
        Title:          SII Specification Rev. 1.3

        File:           JAKE::USER$2:[FRAME.SII.DOC]SII.DOC

        Date:           December 8, 1986

        Author:         Rob Frame  SHR1-4/B10   DTN 237-2065

        Abstract:       This document describes the user requirements
                        for the SII chip. This  features  high  speed
                        handling of the  SCSI  protocol  through  use
                        of a  DMA engine. Also featured is autonomous 
                        operation in DSSI mode.

                F O R   I N T E R N A L   U S E  O N L Y

          Copyright ©1986 by Digital Equipment Corporation

      The information  in  this document is subject  to  change without
      notice and  should  not be  construed as a  commitment by Digital
      Equipment  Corporation.   Digital  Equipment  Corporation assumes
      no responsibility for any errors that may occur in this document.
      This  specification does  not  describe  any  program  or product
      which  is currently  available from Digital Equipment Corporation
      nor  does Digital Equipment  Corporation commit to implement this
      specification  in  any  program  or  product.   Digital Equipment
      Corporation  makes  no commitment  that  this document accurately
      describes any product it might ever make.
SII Spec. Rev 1.3           FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY              Page ii
Table of Contents                                      19 January 1987


        1       INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
        1.1       Goals  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
        1.2       Non-Goals  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
        1.3       References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
        2       SCSI-II IN A MODULE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
        3       POSSIBLE CONFIGURATIONS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
        4       PIN DESCRIPTION  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
        5       SCSI-II INTERNAL REGISTERS . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
        5.1       Register Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
        5.1.1       SCSI Bus Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19       SDB - SCSI Data Bus  . . . . . . . . . . . .  19       SC1 - SCSI Control Signals One . . . . . . .  19       SC2 - SCSI Control Signals Two . . . . . . .  20       CSR - Control/Status Register  . . . . . . .  20
        5.1.2       Bus Handling Registers . . . . . . . . . . . .  21       ID - Bus ID Register . . . . . . . . . . . .  21       SLCSR - Selector Control And Status Register  22       DESTAT - Selection Detector Status Register   22       DSTMO - DSSI Timeout Register  . . . . . . .  23
        5.1.3       Data Related Registers . . . . . . . . . . . .  24       DATA - Data Register . . . . . . . . . . . .  24       DMCTRL - DMA Control Register  . . . . . . .  24       DMLOTC - DMA Length Of Transfer Counter  . .  25       DMADDR - DMA Address Registers . . . . . . .  25       DMABYTE - DMA Initial Byte Register  . . . .  25       STLP - Short Target List Pointer . . . . . .  26       LTLP - Long Target List Pointer  . . . . . .  27       ILP - Initiator List Pointer . . . . . . . .  27
        5.1.4       Command And Status Registers . . . . . . . . .  27       DSCTRL - DSSI Control Register . . . . . . .  28       CSTAT - Connection Status Register . . . . .  29       DSTAT - Data Transfer Status Register  . . .  31       COMM - Command Register  . . . . . . . . . .  33
        5.1.5       Diagnostic And Test Registers  . . . . . . . .  35       DICTRL - Diagnostic Control Register . . . .  35       CLOCK - Diagnostic Clock Register  . . . . .  35       BHDIAG - Bus Handler Diagnostic Register . .  36       SIDIAG - SCSI IO Diagnostic Register . . . .  37       DMDIAG - Data Mover Diagnostic Register  . .  38       MCDIAG - Main Control Diagnostic Register  .  39
        5.2       Register Initialization Values . . . . . . . . .  40
        6       COMMANDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  42
        6.1       Immediate Commands   . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  42
        6.1.1       Chip Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  42
        6.1.2       Disconnect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  42
        6.2       Complex Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  43
        6.2.1       Request Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  43
        6.2.2       Select . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  43
        6.2.3       Information Transfer Command . . . . . . . . .  44
        7       SCSI MODE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  46
        7.1       Initiator Selection Of A Target  . . . . . . . .  46
        7.2       Initiator Selection With ATN Of A Target . . . .  47
SII Spec. Rev 1.3           FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY               Page iii
Table of Contents                                        19 January 1987

        7.3       Target Reselection Of An Initiator . . . . . . .  47
        7.4       Information Transfers  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  48
        7.4.1       Initiator Information Transfers  . . . . . . .  48       DMA Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  48       Programmed I/O Transfers . . . . . . . . . .  49
        7.4.2       Target Information Transfers . . . . . . . . .  50       DMA Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  50       Programmed I/O Transfers . . . . . . . . . .  52
        7.5       Initiator Setting ATN  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  52
        7.6       SII Setting RST  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  53
        7.7       Command Chaining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  53
        8       DSSI MODE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  56
        8.1       DSSI Bus Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  56
        8.2       Command Block Data Structure . . . . . . . . . .  58
        8.3       Structures For Data  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  60
        8.4       Linked List Operation  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  61
        8.5       Operation During DSSI Transfer . . . . . . . . .  63
        8.5.1       Target Operations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  64
        8.5.2       Initiator Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . .  66
        8.6       Adding To A Linked List  . . . . . . . . . . . .  67
        9       INTERNAL SUB-BLOCKS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  69
        9.1       Bus Handler  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  69
        9.2       SCSI Input/Output  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  70
        9.3       Data Mover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  70
        9.4       II Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  71
        9.5       Main Control   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  72
        10      BACK PORT MODES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  74
        10.1      Back Port Mode 1 - (Phoenix Mode)  . . . . . . .  74
        10.1.1      Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  74
        10.2      Back Port Mode 2 - (Arbitrating Mode)  . . . . .  74
        10.2.1      Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  74
        10.2.2      Additional Functionality . . . . . . . . . . .  75      Memory Arbitration . . . . . . . . . . . . .  75      Address Counter Control  . . . . . . . . . .  75      Reduced Address Capability . . . . . . . . .  75
        11      TEST STRATEGY  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  76
        11.1      Loop Back Testing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  76
        11.2      Looped Connector Testing . . . . . . . . . . . .  76
        11.3      Observation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  76
        12      EXTERNAL OPERATIONS AND TIMING   . . . . . . . . .  78
        12.1      Microprocessor Read Cycles . . . . . . . . . . .  78
        12.2      Microprocessor Write Cycles  . . . . . . . . . .  80
        12.3      Memory Read Cycles (Normal Mode) . . . . . . . .  83
        12.4      Memory Write Cycles (Normal Mode)  . . . . . . .  85
        12.5      Memory Read Cycles (Arbitrating Mode)  . . . . .  87
        12.6      Memory Write Cycles (Arbitrating Mode) . . . . .  89
        13      IMPLEMENTATION GUIDELINES  . . . . . . . . . . . .  92


SII Spec. Rev 1.3           FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY                Page iv
Table of Contents                                        19 January 1987


        B.1     INTRODUCTION   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1
        B.3     INTERNAL LOOP AROUND TESTING . . . . . . . . . . . B-3
        B.3.1     Target Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-3
        B.3.2     Initiator Testing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  B-13


        C.1     INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-1
        C.1.1     Adding An Element Onto The ILP . . . . . . . . . C-1
        C.1.2     Retries  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-2
        C.1.3     Receipt Of Incoming Traffic  . . . . . . . . . . C-3
        C.1.4     Reclaiming Of Allocated Buffers  . . . . . . . . C-3


        D.1     ARBITRATING MODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-1
        D.2     NORMAL MODE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-2
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY             Page 1
Introduction                                             19 January 1987


             This document is the user requirements specification for  a
        general  purpose,  high  speed,  SCSI to II interface chip.  The
        memory port of  the  proposed  chip  is  modeled  after  the  II
        (Integrated  circuit  Interconnect),  which  specifies  a common
        protocol  and  interface  timing  to  be  used  for   inter-chip
        communication.   This  chip  is  tailored  towards  the new DSSI
        interconnect currently being developed.  The proposed chip  will
        be  designed to optimize transfers when operating on a DSSI bus,
        at the expense of sophistication and  complexity  for  the  SCSI

             The intent of this document is to define, in  detail,  this
        user  visible  interface.   This  includes  the memory interface
        signals and  timing,  the  internal  registers  visible  to  the
        microprocessor   through   the  memory  interface,  the  various
        commands and the behavior of the chip during execution.

        1.1  Goals

             The goals of the SII are simply stated and include:

        1.  Interface to the PHOENIX host port (in adapter master  mode)
            without any "glue" logic (excepting passive devices).

        2.  Interface to any arbitrating memory through  the  host  port
            with  minimal  "glue", i.e.  make this a generic chip usable
            by several products.

        3.  To  provide  a  backport  interface  which  will  facilitate
            interfacing to the local microprocessor with minimal "glue".

        4.  Support  the  SCSI   specification   for   an   arbitrating,
            multi-initiator    SCSI    bus    with   horizontal   parity
            generation/checking using both asynchronous and  synchronous
            data transfers.

        5.  Support both the initiator and target roles.

        6.  Allow the designer to create  either  a  single-ended  or  a
            differential version of the SCSI bus.

        7.  Support programmable versions of some of the  vendor  unique
            features stated in the SCSI specification.

        8.  Implement commands complex enough to  reduce  the  interrupt
            load on the attached microprocessor.

        9.  Implement synchronous data transfers at up to 4MB/s.
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY             Page 2
Introduction                                             19 January 1987

       10.  The SII should use CMOS technology so as  not  to  dissipate
            more than 0.8 watts.

       11.  The SII should be as  inexpensive  as  possible  (preferably
            standard cell with no more than 68 pins).

       12.  The SII should interface to  the  NCR  8310  Receiver/Driver
            Chip without any glue.

       13.  The SII should implement as much DSSI-specific functionality
            as  possible.  It should operate nearly autonomously in this
            mode (excepting error conditions).

        1.2  Non-Goals

        1.  The SII need not be an autonomous  component,  handling  the
            SCSI interface with no microprocessor intervention.

        Certain requirements of the SCSI protocol need not be met in the

        1.  The SII need not drive the SCSI bus directly.

        2.  The SII need not support a non-arbitrating SCSI bus.

SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY             Page 3
References                                               19 January 1987

        1.3  References

             Readers will find a working familiarity with the  following
        documents  essential  to  understanding  the  contents  of  this

        1.  SMALL  COMPUTER  SYSTEM  INTERFACE  (SCSI);   Revision   17B
            (December 16, 1985)

        2.  PHOENIX HOST PORT SPECIFICATION; Revision 4.0 (September 12,

        3.  DSSA DATA LINK LAYER SPECIFICATION;  Version  V1.7  (October
            31, 1986)

SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY             Page 4
SCSI-II in a Module                                      19 January 1987

        2  SCSI-II IN A MODULE

             The SII interfaces two "ports".

             One port is the memory  backport.   This  includes  sixteen
        multiplexed  address/data  lines  along  with  two extra address
        lines, an address strobe, a data strobe,  and  a  ready  signal.
        This  allows  direct  interface to the Phoenix chip, and also to
        easily interface to an arbitrated memory.  This port will  allow
        only address-data-data-data cycles.  In other words, the address
        is present  on  the  multiplexed  address/data  lines  when  the
        address  strobe is asserted.  Following this is a series of data
        strobes, each terminated by  the  receipt  of  a  ready  signal.
        These  data  strobes  provide  or  expect  data  from sequential
        addresses in memory.

             There is also a second mode of operation for this port.  It
        can  be  used  on an arbitrated bus.  In this case, the SII does
        the bus arbitration.  HP_RDY becomes a bus request  signal.   In
        this  mode,  HP_AS  is used as a counter clock and HP_ ADDR16 is
        used as a counter load.

             This port also allows a microprocessor to interface to  the
        SII  chip  by utilizing the same multiplexed address/data lines,
        along with a chip select, an address enable and  a  data  enable
        signal.   Briefly, the SII will respond to the assertion of chip
        select  by  asserting  the  address  enable  output.    At   the
        deassertion  of  the  signal, the SII will latch the address and
        direction of the transaction.  Following that will be  the  data
        enable  output.   At the deassertion of this pulse, data will be
        latched by the SII on a write operation or will be available  to
        the external device on a read operation.

             The second port is  the  SCSI/DSSI  bus  and  the  required
        control  signals.   The  outputs  from  the  SII are designed to
        interface directly with the NCR 8310 Receiver/Driver  chip  with
        no  glue  elements.   The SII will generate and check parity and
        support both the initiator and target roles.
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY             Page 5
Possible Configurations                                  19 January 1987


             Presently, there are three uses of the SII gate array:

        1.  RF70/30 disk drives

                 The SII fits into the system as follows:

                                       +-----+  +-----+  +-----+
                                       |68000|  | ROM |  | RAM |
                                       |     |  |     |  |     |
                                       +-----+  +-----+  +-----+
                   /-----\ +-----+     +-----+
                  / SCSI/ \| SII |<--->| PNX |<----> To Drive 
                  \  DSSI /|     |     |     |          Electronics
                   \-----/ +-----+     +-----+
                                       | MEM |
                                       |     |

                 In this case, the microprocessor  communicates  to  the
            SII  through  the Phoenix (PNX) chip.  All DMA transfers are
            directed to and from Phoenix memory.

        2.  KFQSA host adapters

                 The SII fits into this system as follows:

                         +-----+  +-----+  +-----+
                         | RAM |  | ROM |  |68000|
                         |     |  |     |  |     |
                         +-----+  +-----+  +-----+
                                           +-----+   +-----+ /-----\
                           To Q-Bus  <---->| FIFO|<->| SII |/ SCSI/ \
                           Interface       |     |   |     |\ DSSI  /
                                           +-----+   +-----+ \-----/
                                           | MEM |
                                           |     |

            All DMA  operations  are  directed  through  the  FIFO  into
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY             Page 6
Possible Configurations                                  19 January 1987

        3.  TF Tape Drives

                 The SII fits into this system as follows:

                         +-----+  +-----+  +-----+
                         | RAM |  | ROM |  |80186|
                         |     |  |     |  |     |
                         +-----+  +-----+  +-----+
                                           +-----+   +-----+ /-----\
                           To Tape   <---->| Bus |<->| SII |/ SCSI/ \
                           Interface       | Ctrl|   |     |\ DSSI  /
                                           +-----+   +-----+ \-----/
                                           | MEM |
                                           |     |

            The 80186 requests access to the buffer memory from the SII.

SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY             Page 7
Pin Description                                          19 January 1987


             To perform all of the required functions, the SII will have
        68  pins,  which  will  be  in a PGA package.  These pins can be
        easily divided into three categories.  Two of  these  correspond
        to the ports previously mentioned, namely the SCSI port, and the
        memory port.  The third is categorized as  miscellaneous.   This
        includes power pins, along with test and clock inputs.

             The pin descriptions are given below.  All signals  can  be
        defined by one of the following signal types:

         o  (BID) - Tri-State Bi-directional

         o  (IN) - Input

         o  (OUT) - Output

         o  (OD) - Open Drain Output

         o  (3S) - Tri-State

            SCSI port

                 The SII interface to the SCSI drivers  is  composed  of
            the following 28 signals:

            1.  SP_DATA<7:0> H.  (BID).  Unbuffered  SCSI  data  bus  (8
                bits wide).

            2.  SP_PARITY H.  (BID).  Unbuffered SCSI parity line.

            3.  SP_CMD H.  (BID).  Unbuffered SCSI C/D line.

            4.  SP_MSG H.  (BID).  Unbuffered SCSI MSG line.

            5.  SP_SELIN H.  (IN).  SCSI SEL line, input.

            6.  SP_SELOUT H.  (OUT,  3S).   Unbuffered  SCSI  SEL  line,

            7.  SP_INPUT H.  (BID).  Unbuffered SCSI I/O line.

            8.  SP_REQ H.  (BID).  Unbuffered SCSI REQ line.   Attach  a
                resistor to ground on this pin.

            9.  SP_ACK H.  (BID).  Unbuffered SCSI ACK line.   Attach  a
                resistor to ground on this pin.

           10.  SP_ARB H.  (OUT, 3S).   When  asserted,  arbitration  is
                taking  place  and  external hardware should assert this
                node's bit significant bus ID on the data lines.
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY             Page 8
Pin Description                                          19 January 1987

           11.  SP_ATN H.  (BID).  Unbuffered SCSI ATN line.

           12.  SP_SBEN L.  (OUT, 3S).  When asserted, the  SP_DATA  and
                SP_PARITY  lines  should  be asserted on the SCSI bus by
                external hardware.

           13.  SP_IGS H.  (OUT, 3S).  When asserted, the lines ACK  and
                ATN  should  be  driven  on the SCSI bus (INITIATOR role

           14.  SP_TGS H.  (OUT, 3S).  When asserted, the MSG, CMD, REQ,
                and INPUT lines should be driven on the SCSI bus (TARGET
                role only).

           15.  SP_BSYIN H.  (IN).  Input SCSI BSY line.

           16.  SP_BSYOUT  H.   (OUT,  3S).   Output  SCSI   BSY   line,

           17.  SP_RSTIN H.  (IN).  input SCSI RST  line.   This  signal
                can  also  be used to signal the microprocessor that RST
                has been asserted on the SCSI bus.

