  . . . . . . . . . . . .  99
           12.6      Allowed Configuration Exceptions . . . . . . . .  99
           12.7      Mechanical Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . 100



           B.0.1     Locally-Loaded System  . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1
           B.0.2     Remotely-Loaded System . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-2
           B.0.3     A Booting Example -- 11/780  . . . . . . . . . . B-4



           D.0.1     Implementation Functionality Field . . . . . . . D-1
           D.0.2     Implementation Functionality Summary . . . . . . D-2


         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                    Page 4


           F.1     TABLE OF CONTENTS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-2
           F.2     REFERENCE DOCUMENTS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-4
           F.3     GENERAL  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-5
           F.4     FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-6
           F.5     LINK INTERFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-18
           F.6     MECHANICAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-41
           F.7     APPENDIX A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-42
           F.8     APPENDIX B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-43
           F.9     APPENDIX C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-44


           G.0.1     Revision 1 To 2  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-1
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                      Page 5

         1.0  SCOPE

              This document comprises the functional specification  of  the
         Computer  Interconnect  (CI).  Included are the system-independent
         electrical and mechanical characteristics and  the  specifications
         of the data link and controller protocols.

              The higher level protocols for system intercommunication used
         with  the  CI  are  not specified since many such protocols may be
         accommodated on a single CI connected system.

              Also not specified are the implementation-specific details of
         the    various    interface   (port)   architecture   and   option


              All  numbers  are   decimal   unless   otherwise   specified.
         Hexadecimal numbers are noted by a suffix of "(hex)", for example,
         1A(hex).  All packets (sometimes called  "frames")  are  shown  as
         composed  of  8-bit  bytes  (sometimes  called  "octets").   Least
         significant bytes are shown at the top of  the  diagram  (numbered
         lowest).  Bits of a byte are numbered from right to left (bit 0 on
         right), with the rightmost bit the least significant.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                      Page 6

         3.0  INTRODUCTION

              The  Computer  Interconnect  (CI)  is  an  interconnect   for
         intercomputer communication.  A computer is defined (minimally) as
         a memory-processor pair where the processor may be  a  central  or
         I/O   processor.    The   need  for  an  efficient,  cross-product
         compatible, general-purpose intercomputer communication link comes
         from several sources:

             1.  "Intelligent"  I/O  systems  with  significant   computing
                 capability   used   for   diagnostics,  error  correction,
                 transfer control, etc.

             2.  High availability  systems  structured  as  a  network  of
                 closely coupled computers, each with their own independent
                 memory and operating systems.

             3.  Load sharing systems, where a number  of  closely  coupled
                 computers share, say, a common file system.

         An example of a CI coupled cluster is shown below in Fig.  3-1:

                    |                       |                       |
                    |                       |                       |
                 +-----+                 +-----+                 +-----+
                 | Ici |                 | Ici |                 | Ici |
                 +-----+                 +-----+                 +-----+
         +-----+    |           +-----+     |           +-----+     |
         |     |    |           |     |     |           |     |     |
         | Pio |-----------     | Pc  |------------     | Pc  |-----------
         +-----+ |         |    +-----+  |              +-----+  |
                 |         |             |                       |
         +----------+   +-----+        +------+                +------+
         |          |   |     |        |      |                |      |
         | M(buffer)|   | Ms  |        |  Mp  |                |  Mp  |
         +----------+   +-----+        +------+                +------+

                 Ici --> CI Interface (Port)
                 Pc --> Central Processor  (e.g. VAX-11, PDP-10/20, PDP-11)
                 Pio --> I/O Processor (e.g. HSC50)
                 Mp -->  Primary memory
                 M(buffer) --> I/O system buffer memory
                 Ms --> Mass storage

                         Fig. 3-1:  Typical CI-Coupled Cluster

         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                      Page 7

         The primary characteristics of the CI are as follows:

              o  Data Bandwidth:  70 Megabits/second raw bus bit rate  (per

              o  Topology:  Logically multi-dropped, Physically radial

              o  Maximum number of nodes:  16 with "passive hub", 224  with
                 "active exchange"

              o  Maximum distance between  nodes:   90  meters,  all  nodes
                 maximum of 45 meters from central point.

              o  Medium:  2 coaxial cables  (per  each  of  two  channels),
                 serial data transmission.

              o  Channel  Access  Control:   Carrier-Sense,   Multi-access,
                 Round-robin   slotted   arbitration.   Reserved  immediate

              o  Data Format:  Packets, 7  to  4100  bytes  (excluding  bit
                 synch, header and trailer).

              o  High-Availability:     Dual-Path    access     with     no
                 single-component failure of both paths.

              o  Intercabinet Isolation:   Transformer  coupling  (high  DC

              o  Communication  mechanisms:   Variable  length  buffer   to
                 buffer transfers, messages, datagrams.

         Some of the primary non-characteristics of the CI are:

              o  Security:  There is no protection against malicious  users
                 in the areas covered by this specification.

              This    specification    consists    primarily     of     the
         implementation-independent     architectural     and    electrical
         characteristics of the CI.  However, implementation  is  described
         where   it  is  deemed  to  be  the  most  appropriate  manner  of
         specification.  Additionally, implementation examples are given in
         some sections to increase clarity and ease of understanding.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                      Page 8

         4.0  GLOSSARY OF TERMS

         1.  Port Address - 8-bit addressing number on the CI.   Each  port
             address  is  unique  on  a  CI.   May  be part of higher level
             addresses.  A system may have  multiple  ports  and  therefore
             multiple port addresses.

         2.  Path - Logical and Physical  connection  of  Data  Links  over
             which packets may be transmitted and received.

         3.  Port - Interface of a system or node to a CI.  May be a single
             or a dual path interface.

         4.  Host Computer - A computer system, nominally a  processor  and
             memory,  with  or  without other components.  In this context,
             systems are the "host" system connected to the CI via a port.

         5.  System - A host computer and its port(s).

         6.  Node - Same as a system (used interchangeably).

         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                      Page 9


         The following is a list of CI related documents:

         5.1  CI Design Memoranda

         1.  Strecker, W., "ICCS  Arbitration",  Internal  DEC  Memorandum,
             (November, 1979).

         2.  Casabona,   R.    and   Thompson,   D.,   "ICCS   Architecture
             Specification",   DEC   Specification,  AUG  79  (Original  CI

         3.  Thompson, D., "Preliminary Results of ICCS Arbitration Study",
             Internal DEC Memorandum, FEB 80.

         5.2  Port Architecture And Implementation Specifications

         1.  Strecker, W.  and Thompson, D., "VAX-11 CI  Port  Architecture
             Specification", DEC Specification, MAR 80.

         2.  Carrafiello,  M.,  "CI  780  Functional  Specification",   DEC
             Specification, FEB 81.

         3.  Dossa, Don, "LCG CI Port/Port  Interface  Specification",  DEC
             Specification, AUG 81.

         4.  Documentation on HSC 50 CI architecture and interface  (to  be
             supplied), target date unknown.

         5.3  Higher Level Protocols

         1.  Strecker,  W.,  "Systems  Communication   Architecture",   DEC
             Specification, JAN 81.

         2.  Kronenberg,  Nancy,  "VMS   Systems   Communication   Services
             Specification", DEC Specification, AUG 81.

         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 10

         5.4  CI Diagnostics

         1.  Sarni, John.  "CI Diagnostic Strategy", DEC Memorandum, JAN 82
             (target date).

         5.4.1  CI Node Tester -

         1.  Heller, Liz  and  Giggi,  Bob.   "CI  Node  Tester  Functional
             Specification", DEC Specification, 4 MAR 81.

         2.  Hennesey, Rich.  "CINT Control Software Design Specification",
             DEC Specification, AUG 81.

         3.  Klumpp,   Jim.    "CINT    Responder    Software    Functional
             Specification", DEC Specificaton, MAR 82 (target date).

         5.4.2  CI Network Exerciser -

         1.  McMillen, Dave.  "CI Network Test Protocol Specification".   1
             MAY 81 (target date).

         2.  Roemer,  Fred.   "CI  Exerciser  Design  Specification",   DEC
             Specification, SEP 81.

         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 11

         6.0  OVERVIEW OF THE CI

              The  CI  is  a  logically   multi-dropped   "computer   room"
         interconnect    for   building   "closely-coupled"   multicomputer
         clusters, where computers may be central processors  or  dedicated
         I/O or special purpose sytems.

              CI nodes usually  have  dual  paths  for  high  availability.
         However,  both  paths  are  regarded as parts of a single CI.  All
         dual-path interfaces, or "ports", must be  designed  such  that  a
         "very  low"  probability  exists  that a failure will incapacitate
         both paths with respect to communication between  other  pairs  of
         nodes.   Rather  than  specify the actual probability, it has been
         defined that low probability means that the failure of any  single
         component  of  the  node  (at  any  level)  may not simultaneously
         preclude cluster communication on  both  paths.   Such  a  failure
         within  a  node  may, however, preclude it from communicating with
         any other node.

              Single path CI nodes are required to be connected to path  0.
         This  ensures  that  all nodes on a CI may communicate at least on
         path 0 (under error-free conditions).

              A logical diagram of a CI cluster is shown  below  in  Figure

                                                        CI PATH 1
              |          |                            CI PATH 0  |
              |     |    |    |         |                   |    |        
              |     |    |    |         |                   |    | 
           +---------+  +--------+  +--------+            +---------+
           | Port 0  |  | Port 1 |  | Port 2 |            | Port 3  |
           |---------|  |--------|  |--------|            |---------|
           |         |  |        |  |        |            |         |
           |Computer |  |Computer|  |Computer|            |Computer |
           +---------+  +--------+  +--------+            +---------+

                           Fig. 6-1:  Single and Dual Path Ports

              The  physical  implementation  of  the   CI   is   a   radial
         configuration,  with  a  central  hub coupler.  The hub coupler is
         used for  increased  electrical  reliability.   Additionally,  the
         "star"  type  configuration  is  efficient  with  respect to cable
         lengths in a "computer room" environment.

              The type of hub determines the maximum number of nodes.   For
         up  to 16 nodes, a "passive" transformer-coupled hub is used.  For
         extended distance connection of only two nodes, a special  coupler
         may be provided in the future.  It will also be possible to use an
         active "exchange"  hub  for  up  to  224  nodes  to  increase  the
         available  cluster  bandwidth  (by allowing multiple, simultaneous
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 12

         transfers between node pairs).  Special restrictions are likely to
         be imposed in such configurations.

              An example of a configuration using the  16-node  coupler  is
         shown  below  in  Fig.  6-2.  More information in this area can be
         found in the Configuration section.

              The bus is multi-access with no single node performing a  bus
         master  function.   As  a result, the removal of any node from the
         bus does not preclude continued communication  between  the  other
         nodes.   Such  removal can be accomplished on-line, that is, while
         the other nodes of the cluster continue to communicate.

              Three major types of communication mechanisms are  supported.
         Datagrams,  the simplest, provide "best-effort" delivery of single
         data blocks from one node to the next.  Messages  provide  a  more
         reliable transfer of similar data blocks using "virtual circuits".
         Virtual-circuit controlled delivery is sequential, non-duplicated,
         and error-free.

              The block data transfer service (DMA) is used to  move  large
         blocks  of  buffer  data.   Large blocks are divided into multiple
         sub-blocks and non-atomically transferred.  The data service  also
         uses  virtual  circuits and is therefore guaranteed sequential and

              The CI is packet-oriented.  Packets are integral  numbers  of
         bytes  from 8 to 4100 bytes in length (excluding bit synch, header
         and trailer).  Transmission is  Manchester-encoded  serial  at  70

              The physical interconnect consists of two coaxial cables  per
         path  (one  for transmit, one for receive).  The cable connections
         are  transformer  coupled  on  the   interface   card   for   high
         inter-cabinet isolation.  The central hub is an impedance-matching
         coupler for reducing reflections and increasing  immunity  between
         individual node connections.  Dual-path clusters have two separate
         hubs with each system connected to each hub  by  two  cables  (one
         transmit, one receive per hub).

              Addressing is on a per node basis, with each node having  one
         address that is unique on the particular CI.

              Packets are framed by a special start character  and  a  byte
         count  carried  in  the  packet header.  A 32-bit CRC character is
         attached at the end of the packet for  detection  of  transmission

              The bus is multi-access with equal  priority  for  all  nodes
         (time averaged).  The arbitration method is distributed and uses a
         slotted,  dual-priority,  round-robin   algorithm   with   carrier
         detection.   Any  collisions  are detected by the packet integrity
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 13

                 |           |-----------------+
                 | SYSTEM 0  |                 |
                 |           |                 |
                 |           |                 |
                 |           |----------------------------+
                 +-----------+                 |          |
                                               |          |
                                             +-----+      |
                 +-----------+               | HUB |      |
                 |           |---------------|  0  |      |
                 | SYSTEM 1  |               |     |      |
                 |           |               +-----+   +-----+
                 |           |                 | |     |     |
                 |           |-------------------------| HUB |
                 +-----------+                 | |     |  1  |
                                               | |     +-----+
                                               | |        |
                 +-----------+                 | |        |
                 |           |                 | |        |
                 | SYSTEM 2  |                 | |        |
                 |           |-----------------+ |        |
                 |           |                   |        |
                 |           |                   |        |
                 +-----------+                   |        |
                                                 |        |
                                                 |        |
                 +-----------+                   |        |
                 |           |-------------------+        |
                 | SYSTEM 3  |                            |
                 |           |                            |
                 |           |                            |
                 |           |----------------------------+

                 Figure 6-2:  Dual-path, Hub-coupled (passive)
                                 CI Cluster (16 nodes maximum)

              Acknowledgement of packets is immediate, that is, bus time is
         reserved  immediately  after  each packet for the receiver to send
         back an acknowledgement.  The  type  of  acknowledgement  returned
         depends  on  the  result of the transmission.  If any error in the
         packet  was  detected,  no  acknowledgement  is   sent   and   the
         transmitter  detects  the  problem via timeout.  If the packet was
         correctly received and buffered (at least  in  the  interface),  a
         positive acknowledgement (in the form of a special packet) is sent
         to the original packet source node.  If the packet is correct  but
         the  interface  is unable to buffer it, a negative acknowledgement
         is returned.  Retransmission occurs in any  case  except  positive
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 14

         acknowledgement, following a defined algorithm.  The limits on the
         algorithm are designed such that if failure  is  detected  at  the
         limits,  it  is  very  likely  that a "hard" failure has occurred.
         Note that that certain transient "errors" can occur  in  correctly
         operating   clusters   due   to   congestion.   These  errors  are
         effectively handled by the retry mechanisms.

              A  CI  interface,  generally  referred  to  as  a  Port,   is
         conceptualized as an intelligent controller designed to reduce the
         load on the host processor for intercomputer  communication.   The
         functionality  of  the interface is defined with respect to the CI
         by this specification and on the host side by  the  implementation
         port architecture and hardware specifications.

              The Port consists of three functional components.  These  are
         the  Port Processor, Packet Buffer, and Link/Front End as shown in
         Fig.  6-3.  The Port Processor interfaces to the host  memory  and
         controls  the  Link  and  Packet  buffers.   The Port Processor is
         responsible for data mapping, address translation, buffer loading,
         packet  interpretation,  and  control of the host interconnect and
         Link.  The Packet Buffer is a temporary storage interface  between
         the  Link  and  the Port Processor.  It is not imperative that the
         buffer actually exist.  Rather, it is  a  "virtual  buffer".   The
         concept  of  buffer  "fullness"  is  represented  by the temporary
         inability of the interface to accept the data from the bus at  the
         bus rate.  For example, the buffer might actually be a small FIFO.
         If an implementation does not fully buffer  packets,  it  must  be
         highly  likely that the data can be accepted for the entire packet
         at the bus rate.  Cluster bandwidth could be  greatly  reduced  by
         ports  that  lost  a  high  percentage  of  packets  due to buffer

              The Link is responsible for the implementation of most of the
         data  link  protocol  and  moving  the data between the CI and the
         Packet Buffer.  The Front End performs the bit level operations of
         bit encoding/decoding and carrier detection.

               +--------------+   +-----------+   +-----------+    CI
               |              |   |           |   |           |
           H --|     PORT     |   |   PACKET  |   |  LINK/    |-- PATH 0
           O   |   PROCESSOR  |---|  BUFFERS  |---| FRONT END |
           S   |              |---|           |---|           |
           T --|              |   |           |   |           |-- PATH 1
               |              |   |           |   |           |
               +--------------+   +-----------+   +-----------+

                   Fig. 6-3:  CI INTERFACE FUNCTIONAL COMPONENTS

         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 15


              The CI is architecturally specified  as  three  layers.   The
         bottom  layer,  the  Physical  Channel, describes the transmission
         medium, bit encoding/decoding  and  carrier  detection  functions.
         The middle layer, the Data Link, encompasses the functions of data
         packetization and channel  control.   The  top  layer,  the  Port,
         describes  the protocols used between ports to provide the highest
         level communication mechanisms.  The interface of the Port to  the
         next  highest  layer  is  implementation  dependent and beyond the
         scope  of  this  document.   This  necessitates  overlap  of  this
         specification  with  the various port architecture specifications,
         which do, in fact, specify this interface.

              It  is  intended  that  the  specification  of  the  internal
         function  of  each  layer  be independent of the other layers such
         that  implementation  changes  within  a  layer  are   effectively
         isolated.    In   practice,   however,   it   is  recognized  that
         hardware/firmware/software  tradeoffs  may  not  dictate  such   a
         separation.  Ideally, information used in one layer is ignored and
         untouched by all the lower layers  through  which  it  is  passed.
         Information  used  by  a layer is "peeled" off before passing to a
         higher layer.  The  exceptions  to  this  are  in  addressing  and
         framing.   Framing  at the Port level is implicit in the Data Link
         framing.  Addressing information is also used  by  both  the  Data
         Link and Port levels.

              These  three  layers  correspond  to   a   portion   of   the
         four-layered   System   Communication   Architecture  (SCA).   The
         Physical Interconnect layer of  the  SCA  is  implemented  in  the
         Physical  Channel  and Data Link layers of the CI.  The Port layer
         of the CI corresponds to the Port portion of the Port/Port  Driver
         (PPD)  layer  of  the SCA.  Note that the implementation dependent
         interface between the Port and Port Driver is shown with a  broken
         line,  since  it is not included in this specification.  Fig.  7-1
         shows the correspondence of the architectural layers.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 16

                     SCA                                 CI
           3. I/O Applications (SYSAP)   |
           2. System Communications      |
              Services (SCS)             |
           1. Port/Port Driver (PPD)     +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
                                         |  1a. Port
                                         |  0b. Data Link
           0. Physical Interconnect (PI) +-------------------------------
                                         |  0a. Physical Channel

                     Fig. 7-1:  SCA and CI Architectural Layers

         7.1  Port Layer

              The Port layer provides  three  main  communication  services
         over the CI:  Datagram, Message and DMA.

              The Datagram service provides delivery of a single packet  to
         a  single  remote  destination on a best-effort basis.  The packet
         may be variable size up to 4089 bytes (text length).   The  actual
         maximum  size  may  be limited by prior agreement between nodes to
         less than that.  However, all nodes must  accept  datagrams  of  a
         minimum of 58 bytes in length (text).

              A  datagram  will  be  discarded  if  buffering  for  it   is
         unavailable  in  the  receiving  node.   No  provision is made for
         notifying the sender of the loss.  However,  provisions  do  exist
         for  counting  discards  at  the receiver.  Higher-level protocols
         using the datagram service must accomodate its characteristics.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 17

              The  Message  service  provides  a  sequential,   error-free,
         delivery  service  via  node-to-node independent virtual circuits.
         The virtual circuit state is maintained in each node on a per-port
         basis for all active ports.  The circuit state consists of one bit
         indicating that the circuit is open (on) or closed (off)  and  two
         single-bit  sequence numbers, one for transmitting message packets
         and one for receiving message packets.  Before a  message  can  be
         successfully  sent  from  one  node  to another, the corresponding
         sending and receiving sequence  numbers  must  be  equal  and  the
         circuits opened.  This is accomplished via higher-level protocols,
         an example of which is the System Communication  Services  of  the
         System  Communication  Architecture.   The specification of such a
         protocol is beyond the scope of this document.

              The Message mechanism is only to be used for "trustworthy" or
         highly  predictable communications since errors of any type result
         in circuit closure (requiring reinitialization).

              The  Block  Data  transfer  mechanism  provides  a  reliable,
         multiple-packet  transfer service for moving blocks of data from a
         buffer in one node to a buffer in another  node.   This  mechanism
         uses  the  same  port-to-port  virtual circuits used for Messages.
         This  guarantees  sequential,  non-duplicated   transfers.    Data
         transfers  can be accomplished in both directions, namely a "read"
         or "write" with respect to one of  the  nodes.   The  buffers  are
         named  and  the  name  must  be  passed  in  prior agreement via a
         higher-level protocol.  Such a protocol is  beyond  the  scope  of
         this  document.   Note that any errors in the Data transfers close
         the   virtual   circuit,   disabling   both   data   and   message

              Maintenance and Configuration services are also provided  for
         establishing  system  configuration/state,  booting  and aiding in
         diagnosis of ailing  nodes.   These  mechanisms  provide  datagram
         class service.

              Path selection is  necessary  in  dual-path  clusters.   This
         function  is seen as a port layer function primarily because it is
         legitimate for data link transfers to simultaneously occur on both
         paths (with certain restrictions).  The port layer has the duty of
         multiplexing packets between paths.  The path is normally selected
         on  a  random, equal-priority basis to balance the load.  However,
         nodes may elect to use a  particular  path  for  reasons  of  path
         verification or communication with single-path nodes.

              A node does not necessarily have to support  the  ability  to
         simultaneously use both paths (for transmission or reception).  An
         example of a minimal implementation of a dual-path interface using
         a  considerable  amount  of  shared  hardware  is discussed in the
         Minimal Implementation appendix.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 18

         7.2  Data Link Layer

              The Data Link layer provides the port with reliable  delivery
         of  single  packets  across  the  Physical  Channel.   It performs
         packetization of blocks of data and channel access/control.

              Packetization includes  framing,  addressing,  and  integrity
         checking.  Framing is accomplished by marking the beginning of the
         packet with a  special  "start-of-header"  character,  called  the
         character  sync.   The end of the packet is determined by a packet
         length, which is included in the packet  and  immediately  follows
         the character sync.

              Addressing is accomplished by  following  the  packet  length
         with  destination  address.  The address is the node number.  Each
         node has one address which is unique on the particular CI to which
         it is connected.  A second copy of the destination address is sent
         in complemented form to  increase  the  reliability  and  preclude
         single  component  failure sources.  The source address is carried
         to allow the destination port to return acknowledgement.

              The integrity of the packet is checked by carrying  a  32-bit
         Cyclical Redundancy Check (CRC) Character.  The CRC computation is
         performed in the sending interface and the result is  appended  to
         the  packet.   Upon  receipt  of  the  packet,  the computation is
         repeated and the result checked against the value  sent  with  the
         packet.   If  the comparison is true, the probability is high that
         the packet was, in fact, correctly received.

              Channel  access  and   control   consists   of   arbitration,
         acknowledgement and retransmission (if necessary).

              Arbitration uses  a  slotted,  round-robin  priority  scheme.
         Node  priority  is  changed  on  a round-robin basis such that all
         nodes have equal avcerage priority.  The "slot"  is  the  discrete
         time   interval   required  under  worst  case  configurations  to
         synchronize all nodes.  The slot is non-zero due  to  bus  delays.
         Carrier sense is used to determine when transmission should begin,
         with each node waiting a unique number of  slots  in  a  saturated

              A node receiving a packet must  immediately  acknowledge  the
         receipt.   Immediately  following  the transmission of a packet on
         the bus, all nodes wishing to transmit must wait  a  minimum  time
         for  the  packet  destination  node  to  return an acknowledgement

              The nature of the acknowledgement is dependent on the results
         of  the transmission.  If the packet was not successfully received
         due to collision, bus error or busy receiver (on other path),  the
         packet  is  not acknowledged The transmitting node detects this by
         timing out on acknowledgement receipt (NO_RSP).  If the packet was
         successfully  received  and  buffered in the interface, a positive
         acknowledgement (ACK) packet  is  returned.   If  the  packet  was
         correctly  received  but  the interface was unable to buffer it, a
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 19

         negative acknowledgement (NAK) is returned.

              In the case of transmission failure (NO_RSP/NAK), the sending
         node  makes an equal probability decision to immediately arbitrate
         and transmit or wait a delay.  If delayed, the  same  decision  is
         made  at  the  end  of  the  delay period.  This is repeated until
         retransmission   occurs.    This   random   delay   (exponentially
         distributed) is used to break possible deadlock situations.

              Retransmissions are limited.  The limits  are  designed  such
         that  under worst case conditions, failure to correctly transmit a
         packet in a correctly functioning cluster will not occur more than
         once  per  year.   For further detail, see Data Link subsection on
         acknowledgement and retransmission.
|             The data link layer is  logically  duplicated  in  dual  path
|        interfaces.   Implementations  may  actually  share a considerable
|        portion of the hardware in dual  path  implementations  (see  data
|        link specification and minimal dual path implementation appendix).

         7.3  Physical Channel Layer

              The Physical Channel layer is the interface between the  data
         link layers of two nodes.  The data packet is conditioned and sent
         out on the media by line drivers to be received on the "other end"
         of  the  media.  The data, addressing, crc, leader and trailer are
         complete when the packet is passed to the Physical Channel.   This
         layer  performs media specific tasks in transferring the data over
         the bus.  Included  are  generating  the  data  clock,  manchester
         encoding  and  decoding  the  data,  and driving and receiving the
         media,  generation  of  carrier  detect  logic  signals,  and  the
         transport  of data signals from node to node.  This layer provides
         the electrical compatibility between nodes and a dependable  means
         of data transport in a hostile environment.

              A major design goal is to provide the ability to "dock merge"
         the  system, that is to ship working parts to the customer without
         first testing the assembled configuration (ie, computer  cluster).
         The  two  important factors are electrical isolation and interface
         circuit  compatibility  between  nodes.   In  order  to  guarantee
         interface   compatibility   and   "dock   mergability"   a  single
         implementation for the Physical Channel is intended to  be  common
         between  all  CI  options  presently  planned.  The actual circuit
         design, component layout and media are  critical  in  meeting  the
         interface specifications.

              Another goal of the design is to  provide  for  reliable  and
         available   operation.    Reliable  operation  means  that  normal
         environmental affects and component failure (or service technician
         mistake)  will not break the communication channel.  Environmental
         affects  considered  are  radiated/conducted   interference,   low
         frequency  voltage  offsets  between  nodes, and static discharge.
         The design also allows any one component to  fail  (or  be  yanked
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 20

         out)  without  disrupting communications over the remainder of the

              The Physical Channel is  multipath  and  each  path  is  half
         duplex in theory.  In practice there can be only one path or there
         can be two paths with logic shared  between  them  giving  reduced
         cost/performance  and  still maintain CI compatibility.  A path of
         the CI physical channel could be full duplex except for the nature
         of some types of couplers.  Many couplers will combine inputs from
         all transmit cables and drive this signal on all  receive  cables,
         only  one  driver  at  a time can use a path and full duplex isn't
         possible for any node.  The complete CI channel has  four  coaxial
         cables, two for transmitting and two for receiving data.  There is
         one send/receive pair per path and  two  independent  data  paths.
         Each  path  transfers  70  Megabit  of  serial  data per second at
         baseband frequency.  In a path the transmit and receive data is on
         separate media as opposed to being multiplexed onto one coax cable
         (i.e., TDM or frequency multiplexing).  The transmit  and  receive
         cables  are separate to allow future expandability using an active
         center hub:  an amplifier or packet switching exchange.  Redundant
         paths  provide  for  reliable  operation  as  one failure can only
         affect one path and for availability as one path can  be  repaired
         while  the other provides communication over the physical channel.
         If the redundancy or additional data  bandwidth  of  two  path  CI
         clusters  is  not  important  for  an application only one path is

              The  functional  blocks  of  the  Physical  Channel   at   an
         individual  node  are:   two  drivers,  two receivers, the carrier
         detect circuits, encoders, decoders, and the transmit clock.   All
         of these get their power only from the host node and are connected
         to logic reference of that node (logic ground).  The  circuits  in
         separate  nodes  do  not  share  a  common logic reference.  These
         functional blocks are described in the next two paragraphs.

              From a practical design standpoint the driver,  receiver  and
         carrier  detect circuits must be dedicated to their cables (two of
         each used for a two path system) while the rest of the  parts  may
         be  shared  between paths to reduce cost.  The driver is connected
         to that path's transmit  cable  and  the  receiver/carrier  detect
         circuits  to  the  receive cable with two separate transformers on
         the circuit board.  The carrier detect function is  to  provide  a
         logic  signal  that  is  true  while  valid data signal levels are
         present on the receiver input (for  each  path).   Carrier  detect
         cannot  tell  if the data is sensible or if only one driven signal
         is present.  The carrier detect circuit is intended to provide for
         "look before talk with no collision detect" Link layer protocol.

              Circuits at the node which may be easily shared between paths
         are  the  encoder,  decoder,  and  transmit  clock generator.  The
         encoder/decoder are used to combine/separate  the  data  from  the
         clock  in  a Manchester scheme.  These circuits run at a data rate
         of 70Mbit/sec.  The coding scheme could also be called synchronous
         baseband  biphase encoding and guarantees a data transition in the
         middle of every bit time by exclusive-or'ing the  clock  with  the
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 21

         data.   The  coding scheme not only allows clock and data to share
         one signal line but also eliminates the  low  frequency  (and  DC)
         components of the signal.  The result is the fidelity of the media
         need not be as high, there is no skew between clock and data,  and
         transformer  AC  coupling  is  possible.  The final circuit at the
         node is the transmit clock generator.  The Physical Channel  layer
         makes  a  crystal  stabilized  140.00 Mhz.  clock which is used to
         encode the data and is counted down and given to  the  Link  Layer
         circuits as a system clock.