           18.  SP_RSTOUT  L.   (OUT,  3S).   Output  SCSI   RST   line,

           19.  SP_ID<2:0> L.  (BID).  The SCSI ID  number,  needed  for
                input  to  the  NCR  8310  Receiver/Driver  chip.  These
                represent  the  inversion  of  bits  <2:0>  in  the   ID
                register.  These pins can be output from the SII or read
                by the SII, depending on the setting of a register  bit.
                When  the SYS_TEST pin is asserted, these pins determine
                which test mode the SII will enter.

            Memory Port

                 The SII interface to the memory port is composed of the
            following 26 signals:

            1.  HP_DAL<15:00>  H.   (BID).    Multiplexed   address/data
                lines.   During  the  data  portion  of the cycle, these
                signals  represent  DATA<15:00>.   During  the   address
                portion,  they  are  used to represent ADDRESS<15:01,17>
                (in arbitrating mode, ADDRESS<15:01,16>).  This  use  of
                HP_DAL<00>  during  the  address  portion  of  the cycle
                doubles the space addressable by the SII.   Contents  of
                the  bus  may  be  determined  by  the  assertion of the
                address and data strobes.

            2.  HP_ADDR16/HP_LOAD H.   (OUT,3S).   In  normal  mode,  an
                extension  of  the address space addressable by the SII.
                Note that this and HP_DAL<00> allow the  SII  to  access
                256KB.   This  signal  is  used  for address only and is
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY             Page 9
Pin Description                                          19 January 1987

                valid only during the address portion of the bus  cycle.
                In  arbitrating  mode,  this  signal  is  used as a load
                signal to an external counter.

            3.  HP_WRITE L.   (BID).   Asserted  to  indicate  that  the
                current  cycle  is a WRITE operation, as seen by the bus
                master,  deasserted  otherwise.   When  sourced  by  the
                external  logic,  it  should  be  driven  following  the
                assertion of HP_ADREN L and may  be  released  following
                the  deassertion  of  HPADREN  L; it must be released as
                late as following the deassertion of HP_AS.

            4.  HP_AS/HP_CTRCLK L.  (OUT, 3S).  In normal mode,  defines
                the boundary of a cycle when asserted.  Note that HP_DAL
                (containing an address)  must  be  valid  prior  to  the
                assertion  of  HP_AS  (setup  time  for  these  signals,
                assertion edge of  HP_AS  is  the  latching  condition).
                This  signal  will  remain  asserted  for only the first
                transfer.    This   signal   is   also    used    during
                microprocessor  accesses to the SII.  Its deassertion is
                a signal to the external logic to stop driving HP_WRITE.
                In  arbitrating  mode,  this  signal  is used as a clock
                input to an external counter.  It is not asserted during
                microprocessor accesses in this mode.

            5.  HP_DS L.  (OUT, 3S).  Data strobe.  Data must be present
                on  HP_DAL<15:00>  just after the assertion of HP_DS and
                is latched on the trailing  edge  by  the  SII  on  read
                cycles or by the memory on write cycles.  This signal is
                used only when accessing memory.

            6.  HP_BUSGRANT L.  (OUT, 3S).  Bus Grant.  The assertion of
                this  signal indicates that the SII has relinquished the
                memory bus to another device.  This signal is used  only
                in arbitrating mode.

            7.  HP_RDY/HP_BUSREQ  L.   (IN).   In  normal   mode,   when
                asserted  during  the data portion of a memory cycle, it
                informs the SII that data is ready on a  read  operation
                or  that  data  has  been taken on a write operation and
                that the current cycle can end.  This signal is not used
                during  microprocessor  accesses.   In arbitrating mode,
                this signal is used as a bus request  signal.   The  SII
                asserts HP_BUSGRANT in response to the assertion of this
                when it has relinquished the bus.

            8.  HP_CS L.  (IN).  This signal is asserted low to indicate
                that  the local microprocessor wishes to access the SII.
                The SII will respond to this as soon as the current  bus
                cycle  (if  one  was  in  progress) has completed.  This
                signal, together with the HP_WRITE signal  will  control
                the  direction  and  enables  of the transceivers in the
                chip.  The HP_CS signal can be deasserted following  the
                assertion of HP_ADREN.
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 10
Pin Description                                          19 January 1987

            9.  HP_ADREN L.   (OUT,3S).   This  signal  is  asserted  in
                response   to   a   chip  select  to  inform  the  local
                microprocessor that the register address may  be  placed
                on  the HP_DAL lines.  This signal can also act as a bus
                grant to the  microprocessor.   The  local  intelligence
                will also drive HP_WRITE following the assertion of this
                signal.  This signal is not used during memory accesses.

           10.  HP_DATAEN L.  (OUT,3S).  This signal  is  asserted  when
                the SII is ready to accept or deliver data on the HP_DAL
                lines.  This signal, coupled with HP_WRITE  can  act  as
                the   enable   and   direction  inputs  to  an  external
                transceiver.  This signal  is  not  used  during  memory

           11.  HP_CLK H.  (IN).  This is the clock input  used  by  the
                SII  to  synchronize HP_CS,HP_ADREN and HP_DATAEN.  This
                allows the designer to  use  synchronous  circuitry,  if
                desired.  If not, this pin may be connected to SYS_CLK.


                 The SII also requires a few  interface  connections  on
            its own behalf.  These 14 signals are:

            1.  SYS_INT L.  (OUT,OD).  One multi-purpose interrupt  line
                to  the local microprocessor to inform it of termination
                or error conditions.  Its assertion  indicates  that  an
                interrupt is pending.

            2.  SYS_RESET L.  (IN).  This signal,  when  asserted,  will
                cause the SII chip to reset all internal state machines,
                initialize all registers and disconnect itself from  the
                SCSI bus.

            3.  SYS_CLK H.  (IN).  This is the clock input for the  SII.
                Supply a 20 MHz, 50% duty cycle clock.

            4.  SYS_TEST  L.   (IN).   Pull  up  this  pin  for   normal
                operation.   When  pulled  low, the SII is in test mode.
                When  in  this  mode,  the  SP_ID  bits  determine   the
                operation of the SII:
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 11
Pin Description                                          19 January 1987

                 SPID<2> SPID<1> SPID<0>   Function
                |   0   |   1   |   1   | Tri-state SII outputs         |
                |       |       |       |                               |
                |   1   |   0   |   1   | Enables parametric outputs    |
                |       |       |       | used for ASIC specific testing|
                |       |       |       |                               |
                |   1   |   1   |   0   | Allows access to 2 adjacent   |
                |       |       |       | registers. (SPID<0> is least  |
                |       |       |       | significant address bit in    |
                |       |       |       | test mode.)                   |
                None  of  these  modes  should  be  entered  in   normal

            5.  VDD<3:0>.  (IN).  These are the 4  power  lines  to  the
                SII.  Supply +5V +/-5%.

            6.  GND<5:0>.  (IN).  These are the 6 ground  lines  to  the


                All signals noted as bidirectional use tri-state
                drivers.   All  signals noted as output also use
                tri-state drivers.   These  output-only  signals
                become   tri-state   when   the  TEST  input  is
                asserted, along with SP_ID<2>.

SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 12
Pin Description                                          19 January 1987

                                     Pin Summary

                        |                                       |
                        |             SCSI Port                 |
                        |                                       |
                <======>| SP_DATA<7:0>                SP_SELOUT |------>
                <------>| SP_PARITY                      SP_ARB |------>
                <------>| SP_CMD                        SP_SBEN |O----->
                <------>| SP_MSG                         SP_IGS |------>
                ------->| SP_SELIN                       SP_TGS |------>
                <------>| SP_INPUT                    SP_BSYOUT |------>
                <------>| SP_REQ                      SP_RSTOUT |O----->
                <------>| SP_ACK                     SP_ID<2:0> |O<====>
                <------>| SP_ATN                                |
                ------->| SP_BSYIN                              |
                ------->| SP_RSTIN                              |
                        |                                       |
                        |                                       |
                        |            Memory Port                |
                        |                                       |
                <======>| HP_DAL<15:00>           HP_AS/CTRCLK  |O----->
                <-------| HP_ADDR16/LOAD                 HP_DS  |O----->
                <----->O| HP_WRITE                 HP_BUSGRANT  |O----->
                ------>O| HP_RDY/HP_BUSREQ            HP_ADREN  |O----->
                ------>O| HP_CS                      HP_DATAEN  |O----->
                ------->| HP_CLK                                |
                        |                                       |
                        |                                       |
                        |            Miscellaneous              |
                        |                                       |
                ------>O| SYS_RESET                    SYS_INT  |O----->
                ------->| SYS_CLK                               |
                ------->| SYS_TEST                              |
                =======>| VDD<3:0>                              |
                =======>| GND<5:0>                              |
                        |                                       |


             The  SII   contains   twenty-seven   microprocessor-visible
        registers  that  are used to control and monitor the behavior of
        the SII during operation.

             Four of these registers provide direct control of the  SCSI
        bus  for  diagnostic  testing.  Six additional registers provide
        more visibility into the SII.
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SCSI-II Internal Registers                               19 January 1987

             Four of these registers controls the SII  handling  of  the
        SCSI  bus.   These  registers contain information regarding SCSI
        selection and selection detection.

             Nine registers are used to control the  data  movement  and
        the DMA engine inside the SII.

             Four registers provide exception notification  information,
        error flags, and control of the SII in a global sense.

             The register "map" is defined below:

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SCSI-II Internal Registers                               19 January 1987

                        SII REGISTER MAP (USER VISIBLE)

           HP__DAL<5:0>             DATA BUS                    NAME

                        15                              0
                +00     |    SCSI DATA BUS AND PARITY   |       SDB
                +02     |    SCSI CONTROL SIGNALS 1     |       SC1
                +04     |    SCSI CONTROL SIGNALS 2     |       SC2
                +06     |    CONTROL/STATUS REGISTER    |       CSR
                +08     |        ID   REGISTER          |       ID
                +10     |   SELECTOR CONTROL/STATUS     |       SLCSR
                +12     |   SELECTION DETECTOR STATUS   |       DESTAT
                +14     |        DSSI TIMEOUTS          |       DSTMO
                +16     |       DATA REGISTER           |       DATA
                +18     |    DMA CONTROL REGISTER       |       DMCTRL
                +20     |   DMA LENGTH OF TRANSFER      |       DMLOTC
                +22     |     DMA ADDRESS POINTER       |       DMADDRL
                +24     |     DMA ADDRESS POINTER       |       DMADDRH
                +26     |     DMA INITIAL BYTE          |       DMABYTE
                +28     |   SHORT TARGET LIST POINTER   |       STLP
                +30     |   LONG TARGET LIST POINTER    |       LTLP
                +32     |   INITIATOR LIST POINTER      |       ILP
                +34     |         DSSI CONTROL          |       DSCTRL
                +36     |   CONNECTION INTERRUPT CONTROL|       CSTAT
                +38     |     DATA INTERRUPT CONTROL    |       DSTAT
                +40     |       COMMAND REGISTER        |       COMM
                +42     |    DIAG. CONTROL REGISTER     |       DICTRL
                +44     |         CLOCK REGISTER        |       CLOCK
                +46     |       BH DIAG REGISTER        |       BHDIAG
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SCSI-II Internal Registers                               19 January 1987

                +48     |     SCSI_IO DIAG REGISTER     |       SIDIAG
                +50     |       DM DIAG REGISTER        |       DMDIAG
                +52     |       MC DIAG REGISTER        |       MCDIAG

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SCSI-II Internal Registers                               19 January 1987

             The registers of  the  SII  can  be  divided  into  several
        categories   according   to  usage.   These  categories  can  be
        described as:

            Diagnostic - those registers which are used ONLY to diagnose
            the   functionality   of  the  chip  and  nearby  circuitry.
            Typically, these registers are accessed only during power-up

            SCSI - those registers  which  are  used  when  the  SII  is
            operating  in  SCSI  mode.   These  registers  are also used
            internally by the SII while in DSSI mode; however, there  is
            no need for the user to access them in this mode.

            DSSI - those registers which are used  only  in  DSSI  mode.
            Typically,   these   registers   contain   addresses   where
            information regarding DSSI operation can  be  found.   Other
            registers  may  be accessed while in this mode; however, the
            information  contained  in  them  can  be  found   elsewhere
            (typically in memory).

             Most  registers  in  the  SII   are   standard   read/write
        registers.   Some,  however, do not fall into this class.  These
        other classes are:

            R/W1TC - read/write 1 to clear.   Several  status  registers
            contain  bits  which require that once a status bit has been
            set, it can only be cleared by  writing  a  1  to  that  bit

            R/O - read only.   Several  status  registers  contain  only
            status and writing to them has no effect.

            W/O - write only.  The clock register  is  only  an  address
            location.   It  is  not  implemented  as a register and will
            always read zero.

            R/W* - these registers are not true read/write in that under
            certain  conditions  they  will not read back the value last
            written to them.  These conditions  will  be  noted  in  the
            description of the register.

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SCSI-II Internal Registers                               19 January 1987

                                 SII REGISTER MAP 

                    NAME             USAGE             CLASS
                |  SDB          |  DIAGNOSTIC   |       R/W*    |
                |  SC1          |  DIAGNOSTIC   |       R/W*    |
                |  SC2          |  DIAGNOSTIC   |       R/W*    |
                |  CSR          |  SCSI/DSSI    |       R/W     |
                |  ID           |  SCSI/DSSI    |       R/W*    |
                |  SLCSR        |    SCSI       |       R/W     |
                |  DESTAT       |    SCSI       |       R/O     |
                |  DSTMO        |    DSSI       |       R/W     |
                |  DATA         |    SCSI       |       R/W*    |
                |  DMCTRL       |    SCSI       |       R/W     |
                |  DMLOTC       |    SCSI       |       R/W     |
                |  DMADDRL      |    SCSI       |       R/W     |
                |  DMADDRH      |    SCSI       |       R/W     |
                |  DMABYTE      |    SCSI       |       R/W     |
                |  STLP         |    DSSI       |       R/W     |
                |  LTLP         |    DSSI       |       R/W     |
                |  ILP          |    DSSI       |       R/W     |
                |  DSCTRL       |    DSSI       |       R/W     |
                |  CSTAT        |    SCSI/DSSI  |       R/W1TC  |
                |  DSTAT        |    SCSI       |       R/W1TC  |
                |  COMM         |    SCSI       |       R/W     |
                |  DICTRL       |  DIAGNOSTIC   |       R/W     |
                |  CLOCK        |  DIAGNOSTIC   |       W/O     |
                |  BHDIAG       |  DIAGNOSTIC   |       R/W,R/O |
                |  SIDIAG       |  DIAGNOSTIC   |       R/O     |
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SCSI-II Internal Registers                               19 January 1987

                |  DMDIAG       |  DIAGNOSTIC   |       R/O     |
                |  MCDIAG       |  DIAGNOSTIC   |       R/O     |


                     For the entirety of  the  document,  please
                keep in mind that all memory references are made
                with BYTE  addresses.   Note  that  the  maximum
                address  size of 18-bits restricts the amount of
                memory visible to the SII to 256K bytes.

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SCSI-II Internal Registers                               19 January 1987

        5.1  Register Definitions


                     All undefined bits in  any  registers  will
                read  as zero (0).  Writing to any of these bits
                will have no effect.

        5.1.1  SCSI Bus Registers

             This group of registers are  closely  associated  with  the
        SCSI  bus.  Several are diagnostic registers used to control the
        SCSI bus and the remaining  register  is  used  to  control  the
        operation of the chip with respect to the SCSI bus.

  SDB - SCSI Data Bus

             The SDB register is  used  only  in  diagnostic  mode  (see
        DICTRL description) in conjunction with a loop back connector to
        test the SCSI port.  It is  also  used  in  diagnostic  internal
        loopback  mode to effectively act like the SCSI bus.  The fields
        in this register directly reflect the  SCSI  data  bus  ASSERTED
        HIGH.    This   register   should  NOT  be  used  during  normal
        operations.  It should be noted that care must be taken to  test
        this  portion  of  the  chip without any disturbance to the SCSI
        bus.  (See TEST STRATEGY)

                                SDB (0) -- READ/WRITE

          15  14  13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
        | -   -   -   -   -   -   - |PTY|         SP DATA <7:0>         |

  SC1 - SCSI Control Signals One

             This register  is  used  in  diagnostic  mode  (see  DICTRL
        description)  in  conjunction with a loop back connector to test
        the SCSI port or to effectively act as the SCSI bus in  internal
        loopback  mode.  The bits in this register directly reflect some
        of the SCSI control lines ASSERTED HIGH.   It  should  be  noted
        that  data  written  to  this register may differ from that read
        back since only certain bits are driven while in the  target  or
        initiator mode.  (See TEST STRATEGY)
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SCSI-II Internal Registers                               19 January 1987

                                SC1 (2) -- READ/WRITE

          15  14  13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
        | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |BSY|SEL|RST|ACK|REQ|ATN|MSG|C/D|I/O|

  SC2 - SCSI Control Signals Two

             The SC2 register is  used  only  in  diagnostic  mode  (see
        DICTRL description) in conjunction with a loop back connector to
        test the SCSI port.   These  signals  directly  drive  the  four
        control  signals  on the NCR 8310 receiver/driver chip.  Special
        care should  be  taken  when  writing  this  register  to  avoid
        disturbing  the  SCSI  bus  during  power-up  diagnostics.  This
        register should  only  be  accessed  if  an  external  loop-back
        connector  is  in  plase.   It  should not be used during normal
        operations.  (See TEST STRATEGY)

                                SC2 (4) -- READ/WRITE

          15  14  13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
        | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |IGS|TGS|ARB|SBE|

         o  IGS - is set (1) to steer the SCSI drivers for the initiator
            role.  READ/WRITE.

         o  TGS - is set (1) to steer the SCSI drivers  for  the  target
            role.  READ/WRITE.

         o  ARB - is set (1) to enable the SCSI drivers for arbitration.

         o  SBE - is set (1) to drive  the  SCSI  data  bus  and  parity
            lines.  READ/WRITE.