              The Physical Channel has a center hub to connect  all  cables
         from   the   individual   nodes  together  in  a  radial  or  star
         arrangement.  The center hub is composed of up to two  independent
         "star  couplers";   there is one coupler for the each send/receive
         path (redundancy).  The coupler combines the signals from all node
         transmit cables for a path and then splits the composite signal up
         equally into all the receive cables going back  to  the  nodes  of
         said  path.   The  coupler  also  terminates  all  cables in their
         characteristic impedance.  A  single  coupler  may  be  a  passive
         device  without  any  power  source  for  up  to  16  node systems
         (inclusive).  The  shields  of  all  the  cables  in  a  path  are
         connected  together to the coupler chassis.  The cable shields and
         the coupler chassis  are  isolated  from  all  the  nodes  at  low
         frequency.   Note  that the cable shields are RF decoupled to node
         chassis (I/O panel) using a capacitor.  The coupler chassis may be
         connected  to  the earth reference provided by another DEC chassis
         but this is unnecessary.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 22


              This section describes, in detail, the functionality  of  the
         Port  layer  required  by  all  CI  ports  for  each communication
         mechanism.  Not all aspects of the protocols  are  specified.   In
         particular,  the initialization protocols are not specified.  This
         is for the following reasons:

              Although the CI is specified independent  of  implementation,
         due  to  its  high performance, it is very likely that portions of
         the protocols will be implemented in hardware and firmware, rather
         than  in  host software.  In fact, the line has been drawn in just
         such a manner in the first  implementations.   Therefore,  the  CI
         specification includes primarily the aspects of the protocols that
         are currently implemented  in  hardware  and  must  therefore  not
         change  for  compatibility of nodes over the life of the CI.  This
         does  not  restrict  hardware/software  partitioning   of   future
         implementations,  but  merely  defines  certain  portions  of  the
         protocol that must "appear" to be identical from  the  perspective
         of   another  node  on  the  CI.   Obviously,  the  initialization
         protocols in communicating nodes must be compatible, but, in fact,
         multiple  protocols  may  be  used,  depending  on  the particular
|        application.  For the purpose of this specification, the port/data
|        link  interface  is  modelled as a pair of buffers;  one transmit,
|        one receive.  A buffer holds the entire body and parameters  of  a
|        single  packet.   The port process performs operations as given by
|        the port driver by loading the transmit  buffer.   The  data  link
|        layer  is  responsible  for  transmitting the buffer and returning
|        transmission status to the port.
|             Whenever the data link receives a packet on the CI, it  loads
|        the receive buffer.  The port unloads the packet and either passes
|        it to the port driver or performs an  operation  internal  to  the
|        port.
|             Note that the specification of the port/port driver interface
|        is  beyond  the  scope  of this document.  Such information can be
|        found in the individual port architecture specfications.
|             The operations of the port, both those passed from  the  port
|        driver  and those intiated by received packets, are performed with
|        certain guarantees  of  ordering.   For  further  detail  see  the
|        subsection on sequentiality and priority.

              All implementations must be compatible with this model.   Not
         all  mechanisms of this layer must be implemented in all ports.  A
         minimum subset as noted in the descriptions, must be provided.

              The services are specified in terms of actions  performed  by
         the  port layers in the sending and receiving nodes and the format
         of packets used  in  the  service.   The  packets  are,  in  fact,
         described  in  the  port  layer  as  a  packet  body with a set of
         parameters.  The subsequent sections describe primarily the packet
         bodies.  of
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 23

              The general format of the packet BODY passed between the port
         and data link layers is:

                   7                           0
                 |            OPC                |  :B
                 |            FLAGS              |  :B + 1
                 |                               |  :B + 2
                 |                               |
                 |         TYPE SPECIFIC         |
                 |                               |
                 |                               |  :B - 1
                 +-------------------------------+   + BODY_LEN


         Byte            Bits            Field   Description

          B              <7:0>           OPC     Opcode.  Indicates
                                                 type of packet.  All
                                                 opcode values with
                                                 bit 7 are reserved
                                                 for local port use.

          B + 1          <7:0>=          FLAGS   Flags.  Special
                         FLAGS<7:0>              miscellaneous opcode
                                                 modifiers.  Flags used
                                                 for each type are shown
                                                 in each packet diagram. 
                                                 All unused flags Must Be
                                                 Zero (MBZ).

          B + 1          <7>=            PF      Packing format.  Implies
                         FLAGS<7>                type of data packing to
                                                 be used in destination
                                                 port.  Value is implemen-
                                                 tation specific. Used in
                                                 DG, LP and MSG packets only.

                                         F       Force Reset.  Value of 1
                                                 indicates that reset is
                                                 unconditionally to be
                                                 performed.  Used in RST
                                                 packet only.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 24

                                         DSA     Default Start Address.
                                                 Set to indicate that a
                                                 default starting address
                                                 should be used.  Used in
                                                 STRT packet only.

                                         P       Basic packet size for
                                                 return data transfer.
                                                   P = 0 for 512 bytes.
                                                   P = 1 for 576 bytes.
                                                 Used in data and maint-
                                                 enance data packets only.

          B + 1          <6:4>=          M       Packet size multiple.
                         FLAGS<6:4>                Packet data length
                                                   = (M + 1) * basic
                                                   size determined by P.
                                                 Used in data packets

          B + 1          <1>=            NS      Sending Sequence Number.
                         FLAGS<1>                Used for virtual circuit

          B + 1          <0>=            LP      Last Packet.  Indicates
                         FLAGS<0>                last packet of a data

          B + 2                          TYPE    Packet type specific
          through                      SPECIFIC  information.
          B + 1 + BODY_LEN

              The parameters passed to or from the  data  link  layer  with
         each packet BODY are:

             1.  DST -- node number to receive the packet  if  transmitting
                 or  number  of  this  node  if receiving this packet.  The
                 value ranges  from  0:15  if  a  passive  hub  is  in  use
                 (arbitration enabled) or 0:223 if an active exchange is in
                 use (arbitration disabled).

             2.  SRC -- Number of this  node  if  sending  this  packet  or
                 number of the node which sent the packet if receiving this
                 packet.  The value range is the same  as  the  Destination

             3.  BODY_LEN -- Length of the body of this  packet  in  bytes.
                 Type  specific,  value  specified for each type of packet.
                 Note that BODY_LEN = Packet length minus 5 (see Data  Link
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 25

             4.  STATUS -- Packet status is passed  with  received  packets
                 and returned subsequent to transmission of packets.

                 Possible received packet status values are:

                  -  OK_0/1 -- Packet successfully received in entirety  on
                     path 0/1.

                  -  OVERSIZE_0/1 -- Packet was too large to buffer (in the
                     implementation) but was correctly received by the data
                     link layer on path 0/1.  A minimum  of  the  first  48
                     bytes  of the packet body and all other parameters are

                 Possible transmit packet status values  (after  data  link
                 retry) are:

                  -  ACK_0/1 -- Successful transmission on path 0/1.

                  -  NAK_0/1 -- Receiving interface was  unable  to  buffer
                     the packet within specified retry limits on path 0/1.

                  -  NO_RSP_0/1   --   Packet   was   never    successfully
                     acknowledged by destination interface within specified
                     retry limits on path 0/1.

                 The path status values may be mixed with  one  status  for
                 each path used.  The data link layer may opt to try one or
                 both paths.

              The subsequent sections show  the  type-specific  values  and
         formats for each packet.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 26

         8.1  Path Selection

              Dual paths are supported by  the  CI  for  implementation  of
         highly reliable distributed clusters using standard systems.  Dual
         path clusters are designed such that a  single  component  failure
         will  not  totally prevent communication between other functioning
         systems.  Performance may be degraded until repairs are made.
|             The port layer is primarily responsible for the  multiplexing
|        and  demultiplexing of packets between paths.  The data link layer
|        is logically duplicated.   Note  that  the  parameters  previously
|        specified  for  the  packet  include  path  (data  link) selection
|        information.  The port is responsible for maintaining the sequence
|        of  packets  on a port-to-port basis.  For details, see section on
|        sequentiality and priority.

              A dual path cluster must have two sets of CI cables for  each
         port  and  two  couplers  or exchanges.  However, an interface may
         range from total hardware (and software) duplication (two separate
         data  links)  to  a  minimal  implementation in a single interface
         (with mostly shared hardware).   Note  that  the  interface  still
         consists  of only one port.  Reduced implementations are discussed
         further in the Minimal Implementation Appendix.

              It  should  be  noted  that  the  minimal  implementation  is
         specified  because  of the additional transmission failure mode it
         introduces.   That  is,  if  the  interface  is  only  capable  of
         receiving  packets  on  one  path at a time, it may ignore packets
         transmitted to it on the other bus.  The parameters  of  the  data
         link  retransmission  algorithms  were  selected to compensate for
         this effect.

              Another major implication arises from dual  paths.   This  is
         the  selection  of path for transmission.  Interfaces must support
         two types of control of path selection:  Select and Automatic.  In
         select  mode,  the  interface must be capable of transmitting on a
         specified path.  This mode is used  for  controller  configuration
         transactions  and  requires  that  packets be returned on the same
         path in response to a request packet.  In addition, it  is  likely
         that this feature be required for diagnostic purposes.

              The majority of packets should be sent in Automatic mode.  In
         this mode, the path for transmission of a packet should be made by
         a two-way, equally  probable,  statistical  choice  ("coin-flip").
         This provides a statistical load sharing between paths and results
         in frequent exercising of both paths for early failure  detection.
         All retransmission attempts of a packet should be made on the same
         bus until the limits are reached.

              If a failure occurs, the other path can be  tried,  following
         the  same retransmission algorithms until the limits are exceeded.
         At this point, it is most likely that a hard failure has  occurred
         or   the   destination   interface   is   not  in  a  state  where
         communications are enabled.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 27

              A node should maintain a table of path status for each  node.
         Such  a  table  should  indicate whether a path to a given node is
         correctly functioning or not.  The table values should be based on
         prior  transmission  results.   The  table  should be used to make
         automatic mode selection from only known good paths.  This  should
         prevent  known bad paths from being selected with great frequency,
         since such transmissions waste bandwidth.  If a bad path is to  be
         retried,  it  should  be done with much lower frequency (every few
         seconds or tens of seconds, for example).

              Single path ports  are  allowed,  but  not  encouraged.   All
         single  path ports must be connected to path 0.  This ensures that
         all nodes on a CI may communicate.  The danger  that  arises  from
         the  use  of  single-path ports is that path load may be unequally
         distributed to an extent that degrades performance.  Such  effects
         must  be  considered  when  configuring  a  mixed single/dual path
         cluster.  Note that the minimal implementation of a dual path port
         discussed  in the appendix has very little incremental cost over a
         single path interface.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 28

         8.2  Sequentiality And Priority

|             The operations of the port, both those initiated by the  port
|        driver  and those intiated by the receipt of packets are performed
|        at  multiple  priorities.   This  is  to  reduce  the  latency  of
|        performance-critical  transactions.   Real  time  response  is not
|        guaranteed, since latency will be primarily a function of  cluster
|        load.   However,  this mechanism can be used to disproportionately
|        divide bandiwdth as desired.
|             Sequentiality must be preserved on a per-packet basis between
|        node  pairs.   Prioritization  is  optimally  performed  for  each
|        packet, but  may,  in  fact,  be  limited  due  to  pipelining  in
|        implementation.  The only guarantees of prioritization are in fact
|        on a per-operation basis.  Operations are  service  specific,  but
|        consist of sending a single packet unless otherwise specified.
|             The following is a set of rules  defining  the  sequence  and
|        priority of operations:
|             Two operations become available to the port.   Operation  OP0
|        arrives at time T0.  Operation OP1 arrives at time T1.  T1 > T0.
|        1.  If effective priority of OP0 >= effective  priority  OP1  then
|            OP0 is performed in entirety before OP1 is begun.
|        2.  If effective priority of OP0 < effective priority OP1, then  a
|            best  effort  is  made to preempt OP0 between packets, perform
|            OP1 in entirety, and then resume OP0.   Best  effort  must  be
|            limited  to 4 packets.  That is, no more than 4 packets of OP0
|            should be transmitted after T1.
|             There are 5 levels of priority number 0 to 4.  Priority 4  is
|        the  highest.   The  term  effective  priority is used because all
|        priorities may in fact not be implemented in certain ports.   Most
|        importantly,  priority  relationships  between  operations must be
|        maintained as specified.  A different priority must be implemented
|        for each supported operation that is specified to have a different
|        effective priority.  The relationship between any two  implemented
|        priorities  must  be  the  same  as  the  corresponding  effective
|        priorities.
|             If the data link is physically duplicated, it may be possible
|        to   transmit  packets  on  both  paths  simultaneously.   Due  to
|        independent retransmisison,  the  sequence  of  arrival  could  be
|        different  than  the  sequence  of  delivery to the data link.  To
|        preserve  sequence  on  a  port-to-port  basis   (required),   the
|        transmission  of  a  packet  to a remote port must be completed in
|        entirety before another packet for the same port is  delivered  to
|        the data link.  The receiving must process the received packets in
|        order of real time arrival.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 29

         8.3  Datagrams

              The datagram service provides a  best-effort  delivery  of  a
         single  packet  from  one  node  to  another.   A  datagram may be
         successfully transmitted (STATUS = ACK) but be  discarded  by  the
         port  if  unable  to unload it immediately from the receive buffer
         due to buffer shortage at subsequent layers.

              Several of the communication mechanisms  of  the  CI  provide
         datagram   quality  service,  notably  those  of  maintenance  and
         configuration.   Additionally,  a  general  purpose  datagram   is
         provided  for  used  by  higher-level  protocols that require such
         service.   Generally,  protocols  with   unpredictable   buffering
         requirements should use the datagram service, since the port-level
         discard  provides  some  degree  of  protection   against   buffer
         exhaustion problems.
|             The receipt of datagrams of any type that would be passed  to
|        the  port  driver  may  be  controlled on a port-to-port basis.  A
|        control bit, Datagram Queue Inhibit (DQI) should be kept for every
|        possible  port.   If  this  bit  is  on for a particular port, all
|        incoming datagrams for that port  must  be  discarded.   This  bit
|        should  be  cleared  at  initilization  so  that all datagrams are
|        initally received.
|             In addition to a DQI bit for each possible port, at least one
|        DQI bit should be provided to control datagram reciept for illegal
|        port numbers.  It is permissible, though not required,  to  use  a
|        single bit for all illegal port numbers.

              A  performance  counter  tracks  the  number   of   datagrams
         discarded  due  to  buffer  shortage (see Port Performance Counter
         section).  This allows  higher-level  protocols  to  determine  if
         sufficient  buffering  is  available  for the required performance
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 30

         8.4  Virtual Circuits

              A virtual circuit is the mechanism used to provide  a  higher
         quality  of  service for a series of packets.  Delivery of packets
         under virtual circuit control  is  guaranteed  to  be  sequential,
         error-free  and  non-duplicated.   The circuit is constructed of a
         set of state variables in the sending and receiving nodes.

              Virtual circuits are maintained on a  per-node  basis.   That
         is,  each  of  a  pair  of  nodes  have virtual circuit state with
         respect to the other node.  Therefore, in each node, an  array  of
         state  values  is maintained, with one set per node "connected" by
         virtual circuit.

              Several of the communication mechanisms specified in the Port
         use virtual circuits.  In fact, the same circuit is simultaneously
         shared by any of the mechanisms that  are  in  use.   The  circuit
         guarantees   are   on  a  per-packet  basis,  independent  of  the
         particular packet type (as long as that type uses the circuits).

              The state of a circuit consists of three bits in  each  node:
         Circuit  State  (CST), Sending Sequence Number (NS), and Receiving
         Sequence Number (NR).  The circuit state reflects whether  or  not
         the  particular circuit has been initialized.  Its values are Open
         (initialized and "on") and Closed (uninitialized and "off").   The
         bit  value representing each state can be implementation dependent
         with suggested values being "1" (true) for Open  and  "0"  (false)
         for Closed.

              The Sending Sequence Number is the number of the next  packet
         to  be sent (or the value of the current packet for which delivery
         is being attempted).  The Receiving Sequence Number is the  number
         of the next packet to be received.

              On the sending end, when a packet is to be delivered,  it  is
         loaded  with  the current NS value in the defined bit of the FLAGS
         field.  When the data link layer returns  successful  transmission
         status, the NS value is incremented modulo 2 (complemented).

              In the receiving node, when a  packet  is  received  for  the
         circuit,  the  value  of  the NS bit of the FLAGS field is checked
         against the current value of NR.  If equal, the packet is accepted
         and NR complemented.  If not equal, the packet is discarded.  This
         is the mechanism for discarding duplicates.  If an acknowledgement
         (at the data link level) is lost due to bus error, the sending end
         will retransmit the packet.  If the packet was  actually  received
         (and   only  the  acknowledgement  corrupted),  NR  will  have  be
         complemented  and  the  packet  accepted.   Upon  receipt  of  the
         retransmission,  NS  will  not  equal  NR and the second packet (a
         duplicate) will have been discarded.

              The circuit state determines whether or not  packets  may  be
         sent  or accepted on the circuit.  If the circuit is closed in the
         sending end, no virtual circuit  packets  may  be  sent  for  that
         circuit.   If  the  receiving  node state is closed, then incoming
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 31

         virtual circuit packets for that circuit will be discarded at  the
         port level.

              The circuit state should be closed if the transmission  of  a
         virtual  circuit packet fails.  Additionally, a node may close its
         circuit at any time.  In general,  any  type  of  error  that  may
         result  in  disruption  of  sequentiality should result in circuit
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 32

         8.5  Datagrams (General-purpose)

              All nodes  must  provide  bidirectional  (send  and  receive)
         general  purpose  datagram service.  The minimum datagram TEXT_LEN
|        that a node must be able to handle is 58 bytes.  Larger values  up
         to  4089 bytes may be used between nodes based on prior agreement.
         The prior agreement on increased size limits is left to  a  higher
         level protocol.

              The BODY format of DG is:

                   7                           0
                 |            OPC                |  :B
                 |PF |          MBZ              |  :B + 1
                 |                               |  :B + 2
                 |                               |
                 |            TEXT               |
                 |                               |
                 |                               |  :B + 1
                 +-------------------------------+   + TEXT_LEN


         Byte            Bits            Field   Description

          B              <7:0>           OPC     OPC = 1 for DG.

          B + 1          <7>=            PF      Packing format.  Implies
                         FLAGS<7>                type of data packing to
                                                 be used by certain types
                                                 of ports.  Value is
                                                 implementation specific.

          B + 2                          TEXT    Datagram text.  Passed
          through                                to Port layer.  0 - 4089
          B + 1 + TEXT_LEN                       bytes in length.

              For DG, BODY_LEN = TEXT_LEN + 2.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 33

         8.6  Messages

              The Message mechanism provides  highly-reliable  delivery  of
         single  packets using the virtual circuits.  Messages are variable
         length, ranging from 0 to  4089  bytes  in  textual  length.   The
         maximum  size  message  that may be exchanged between two nodes is
         determined  by  prior  agreement  in  a  higher  level   protocol.
         However,  any  nodes capable of receiving messages must be able to
|        receive messages of at least 58 bytes of textual length.

              Nodes are not required to support the capability  of  sending
         or  receiving  messages.  In fact, a node may elect to support the
         capability of only sending or receiving messages, but not both.

              The BODY format of MSG is:

                   7                           0
                 |            OPC                |  :B
                 |PF |          MBZ      |NS |MBZ|  :B + 1
                 |                               |  :B + 2
                 |                               |
                 |            TEXT               |
                 |                               |
                 |                               |  :B + 1
                 +-------------------------------+   + TEXT_LEN


         Byte            Bits            Field   Description

          B              <7:0>           OPC     OPC = 2 for MSG.

          B + 1          <7>=            PF      Packing format.  Implies
                         FLAGS<7>                type of data packing to
                                                 be used by certain types
                                                 of ports.  Value is
                                                 implementation specific.

          B + 1          <1>=            NS      Sending Sequence Number.
                         FLAGS<1>                Current value of NS for
                                                 destination node circuit.

          B + 2                          TEXT    Message text.  Passed
          through                                to Port layer.
          B + 1 + TEXT_LEN

              For MSG, BODY_LEN = TEXT_LEN + 2.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 34

         8.7  Data Transfers

              The data transfer mechanism  provides  for  the  transfer  of
         large  blocks  of  data  not  limited  in size to a single packet.
         Specifically, a block of data  is  broken  into  multiple  packets
         which  are  individually  transferred by the data link layer.  The
         state of the transfer need only be maintained in the  end  sending
         the data.

              The mechanism provides for both a read and a write operation.
         Both  operations  are  confirmed upon completion in the initiating
         node.  All packets involved in data transfers use virtual circuits
         to provide a high quality of service.

              Data transfers reference named  buffers.   Buffer  names  are
         32-bits  in  length.   Mapping  of names to actual memory space is
         implementation specific.  The CI packets reference only the  name,
         length  (in  bytes)  and  offset  (32-bits)  into the buffer.  The
         offset mapping is also implementation dependent.  The name values,
         offsets  and  lengths  must  be  determined  prior to the transfer
         through higher level protocols.

              To read data, a node sends a  special  request  packet  which
         carries  the  transfer length, and names and offsets of the source
         and destination buffers.  The data is returned in as many  packets
         as  necessary  by  the  requested  node.   The  last packet of the
         transfer is marked with a special flag.  This is the  confirmation
         (to the initiator) that the transfer was complete and successful.

              To write data,  a  node  merely  sends  the  packets  of  the
         transfer to the destination port.  The last packet of the transfer
         is again marked with a special  flag.   Upon  receipt  of  such  a
         packet,  if  the  transfer was successful, the receiving port must
         send back a special confirmation packet.  Note  that,  again,  the
         initiator of the transfer receives the confirmation.

              Any errors in completing the either read or  write  transfers
         should  result  in  virtual  circuit  closure  in  the  node where
         detected.  The closed circuit prevents completion of the transfer.
         Only the node where the error was detected is aware of it.  Higher
         level protocols must be used to inform the other involved node  of
         the error (if necessary) and reinitialize the circuit.

              The data packets of  a  single  transfer  need  not  be  sent
         consecutively.   They  may  be  interspersed  with  other  packets
         between the same pair of controllers.  They  should,  however,  be
         sent in order of increasing offset.

              The length of data packets is  discretely  variable.   Single
         data  packets  may contain 1 to 8 integral multiples of either 512
         or 576 data bytes.   All  ports  supporting  data  transfers  must
         accept  at  least  512  and 576 bytes.  Nodes may use sizes larger
         than 576 bytes only by prior agreement via higher level protocols.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 35

              All the packets of a transfer except the last  should  be  of
         the  agreed-upon size.  The last packet should carry the remainder
         and be less than or equal to the first packets in size.

              All nodes are not required to  support  either  of  the  data
         mechanisms.   However,  if  an  operation is supported (reading or
         writing), all the functions required  by  the  operation  must  be
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 36

         8.7.1  Writing Data -

              Data is written from one system to another  by  sending  data
         packets  of  the  type Sent Data (SNTDAT).  The last packet of the
         transfer has a special flag called the Last Packet (LP) flag  set.
         Each  packet  carries a destination buffer name, offset and length
         which determine where the data is written.

              In the port receiving the packets, the receipt  of  a  SNTDAT
         packet  with  the LP bit set indicates conclusion of the transfer.
         If no errors have occurred, a Confirmation (CNF)  packet  is  sent
         back  to  the  port  which  sent the data.  If any errors occur in
         receiving the data or sending the CNF packet, the virtual  circuit
         must be closed, thereby aborting the transfer.
|             The operation of returning the CNF packet must  occur  at  an
|        effective priority of three.

              Fig.  8-1 shows the data write operation.

            INITIATOR                                    RESPONDER
                                 CI DATA LINK

         Data read               SNTDAT               buffer write (ok)
         from buffer     ----------------------> ---> (error -- close
         into packets               .                     virtual ckt) 
                   +--              .
                   V             SNTDAT (LP = 1) 
                   +--   ----------------------> -+-> (error -- close
                   |                              |       virtual ckt) 
                   |                              |
                   V                             buffer write (ok)
         (error -- close                          |
             virtual ckt)                         |
                                 CNF              V
         (ok -- transfer <---------------------  generate CNF (prio 3)
               confirmed)                         |
                                                  +--> (error -- close
                                                           virtual ckt)

                         Fig. 8-1:  Data Write Operation
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 37

         The BODY format of SNTDAT is:

                   7                           0
                 |            OPC                |  :B
                 |            MBZ        | NS| LP|  :B + 1
                 |                               |  :B + 2
                 |            XCT_ID             |
                 |                               |  :B + 9
                 |                               |  :B + 10
                 |            REC_NAME           |
                 |                               |  :B + 13
                 |                               |  :B + 14
                 |            REC_OFFSET         |
                 |                               |  :B + 17
                 |                               |  :B + 18
                 |                               |
                 |            DATA               |
                 |                               |
                 |                               |  :B + 17
                 +-------------------------------+   + DAT_LEN


         Byte            Bits            Field   Description

          B              <7:0>           OPC     OPC = 16 for SNTDAT.

          B + 1          <1>=            NS      Sequence number.

          B + 1          <0>=            LP      Last packet flag.  Set
                         FLAGS<0>                in last packet of

          B + 2                          XCT_ID  Transaction identifier.
          through                                Byte B + 2 is the least
          B + 9                                  significant byte.  Value
                                                 in last packet will be
                                                 the value of the XCT_ID
                                                 in the corresponding CNF.

          B + 10                         REC_NAME Receive buffer name.
          through                                Byte B + 10 is the least
          B + 13                                 significant byte.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 38

          B + 14                         REC_OFFSET Receive buffer offset.
          through                                Byte B + 14 is the least
          B + 17                                 significant byte of the
                                                 byte offset of byte B + 18
                                                 of this packet in the buffer.

          B + 18                         DATA    Data.  Byte B + 18
          through                                is lowest offset byte.
          B + 17 + DAT_LEN

              For SNTDAT, BODY_LEN = DAT_LEN + 18.

         The BODY format of CNF is:

                   7                           0
                 |            OPC                |  :B
                 |            MBZ        | NS|MBZ|  :B + 1
                 |                               |  :B + 2
                 |            XCT_ID             |
                 |                               |  :B + 9


         Byte            Bits            Field   Description

          B              <7:0>           OPC     OPC = 3 for CNF.

          B + 1          <1>=            NS      Sequence number.  Current
                         FLAGS<1>                value of NS for destination

          B + 2                          XCT_ID  Transaction identifier.
          through                                Byte B + 2 is the least
          B + 9                                  significant byte.  Same
                                                 value as SNTDAT packet with
                                                 LP flag set that resulted
                                                 in its generation.

              For CNF, BODY_LEN = 10.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 39

         8.7.2  Reading Data -

              Data is read from a remote system by requesting that the data
         be  returned.   To request data, a Data Request (DATREQ) packet is
         sent to the node from which the data is to be  read.   The  DATREQ
         specifies  the  names  and offsets of buffers to supply and accept
         the data and the length of the transfer (in byte).

              (RETDAT) packets in much the same manner as data is  sent  in
         SNTDAT  packets.   The  last RETDAT is marked by the LP flag being
         set.  This is the confirmation of transfer success.
|             The priority for the data return operation  is  specified  by
|        the particular DATREQ opcode value.  DATREQ0, DATREQ1, and DATREQ2
|        correspond to effective priorities of 0, 1  and  2,  respectively.
|        The  data  return  operation  consists  of  sending all the RETDAT
|        packets of the transfer.

              Any errors result in  virtual  circuit  closure  and  therein
         abort  of  the  transfer.   The  size  of individual packets to be
         returned (except for the last packet) is specified in the request.
         The  maximum  allowable size must be determined by prior agreement
         between the involved nodes (using a higher level protocol).   Fig.
         8-2 shows the data write operation.

            INITIATOR                                    RESPONDER
                                 CI DATA LINK

         Data requested          DATREQ               
                         ----------------------> -+-> (error -- close
                                                  |       virtual ckt) 
                                                  |   (ok -- Return data)
                                 RETDAT           V      
         (ok -- buffer   <--------------------- --+     Data read from
                 write)            .              |   buffer into packets
         (error -- close           .              |
             virtual ckt)          .              +-> (error -- close
                                                          virtual ckt)
                                 RETDAT (LP = 1)          
         (ok -- transfer <---------------------  

                         Fig. 8-2:  Data Read Operation

         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 40

         The BODY format of DATREQ is:

                   7                           0
                 |            OPC                |  :B
                 | P |     M     |  MBZ  |NS |MBZ|  :B + 1
                 |                               |  :B + 2
                 |            XCT_ID             |
                 |                               |  :B + 9
                 |                               |  :B + 10
                 |            XCT_LEN            |
                 |                               |  :B + 13
                 |                               |  :B + 14
                 |            SND_NAME           |
                 |                               |  :B + 17
                 |                               |  :B + 18
                 |            SND_OFFSET         |
                 |                               |  :B + 21
                 |                               |  :B + 22
                 |            REC_NAME           |
                 |                               |  :B + 25
                 |                               |  :B + 26
                 |            REC_OFFSET         |
                 |                               |  :B + 29


         Byte            Bits            Field   Description

|         B              <7:0>           OPC     OPC = 8 for DATREQ0.
|                                                OPC = 9 for DATREQ1.
|                                                OPC = 10 for DATREQ2.

          B + 1          <7>=            P       Basic packet size for
                         FLAGS<7>                return data transfer.
                                                   P = 0 for 512 bytes.
                                                   P = 1 for 576 bytes.

          B + 1          <6:4>=          M       Packet size multiple.
                         FLAGS<6:4>                Packet data length
                                                   = (M + 1) * basic
                                                   size determined by P.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 41

          B + 1          <1>=            NS      Sequence number.  Current
                         FLAGS<1>                value of NS for destiation

          B + 2                          XCT_ID  Transaction identifier.
          through                                Byte B + 2 is the least
          B + 9                                  significant byte.  Value
                                                 to be used in generated
                                                 RETDAT packets.

          B + 10                         XCT_LEN Transfer length in bytes.
          through                                Byte B + 10 is the least
          B + 13                                 significant byte.

          B + 14                         SND_NAME Sending buffer name.
          through                                Byte B + 14 is the least
          B + 17                                 significant byte.

          B + 18                         SND_OFFSET Sending buffer offset.
          through                                Byte B + 18 is the least
          B + 21                                 byte of the byte offset
                                                 of the first byte of the
                                                 transfer to be sent.

          B + 22                         REC_NAME Receive buffer name.
          through                                Byte B + 18 is the least
          B + 25                                 significant byte.

          B + 26                         REC_OFFSET Receive buffer offset.
          through                                Byte B + 22 is the least
          B + 29                                 significant byte of the
                                                 byte offset of the first
                                                 byte of the transfer in
                                                 in the receiving buffer.

              For DATREQ, BODY_LEN = 30.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 42

              The BODY format of RETDAT is:

                   7                           0
                 |            OPC                |  :B
                 |            MBZ        | NS| LP|  :B + 1
                 |                               |  :B + 2
                 |            XCT_ID             |
                 |                               |  :B + 9
                 |                               |  :B + 10
                 |            REC_NAME           |
                 |                               |  :B + 13
                 |                               |  :B + 14
                 |            REC_OFFSET         |
                 |                               |  :B + 17
                 |                               |  :B + 18
                 |                               |
                 |            DATA               |
                 |                               |
                 |                               |  :B + 17
                 +-------------------------------+   + DAT_LEN


         Byte            Bits            Field   Description

          B              <7:0>           OPC     OPC = 17 for RETDAT.

          B + 1          <1>=            NS      Sequence number.

          B + 1          <0>=            LP      Last packet flag.  Set
                         FLAGS<0>                in last packet of

          B + 2                          XCT_ID  Transaction identifier.
          through                                Byte B + 2 is the least
          B + 9                                  significant byte.  Value
                                                 is same as XCT_ID of
                                                 DATREQ that resulted in
                                                 generation of the RETDAT.

          B + 10                         REC_NAME Receive buffer name.
          through                                Byte B + 10 is the least
          B + 13                                 significant byte.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 43

          B + 14                         REC_OFFSET Receive buffer offset.
          through                                Byte B + 14 is the least
          B + 17                                 significant byte of the
                                                 byte offset of byte B + 18
                                                 of this packet in the buffer.

          B + 18                         DATA    Data.  Byte B + 18
          through                                is lowest offset byte.
          B + 17 + DAT_LEN

              For SNTDAT, BODY_LEN = DAT_LEN + 18.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 44

         8.8  Configuration

|             All CI nodes must support the ability to supply configuration
|        information   in   response   to   requests   whenever   they  are
|        acknowledging packets at the data link level.  Though not strictly
|        required to be implemented in hardware, such capablility should be
|        provided without CI down-line loading.

              Configuration   information    is    transmitted    in    the
         Identification  (ID)  packet.   This  packet  contains  port type,
         functionality, and state information.

              Systems   that   require   knowledge   of   current   cluster
         configuration  can  request  an ID packet from a node by sending a
         Identification Request (IDREQ) packet.  A node receiving  a  IDREQ
         packet is always required to return an ID packet.  ID packets must
         be returned on the path on which  the  corresponding  request  was
         received.    A  transaction  identifier  in  both  the  IDREQ  and
         corresponding  ID  allow  the  requesting  node  to  differentiate
         between received ID packets.
|             The  IDREQ  is  the  preferred  method  of  determining   the
|        functional  status of a particular path.  The information on which
|        path the returned ID packet was received must be available at  any
|        layer   which   intends   to   verify  the  status  of  the  path.
|        Additionally, the ID packet carries bits specifying on which  path
|        it   was  (alledgedly)  transmitted.   The  correct  path  (cable)
|        configuration of a cluster can be completely  verified  using  the
|        received path and sent path (SP) information.

              The ability of an interface to send ID packets  is  generally
         an  indication  that  the  interface  is  most  likely  capable of
         performing other maintenance operations.

              Some implementations or particular implementation states  may
         not  support  certain  optional  fields of the ID packet.  In this
         case, unsupported or inapplicable fields are  to  be  returned  as
         zero.    All   fields  are  required  unless  specifically  stated
         otherwise.  All unused fields must be zero to allow  compatibility
         of future expansion with existing interfaces.

              All nodes are required to respond to received  IDREQ  packets
         by  returning  ID  packets.  All ports are not required to support
         the transmission of IDREQ packets, but if supported,  the  receipt
         of the returned ID packets must also be supported.

              The ID and IDREQ packets are delivered with a  datagram-class
         service.   They  are, therefore, subject to discard.  Higher level
         protocols  using  this  mechanism  must  accomodate   this   fact.
         Discarded incoming ID packets cause the datagram discarded counter
         to be incremented.
|             The operation of returning an ID in response to an IDREQ must
|        be performed at an effective priority of 4.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 45

              It must be considered that IDREQ packets may be discarded  at
         due  to  limited  resources  in  the  port.   For details, see the
         section on Maintenance/Configuration datagram service.   The  BODY
         format of IDREQ is:

                   7                           0
                 |            OPC                |  :B
                 |            MBZ                |  :B + 1
                 |                               |  :B + 2
                 |            XCT_ID             |
                 |                               |  :B + 9


         Byte            Bits            Field   Description

          B              <7:0>           OPC     OPC = 5 for IDREQ.

          B + 2                          XCT_ID  Transaction identifier.
          through                                Byte B + 2 is the least
          B + 9                                  significant byte.  Value
                                                 to be used in returned
                                                 ID packet.

              For IDREQ, BODY_LEN = 10.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 46

              The BODY format of ID is:

                   7                           0
                 |            OPC                |  :B
|                +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
|                |  MBZ  |  SP   |     MBZ       |  :B + 1
|                +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
                 |                               |  :B + 2
                 |            XCT_ID             |
                 |                               |  :B + 9
                 |                               |  :B + 10
                 +---+        MAINT_ID           |
                 | D |                           |  :B + 13
                 |                               |  :B + 14
                 |            CODE_REV           |
                 |                               |  :B + 17
                 |                               |  :B + 18
                 |            PORT_FCN           |
                 |                               |  :B + 21
                 |            RST_PORT           |  :B + 22
                 |                   | PT_ST |MNT|  :B + 23
                 |       SYS_STATE   +---+---+---+
                 |  (Implementation-specific)    |  :B + 25
                 |                               |  :B + 26
                 |            MBZ                |  
                 |                               |  :B + 49


         Byte            Bits            Field   Description

          B              <7:0>           OPC     OPC = 11 for ID.

|         B + 1          <5:4>=          SP      Sent Path.  Path on which
|                        FLAGS<5:4>              ID packet was transmitted.
|                                                  SP = 1 for sent path 0.
|                                                  SP = 2 for sent path 1.
|                                                  SP = 0,3 reserved for
|                                                        local port use.
          B + 2                          XCT_ID  Transaction identifier.
          through                                Same value as XCT_ID of
          B + 9                                  corresponding IDREQ.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 47

          B + 10         <7:0>           MAINT_ID Port identification.
          through                                Implementation defined
          B + 13                                 identifier for use in down-
                                                 loading, diagnosis and

          B + 13         <7>=            D       Dual path.  D = 1 for
                         MAINT_ID<31>            dual-path interfaces.
                                                 D = 0 for single path

          B + 14                         CODE_REV  Code revision.  Value
          through                                is implementation
          B + 17                                 specific.

          B + 18         <7:0>           PORT_FCN  Port Functionality.  Value
          through                                determined by which functions
          B + 21                                 the node supports. Values
                                                 are defined in Implementation
                                                 Functionality Appendix.

          B + 22         <7:0>           SYS_STATE System State.  
          through                                Miscellaneous port and
          B + 25                                 host state information.
                                                 Certain fields are defined
                                                 below.  Remainder is
                                                 implementation specific.
|                                                This field is optional.

          B + 22         <7:0>=          RST_PORT  Port which last reset
                         SYS_STATE<7:0>          the port.

          B + 23         <0>=            MNT     Maintenance.  Denotes whether
                         SYS_STATE<8>            maintenance is enabled in
                                                 current port state.  Value of
                                                 1 indicates /Maintenance states.

          B + 23         <2:1>=          PT_ST   Port state.  Current state
                         SYS_STATE<10:9>         of port (see section on Port
                                                   PT_ST = 0 for Uninitialized.
                                                   PT_ST = 1 for Disabled.
                                                   PT_ST = 2 for Enabled.
                                                   PT_ST = 3 reserved.

          B + 23         <7:3>                   Must be zero.
          B + 53         <7:0>

|             For ID, BODY_LEN = 50.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 48

         8.9  Diagnostic And Booting (Maintenance) Operations

              The CI supports maintenance functions  for  initializing  and
         testing  interfaces and systems, reading and writing remote system
         memories and  starting  remote  host  computer  execution.   These
         functions  are only performed by remote ports in certain specified
         states  (see  section  on  Controller  and  system  States).   The
         maintenance functions are optional and implemented as noted in the
         Implementation Functionality appendix.  It is,  however,  required
         that   an  entire  mechanism  be  supported.   That  is,  all  the
         components of any mechanism must be supported if the mechanism  is
         to be provided.

              A maintenance control variable (RST_PORT) must be implemented
         by   all   resettable  ports.   RST_PORT  limits  the  maintenance
         operations to be performed by only a  single  port.   For  further
         details, see description of individual operations.

              All maintenance packets are delivered with  a  datagram-class
         service.   Higher  level  protocols  using  these  mechanisms must
         accomodate this fact.

         8.9.1  Loopback -
|             A special datagram is supported to allow  a  node  to  verify
|        correct  functioning  of  the CI to the hub coupler.  The loopback
|        datagram (LB) appears to be  equivalent  to  the  general  purpose
|        datagram except in opcode value.  Normally, the source port number
|        is equal to the destination port number.  However, any received LB
|        packet   should  be  passed  to  the  port  driver  following  the
|        conventions for the general-purpose datagram (with  the  different
|        opcode).

              The implementation of this packet is  system  dependent.   In
         fact,  the  standard  datagram  may  serve  this  function  if its
         implementation includes transmission and receipt on the media  and
         received  path  information.   This special opcode is intended for
         use by  ports  whose  self-destined  operations  do  not  use  the
         physical interconnect (internal loopback).  Such ports may require
         special  assistance  from  the  host   (such   as   transmit   CRC
         calculation) for this packet.

              The received path information should be passed to any  higher
         layer  performing path verification.  Such information, along with
         the knowledge of the (alleged) transmit path allows  isolation  of
         cabling  faults.   A  node which must verify and isolate faults in
         cluster  path  connections  must  implement  both  this  and   the
         configuration request (IDREQ) functions.

              This is a datagram-class packet and is subject to discard  if
         buffering  is  unavailable.   The  datagram  discarded  counter is
         incremented whenever a LB packet is discarded.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 49

         The BODY format of LB is:

                   7                           0
                 |            OPC                |  :B
                 |PF |          MBZ              |  :B + 1
                 |                               |  :B + 2
                 |                               |
                 |            TEXT               |
                 |                               |
                 |                               |  :B + 1
                 +-------------------------------+   + TEXT_LEN


         Byte            Bits            Field   Description

          B              <7:0>           OPC     OPC = 13 for LB.

          B + 1          <7>=            PF      Packing format.  Implies
                         FLAGS<7>                type of data packing to
                                                 be used by certain types
                                                 of ports.  Value is
                                                 implementation specific.

          B + 2                          TEXT    Datagram text.  Passed
          through                                to Port layer.  0 - 4089
          B + 1 + TEXT_LEN                       bytes in length.

              For LP, BODY_LEN = TEXT_LEN + 2.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 50

         8.9.2  Resetting Remote Systems -

              A system may send a Reset (RST) packet to a remote system  to
         reset  its  interface  and  host to a known state and to halt host
         computer execution.  The RST packet may cause a reset  of  a  host
         computer  only with its interface in one of the three /Maintenance
         states (see section on  Controller  and  system  State).   If  the
         interface  is  not  in  this  state  but is receiving packets, the
         controller will pass the RST packet to the port  driver  informing
         of the attempted reset.
|             A special maintenance state variable, RST_PORT,  is  used  to
|        synchronize  access  to maintenance the maintenance functions of a
|        port.  The RST_PORT variable of a port holds  the  number  of  the
|        last  port to reset it.  At initialization, RST_PORT is set to the
|        port's own number.  Host control or port-detected host failure may
|        also  set  the  RST_PORT to the port's own number.  If the port is
|        successfully reset via the CI, RST_PORT is set to  the  number  of
|        the port initiating the reset.
|             A reset is only  performed  if  the  RST_PORT  value  of  the
|        receiving  port  is  equal  to  the  node  number  of  the sender.
|        Optionally, a special Force Reset (F) flag in the RST  packet  may
|        be  set.   If  this flag is set, the RST_PORT field is ignored and
|        the reset unconditionally performed (if  the  interface  is  in  a
|        /Maintenance  state).  Whenever a reset function is performed, the
|        RST_PORT field of the port being reset is set to the number of the
|        node  that  sent the RST.  This offers a synchronization mechanism
|        wherein a non-forced (conditional) reset may be used to  determine
|        if  maintenance operations on a given node are already in progress
|        by another node.

              The Reset function (if executed) forces the interface to  the
         Uninitialized/Maintenance  state  and  halts  the  host  computer.
         Therefore, systems  implementing  the  Reset  function  must  also
         implement  the  Start  function  (which  starts  execution).   For
         further detail, see the next subsection).

              RST is a datagram-class packet and is  therefore  subject  to
         duplication.  It will, however, not be discarded if the conditions
         for resetting are true (since  it  does  not  directly  require  a
         returned  packet).   If the conditions for reset are not true, the
         reset if passed to the port driver.  It is only discarded in  this
         case  if  buffering  is not available.  If discarded, the datagram
         discarded counter will be incremented.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 51

              The BODY format of RST is:

                   7                           0
                 |            OPC                |  :B
                 | F |        MBZ                |  :B + 1
                 |                               |  :B + 2
                 |            XCT_ID             |
                 |                               |  :B + 9


         Byte            Bits            Field   Description

          B              <7:0>           OPC     OPC = 6 for RST.

          B + 1          <7> =           F       Force Reset.  F = 1
                         FLAGS<7>                for unconditional
                                                 reset.  F = 0 for reset
                                                 only if RST_PORT = SRC.

          B + 2                          XCT_ID  Transaction identifier.
          through                                Byte B + 2 is the least
          B + 9                                  significant byte.

              For RST, BODY_LEN = 10.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 52

         8.9.3  Writing Remote System Memories -

              Remote system memories and interface control storage  can  be
         written  over the CI by sending maintenance data, in much the same
         fashion as buffer  data  is  sent.   The  data  is  sent  in  Sent
         Maintenance Data (SNTMDAT) packets.  The receive buffer and offset
         are actually  implementation  dependent  mapping  information  for
         physically   accessing  the  desired  data  in  the  system  under
|             The maintenance write operation is limited  in  length  to  a
|        single  512  or 576 byte packet (as is the read).  The Last Packet
|        (LP) flag of the SNTMDAT packet must be set.  If the RST_PORT  and
|        state  are  correct,  but the packet is too large or does not have
|        the LP bit set, it may be discarded.
|             Upon receipt of a correct SNTMDAT packet (with  LP  bit  set)
|        and  successful  conclusion  of  the  write operation (to the best
|        knowledge of the port), the port  returns  a  Maintenance  Confirm
|        (MCNF) packet, indicating that the packet was received.  Note that
|        the  possible  discard  implies  that  multiple  packet  transfers
|        (intermediate  packets  with  LP  bit  not  set)  are not reliably
|        tested.  Any or all of the intermediate packets  may  fail  or  be
|        discarded  and  the  transfer  may still be confirmed (if the last
|        packet is successful).

              Data can only be written if the remote interface  is  in  the
         Uninitialized/Maintenance state and if the RST_PORT value is equal
         to the number of the node attempting the write.  The remote system
         must therefore have been reset by the node desiring to perform the
|             For local port testing, self-addressed maintenance writes may
|        be  performed  in the Enabled/Maintenance state.  Packets received
|        in the Enabled/Maintenance that are not self-addressed are  to  be
|        passed  to  the  port driver as datagrams with unrecognized packet
|        status.

              In  general,  write  operations  should  be   verified   with
         corresonding read operations (if supported).

              A Transaction ID  (XCT_ID)  is  carried  with  the  data  and
         returned with the MCNF.
|             The operation of returning the MCNF packet in response  to  a
|        SNTMDAT must be performed at an effective priority of 4.

              SNTMDAT and MCNF are both  datagram-class  packets.   SNTMDAT
         packets  with  the  LP  =  1  may  be  discarded  in the receiving
         interface.  If the MCNF is never received, the data may or may not
         actually     have     been     written.      See     section    on
         Maintenance/Configuration  Datagram  Service  for  details.   MCNF
         packets  may  be  discarded  if buffer space is unavailable in the
         receiving interface.  If discard of the MCNF occurs, the  datagram
         discarded counter is incremented.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 53

         The SNTMDAT packet BODY format is:

                   7                           0
                 |            OPC                |  :B
                 |            MBZ            |LP |  :B + 1
                 |                               |  :B + 2
                 |            XCT_ID             |
                 |                               |  :B + 9
                 |                               |  :B + 10
                 |            REC_NAME           |
                 |                               |  :B + 13
                 |                               |  :B + 14
                 |            REC_OFFSET         |
                 |                               |  :B + 17
                 |                               |  :B + 18
                 |                               |
                 |            DATA               |
                 |                               |
                 |                               |  :B + 17
                 +-------------------------------+   + DAT_LEN


         Byte            Bits            Field   Description

          B              <7:0>           OPC     OPC = 18 for SNTMDAT.

          B + 1          <0>=            LP      Last packet flag.  Set
                         FLAGS<0>                in last packet of

          B + 2                          XCT_ID  Transaction identifier.
          through                                Byte B + 2 is the least
          B + 9                                  significant byte.  Value
                                                 is same to be used in the
                                                 generated MCNF.

          B + 10                         REC_NAME Mapping information 
          through                                specifying memory area to
          B + 13                                 be written.  Implementation
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 54

          B + 14                         REC_OFFSET Mapping information
          through                                specifying offset in memory
          B + 17                                 to be written.  Implementation

          B + 18                         DATA    Data.  Byte B + 18
          through                                is lowest address byte.
          B + 17 + DAT_LEN

              For SNTMDAT, BODY_LEN = DAT_LEN + 18.

         The BODY format of MCNF is:

                   7                           0
                 |            OPC                |  :B
                 |            MBZ                |  :B + 1
                 |                               |  :B + 2
                 |            XCT_ID             |
                 |                               |  :B + 9


         Byte            Bits            Field   Description
|         B              <7:0>           OPC     OPC = 4 for MCNF.
          B + 2                          XCT_ID  Transaction identifier.
          through                                Byte B + 2 is the least
          B + 9                                  significant byte.  Value
                                                 is same as that of SNTMDAT
                                                 packet which resulted in
                                                 its generation.

              For MCNF, BODY_LEN = 10.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 55

         8.9.4  Reading Remote System Memories -

              Remote system memories and interface control storage  can  be
         read  over the CI by requesting maintenance data, in much the same
         fashion as buffer data is requested.  The data is  requested  with
         the  Maintenance  Data  Request  (MDATREQ)  packet.  The receiving
         buffer and offset specify the buffer into which the data is to  be
         written.   The  send buffer and offset are actually implementation
         dependent mapping information for physically accessing the desired
         data in the system under maintenance.

              Data can only be read if  the  remote  interface  is  in  the
         Uninitialized/Maintenance state and if the RST_PORT value is equal
         to the number of the node attempting the read.  The remote  system
         must therefore have been reset by the node desiring to perform the
|             For  local  port  testing,  self-addressed  maintenance  read
|        requests  may  be  performed  in  the  Enabled/Maintenance  state.
|        Packets  received  in  the  Enabled/Maintenance   that   are   not
|        self-addressed  are  to  be passed to the port driver as datagrams
|        with unrecognized packet status.

              A maximum of one packet of data may  be  requested.   Packets
         may  only be either 512 or 576 bytes.  That is, if P = 0, then 512
         bytes is the maximum request length.  If P = 1, then  the  maximum
         is  576.   M must be 0.  Interfaces that accept read requests must
         check the  requested  length.   If  the  state  and  RST_PORT  are
         correct,  but  the  request  is  too  large, the request should be

              The data is returned in Returned Maintenance  Data  (RETMDAT)
         packets.   The Last Packet (LP) flag must be set since the maximum
         transfer length is one packet.

              The data should only  be  returned  if  the  memory  read  is
         entirely   successful.    If   any   part   of  the  operation  is
         unsuccessful, the request should  be  discarded.   The  requesting
         node may detect this via timeout.

              A Transaction ID (XCT_ID)  is  carried  in  the  request  and
         returned with the data.
|             The operation of returning the RETMDAT packet in response  to
|        a MDATREQ must be performed at an effective priority of 4.

              MDATREQ and RETMDAT are both datagram-class packets.  MDATREQ
         packets  may be discarded in the receiving interface.  See section
         on  Maintenance/Configuration  Datagram   Service   for   details.
         RETMDAT packets may be discarded if buffer space is unavailable in
         the receiving interface.  However, the data may or  may  not  have
         actually  been  written  in  the  named  buffer  area.  If discard
         occurs, the datagram discarded counter is incremented.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 56

         The MDATREQ packet BODY format is:

                   7                           0
                 |            OPC                |  :B
                 | P |           MBZ             |  :B + 1
                 |                               |  :B + 2
                 |            XCT_ID             |
                 |                               |  :B + 9
                 |                               |  :B + 10
                 |            XCT_LEN            |
                 |                               |  :B + 13
                 |                               |  :B + 14
                 |            SND_NAME           |
                 |                               |  :B + 17
                 |                               |  :B + 18
                 |            SND_OFFSET         |
                 |                               |  :B + 21
                 |                               |  :B + 22
                 |            REC_NAME           |
                 |                               |  :B + 25
                 |                               |  :B + 26
                 |            REC_OFFSET         |
                 |                               |  :B + 29


         Byte            Bits            Field   Description

          B              <7:0>           OPC     OPC = 14 for MDATREQ.

          B + 1          <7>=            P       Basic packet size for
                         FLAGS<7>                return data transfer.
                                                   P = 0 for 512 bytes.
                                                   P = 1 for 576 bytes.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 57

          B + 2                          XCT_ID  Transaction identifier.
          through                                Byte B + 2 is the least
          B + 9                                  significant byte.  Value
                                                 to be used in generated
                                                 RETMDAT packets.

          B + 10                         XCT_LEN Transfer length in bytes.
          through                                Byte B + 10 is the least
          B + 13                                 significant byte.  Maximum
                                                 value is 512 if P = 0 or
                                                 576 if P = 1.

          B + 14                         SND_NAME Sending buffer name.
          through                                Byte B + 14 is the least
          B + 17                                 significant byte.
                                                 Interpretation is
                                                 implementation specific.

          B + 18                         SND_OFFSET Sending buffer offset.
          through                                Byte B + 18 is the least
          B + 21                                 byte of the byte offset
                                                 of the first byte of the
                                                 transfer to be sent.
                                                 Interpretation is
                                                 implementation specific.

          B + 22                         REC_NAME Receive buffer name.
          through                                Byte B + 18 is the least
          B + 25                                 significant byte.

          B + 26                         REC_OFFSET Receive buffer offset.
          through                                Byte B + 22 is the least
          B + 29                                 significant byte of the
                                                 byte offset of the first
                                                 byte of the transfer in
                                                 in the receiving buffer.

              For MDATREQ, BODY_LEN = 30.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 58

         The RETMDAT packet BODY format is:

                   7                           0
                 |            OPC                |  :B
                 |            MBZ            | 1 |  :B + 1
                 |                               |  :B + 2
                 |            XCT_ID             |
                 |                               |  :B + 9
                 |                               |  :B + 10
                 |            REC_NAME           |
                 |                               |  :B + 13
                 |                               |  :B + 14
                 |            REC_OFFSET         |
                 |                               |  :B + 17
                 |                               |  :B + 18
                 |                               |
                 |            DATA               |
                 |                               |
                 |                               |  :B + 17
                 +-------------------------------+   + DAT_LEN


         Byte            Bits            Field   Description

          B              <7:0>           OPC     OPC = 19 for RETMDAT.

          B + 1          <7> =           LP      LP  = 1 for last (only)
                         FLAGS<7>                packet.

          B + 2                          XCT_ID  Transaction identifier.
          through                                Byte B + 2 is the least
          B + 9                                  significant byte.

          B + 10                         REC_NAME Receive buffer name.
          through                                Byte B + 10 is the least
          B + 13                                 significant byte.

          B + 14                         REC_OFFSET Receive buffer offset.
          through                                Byte B + 14 is the least
          B + 17                                 significant byte.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 59

          B + 18                         DATA    Data.  Byte B + 18
          through                                is lowest address byte.
          B + 17 + DAT_LEN

              For RETMDAT, BODY_LEN = DAT_LEN + 18.

         8.9.5  Starting Remote Systems -

              Remote systems which have  been  halted  can  be  started  by
         sending  a  Start  (STRT)  packet.  The STRT packet should have no
         effect on systems that are already running.  STRT packets are only
         accepted by interfaces in the Uninitialized/Maintenance state.

              The start function will only be  performed  if  the  RST_PORT
         field  of  the  receiving port is equal to the source node number.
         That is, a node may only be started by the last port to reset  it.
         If  this  requirement is not met, the packet is passed to the port
         driver as a datagram of invalid format.

              An optional start address may  be  specified.   If  the  host
         computer  does  not implement variable start addresses, this field
         is  ignored.   For  systems  that  do  implement  variable   start
         addresses, a default must exist that is specifiable by setting the
         Default Start Address (DSA) bit.

              STRT is a datagram-class packet.  It is therefore subject  to
         duplication.   It  will not, however, be discarded if the state is
         correct, since it does  not  require  a  packet  to  be  returned.
         Interfaces  and  nodes  should  not  be  adversely affected by the
         receipt of duplicate STRT packets.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 60

         The BODY format of STRT is:

                   7                           0
                 |            OPC                |  :B
                 |DSA|        MBZ                |  :B + 1
                 |                               |  :B + 2
                 |            XCT_ID             |
                 |                               |  :B + 9
                 |                               |  :B + 10
                 |            STRT_ADDR          |
                 |                               |  :B + 13


         Byte            Bits            Field   Description

          B              <7:0>           OPC     OPC = 7 for STRT.

          B + 1          <7> =           DSA     Default start address.
                         FLAGS<7>                If set, system should
                                                 use implementation
                                                 specific default start
                                                 address.  Ignored if not

          B + 2          <7:0>           XCT_ID  Transaction identifier.
          through                                Byte B + 2 is the least
          B + 9                                  significant byte.

          B + 10         <7:0>           STRT_ADDR  Start address.
          through                                Byte B + 10 is the least
          B + 13                                 significant byte.

         For STRT, BODY_LEN = 14.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 61

         8.10  Maintenance/Configuration Datagram Service

              It is likely that Maintenance  and  Configuration  operations
         (with  the  exception of Loopback) will be performed by systems in
         states of less than full  functionality,  since,  in  fact,  these
         operations  are intended for use in down-line loading, diagnostics
         and bootstrapping.  It is therefore  probable  that  such  packets
         will  be  processed primarily in the interface hardware in the end
         being "maintained".  This implies that  the  amount  of  available
         state storage may be severely limited.
|             The processing of certain maintenance/configuration  packets,
|        namely,  IDREQ,  MDATREQ  and  SNTMDAT(LP)  requires  state  to be
|        maintained until the proper packet (ID, MDAT, MCNF,  respectively)
|        is  returned.   The  number of concurrent operations is limited by
|        the amount of storage available.  In the lowest limit, this may be
|        one  operation.   These  packets  are datagram-class;  they may be
|        discarded upon receipt if insufficient  state  storage  exists  to
|        process  them.   Discard  is  therefore  very likely under certain
|        conditions, such as consecutively (and rapidly) receiving  several
|        packets of this type.
|             For this reason, the maintenance and configuration operations
|        must  have  the  highest  priority  (effective  priority 4).  This
|        should reduce the number  of  packets  discarded  due  to  storage
|        limitations.
|             This discard must be considered by the node that  is  sending
|        the  packets.   It  is  also  the  reason  for  the  single packet
|        constraint on maintenance read and write operations.