  CSR - Control/Status Register

             This register contains control and status information about
        the  general  operation  of  the  SII in regard to the SCSI bus,
        including various enable bits.

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SCSI-II Internal Registers                               19 January 1987

                                CSR (6) -- READ/WRITE

          15  14  13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
        | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |HPM|RSE|SLE|PCE| IE|

        The fields in the CSR are defined as follows:

         o  HPM - set  to  one  (1)  if  the  SII  is  operating  on  an
            arbitrated  bus.   In  this  mode,  the  SII will handle the
            arbitration.  HP_RDY is used as a BUS_REQ, the  SII  returns
            HP_BUSGRANT to indicate that the external device has control
            of the bus.  When clear(0), HP_RDY acts as an indicator that
            the  current data transfer can be terminated and HP_BUSGRANT
            is not used.

         o  RSE  -  set  to  one  (1)  if  the  SII  is  to  respond  to
            reselections.  Clear (0) (default on reset) otherwise.

         o  SLE - set to one (1) if the SII is to respond to selections.
            Clear (0) (default on reset) otherwise.

         o  PCE - set to one (1) if the  SII  is  to  check  parity  and
            report parity errors.  When clear (0), the SII will continue
            to check parity but will not report any errors.   In  either
            case, the SII will continue to generate parity.  The default
            value is zero (0).

         o  IE - set to one (1) if interrupts are to be enabled.   Clear
            (0)  (the  default  on  reset)  otherwise.   If  clear,  all
            interrupts are disabled.

        5.1.2  Bus Handling Registers

             This group of registers handle and  monitor  the  SCSI/DSSI
        bus.   These  registers  provide information regarding selection
        and selection detection, required by the SII.  A fourth register
        is used to monitor DSSI transactions, insuring that the bus does
        not become "hung".

  ID - Bus ID Register

             This register contains the three bit ID number of this  SII
        on  the  SCSI/DSSI  bus.  This value is needed for selection and
        selection detection.

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SCSI-II Internal Registers                               19 January 1987

                                ID (8) -- READ/WRITE

          15  14  13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
        |I/O| - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |   BUS ID  |

             The bits is this register are defined as follows:

         o  I/O - when set to one, indicates that the 3 ID pins  of  the
            SII  are outputs and the values presented in the ID register
            are reflected (complemented) at these pins.  It is  expected
            that  this  register  be  written before the SII is enabled.
            When clear, the ID pins are inputs.  The  logical  inversion
            of  these pins will appear in the ID register.  Note that if
            this bit is cleared, writing this register has no effect.

         o  BUS ID - the ID of the SII.

  SLCSR - Selector Control And Status Register

                                SLCSR (10) -- READ/WRITE

          15  14  13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
        | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |  BUS ID   |    

             The bits in this register are defined as follows:

         o  BUS ID - the ID of the device to be selected  or  reselected
            (destination  ID).   This  must  be  loaded  before a SELECT
            command is issued.

  DESTAT - Selection Detector Status Register

             This register contains the bus ID of the device  which  has
        selected  the  SII.   It is typically read after an interrupt is
        received to dispatch to the ID-dependent code.

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SCSI-II Internal Registers                               19 January 1987

                                DESTAT (12) -- READ ONLY

          15  14  13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
        | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | BUS ID    |

             The bits in this register are defined as follows:

         o  BUS ID - the number of the device  which  selected  the  SII
            (source ID).  This register is only updated by the SII after
            being selected.

  DSTMO - DSSI Timeout Register

             This register contains the  timeout  values  for  both  the
        initiator  and  target roles.  Also contained is a single enable
        bit.  Note that once enabled, the timeout values  apply  to  all

                                DSTMO (14) -- READ/WRITE

          15  14  13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
        |ENA| - | - | - | - | - | - | - |TARGET TIMEOUT |INIT. TIMEOUT  |

             The bits in this register are defined as follows:

         o  ENA - when set to one  (1),  indicates  the  timeout  values
            placed  on  bus transactions apply and that necessary action
            should be taken if either of  these  timers  expires.   When
            clear (0), (default on reset) these timeouts are ignored.

         o  TARGET TIMEOUT - the number  of  200  microsecond  intervals
            which  may  elapse, starting from the point when the SII was
            selected until the next observed bus free  phase  while  the
            SII  is  in  the target role.  Should this timer expire, the
            SII will immediately disconnect from the DSSI bus.

         o  INITIATOR TIMEOUT - the number of 200 microsecond  intervals
            which  may  elapse,  from  the last observed bus free phase,
            until the next observed bus free phase while the SII  is  in
            the  initiator  role;  or  the  number  of  200  microsecond
            intervals which may elapse  before  the  SII,  acting  as  a
            potential  initiator,  detects  a  bus  free  phase.  Should
            either of these conditions occur, the SII will  assert  SCSI
            bus reset.

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SCSI-II Internal Registers                               19 January 1987

        5.1.3  Data Related Registers

             There are several registers necessary to control and report
        the  status of data movement within the SII.  Many of these deal
        with the DMA engine  contained  in  the  SII.   These  registers
        control the DMA operations to and from memory.  Included in this
        group is a control register, several address pointers and length
        counter register.

  DATA - Data Register

             This register is used to load data to be sent  out  on  the
        SCSI  bus.   It  can  also be used to read incoming information.
        Typically, it would be used for message and status phases.   For
        all  programmed  I/O  operations,  only  the lower byte is used.
        This register cannot be used  for  synchronous  data  transfers.
        This register will not reflect the data written to it.

                                DATA (16) -- READ/WRITE

          15  14  13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
        | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |          LOWER  BYTE          |

  DMCTRL - DMA Control Register

             This register  contains  mode  information  concerning  the
        current  DMA activity.  This consists of the req/ack offset used
        for synchronous data transfers.  Note that this register must be
        written  following  detection  of  a selection or reselection to
        insure proper operation during synchronous data  transfers.   In
        DSSI mode, the register is loaded automatically by the SII.

                                DMCTRL (18) -- READ/WRITE

          15  14  13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
        | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |REQ/ACK| 

             These bits are defined as follows:

         o  REQ/ACK OFFSET - the desired request/acknowledge offset  for
            any   synchronous   data  transfers  occurring  during  this
            connection.  A maximum of three (3) is implemented for  data
            phase transfers.  A zero (0) value implies SCSI asynchronous
            data  transfers.   This  offset  is  only  for  data   phase
            transfers;   other   information   phases   must   be   done
            asynchronously.  It should be noted that there is no special
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 25
SCSI-II Internal Registers                               19 January 1987

            command for synchronous data transfer.  A non-zero value for
            the REQ/ACK offset implies all data transfers  are  done  in
            synchronous mode.

  DMLOTC - DMA Length Of Transfer Counter

             This register contains the number of BYTES which are to  be
        DMA'ed  into/out  of  memory.  This register will auto-decrement
        after each transaction and will reflect the number of bytes left
        to  transfer.  It will be implemented as a 13 bit counter.  This
        register will contain the number of bytes sent across  the  SCSI
        bus  during a read and the number of bytes deposited into RAM on
        a write.  This is a true count and bytes currently in  the  FIFO
        are not considered transferred.

                                DMLOTC (20) -- READ/WRITE

          15  14  13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
        | 0 | 0 | 0 |         TRANSFER COUNT  ( IN BYTES)               |

  DMADDR - DMA Address Registers

             This register contains the memory byte address  from  which
        the  DMA  operation  will  begin.   Note that a "1" in the least
        significant bit position means that the first cycle will be done
        with an initial byte offset.

                                DMADDRL (22) -- READ/WRITE

          15  14  13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
        |                 BYTE ADDRESS FOR DMA OPERATION                |          

                                DMADDRH (24) -- READ/WRITE

          15  14  13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
        | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ADDR  |

  DMABYTE - DMA Initial Byte Register

             This register is used to load data to be sent to the memory
        bus.  Typically, it would be used in the following scenario:
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SCSI-II Internal Registers                               19 January 1987

         o  The SII is operating as an initiator

         o  The target is sending data to this SII.

         o  The target changes phase on an odd boundary and requests the
            pointers be saved.

         o  The SII interrupts the  microprocessor  indicating  a  phase
            change  has  occurred  and  the DMA transfer ended on an odd
            byte boundary.

         o  At some later time, the target reconnects  to  complete  the

         o  The  microprocessor  will  load  the  "odd"  byte  from  the
            previous transfer into this register.

         o  After receiving the next byte, the  SII  will  transfer  the
            whole word into memory.

                                DMABYTE (26) -- READ/WRITE

          15  14  13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
        | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |          INITIAL BYTE         |

  STLP - Short Target List Pointer

             This register contains the address to which  the  SII  will
        write   the   next   incoming   short   packet.   The  SII  will
        automatically reload this  register  with  its  new  value  upon
        completion  of  the  current  transaction.   Refer  to DSSI MODE
        description.  Note that this address is really  an  18-bit  byte
        address, with the lower three bits of the address forced to zero
        (0).  The register contains  the  upper  fifteen  bits  of  this
        18-bit  address.   The SII will interpret a value of zero (0) as
        the end of a linked list.  This register can only be written  by
        the  microprocessor  when  the  register  is zero or DSSI_EN (in
        DSCTRL register) is zero.  All  other  attempts  to  write  this
        register will be ignored.

                                  STLP (28) -- READ/WRITE

          15  14  13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
        |      ADDRESS OF NEXT FREE "INCOMING" SHORT BUFFER         | 0 |
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  LTLP - Long Target List Pointer

             This register contains the address to which  the  SII  will
        write the next incoming long packet.  The SII will automatically
        reload this register with its new value upon completion  of  the
        current transaction.  Refer to DSSI MODE description.  Note that
        this address is really an 18-bit byte address,  with  the  lower
        three  bits  of  the  address  forced to zero (0).  The register
        contains the upper fifteen bits of this 18-bit address.  The SII
        will  interpret a value of zero (0) as the end of a linked list.
        This register can only be written by the microprocessor when the
        register  is  zero or DSSI_EN (in DSCTRL register) is zero.  All
        other attempts to write this register will be ignored.

                                  LTLP (30) -- READ/WRITE

          15  14  13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
        |      ADDRESS OF NEXT FREE "INCOMING" LONG BUFFER          | 0 |

  ILP - Initiator List Pointer

             This register contains the address from which the SII  will
        read  the  next  outgoing  packet.   The  SII will automatically
        reload  this  register  with  its  new  value  upon   successful
        completion  of  the  current  transaction.   Refer  to DSSI MODE
        description.  The SII will interpret a value of zero (0) as  the
        end of a linked list.  Note that this address is really a 18-bit
        byte address, with the lower three bits of the address forced to
        zero  (0).  The register contains the upper fifteen bits of this
        18-bit address.  This  register  can  only  be  written  by  the
        microprocessor  when  the  register is zero or OUT_EN (in DSCTRL
        register) is zero.  All other attempts to  write  this  register
        will be ignored.

                                  ILP (32) -- READ/WRITE

          15  14  13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
        |        ADDRESS OF NEXT FULL "OUTGOING" BUFFER             | 0 | 

        5.1.4  Command And Status Registers

             The registers in this group provide for global  control  of
        the  SII.   Several  provide  status  information  to  the local
        microprocessor regarding the state of the SII.
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  DSCTRL - DSSI Control Register

             This register contains all necessary information to control
        the  SII in DSSI mode.  Included in this register is information
        about the nature of each node, whether it  is  a  SCSI  or  DSSI

                           DSCTRL (34) -- READ/WRITE

          15  14  13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
        |DSI|OUT| - | - | - | - | - | - |CH7|CH6|CH5|CH4|CH3|CH2|CH1|CH0|

             The bits in this register are defined as follows:

         o  DSI - (DSSI_EN) when set to one (1), indicates that the  SII
            is  acting  in  DSSI  mode.   This  bit  must  be set by the
            microprocessor.  It is cleared by the SII if:

            1.  it is selected by non-DSSI device

            2.  it is selected with Attention

            3.  it selects a non-DSSI device

            Care must be taken if the  microprocessor  wishes  to  clear
            this  bit.  Deasserting this bit in the middle of a transfer
            will cause unexpected results.  The  recommended  method  of
            clearing this bit is as follows:

            1.  Clear all of the channel bits.  This way, the chip  will
                not  attempt  to transfer any more packets following the
                current one (if one is in progress).

            2.  The next time the SII is selected or attempts to process
                an outbound element, this bit will be cleared.

            3.  If the time required to wait for  the  above  action  to
                occur  is  too  great,  the  code  may  poll a diagnotic
                register (MCDIAG) until it reads 0100H.  At  this  time,
                it is safe to clear the DSI bit.

            After the microprocessor has finished servicing any  of  the
            above  conditions,  it  must  set  this  bit to one again to
            resume DSSI operation.  It is advisable  that  the  firmware
            raise  its  interrupt priority level prior to the disconnect
            so that the setting of this bit is  guaranteed  to  be  done

         o  OUT_EN - when set to one (1),  this  indicates  the  SII  is
            enabled  to  send outbound packets.  This bit must be set by
            the microprocessor.  It is cleared by the SII if:
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            1.  ILP becomes zero

            2.  DSTMO occurs

            3.  An outbound transaction is not terminated with ACK.

                 The code is free to clear this bit whenever it deems it
            necessary with no unexpected effects.

         o  CHn - when set to one (1), this indicates that the specified
            node  is  operating  as  a DSSI device.  When clear (0) (the
            default on reset), the node is assumed to be a SCSI  device.
            The  SII  uses  this  information to determine its course of
            action when selected by a device.   It  will  interrupt  the
            microprocessor if selected by a SCSI device.  If selected by
            a DSSI  device,  it  will  proceed  through  the  DSSI  mode

                 The code is free to clear any of these bits whenever it
            deems it necessary with no unexpected effects.

  CSTAT - Connection Status Register

             This register contains  interrupt  status  related  to  SII

                                CSTAT (36) -- READ/SELECTIVE WRITE 1

          15  14  13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
                  *   *   *       *   *   *  

             These bits are defined as follows:

         o  CI - CSTAT Interrupt - composite error  bit  for  the  CSTAT
            register.   It is the logical 'or' of bits 13 through 11 and
            9 through 7.  Those bits marked by '*'  will  interrupt  the
            processor when set.

         o  DI - DSTAT Interrupt - composite error  bit  for  the  DSTAT

         o  RST - RST asserted - set to one (1) if the RSTIN  signal  is
            asserted  on  the  SCSI  bus.   The  SII  will automatically
            disconnect itself from the bus and interrupt the  processor.
            This bit is write one (1) to clear.
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         o  BER - Bus Error - this bit is set on any  of  the  following

            1.  Fifo Overflow

            2.  Req/Ack Offset exceeded

            3.  Illegal Phase change

                 While this bit is asserted, the SII will not receive or
            transmit  data  in  either DMA or programmed I/O mode.  This
            bit is write one (1) to clear.

         o  OBC - Out_en Bit Cleared - this bit is set to one (1) if (in
            DSSI mode):

            1.  The SII has received RSTIN

            2.  The SII DSSI timer has expired

            3.  As  an  initiator,  the  attached   target   disconnects

            This bit is write one (1) to clear.

         o  TZ - Target pointer Zero - this bit is set to one (1) if the
            STLP  register  or  the LTLP register contains a value of 0.
            (Read only)

         o  BUF - Buffer Service - this bit is set to one (1) if the SII
            has  begun  processing  an  outbound  packet  destined for a
            non-DSSI device.  Write one (1) to clear this bit.

         o  LDN - List Element Done - this bit is set to one (1) if  the
            SII  has  completed  an  element,  successfully or not, with
            interrupt enabled.  Write one (1) to clear this bit.

         o  SCH - State Change - this bit is set to one (1) if the state
            of the SII has changed.  A change is considered to be any of
            the following:

            1.  Selected (while in non-DSSI mode)

            2.  Reselected (while in non-DSSI mode)

            3.  Disconnected (while in non-DSSI mode)

            4.  RST has occurred on the  SCSI  bus  (while  in  non-DSSI

            5.  The SII leaves DSSI mode - DSSI_EN is cleared by the SII
                (see DSCTRL register)
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            Write one (1) to clear this bit.

         o  CON - Connected - this bit is set to one (1) if the  SII  is
            connected  to  another device.  It is clear while the SII is
            idle.  (Read only)

         o  DST - Destination - this bit is set to one (1)  if  the  SII
            was  the  destination  of  the  current  transfer.  In other
            words, this bit is set if the SII was selected or reselected
            by another device.  (Read only)

         o  TGT - Target - this bit is set to one  (1)  if  the  SII  is
            operating  as  a  target during the current transfer.  (Read

         o  SWA - Selected With ATN - this bit is set to one if the  SII
            was  selected  with  attention.  Write one (1) to clear this

         o  SIP - Selection In Progress - this bit is set if the SII  is
            currently  in  a  selection  process.   This  is  useful  in
            determining  if  the  desired  destination  is  unavailable.
            (Read only)

         o  LST - Lost - this bit is set when the SII loses arbitration.
            It is cleared by the SII when it begins a selection process.
            (Read only)

  DSTAT - Data Transfer Status Register

             This register contains interrupt  status  related  to  data

                                DSTAT (38) -- READ/SELECTIVE WRITE 1

          15  14  13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
        |CI |DI |DNE|TCZ|TBE|IBF|IPE|OBB| 0 | 0 | 0 |MIS|ATN|MSG|C/D|I/O|
                  *       *   *                       *

             These bits are defined as follows:

         o  CI - CSTAT Interrupt - composite error  bit  for  the  CSTAT

         o  DI - DSTAT Interrupt - composite error  bit  for  the  DSTAT
            register.   It  is  the logical 'or' of bits 13,11,10 and 4.
            Those bits marked with '*' will interrupt the processor when
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         o  DNE - Xfer Done - this bit is set to one (1)  when  the  DMA
            operation  is  completed (successfully or not).  This bit is
            write one (1) to clear.

         o  TCZ - Transfer Counter Zero -  this  bit  is  set  when  the
            transfer counter has a value of zero.  Cleared otherwise.

         o  TBE - Transmit Buffer Empty - This bit is set to one (1)  if
            the  attached  target requests data from the SII while there
            is no command pending for the datamover (i.e.  an Info  Xfer
            command  is  not  in progress).  This bit is cleared when an
            Info Xfer command is started (either DMA or programmed I/O).

         o  IBF - Input Buffer Full - this bit is set to one (1) if  the
            SII  has  received  a byte while there is no command pending
            for the datamover (i.e.  an Info  Xfer  command  is  not  in
            progress).  This bit is cleared when an Info Xfer command is
            started (either DMA or programmed I/O).

         o  IPE - Incoming Parity Error - this bit is set to one (1)  if
            there  was  a parity error on the incoming data.  It remains
            asserted until the next DMA operation begins.

         o  OBB - Odd Byte Boundary - this bit is  set  if  the  current
            transfer   has  ended  on  an  odd  byte  boundary.   It  is
            automatically reset by the SII when the next  DMA  operation
            begins.   This  can be used in conjunction with the previous
            register to solve "odd byte disconnects".

         o  MIS - Phase Mismatch - this bit is set to  one  (1)  if  the
            phase currently on the bus does not match the expected phase
            (as described in the COMM  register)  and  a  REQ  has  been
            issued  by  the  target.   This  bit should only be asserted
            while acting in the initiator role.  This bit is cleared  by
            resolving  the  difference  in  phase  by modifying the COMM

         o  ATN - this bit is set to one (1) if, while the  SII  was  in
            the  target role, the initiator asserted ATN.  Write one (1)
            to clear this bit.

         o  C/D - set to one (1) if the current bus state  has  the  C/D
            signal asserted.  This bit is read only.

         o  MSG - set to one (1) if the current bus state  has  the  MSG
            signal asserted.  This bit is read only.

         o  I/O - set to one (1) if the current bus state  has  the  I/O
            signal asserted.  This bit is read only.

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  COMM - Command Register

             The SII uses this register to determine its  actions  while
        operating in SCSI mode.  This register also contains information
        concerning use of DMA in the present command.  This register  is
        ignored by the SII in DSSI mode and therefore should not be used
        by the microprocessor in that mode.

                                COMM (40) -- READ/WRITE

          15  14  13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
        |DMA|RST| 0 |RSL|      COMMAND      |CON|ORI|TGT|ATN|MSG|C/D|I/O|

             The bits in this register are defined as follows:

         o  DMA - when asserted, data will be transferred  to  and  from
            the memory area.  When clear, data will be sent and received
            via the microprocessor through the DATA register.

         o  RST - when written to one (1), the SII will  assert  RST  on
            the SCSI/DSSI bus for 25 µsec.  This bit always reads zero.

         o  RSL - when asserted (1) along with a SELECT command, the SII
            will  attempt  to  reselect  the desired device.  When clear
            (0), the SII will attempt a selection.

         o  COMMAND<4:0> - these bits, collectively, control the actions
            of the SII.  The roles in which these commands are valid are
            listed parenthetically.

             o  I - initiator role

             o  T - target role

             o  D - disconnected

            These bits are defined in the following manner:

             -  00001 - Chip Reset - (I,T,D) - This command  resets  the
                entire chip in the same manner as a "hard" reset.

             -  00010 - Disconnect - (I,T,D) - This command  forces  the
                SII to release all signals it is driving on the SCSI bus
                (as a target).  It is also used to "gracefully" abort  a
                selection/ reselection attempt.


                         The disconnect bit should not be written to
                    one (1) if the SII is already disconnected.  The
                    command will remain in  the  COMM  register  and
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                    cause   the   SII   to   disconnect  immediately
                    following the next time it is selected.

             -  00100 - Request Data - (T) - This command forces the SII
                to  issue  a  REQ on the SCSI bus.  This command must be
                used only while a target receiving data.  In  order  for
                this  command  to  be  executed,  bits <6:3> of the COMM
                register must match bits <6:3> of  the  CSTAT  and  bits
                <2:0>  of the COMM register must match bits <2:0> of the
                DSTAT register.

             -  01000 - Select - (D) - This command allows  the  SII  to
                attempt to select or reselect another device on the bus.

             -  10000 - Information Transfer  -  (I,T)  -  This  command
                allows  the  SII  to  transfer  information  to and from
                another  device.   This  command  is  only  valid  while
                connected  to another device.  In order for this command
                to be executed, bits <6:3> of  the  COMM  register  must
                match bits <6:3> of the CSTAT and bits <2:0> of the COMM
                register must match bits <2:0> of the DSTAT register.


                         The  information  transfer  bit   is   only
                    cleared  by  clearing  the  command  or  a  DONE
                    interrupt.  It  is  not  cleared  when  the  SII
                    becomes  disconnected from the bus or when RSTIN
                    is asserted.

         o  State lines -  (D,I,T)  -  These  three  bits  make  up  the
            expected  state of the chip.  These bits must match those in
            the CSTAT register for a data transfer to take place.  These
            bits are:

            1.  CON - Connected

            2.  DST - Destination

            3.  TGT - Target

         o  SCSI control lines - (I,T) - This is used to directly  drive
            several  of  the bus signals.  While in SCSI mode and acting
            as a target, the values written  to  C/D,I/O,  and  MSG  are
            driven onto the SCSI bus.  While acting as an initiator, ATN
            is driven onto the SCSI  bus.   In  either  mode,  the  bits
            constitute  the "expected phase".  The three phase bits must
            match those on the SCSI bus or  MIS  is  set  in  the  DSTAT
            register (following receipt of a REQ from the target).
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        5.1.5  Diagnostic And Test Registers

             This group of registers is used specifically and  only  for
        test  and  diagnostic purposes.  They should never be used while
        in normal operation.

  DICTRL - Diagnostic Control Register

             This register contains the various  control  bits  used  in
        diagnostic mode.

                                DICTRL (42) -- READ/WRITE

          15  14  13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
        | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |LPB|PRE|DIA|TST|

             The bits is this register are defined as follows:

         o  LPB - set to one (1) if the values written to the diagnostic
            registers  are  to  be looped back into the chip.  This will
            enable the microprocessor to insert test  vectors  into  the
            chip  during power-up diagnostics if desired.  Note that the
            DIA bit must be deasserted for this test to  be  meaningful.
            Clear  (0)  (default  on  reset)  otherwise.   Refer to TEST

         o  PRE - port enable.  Set to one (1) to  enable  the  off-chip
            drivers  to  the  SCSI port.  After a reset, the SII will be
            disconnected from the bus (this  bit  will  be  zero).   The
            primary  purpose of this bit is to allow chip diagnostics to
            run without affecting the rest of the SCSI/DSSI bus.

         o  DIA - When this bit is asserted,  the  SII  is  in  external
            loop-back  mode.   In  this  mode,  the diagnostic registers
            directly control the SCSI data and control lines, as well as
            the bus steering signals.  After a RESET condition, this bit
            is zero (0).  Refer to TEST STRATEGY.

         o  TST - is set to one (1), when the  chip  is  in  test  mode.
            This  enables the user to replace the 20 MHz clock.  The new
            clock is pulsed each time the CLOCK register is written.

  CLOCK - Diagnostic Clock Register

             Writing this register generates  a  pulse  which,  in  test
        mode,  replaces the 20 MHz clock input.  Note this register must
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        be written twice to cause a 10 MHz.  clock to occur.   This  can
        be  used to allow the microprocessor to observe and sequence the
        various state machines inside the SII.

                                CLOCK (44) -- WRITE ONLY

          15  14  13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
        | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |

  BHDIAG - Bus Handler Diagnostic Register

             This register contains various internal Bus Handler control
        bits.  Reading it allows some additional visibility into the Bus
        Handler operations during test mode.

                                BHDIAG (46) -- READ/WRITE

          15  14  13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
        |SDT|ENX|MAT|PHS|200|T25|Q9 |Q4 |DTO|TCR|DCR|ABT|SMR|RST|BM<1:0>|

             The bits in this register are defined as follows:

         o  SDT - SET_DSTMO - when written to one (1), the DSSI timer is
            preset to a value of all one's.  This enables the programmer
            to verify its functionality by a single clock.

         o  ENX - SC_ENAXFER -  when  one  (1),  the  SCSI_IO  block  is
            enabled, thus allowing it to transfer data.  Read only.

         o  MAT - MATCH - when one (1), the phase currently on the  SCSI
            bus  matches  the  internal phase expected by the SII.  Read

         o  PHS - PHS_CHG - when one (1), this indicates that the  phase
            on the SCSI bus has changed.  Read only.

         o  200 - T200US - the clock for the DSSI timeout counter.

         o  T25 - T25US - the pulse used to time RSTOUT assertion on the
            bus.  This is one of the taps in the DSSI timer.

         o  Q9 - Q<9> - the tenth bit of the DSSI ripple counter.

         o  Q4 - Q<4> - the fifth bit of the DSSI ripple counter.
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         o  DTO - DSTMO - the assertion of this  signal  indicates  that
            the SII has timed out the current bus transaction.

         o  TCR - TMRCLR - this is the clear to the generic counter used
            to time various activities during the selection process.

         o  DCR - DSTCLR - this is the clear for the DSSI timer.

         o  ABT - ABORT - this is a  state  in  the  RST  control  state

         o  SMR - SMRST - this is the reset for the  bus  control  state

         o  RST - RSTOUT - this is the SCSI RSTOUT.

         o  BM<1:0> - BUSMONITOR state bits

  SIDIAG - SCSI IO Diagnostic Register

             This  register  contains  various  internal  control  bits.
        Reading it allows some visibility into the SCSI IO operations.

                                SIDIAG (48) -- READ ONLY

          15  14  13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0

             The bits in this register are defined as follows:

         o  DIR - SC_DIR - when one (1), data is destined for  the  SII.
            Read only.

         o  DPH - SC_DATAPHASE - when one (1), the current bus phase  is
            either  a  DATA  IN  or  DATA  OUT  phase.   This is used to
            determine if the transfer is to be done synchronously.  Read

         o  ISS - SD_ISSUEREQ - this signal is asserted  when  the  data
            mover wants a REQ to be issued.

         o  TAK - SD_DATATAKEN - this signal  indicates  that  the  data
            mover has taken a byte of incoming data from the FIFO.

         o  ODR - SD_OUTDATARDY - this signal indicates  that  the  data
            mover has data ready to send out.
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         o  SNT - SD_DATASENT - this signal indicates that  the  SCSI_IO
            has sent a byte across the SCSI bus.

         o  REQ - SD_DATAREQ - this signal indicates that the target has
            requested a byte of data to be sent.

         o  IDR - SD_INDATARDY - this signal indicates that there is  at
            least one byte of data in the FIFO.

         o  MAT - SC_MATCH - the assertion of this signal indicates that
            the pattern on the SCSI bus constitutes a valid selection of
            this device.

         o  WON - SC_WON - the assertion of this signal  indicates  that
            the  pattern  on  the  SCSI  bus  shows that the SII has won

         o  IDL - SD_IDLE - this signal indicates the SCSI_IO  block  is

         o  ERR - SC_ERR - this signal indicates that the SCSI_IO  block
            has detected a protocol error on the SCSI bus.

         o  OF<1:0> - OFFSET <1:0> - the current req/ack offset.

         o  FI<1:0> - FIFO<1:0> - the number of bytes in the FIFO.

  DMDIAG - Data Mover Diagnostic Register

             This register contains various internal data mover  control
        bits.    This   register   allows   further   observability  and
        controllability of the SII chip.

                                DMDIAG (50) -- READ ONLY

          15  14  13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
        | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |CLR|LD6|LTC|CHI|CLO|ENH|RDY|

             The bits in this register are defined as follows:

         o  CLR - DP_CLR - one of the state bits  of  the  CTRL_SM.   It
            resets the data path.

         o  LD6 - LOAD6 - one of the state bits of the CTRL_SM.   It  is
            used to select the value 6 for input into the LOTC register.
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         o  LTC - LOTC_LD - one of the state bits of the CTRL_SM.  It is
            used to load the LOTC register.

         o  CHI - CLKHI - one of the state bits of the DM_DATACTRL.   It
            clocks the high byte of the word builder.

         o  CLO - CLKLO - one of the state bits of the DM_DATACTRL.   It
            clocks the low byte of the word builder.

         o  ENH - ENHIBYTE - one of the state bits of  the  DM_DATACTRL.
            It selects the high byte for output.

         o  RDY - READY - one of the state bits of the DM_DATACTRL.   It
            is used to generate various handshaking signals.

  MCDIAG - Main Control Diagnostic Register

             This register contains various internal main control  bits.
        This  register  allows further observability and controllability
        of the SII chip.

                                MCDIAG (52) -- READ ONLY

          15  14  13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
        | 0 | 0 |  LISTSM<3:0>  | MAIN<2:0> | 0 |XF<1:0>|   LCTRL<3:0>  |

             The bits in this register are defined as follows:

         o  LISTSM<3:0> - LISTSM state bits.

         o  MAIN<2:0> - MAIN_SM state bits.

         o  XF<1:0> - XFER_SM state bits.

         o  LCTRL<3:0> - LISTCTRL_SM state bits.

             A value of 100H indicates that the SII is idle.
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 40
SCSI-II Internal Registers                               19 January 1987

        5.2  Register Initialization Values

             The following table is a summary of the values which should
        appear  in  the  SII  registers  following a hard or soft reset.
        Those marked by "X" indicate that the bit is indeterminate after

         NAME                           BIT VALUES
         ----                           --- ------

         SDB                            0000 000X XXXX XXXX

         SC1                            0000 000X XXXX XXXX

         SC2                            0000 0000 0000 0000

         CSR                            0000 0000 0000 0000

         ID                             0000 0000 0000 0XXX

         SLCSR                          0000 0000 0000 0000

         DESTAT                         0000 0000 0000 0000

         DSTMO                          0000 0000 0000 0000

         DATA                           0000 0000 0000 0000

         DMCTRL                         0000 0000 0000 0000

         DMLOTC                         0000 0000 0000 0000

         DMADDRL                        0000 0000 0000 0000

         DMADDRH                        0000 0000 0000 0000

         DMABYTE                        0000 0000 0000 0000

         STLP                           0000 0000 0000 0000

         LTLP                           0000 0000 0000 0000

         ILP                            0000 0000 0000 0000

         DSCTRL                         0000 0000 0000 0000

         CSTAT                          0000 0100 0000 0000

         DSTAT                          0001 0000 0000 0XXX

         COMM                           0000 0000 0000 0000

         DICTRL                         0000 0000 0000 0000

SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 41
SCSI-II Internal Registers                               19 January 1987

         CLOCK                          0000 0000 0000 0000

         BHDIAG                         0101 0000 0100 1001

         SIDIAG                         1000 0100 0010 0000

         DMDIAG                         0000 0000 0000 0000

         MCDIAG                         0000 0001 0000 0000

SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 42
Commands                                                 19 January 1987

        6  COMMANDS

             The following is a description of the command set  for  the
        SII  chip.   Included  will be operation of the chip during each
        command  along  with  the  various  results  due  to  execution.
        Registers  used  by the chip during the execution of the command
        will also be mentioned.  It should be noted that these  commands
        will  be  used  only  during normal SCSI mode operation; in DSSI
        mode, the SII issues the commands.  Also included is  a  summary
        of the interrupts which may occur following the issuance of each

             Commands will be divided into  two  groups,  immediate  and
        complex.   All  immediate commands are executed immediately, and
        return no status information.  Complex commands are executed  as
        soon  as  possible  and  interrupt  the  microprocessor when the
        command has been  completed.   In  addition,  most  will  return
        status information regarding the execution of the operation.