              In general, it is recommended that maintenance operations  be
         performed  one transfer at a time, with verification of completion
         between transfers.  An example down-line load sequence might be:

         1.  Send a SNTMDAT (LP) packet.

         2.  Wait for the MCNF packet.

         3.  Retry previous two steps until successful or give up.

         4.  Send a MDATREQ for the same memory block.

         5.  Wait for RETMDAT(LP).

         6.  Retry previous two steps until successful or give up.

         7.  Compare data:  If successful, do next block.   Else  retry  or
             give up.

              For a more complete example, see appendix  on  remote  system
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 62

         8.11  Unrecognized Packets

              Packets that are illegal in any respect and are  received  in
         the  Enabled  or  Enabled/Maintenance states must be passed to the
         port driver as datagrams with Unrecognized  Packet  status.   They
         may,  in  fact,  be  discarded  by the driver or any higher layer.
         However, this requirement is necessary  to  allow  the  visibility
         necessary for CI diagnosis.
|             Illegal packets are those with OPC, FLAGS or PORT values that
|        are  not  correct  or  are  received  in  states  in  which  their
|        respective function is not  performed.   Virtual  circuit  packets
|        which  are  correct  in these fields but are for circuits that are
|        closed or have  incorrect  sequence  numbers  are  NOT  considered
|        illegal packets and are simply discarded.
|             In particular, MBZ fields MUST be checked  wherever  non-zero
|        values  will  cause  incorrect  system  response.   Note  that, as
|        datagrams,  unrecognized  packets  are  subject  to   discard   if
|        buffering is not available or if the DQI bit for the corresponding
|        port number is set.
|             If buffering is available, all paramters and a minimum of the
|        first  58  bytes  of  the body should be passed intact to the port
|        driver to aid in determining the source of the error.
|        8.12  Port Performance Counters
|             For purposes of monitoring cluster performance, a counter  is
|        required  to be implemented in all CI nodes.  This counter must be
|        32 bits in length and resetable and readable by higher layers such
|        that its value may be collected via higher level protocols.
|             The counter counts the number of datagrams discarded  due  to
|        lack  of  buffering  beyond the data link (after acknowledgement).
|        The  counter  should  be  incremented  for   unrecognized   packet
|        datagrams,  as  well.  If a packet is discarded due to the DQI bit
|        being set, the counter should not be incremented.
|             This counter should be controllable to count either all  such
|        events  for  all remote nodes (loopback should not be included) OR
|        for a single (specifiable) remote node.  The counter should be set
|        to  zero  and  assigned  to  count  for all ports upon entering an
|        Enabled (/Maintenance) state.
|             Counter overflow should result in the counter being locked at
|        a  value  of FFFFFFFF hex.  Such a value must always be considered
|        invalid.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 63


              The port exists in one of six global states:   Uninitialized,
         Disabled,  Enabled, with and without maintenance functions enabled
         (/Maintenance).  Essentially, the interface accepts and  processes
         datagram,  message  and data packets in the Enabled state.  In the
         Uninitialized state, the interface is  essentially  off,  and  not
         accepting  packets.   The  Disabled  state appears on the CI to be
         identical to the  Uninitialized  state.   It  is  provided  as  an
         implementation-specific   intermediate  state  for  "graceful"  or
         otherwise special state transitions.
|             In the /Maintenance versions of  the  three  states,  special
|        rules apply for the acceptance or rejection of packets at the port
|        level.   At  the  data  link  level,  all  packets  are  accepted.
|        Essentially, ports are enabled to process maintenance commands for
|        down-line loading and booting (subject to  other  command-specific
|        constraints) in the /Maintenance states.
|             It is not required that all states be implemented by a  port.
|        However,  at  least  the  Uninitialized/Maintenance  state must be
|        implemented if any  one  of  the  down-line  load  or  reset/start
|        functions   is  supported.   The  other  /Maintenance  states  are
|        optional.
|             Any state implementation must be within  the  bounds  of  the
|        description in this section.
|             Any state may be entered  from  any  other  state.   However,
|        certain   events   should   consistently   cause   specific  state
|        transitions.  These transitions are specified in  the  description
|        of each state and shown in Figure 9-1 at the end of the section.
|             The host system is modeled as existing in either a running or
|        a  halted  state.  Where applicable, the host state is included in
|        the port state description.
|        1.  Uninitialized
|                 In this state the interface does not send or  acknowledge
|            packets at the data link level (resulting in NO_RSP).  This is
|            the normal power-up state of most interfaces during which  the
|            host may accomplish bootstrap and local load functions.
|            This state can be entered by:
|            1.  Power-up.
|            2.  The occurrence  of  certain  types  of  interface-detected
|                errors.   This  state  might  be  entered since the higher
|                layers could not be trusted.
|            3.  The occurrence of interface failures.   This  state  would
|                most  likely  be  entered  since  the  interface cannot be
|                trusted.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 64

|            4.  Hardware control by the host.
|            This state can be exited by:
|            1.  Hardware control by the host.
|            2.  Host failure.  The Uninitialized/Maintenance state  should
|                be entered to allow down-line reboot.
|                     It is advisable that systems that are to be booted or
|                diagnosed  via the CI in cases of failure have a mechanism
|                by which to enter a maintainable state if the host  fails.
|                An  example  of  such  a mechanism could be a sanity timer
|                which must be "poked" by the host at regular intervals.  A
|                failure  of  the host to "poke" the timer should result in
|                the port entering the Uninitialized/Maintenance state.
|                     The timer value in this state (as the start-up state)
|                is  an  implementation-specific value (possibly variable).
|                It is generally determined by the  maximum  power-up  load
|                and boot time of the host system.
|        2.  Disabled
|                 In this state the interface does not send or  acknowledge
|            packets at the data link level (resulting in NO_RSP).  This is
|            normally  only  a  transient  state.   On  the   CI,   it   is
|            indistinguishable from the Uninitialized state.
|            This state can be entered by:
|            1.  Hardware control by the host.
|            2.  The occurrence  of  certain  types  of  interface-detected
|                errors.   This  state  might  be  entered since the higher
|                layers could not be trusted.
|            This state can be exited by:
|            1.  Hardware control by the host.
|            2.  Host failure.  The Uninitialized/Maintenance state  should
|                be entered to allow down-line reboot.
|                     The  mechanism  for  detection  of  host  failure  is
|                implementation-specific.   However,  it  should be able to
|                detect failure within a time of 100 seconds.  This  allows
|                a uniform time specification for node reboot (as a failure
|                correction tool) in cases of failures.
|            3.  The occurrence  of  certain  types  of  interface-detected
|                errors.   Another non-enabled state might be entered since
|                the higher layers could not be trusted.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 65

|            4.  The occurrence of  interface  failures.   The  Unitialized
|                state  would  most  likely  be entered since the interface
|                cannot be trusted.
|        3.  Enabled
|                 In this  state  the  port  is  processing  packets  (both
|            sending  and  receiving).  ID packets are returned in response
|            to IDREQ packets.  This is the normal operating state of  most
|            interfaces  not  requiring  external  maintenance.  STRT, RST,
|            SNTMDAT, MDATREQ and any illegal packets  are  passed  to  the
|            next level from the port as Unrecognized Packets.
|            This state can be entered by:
|            1.  Hardware control by the host.
|            This state can be exited by:
|            1.  Hardware control by the host.
|            2.  The occurrence  of  certain  types  of  interface-detected
|                errors.   Some  non-enabled  state  would  most  likely be
|                entered since the higher layers could not be trusted.
|            3.  The occurrence of  interface  failures.   The  Unitialized
|                state  would  most  likely  be entered since the interface
|                cannot be trusted.
|            4.  Host failure.  The Uninitialized/Maintenance state  should
|                be entered to allow down-line reboot.
|                     The  mechanism  for  detection  of  host  failure  is
|                implementation-specific.   However,  it  should be able to
|                detect failure within a time of 100 seconds.  This  allows
|                a uniform time specification for node reboot (as a failure
|                correction tool) in cases of failures.
|        4.  Uninitialized/Maintenance
|                 In this state the data link will acknowledge any  packets
|            received.   No  packets  will be sent other than those sent in
|            response to  maintenance  or  configuration  operations.   Any
|            packets  other  than  maintenance  or  IDREQ  packets  will be
|            discarded.  ID packets will  be  sent  in  response  to  IDREQ
|            packets.   Maintenance packets will be processed and responded
|            to as specified for the individual packets.  Receipt of a  RST
|            packet  under  appropriate  conditions will result in the host
|            being reset as specified for  the  particular  implementation.
|            The   port   state   will   not   change   although   internal
|            initialization may occur, possibly resulting in the  abort  of
|            other maintenance operations in progress.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 66

|                 This could be the power-up state of interfaces of systems
|            requiring  down-line load or bootstrap assistance over the CI.
|            The value of the RST_PORT field should be equal to the  number
|            of  the  last  node  to  reset  this  port.  If this state was
|            entered as the result of a  CI  Reset,  then  RST_PORT  should
|            equal the RST source node number.  Otherwise, the value should
|            be equal to the nodes own number.
|            This state can be entered by:
|            1.  Power-up in systems requiring down-line loading.
|            2.  Hardware control by the host.
|            3.  Host failure.  The Uninitialized/Maintenance state  should
|                be entered to allow down-line reboot.
|                     The  mechanism  for  detection  of  host  failure  is
|                implementation-specific.   However,  it  should be able to
|                detect failure within a time of 100 seconds.  This  allows
|                a uniform time specification for node reboot (as a failure
|                correction tool) in cases of failures.
|            4.  The occurrence  of  certain  types  of  interface-detected
|                errors.   This  state  might  be  entered since the higher
|                layers could not be trusted.
|            5.  Receipt of a RST packet in  any  /Maintenance  state  with
|                correct RST_PORT and Force bit values.
|            This state can be exited by:
|            1.  Hardware control by the host.
|            2.  The occurrence  of  certain  types  of  interface-detected
|                errors.   Another non-enabled state might be entered since
|                the higher layers could not be trusted.
|            3.  The occurrence of  interface  failures.   The  Unitialized
|                state  would  most  likely  be entered since the interface
|                cannot be trusted.
|        5.  Disabled/Maintenance
|                 In this state the interface will acknowledge any  packets
|            received.   No  packets  will be sent other than those sent in
|            response to configuration operations.  Any packets other  than
|            RST  or  IDREQ  packets will be discarded.  ID packets will be
|            sent in response to IDREQ packets.  Receipt of  a  RST  packet
|            under  appropriate  conditions  will  result in the host being
|            reset   and    halted.     The    port    will    enter    the
|            Uninitialized/Maintenance state.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 67

|            This state can be entered by:
|            1.  Hardware control by the host.
|            2.  The occurrence  of  certain  types  of  interface-detected
|                errors.   This  state  might  be  entered since the higher
|                layers could not be trusted.
|            This state can be exited by:
|            1.  Host failure.  The Uninitialized/Maintenance state  should
|                be entered to allow down-line reboot.
|                     The  mechanism  for  detection  of  host  failure  is
|                implementation-specific.   However,  it  should be able to
|                detect failure within a time of 100 seconds.  This  allows
|                a uniform time specification for node reboot (as a failure
|                correction tool) in cases of failures.
|            2.  Hardware control by the host.
|            3.  The occurrence  of  certain  types  of  interface-detected
|                errors.   Some  non-enabled  state  would  most  likely be
|                entered since the higher layers could not be trusted.
|            4.  The occurrence of  interface  failures.   The  Unitialized
|                state  would  most  likely  be entered since the interface
|                cannot be trusted.
|        6.  Enabled/Maintenance
|                 In this  state  the  port  is  processing  packets  (both
|            sending  and  receiving).  ID packets are returned in response
|            to IDREQ packets.  Maintenance packets other than RST that are
|            not  self-addressed  should  be passed to the higher layers as
|            Unrecognized  packets.   Receipt  of  a   RST   packet   under
|            apprpriate  conditions will result in the host being reset and
|            halted.  The port  will  enter  the  Uninitialized/Maintenance
|            state.
|                 This is the normal operating  state  of  most  interfaces
|            requiring  external  reset  at  any  time.   The  value of the
|            RST_PORT field should be equal to the nodes own number in this
|            state.
|            This state can be entered by:
|            1.  Hardware control by the host.
|            This state can be exited by:
|            1.  Hardware control by the host.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 68

|            2.  The occurrence  of  certain  types  of  interface-detected
|                errors.
|            3.  Host failure.  The Uninitialized/Maintenance state  should
|                be entered to allow down-line reboot.
|                     The  mechanism  for  detection  of  host  failure  is
|                implementation-specific.   However,  it  should be able to
|                detect failure within a time of 100 seconds.  This  allows
|                a uniform time specification for node reboot (as a failure
|                correction tool) in cases of failures.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 69

|             Power-up, Host Cntl,                Power-up (remote ld),
|               Interface Failure,                    Host Control,
|             Intfc-detected Error                 Intfc-detected Error
|                      |                                   |
|                      |                                   |
|                      V                                   V
|                *************     Host Failure      *************
|                *           *---------------------->*           *-----+
|                *   UNINIT  *                       *  UNINIT/  *     | CI RST
|                *           *                       *   MAINT   *<----+
|                *           *           +--------- >*           *<--------+
|                *           *        H  |   +------>*           *<---+ C  |
|                *************        o  |   |       *************    | I  |
|                                     s  |   |                        |    |
|                                     t  |   |                        | R  | C
|                                        |   |                        | S  | I
|                                     F  |   |                        | T  |
|                                     a  |   |                        | /  | R
|                                     i  |   |                        | H  | S
|                Host Control,        l  |   |       Host Control,    | s  | T
|                Intfc-det Err.       u  |   |       Intfc-det Err.   | t  | /
|                     |               r  |   |            |           |    | H
|                     V               e  |   |            V           | F  | o
|                *************           |   |       *************    | a  | s
|                *           *-----------+   |       *           *    | i  | t
|                *  DISABLED *               |       * DISABLED/ *----+ l  |
|                *           *               |       *   MAINT   *         | F
|                *           *               |       *           *         | a
|                *           *               |       *           *         | i
|                *************               |       *************         | l
|                                            |                             | u
|                                            |                             | r
|                                            |                             | e
|                                            |                             |
|                                            |                             |
|                                            |                             |
|                                            |                             |
|                   Host                     |          Host               |
|                  Control                   |         Control             |
|                     |                      |            |                |
|                     V                      |            V                |
|                *************               |       *************         |
|                *           *  Host Failure |       *           *         |
|                *  ENABLED  *---------------+       *  ENABLED/ *         |
|                *           *                       *   MAINT   *         |
|                *           *                       *           *---------+
|                *           *                       *           *
|                *************                       *************
|                Fig. 9-1:  CI Interface State Diagram
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 70


              This section describes, in detail, the functionality  of  the
         data  link  layer  of  the CI.  Although the implementation is not
         specified, it is by nature somewhat more restricted than the  port
         layer, due to real-time constraints required for compatibility.

              With the exception  of  packet  size,  the  data  link  layer
         basically  has no optional features.  The parameters are specified
         to be  minimally  restrictive.   However,  complete  compatibility
         within specification is required for any interface attached to the

              The specification of this layer assumes the same model as the
         port  layer,  that  is,  transmit  and  receive packet buffers and
         independent packet  transmit  and  receive  functions.   In  fact,
         implementations   are   not   restricted   to  providing  entirely
         independent   transmit   and   receive   functions.    A   minimal
         implementation is described to clarify this aspect.

              The two  primary  components  of  the  data  link  layer  are
         packetization   and   channel   control.    Packetization  is  the
         translation of port layer body information to and from packets for
         transmission  and  reception  by  the  physical  channel.  Channel
         control includes such functions as  arbitration  for  use  of  the
         channel  and  retransmission  on error.  The following subsections
         describe these functions in detail.

         10.1  Packetization

              Since all data on  the  CI  is  passed  in  packet  form  for
         efficiency  (low ratio of control information to actual data), one
         of the primary functions of the data link layer is  packetization.
         This  subsection specifies the packets passed (in both directions)
         across the physical  channel/data  link  interface.   The  primary
         components  of  packetization  are framing, addressing, and packet
         data integrity.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 71

              The basic packet format of the data link layer is:

                 |                               |  :0
                 |       CHAR_SYNC               |
                 |                               |
                 |       PACK_LEN/TYPE           |  :1
                 |                               |
                 |                               |  :3
                 |       DST/SRC                 |
                 |                               |
                 |                               |  :6
                 |                               | 
                 |       BODY                    |
                 |                               |
                 |                               |
                 |                               |  :BODY_LEN + 6
                 |       CRC                     |
                 |                               |  :BODY_LEN + 9

                 Fig. 10-1:  Data Link Packet Format

              The various fields an their functions are  described  in  the
         following subsections.

         10.1.1  Framing -

              The packet is framed by two fields.  The beginning is  marked
         by  a special starting character and the length is coded in one of
         subsequent fields.

  Character Sync -

              The character sync denotes the first byte  (byte  0)  of  the
         packet  and  has  a  value  of  96(hex).  The first combination of
         consecutive bits transmitted to  or  received  from  the  physical
         channel  that  have  this  value are specified to denote the first
         byte of the packet.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 72

              Any data link that uses shared hardware  (cannot  operate  on
         both  paths  simultaneously)  should  implement  a  header timeout
         function (see Physical Channel section for definition of  header).
         This should discontinue the receive process if a correct character
         synch is not detected within a certain time from the detection  of
         carrier.   This time should be a maximum of 32 byte times, or 3.66
         microseconds.  The minimum time is the minimum header detect time,
         which is dependent on the size of the header and carrier detection
         and byte decode times.  Note that a header extension is  permitted
         within  bounds and may be enabled for special configurations.  The
         maximum header length is 18 bytes.

  Packet Length/Type -

              The two bytes of  the  packet  that  immediately  follow  the
         character  sync  are  the  packet  length/type  field.  This field
         frames the end of packet by supplying the  length  of  the  packet
         immediately  following (but not including) the character sync byte
         up to (but not including) the CRC bytes.  The  information  packet
         length (PACK_LEN) is always BODY_LEN + 5.

              The  type  value  identifies  whether  this  packet   is   an
         information  packet  (carrying  data) or an acknowledgement packet
         (transmitted as a result of successfully receiving an  information
         packet, see section on Acknowledgement).

              The format of the Packet Length/Type field is:

                                                 Packet Byte

                 |TYP|ACK|       | PACK_LEN<11:8>|  :1
                 |       PACK_LEN<7:0>           |  :2


         Byte            Bits            Field   Description

          1              <7>             TYPE    Packet type.  TYPE = 0
                                                 for information packet.
                                                 TYPE = 1 for acknow-
                                                 ledgement packet.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 73

          1              <6>             ACK     Acknowledgement type.
                                                 Valid only for acknow-
                                                 ledgement packets.  MBZ
                                                 for information packets.
                                                 ACK = 1 for positive
                                                 acknowledgement of packet
                                                 receipt.  ACK = 0 for
                                                 negative acknowledgment
                                                 (NAK) indicating that the
                                                 packet buffers were full.

                                                 Bits <5:0> MBZ for
                                                 Acknowledgement packets.

         1               <3:0>           PACK_LEN Packet length in bytes.
         through                                 Byte 1<3:0> = PACK_LEN<11:8>.
         2               <7:0>                   Byte 2<7:0> = PACK_LEN<7:0>.

                                                 Byte 1<6:4> MBZ for
                                                 Information packets.

                                                 Byte 2 does not exist for
                                                 Acknowledgement packets.

                                                 A value of 0 indicates 
                                                 a length of 4096 bytes (the

         10.1.2  Addressing -

              Addressing is accomplished  by  the  source  and  destination
         address  fields.   Addresses  are 8 bits, with each node having an
         address value assigned that is unique within  the  particular  CI.
         The  range  of  valid  addresses  is  dependent on the type of hub
         coupler.  If a passive coupler is in use, the address  values  may
         range  from  0  to 15.  If an active exchange is in use, the value
         may range from 0 to 223.

              The source address is  that  of  the  node  transmitting  the
         packet.   The  destination address is that of the node intended to
         receive the packet.  A node should only receive and buffer packets
         with its address in the destination field and should only transmit
         packets with its address in the source field.  Loopback of packets
         is  legitimate,  that  is, the source and destinations of a packet
         may be the same value.

              The  destination  field  of  the  packet  is  replicated  (in
         complement form) to allow duplication of address comparison logic.
         This permits the design of interfaces free from  single  component
         failures  capable  of  prohibitting communication on the CI (on at
         least one path).
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 74

              The format of the address field is:

                                                 Packet Byte

                 |       DST                     |  :3
                 |       DST_CMPL                |  :4
                 |       SRC                     |  :5

         Bits            Field           Description

         3<7:0>          DST             Destination node

         4<7:0>          DST_CMPL        Destination complement.
                                         1's complement of byte 3.

         5<7:0>          SRC             Source node number.

         10.1.3  Packet Integrity -

              The detection of packet errors due to bus noise or  collision
         is  provided  by  use  of a 32-bit Cyclical Redundancy Check (CRC)
         character.  The CRC character  is  the  residue  of  the  division
         (modulo  2)  of  the  packet  bits  expressed as a polynomial by a
         special, defined polynomial.  The CRC is generated as  the  packet
         is  transmitted (or prior to transmission) and appended to the end
         of  the  packet.   Upon  receipt  of  the  packet,  the   CRC   is
         re-calculated  during  reception  (necessitated by acknowledgement
         time constraints).  If the  residue  of  the  calculation  in  the
         receiver  agrees with the value appended to the packet, the packet
         is considered to be error free.

              This technique, along with validity tests of the  destination
         address  fields,  should  provide  an  undetected  error  rate  of
         10**-12.  With  a  typical  cluster  load,  this  results  in  one
         undetected  erroneous  packet approximately every 10 years at this
         level.  This assumes that  collision  and  bus  errors  result  in
         uniformly  unpredictable  bit  values.   Note  that if many of the
         other values in the packet, particularly  in  the  body,  are  not
         exactly  correct,  the packet will be discarded at the port layer.
         A similar rejection also occurs at higher  levels.   This  reduces
         the probability of an undetected error in the cluster by many more
         orders of magnitude.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 75

              The polynomial used  to  calculate  the  CRC  is  as  follows

                  32    26    23    22    16    12    11    10    8
                 X   + X   + X   + X   + X   + X   + X   + X   + X  +

                  7    5    4    2
                 X  + X  + X  + X  + X + 1

              The transmitter and receiver  generator/checker  accumulators
         are  preset  to  all  ones prior to generating or checking the CRC
         character.  The transmitter sends the complement of the  remainder
         following  the  data  bytes.   In  the  receiver,  an  error  free
         reception of the packet  should  result  in  a  remainder  in  the
         accumulator of DEBB20E3(hex).

              The bytes on which the CRC  is  calculated  include  all  the
         bytes  after  the  Character  sync (same as included in the packet
         count).  The packet byte counter should  be  after  the  Character
         Sync  is  detected.   It should be incremented for each successive
         byte received.  For acknowledgement packets, CRC accumulator value
         should  be  tested when counter has a value of 4.  For information
         packets, the value should be checked when the count  is  equal  to
         the received packet length value.

         10.2  Channel Control

              The channel control of  the  data  link  layer  includes  all
         functions  employed  to  transfer  a  packet between the data link
         layers of two nodes using the physical  channel.   Such  functions
         include  arbitration  for use of the media, selection of path (for
         dual-path interfaces) and acknowledgement  and  retransmission  of

         10.2.1  Arbitration -

              The arbitration mechanism is  implemented  in  a  distributed
         fashion,  with  each  node having equal priority and capability to
         arbitrate for the channel for any packet transmission.  The method
         used  is  a  slotted  Carrier  Sense  Multiple  Access (CSMA) type
         referred to as Dual-Count Round-Robin.  Its characteristics are:

         1.  Fairness.  Under saturation, each system wins  arbitration  at
             least  one  out  of N times, where N is the number of nodes on
             the cluster.

         2.  Efficiency.  Saturation efficiency is approximately 80%  in  a
             16 node cluster and higher with fewer nodes.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 76

         3.  Reliable.  The frequency  of  collision  under  saturation  is
             zero.   Collisions  may  occur  under lighter loading but at a
             maximum rate of approximately 0.5%.

              The algorithm is based on a slot, or time interval  which  is
         the  maximum  time  for any node at any physical location to sense
         that  any  other  node  at  any   other   physical   location   is

              A node desiring to transmit will examine the bus to determine
         if  carrier is present (another node is transmitting).  As soon as
         the bus becomes idle, the node will begin waiting a unique  number
         of quiet slots based on its address N (ranging from 0 to 16).  The
         number of slots waited may have two values:  N +  1  or  N  +  17.
         This  value is determined by previous transmissions of other nodes
         on the bus.  The initial waiting period is N + 17 slots.   If  the
         waiting  period  elapses without carrier being detected on the bus
         (no other node attempting to transmit), the node will transmit its
         packet.   If, however, carrier is sensed, then the number of slots
         waited before carrier detection is counted.  The modulo  16  value
         of  this  number  minus  one  is  the  number  of  the  node  that
         transmitted.  The node will then set the waiting  time  value  for
         the  next  arbitration  attempt based on this information.  If the
         number is less than its own, the new waiting value will be N  +  1
         (high  priority).   If  the number is greater than its own, it the
         new  waiting  value  will  be  N  +  17  (low  priority).    Under
         saturation, this results in each node "waiting its turn", that is,
         waiting for all nodes  with  higher  numbers  to  transmit  before
         shifting  to  low  priority.   In  cases of nodes waiting at equal
         priorities, the node with the lowest address wins.

              It should be noted that collisions can only  occur  when  the
         bus  has  been  idle  and  two  nodes  begin  arbitrating at times
         different in slots by the same number as their  addresses  differ.
         In this case, they will both attempt to transmit at the same time.
         This results in corruption  of  the  packet  and  failure  of  CRC

              A timeout period is specified for  cases  when  the  node  is
         unable  to  win arbitration;  that is, when the absence of carrier
         is never detected for the current arbitration count  value.   This
         timeout  period is a minimum of 25 ms.  with no specified maximum.
         If the timeout value is larger, it merely takes longer  to  detect
         the  problem.   Arbitration timeouts result in a NO_RSP status for
         the transmission on that path.

              For a structured description of the arbitration function, see
         the Data Link Structured Description subsection.

              The arbitration "slot" time  is  nominally  800  nanoseconds.
         This  time, however, may be adjusted for special configurations in
         the future.  If the coupler in use  is  an  active  exchange,  the
|        arbitration   may   be  disabled.   If  arbitration  is  disabled,
|        transmission may be begun whenever  a  packet  becomes  available.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 77

         See Active Exchange appendix for details of operation.

         10.2.2  Acknowledgement And Retransmission -

              The CI uses immediate acknowledgement at the data link  level
         to  verify  the  successful transmission and reception of packets.
         When a node successfully receives an  information  packet,  it  is
         required  to  immediately  acknowledge the receipt of that packet.
         Acknowledgement is performed by  the  transmission  of  a  special
         packet that carries an acknowledgement type code.  Arbitration for
         transmission of the acknowledgement packet is not required.   That
         is, the packet should be transmitted as soon as the carrier of the
         transmission is removed from the physical  channel.   The  maximum
         time between carrier removal and transmission is 600 nanoseconds.

              The node that transmitted the information packet must attempt
         to  receive  the  acknowledgement packet as soon as it is finished
         transmitting.  If the acknowledgement is not  received  within  an
         acknowledgement  timeout period, the transmission is considered to
         have failed.  This is termed No Response (NO_RSP).  NO_RSP  occurs
         when  the  intended  node did not correctly receive the packet and
         therefore did not acknowledge it.  The minimum arbitration timeout
         time  is  a  function of the implementation.  The carrier from the
         header of the acknowledgement should be on the cable at the packet
         sender  no  later  than  800  nanoseconds  after  the  trailer  is
         finished.   The  maximum  value  should   be   limited   to   3.66
         microseconds  for purposes of throughput, especially in interfaces
         with shared hardware.

              NO_RSP's may occur as the result of bus  noise  (CRC  compare
         failure),  simultaneous transmission of multiple nodes (collision,
         resulting in CRC compare failure),  or  inability  of  a  node  to
         receive the packet on the path on which it was transmitted, either
         due to malfunction of path or interface hardware, or unavailablity
         of  shared  receiver  hardware  in minimally implemented dual-path

              There are  two  types  of  acknowledgements  to  successfully
         received  packets.   The  first is positive Acknowledgement (ACK),
         which indicates that the reception was successful,  that  is,  the
         transmitted packet is available to the port layer in the receiving
         node.  The second is  Negative  Acknowledgement,  which  indicates
         that the packet was correctly received, but that the interface was
         unable to buffer it (packet is discarded).   Although  the  actual
         buffering is implementation specific, the concept of the congested
         interface that is unable  to  process  a  packet  applies  to  all
         implementations.   The  probability of congestion in interfaces is
         not restricted by specification, but should  be  minimized  as  it
         reduces  the  amount  of  bandwidth  available on the media to all
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 78

|             If  the  transmission  results  in  either  NO_RSP  or   NAK,
|        retransmission  must  be  attempted  according  to  the  following
|        algorithm:  For NO_RSP, if fewer than  64  consecutive  NO_RSP  on
|        this  packet  have  occurred,  retransmission should be attempted.
|        For NAK, if fewer than 128 NAK's on this packet have occurred (not
|        necessarily consecutive), retransmission should be attempted.
|             A "coin-flip" decision  must  be  made  when  the  packet  is
|        available   for   retransmission.    If   the   result   is  TRUE,
|        retransmission may be attempted.  If FALSE, a delay time  interval
|        should  be waited and the decision repeated.  The delay time value
|        should be a minimum of 16 slot times.  The normally selected  slot
|        time  value  is  800  nanoseconds  which  implies  a minimum delay
|        interval of 12.8 microseconds.  The  maximum  time  is  unlimited.
|        Throughput  considerations  usually  limit the maximum.  The delay
|        need not be consistent.  This  allows  for  software  or  firmware
|        controlled retry with non-constant service latencies (such as in a
|        polled system).
|             The first decision has special properities.  If, at the  time
|        of  the  decision  to  retransmit,  synchronism  of the arbiter is
|        maintained  after  the   transmission,   that   is,   it   remains
|        synchronized  to  the  last  deassertion  of  carrier  on the bus,
|        transmission  may  occur  when  the  arbitration   is   completed.
|        However,  if  synchronism was lost, a single delay interval should
|        be waited before the retransmission decison is made.
|             This prevents consistent arbitration violation  on  succesful
|        retransmit  decisions.   If  an  interface always takes a constant
|        amount of time to determine that it  must  retransmit,  collisions
|        with the transmissions of another node (with difference in numbers
|        times  slots  equalling  the  retransmit   decision   time)   will
|        consistently occur.

              The   random   choice    should    be    equal    probability
         success/failure.   Pseudo  random  implementations  are acceptable
         with a minimum of 16 bits in the generator.

              This scheme is designed to break deadlocks.  The selection of
         retry  limits  was  calculated from simulation results to meet the
         following criteria:  The  mistaking  of  failure  in  a  correctly
         functioning  system  (due to congestion) should occur no more than
         once per year with typical factors in heavily loaded clusters.
|             A path that has failed in retransmission need not be  retried
|        for  the failing packet.  Rather, it is appropriate to retry it at
|        whatever frequency is used for configuration update polling.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 79

         10.2.3  Data Link Performance Counters -

              For purposes of monitoring  cluster  performance,  a  set  of
         counters  is  required  to  be implemented in all CI nodes.  These
         counters must be 32 bits in length and resetable and  readable  by
         higher  layers  such that their values may be collected via higher
         level protocols.  The following counters must be implemented:

         1.  ACK_0 -- ACKS occurring on path 0.

         2.  ACK_1 -- ACKS occurring on path 1 (dual-path nodes only).

         3.  NAK_0 -- NAKS occurring on path 0.

         4.  NAK_1 -- NAKS occurring on path 1 (dual-path nodes only).

         5.  NO_RSP_0 -- NO_RSP's occurring on path 0.

         6.  NO_RSP_1 -- NO_RSP's occurring  on  path  1  (dual-path  nodes

|             These counters should be controllable  to  count  either  all
|        such events for all remote nodes (loopback should not be included)
|        OR for a single (specifiable) remote node.  The counter should  be
|        set  to  zero and assigned to count for all ports upon entering an
|        Enabled (/Maintenance) state.
|             Counter overflow should result in the counter being locked at
|        a  value  of FFFFFFFF hex.  Such a value must always be considered
|        invalid.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 80

         10.3  Data Link Structured Specification

              This section specifies the data link transmitter and receiver
         in PASCAL.  Although the transmitter and receiver are specified as
         procedures (for purposes of test compilation), they  are  actually
         processes which pass parameters under flag control to and from the
         Port layer.