        6.1  Immediate Commands

        6.1.1  Chip Reset

             This command will stop any operation  presently  executing,
        and  reset the chip.  The registers will return to their default
        values and the chip will be left disconnected from the SCSI bus.
        This  command  may  be  executed  in  any  mode  ( disconnected,
        initiator, or target), although it is recommended that the  chip
        is disconnected from the SCSI bus when this command is issued.

             Following  the  issuance  of  this  command  the  following
        interrupts may occur:

         -  None - the SII will reset  its  registers  and  IE  will  be
            disabled( as will selection and reselection attempts).  This
            precludes interrupts from occurring.

        6.1.2  Disconnect

             This command will cause the SII chip to immediately release
        all  signals  on the SCSI bus.  As the target, this is typically
        used to end a transfer.  As an initiator, this is  used  in  the
        case  of  a  firmware  timeout during a selection.  A disconnect
        command, in this case, will cause the SII to abort the selection
        in   the   way   described  by  the  SCSI  specification.   When
        disconnected  already,  this  command  will  cause  the  SII  to
        disconnect  following  the  next  time it is selected.  Only the
        CSTAT register is affected by this command.
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Commands                                                 19 January 1987

             Following  the  issuance  of  this  command  the  following
        interrupts may occur:

         -  SCH - acknowledgment of  the  disconnect  or  a  device  has
            selected  or reselected the SII.  The state bits can be used
            to determine what has happened.

         -  RST - a device has issued RST on the bus.

        6.2  Complex Commands

        6.2.1  Request Data

             This command is only valid when in the target role.  During
        a  transfer  directed  towards  the target (programmed I/O), the
        data must be requested first.  The expected chip  state  written
        in  the  COMM register must match the state of the chip for this
        command to be executed.

             Following  the  issuance  of  this  command  the  following
        interrupts may occur:

         -  IBF - the initiator has sent a  byte  to  the  target.   The
            following status bit may be set:

             -  IPE - the byte just received contained a parity error.

         -  RST - a device has asserted Reset on the SCSI bus.

        6.2.2  Select

             This command instructs the SII to arbitrate  for  the  SCSI
        bus  and  select  a  SCSI  device.   The  ID of the device to be
        selected must be  placed  in  the  SLCSR  register.   See  SLCSR
        definition  for  more  detail.   The SII chip will interrupt the
        microprocessor for one of the following reasons:

         -  SCH - a state change has occurred for one of  the  following

            1.  The  selection  has  been  accomplished.   Some  of  the
                transfer status bits (DSTAT) may be set:

                 -  BER - the target violated SCSI protocol
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 44
Commands                                                 19 January 1987

                 -  MIS - the target has issued a REQ in a  phase  other
                    than that currently in the COMM register.

                 -  IBF - the target has sent a byte to the SII.

                 -  TBE - the target has requested a byte from the SII.

            2.  The SII has lost the arbitration and has  been  selected
                by another device.  In this case, the ATN status bit may
                also be asserted.

            3.  The SII has lost the arbitration and has been reselected
                by another device.  In this case, the following bits may
                also be set:

                 -  BER - the target violated SCSI protocol

                 -  MIS - the target has issued a REQ in a  phase  other
                    than that currently in the COMM register.

                 -  IBF - the target has sent a byte to the SII.

                 -  TBE - the target has requested a byte from the SII.

         -  RST - A device has asserted RST on the bus.

        6.2.3  Information Transfer Command

             This command allows the transfer of information to or  from
        this SII.  The direction of the transfer is contained in the bus
        phase, which can also be found in the COMM register.  The  state
        of  the  chip  must match the expected state written to the COMM
        register.  This command can be aborted by clearing bit  <11>  in
        the  COMM  register.   This  command is not cleared when the SII
        disconnects from the bus, or when RSTIN is  asserted.   The  SII
        will interrupt the microprocessor for the following reasons:

         -  DNE - The transfer was completed.  The transfer status  bits
            can  be  used  to  determine if completed successfully.  The
            following transfer status bits may be set:

             -  TCZ - The transfer counter has a  zero  count.   In  DMA
                mode, all bytes were received or transferred.

             -  IPE - The SII received a byte with a parity  error.   In
                the target role, the DMLOTC register contains the number
                of bytes not sent (or received).  In the initiator role,
                the SII must continue to accept data.  However, the chip
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 45
Commands                                                 19 January 1987

                will automatically assert ATN on the bus.

             -  OBB -  The  DMA  transfer  has  ended  on  an  odd  byte
                boundary.  The DSTAT will also indicate if the initiator
                has asserted ATN during the transfer.

         -  IBF - The SII has received a byte while  the  DataMover  was
            idle  (SII  was  in  programmed  I/O  mode  or  the  DMA was
            completed and more data arrived.)

         -  TBE - A byte has been  requested  from  the  SII  while  the
            DataMover  was  idle  (SII was in programmed I/O mode or the
            DMA was completed and more data was requested.)

         -  SCH - When connected as an initiator,  the  attached  target

         -  MIS - When connected as an initiator, the target changes the
            phase and sends a REQ.

         -  RST - Reset is asserted on the SCSI bus.

         -  BER - A bus error occurs during the operation.

SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 46
SCSI Mode                                                19 January 1987

        7  SCSI MODE

             While the SII is operating in SCSI mode, it  behaves  quite
        similar  to  most  industry-standard  SCSI  protocol  controller

             The following is  a  detailed  description  explaining  the
        procedure needed to execute many SCSI-type functions:

        7.1  Initiator Selection Of A Target

        1.  Begin by loading the ID of the device to  be  selected  into
            the SLCSR register.

        2.  Bits <11:7> of the COMM register should be  set  to  01000B.
            This  will instruct the SII to attempt to select the desired
            device.  Bit 15 should be cleared since no DMA is  involved.
            Bit  12  should  be cleared since this is not a reselection.
            Should this SII win arbitration, IGS will be asserted.   ATN
            and  RST  will both remain deasserted.  The command code for
            selection would be 0400H.  At this time, it is advisable  to
            begin a firmware timer.

        3.  At the next detection of a bus  free  phase,  the  SII  will
            arbitrate for the SCSI bus.  Several actions may result from

             -  The SII loses the arbitration and, before  the  software
                timeout,  is  selected by another device.  In this case,
                the SII interrupts with the SCH bit  set  in  the  CSTAT
                register.   Since  the  SII  is now connected to another
                device, the SELECT command is forgotten.

             -  The  SII  wins  the  arbitration  (before  the   timeout
                interval)  and  the  selected  device responds.  In this
                case, the SII interrupts with the SCH  bit  set  in  the
                CSTAT register.

             -  No interrupt is  generated  before  the  software  timer

            The first two situations are straight  forward.   The  last,
            however,  is  slightly  more  involved.   In  this case, the
            software must evaluate which of the following situations has

             -  The SII has won the arbitration and the selected  device
                did not respond.
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 47
SCSI Mode                                                19 January 1987

             -  The SII lost the arbitration.  It continued  to  attempt
                the selection at each successive detection of a bus free
                phase.  However, it was unsuccessful in gaining  control
                of the SCSI bus before the software timer expired.

                 By reading the CSTAT, the microprocessor can tell which
            of  these  conditions  exists.   If  the  SII  is  currently
            attempting selection, the SIP bit (and only this bit) in the
            CSTAT  will  be asserted.  If this is true, the software may
            abort the selection by issuing a  DISCONNECT  command.   The
            SII  will  abort  the  selection in the way explained in the
            SCSI specification and clear the SIP bit.  If the SII hasn't
            been  successful in gaining control of the SCSI bus, the LST
            bit in the CSTAT register will be asserted.  In  this  case,
            the microprocessor may wish to restart the software timer.

        7.2  Initiator Selection With ATN Of A Target

        This procedure is similar to  that  detailed  above.   Only  the
        differences will be pointed out.

        1.  Begin by loading the ID on the device to  be  selected  into
            the SLCSR register.

        2.  Bits <11:7> of the COMM register should be  set  to  01000B.
            This  will instruct the SII to attempt to select the desired
            device.  Bit 15 should be cleared since no DMA is  involved.
            Bit  12  should  be  clear  since this is not a reselection.
            Should this SII win arbitration, IGS will be asserted.   ATN
            will  be asserted by writing bit 3 to one.  The command code
            for selection with ATN would be 0408H.

        3.  The rest follows the procedure explained for selection.

        7.3  Target Reselection Of An Initiator

        This  procedure  is  similar  to  that  detailed  for  initiator
        selection.  Only the differences will be pointed out.

        1.  Begin by loading the ID on the device to be reselected  into
            the SLCSR register.

        2.  Write 1400H to the COMM register.  This  will  instruct  the
            SII,  with  RSL  bit set, to attempt to reselect the desired
            device.  This also causes the I/O line to be  asserted  once
            the SII gains control of the SCSI bus.
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 48
SCSI Mode                                                19 January 1987

        3.  The rest follows the procedure explained for selection.

        7.4  Information Transfers

             This will detail the steps needed to perform an information
        transfer in both DMA and programmed I/O mode.

        7.4.1  Initiator Information Transfers

             Information transfers require that the expected  phase  and
        state match those which exist currently or the transfer will not
        take place.

  DMA Operations

             In  this  mode,  the  SII   will   automatically   transfer
        information without microprocessor intervention (excepting error

        1.  Typically, the SII will generate a MIS interrupt,  signaling
            the  microprocessor  that  a  bus phase change has occurred.
            Reading the DSTAT register will  inform  the  microprocessor
            which phase the bus has transitioned to.

        2.  Load the starting byte address of the buffer area  into  the
            DMADDRL  and  DMADDRH registers.  The SII will begin to read
            or deposit information from this address.

        3.  Load the DMLOTC register with the numbers of bytes which are
            to be transferred during this operation.

        4.  If this is a write to memory and  the  starting  address  is
            odd,  the DMABYTE register can be loaded at this time.  This
            will insure that a particular value is written into the  low
            byte of the first word in the transfer.

        5.  Write the command code to  the  COMM  register.   This  will
            consist  of  bit  15  set since this operation involves DMA.
            along with bits <11:7> set to 10000B.  The  phase  bits  and
            state bits must match those in the DSTAT and CSTAT registers
            if the transfer is to take place.  A COMMAND OUT  using  DMA
            would be encoded as 8862H by the initiator.

        6.  The SII will interrupt  some  time  later  for  one  of  the
            following reasons:
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 49
SCSI Mode                                                19 January 1987

             -  SCH - The attached target disconnects.

             -  RST - Reset has been asserted on the SCSI bus.

             -  BER - A bus protocol error has occurred.

             -  DNE - the transfer was completed.

             -  MIS - the target has changed phase.

             -  TBE - the target requested  more  bytes  of  information
                than indicated by the DMLOTC.

             -  IBF - The target changes the information phase and sends
                data or the target sends more data than indicated by the

            With the last four, the following status bits may be set:

             -  TCZ - The transfer counter has  reached  zero,  and  all
                bytes were transferred.

             -  IPE - While receiving data, a parity error  occurs.   In
                this  case,  it must continue to receive data.  However,
                the chip will assert ATN on the bus.

            The assertion  of  both  DNE  and  MIS  indicates  that  the
            operation  was successful and the target has now begun a new


                The  DMA  operation  can  be  aborted   by   the
                microprocessor  by clearing bit <11> in the COMM
                register.  The microprocessor should  then  wait
                for a DNE interrupt before continuing.

  Programmed I/O Transfers

        In this mode, the microprocessor must read (or write) each  byte
        that  is  transferred on the SCSI bus.  This is only recommended
        for one byte transfers.

        1.  Typically, the SII will generate a MIS interrupt,  signaling
            the  microprocessor  that  a  bus phase change has occurred,
            along with either IBF or TBE status.

        2.  The microprocessor reads (or writes) the DATA register.
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 50
SCSI Mode                                                19 January 1987

        3.  Write the command code to  the  COMM  register.   This  will
            consist  of  bit  15  cleared  since this operation does not
            involve DMA.  along with bits <11:7>  set  to  10000B.   The
            phase  bits  must  match  those in the DSTAT register if the
            transfer is to take place.  A COMMAND OUT  using  programmed
            I/O would be encoded as 0862H by the initiator.

                 Interrupts may also occur for the following reasons:

             -  SCH - The attached target disconnects.

             -  RST - Reset has been asserted on the SCSI bus.

             -  BER - A bus protocol error has occurred.

             -  TBE - The target requests another byte (a  phase  change
                need not occur).

             -  IBF - The target sends another byte  (  a  phase  change
                need not occur).

             -  MIS - The target has changed phase.

                     The following status bit may be set:

                 -  IPE - While receiving data, a parity  error  occurs.
                    In this case, the chip will assert ATN on the bus.

            Programmed I/O is on  a  byte  basis.   In  other  words,  a
            command to receive or send data in non-DMA mode is valid for
            only one byte.  If multiple bytes are to be  transferred  in
            this  mode,  each  new  byte  must  be  accompanied by a new

        7.4.2  Target Information Transfers  DMA Operations

             In  this  mode,  the  SII   will   automatically   transfer
        information without microprocessor intervention (excepting error

        1.  Typically, the SII will  generate  an  interrupt,  signaling
            that  the previous command has been completed or the SII has
            been selected.

        2.  Load the starting byte address of the buffer area  into  the
            DMADDRL  and  DMADDRH registers.  The SII will begin to read
            or deposit information from this address.
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 51
SCSI Mode                                                19 January 1987

        3.  Load the DMLOTC register with the numbers of bytes which are
            to be transferred during this operation.

        4.  If this is a write to memory and  the  starting  address  is
            odd,  the DMABYTE register can be loaded at this time.  This
            will insure that a particular value is written into the  low
            byte of the first word in the transfer.

        5.  Write the bus phase which this transfer will take  place  in
            the  COMM  register.   This  should  be  written  before the
            command is written to allow time for it  to  settle  on  the

        6.  Write the command code to  the  COMM  register.   This  will
            consist  of  bit  15  set since this operation involves DMA,
            along with bits <11:7> set to  10000B.   The  desired  phase
            should  be encoded in bits <4:2>.  For example, a target may
            issue a COMMAND OUT using DMA by writing 8852H to  the  COMM

        7.  The SII will interrupt  some  time  later  for  one  of  the
            following reasons:

             -  RST - Reset has been asserted on the SCSI bus.

             -  BER - A bus protocol error has occurred.

             -  DNE - the operation is done.

                     One or more of the following status bits  may  also
                be set:

                 -  TCZ - The transfer counter has reached zero, and the
                    transfer has been completed.

                 -  IPE - While receiving data, a parity  error  occurs.
                    In  this  case,  it  will  stop  asserting REQ (thus
                    stopping the transfer).  DMLOTC  will  indicate  the
                    number of bytes not transferred.

                 -  ATN - The initiator asserts ATN.


                The  DMA  operation  can  be  aborted   by   the
                microprocessor  by clearing bit <11> in the COMM
                register.  The microprocessor should  then  wait
                for a DNE interrupt before continuing.

SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 52
SCSI Mode                                                19 January 1987
  Programmed I/O Transfers

        In this mode, the microprocessor must read (or write) each  byte
        that  is  transferred on the SCSI bus.  This is only recommended
        for one byte transfers.

         o  Reads

            1.  Typically, the SII will interrupt with a DNE interrupt.

            2.  A REQDATA command must be issued.  The command code  for
                this  would  be  0252H  to  request  data in COMMAND OUT

            3.  Wait for a IBF interrupt.

            4.  Read the data register.

            5.  Write the command code to the COMM register.  This would
                be 0852H in this case.  This clears the IBF signal.

                     The following status bits may or may not be set:

                 -  IPE - While receiving data, a parity  error  occurs.
                    In  this  case, the chip will stop asserting REQs on
                    the bus (thus terminating the operation).

                 -  ATN - The initiator asserts ATN on the bus.

            6.  A DNE interrupt will result.  This signals  the  end  of
                the operation.

         o  Writes

            1.  Typically, the SII will interrupt with a DNE interrupt.

            2.  Next, write the DATA register with the value to be sent.

            3.  Write the command code to the COMM  register.   For  the
                case of a DATA IN transfer, this code would be 0851H.

            4.  A DNE interrupt  will  result  some  time  later.   This
                signals the end of the operation.

        7.5  Initiator Setting ATN

             This can be done only in  the  initiator  role.   Typically
        this  is used to allow the initiator to request a MSG OUT phase.
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 53
SCSI Mode                                                19 January 1987

        This is accomplished by reading the COMM register, 'or'ing 0008H
        and  writing  this value back to the COMM register.  This allows
        the previous command  to  continue.   Note  that  the  SII  will
        automatically  assert ATN if it detects a parity error during an
        initiator transfer.