         10.3.1  Global Definitions -

         procedure DATALINK(             {Transmit and receive packets}
                 DST: PORT_ADRS;         {Destination port number or port received from}
                 SRC: PORT_ADRS;         {Source port number -- this port}
                 BODY: PACKET_BODY;      {Packet body in a byte array}
                 BODY_LEN: BODY_LEN_TYPE; {Packet body length in bytes}
                 RCD_PACKET: BOOLEAN;    {Packet received flag}
                 TX_PACKET: BOOLEAN;     {Packet available to transmit flag}
                 PACKET_STATUS: STATUS); {Receive or transmit packet status}

         const   CHAR_SYNC = %X96;       {Character Sync value}
|                ACK_PACK = %XC0;        {Packet Type High Codes}
|                NAK_PACK = %X80;
                 INF_PACK = %X00;
                 OK_CRC0 = %XDE;         {CRC remainder}
                 OK_CRC1 = %XBB;
                 OK_CRC2 = %X20;
                 OK_CRC3 = %XE3;

         type    STATUS = (NORSP,NAK,ACK,OVERSIZE,OK);
                 PORT_ADRS = 0..15;
                 BYTE = 0..255;
                 PACKET_BODY = array [0..4089] of BYTE;
                 BODY_LEN_TYPE = 0..4091;        
                 TIMER = REAL;           {Variable that decrements in time}
                 CRC = ARRAY[0..3] of integer; {CRC accumulator on BUSDATA}
                 OP_STATUS = (SUCCESS,FAIL);  {General operation status} 
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 81

         var     CARRIER: BOOLEAN;       {Carrier sense}
                 BUS_DATA: BYTE;         {Bytes passed to/from phys. channel}
                 CRC_ACC: CRC;           {CRC accumulator}
                 PACK_TYPLEN_H: BYTE;    {Packet Type/Length high order byte}
                 PACK_LEN_L: BYTE;       {Packet Type/Length low order byte}
                 PACK_SRC: PORT_ADRS;    {Received packet source}
                 PACK_DST: PORT_ADRS;    {Received packet destination}
                 PACK_DST_CMPL: BYTE;    {1's complement of destination port number}
                 BUF_FULL: BOOLEAN;      {True if no receive buffer available}

         function CMPL(
                 N:INTEGER): INTEGER;

                 {CMPL := 1's complement of parameter}
                 end;  {CMPL}

         function RAND: BOOLEAN;

                 {return true 50% of time, otherwise false}
                 end;  {RAND}

         procedure STRTCHAN;

                 {Transmit header bits on bus and open BUS_DATA for transmit data}
                 end;  {STRTCHAN}

         procedure ENDCHAN;

                 {Transmit trailer bits on bus}
                 end;  {ENDCHAN}
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 82

                 {start transmit and receive processes}
                 {transmit is woken by assertion of TX_PACKET flag by port}
                         {Returns status when it deasserts TX_PACKET}
                 {receive is woken by CARRIER}
                         {returns BODY and parameters when it asserts RCD_PACK}

         end;  {DATALINK}

         10.3.2  Transmitter -

         procedure SEND(                         {Send a packet}         
                 DST: PORT_ADRS;
                 BODY_LEN: BODY_LEN_TYPE;
                 BODY: PACKET_BODY;
                 TX_PACKET: BOOLEAN;
                 PACKET_STATUS: STATUS);

         const   RTX_DELAY = 1.28E-05;           {Retransmit delay value}
                 MAX_NAK = 128;                  {Maximum MAK count}
                 MAX_NORSP = 64;                 {Maximum  consecutive NORSP count}

         var     NAK_CTR: integer;               {NAK counter}
                 NORSP_CTR: integer;             {NORSP counter}
                 RETRY: BOOLEAN;                 {Retry flag}
                 DELAY_TMR: TIMER;               {Retransmit delay timer}
                 I: INTEGER;                     {General purpose index}
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 83

         function ARBITRATE: OP_STATUS;          {Returns after arbitration or timeout}

                 const   ARB_TIMEOUT = 25E-03;   {Minimum arbitration timeout value}
                         SLOT_TIME = 800E-09;    {Nominal slot time}

                 var     CTR: INTEGER;           {Slot counter}
                         INIT_CTR: INTEGER;      {Initial slot counter value}
                         ARB_TMR: TIMER;         {Arbitration timer}
                         SLOT_TMR: TIMER;        {Slot timer}

                 ARB_TMR := ARB_TIMEOUT;
                 INIT_CTR := SRC + 17;           {Low priority value}
                 CTR := INIT_CTR;
                 while ((CARRIER) and (ARB_TMR <>0 )) do {Wait for carrier to go away}
                 while (ARB_TMR <> 0) do
                         SLOT_TMR := SLOT_TIME;
                         while ((CTR <> 0)AND(NOT(CARRIER))) do
                                 if (SLOT_TMR = 0) then
                                         CTR := CTR - 1;
                                         SLOT_TMR := SLOT_TIME
                         if (CTR <> 0) then
                                 if (((CTR - 1) MOD 16) < SRC) then
                                         CTR := SRC + 1          {high priority}
                                 else if (((CTR - 1) MOD 16) > SRC) then
                                         CTR := SRC + 17         {low priority}  
                                         CTR := INIT_CTR         {Didn't wait -- ACK}
                 if (CTR = 0) then
                         ARBITRATE := SUCCESS
                         ARBITRATE := FAIL       {Timeout has occurred}
                 end;  {ARBITRATE}
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 84

         function RXACK(                 {Receive packet acknowledgement}
                 SRC: PORT_ADRS;
                 DST: PORT_ADRS): STATUS;

         const   ACK_TIMEOUT = 800E-09;  {Acknowledgement wait timeout}

         var     ACK_TMR: TIMER;         {Acknowledgement wait timer}
                 I: INTEGER;             {General purpose index}
                 for I := 0 to 3 do
                         CRC_ACC[I] := -1;  {Initialize CRC accumulator}
                 ACK_TMR := ACK_TIMEOUT;
                 while (((not(CARRIER)) or
                   (CARRIER and (BUS_DATA <> CHAR_SYNC))) and 
                   (ACK_TMR <> 0)) do
                 if (ACK_TMR <> 0) then          {Acknowldgement being received}
                         PACK_TYPLEN_H := BUS_DATA;
                         PACK_DST := BUS_DATA;
                         PACK_DST_CMPL := BUS_DATA;
                         PACK_SRC := BUS_DATA;
                         for I := 0 to 3 do
                                 CRC_ACC[I] := BUS_DATA;
                         if ((CRC_ACC[0] = OK_CRC0) and
                           (CRC_ACC[1] = OK_CRC1) and
                           (CRC_ACC[2] = OK_CRC2) and
                           (CRC_ACC[3] = OK_CRC3) and
                           (PACK_TYPLEN_H >= ACK_PACK) and
                           (CMPL(PACK_DST_CMPL) = DST) and
                           (PACK_DST = SRC) and
                           (PACK_SRC = DST)) then
|                                if (PACK_TYPLEN_H = NAKK_PACK) then
|                                        RXACK := NAK
                                         RXACK := ACK
                                 RXACK := NORSP
                         RXACK := NORSP
                 end;  {RXACK}
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 85

                 while (not (TX_PACKET)) do
                         {Wait for packet to transmit}
                 NAK_CTR := MAX_NAK;
                 NORSP_CTR := MAX_NORSP;
                 RETRY := TRUE;

                 while (RETRY) do
                         if (ARBITRATE = SUCCESS) then
                                 for I := 0 to 3 do
                                         CRC_ACC[I] := -1;
|                                BUS_DATA := (BODY_LEN + 5) MOD 4096;
                                 BUS_DATA := DST;
                                 BUS_DATA := CMPL(DST);
                                 BUS_DATA := SRC;
                                 for I := 0 to (BODY_LEN - 1) do
                                         BUS_DATA := BODY[I];
                                 for I := 0 to 3 do
                                         BUS_DATA := CMPL(CRC_ACC[I]);

                                 PACKET_STATUS := RXACK(SRC,DST);
                                 if (PACKET_STATUS = NORSP) then
                                         NORSP_CTR := NORSP_CTR - 1;
                                         if (NORSP_CTR = 0) then
                                                 RETRY := FALSE

                                 else if (PACKET_STATUS = NAK) then
                                         NAK_CTR := NAK_CTR - 1;
                                         if (NAK_CTR = 0) then
                                                 RETRY := FALSE
                                                 NORSP_CTR := MAX_NORSP
                                 PACKET_STATUS := NORSP;
                         while ((RETRY) and (RAND)) do
                                 DELAY_TMR := RTX_DELAY;
                                 while (DELAY_TMR <> 0) do
                 end;  {SEND}
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 86

         10.3.3  Receiver -

         procedure RECEIVE(              {Receive a packet}
                 DST: PORT_ADRS;
                 BODY_LEN: BODY_LEN_TYPE;
                 BODY: PACKET_BODY;
                 BUF_FULL: BOOLEAN;
                 RCD_PACKET: BOOLEAN;
                 PACKET_STATUS: STATUS);

|        const   HDR_TIMEOUT = 4.8E-06;          {Minimum time for 40-bit header}
                 MAX_BODY_LEN = 4091;            {Implementation specific maximum}

         var     HDR_TMR: TIMER;                 {Header timer}
                 JUNK: BYTE;                     {Byte bucket}
                 I: INTEGER;                     {General purpose index}

         procedure TXACK(                {Transmit an acknowledgement packet}
                 BUF_FULL: BOOLEAN;
                 SRC: PORT_ADRS;
                 DST: PORT_ADRS); 

         var     I: INTEGER;             {General purpose index}

                 for I := 0 to 3 do
                         CRC_ACC[I] := -1;
                 if (BUF_FULL) then
                         BUS_DATA := NAK_PACK
                         BUS_DATA := ACK_PACK;
                 BUS_DATA := DST;
                 BUS_DATA := CMPL(DST);
                 BUS_DATA := SRC;
                 for I := 0 to 3 do
                         BUS_DATA := CMPL(CRC_ACC[I]);
                 end;  {TXACK}
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 87

                 while (not (CARRIER)) do
                         {Wait for carrier}
                 RCD_PACKET := FALSE;
                 for I := 0 to 3 do
                         CRC_ACC[I] := -1;
                 HDR_TMR := HDR_TIMEOUT; 
                 while ((BUS_DATA <> CHAR_SYNC) and (HDR_TMR <> 0)) do
                 if (HDR_TMR <> 0) then
                         PACK_TYPLEN_H := BUS_DATA;
                         if (PACK_TYPLEN_H <= INF_PACK + 15) then
                                 PACK_LEN_L := BUS_DATA;
                                 PACK_DST := BUS_DATA;
                                 PACK_DST_CMPL := BUS_DATA;
                                 SRC := BUS_DATA;
|                                BODY_LEN := ((4096 + PACK_LEN_L +
|                                  (PACK_TYPLEN_H * 256)) MOD 4096) - 5;
                                 if BODY_LEN > MAX_BODY_LEN then
                                         BODY_LEN := MAX_BODY_LEN;
                                 for I := 0 to (BODY_LEN - 1) do
                                         BODY[I] := BUS_DATA;
                                 for I := 0 to (MAX_BODY_LEN - BODY_LEN) do
                                         JUNK := BUS_DATA;
                                 for I := 0 to 3 do
                                         CRC_ACC[I] := BUS_DATA;
                                 if ((CRC_ACC[0] = OK_CRC0) and
                                   (CRC_ACC[1] = OK_CRC1) and
                                   (CRC_ACC[2] = OK_CRC2) and
                                   (CRC_ACC[3] = OK_CRC3) and
                                   (PACK_DST = SRC) and
                                   (PACK_DST_CMPL = CMPL(SRC))) then
                                         RCD_PACKET := TRUE;
                                         if (BODY_LEN > MAX_BODY_LEN) then
                                                 PACKET_STATUS := OVERSIZE
                                                 PACKET_STATUS := OK
                 end;  {RECEIVE}
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 88


|             The physical channel performs the functions  of  transmitting
|        and  receiving the bits of packet bytes specified in the data link
|        layer and detecting the presence of transmissions on the  channel.
|        The channel encompasses the bit encoding and decoding, drivers and
|        receivers that interface to the media, and the media itself,  that
|        is, the cables and couplers.
|        11.1  Channel Character
|             The physical channel design  is  largely  determined  by  two
|        factors:
|        1.  Nodes on the CI needed to  have  isolated  system  grounds  or
|            earth references.  The signal paths have to be AC coupled with
|            isolation at primary power frequencies.   A  large  amount  of
|            hardware   needed  per  isolated  signal  line  so  bit-serial
|            transmission techniques are used.
|        2.  The bus is to be highly reliable and reconfigurable  on  line.
|            The  media  connecting  one  node  must  not  be  critical  to
|            operation of other nodes.  The  central  hub  or  star-coupled
|            approach provides each node with an independant hook-up to the
|            cluster.  A daisy  chain  media  configuration  between  nodes
|            doesn't allow this goal.
|        11.2  Isolation Scheme
|             Each node is isolated from the media that connects it to  the
|        hub.   The shields of the individual node cables are tied together
|        by  the  coupler.   In  a  dual  path  system  there  may  be  two
|        independant  couplers  which  may or may not be isolated from each
|        other.  In any case, the coupler and all the external  cables  are
|        "floating"  with  respect to nodes.  The actual connection between
|        the node and its bus cables is made  as  follows  (a  single  path
|        system is discribed):
|        1.  The transmit and received data are transfomer coupled into the
|            end of the cable at the node.  The signal path is complete and
|            requires no further referencing of the cable.
|        2.  The transmit and receive cable shields are RF decoupled to the
|            I/O  panel  of  the  node  with  a 4 to 8 nano-farad capacitor
|            (value per  cable).   The  capacitor  is  a  filter  with  two
|            purposes:  1) keep the internal noise inside the node cabinet,
|            away from the FCC;  2) keep external noise  outside  the  node
|            cabinet  to  minimize  susceptabilitly  to  RF interference or
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 89

|            static discharge.  The capacitive filter is effective above 30
|            Mhz and transparrent at lower frequencies.
|        3.  The cable shields are connected by a 300 ohm resistor to  node
|            logic  reference  to  dampen  common  mode  resonances  of the
|            internal cables.
|        11.3  Bit Transmission And Reception
|        11.3.1  Encoding And Decoding -
|             Bits are encoded  for  transmission  using  Manchester  phase
|        encoding.  This encoding scheme is used for the following reasons:
|        1.  Guaranteed Transitions --  Encoded  bits  have  at  least  one
|            transition  per  bit  cell,  thereby allowing AC (transformer)
|            coupling.  AC coupling is needed to provide high  intercabinet
|            isolation at power-line frequencies.
|        2.  Simplicity of  Implementation  --  Manchester  coding  can  be
|            implemented in a "reasonable" number of components.
|        3.  Clock Encoding --  Encoding  the  clock  in  the  data  stream
|            eliminates   the   problem   of  clock  skew  associated  with
|            separately cabled clock and data signals.
|             The nature  of  bit  transmission  and  the  channel  are  as
|        follows:
|        1.  Serial data transmission with transmit and  received  data  on
|            seperate cables.
|        2.  Raw data rate:  70 Mbit/second.
|        3.  Syncronous manchester code (baseband bi-pahase) with data  and
|            clock on same cable.
|        4.  Media bandwidth, 10 to 100 Mhz.
|             The manchester code scheme is  the  same  as  "X-or'ing"  the
|        clock  and  the data.  A signal transition occurs in the center of
|        each bit cell.   This  transition  is  negative  for  a  zero  and
|        positive for a one, as shown in the figure below.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 90

|                |<---BIT CELL-->|               |               |
|                |               |               |               |
|                |       1       |       1       |       0       |
|                        +-------+       +---------------+
|                        |       |       |               |
|                        |       |       |               |
|                --------+       +-------+               +-------
|                        BIT CELL = 14.286 nanoseconds
|                Fig. 11-1:  MANCHESTER ENCODING
|        11.3.2  Packet Format -
|             The packet must be preceeded by preamble bits and followed by
|        trailer  bits  as  specified below.  The preamble of specified bit
|        values is needed to start and synchronize the decoder.   A  string
|        of  trailer  bytes  follows  is  appended  to  ensure  the correct
|        decoding of all packet bits and insure smooth release of the  bus.
|        The format of the bit stream transmitted on the cable is:
|        First Bit       Packet                          Last Bit
|        Transmitted     Byte 0                          Transmitted
|                |        |                              |
|                V        V                              V
|                +-------+-----------------------+-------+
|                |  BIT  |         PACKET        |TRAILER|
|                | SYNC  |         BYTES         |       |
|                +-------+-----------------------+-------+
|                Fig. 11-2:  Bit Format of Packet Envelope
|        11.3.3  Bit Synchronization -
|             In order for decoder to synchronize to the center  transition
|        of the bit cell, each packet must start with a preamble consisting
|        of 32 bits of Bit Synchronization.  This Bit Sync consists of four
|        bytes of value 55 (alternating 1's and 0's).  This pattern results
|        in the fewest  possible  transitions  (one  per  bit)  with  every
|        transition  corresponding to the center of a bit cell of the value
|        appropriate to the direction of transition.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 91

|        11.3.4  Trailer -
|             The trailer is needed to ensure that all packet bits  can  be
|        successfully  decoded, that all bytes can be deserialized (framed)
|        , and that the bus will become quiet quickly after the end of  the
|        packet.  To allow for decoding, a minimum of a 32 bits is appended
|        to the end of a packet.  The maximum number of bits  that  may  be
|        added is
|              <***** value needed>
|        A longer trailer will interfere  with  the  minimum  time  between
|        packets on the bus.  The trailer must be composed of all 0 bits to
|        provide for carrier detect being dropped quickly after the end  of
|        the packet.  (All 1's would be suitable as well.)
|        11.4  Carrier Detection
|             \ TO BE ADDED \
|        11.5  Media -- Cables And Couplers
|             \ TO BE ADDED \
|        11.6  Input/Output Signal Level Specification
|        11.6.1  Driver Power Output Specification -
|             The power delivered by the driver  is  specified  at  the  CI
|        bulkhead  connector  for  convience  of  measurement.   This value
|        includes  assumed  properties  for   the   internal   cables   and
|        connectors.   If measured at the backplane the minimum value would
|        be 1 db greater and the maximum value would be the same.
|             The driver power output at the CI bulkhead connector is:
|        1.  Minimum:  13.0 dbm
|        2.  Maximum:  16.5 dbm
|        The value is specified as  "db  above  a  milliwatt"  in  50  ohms
|        characteristic  impedance  and  is a RMS power measurement.  In 50
|        ohms the dbm value corosponds to roughly 3 volts peak to peak  for
|        a periodic signal (ie, continous all 1's data).
|             The driver power is best measured with a  true  power  meter.
|        Measuring the voltage and converting leads to errors if the output
|        wave shape is not purely sinusoidal.  Under  some  conditions  the
|        driver  may  approximate  a  sine wave although it isn't specified
|        this way.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 92

|        11.6.2  Receiver Input Power Specification -
|             The receiver input power level is specified at  the  bulkhead
|        for  convience.   The  same notes given for the driver power spec.
|        apply here.
|             The receiver power is as follows:
|        1.  Minimum Power:  -19.0 dbm
|        2.  Maximum Power:  -4.  dbm
|        Note that "dbm" is explained in  the  driver  power  specification
|        section, above.
|             The maximum power level specification is provided to  prevent
|        damage  to  the receiver input and to allow carrier detect circuit
|        to detect the end of packet quickly after it occurs.
|        11.7  Input/Output Signal Timing Specification
|             The data below specifies  the  timing  of  waveforms  at  the
|        output  of  the  CI  driver and the input to the CI receiver.  The
|        difference between these  waveforms  is  caused  by  the  external
|        cables, couplers, and environmental noise.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 93

|        11.7.1  Driver Output Signal Timing -
|             The specification of  the  driven  signal  includes  the  bit
|        frequency, jitter and the signal rise/fall times.
|             The frequency of bits is relatively precise.   The  tolerance
|        in the frequecy is +/- .006% and is the same as the transmit clock
|        frequency tolerance.
|             The jitter is relatively low at this point in the  bus.   The
|        jitter  is  attributed to the inter-bit transition below but it is
|        really equally divided  up  between  all  edges.   The  jitter  is
|        non-accumulating  (the frequency is constant) so the jitter may be
|        attributed to one edge or the other and viewed this  way  with  an
|        osciloscope.
|             The rise/fall time of the driver output signal  is  nominally
|        2.0  nanoseconds.   The  rise  time should be the same as the fall
|        time to within .30 nanoseconds.
|                |<---BIT CELL-->|               |               |
|                |               |               |               |
|                |       1       |       1       |       1       |
|                        +------+++      +------+++      +--------
|                        |      |||      |      |||      |
|                        |      |||      |      |||      |
|                --------+      +++------+      +++------+
|                        |               |      | |
|                        |<---- T ------>|    ->| |<- J
|                        J = MAX JITTER = +/- 1.0 nanoseconds
|                        BIT FREQ= 70.000 +/- .004 MHZ.
|                        T = 1/Freq  = 14.286   nanoseconds
|                                    +/- .001
|                Fig. 11-3:  TIMING SPEC AT DRIVER OUTPUT
|        11.7.2  Receiver Input Signal Timing -
|             The frequency of bits is unchanged and jitter in the edges is
|        introduced  as  shown  below.   The  jitter  is  attributed to the
|        inter-bit transition below but it is  really  equally  divided  up
|        between  all edges.  The jitter is non-accumulating (the frequency
|        is constant) so the jitter may be attributed to one  edge  or  the
|        other and viewed this way with an osciloscope.  The rise/fall time
|        of the signal input to the receiver is  less  than  or  equal  3.5
|        nanoseconds.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 94

|                |<---BIT CELL-->|               |               |
|                |               |               |               |
|                |       1       |       1       |       1       |
|                        +------+++      +------+++      +--------
|                        |      |||      |      |||      |
|                        |      |||      |      |||      |
|                --------+      +++------+      +++------+
|                        |               |      | |
|                        |<---- T ------>|    ->| |<- J
|                        J = MAX JITTER = +/- 2.8 nanoseconds
|                        BIT FREQ= 70.000 +/- .004 MHZ.
|                        T = 1/Freq  = 14.286   nanoseconds
|                                    +/- .001
|                Fig. 11-4:  TIMING SPEC AT RCVR INPUT
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 95

         12.0  CONFIGURATIONS

              This section discusses the recommended and allowable physical
         cluster  configurations  for CI installation and maintenance.  The
         sections on installation rules give the limits on  cable  lengths,
         limits on coupler size, general power and grounding needs for site
         preparation,  and  proper  node  addressing.   Next,   recommended
         procedures  for maintenance operations involving the signal cables
         are given.   Finally,  the  limits  to  which  a  cluster  may  be
         mis-configured  and  still  function, either for maintenance or by
         mistake, are given as "configuration exceptions".

         12.1  Physical Topologies

              The physical topology of the bus is  that  of  a  wheel  with
         computers  or  other  nodes around the circumference and a central
         coupler in the middle.  The node cables radiate outward  from  the
         middle,  each node is connected "point-to-point" with the coupler.
         If a dual path CI is involved there will be two separate  sets  of
         node  cables  and  couplers.   All CI clusters must have a central
         coupler, even in the two node case.  The coupler can  be  designed
         to  allow  any number of nodes from two to the maximum addressable
         (given below) and in a given coupler all the ports do not need  to
         be  used.  The most popular coupler sizes are expected to be 2, 8,
         and 16.  For these three sizes the coupler can be a passive device
         without  any power source.  The two node coupler is very small and
         is envisioned as being a lump in the cable between the two  nodes.
         For larger clusters the coupler needs to be housed in a cabinet to
         help manage the cables in the center.  For 8 and 16 node dual path
         clusters the coupler will usually need to have it's own cabinet.

         12.2  Installation Rules

              The node configuration rules  for  cluster  installation  are
         given  below  in  two categories:  those for the signal cables and
         couplers, and rules covering the  "grounding"  and  cluster  power
         distribution.   These  rules  represent  the signal specifications
         given in the CI Physical Channel section.

         12.2.1  Installation Rules For Signal Cables And Couplers -

         1.  Minimum Cable Length from coupler to node:  none
|        2.  Maximum Cable Length from coupler to node:  45 meters.

         3.  Maximum Cable Length inside the node:  3 meters.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 96

         4.  There must be one coupler per CI path.

         5.  Unused node ports on a coupler must be terminated.

         6.  Minimum number of nodes:  none.

         7.  Maximum number of nodes depends on coupler size:
             For a passive coupler:  16 nodes (32 cables per path).
             For an active coupler:  224 nodes (548 cables per path)
|        8.  Unused cables must be disconnected  at  the  coupler.   Cables
|            must be connected at the node end if connected at the coupler.
|            The cable must be terminated for proper coupler operation  and
|            the  terminator  is  in  the  node.   Also,  to  preserve  bus
|            isolation, the end of the cable at a node must not be  allowed
|            to  contact  the  node  chassis.  Disconnection at the coupler
|            avoids the problem of cables shorting the coupler to a node.

         12.2.2  Power, Grounding And Site Preparation For Installation -

              CI related cluster power and grounding conforms with DEC  STD
         186 rules for a "conditioned" signal path between systems.  The DC
         loop in the cluster formed by  the  power  and  signal  cables  is
         broken  in  the  signal  path.   The  CI  bus is "isolated" at low
         frequencies so no special consideration to power or  grounding  is
         needed for the CI signal integrity.  Each subsystem or node on the
         CI may be installed as if they were entirely independent  systems.
|        Note,  the  installation  must  comply  with  all  local codes and
|        National Electrical Codes for safety.


         1.  The installation  of  a  CI  interconnection  doesn't  require
             special  grounding  straps,  bonding  of  cabinets,  or  other
             special care.

         2.  If the CI is replacing another bus between  two  nodes  remove
             ground  straps  installed  for  the  previous bus if possible.
             Straps should always be removed when the systems  (nodes)  are
             only interconnected by CI cables after the bus change.  Straps
             should not  be  removed  if  any  non-isolated  busses  remain
             between  the  systems.   Removing unneeded straps will improve
             the reliability of the individual systems.

         3.  All systems used with the CI must have the standard  RF  choke
             in  series  between  the  unit chassis and the earth reference
             wire of the power cord.  This is a standard item  in  all  DEC
             power controllers.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 97

         4.  The coupler chassis or cabinet may be connected to any  single
             DEC chassis with primary power for safety referencing but this
             is unadvisable.  It may not be connected to more than one such
             reference.   This  connection  will never improve operation of
             the bus.

         5.  The coupler chassis or cabinet must  never  be  "grounded"  by
             connection  to building structural metal, water pipes or other
             random places.  A DEC chassis can be used  as  it  provides  a
             necessary RF choke (usually in the power controller).

  Primary Power Distribution: -

              Comply with NEC, local safety codes, and the  node  (computer
         system) site spec's for power distribution on an individual basis.
         Refer to DEC STD 186 if there is any doubt as  to  what  is  good.
         The  basic  idea  is that primary power is distributed to a normal
         system  such  that  ALL  power  and  earth  references  might   be
         disconnected  at  one  point.   When  this  connection is made the
         system  is  safety  earth  referenced  and  has  power.   If  this
         connection is not made there is no earth reference and no power to
         the system.  This point is typically the "breaker box"  for  large
         systems  (although  the  safety  earth  wire  never  has a circuit
         breaker in it).

              All systems used with the CI must have the standard RF  choke
         in series between the unit chassis and the earth reference wire of
         the power cord.   This  is  a  standard  item  in  all  DEC  power

              The actual conditions for proper CI operation are as follows.
         The  most important condition is that all node chassis be within 6
|        Vrms or 18 Vpp of each other at  frequencies  below  10Khz.   This
|        will  almost  always  be  the  case  when primary power and saftey
|        wiring meet safety codes and site spec's  for  the  individual  CI
|        nodes.   (Reference  Dec  Std 102.7) If the site doesn't meet this
|        requirement the CI may be prone to  bus  data  errors.   A  second
         condition  is  that the CI cable shields never connect the chassis
         reference of one node to another node or to building metal.

         12.3  Addressing

              Addresses should be assigned in a cluster consecutively  from
         0.   This  maximizes  the efficiency of the arbitration algorithm.
         Addresses are restricted to values of 0:15 in "passively"  coupled
         clusters  and  0:223  in clusters coupled with "active" exchanges.
         The addresses from 223:255 are reserved for future use.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 98

         12.4  Installation Of A New Node Onto An Operational Cluster

         -/to be added/-

         12.5  Bus Maintenance And Temporary Configurations.

              The maintenance procedures given below  allow  one  node  and
         it's  associated hardware to be removed from the cluster while the
         rest of the cluster is using the  same  path.   The  configuration
         rule  given  in  the  Installation  Configuration  section (above)
         concerning unused ports on the coupler or cables may  be  violated
         as  given  below  for  the  purpose of maintenance.  These allowed
         exceptions to the rules provide for  on-line  bus  repair  and  an
         "available"   bus.    When  the  bus  is  configured  as  per  the
         installation rules no single point of failure exists, providing  a
         "reliable" bus.  The configurations given below should not be used
         as a routine matter of convenience as more than one violation  may
         lead to widespread cluster problems.

         12.5.1  On-Line Maintenance Procedures -

              The following procedures are to be used to repair one path or
         node while the rest of the cluster is operational.

         1.  Always  remove  power  from  the  CI  logic  backplane  before
             removing CI parts inside the node cabinet.

         2.  If a cable is to be  disconnected  at  a  node  it  should  be
             disconnected  at  the  coupler first to minimize the effect on
             the  cluster  and  the  chance  of  the  cable  shield  "short
             circuiting" between two ground references.

         3.  Disconnect cables at the coupler first, do one path at a time,
             and terminate the coupler before breaking the second path.  Do
             not leave unterminated ports on the  coupler.   Do  not  leave
             cables  attached  at  the  coupler and disconnected at a node,
             terminated or not.  Cables don't need to be removed  from  the
             coupler cabinet while disconnected.

         4.  Disconnect  cables  for  both  paths  at  the  coupler  before
             removing  the  module containing the Physical Channel circuits
             (ILI module) for repair.

         5.  There is never a need to terminate the CI  connectors  on  the
             node  bulkhead panel, only the unused coupler ports need to be
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                     Page 99

|        6.  To reinstall the node, use the reverse of the above procedure.
|            First,  place  the  module  containing  the  physical  channel
|            circuits (ILI) in  the  backplane  and  connect  the  internal
|            cables.   Second, install the external cables at the node end.
|            Finally, install the external cables at the coupler(s).

         12.5.2  Use Of Extender Cards -

              A special version extender card must be used with the ILI  or
         Physical  Channel  module  if CI bus functionality is needed.  The
         special extender card has coaxial  cable  connecting  the  CI  bus
         signals  on  the card.  If the bus ports are disabled and not used
         while the card is on the extender a regular CI extender  card  may
|        be   used.    Check   the  specification  for  the  particular  CI
|        implementation involved for extender compatability.

         12.6  Allowed Configuration Exceptions

              The CI will always work in many configurations  that  do  not
         meet  the  Installation  Rules given above.  These configurations,
         given below, are  intended  to  be  used  for  maintenance  or  by
         accident  only.  If a bus is configured as recommended above it is
         immune to any single media problem while if configured as below  a
         failure may disrupt communication.
|             The actual allowed configurations are summed up  as  follows:
|        there  can  be  one  pair of unused cables or unterminated coupler
|        ports on an otherwise correctly configured path.   This  situation
|        will not disrupt the operation of properly connected nodes on same
|        path in any way.

              If a path is correctly configured to  begin  with,  under  no
         circumstances  does breaking the path(s) between the coupler and a
         single node  ever  disrupt  other  nodes.   Also,  anything  which
         happens  to  only  one path cannot disrupt the second path.  It is
         important to insure multiple ground or  earth  references  do  not
         result  from  disconnected  cables  in  casual  contact with metal
         things.  The following are allowed while the cluster operates:

         1.  Removing and restoring power for an individual node.

         2.  One unterminated transmit/receive pair of  cables  or  coupler
             ports  per  path.  The path to a node may be broken in any way
             without affecting the rest of the nodes using that  path.   If
             only  one path for a node is disconnected the second path will

         3.  Removal of the Physical Channel logic module while the node is
             fully  connected.   This  leaves  the  cables  of  both  paths
             unterminated but will only disrupt the involved node.
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                    Page 100

         4.  Disconnection of any or all cables at any  point  between  the
             coupler and the backplane in a node.

         5.  A damaged cable with an internal short or open circuit.

         12.7  Mechanical Considerations

                             --- to be added ---
         CI SPECIFICATION--COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL                    Page 101


              ALL CI nodes must comply with  the  CI  Diagnostic  Strategy.
         Reference   applicable  documents  for  further  information.   In
         addition, all nodes must be compatible with both  the  CI  Network
         Exerciser   and   CI   Node  Tester.   For  further  details,  see
         specifications listed in Reference Documents section.

                                  APPENDIX A

                                 CI OPCODE SUMMARY

         CI PACKET         DEC     HEX    OCTAL    BINARY

         DG                 1       1      1      0000 0001

         MSG                2       2      2      0000 0010

         SNTDAT            16      10     20      0001 0000

         CNF                3       3      3      0000 0011
|        DATREQ0            8       8     10      0000 1000
|        DATREQ1            9       9     11      0000 1001
|        DATREQ2           10       A     12      0000 1010
         RETDAT            17      11     21      0001 0001

         IDREQ              5       5      5      0000 0101

         RST                6       6      6      0000 0110

         SNTMDAT           18      12     22      0001 0010
|        MDATREQ           14       E     16      0000 1110
         STRT               7       7      7      0000 0111

         ID                11      B      13      0000 1011

         RETMDAT           19     13      23      0001 0011
|        MCNF               4      4       4      0000 0100
         LB                13      D      15      0000 1101

         NOTE:  Opcode values with bit <7> = 1 are reserved for
                local port use.

                                  APPENDIX B

                           EXAMPLE OF NODE BOOTING VIA CI

              The  following  sections  show  examples  of   use   of   the
         configuration   and   maintenance  commands.   The  examples  show
         bootstrapping.  Remote system diagnosis is assumed to  be  similar
         with respect to loading and starting diagnostic programs.

         B.0.1  Locally-Loaded System

         Action                  Local Port      CI Packet   Remote Action

         Port power-up.          Uninitialized
         Host executes
         Host initializes port   Disabled
         and port driver.
         Host enables port
         and begins on-line      Enabled
         Host sends IDREQ's
         to all CI nodes
         on both paths.                          IDREQ ->    Request is received.
         ID packet received.                     <- ID       ID packet returned.
         Host updates
         configuration tables.
         Higher level protocol
         initiated to establish
         EXAMPLE OF NODE BOOTING VIA CI                            Page B-2

         B.0.2  Remotely-Loaded System

         Action                  Local Port      CI Packet   Remote Action

|        Port power-up.          Uninitialized
|        RST_PORT = port no.     /Maintenance
|                                                            Host sends IDREQ's
|                                                            to all CI nodes
|                                                <- IDREQ    on both paths in
|        Request is received.                                configuration poll.
|                :
|        ID packet returned.                     ID ->       ID packet received.
|                                                            Host updates
|                                                            configuration tables,
|                                                            recognizes state
|                                                            and type requiring
|                                                            down-line load.
|                                                                :
|        RST received and        Uninitialized   <- RST      Host sends RST (F=0)
|        performed. Host         /Maintenance                    :
|        halted.  RST_PORT                                       :
|        is set to remote                                        :
|        port no.                                                :
|                                                                :
|                                                                :
|                                                <- IDREQ    Host sends IDREQ
|        Request is received.                                to node being reset.
|                :
|        ID packet returned.                     ID ->       ID packet received.
|                                                            Host checks returned
|                                                            RST_PORT value.
|                                                            Sequence is repeated
|                                                            until RST_PORT is
|                                                            this port's no.  If
|                                                            neccessary, repeat
|                                                            RST.
|                                                                :
         Data is loaded                          <- SNTMDAT  Host loads remote
         into physically                             (LP)    system program
         addressed memory.                                   using maintenance
                 :                                           write mechanisms.
         Port generates                          MCNF ->     MCNF confirmation 
         confirmation.                                       passed to host.
                                                             Host verifies load
         Port receives                           <- MDATREQ  using maintenance
         request and responds                                read mechanims.
         by returning data
         with last packet
         having special                          RETMDAT ->  Confirmation is
         flag.                                     (LP)      passed to host.
         EXAMPLE OF NODE BOOTING VIA CI                            Page B-3

                                                             Host compares data.
                                                             Repeat write/read
                                                             operation until
                                                             Load was successful,
         Port receives start                     <- STRT     Host sends STRT.
         and responds by
         starting host execution.
         System operation
         proceeds as in local
         load and boot case.
         EXAMPLE OF NODE BOOTING VIA CI                            Page B-4

         B.0.3  A Booting Example -- 11/780

              This outlines how an 11/780 system may be booted via the  CI.
         The  definition  of  "booting"  (in  this  case)  is  the load and
         starting of a program in the host CPU.  Although this  description
         is  specifically  only  for  the  11/780,  it  should be generally
         extensible to other systems, particularly other VAX systems.

         This is the sequence as defined from the node controlling the boot:
|        1.  Send a RST packet that will perform the reset function in  the
|            remote node.  This specifically implies a RST that will result
|            in the destination port entering the Uninitialized/Maintenance
|            state.   This  may,  in  fact,  include  sending  an  IDREQ to
|            determine the initial state, and sending either a  conditional
|            or forced RST (or a sequence of both).
|        2.  Poll for the reset being performed by  sending  IDREQ  packets
|            and waiting for returned ID.  The reset is successful when the
|            returned state is Uninitialized/Maintenance and  the  RST_PORT
|            is the number of the port sending the reset.
|                 If the correct ID is not  received,  the  RST  should  be
|            re-transmitted after a suitable timeout period.  Since the RST
             is a datagram  packet,  it  may  be  discarded  under  certain
             conditions.  A suitable timeout period would be 1 second.  The
             reset operation on an 11/780 takes on  the  order  of  100  ms
             under  optimal  conditions (no other packets are in the packet
             buffer).  At most, the reset should take on the order  of  200
             ms.   The  SNDRST  should  be retried some number of times.  A
             nominal suggested retry limit is 100.  This  is  an  arbitrary
             limit,  as  no  analytical  method exists for determining what
             this number should be for a given probability of failure.

         3.  Upon receipt and processing of the RST packet, the  port  will
             assert  and  hold FAIL.  5 ms later, the port will assert DEAD
             for 2 us.  Upon release of DEAD, the console  will  attempt  a
             WCS  reload from the floppy.  Upon completion of the load, the
             console will examine the AUTO RESTART switch.  The switch must
             be in the ON position.  Otherwise, the processor will halt.

                  If the RESTART switch is ON, the console will  attempt  a
             restart  sequence.   In the 11/780, this begins with execution
             of the floppy command file "RESTAR.CMD".  Any commands in this
             file  will  be  executed until a START command is encountered.
             The start  function  will  not  be  performed  until  FAIL  is
             released  by  the  CI780  interface  (upon  receipt  of a STRT

                  Note that the restart command file must not  contain  any
             operations  that  will  disturb the state of the port (such as
             UNJAM or deposits to certain port  registers).   The  standard
             RESTAR.CMD  (after  version 2.0) is alledgedly compatible with
             these requirements.
         EXAMPLE OF NODE BOOTING VIA CI                            Page B-5

         4.  Using SNTMDAT packets (to write) and MDATREQ packets (to read)
             the memory, load and verify the desired boot program.  As with
             the  RST,  these  packets  should  retried.    The   suggested
             algorithm  is  to  send  a  data  packet and wait some timeout
             period (like 100 ms) for a MCNF.  If not received  before  the
             timeout,  the  packet should be retried some limited number of
             times (like 100).  A unique transaction ID should be used  for
             each   operation   (not   necssarily  for  each  retry).   The
             transaction ID of each response should be checked against  the
             current  transaction  ID value.  If the ID is not correct, the
             response should be ignored.  This allows  for  duplication  or
             delayed responses.

                  Subsequent to the receipt of the MCNF, the  corresponding
             MDATREQ  should be posted.  A similar wait and retry algorithm
             should be used for the RETMDAT packet with the LP flag set.

                  Upon receipt of the RETMDAT packet (LP = 1), a compare of
             the  buffer areas should be made to ensure correct loading.  A
             compare error should, in general, be considered  fatal.   Such
             errors  could, however, also be retried.  Additionally, if the
             retry limit is ever reached,  it  also  should  be  considered

                  A program  of  any  size  may  be  loaded  with  multiple
             write/read operations.

                  As part of the load, a Restart Parameter Block (RPB) must
             be  set  up  at  the  base  of the first usable 64 KB block in
             memory.  The RPB consists of four longwords of  the  following

             1.  Longword 0 -- Address (physical) of the RPB (Longword 0).

             2.  Longword 1 -- Address (physical)  of  the  program  to  be

             3.  Longword 2 -- 32-bit checksum (32  bit  additions  without
                 carry)  of  first  31  longwords  of  program (starting at
                 address specified in Longword 1 of the RPB).

             4.  Longword 3 -- Bit 0 must be a 0  to  restart.   Otherwise,
                 cold start will occur.

                  The address of the  first  usable  64  KB  block  can  be
             determined via a remote "memory sizing test" using SNDMDAT and
             REQMDAT for writes and reads.  A response will not be received
             for non-existent or failing memory.

         5.  Send a STRT packet.  When the start  packet  is  received,  or
             when the processor WCS has been loaded and RESTAR.CMD executed
             (whichever comes first), the processor  will  begin  executing
             the  restart referee of the ROM bootstrap code.  If the RPB is
             correct and no other errors occur, the ROM code will  transfer
         EXAMPLE OF NODE BOOTING VIA CI                            Page B-6

             control  to the address specified in the RPB.  Otherwise, cold
             start (from DEFBOO.CMD) will be attempted.

         6.  The booted program should eventually  backload  microcode  and
             send  a  message  of some type to confirm success of the boot.
             Note that if the port is  restarted  to  load  microcode,  the
             RST_PORT  value  that  would  be  returned  in an ID packet is
             destroyed.  Therefore, the port does not provide  a  mechanism
             to  determine  which node booted the system.  This information
             could be passed in the  loaded  program.   Otherwise,  a  boot
             message could be sent (successively) to all possible node.

                  If the boot message is not received within  a  reasonable
             timeout  period,  the  STRT packet should be transmitted until
             the program  start  is  successful.   The  reasonable  timeout
             period may be on the order of 10's of seconds.  In the case of
             the 11/780, it is determined primarily by the console terminal
             speed and the floppy disk operation time.

                  If the down-line load and start is  complete  before  the
             console  restart  sequence,  execution  will  begin  when  the
             console executes the  START  of  the  command  file.   If  the
             down-line  load  requires  more time than the console restart,
             execution will  begin  immediately  on  receipt  of  the  STRT

              This algorithm has been tested on  an  11/780.   The  program
         that  was  down-line loaded included a copy of the port microcode.
         Upon starting, it  initialized  and  loaded  the  port  microcode,
         enabled  the  port,  printed  a  console  message, and sent a boot
         message (of text) to ports 0:15.  The following sequence and times
         were observed using a console terminal at 9600 baud:
         EXAMPLE OF NODE BOOTING VIA CI                            Page B-7

                 EVENT                           TIME (from 0 in ms)

                 SNDRST                                  0

                 IDREC (RST_PORT correct)                110

                 SNDMDAT                                 110

                 MCNFREC                                 120

                 REQMDAT                                 120

                 MDATREC                                 130

                    :                2
                    :    25,911 bytes (51 operations)

                 MDATREC                                 1280

                 SNDSTRT                                 1290

                 MSGREC (booted)                         14330


         1. Resolution is 10 ms.
         2. Load bandwidth = 22.1 KB/s (includes test program overhead.


                                  APPENDIX C


              CI interfaces are not required to support full  operation  on
         both  paths  simultaneously.   It is compatible and permissible to
         share as much transmit and receive and path hardware as  possible.
         An example of a highly shared hardware interface is one which only
         has path specific physical channel hardware, that  is,  duplicated
         media drivers, receivers and carrier detect circuitry.  An example
         of such an implementation is fully described  in  the  L0100  Link
         specification (an appendix of this document).

              Additionally, hardware may be shared  for  the  transmit  and
         receive  functions.   An  example  of  this is to use the same CRC
         calculator for both checking and generation.   This  implies  that
         transmit  and receive cannot take place simultaneously, notably in
         loopback, where the higher  layers  (such  as  the  port)  may  be
         required  to  perform the CRC calculation and load the result into
         the transmit buffer.

              The combination of  these  reductions  requires  the  careful
         synchronization  of the transmit and receive processes, since both
         processes are required (due to the required  acknowledgement)  for
         any transaction.  In cases requiring prioritization decisions, the
         receipt of packets from the bus should have  higher  priority,  to
         minimize  the  wasting  of media bandwidth, otherwise available to
         other nodes.

              An example of such an implementation is described  in  detail
         in   the   L0100   Link   Specification   Appendix.    All  future
         implementations should use this design as a reference for  minimal
         implementation of functional compatibility.

                                  APPENDIX D

                            IMPLEMENTATION FUNCTIONALITY

         D.0.1  Implementation Functionality Field

              This field is located in the  ID  packet  and  describes  the
         supported functionality of the port.

              Each bit of this field corresponds to  a  function.   If  the
         implementation  supports the function, the corresponding bit value
         should be one.  If not, the bit should be zero.  Unused  bits  are
         reserved  for  future  expansion and must be zero in current ports
         for compatibility with future functions.  The format  of  PORT_FCN
|         3         2 2
|         1         6 5                                 8 7             0
|        +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
|        |  STATES   |            PACKETS                |  RSVD (MBZ)   |
|        +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+


                 Bit             Function

                 31              Enabled state.
                 30              Enabled/Maintenance state.
                 29              Disabled state.
                 28              Disabled/Maintenance state.
                 27              Uninitialized state.
                 26              Uninitialized/Maintenance state.

                 25              Snd MSG/Rcv MSG
                 24              Snd SNTDAT/Rcv CNF
                 23              Rcv SNTDAT/Snd CNF
|                22              Snd DATREQ0/Rcv RETDAT
|                21              Snd DATREQ1/Rcv RETDAT
|                20              Snd DATREQ2/Rcv RETDAT
|                19              Rcv DATREQ0/Snd RETDAT
|                18              Rcv DATREQ1/Snd RETDAT
|                17              Rcv DATREQ2/Snd RETDAT
|                16              Snd IDREQ/Rcv ID
         IMPLEMENTATION FUNCTIONALITY                              Page D-2

|                15              Snd SNTMDAT/Rcv MCNF
|                14              Rcv SNTMDAT/Snd MCNF
|                13              Snd MDATREQ/Rcv RETMDAT
|                12              Rcv MDATREQ/Snd RETMDAT
|                11              Snd RST
|                10              Snd STRT
|                 9              Rcv RST-STRT
|                 8              Snd/Rcv LB
|                 7 - 0          Reserved and MBZ.

         D.0.2  Implementation Functionality Summary

         "X" = Supported, "-" = Not Supported

                           |               OPTION                      |
         FUNCTION          |-----+-----+-----+-------+-----+-----+-----+
                           |CI780|CI750|HSC50|JUPITER| KL10| CINT|     |
         MAINT_ID          |  2  |  3  |  4  |   5   |  6  |  7  |     |
                           |     |     |     |       |     |     |     |
         STATES            |     |     |     |       |     |     |     |
         Uninitialized     |  X  |  X  |  X  |       |     |  X  |     |
         Uninit/Maint      |  X  |  X  |  X  |       |     |  X  |     |
         Disabled          |  X  |  X  |  -  |       |     |  X  |     |
         Dsbld/Maint       |  X  |  X  |  -  |       |     |  X  |     |
         Enabled           |  X  |  X  |  -  |       |     |  X  |     |
         Enbld/Maint       |  X  |  X  |  X  |       |     |  X  |     |
         IMPLEMENTATION FUNCTIONALITY                              Page D-3

                           |               OPTION                      |
         FUNCTION          |-----+-----+-----+-------+-----+-----+-----+
                           |CI780|CI750|HSC50|JUPITER| KL10| CINT|     |
                           |     |     |     |       |     |     |     |
         PACKETS SND/RCV   |     |     |     |       |     |     |     |
         MSG/MSG           |  X  |  X  |  X  |       |     |  X  |     |
         SNTDAT/CNF        |  X  |  X  |  X  |       |     |  X  |     |
         CNF/SNTDAT        |  X  |  X  |  -  |       |     |  X  |     |
         DATREQ0/RETDAT    |  X  |  X  |  X  |       |     |  X  |     |
         DATREQ1/RETDAT    |  X  |  X  |  X  |       |     |  X  |     |
         DATREQ2/RETDAT    |  X  |  X  |  X  |       |     |  X  |     |
         RETDAT/DATREQ0    |  X  |  X  |  -  |       |     |  X  |     |
         RETDAT/DATREQ1    |  X  |  X  |  -  |       |     |  X  |     |
         RETDAT/DATREQ2    |  X  |  X  |  -  |       |     |  X  |     |
         IDREQ/ID          |  X  |  X  |  X  |       |     |  X  |     |
         SNTMDAT/MCNF      |  X  |  X  |  -  |       |     |  X  |     |
         MCNF/SNTMDAT      |  X  |  X  |  -  |       |     |  X  |     |
         MDATREQ/RETMDAT   |  X  |  X  |  -  |       |     |  X  |     |
         RETMDAT/MDATREQ   |  X  |  X  |  -  |       |     |  X  |     |
         RST/              |  X  |  X  |  -  |       |     |  X  |     |
         STRT/             |  X  |  X  |  -  |       |     |  X  |     |
         /RST-STRT         |  X  |  X  |  X  |       |     |  X  |     |
         LB/LB             |  X  |  X  |  X  |       |     |  X  |     |

                                  APPENDIX E


              \ TO BE ADDED IN THE FUTURE \

                                  APPENDIX F

                              L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION

             TITLE:         L0100 CI LINK Functional and Interface 
             STATUS:        Released
             ABSTRACT:      This document describes the hardware interface to 
                            the CI LINK Interface module.
             AUTHOR:        John Buzynski
             MAIL STOP:     TW/C03
             PHONE:         247-2329
             REVISION HISTORY:             
             Date           Revision       Comments
             ____           ________       ________
              1 OCT 1979    A (Draft)      This document replaces and 
                                           supersedes the PORT to LINK 
                                           Interconnect  (PLI) and the
                                           LINK Interface spec of
                                           August 7, 1979.
             17 DEC 1979    B              
             18 MAR 1980    C
             31 OCT 1980    D              
              1 MAY 1981    E              Incorporate into CI spec.
                                           Update with minor changes.

             15 NOV 1981    F              Corrections from review.
                                           Update with CI spec rev 2.
         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                  Page F-2


           F.1     TABLE OF CONTENTS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-2
           F.2     REFERENCE DOCUMENTS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-4
           F.3     GENERAL  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-5
           F.4     FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-6
           F.4.1     PROTOCOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-6
           F.4.1.1     INFORMATION PACKETS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-6
           F.     Bit Synchronization  . . . . . . . . . . . . F-8
           F.     Character Synchronization  . . . . . . . . . F-8
           F.     Packet Type/Length (High)  . . . . . . . . . F-8
           F.     Packet Length (Low)  . . . . . . . . . . . . F-9
           F.     Destination  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-9
           F.     Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-10
           F.     Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-10
           F.     Cyclical Redundancy Check (CRC)  . . . . .  F-10
           F.     Trailer  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-11
           F.4.1.2     ACKNOWLEDGE PACKETS  . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-11
           F.     Packet Type  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-13
           F.4.1.3     ARBITRATION  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-13
           F.     PACKET ACKNOWLEDGEMENT . . . . . . . . . .  F-16
           F.4.2     DUAL PATH CI STRUCTURE . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-17
           F.4.2.1     HEADER TIMEOUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-18
           F.4.3     MAINTENANCE MODES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-18
           F.5     LINK INTERFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-18
           F.5.1     LINK INTERFACE SIGNALS . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-19
           F.5.1.1     XMIT DATA (7:0) (TTL INPUT, ASSERTED HIGH) .  F-21
           F.5.1.2     XMIT DATA PARITY (TTL INPUT, ASSERTED HIGH)   F-21
           F.5.1.3     RCVR DATA (7:0) (TTL OUTPUT, ASSERTED HIGH)   F-22
                       HIGH)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-22
           F.5.1.5     PORT DATA (7:0) (TTL INPUT, ASSERTED HIGH) .  F-22
           F.5.1.6     NODE ADDRESS (7:0) (TTL OUTPUT, ASSERTED 
                       HIGH)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-22
           F.5.1.7     SELECT (TTL INPUT, ASSERTED HIGH)  . . . . .  F-22
           F.5.1.8     LINK CONTROL (3:0) (TTL INPUT, ASSERTED HIGH) F-23
           F.     TRANSMIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-23
           F.     RESET TRANSMIT STATUS  . . . . . . . . . .  F-24
           F.     ABORT TRANSMISSION . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-24
           F.5.1.9     XMIT STATUS (7:0) (TTL OUTPUT, ASSERTED HIGH) F-28
           F.5.1.10    XMIT ATTENTION (TTL OUTPUT, ASSERTED HIGH) .  F-30
           F.5.1.13    VALID RCVR DATA (TTL OUTPUT, ASSERTED HIGH)   F-31
           F.5.1.14    RCVR PACKET END (TTL INPUT, ASSERTED HIGH) .  F-31
           F.5.1.17    PACKET LENGTH (TTL OUTPUT, ASSERTED HIGH)  .  F-32
           F.5.1.18    ICCS PATH B (TTL OUTPUT) . . . . . . . . . .  F-32
           F.5.1.19    CRC STATUS (TTL OUTPUT)  . . . . . . . . . .  F-32
           F.5.1.20    PORT CLOCK (TTL INPUT) . . . . . . . . . . .  F-32
           F.5.1.21    XMIT CLOCK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-33
           F.5.1.22    RCVR CLOCK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-33
           F.5.1.23    INITIALIZE (TTL INPUT, ASSERTED HIGH)  . . .  F-33
         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                Page F-3

           F.5.1.24    RCVR A ENABLE (TTL OUTPUT, ASSERTED High)  .  F-33
           F.5.1.25    RCVR B ENABLE (TTL OUTPUT, ASSERTED High)  .  F-33
           F.5.1.26    XTEND HDR (TTL INPUT, ASSERTED Low)  . . . .  F-34
           F.5.1.27    ALTER DELTA TIME (TTL INPUT, ASSERTED Low) .  F-34
           F.5.1.28    DISABLE ARB (TTL INPUT, ASSERTED Low)  . . .  F-34
           F.5.1.29    MODULE INSERTED LOOP . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-34
           F.5.1.30    EXTEND ACK TO (TTL INPUT, ASSERTED LOW)  . .  F-34
           F.5.1.31    DISABLE RCVR CLK (TTL INPUT, ASSERTED Low) .  F-34
           F.5.1.32    RCVR TEST CLK (TTL INPUT, ASSERTED Low)  . .  F-35
           F.5.1.33    XMIT TEST CLK (Low  High) (TTL INPUTS) . . .  F-35

           F.5.1.34    XMIT CLK DISABLE (TTL INPUT, ASSERTED Low) .  F-35
           F.5.2     LINK INTERFACE TIMING  . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-36
           F.6     MECHANICAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-41
           F.6.1     General  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-41
           F.6.2     Module Keying  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-41
           F.6.3     Power Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-41
           F.6.4     Cooling  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-41
           F.6.5     LEDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-42
           F.6.5.1     INTERNAL MAINTENANCE LOOP (RED)  . . . . . .  F-42
           F.6.5.2     LOCAL CI ACTIVITY (GREEN)  . . . . . . . . .  F-42
           F.7     APPENDIX A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-42
           F.8     APPENDIX B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-43
           F.9     APPENDIX C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-44
         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                  Page F-4


         1.  VAX-11 CI PORT Architecture -(W.   Strecker);   describes  the
             VAX-11 software interface to the Computer Interconnect (CI).

         2.  CI Architecture Specification -(D.  Thompson, J.  Buzynski, J.
             Hutchison);      Describes     the    structure,    electrical
             characteristics,  configuration,   information   format,   and
             protocol for the CI system.

         3.  CI780 PORT  Specification  -(M.   Carrafiello)  Describes  and
             specifies the interface between the SBI and CI.

         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                  Page F-5

         F.3  GENERAL

              The PORT PROCESSOR and LINK combine to provide a device  with
         the  control  mechanism  and  interface  to  the CI Bus.  The PORT
         PROCESSOR is the interface to the host device and  is  responsible
         for  the  data mapping, data buffering and the control of the LINK

              The LINK provides the actual interface to the CI Bus  and  is
         capable  of  servicing  a  dual  path  CI  Bus.  The LINK can only
         transmit or receive over one CI path at any one  time.   The  LINK
         interface  allows  for discrete selection of the transmit path and
         provides automatic selection of the receive path by monitoring the
         "initial presence" of carrier on either path.  The LINK has only a
         single  CRC  circuit  which  is  shared  by  the  transmitter  and
         receiver,  therefore, simultaneous transmissions and/or receptions
         cannot occur at a single node unless the LINK is  in  one  of  the
         maintenance loop modes.

              The serialization and deserialization  of  data,  32-bit  CRC
         generation  and  checking,  CI  protocol handling, Dual Count-down
         Round Robin arbitration and LINK Status information  to  the  PORT
         PROCESSOR  are  provided  by  the  LINK.   Internal  and  external
         maintenance loop mechanisms are provided by the LINK.
         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                  Page F-6


              This  section  describes  the  LINK  functionality.   It   is
         expected  that  the  reader  has  read  and  understands  the  "CI
         Architecture   Specification".    Some   pieces   of   the   above
         specification are repeated in this section for convenience.

         F.4.1  PROTOCOL

              The LINK hardware implements the CI Bus protocol to arbitrate
         for  the  CI  Bus, to transmit and receive packets, and to confirm
         the reception of those packets.  There are two  types  of  packets
         handled by the LINK, Information packets and Acknowledge packets.

         F.4.1.1  INFORMATION PACKETS -

              The organization and  description  of  the  contents  of  the
         Information packet is given below.  The Information packet is used
         to transmit both message and data packets across the CI.  Some  of
         the  CI  packet  information  is  inserted by the LINK and some is
         inserted by the PORT PROCESSOR as described below.
         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                  Page F-7

                   7                             0
                   |    BIT SYNC (55 HEX)        |  First byte
                   +-----------------------------+  Transmitted
                   |    BIT SYNC (55 HEX)        |  
                   |    BIT SYNC (55 HEX)        |
                   |    BIT SYNC (55 HEX)        |
                   |    BIT SYNC (55 HEX)        |
                   |    CHAR SYNC (96 HEX)       |
                   |    PACKET TYPE/LENGTH (High)|  First byte loaded
                   +-----------------------------+  or read by PORT PROCESSOR
                   |    PACKET LENGTH (Low)      |
                   |    DESTINATION (TRUE)       |
                   |    DESTINATION (COMPLEMENT) |
                   |    SOURCE                   |
                   |    BODY                     |  Last byte loaded
                   +-----------------------------+  or read by PORT PROCESSOR
                   |    CRC-0                    |
                   |    CRC-1                    |
                   |    CRC-2                    |
                   |    CRC-3                    |
                   |    TRAILER (00 HEX)         |
                   |    TRAILER (00 HEX)         |
                   |    TRAILER (00 HEX)         |
                   |    TRAILER (00 HEX)         |
                   |    TRAILER (00 HEX)         |
                   :    TRAILER (00 HEX)         :

                     FIGURE F4-1
         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                  Page F-8

         F.  Bit Synchronization -

              Bit  Synchronization  (55  hexadecimal)  is  an   alternating
         pattern of 1's and 0's which is used to turn on the carrier detect
         circuits and to synchronize the delay line decoder circuit in  the
         receiver.   The  LINK  hardware  inserts this bit pattern into the
         data stream.  There are normally 5 bytes of Bit Sync  transmitted.
         Bit sync may be extended to 15 bytes by grounding I/O pin B7.