        7.6  SII Setting RST

        This can be performed at any time by writing 4000H to  the  COMM
        register.   Note that in SCSI mode, this is equivalent to a hard
        reset of all devices.

        7.7  Command Chaining

             Since the Request Data and Transfer Info commands are  only
        executed   when  the  state  is  matched,  command  chaining  is
        possible.  For example, it might be desirable to select  another
        device  with  ATN  and if successful, expect a Message Out phase
        and do a DMA.  This is possible  with  a  single  command.   The
        DataMover  registers  (DMLOTC,  DMADDRL, DMADDRH, DMABYTE, etc.)
        should be loaded first.   Next  the  SLCSR  register  should  be
        loaded.   Lastly,  the  command  should  be loaded.  The command
        would include both a  select  and  info  transfer  command.   In
        addition,  the  expected state of connected, not destination and
        initiator  must  be  loaded.   The   select   command   executes
        immediately.   If  the SII is successful in selecting the remote
        device, the chip's state will match the expected state  and  the
        DMA  will  occur.  However, if the chip is selected or the phase
        does not match the expected phase, no data  transfer  will  take
        place.   There  are  several other variations of this, which are
        enumerated below.

         o  Wait for Select, then DMA

                 The command that must be loaded is:

                      This indicates:
                         DMA enabled
                         Transfer Info command
                         Expected state: connected as target, destination
                         Phase: whatever desired

         o  Wait for Select, then Request Data

                 The command that must be loaded is:


SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 54
SCSI Mode                                                19 January 1987

                      This indicates:
                         Request Data command
                         Expected state: connected as target, destination
                         Phase: whatever desired

         o  Wait for Select with ATN, then DMA

                 The command that must be loaded is:


                      This indicates:
                         DMA enabled
                         Transfer Info command
                         Expected state: connected as target, destination
                         and ATN set during selection
                         Phase: whatever desired

         o  Wait for Select with ATN, then Request Data

                 The command that must be loaded is:


                      This indicates:
                         Request Data command
                         Expected state: connected as target, destination
                         and ATN set during selection
                         Phase: whatever desired

         o  Select, then DMA

                 The command that must be loaded is:


                      This indicates:
                         DMA enabled
                         Transfer Info command
                     Select command
                         Expected state: connected as initiator, origin
                         Phase: must match desired phase

         o  Select with ATN, then DMA

                 The command that must be loaded is:


                      This indicates:
                         DMA enabled
                         Transfer Info command
                     Select command
                         Expected state: connected as initiator, origin
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 55
SCSI Mode                                                19 January 1987

                         ATN set during selection
                         Phase: must match desired phase

         o  Reselect, then DMA

                 The command that must be loaded is:


                      This indicates:
                         DMA enabled
                         Transfer Info command
                     Select command, RSL set (reselect)
                         Expected state: connected as target, origin
                         Phase: whatever desired 

         o  Reselect, then Request Data

                 The command that must be loaded is:


                      This indicates:
                         Request Data command
                     Select command, RSL set (reselect)
                         Expected state: connected as target, origin
                         Phase: whatever desired 

         o  Wait for reselect, then DMA

                 The command that must be loaded is:


                      This indicates:
                         DMA enabled
                         Transfer Info command
                         Expected state: connected as initiator, destination
                         Phase: must match desired phase

             All commands using DMA can also be done in  programmed  I/O
        mode by clearing the DMA bit.


                     These are the only  commands  that  can  be

SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 56
DSSI Mode                                                19 January 1987

        8  DSSI MODE

             This mode of the SII was intended specifically to  be  used
        with  Digital's  Small  Storage  Interconnect.  The SII provides
        many of the bus window functions required by the data link layer
        (refer  to  the DSSI Data Link Layer specification).  It does so
        using a minimal number of microprocessor interrupts.

        8.1  DSSI Bus Sequences

             The   following   is   taken   from   the    aforementioned
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 57
DSSI Mode                                                19 January 1987

                                |               |
                                |    Bus Free   |<------+
                                |               |       |
                                +---------------+       |
                                        |               |
                                        V               |
                                +---------------+       |
                                |               |  (1)  |
                                |  Arbitration  |-------+
                                |               |       |
                                +---------------+       |
                                        |               |
                                        V               |
                                +---------------+       |
                                |               |  (2)  |
                                |    Selection  |-------+
                                |               |       |
                                +---------------+       |
                                        |               |
                                        V               |
                                +---------------+       |
                            (4) |               |  (3)  |
                        +-------|  Command Out  |-------+
                        |       |               |       |
                        |       +---------------+       |
                        |               |               |
                        |               V               |
                        |       +---------------+       |
                        |       |               |   (5) |
                        |       |    Data Out   |-------+
                        |       |               |       |
                        |       +---------------+       |
                        |               |               |
                        |               V               |
                        |       +---------------+       |
                        |       |               |       |
                        +------>|    Status In  |-------+
                                |               |

             The normal path  follows  vertically  downward.   Exception
        paths are listed below:

        1.  The initiator arbitrates and loses.

        2.  The target failed to respond or responded with an unexpected
            bus phase.

        3.  The operation was timed out or  the  target  responded  with
            unexpected phase.
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DSSI Mode                                                19 January 1987

        4.  The target detected a parity error or  information  mismatch
            in  the command, or the target did not have any buffer space

        5.  The operation was timed out or the target responded with  an
            unexpected phase.

        8.2  Command Block Data Structure

             When operating in DSSI mode, the SII expects  certain  data
        structures  to be established in memory.  These will be known as
        command blocks.  The following is  a  pictorial  description  of
        this  block.   Note  that these structures must lie on quad-word
        boundaries (i.e.  the least significant three address bits  must
        be zero).

                                        COMMAND BLOCK
                base+0  |               Thread word                     |
                base+2  |               Status word                     |
                base+4  |               Command word                    |
                base+6  |               Command Bytes (6)               |

             These elements are defined as follows:

         o  Thread word - pointer to next such structure in  memory.   A
            zero  (0)  in this location indicates this is the end of the
            linked list.  The address will be a  quadword  address.   In
            other  words,  the address will be the byte address, shifted
            to the right by two places.

         o  Status  word  -  this  word  indicates  the  status  of  the

                 This word is necessary so that the  microprocessor  can
            know which buffers have been completed by the SII.

              15  14  13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
            |DNE| - | - | - | - | - | - | - |RST|TMO|XSM|BPH|STT|PHS|DSA|PAR|
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 59
DSSI Mode                                                19 January 1987

                 The bit  fields  in  this  memory  word  represent  the

             o  DNE - Bit 15 will be set (1) if the SII  has  used  this
                block  (regardless  of result).  If this bit is set when
                the SII begins processing this  element,  the  block  is
                skipped  and  the  operation  continues.   (Inbound  and
                Outbound Buffers)

             o  RST - Reset - Set to one if RST was asserted on the  bus
                during this transfer.  (Inbound and Outbound Buffers)


                         If RST was asserted before the SII  reached
                    status  phase,  the  SII will clear OUTEN in the
                    DSCTRL register and  interrupt  without  writing
                    any status.

             o  TMO - Timeout - Set to one if DSTMO was asserted  during
                this transfer.  (Inbound and Outbound Buffers)


                         If  DSTMO  was  asserted  before  the   SII
                    reached  status  phase, the SII will clear OUTEN
                    in the DSCTRL  register  and  interrupt  without
                    writing any status.

             o  XSM - Checksum - Set to one  if  the  received  checksum
                does  not  agree with that computed by the SII.  Inbound
                Buffers Only.

             o  BPH - Bad Phase - Set to one if an  illegal  DSSI  phase
                was entered by the target.  Outbound Buffers Only.

             o  STT - Status - Set to one if ACK was not returned by the
                target.  Outbound Buffers Only.

             o  PHS - Phase - Set to one if the phase changed before the
                initiator expected.  Outbound Buffers Only.

             o  DSA - DSSI - Set to one if the target detected an  error
                in the command bytes.  Inbound Buffers Only.

             o  PAR - Parity  -  Set  to  one  if  a  parity  error  was
                detected.  Inbound and Outbound Buffers.

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DSSI Mode                                                19 January 1987

                 Please note that the following  cases  will  not  cause
            status to be written in memory:

            1.  RST asserted before status phase was reached.

            2.  Initiator  selects  non-existent  device  (timeout  will
                cause RST).

            3.  Target disconnects before status phase was reached.

            4.  Target selected with Attention

            5.  Initiator attempts to select a non-DSSI device.

         o  Command word - this word contains information regarding  the
            transfer.  This word looks as follows:

              15  14  13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
            |IE | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | DEST ID   |

                 The bit  fields  in  this  memory  word  represent  the

             o  IE - when asserted (1), the SII will interrupt the local
                intelligence  upon the completion (successful or not) of
                this  packet.   When  cleared  (0),  the  SII  will  not

             o  DEST ID - the ID of the target to be selected (only used
                for outbound work).

         o  Command - the 6 byte sequence, sent in COMMAND OUT phase  by
            the  initiator  is stored here.  Contained in these bytes is
            the number of data bytes which will be  transferred  by  the
            initiator in the DATA OUT phase.

        8.3  Structures For Data

             The remaining  part  of  the  SII  data  structures  varies
        depending on the direction of the transfer.

             For "inbound" work, the data area follows immediately after
        the Command Block described above.

             For "outbound" work, the structure is different.  Following
        the  Command  Block  is the length in bytes of the next segment.
        Next is its address (shifted right  twice).   Pictorially,  this
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 61
DSSI Mode                                                19 January 1987

        link appears as follows:

                |LNK|   LENGTH OF NEXT SEGMENT                  |
                | ADDRESS OF NEXT SEGMENT (ADDRESS BITS<17:02>  |
        The LNK flag indicates if there is a segment following the  next
        one.   This bit is clear if the next segment is the last in this
        transfer.  Each segment of data (except the final one) must have
        the above described link at the end of it.  The number of linked
        segments is unlimited.

        8.4  Linked List Operation

             The SII uses three lists, one for short inbound "work" ,one
        for  long  inbound  "work"  and  one  for  outbound "work".  The
        following diagram serves to illustrate this.

                                 Free           Free
                                 Buffer         Buffer
                   STLP           #1              #2
                +-------+       +-------+       +-------+
                |   o---+------>|   o---+------>|   o---+---> etc.
                +-------+       +-------+       +-------+
                                |status |       |status |
                                | area  |       | area  |
                                +-------+       +-------+
                                |command|       |command|
                                | word  |       | word  |
                                +-------+       +-------+
                                |command|       |command|
                                | area  |       | area  |
                                +-------+       +-------+
                                | data  |       | data  |
                                | area  |       | area  |
                                +-------+       +-------+

             For inbound short data, the SII uses the STLP  register  to
        determine the address of the next free short buffer.  As the SII
        fills a free buffer, it will reload the TLP with the thread word
        of the just filled buffer.  This process continues until the SII
        reads a thread word of zero (0).  This indicates that there  are
        no  free  short buffers available to the SII.  The TZ bit in the
        CSTAT register will be set.
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DSSI Mode                                                19 January 1987

                                 Free           Free
                                 Buffer         Buffer
                   LTLP           #1              #2
                +-------+       +-------+       +-------+
                |   o---+------>|   o---+------>|   o---+---> etc.
                +-------+       +-------+       +-------+
                                |status |       |status |
                                | area  |       | area  |
                                +-------+       +-------+
                                |command|       |command|
                                | word  |       | word  |
                                +-------+       +-------+
                                |command|       |command|
                                | area  |       | area  |
                                +-------+       +-------+
                                .       .       .       .
                                .       .       .       .
                                .       .       .       .
                                | data  |       | data  |
                                | area  |       | area  |
                                .       .       .       .
                                .       .       .       .
                                .       .       .       .
                                +-------+       +-------+

             For inbound long data, the SII uses the  LTLP  register  to
        determine  the address of the next free long buffer.  As the SII
        fills a free buffer, it will reload the TLP with the thread word
        of the just filled buffer.  This process continues until the SII
        reads a thread word of zero (0).  This indicates that there  are
        no  free  long  buffers available to the SII.  The TZ bit in the
        CSTAT register will be set.
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DSSI Mode                                                19 January 1987

                                 Ready          Ready
                                 Buffer         Buffer
                   ILP            #1              #2
                +-------+       +-------+       +-------+
                |   o---+------>|   o---+------>|   o---+---> etc.
                +-------+       +-------+       +-------+
                                |status |       |status |
                                | area  |       | area  |
                                +-------+       +-------+
                                |command|       |command|
                                | word  |       | word  |
                                +-------+       +-------+
                                |command|       |command|
                                | bytes |       | bytes |
                                +-------+       +-------+
                                |1|LOTC |       |0| LOTC|
                                +-------+       +-------+
                        +-----------o   |       |   o-----------+
                        |       +-------+       +-------+       |
                        |                                       |
                        |                                       |
                        +------>+-------+       +-------+<------+
                                | data  |       |  data |
                                | bytes |       | bytes |
                                +-------+  +--->+-------+
                                |0|LOTC |  |    |  data |
                                +-------+  |    | bytes |
                                |   o------+    +-------+

             For outbound  data,  the  SII  uses  the  ILP  register  to
        determine  the  address  of  the next "work" buffer.  As the SII
        processes an outbound buffer, it will reload the DMADDR with the
        link  word  of  the  next segment as long as the LNK is enabled.
        This chaining continues until  of  LNK  value  of  zero  (0)  is
        encountered.   The  SII  will  transfer  the  next segment, then
        deposit the status of the entire transfer in the status area  of
        the command block.  This process continues until the SII reads a
        thread word of zero (0).   This  indicates  that  there  are  no
        outbound  buffers left to process.  The SII clears its OUTEN bit
        in the DSCTRL register and stops all outbound work.  If an error
        of  any kind occurs during the processing of an outbound buffer,
        the SII will stop work on the  outbound  list  by  clearing  the
        OUT_EN bit in the DSCTRL register.

        8.5  Operation During DSSI Transfer

             The following is a detailed description of the operation of
        the SII during a DSSI operation.
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DSSI Mode                                                19 January 1987

        8.5.1  Target Operations

             The  following  is  a  detailed  description  of  the   SII
        functions as a target during a typical DSSI atomic transfer.

        1.  The SII is selected by an initiator.

        2.  It responds to the selection by  asserting  BSY  and  enters
            COMMAND OUT phase.

        3.  The SII checks that the selecting device is  indeed  a  DSSI
            device  by  checking  its status bit in the DSCTRL register.
            If it is not a DSSI device, an interrupt (the SCH bit in the
            CSTAT register will be set) is generated.

        4.  Assuming this  is  a  DSSI  device,  the  SII  continues  by
            enabling  its  Target Timeout counter (value is contained in
            DSTMO register).  Should this timer  expire,  the  SII  will
            immediately disconnect from the bus.

        5.  The SII requests and waits for the first byte  to  determine
            if this is a long or short transfer.

        6.  Knowing that this is a DSSI mode transfer,  the  SII  checks
            the  contents  of the appropriate Target List Pointer (TLP).
            Should this value be zero (0), the SII continues  with  step

        7.  The SII begins reading memory from the address specified  by
            the  appropriate  TLP  register.   The  first  word (thread)
            contains the address of the next list element and is  stored
            in the DMADDR register.

        8.  The next word (status) is read.  If bit 15  (Done)  is  set,
            the  value  stored in the DMADDR register is loaded into the
            TLP and the SII continues with step 6.

        9.  The SII reads the next word (command) to see if an interrupt
            should   be  generated  following  the  completion  of  this

       10.  The SII also loads six (6) into the DMLOTC.

       11.  The SII pulls the data from the initiator and stores  it  in
            RAM,  beginning  at the value specified in the TLP register,
            offset by six.  Should an  error  in  transmission  occurred
            anytime  in this sequence, the SII will stop generating REQs
            (thereby ending the transfer).  The SII will  continue  with
            step 21.

       12.  The command byte is checked for validity.  If it is not  the
            required value, continue with step 21.
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DSSI Mode                                                19 January 1987

       13.  The REQ/ACK offset from the second command  byte  is  loaded
            into the DMCTRL register.

       14.  The SII will check the destination address  in  the  command
            packet.  If there is non-agreement with the number in the ID
            register, it will continue with step 21.

       15.  The SII will check the source address in the command packet.
            If  not  the  same  as the DESTAT register, it will continue
            with step 21.

       16.  When the command is done (seven bytes  have  been  delivered
            and  six  deposited  into  memory), it compares the incoming
            checksum (the seventh byte received) with that which it  has
            calculated  for  the  six  command  bytes.   If  there  is a
            discrepancy, the SII continues with step 21.

       17.  If the checksum is valid, the SII loads the DMLOTC with  the
            number of data bytes to be transferred.  This value is still
            present in the SII "outbound word latch"  since  the  length
            information  was  contained in the last two bytes which were
            deposited into memory.

       18.  It enters DATA OUT phase and pulls data from  the  initiator
            until  DMLOTC  is  zero(0).   This is done using synchronous
            transfer mode.  Should an  error  in  transmission  occurred
            anytime  in this sequence, the SII will stop generating REQs
            (thereby ending the transfer).  The SII continues with  step

       19.  Following receipt of all information bytes, the SII compares
            the  incoming checksum with that which it has generated.  If
            these do not agree, the SII continues with step 21.