         F.  Character Synchronization -

              Character Synchronization (96 Hexadecimal) is  the  character
         used to synchronize the receiver on an 8 bit character basis.  The
         receiver will monitor the serial bit stream for the SYNC Character
         and  will  frame  the  stream  into 8 bit characters once the SYNC
         character is found.  The LINK hardware inserts the SYNC  character
         into the data stream.

         F.  Packet Type/Length (High) -

              The Packet Type/Length field contains information  specifying
         whether  the  packet  is  an  Information type or whether it is an
         Acknowledge type.  Information packets are of variable length in 1
         byte  increments  up  to  4K bytes maximum with the minimum packet
         length being 7 bytes.  This byte contains the high 4 bits  of  the
         12 bit packet length.

              The Packet Type /Length field is described as follows:

                    |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
                    |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  | L11 | L10 | L9  | L8  |
                    |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
                     7     6     5     4     3     2     1     0

                          FIGURE F4-2
                          PACKET TYPE/LENGTH FIELD
                          FOR INFORMATION PACKETS

         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                  Page F-9

                    BIT 7:       0 = Information packet

                    BIT 6:       This bit must be zero for information packets.

                    BITS (5:4):  These bits are reserved for future use and must 
                                 be zero.

                    BITS (3:0):  These bits form the high 4 bits of the 12 bit 
                                 packet length field.

         F.  Packet Length (Low) -

              This byte contains the low 8 bits of the 12 bit packet length

                    |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
                    | L7  | L6  | L5  | L4  | L3  | L2  | L1  | L0  | 
                    |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
                     7     6     5     4     3     2     1     0

                  FIGURE F4-3
                  PACKET LENGTH (Low) BYTE

              The 12 bit packet length includes all data  from  the  Packet
         Type/Length byte up to and including the last byte of the body.  A
         value of 0 indicates 4096 byte length.

         F.  Destination -

              The Destination is the 8 bit address of the target  CI  node.
         There  are two bytes;  the first being the true node address value
         and the second being the complement of the true value.   The  LINK
         will  save  the  true  value  during  a transmission to be used to
         verify the Source of the  expected  acknowledgement  packet.   The
         PORT  Processor  supplies  the  Destination  bytes  as part of the

              The true and complement forms are  sent  to  accomodate  high
         availability  systems  as  follows.   One  of  the goals of a high
         availability system  is  that  no  single  component  failure  may
         permanently   bring   down   both   CI  paths.   Since  this  LINK
         implementation services 2 CI paths  with  a  single  transmit  and
         receive  path,  a  failure in the common destination decode logic,
         causing a  node  to  decode  another  node's  address  might  have
         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                 Page F-10

         resulted   in   both  nodes  transmitting  an  Acknowledge  packet
         simultaneously.  This would result in a collision on  the  CI  and
         would be seen as a no response by the transmitting node.

              To overcome this  problem  the  LINK  incorporates  redundant
         destination decode circuits, one decoding the true address and the
         other decoding the complemented address.

         F.  Source -

              The Source is the 8 bit address of the sending  node  and  is
         supplied  by  the  PORT  PROCESSOR  as  part  of  the packet.  The
         receiver will save this address and  use  it  as  the  destination
         address in the Acknowledge packet.

         F.  Body -

              The  Body  contains  the  data  and  PORT-processed  protocol
         information.  The Body contents are specified for Data and Message
         packet types in the CI Architecture Specification.   The  Body  is
         supplied by the PORT as part of the packet.

         F.  Cyclical Redundancy Check (CRC) -

              The Cyclical Redundancy Check (CRC, 32 bit) is  provided  for
         error  detection.   The  CRC  is  generated  and checked using the

                 X32 + X26 + X23 + X22 + X16 + X12 + X11 + X10 + X8 + 

                 X7 + X5 + X4 + X2 + X + 1

              The transmitter and receiver CRC generators are preset to all
         1's prior to generating the CRC characters.  The transmitter sends
         the complement of the generated CRC characters LSB first which  is
         the  high  order coefficient end of the CRC.  An error free packet
         reception results in the value DEBB20E3 (HEX).

              CRC  is  generated  by  the  LINK  hardware  on  the   Packet
         Type/Length,  Packet  Length,  Destination, Source and Body of the
         packet.  Four bytes of CRC  are  generated  and  transmitted  with
         CRC-0 being the least significant byte.
         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                 Page F-11

         F.  Trailer -

              The Trailer is normally 6 characters of  NUL  (00  HEX)  data
         which  is  used  to  insure  that all bits of the packet have been
         shifted through the LINK front end logic.  The Trailer is inserted
         by the LINK hardware.

         F.4.1.2  ACKNOWLEDGE PACKETS -

              The Acknowledge packet is  sent  by  the  receiving  node  to
         inform  the  information transmitting node that the packet arrived
         without collision or  data  loss  (CRC  checks  OK).   The  packet
         contains STATUS information as to whether the packet was accepted.
         If the receiver's buffer(s) were unable to accept a packet, then a
         NAK  status  is  returned.   If  the  receiving  node successfully
         accepted the packet into its buffer, an ACK is  returned  denoting
         the  successful bus transaction.  The entire Acknowledge packet is
         generated and transmitted by the LINK hardware.  The format of the
         Acknowledge packet is shown below.
         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                 Page F-12

                   7                             0
                   +-----------------------------+  First byte
                   |    BIT SYNC (55 HEX)        |  Transmitted
                   |    BIT SYNC (55 HEX)        |  
                   |    BIT SYNC (55 HEX)        |
                   |    BIT SYNC (55 HEX)        |
                   |    BIT SYNC (55 HEX)        |
                   |    CHAR SYNC (96 HEX)       |
                   |    PACKET TYPE              |
                   |    DESTINATION (TRUE)       |
                   |    DESTINATION (COMPLEMENT) |
                   |    SOURCE                   |
                   |    CRC-0                    |
                   |    CRC-1                    |
                   |    CRC-2                    |
                   |    CRC-3                    |
                   |    TRAILER (00 HEX)         |
                   |    TRAILER (00 HEX)         |
                   |    TRAILER (00 HEX)         |
                   |    TRAILER (00 HEX)         |
                   |    TRAILER (00 HEX)         |
                   :    TRAILER (00 HEX)         :

                          FIGURE F4-4

              As shown above, there is no Body in the  Acknowledge  packet.
         The descriptions of all other fields except the Packet Type/Length
         and the Packet Length fields are the same for Acknowledge  packets
         as they are for Information packets.
         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                 Page F-13

         F.  Packet Type - The  Packet  Type  field  is  defined  as

                 |     | ACK/|     |     |     |     |     |     |
                 |  1  | NAK |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |
                 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
                   7     6     5     4     3     2     1     0

                         FIGURE F4-5
                  PACKET TYPE/LENGTH FIELD

                 BIT 7:      1 = Acknowledge packet type.

                 BIT 6:      1 = Acknowledge with ACK status. Packet was 
                                 received correctly and accepted into the packet 

                             0 = Acknowledge with NAK status. Packet was 
                                 received correctly but was not accepted into 
                                 the packet buffer. Requires retransmission.

                 BITs (5:0)  These bits must be zero for Acknowledge 

         F.4.1.3  ARBITRATION -

              The arbitration used for the CI is  a  Dual  Countdown  Round
         Robin  algorithm.   Consider an N node system where node I has two
         possible countdown values I and N + I.  The choice of which  value
         to use depends on whether (from the node I point of view) the last
         node (modulo N) to win arbitration had  a  lower  or  higher  node
         number than node I.  If the last winner had a lower number, node I
         uses the I countdown value;  if the last winner had the same or  a
         higher number, node I uses the N + I countdown value.

                 N is always = 16 = maximum # nodes allowed on the system.

                 I = this node number.

         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                 Page F-14

              The way a node determines who won the last arbitration is  as
         follows.   At the beginning of arbitration, a node saves a copy of
         its own countdown value.  When the  arbitration  ends  (either  by
         detection of carrier or countdown to 0), the difference (modulo N)
         of the initial and final countdown values is the  node  number  of
         the  node  which won the arbitration.  The above is true only when
         there is activity on the CI since the de-assertion of  carrier  is
         necessary to synchronize each LINK's arbitration logic.

              Once the arbitration has been successful  (count  =  0),  the
         transmitter  checks  to  see  that the receiver is not busy on the
         alternate CI path.  If it is not, the receiver will be  locked  to
         the  selected  transmit  path and the transmission will begin.  If
         the receiver is busy,  the  transmitter  will  load  16  into  the
         arbitration counter and continue to arbitrate.

              Receiver busy is defined as follows:

         1.  The receiver has detected carrier on the  alternate  path  but
             has  not yet detected its own destination and has not exceeded
             the header timeout.

         2.  The receiver has detected its own destination and is accepting
             the packet on thee alternate CI path.

         3.  A valid packet has been received and the transmitter is in the
             process of transmitting the Acknowledge packet.

              Figure  F4-6  below  is  a  flow  diagram  of   this   LINK's
         implementation of the arbitration algorithm.
         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                 Page F-15

                    START   ----->-<----------------------------------------
                                 |      ^                                   |
                                 v      |                                   |
                              TRANSMIT  |                                   |
                                 ?      |                                   |
                                 |------ NO                                 |
                            YES  |                                          |
                                 v                                          |
                            COUNT <- N+I+1                                  |
                                 |                                          |
              ------------------>|<-----------------------------------      |
             |                   v                                    |     |
             |                CARRIER                                 |     |
             |                   ?                                    |     |
             |                   |---------------                     |     |
             |              YES  |           NO  |                    |     |
             |                   |               v                    |     |
             |                   |      COUNT <- COUNT - 1            |     |
             |                   v               |                    |     |
             |               LW <,>= I           v                    |     |
             |       ----------- ? ------     COUNT = 0               |     |
             |      | <               >= |       ?                    |     |
             |      v                    v       |------------------->|     |
             |  COUNT <- I+1   COUNT <- N+I+1    |           NO       ^     |
             |      |                    |   YES |                    |     |
             |       --------------------        v                    |     |
             |                   |           RCVR BUSY                |     |
              -------------------                ?                    |     |
                                                 |------------        |     |
                                              NO |        YES |       |     |
                                                 |            |       |     |
                                                 |            |       |     |        
                                                 |            |       |     |
                                                 |            |       |     |
                                                 |NO          |       |     |
                                                 v            |       |     |
                                        TAKE OVER RCVR &      |       |     |
                                        TRANSMIT PACKET       |       |     |
             N = Max # nodes on system           |            v       |     |
             I = This node number                |    COUNT <- 16     |     |
             LW = Last winner (Mod N)            |                    |     |
                                                 |            |       |     |
                                                 |<--------    -------      |
                                                 v         |                |
                                        TRANSMISSION DONE  |                |
                                                 ?         |                |
                                                 |---------                 |
                                                 |       NO                 |
                                            YES  |__________________________|

                                         FIGURE F4-6  
                                  ARBITRATION FLOW DIAGRAM
         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                 Page F-16

              The arbitration count is  the  number  of  consecutive  quiet
         slots  that  must  be observed before a node can transmit on an CI
         path.  The basic quite slot interval  (refer  to  CI  Architecture
         Spec)  is  long  enough  to  allow  a  receiving node to return an
         Acknowledge packet.  Acknowledge  packets  are  the  only  packets
         transmitted  over  the  bus without first arbitrating for control.
         Successful arbitration is defined as successfully  transmitting  a
         packet  without  collision.   A  collision  is detected by the CRC


              After the LINK has transmitted  an  Information  packet,  the
         receiver  waits  for  an  Acknowledge  packet to be returned.  The
         Contents of the Acknowledge packet will  indicate  either  an  ACK
         (successful  transmission)  or NAK status.  If an ACK is received,
         then the transmission was received successfully and stored  within
         the responder's packet buffer.  If a NAK status is received, then,
         the Information packet was received without error.   However,  the
         responder  did  not  have  a packet buffer available to accept the
         packet and a retransmission is necessary.  In  the  case  when  no
         Acknowledge  packet  is  received  (no response) the indication is
         that the packet became corrupted along the way, that the node  was
         not   available,  that  the  node  was  involved  with  the  other
         interconnect path  at  the  time  of  the  transmission,  or  some
         hardware  failure  has occurred.  In any case, a retransmission is

              If an Acknowledge packet is received with  its  Source  field
         matching  the  Destination  field  of the Information transfer and
         correct CRC within an Acknowledge timeout period of  D2  from  the
         end of Information packet transmit, where:
                 D2 >(Delta + Ack Turn-around time + Ack
                  verification time)

                 Delta = basic quiet slot time
                 Ack turn-around time = skews due to LINK logic

         then, the receiver (in the transmitting node)  notifies  the  PORT
         PROCESSOR of successful transmission.

              D2 is normally approximately equal to 32  byte  times.   This
         time  may be extended to approximately 256 byte times by grounding
         I/O pin B10.

              Delta is normally equal to 7 byte times (800 ns).  This  time
         may  be  extended to 16 byte times (1.83 ns.) by grounding I/O pin
         in B8.

              If the Acknowledge packet is not received before  the  period
         D2  expires,  then, the no response status will be returned by the
         LINK as described in section F5.1.9.
         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                 Page F-17


              The LINK provides the capability of servicing  two  CI  paths
         allowing devices to connect to high availability systems.  The two
         paths are  not  completely  redundant,  but,  are  implemented  by
         providing dual drivers and receivers which are connected to common
         transmit and receive logic  circuits.   Simultaneous  transmission
         and  reception  is  not  possible unless the LINK is in one of the
         loop modes described in section F5.1.8.4.  The PORT must  indicate
         which  CI  path  it  wants  to  transmit  on  when  it  issues the
         "Transmit" function.

              The LINK automatically selects which CI path to receive on by
         constantly  monitoring  both  CI  paths  to  detect  the  "initial
         presence" of a carrier on either path  and  switching  its  shared
         logic  to  the  path  containing  the  transmission.   If the LINK
         detects a transmission on both  paths  simultaneously,  it  always
         selects  path  A  (arbitrary decision).  The LINK will then decode
         the Destination field of the transmission.

              If,  when  the  Destination  field  is  decoded,   the   LINK
         determines  that  the  transmission is meant for it, the LINK will
         continue receiving the information from the selected path.  At the
         completion  of  the receiving process the LINK will again assume a
         state that will be able to detect  the  "initial  presence"  of  a
         transmission on either path.

              If,  when  the  destination  field  is  decoded,   the   LINK
         determines  that  the  transmission  is not meant for it, the LINK
         will ignore the remainder  of  the  transmission  and  immediately
         assume  the  state  that  will  be  able  to  detect  the "initial
         presence" of a transmission on either interconnect path.

              The above allows the LINK to detect and receive transmissions
         under the following conditions with the corresponding results:

         1.  A single transmission on either path will be accepted.

         2.  If a transmission on each path is detected by this node at the
             same  time,  the  packet on path A will be accepted.  The LINK
             always  selects  path  A  when  it  detects  the  simultaneous
             "initial presence" of carrier on both CI paths.  If the packet
             on path B was for this node, the packet will not be  received.
             Acknowledge  will  not  be  received  by the transmitter and a
             retransmission may be attempted by the Transmitter.

         3.  If transmissions occur on each path but are  not  detected  by
             this  node at the same time, the transmission that is detected
             first will be received.  If the packet on the  other  path  is
             for  this node, it will be accepted only if the length of time
             between the two transmissions is longer than:
         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                 Page F-18

                  - the time required for a  LINK  to  determine  that  the
             first transmission is not meant for it,


                  - the time required to detect the initial presence of the
             second transmission.

                  Otherwise, the second packet will be ignored.

              The above discussion concerning the  automatic  selection  of
         the  CI receive path is valid providing this node is not currently
         in the process of transmitting a packet.  The receiver  is  locked
         to  the  selected CI path during the entire transmission and until
         an acknowledgement is either received or timed out.

         F.4.2.1  HEADER TIMEOUT -

              The  LINK  receiver  includes  a  Header  timeout  period  of
         approximately 32 byte times, starting from the time when a message
         carrier is selected, which will release the receiver from  a  path
         if  the receiver is unable to detect the SYNC character within the
         timeout period.  The Header timeout is  shut  off  when  the  SYNC
         character  is  detected.   Header  timeout  is  disabled  for  ACK
         reception where ACK timeout is utilized.


              There  are  several  maintenance  features   implemented   as
         diagnostic aids in isolating LINK module failures.

              Internal and External Maintenance loop modes are provided  to
         allow  a  node  to  transmit  a  packet to itself.  Wrong receiver
         parity generation is possible.  The ability  to  force  a  carrier
         detect  is  provided  to  aid  in  isolating  an arbitration logic
         failure.  Finally, there is provision for swapping  the  true  and
         complement node address sources.

              All of the above features are described in detail in  section

         F.5  LINK INTERFACE

              This section describes the  hardware  interface  between  the
         PORT and the LINK.  Detail timing diagrams are included in section
         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                 Page F-19


              The following figure lists the signals necessary to interface
         to the LINK module.

              All LINK interface signals  must  be  capable  of  driving  a
         minimum of 2 Schottky loads except for the three clock signals and
         Initialize which must be capable of driving 4 Schottky loads.

              LINK interface input signals must be limited  to  2  Schottky
         loads  except for the three clock signals and Initialize which may
         be 4 Schottky loads.

                              In -  Out -         Assertion    Module Pin
            Signal            Put   Put   Logic     Level                             
         XMIT Data 7          x           TTL     High         B81
         XMIT Data 6          x           TTL     High         B82
         XMIT Data 5          x           TTL     High         B80
         XMIT Data 4          x           TTL     High         B78
         XMIT Data 3          x           TTL     High         B77
         XMIT Data 2          x           TTL     High         B76
         XMIT Data 1          x           TTL     High         B75
         XMIT Data 0          x           TTL     High         B74
         XMIT Data Parity     x           TTL     High         B73
         ILIF RCVR Data 7           x     TTL     High         B58
         ILIF RCVR Data 6           x     TTL     High         B57
         ILIF RCVR Data 5           x     TTL     High         B56
         ILIF RCVR Data 4           x     TTL     High         B55
         ILIF RCVR Data 3           x     TTL     High         B54
         ILIF RCVR Data 2           x     TTL     High         B53
         ILIF RCVR Data 1           x     TTL     High         B52
         ILIF RCVR Data 0           x     TTL     High         B51
         ILIF RCVR Data Parity      x     TTL     High         B50
         Port Data 7          x           TTL     High         B27
         Port Data 6          x           TTL     High         B28
         Port Data 5          x           TTL     High         B25
         Port Data 4          x           TTL     High         B26
         Port Data 3          x           TTL     High         B24
         Port Data 2          x           TTL     High         B22
         Port Data 1          x           TTL     High         B21
         Port Data 0          x           TTL     High         B20
         ILIK NODE Address 7        x     TTL     High         B19
         ILIK NODE Address 6        x     TTL     High         B17
         ILIK NODE Address 5        x     TTL     High         B18
         ILIK NODE Address 4        x     TTL     High         B15
         ILIK NODE Address 3        x     TTL     High         B13
         ILIK NODE Address 2        x     TTL     High         B14
         ILIK NODE Address 1        x     TTL     High         B11
         ILIK NODE Address 0        x     TTL     High         B12
         Select               x           TTL     High         B29
         LINK Control 3       x           TTL     High         B36
         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                 Page F-20

                             In -  Out -                Assertion  Module
            Signal           Put   Put     Logic          Level     Pin   

         LINK Control 2       x             TTL          High        B34
         LINK Control 1       x             TTL          High        B32
         LINK Control 0       x             TTL          High        B31
         ILIL XMIT Status 7         x       TTL          High        B59
         ILIL XMIT Status 6         x       TTL          High        B69
         ILIL XMIT Status 5         x       TTL          High        B70
         ILIB XMIT Status 4         x       TTL          High        B67
         ILIL XMIT Status 3         x       TTL          High        B68
         ILIL XMIT Status 2         x       TTL          High        B65
         ILIL XMIT Status 1         x       TTL          High        B66
         ILIL XMIT Status 0         x       TTL          High        B63
         ILIL XMIT Attention        x       TTL          High        B64
         ILIC XMIT Data Enable      x       TTL          High        B62
         XMIT Buffer Empty    x             TTL          High        B60
         ILIA Valid RCVR Data       x       TTL          High        B49
         RCVR Packet End      x             TTL          High        B30
         RCVR Buffers Full    x             TTL          High        B43
         ILIC Valid RCVR Status     x       TTL          High        B44
         ILIA Packet Length         x       TTL          High        B41
         ILIJ ICCS Path B           x       TTL          High        B39
         ILIV CRC Status            x       TTL          High        B40
         Port Clock           x             TTL          High        B71
         ILIR XMIT Clock            x       TTL          High        B85
         ILIN RCVR Clock            x       TTL          High        B42
         Initialize           x             TTL          High        B35
         ILIM RCVR A Enable         x       TTL          High        B37
         ILIM RCVR B Enable         x       TTL          Low         B38
         Extend HDR/TR        x             TTL          Low         B7
         Alter Delta Time     x             TTL          Low         B8
         Disable ARB          x             TTL          Low         B9
         Extend ACK to        x             TTL          Low         B10
         Module Inserted                                             B5
          Indication                                                 B6
         Disable RCVR CLK     x             TTL          Low         B83
         RCVR Test CLK        x             TTL          Low         B84
         XMIT Test CLK        x             TTL          Low         B88
         XMIT Test CLK        x             TTL          High        B87
         XMIT CLK Disable     x             TTL          Low         B86
         CIB  XMIT                  x       10K ECL                  C11
         CIB XMIT Shield            x       10K ECL           C7, C8, C9, C10
                                                              C12, C13, C14

         CIA XMIT                   x       10K ECL                  C29
         CIA XMIT Shield            x       10K ECL           C25, C26, C27,   
                                                              C28, C30, C31,
         CIA RCVR             x                                      C83
         CIA RCVR SHIELD      x                               C79, C80, C81,
                                                              C82, C84, C85,
         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                 Page F-21

                             In -  Out -                Assertion  Module
            Signal           Put   Put     Logic          Level     Pin   
         CIB RCVR              x                                  C67
         CIB RCVR SHIELD       x                             C63, C64, C65,
                                                             C66, C68, C69,

         +5V                   x                             A3, A4, A91,
                                                             B3,B4,B46, B47
                                                             B91, B92,
                                                             C3, C91, C92

         -5.2V                 x                             C2, C45, C46, 
                                                             C47 C89, C90

         GND                   x                             A2, A16, A23, 
                                                             A33, A61, A72,
                                                             A79, A92, B1, 
                                                             B16 B23, B33,
                                                             B61, B72, B79,
                                                             B90, B93, B94,
                                                             C1, C19, C20,
                                                             C39, C40, C48,
                                                             C53, C54, C75,
                                                             C76, C93, C94


                                     FIGURE F5-1
                                 LINK Interface Signals

         F.5.1.1  XMIT DATA (7:0) (TTL INPUT, ASSERTED HIGH) -

              These lines are used to transfer transmit data from the  PORT
         Processor  transmit  packet  buffer  to  the  LINK  Output  Buffer
         Register.  The LINK Strobes data from these lines when  XMIT  DATA
         ENABLE  is  asserted  and ignores the XMIT DATA Lines at all other
         times.  Data must update each XMIT Clock cycle as long as there is
         data to be transmitted and XMIT DATA ENABLE is asserted.


              Odd parity must be calculated by the PORT Processor  on  each
         packet data byte transferred to the LINK.  This parity bit must be
         conveyed to the LINK via the XMIT DATA PARITY line along with  its
         corresponding  byte  of data on the XMIT DATA lines when XMIT DATA
         ENABLE is asserted.  The LINK will check parity at the  output  of
         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                 Page F-22

         the LINK XMIT DATA Register and will terminate the transmission in
         the event of an error.

         F.5.1.3  RCVR DATA (7:0) (TTL OUTPUT, ASSERTED HIGH) -

              These lines are used to transfer the data received from an CI
         Path  to  the  receive packet buffers in the PORT Processor.  RCVR
         DATA is valid and is updated each RCVR  CLOCK  cycle  as  long  as
         VALID  RCVR  DATA  is  asserted.   The first byte of data is valid
         during the same cycle in which VALID RCVR DATA is first  asserted.
         The  PORT  Processor  is  responsible  for keeping a byte count to
         determine when the last valid byte is transferred.


              Data being transferred to the PORT  Processor  via  the  RCVR
         DATA  lines  will  be accompanied by an odd parity bit on the RCVR
         DATA PARITY line.  It is up to the PORT to store and check  parity
         on  the  received data.  Parity will only be valid when VALID RCVR
         DATA is asserted and there is still data to be transferred.

              There is a maintenance feature which allows the wrong  parity
         to  be  generated  by  the  LINK  and  it  is discussed in section

         F.5.1.5  PORT DATA (7:0) (TTL INPUT, ASSERTED HIGH) -

              The PORT DATA lines are used to transfer control  information
         to  the  LINK.   Examples  include  the CI path selection and LINK
         control  set  up  information,  with   the   Enable/Disable   LINK

         F.5.1.6  NODE ADDRESS (7:0) (TTL OUTPUT, ASSERTED HIGH) -

              The 8 bit CI node address for this LINK is available  to  the
         PORT  via  the NODE ADDRESS lines.  The address is set up VIA an 8
         bit PIANO Dip switch on  the  LINK.   There  are  two  8  bit  dip
         switches, providing the true and compliment node addresses.


              The SELECT line must be asserted by the PORT to indicate that
         a valid control function exists on the LINK CONTROL lines.
         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                 Page F-23

         F.5.1.8  LINK CONTROL (3:0) (TTL INPUT, ASSERTED HIGH) -

              There are four LINK CONTROL lines supplied by the PORT  which
         are  used  to  control the LINK.  Control functions denoted by (*)
         utilize the PORT DATA lines to pass additional control information
         to  the  LINK.   The SELECT line must be asserted to make the LINK
         CONTROL lines valid.

              Note that  all  control  codes  with  bit  3  =  1  are  null
         functions.  This is because the LINK CONTROL functions are decoded
         as a subset of the  CI  780  Buffer  control  lines.   Other  PORT
         designs may simply ground LINK CONTROL bit 3 on their backpanel if
         only 3 LINK CONTROL bits are supplied to the LINK.

              The LINK CONTROL lines are encoded as follows:

                 | LINK CONTROL BIT   |     FUNCTION       |
                 |  3   2   1   0     |                    |
                 |  0   0   0   0     |  NULL              |                
                 |  0   0   0   1     |  NULL              |
                 |  0   0   1   0     |  RESERVED          |
                 |  0   0   1   1     |  TRANSMIT (*)      |
                 |  0   1   0   0     |  RESET TRANSMIT    |
                 |                    |  STATUS            |
                 |  0   1   0   1     |  ABORT TRANSMISSION|
                 |  0   1   1   0     |  ENABLE LINK       |
                 |                    |  CONTROL (*)       |
                 |  0   1   1   1     |  DISABLE LINK      |
                 |                    |  CONTROL (*)       |
                 |  1   0   0   0     |  NULL              |
                 |      THRU          |  "                 |
                 |  1   1   1   1     |  NULL              |

                         FIGURE F5-2
                         LINK CONTROL

         F.  TRANSMIT -

              The "Transmit" function is used to initiate  arbitration  and
         transmission  on  one  of the CI paths.  The CI path to be used is
         selected by PORT DATA (7:0) bit 7 as follows.

                 PORT DATA bit 7      DESCRIPTION
                   0              Select CI path A
                   1              Select CI path B

         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                 Page F-24

              Only one "Transmit" function can be executed at a time.  That
         is,  a  transmission  must  have been completed or aborted and the
         Transmit Status must have been cleared before a second  "Transmit"
         function can be issued.


              This function must  always  be  executed  at  the  end  of  a
         transmission sequence, i.e., in response to a XMIT ATTENTION after
         reading the Transmit Status.  "Reset Transmit Status"  will  reset
         all Transmit Status bits except bits 5 (CDA) and 6 (CDB).

         F.  ABORT TRANSMISSION - "Abort  Transmission"  will  cause
         the currently active transmission to be aborted and will set bit 4
         (Transmission Aborted) of the  Transmit  Status.   XMIT  ATTENTION
         will also be asserted.


              These functions are used to enable and disable  certain  long
         term  controls  in  the  LINK.  A particular control may be set by
         executing "Enable LINK Control" with a 1 in the  PORT  DATA  (7:0)
         bit  position  corresponding  to  that  control.  A control may be
         cleared by executing "Disable LINK Control" with a 1 in the proper
         bit  position.   Transfer  of a 0 in any bit position will have no
         effect on the corresponding controls.

              The PORT DATA (7:0) bit layout is as follows:

                   7      6       5      4      3      2      1      0
                 | RCVR |FORCE  | VALID| EXTM | INTM |FORCE |SWAP  |RCVR   |
                 | B ENA|CDET   | RPAR | LOOP | LOOP | ARB  |ADR   |A ENA  |
                 |      |ENA    | ENA  | ENA  | ENA  | ENA  |ENA   |       |

                          FIGURE F5-3
                       ENABLE LINK CONTROL
         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                 Page F-25

                   7      6       5      4      3      2      1      0
                 |      |FORCE  | VALID| EXTM |INTM  |FORCE |SWAP  | RCVR  |
                 | RCVR |CDET   | RPAR | LOOP |LOOP  |ARB   |ADR   | A DIS |
                 | B DIS|DIS    | DIS  | DIS  |DIS   |DIS   |DIS   |       |

                          FIGURE F5-4
                       DISABLE LINK CONTROL

               Bit                        Description

               7       Receiver B Enable/Disable:  "Enable...." activates LINK 
                       receiver Path B making the node accessible on CI Path B 
                       by remote nodes.

                       "Disable..." will cause this node to ignore all CI 
                       traffic on Path B. 

                       INITIALIZE will disable receiver Path B.

               6       Force Carrier Detect:  This function must only be used 
                       in conjunction with Internal Maintenance Loop mode.

                       "Enable..." causes the LINK to see a detected carrier.  
                       This forced carrier will start the header timeout logic 
                       and will stop the arbitration sequence.

                       The normal carrier detect signals from CI paths A and B 
                       are disabled when the Link is in Internal Maintenance 
                       Loop mode.

                       "Disable..." and Initialize will disable this function.

               5       Valid Receiver Parity:  "Enable..." function will force 
                       the LINK to generate odd parity on the data being 

                       "Disable..." will cause the receiver to generate even 
                       parity on the data.

                       INITIALIZE will set the receiver to odd parity.

               4       External Maintenance Loop:  "Enable..." will allow the 
                       LINK to receive its own transmission by looping on the 
                       selected CI path.

                       NOTE: It is illegal to invoke more than 1 loop mode 
         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                 Page F-26

                       The following requirements must be met:

                       1.  The Destination fields in the CI packet must contain 
                           the address of this node.

                       2.  The PORT must load a pre-calculated CRC into the 
                           buffer immediately following the data.  CRC will be 
                           checked by the receiver.

                       3.  The packet byte count must not include the CRC 

                       The normal CI arbitration sequence will occur when a 
                       "Transmit" function is issued while in External 
                       Maintenance Loop mode.

                       If External Maintenance Loop mode is invoked while on 
                       line in an operating system, packets may still be 
                       received from a remote node.  There is, therefore, no 
                       guarantee that there will be a receiver buffer available 
                       when the local packet is transmitted.  ACK/NAK responses 
                       are prohibited while in External Maintenance mode, 
                       therefore, a remote node will receive no response if it 
                       attempts to access a node that is in this node.  The 
                       LINK will still accept packets from remote nodes and 
                       pass them on to the PORT Processor packet buffer but 
                       will not send an ACK/NAK in response while in External 
                       Maintenance Loop mode.  However, the Transmit Status 
                       response will be set as though a normal transmission had 
                       taken place if a node Transmits to itself in this node..

                       "Disable..." will take the link out of External 
                       Maintenance Loop mode.

                       INITIALIZE will disable this function.

                 3     Internal Maintenance Loop:  "Enable..." will cause the 
                       LINK to receive its own transmission by looping inside 
                       the CI driver/receiver.  This loop will not interfere 
                       with CI operation of other nodes. That is, neither CI 
                       path will be driven while transmitting in this loop 
                       mode. Traffic on both CI A and B will be ignored while 
                       in Internal Maintenance Loop mode since the receivers 
                       must be disabled when this mode is set.  Receptions in 
                       progress will be terminated when Internal Maintenance 
                       Loop mode is set. Therefore, all packets destined for 
                       this node will receive no response. The same 
                       requirements (1,2,3) stated above for External 
                       Maintenance Loop apply to Internal Maintenance Loop 
                       mode.  The normal arbitration sequence will occur in 
                       this mode.  The carrier detectors are disabled when in 
                       this mode allowing this node to always win arbitration.  
                       The FORCE CARRIER DETECT BIT described above may be used 
         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                 Page F-27

                       to cause arbitration to stop.
                       Acknowledge responses will occur in this mode.  However, 
                       CRC will not be calculated or checked on the Acknowledge 
                       packet.  The Transmit Status responses will be set as 
                       though a normal transmission had taken place on the 

                       Receiver Enables A & B must be disabled while operating 
                       in this mode.

                       "Disable..." will take the LINK out of Internal 
                       Maintenance Loop mode.

                       INITIALIZE will enable this function.

                 2     FORCE ARB:  "ENABLE..." function will cause the LINK to 
                       force a successful arbitration and to transmit 
                       immediately upon receiving the "Transmit" function from 
                       the PORT.  This mode should not be used in an on-line 
                       operating system since there is no arbitration.  This 
                       may result in collisions on the CI.

                       "Disable..." will allow the LINK to perform normal 
                       arbitration sequences in response to the "Transmit" 
                       function from the PORT.

                       Initialize will cause the LINK to perform normal 
                       arbitration sequences.

                 1     Swap Address: "Enable..." will cause the true and 
                       complement address sources to swap, i.e., true node 
                       address becomes complement and complement node address 
                       becomes true.  This will cause an address mismatch if a 
                       packet is sent in either of the maintenance loop modes 
                       and will result in a no response status.

                       If, while in Internal Maintenance Loop mode, the PORT 
                       Processor enables this function and also complements the 
                       address in the packet to be transmitted, then address 
                       comparison will take place.  This has given the PORT 
                       Processor the ability to test all node address bits in 
                       both polarities.

                       Note that the later case should only be exercised while 
                       in Internal Maintenance Loop mode since the LINK will be 
                       using an address which was not assigned to it during 
                       system configuration.

                       The Arbitration Logic will also use the complement of 
                       the Low 4 address bits if this mode is set.

                       "Disable..." sets the node address sources to their 
                       normal positions, i.e., true equals true etc.

         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                 Page F-28

                       Initialize also sets the node address sources to their 
                       normal positions.

                 0     Receiver A Enable/Disable:  "Enable..." activates LINK 
                       receiver Path A making the node accessible on CI Path A 
                       by remote nodes.

                       "Disable..." will cause this node to ignore all CI 
                       traffic on Path A.

                       INITIALIZE will disable receiver path A.

         F.5.1.9  XMIT STATUS (7:0) (TTL OUTPUT, ASSERTED HIGH) -

              The XMIT STATUS is used to report the status  of  a  transmit
         sequence.   Some  of  the  bits, indicated below by (*), are valid
         only when XMIT ATTENTION is  asserted.   The  remaining  bits  are
         valid  as described below.  Transmit Status operate the same while
         in any of the loop modes as when  the  LINK  is  responding  to  a
         packet from a remote node.

              The status bit allocation is as follows:

                 7     6       5      4      3      2      1      0     
                 | XDAT |  CDB  | CDA  | XMIT | ARB  | NAK  | ACK  |  XMTR |
                 |  PE  |       |      | ABRT |      |      |      |  BUSY |
                   *                      *            *       *        

                             FIGURE F5-5
                           TRANSMIT STATUS

         *Indicates that the bit is valid only when XMIT ATTENTION 
         is asserted.

             BIT                             DESCRIPTION

             7    Transmit Data Parity Error:  This bit is set if a parity 
                  error was detected on the data from the XMIT DATA lines 
                  during a transmission.  A parity error will cause the XMIT
                  ATTENTION flag to be asserted and the transmission to be 

                  This bit is cleared by INITIALIZE and by the "Reset Transmit 
                  Status" function.

         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                 Page F-29

             6    CI B Carrier Detect (CDB):  This bit indicates the state of 
                  the carrier on CI Bus B. There is a delay between the actual 
                  transition of the carrier and this status bit due to 
                  synchronizer logic.

                                      0 = Carrier B off
                                      1 = Carrier B on

             5    CI A Carrier Detect (CDA):  This bit indicates the state of 
                  the carrier on CI Bus A. There is a delay between the actual 
                  transition of the carrier and this status bit due to 
                  synchronizer logic.

                                      0 = Carrier A off
                                      1 = Carrier A on

             4    Transmission Aborted:  This bit is set when a transmission is 
                  aborted by the "Transmission Abort" function.  Transmission 
                  Aborted will cause the XMIT ATTENTION flag to be asserted.

                  Transmission Aborted is cleared by INITIALIZE and by the 
                  "Reset Transmit Status" function.

             3    Arbitration : This bit is set when the arbitration count has 
                  expired after a "Transmit" function. This does not mean that 
                  the transmission has taken place since rearbitration takes 
                  place under certain conditions (See section 2.1.3).   

                  Arbitration is cleared by INITIALIZE and by the "Reset 
                  Transmit Status" function.

             2    NAK:  This is the response from the destination node that 
                  both of its receive buffers were unavailable (busy).  NAK 
                  will cause the XMIT ATTENTION flag to be asserted.

                  NAK is cleared by INITIALIZE and by the "Reset Transmit 
                  Status" function.

             1    ACK:  This bit is set when a valid positive acknowledgement 
                  is received in response to a transmitted packet. ACK 
                  indicates that the transmitted packet was accepted and stored 
                  by the receiving node. ACK will cause the XMIT ATTENTION flag 
                  to be asserted.

                  This bit is cleared by INITIALIZE and by the "Reset Transmit 
                  Status" function.

                  Note: If XMIT ATTENTION is asserted with Transmit status bits 
                  7,4,2, and 1 clear, the interpretation is that of a no 
                  response, i.e., an acknowledge packet timeout has occurred.

         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                 Page F-30

             0    Transmitter Busy:  This bit is set by the "Transmit" function 
                  and indicates that a Transmit sequence is in progress or that 
                  XMIT ATTENTION is asserted.  Transmitter Busy in not asserted 
                  synchronously to the Port Clock but to the XMIT Clock.  It 
                  will be asserted within 2 Port Clock cycles of the PORT 
                  PROCESSOR issuing the Transmit function.  The PORT Processor, 
                  therefore, must not monitor this bit during the 2 PORT Clock 
                  Cycles immediately following the Transmit function. 

                  Transmitter Busy is cleared by INITIALIZE and by the "Reset 
                  Transmit Status" function.


              XMIT ATTENTION is asserted  by  the  LINK  when  there  is  a
         response to a "TRANSMIT" function for normal transmissions as well
         as for transmissions in any of the loop modes.  The  response  may
         be any of the following:
                 Transmit Data Parity Error
                 Abort Transmission
                 Acknowledge packet timeout (no response)      

              The responses are described in the  Transmit  Status  section

              XMIT ATTENTION is cleared by  INITIALIZE  and  by  the  Reset
         Transmit Status function.


              XMIT DATA ENABLE is used to enable  data  from  the  transmit
         packet  buffers  to  the LINK.  The first data byte must appear on
         the XMIT DATA lines during the second XMIT CLOCK cycle  after  the
         XMIT  DATA ENA line is asserted and on all succeeding cycles until
         the last data byte is transferred.  The LINK will ignore the  XMIT
         DATA  lines  during the first cycle of XMIT DATA ENA.  This allows
         buffers to read the first byte  out  of  their  rams.   XMIT  data
         enable  will be de-asserted one cycle after the signal XMIT BUFFER
         EMPTY appears.
         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                 Page F-31


              This line must be asserted by the PORT Processor  during  the
         LINK  CLOCK  cycle  in  which the last transmit packet buffer data
         byte is transferred on the XMIT DATA Lines.


              This signal is asserted by the LINK when the first valid data
         byte  is  present  on  the  RCVR DATA lines.  VALID RCVR DATA will
         remain asserted throughout the entire packet, as long as there  is
         a  valid  packet  destined  for  this node being received.  Packet
         buffer loading should be enabled with this signal.  If the  packet
         is not for this node, VALID RCVR DATA will be de-asserted.


              RCVR PACKET END must be asserted by the  PORT  Processor,  on
         the  trailing edge of the RCVR CLOCK that takes the last byte of a
         packet  from  the  RCVR  DATA  lines.   The  PORT   Processor   is
         responsible  for  keeping  a byte count to determine when a packet
         has been completed.

              This signal is used by the LINK to determine  when  to  check
         the CRC status.


              RCVR BUFFERS  FULL  originates  at  the  PORT  Processor  and
         indicates  to  the LINK that there is no receiver buffer available
         for storing CI packets.  The LINK will return a  NAK  response  to
         all packets received while this signal is asserted.


              VALID RCVR STATUS is asserted by the LINK  to  indicate  that
         valid  receive  status  information  may  be clocked into the PORT
         Processor receiver status at the end of  the  current  PORT  CLOCK
         cycle.   The  LINK  supplies  a CRC STATUS bit and supplies the CI
         path identification for received packets.
         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                 Page F-32


              This signal indicates that the byte  currently  available  to
         the PORT specifies the length of the incoming packet.  This signal
         will remain asserted  for  two  cycles  to  allow  the  two  bytes
         containing  the  high  4  bits  (first  cycle)  and the low 8 bits
         (second cycle) to be transferred.  The PORT  Processor  must  load
         its packet byte counter accordingly.

         F.5.1.18  ICCS PATH B (TTL OUTPUT) -

              ICCS PATH B indicates on which CI path a packet is  received.
         This  line  is  valid  only  when  the Signal VALID RCVR STATUS is
         asserted and is interpreted as follows:

                 0 = CI Path A
                 1 = CI Path B

         F.5.1.19  CRC STATUS (TTL OUTPUT) -

              CRC STATUS is to be used to indicate the status  of  the  CRC
         check  on  the  Information  packet  just received.  CRC STATUS is
         valid only when the signal VALID RCVR STATUS is  asserted  and  is
         interpreted as follows:

                 0 = Bad CRC
                 1 = CRC OK

         F.5.1.20  PORT CLOCK (TTL INPUT) -

              The LINK requires a clock source from the PORT  for  some  of
         its  operation.   The PORT CLOCK will be used to load data such as
         the LINK mode set up information from the PORT Processor into  the
         LINK and to synchronize LINK communication with the PORT.

              The LINK interface will operate with a minimum  cycle  period
         of  150ns  as shown in section F5.2 (figure F5-6).  The PORT CLOCK
         may be single stepped but must stop with the clock asserted low.

              Signals must be asserted by the trailing  edge  of  the  PORT
         CLOCK  and  strobed by the leading edge unless otherwise specified
         by the timing diagrams.

              INITIALIZE must not stop this clock.
         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                 Page F-33

         F.5.1.21  XMIT CLOCK -

              The LINK will supply a transmit clock source to the  PORT  to
         be  used  to  control  the  transfer  of transmit data and control
         information between the PORT and LINK.  The XMIT CLOCK will  be  a
         28ns  pulse occurring every 114ns as shown in section F5.2 (figure

              Signals must be asserted by the trailing  edge  of  the  XMIT
         CLOCK  and  strobed by the leading edge unless otherwise specified
         by the timing diagrams.

         F.5.1.22  RCVR CLOCK -

              The LINK will supply a receiver clock source (RCVR CLOCK)  to
         the  PORT Processor to be used to control the transfer of receiver
         data and  control  information  between  the  LINK  and  the  PORT
         Processor.   The  RCVR CLOCK is a 28ns pulse occurring every 114ns
         as shown in section F5.2 (figure F5-8).

              Signals must be asserted by the trailing  edge  of  the  RCVR
         CLOCK  and  strobed by the leading edge unless otherwise specified
         by the timing diagrams.


              This signal from  the  PORT  Processor  is  used  for  system
         initialization.   The  LINK will provide a pullup resistor on this
         signal so that, if the PORT Processor is not installed,  the  LINK
         will not interfere with either of the CI paths.  The LINK will not
         respond properly to any commands from the  PORT  Processor  for  2
         PORT  CLOCK  cycles following the de-assertion of INITIALIZE.  The
         LINK will appear as non-existent to remote nodes during  the  INIT

         F.5.1.24  RCVR A ENABLE (TTL OUTPUT, ASSERTED High) -

              RCVR A ENABLE is asserted when the PORT Processor enables the
         A receiver path.

         F.5.1.25  RCVR B ENABLE (TTL OUTPUT, ASSERTED High) -

              RCVR B ENABLE is asserted when the PORT Processor enables the
         B receiver path.
         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                 Page F-34

         F.5.1.26  XTEND HDR (TTL INPUT, ASSERTED Low) -

              This input is provided to allow extending the number  of  bit
         sync characters in the header from the normal 5 to 15.

              Note that if XTEND HDR is asserted, the EXTEND ACK  TO  input
         (B10) must also be asserted low.


              When asserted, ALTER DELTA TIME  increases  the  basic  quiet
         slot delta time from 7 byte times ( 800ns) to 16 byte times ( 1.83

         F.5.1.28  DISABLE ARB (TTL INPUT, ASSERTED Low) -

              Asserting DISABLE ARB  will  defeat  the  normal  arbitration
         sequence  and  allow  the  LINK to transmit after waiting only one
         basic quiet slot (Delta Time).

         F.5.1.29  MODULE INSERTED LOOP -

              I/O pins B5 and B6 are connected together on the LINK and may
         be used to pass a "module inserted" sensing signal through.


              Asserting EXTEND ACK TO will increase the timeout period  for
         an ACK return from the normal x 3.66 us to 25.8 us.

              EXTEND ACK TO must  be  asserted  if  XTEND  HDR/TR  (B7)  is


              Asserting this input low will disable  the  normal  RCVR  CLK
         source  from  entering  the  TTL  portion  of  the  LINK  and LINK
         interface.  External RCVR clocks may then be inserted via the RCVR
         TEST CLK input described below.
         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                 Page F-35

         F.5.1.32  RCVR TEST CLK (TTL INPUT, ASSERTED Low) -

              The RCVR TEST CLK input may  be  used  (in  conjunction  with
         Disable  RCVR  CLK)  to  produce  RCVR CLK pulses from an external
         source.  One RCVR CLK pulse will be produced for every 4 RCVR TEST
         CLK pulses.  Timing relationships are shown in figure F5-9.

         F.5.1.33  XMIT TEST CLK (Low  High) (TTL INPUTS) -


              The XMIT TEST CLK inputs may be  used  (in  conjunction  with
         XMIT  CLK  DISABLE)  to  produce  XMIT CLK pulses from an external

              XMIT TEST CLK Low and XMIT TEST CLK High must be asserted  in
         phase with each other.  Both signals must be High when not in use.

              Timing relationships are shown in figure F5-10.


              Assertion of this input will  disable  the  normal  XMIT  CLK
         source  from  entering  the  TTL  portion of the LINK and the LINK
         interface.  External clocks may then be inserted via the XMIT TEST
         CLK inputs as described above.
         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                 Page F-36


              Complete timing diagrams for the above interface signals  are
         shown below in figures F5-6 through F5-10.

                               |   min   |            minimum          |
                               |   (6)   |                             |
                                _________                     _________ 
                               |         |<--50ns min (6)--->|         |
         PORT CLOCK (1)     ___|         |___________________|         |__

                                         |                   |         |
                                         |        |<-45ns(2)>|         |
                                         |        |   min    |         |
                            _____________          ____________________
         LINK CONTROL,                   XXXXXXXXXX                    XXX
         PORT DATA (7:0),   _____________XXXXXXXXXX____________________XXX
         INITIALIZE                      |                   |         |
                                      -->| 35ns |<--         |         |
                                         |  max |        --> |   35ns  |<--
                                         |      |            |   max   |
                                          ///////              \\\\\
         XMIT ATTENTION,    _____________///////                \\\\\______  
         XMIT STATUS 3                                                     
                                         |                             |
                                      -->| 35ns |<--                   |
                                         |  max |                      |
                            _____________        ______________________
                                         XXXXXXXX                      XXX
         XMIT STATUS(6,5)   _____________XXXXXXXX______________________XXX

         XMIT STATUS (7,4,2,1)           SEE NOTE 3 BELOW
         XMIT STATUS 0                   SEE NOTE 4 BELOW
         RCVR A & B ENABLE               SEE NOTE 5 BELOW

                                      FIGURE F5-6
                                  PORT CLOCK TIMING
         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                 Page F-37

                  1.   PORT CLOCK may be single stepped.  However, it must 
                       stop asserted low.

                  2.   SET UP Time must not be less than the PORT CLOCK 
                       pulse width used.

                  3.   XMIT STATUS Bits 7,4,2,1 are valid only when XMIT 
                       Attention is set and will be stable at that time.  
                       These bits are not asserted via the PORT CLOCK.

                  4.   XMIT STATUS 0 (XMIT Busy) is asserted within 2 port 
                       clock cycles of the Port Processor issuing the 
                       "Transmit" function to the LINK.                

                       XMIT STATUS Bit 0 (XMIT Busy) is cleared by RESET 
                       TRANSMIT STATUS function on the Leading edge of the 
                       PORT clock.

                  5.   RCVR ENABLE A & B are set by the PORT "ENABLE LINK" 
                       function on the leading edge of the PORT Clock and 
                       is passed directly back to the PORT.

|                 6.   Minimum PORT CLOCK cycle time (the sum of the high
|                      low portions) is 150 ns.  For example, if the high
|                      portion is the minimum 30 ns., the low portion must
|                      be at least 120 ns.
         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                 Page F-38

                               |         |                             |
                                _________                     _________
                               |         |                   |         |
         XMIT CLOCK         ___|         |___________________|         |__

                                         |                   |         |
                                         |          |<-20ns->|         |
                                         |          |   min  |         |
                            _____________            __________________
         XMIT DATA (7:0),                XXXXXXXXXXXX                  XXX
         XMIT DATA PARITY   _____________XXXXXXXXXXXX__________________XXX

                                         |                   |         |
                                         |<--20ns-->|        |         |
                                         |    max   |        |         |
                            _____________            __________________
                                         XXXXXXXXXXXX                  XXX
         XMIT DATA ENABLE   _____________XXXXXXXXXXXX__________________XXX

                                         |                             |
                                         |      |<--------45ns-------->|
                                         |      |         min          |
                                          ///////                      \\\
         XMIT BUFFER EMPTY  _____________////////                       \\\

                                   FIGURE F5-7
                               XMIT CLOCK TIMING

            1. Pulse width is actually 1/70mhz x2 =  28.572ns
            2. Period is actually (1/70mhz)x8 = 114.286ns
         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                 Page F-39

                                _________                     _________
                               |         |                   |         |
         RCVR CLOCK         ___|         |___________________|         |__

                                         |                   |         |
                                         |<-35ns-->|         |         |
                                         |   max   |         |         |
                            _____________           ___________________
         RCVR DATA (7:0),                XXXXXXXXXXX                   XXX
         RCVR DATA PARITY   _____________XXXXXXXXXXX___________________XXX
         ICCS PATH B,
                                         |                   |         |
                                         |<--55ns-->|        |         |
                                         |    max   |        |         |
                            _____________           ___________________
                                         XXXXXXXXXXXX                  XXX
         CRC STATUS         _____________XXXXXXXXXXXX__________________XXX
                                         |        |<--45ns-->|      
                                         |        |   min    |
                            _____________           ___________________
                                         XXXXXXXXXX                    XXX
         RCVR BUFFERS FULL  _____________XXXXXXXXXX____________________XXX 

                                         |                             |
                                         |        |<-------45ns------->|      
                                         |        |        min         |
                            _____________           ___________________
                                         XXXXXXXXXX                    XXX
         RCVR PACKET END    _____________XXXXXXXXXX____________________XXX 

                                   FIGURE F5-8
                               RCVR CLOCK TIMING

            1. Pulse width is actually 1/70mhz x2 = 28.572ns
            2. Period is actually (1/70mhz)x8 = 114.286ns
         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                 Page F-40

         DISABLE RCVR        |______________________________________________
           CLK L

                         _________    _    _    _    _    _    _    _    _
         RCVR TEST CLK L          |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |

                                       |    |              |    |    
                                       |    |              |    |    
                                        ____                ____     
         RCVR CLK H (1)         _______|    |______________|    |___________

                                              FIGURE F5-9
                                          RCVR TEST CLK TIMING

         XMIT CLK DISABLE L           |___________________________________


                                _____________    __    __    __
         XMIT TEST CLK L                     |__|  |__|  |__|  |___________

                                      |      |  |  |  |  |  |  |
                                ________________    __    __    ___________
         XMIT TEST CLK H                        |__|  |__|  |__|           

                                      |      |  |  |  |  |  |  |
                                ______        __    __    __    ___________
         XMIT CLK H             ______|______|  |__|  |__|  |__|           

                                              FIGURE F5-10
                                          XMIT TEST CLK TIMING


                        1.  The first RCVR CLK pulse may appear from zero to
                            four Test CLK pulses depending on where the RCVR
                            CLK Shift Register is when the Disable RCVR CLK
                            Line is asserted Low.
         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                 Page F-41

         F.6  MECHANICAL

         F.6.1  General

              The LINK module (L0100) is  an  extended  "L"  series  module
         implemented with both Schottky and ECL (both 100K and 10K) logic.

              The ECL consumes approximately one third of the module in the
         "C"  area of the board with the TTL occupying the remainder of the

         F.6.2  Module Keying

              The LINK module is notched between I/O fingers C42 and C44 to
         provide  keying  which will prevent the module from being inserted
         backwards and more importantly will prevent any other module  from
         being inserted in the backplane slot used by the LINK.

              A keying plug (DEC PN 1218624-00) must be inserted  into  the
         backplane connector between connector pins C42 and C44.

         F.6.3  Power Requirements

              The LINK  module  requires  the  following  voltages  at  the
         specified current ratings.

                 +5V +5%,-5% @ 12.5A = 62.5W  Worse Case
                 8.6A = 43.0W  Typical

                 -5.2V +5%,-5% @ 6.5A = 33.8w Worse case
                 5.0A = 26.0w Typical                                       

         F.6.4  Cooling

              Normally, ECL designs require 500 LFM of  airflow  to  insure
         that  operating margins for the ECL circuits are maintained.  This
         is especially necessary if the ECL circuits are not  contained  on
         the  same module or are spread out on a module such that there may
         be a temperature gradient across the circuits.  If the entire  ECL
         circuit  is contained in a small area on a single module where the
         temperature gradient does not exist, then the requirement  of  500
         LFM  does not have to be met.  The ECL circuits on the LINK module
         are contained in a small area and can be  adequately  cooled  with
         300 LFM of airflow.
         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                 Page F-42

         F.6.5  LEDS


              The LED will be illuminated when  the  LINK  is  in  Internal
         Maintenance Loop mode.

         F.6.5.2  LOCAL CI ACTIVITY (GREEN) -

              This LED indicates that this node is either  transmitting  or
         receiving  on either path of the CI.  The level of illumination is
         relative to the amount of CI activity by this node.

         F.7  APPENDIX A



                  07     06     05     04     03     02     01     00
                  |  XBUF | CDB  | CDA  | XMIT | ARB  | NAK  | ACK  | XMTR  |
                  |   PE  |      |      | ABRT |      |      |      | BUSY  |
                  |   *   |      |      |   *  |      |  *   |  *   |       |
                 * Indicates that the bit is valid only when XMIT
                  ATTENTION is asserted.


                  07     06     05     04     03      02     01     00
                  |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |             
                  | RCVR |FORCE |VALID | EXT  | INT  |FORCE | SWAP | RCVR |
                  |  B   |CDET  | REC  |MAINT |MAINT | ARB  | ADRS |  A   |
                  | ENB  |      | PAR  | LOOP | LOOP |      |      | ENB  |

         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                 Page F-43

         F.8  APPENDIX B

                 LINK INITIALIZE STATE

                 CONTROL            ENABLED               DISABLED

                 RCVR B                                      x
                 FORCE CARRIER DETECT                        x
                 VALID RCVR PARITY     x         
                 EXTERNAL MAINT. LOOP                        x
                 INTERNAL MAINT. LOOP  x
                 FORCE ARBITRATION                           x
                 SWAP ADDRESS                                x
                 RCVR A                                      x
         L0100 LINK SPECIFICATION                                 Page F-44

         F.9  APPENDIX C

                                  LINK MODE SEQUENCES

          MODE     | MODE    |                          | CODE  |   BITS=1 
                   |         |                          |       | 

         INT.MAINT |ON LINE  |1)DISABLE INT.MAINT.LOOP  | 0111  |     3    
         LOOP      |(PATH A  |                          |       |
                   |and/or   |2)RCVR ENABLE (A and/or B)| 0110  |0 and/or 7   
         (NOTE 1)  |PATH B)  |                          |       |           

         INT.MAINT |EXT.     |1)DISABLE INT.MAINT.LOOP  | 0111  |     3
         LOOP      |MAINT.   |                          |       |
                   |(PATH A| |                          |       |
                   |or B)    |2)ENABLE EXT.MAINT.LOOP   |       |     4
         (NOTE 1)  |         |          and             | 0110  |             
                   |         |  RCVR ENABLE (A or B)    |       | 0 or 7    

         EXT.MAINT.|INT.     |1)DISABLE EXT.MAINT.LOOP  | 0111  |     4
         LOOP      |MAINT.   |          and             |       |
         (PATH A   |LOOP     |                          |       |
          or B)    |(NOTE 1)    RCVR DISABLE (A or B)   |       | 0 or 7
                   |         |2)ENABLE INT.MAINT.LOOP   | 0110  |     3 

         LOOP      |(PATH A  |  (A or B) and            | 0111  | 0 or 7
         (PATH A   |and/or B)| DISABLE EXT.MAINT.LOOP   |       |     4
          or B)    |         |                          |       |
                   |         |2)RCVR ENABLE (A or B)    | 0110  | 0 or 7
                   |         |

         ON LINE   |INT.MAINT|1)RCVR DISABLE(A and/or B)| 0111  | 0 and/or 7
         (PATH A   |LOOP     |                          |       |
          or B)    |         |                          |       |
                   |(NOTE 1) |2)ENABLE INT.MAINT.LOOP   | 0110  |     3

         ON LINE   |EXT.MAINT|1)UNWANTED RCVR DISABLE   | 0111  | 0 or 7
         (PATH A   |LOOP     |  (A or B)                |       |
          or B)    |(PATH A  |2)ENABLE EXT.MAINT LOOP   |       |
                   |and/or B)|  and RCVR ENABLE (A or B)| 0110  | 0 or 7      

         Note 1:  INITIALIZE also puts the LINK in INT.MAINT.LOOP mode.

                                  APPENDIX G

                                   CHANGE HISTORY

   G.0.1  Revision 1 To 2

        1.  Add DQI bit.

        2.  Change and add opcode values:  DATREQ0, DATREQ1, DATREQ2, MCFN,

        3.  Add effective priority guarantees.

        4.  Add multiple effective priority Data Read operations.

        5.  Remove port state change restrictions.

        6.  Remove  ID  broadcast  on  entering   Uninitialized/Maintenance

        7.  Update Implementation Functionality table and field.

        8.  Add SP and received path information to LB and ID.

        9.  Miscellaneous corrections from review of revision 1.