       20.  It enters STATUS IN phase and passes ACK to  the  initiator.
            The SII continues with step 22.

       21.  The SII enters the STATUS IN phase and passes  NACK  to  the

       22.  The SII loads the DMADDR register from the address specified
            by the TLP.

       23.  The SII loads an  internal  status  code  into  the  address
            specified in the TLP register, offset by two.

       24.  The SII loads the TLP register with the value saved in  step

       25.  The SII disconnects from the DSSI bus.

       26.  If interrupts are enabled for this buffer (LDN bit  will  be
            set), the SII will interrupt the microprocessor to inform it
            that servicing is required.
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DSSI Mode                                                19 January 1987

        8.5.2  Initiator Operations

             The  following  is  a  detailed  description  of  the   SII
        functions as an initiator during a typical DSSI atomic transfer.

        1.  The ILP is written and the OUTEN bit in the DSCTRL  register
            is set by the microprocessor.

        2.  During the next bus free period, the SII will arbitrate  for
            the  bus  if  the  ILP  is not zero.  It will also start the
            initiator timer.  Should this timer  expire,  the  SII  will
            assert RST on the DSSI bus and continue with step 18.

        3.  If the SII gains control of the bus, it will  begin  reading
            memory  from  the  location specified by the ILP.  The first
            word (thread) read is the address of the next  list  element
            and is stored in the DMADDR register.

        4.  The next word (status) is read.  If bit 15 is set,  the  SII
            will  load the ILP with the value saved in the previous step
            into the ILP and continue with step 3.

        5.  The SII reads the next word (command), and loads  the  SLCSR
            with its contents.

        6.  If the DSCTRL bit corresponding to this node is not set, the
            SII  will  interrupt  now (BUF bit will be set) and will not
            execute the rest of the DSSI sequence.

        7.  The SII selects a target.

        8.  Knowing that this is a DSSI mode transfer, the  SII  expects
            COMMAND  OUT phase.  A STATUS IN phase causes a jump to step
            16.  Any other phase results in the SII asserting RST on the
            DSSI bus and continuing with step 18.

        9.  The SII loads six (6) into the DMLOTC.

       10.  Since the SII overhead and the command bytes to be  sent  to
            the   target   are   contiguous   with  the  element  header
            information, a new value does not have to be loaded into the
            DMADDR  register.   The SII simply continues the current DMA

       11.  The SII sends data to the  target,  getting  the  data  from
            memory  starting  at  the  address  specified  in the DMADDR
            register, offset by six.  While sending the  data,  the  SII
            generates  a  checksum.   This checksum is simply the XOR of
            all command bytes.  Following the sixth byte, this  checksum
            is sent.

       12.  Following the transmission of  the  seventh  byte,  the  SII
            expects  the  target  to  go to DATA OUT phase.  A STATUS IN
            phase causes a jump to step 16.  Any other phase causes  the
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DSSI Mode                                                19 January 1987

            SII to assert RST on the DSSI bus and continue with step 18.

       13.  The SII loads the number of data bytes to  be  sent  in  the
            next  segment  into the DMLOTC.  This value is the next word
            in memory.

       14.  The SII gets the address of the next segment by reading  the
            next word in memory.  It stores this in the DMADDR register.

       15.  The SII does a new address cycle using this segment pointer.
            It  then  sends  data to the target until DMLOTC is zero(0).
            This is done using synchronous transfer  mode.   If  at  any
            time  during  this transfer, the bus phase changes to STATUS
            IN, the SII will jump to step 16.  If LNK  is  enabled,  the
            SII  goes  back  to  step  13.   Otherwise,  it  will send a
            checksum  for  the  data  bytes  after   sending   all   the

       16.  The SII expects STATUS IN phase and  receives  one  byte  of
            status  from  target.  Any other phase causes the SII to set
            RST on the DSSI and continue with step 18.

       17.  The SII re-reads the next  pointer  and  stores  it  in  the
            DMADDR register.

       18.  The  SII  loads  some  internal  status,  into  the  address
            specified in the ILP register, offset by two.

       19.  The remote device  should  disconnect  now.   No  other  bus
            phases are expected.

       20.  If the previous transfer was  completed  successfully  (i.e.
            an  "ACK" was received), the SII will continue with the next
            step.  If not, the SII will stop execution in the  initiator
            role ONLY by clearing OUTEN in the DSCTRL register.

       21.  The SII loads ILP register with the value saved in step 17.

       22.  Should the value of the ILP register be non-zero, it repeats
            this  sequence.   If  IE  has been asserted in the initiator
            word, it will interrupt at this point (LDN will be set).

        8.6  Adding To A Linked List

             The following enumerates the steps required to  dynamically
        add new buffers to the TLP and ILP lists.

        1.  Fill in the new buffer command block and insure that the MSB
            of the status word is zero.
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DSSI Mode                                                19 January 1987

        2.  The thread word of the new buffer must be zero.

        3.  Write the last item on either the ILP or TLP list  with  the
            new thread word, pointing to the new buffer.

        4.  If the ILP (TLP) is zero, write it with the address  of  the
            new buffer.

SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 69
Internal Sub-blocks                                      19 January 1987


             The SII can be divided into five  major  blocks.   Each  of
        these   blocks   performs   a  specific  function  with  minimal
        interfacing to other blocks.  These blocks will be described  in
        detail below.

        9.1  Bus Handler

             This block handles the generation of all SCSI  bus  control
        signals,  as  well  as  the  SCSI  "real-time"  functions  (i.e.
        selection/selection detection processes).  The  Bus  Handler  is
        further divided into smaller sub-blocks, each of which perform a
        specific function.

             One such sub-block  consists  of  a  state  machine,  which
        implements  the  SCSI  selection/reselection  protocol.   When a
        SELECT command is issued, this machine  waits  for  a  bus  free
        phase.   It  then follows the SCSI protocol to arbitrate for the
        bus.  If successful, it continues the process by  attempting  to
        select  the desired node.  If this node responds, it generates a
        "SelDone" interrupt.  If it failed to gain control of  the  SCSI
        bus  and was, in fact, selected itself, it follows the necessary
        steps to acknowledge the  selection.   The  state  machine  will
        continue to arbitrate at every bus free phase until either it is
        successful or it is selected  by  another  device.   This  state
        machine is used in both DSSI and SCSI modes.  This state machine
        also implements the DSSI specific transfer timing functionality.
        If  enabled,  all bus transfers are timed and appropriate action
        is taken should these transfer consume too much time.

             Another sub-block of the Bus Handler  contains  the  actual
        DSSI  timer.   This  timer  is  controlled  by the state machine
        described above and produces an output signal when it expires.

             Several sub-blocks  are  concerned  with  the  receipt  and
        generation of the bi-directional control signals.  These signals
        are grouped according  to  functionality  and  fall  into  three

        1.  Bus - those signals used to gain control of the bus

        2.  RD  -  those  signals   used   to   control   the   external
            receiver/driver chip

        3.  Control - those  signals  used  to  control  an  information

             All IO cells in this block contain several multiplexers  to
        allow the microprocessor to appear to act as the SCSI bus to the
        SII.  This is especially useful during diagnostic tests.
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Internal Sub-blocks                                      19 January 1987

             This block controls the activities of the SCSI Input/Output
        block  through  various  control  lines and receives status from
        this block.  This block  is  in  turn  controlled  by  the  Main
        Control block and returns certain status information to it.

        9.2  SCSI Input/Output

             This block is the SCSI input and output data  path  of  the
        SII  chip.   It  also monitors the data bus, reporting status to
        the Bus Handler block.  The SCSI Input/Output  section  contains
        several sub-blocks.

             One of these sub-blocks is the FIFO.  There is a three byte
        FIFO,  used  to  receive  information  during  synchronous  data
        transfers.  The mode of  the  FIFO  is  controlled  by  the  Bus
        Handler block.

             The second block is the actual data input/output path.   It
        is   here   that  the  different  sources  of  output  data  are
        multiplexed.   In  addition  to  the  data  transferred   during
        information  transfers,  this  block generates the data patterns
        needed  during  arbitration  and  selection.   This  block  also
        informs the Bus Handler when the data pattern on the bus matches
        that used during a selection process.  Lastly, all the IO  cells
        contain  several multiplexers to allow the microprocessor to act
        as the SCSI bus to the SII chip.

             The last sub-block in the SCSI Input/Output  block  handles
        the  generation of SCSI Requests and Acknowledges.  Based on the
        transfer mode, it  monitors  the  incoming  control  signal  and
        generates  its  own.   This sub-block also communicates with the
        Data Mover to allow passage of data between the two  blocks  and
        also keeps track of the FIFO status and the ReqAck offset.

        9.3  Data Mover

             The Data Mover is responsible for the passage of data  from
        the  SCSI  Input/ Output block to the II bus interface.  It also
        performs certain DSSI specific functions under the direction  of
        the Main Control block.

             The outbound data  path  consists  of  a  buffer,  used  to
        disassemble  words.  The desired byte is then sent onto the SCSI
        Input/Output  block  to  be  transmitted.   The  sub-block  also
        generates  and  transfers  the  checksum  of  all bytes which it
        transfers, again under the instruction of the Main Control.

             The inbound  data  path  consists  of  a  buffer,  used  to
        assemble  bytes  into  words.  This sub-block also provides DSSI
        specific functions, such as:
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 71
Internal Sub-blocks                                      19 January 1987

        1.  Compare command byte to DSSI opcode

        2.  Check Destination ID

        3.  Check Source ID

        4.  Move ReqAck Offset into DMCTRL register

        5.  Validating checksum

        6.  Checking incoming status

        The status signals generated by  this  block  are  used  by  the
        control sub-block.

             The control sub-block contains a DMA engine, which  uses  a
        handshaking   protocol   to   communicate  with  both  the  SCSI
        Input/Output block and the II block.  It also contains  a  state
        machine,  used only in DSSI mode.  This state machine checks the
        various status bits generated  by  the  inbound  data  path  and
        reports  any  errors  to  the  Main  Control block.  The control
        sub-block also generates other status information pertaining  to
        the data transfer readable in the INSTAT register.

        9.4  II Block

             The II Block is the SII interface to the  backport  memory.
        This  block  is  responsible for the II bus protocol, data flow,
        bus arbitration and register accesses.  These functions make  up
        the four major sub-blocks of the II Block.

             The II bus protocol block generates  the  required  address
        and  data  strobes, and the write signal appropriately.  It uses
        the incoming ready signal to terminate all data transfers.  This
        sub-block   also   handles   the  II  bus  arbitration.   Before
        attempting any data transfer, it examines the chip select signal
        to  determine  if  the  microprocessor wishes to read or write a
        register.  This function is given priority over data transfers.

             A separate block controls the register access timing.  Upon
        detection  of  the microprocessor's desire to perform a register
        access,  a  state  machine  is  started.   This  state   machine
        generates  the  appropriate address and data enable signals.  If
        the operation is a read, this sub-block enables  the  data  from
        the  selected  register  onto  the  outbound  bus.   Should  the
        operation be a  write,  the  data  is  latched  into  a  holding
        register.   The  state  machine  then  continues by generating a
        write strobe to the correct register bank.

             Last is the actual data  path.   There  are  four  internal
        sources of outbound data:
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 72
Internal Sub-blocks                                      19 January 1987

        1.  Register Data

        2.  Linked List Data

        3.  Data Mover Data

        4.  Address

        Based on various control signals, the proper data is driven onto
        the  data  bus.   In  addition, there are three destinations for
        inbound data:

        1.  Register Address

        2.  Register Data

        3.  Memory Data

        Incoming data is loaded into the proper input latches  based  on
        control  signals  supplied  by  the  other sub-blocks.  With the
        exception of register information, this block only  communicates
        with the Main Control and Data Mover blocks.

        9.5  Main Control

             The Main Control block is the central control block of  the
        SII  chip.  While operating in SCSI mode, all command and status
        information visible to the microprocessor is contained  in  this
        block.     All    actions   performed   by   the   Bus   Handler
        (selection/reselection), and  the  Data  Mover  (DMA/information
        transfers) are initiated by this block.

             While operating in DSSI mode, this  block  uses  a  set  of
        state machines to initiate the above mentioned functions without
        microprocessor intervention.  All errors are still  reported  to
        the  microprocessor; however, error-free transmissions can occur
        autonomously.  The SII gets buffer addresses from memory using a
        linked   list   machine.   This  constitutes  the  second  major
        sub-block of the Main Control block.

             The linked list machine performs several functions:

        1.  Checks that the current buffer is unused

        2.  Loads the command word into the appropriate register

        3.  Writes status information into  memory  regarding  the  just
            completed transfer

        4.  Finds the address of the next buffer

        These functions are provided by state machines residing in  this
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 73
Internal Sub-blocks                                      19 January 1987

        block.   These  state  machines  are started by the main control
        state machine.  This block reports  certain  status  information
        back to the main control state machine.  This includes:

        1.  No more inbound buffers

        2.  No more outbound work to do

        3.  Non-DSSI buffer

        4.  Interrupt following completion of current buffer

        This sub-block also provides the interface to the II block, even
        in  SCSI  mode.  All information related to memory addressing is
        contained in this block.
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 74
Back Port Modes                                          19 January 1987

        10  BACK PORT MODES

             This section offers an introduction  to  the  two  backport
        modes  implemented in the SII.  The differences between them are
        noted below.

        10.1  Back Port Mode 1 - (Phoenix Mode)

        10.1.1  Introduction

             This was the original backport that the SII  was  to  have.
        This mode interfaces directly to Phoenix, but can be adapted for
        other applications.  This backport mode is  particularly  useful
        for  devices with several high bandwidth ports.  This mode gives
        the designer a great deal of flexibility due to the following:

        1.  In this mode, the SII waits for the assertion of RDY  before
            terminating  a  cycle.   This  allows the SII to be held off
            from memory.  The designer can therefore design an  external
            memory arbiter.

        2.  The SII is capable of addressing 256 kB of memory.

        3.  Most  transfers  are  sequential  in  nature.    For   these
            transfers,    the    SII   simply   asserts   data   strobe.
            Discontinuities in memory accesses  require  a  new  address
            strobe.  This allows a FIFO to be easily added.

        10.2  Back Port Mode 2 - (Arbitrating Mode)

        10.2.1  Introduction

             A second backport mode was  added  for  the  TF  family  of
        products.  This mode incorporates some additional functionality,
        such as an arbitrated bus, while making some  assumptions  about
        the external hardware.  These assumptions include:

        1.  Other hardware residing on the SII bus is not "bursty"  (ie.
            single accesses).

        2.  Other  hardware  rarely  accesses  the   memory   bus   (low

        3.  Memory access times are faster than 150 ns.

        4.  An external counter having a "LOAD" and "CLK" input is used.
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 75
Back Port Modes                                          19 January 1987

        5.  There is no more than 128kB of memory.

             This set of assumptions fits nicely with  the  architecture
        of  a  tape drive.  This mode, however, is not meant for devices
        with two or more high throughput ports, such as a disk drive  or

        10.2.2  Additional Functionality  Memory Arbitration

             The SII will handle the  arbitration  of  the  memory  bus.
        Other  hardware  will request this bus from the SII by asserting
        HP_RDY(HP_BUSREQ).  After the current cycle (or  immediately  if
        the  SII is idle), the SII will relinquish the bus by tristating
        its data bus and signal this by asserting HP_BUSGRANT.  The  SII
        will  continue to assert HP_BUSGRANT until the requesting device
        has deasserted HP_RDY.  These requests must be short in duration
        and infrequent if SII throughput is not to be degraded.

             While the SII is bus master, it  assumes  it  controls  the
        memory  and  will  never be held off.  Therefore, all data cycle
        will be of fixed 150 ns.  duration.

  Address Counter Control

             The SII will generate the control signals needed to use  an
        external  counter with no "glue" chips.  In this mode, HP_ADDR16
        becomes  the  HP_LOAD   signal   (see   following   section   on
        addressing).   As  such,  it is asserted while the address is on
        the SII DAL lines.  HP_AS becomes the counter  clock(HP_CTRCLK).
        It  is asserted in the center of the LOAD signal (100 ns.  after
        the assertion of LOAD) in order to load the counter.  It is also
        asserted  100 ns.  after the trailing edge of HP_DS to increment
        the counter.

  Reduced Address Capability

             In order to provide the above mentioned functionality,  the
        SII  uses  an address line (HP_ADDR16).  The effect of this is a
        50% reduction in the  amount  of  memory  the  SII  is  able  to
        address.   The  highest order address bit (address bit 17) is no
        longer sent from the chip.  In its place on HP_DAL<0> is address
        bit 16.
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 76
Test Strategy                                            19 January 1987

        11  TEST STRATEGY

             The SII has be designed with testability in mind.   Towards
        that  end, there are several different test modes implemented in
        the SII.

             While in diagnostic mode, the microprocessor will  be  able
        to test a large percentage of the internal circuitry, as well as
        various interconnects on the module.  This will  allow  a  large
        degree of in-circuit testing without need for special hardware.

        11.1  Loop Back Testing

             In diagnostic loop back mode, the microprocessor is able to
        directly control the SCSI inputs to the SII.  It is also able to
        read the  outputs  which  the  chip  generates.   This  will  be
        accomplished  by  diverting I/O activity away from the SCSI port
        to the microprocessor  diagnostic  registers.   By  setting  the
        proper  bits  in  the  CSR  register (the DIA and LPB bits), the
        inputs to the SII internal circuitry can be  switched  from  the
        actual signal pins to the diagnostic registers.  This will allow
        the microprocessor to effectively transfer packets  into  buffer
        memory.   The  microprocessor  can then check the buffer area to
        insure that the data was indeed passed correctly.  Secondly, the
        microprocessor may set up packets in buffer memory to be "sent".
        Again, the data will pass through the  SII  and  appear  in  the
        diagnostic  registers,  allowing  the microprocessor to view and
        verify it.

             This functionality will work in both SCSI  and  DSSI  mode.
        Through  this  test,  approximately seventy to eighty percent of
        the gates can be exercised and tested.  (see Appendix B)

        11.2  Looped Connector Testing

             A  second  test  procedure  includes  using   a   loop-back
        connector  at the SCSI port.  This will allow the microprocessor
        to verify the  functionality  of  the  SCSI  port  outputs,  the
        receiver/driver  chip(s),  and  the connections between the two.
        Using this connector, along with registers SDB, SC1, and SC2, it
        is possible to verify that the SII is able to communicate on the
        external bus.  (see Appendix B)

        11.3  Observation

             The SII allows the user, through the microprocessor to view
        many  of  the  storage  elements  inside  the  SII.   Additional
        diagnostic  registers  have  been  added  to  allow  access   to
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 77
Test Strategy                                            19 January 1987

        previously  hidden  nodes.  In addition, the SII supports a test
        mode, in which the system clock may be replaced.   Instead,  the
        microprocessor  can  generate the chip's clock by writing to the
        CLK register.  This allows the programmer to see state  machines
        transition so that both functionality and timing may be checked.
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 78
External Operations and Timing                           19 January 1987


             This section discusses the external interfaces of the  SII,
        especially to the memory port.  Diagrams are added for clarity.

        12.1  Microprocessor Read Cycles

             When the microprocessor wishes to read the contents  of  an
        SII  register, it asserts HP_CS.  Upon detection of this signal,
        the SII will finish any memory transaction currently in progress
        and service the microprocessor.  The time that can elapse during
        this period is variable; it depends greatly on  the  memory  bus
        activity.   In  the  best  case  (the  memory port is idle), the
        assertion of HP_ADREN could be as soon as 100 ns.  following the
        assertion of HP_CS.  In the worst case (the SII has just begun a
        new memory cycle), the microprocessor is forced to sit  idle  as
        the  SII  asserts  HP_ AS, followed by HP_DS to the memory.  The
        duration of this action is a function of  memory  bandwidth  and
        traffic and will not be estimated here.

             Before the assertion of HP_ADREN, the SII will release  the
        HP_WRITE signal, preparing for the microprocessor access.

             Upon the assertion of HP_ADREN,  the  external  logic  must
        begin  to  drive  the register address onto the HP_DAL lines and
        also drive HP_WRITE.  At  this  time,  the  external  logic  may
        deassert HP_CS.

             One HP_CLK cycle following the assertion of  HP_ADREN,  the
        SII  will  assert  HP_AS.  This does not require any reaction by
        the external logic.  Note that  this  does  not  happen  in  the
        arbitrating mode.

             Two clocks later, the SII will deassert  HP_ADREN,  thereby
        ending the address portion of the cycle.  The SII will latch the
        contents of the HP_DAL lines internally, along with the HP_WRITE
        signal.   The  external  hardware may release HP_WRITE now.  The
        SII requires no hold time on either address or HP_WRITE.

             Three clock cycles later, the SII will assert the HP_DATAEN
        signal.   The  SII  will also drive the contents of the selected
        register onto the HP_DAL lines.

             One clock cycle later, the SII will deassert  HP_AS.   This
        signals  the  external  logic  to  release HP_WRITE if it hasn't
        already done so.

             Two clock cycles later, the SII will deassert the HP_DATAEN
        signal, thereby ending the cycle.  Data, however, will remain on
        the HP_DAL lines for an additional  clock  cycle  or  until  the
        deassertion of HP_CS, whichever is later.
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 79
External Operations and Timing                           19 January 1987

                   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _
        HP_CLK H__| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_
        (input)   |   |           |           |           |
                  |T1 |           |           |           |
                      |  _________|___________|___________|_
        HP_WRITE L----|-/         |  \--------|-----------|-\-----------------
                      |           | ||T2      |           |
                ___   |          _|_|_________|___________|___________________
        HP_CS L   |\__|_________/_|_|_________|___________|_______________/
        (input)   |   | |         | |         |           |
                  |   | |T4       | |T5       |           |
                  | T3  |         | |         |           |
                        |           |         |           |
                _________           __________|___________|__________________
        HP_ADREN L      |\_________/|         |           |
        (output)        |           |         | |         |
                        |     T6    |         | |T8       |
                        |           |         | |         | |T9
                        |           |    T7     |         | |
                _________________________________           __________________
        HP_DATAEN L     |           |           |\_________/|
        (output)        |           |           |           |
                        |T10|       |           |    T11    | 
               ______________       |           |   ________|_________________
        HP_AS L             |\__________________|__/|       |
        (output)            |       |           |   |       |
                            |       |           |T13|       |
                            |           T12         |       |T14|
                                    |                       |   |
                                    | | T15                 |   |
                 _________          |  _________            |   | ____________
        HP_DAL H _________<  ADDRESS  >_________<      DATA OUT  >____________

        Times are as follows:
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 80
External Operations and Timing                           19 January 1987

        | Name  |            Description                |       Time    |
        | T1    |          HP_CLK cycle time            | T (50 ns. min)|
        | T2    | HP_WRITE hold time following HP_ADREN |       0       |
        |       |           deassertion                 |               |
        | T3    |  HP_CS assertion to HP_ADREN assertion|     no max    | 
        | T4    |  HP_CLK rising to HP_ADREN assertion  |   41 ns max   |
        | T5    | HP_CLK rising to HP_ADREN deassertion |   38 ns max   |
        | T6    |       HP_ADREN assertion width        |   3T-10 min   |
        | T7    |   HP_ADREN deassertion to HP_DATAEN   |   3T-5 min    |
        |       |               assertion               |               |
        | T8    |  HP_CLK rising to HP_DATAEN assertion |   41 ns min   |
        | T9    |HP_CLK rising to HP_DATAEN deassertion |   38 ns min   |
        | T10   | HP_ADREN assertion to HP_AS assertion |     T min     |
        | T11   |       HP_DATAEN assertion width       |   3T-10 min   |
        | T12   |       HP_AS assertion width           |   5T-10 min   |
        | T13   |    HP_DATAEN assertion to HP_AS       |   T+15 max    |
        |       |             deassertion               |               |
        | T14   |  Data hold time after HP_DATAEN       |   T-15 min    |
        |       |            deassertion                |               |
        | T15   |  address hold time after HP_ADREN     |       0       |
        |       |            deassertion                |               |

        12.2  Microprocessor Write Cycles

             When the microprocessor wishes to modify the contents of an
        SII  register, it asserts HP_CS.  Upon detection of this signal,
        the SII will finish any memory transaction currently in progress
        and service the microprocessor.  The time that can elapse during
        this period is variable; it depends greatly on  the  memory  bus
        activity.   In  the  best  case  (the  memory port is idle), the
        assertion of HP_ADREN could be as soon as 100 ns.  following the
        assertion of HP_CS.  In the worst case (the SII has just begun a
        new memory cycle), the microprocessor is forced to sit  idle  as
        the  SII  asserts  HP_ AS, followed by HP_DS to the memory.  The
        duration of this action is a function of  memory  bandwidth  and
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 81
External Operations and Timing                           19 January 1987

        traffic and will not be estimated here.

             Before the assertion of HP_ADREN, the SII will release  the
        HP_WRITE signal, preparing for the microprocessor access.

             Upon the assertion of HP_ADREN,  the  external  logic  must
        begin  to  drive  the register address onto the HP_DAL lines and
        also drive HP_WRITE.  At  this  time,  the  external  logic  can
        deassert HP_CS.

             One HP_CLK cycle following the assertion of  HP_ADREN,  the
        SII  will  assert  HP_AS.  This does not require any reaction by
        the external logic.  This does not  happen  in  the  arbitrating

             Two clock cycles later, the  SII  will  deassert  HP_ADREN,
        thereby  ending  the address portion of the cycle.  The SII will
        latch the contents of the HP_DAL lines  internally,  along  with
        the HP_WRITE signal.

             Three clock cycles later, the SII will assert the HP_DATAEN
        signal.   The  external  logic  may  drive  the  contents of the
        selected register onto the HP_DAL lines.

             One clock cycle later, the SII will deassert  HP_AS.   This
        signals  the  external  logic  to release HP_WRITE, if it hasn't
        done so already.

             Two clock cycles later, the SII will deassert the HP_DATAEN
        signal, thereby ending the cycle.  Data will be latched into the
        SII upon the  deassertion  of  HP_  DATAEN.   No  hold  time  is
        required by the SII.
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 82
External Operations and Timing                           19 January 1987

                   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _
        HP_CLK H__| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_
        (input)   |   |           |           |           |
                  |T1 |           |           |           |
        HP_WRITE L----|-\_________|__/________|___________|__/----------------
                      |           | ||T2      |           |
                ___   |          _|_|_________|___________|___________________
        HP_CS L   |\__|_________/_|_|_________|___________|_______________/
        (input)   |   | |         | |         |           |
                  |   | |T4       | |T5       |           |
                  | T3  |         | |         |           |
                        |           |         |           |
                _________           __________|___________|__________________
        HP_ADREN L      |\_________/|         |           |
        (output)        |           |         | |         |
                        |     T6    |         | |T8       |
                        |           |         | |         | |T9
                        |           |    T7     |         | |
                _________________________________           __________________
        HP_DATAEN L     |           |           |\_________/|
        (output)        |           |           |           |
                        |T10|       |           |    T11    | 
               ______________       |           |   ________|_________________
        HP_AS L             |\__________________|__/|       |
        (output)            |       |           |   |       |
                            |       |           |T13|       |
                            |           T12         |       |T14|
                                    |                       |   |
                                    | | T15                 |   |
                 _________          |  _________            |   | ____________
        HP_DAL H _________<  ADDRESS  >_________<      DATA IN   >____________

        Times are as follows:
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 83
External Operations and Timing                           19 January 1987

        | Name  |            Description                |       Time    |
        | T1    |          HP_CLK cycle time            | T (50 ns. min)|
        | T2    | HP_WRITE hold time following HP_ADREN |       0       |
        |       |           deassertion                 |               |
        | T3    |  HP_CS assertion to HP_ADREN assertion|     no max    | 
        | T4    |  HP_CLK rising to HP_ADREN assertion  |    41 ns min  |
        | T5    | HP_CLK rising to HP_ADREN deassertion |    38 ns min  |
        | T6    |       HP_ADREN assertion width        |    3T-10 min  |
        | T7    |   HP_ADREN deassertion to HP_DATAEN   |    3T-5 min   |
        |       |               assertion               |               |
        | T8    |  HP_CLK rising to HP_DATAEN assertion |    41 ns min  |
        | T9    |HP_CLK rising to HP_DATAEN deassertion |    38 ns min  |
        | T10   | HP_ADREN assertion to HP_AS assertion |     T min     |
        | T11   |       HP_DATAEN assertion width       |    3T-10 min  |
        | T12   |       HP_AS assertion width           |    5T-10 min  |
        | T13   |    HP_DATAEN assertion to HP_AS       |    T+15 max   |
        |       |             deassertion               |               |
        | T14   |  Data hold time after HP_DATAEN       |       0       |
        |       |            deassertion                |               |
        | T15   |  address hold time after HP_ADREN     |       0       |
        |       |            deassertion                |               |

        12.3  Memory Read Cycles (Normal Mode)

             When the SII wishes to begin a new transfer, it places  the
        address of the memory location onto the HP_DAL lines.

             Two clock cycles later, HP_AS is asserted.  This  indicates
        to  the  external  logic  that the SII is beginning a new cycle.
        The external logic must latch the address on the asserting  edge
        of HP_AS.

             Two clock cycles later, the SII will withdraw  the  address
        from the multiplexed bus.
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 84
External Operations and Timing                           19 January 1987

             Two clock ticks later, the SII  will  assert  HP_DS.   This
        signals  that  the  SII  wishes to read a memory location.  This
        pulse will last a minimum of 200 ns., although it  can  be  made
        longer.   The  SII  monitors  the  HP_RDY signal waiting for its
        assertion.  Once this is seen,  the  SII  is  free  to  end  the
        current  HP_DS.   Following  the  deassertion  of the first data
        strobe, the SII will deassert HP_AS.

             For each additional contiguous word the SII needs, it  will
        assert  only  HP_DS.   (The HP_AS signal is used to select a new
        starting address and is not needed on a per access basis.)

             If the microprocessor wishes  to  access  an  SII  register
        while  a  DMA  operation is in progress, the SII will finish the
        data strobe currently asserted and service  the  microprocessor.
        Following  this, the SII will NOT issue a new address strobe and
        will expect the external logic  to  continue  from  the  address
        which was last read.
                    _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _
        SYS_CLK H__| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_
                   |T1 |       |               |                   
                   |           |               |
                   |T2|        |               |
                ______|        |               |    ____________________________
        HP_AS L       |\_______|_______________|___/
        (output)      |        |               |
                | T3  |  T4  | |               |
                |            |_|______         |    __________________
        HP_DAL H< ADDRESS    >_|______< DATA IN    >__________________< DATA IN 
        (BiD)                  |      |         |T7|                     
                               | |T5  |         | 
                _________________     |   T6    |_____________________
        HP_DS L                  \______________/                     \_________
                                 |              |         T8          |
                                 |      T9      |
        HP_WRITE L               |              |
        (output)                 |    |  T10    |
                                 |T11 |
                ______________________          ________________________________
        HP_RDY                        \________/

        Times are as follows:
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 85
External Operations and Timing                           19 January 1987

        | Name  |               Description                     | Time  |
        | T1    |               SYS_CLK cycle time              | 50 ns |
        | T2    |      SYS_CLK rising to HP_AS assertion (max)  | 61 ns |
        | T3    |       Address Valid to HP_AS  assertion (min) | 75 ns |
        | T4    |       Address Hold after HP_AS assertion (min)| 75 ns |
        | T5    |      SYS_CLK rising to HP_DS assertion (max)  | 54 ns |
        | T6    |      Data setup to HP_DS deassertion (min)    | 75 ns |
        | T7    |      Data hold after HP_DS deassertion (min)  |  0 ns |
        | T8    |       Data Strobe deassertion time (minimum)  | 245 ns|
        | T9    |       Data Strobe assertion time (minimum)    | 195 ns|
        | T10   |  HP_RDY assertion to HP_DS deassertion (min)  | 100 ns|
        | T10   |  HP_RDY assertion to HP_DS deassertion (max)* | 170 ns|
        | T11   |     HP_RDY assertion after HP_DS assertion    | 90 ns |
        |       |     to insure 500 ns. cycle time (max)        |       |

        * If HP_RDY is  asserted within the first 90 ns. of HP_DS, the 
          data strobe  will be 250 ns. long. The timing parameter, T10,
          refers to the synchronization delay if HP_RDY is NOT asserted 
          within the first 90 ns.

        12.4  Memory Write Cycles (Normal Mode)

             When the SII wishes to begin a new transfer, it places  the
        address of the memory location onto the HP_DAL lines.

             Two clock cycles later, HP_AS is asserted.  This  indicates
        to  the  external  logic  that the SII is beginning a new cycle.
        The external logic must latch the address on the asserting  edge
        of HP_AS.

             Two clock cycles later, the SII will withdraw  the  address
        from the multiplexed bus.

             Two clock ticks later, the SII  will  assert  HP_DS.   This
        signals  that  the  SII  has placed the data onto the DAL lines.
        This pulse will last a minimum of 200 ns., although  it  can  be
        made longer.  The SII monitors the HP_RDY signal waiting for its
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 86
External Operations and Timing                           19 January 1987

        assertion.  Once this is seen,  the  SII  is  free  to  end  the
        current  HP_DS.   Following  the  deassertion  of the first data
        strobe, the SII will deassert HP_AS.

             For each additional contiguous word the SII needs, it  will
        assert  only  HP_DS.   (The HP_AS signal is used to select a new
        starting address and is not needed on a per access basis.)

             If the microprocessor wishes  to  access  an  SII  register
        while  a  DMA  operation is in progress, the SII will finish the
        data strobe currently asserted and service  the  microprocessor.
        Following  this, the SII will NOT issue a new address strobe and
        will expect the external logic  to  continue  from  the  address
        which was last written.
                    _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _
        SYS_CLK H__| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_
                   |T1 |       |               |                   
                   |           |               |
                   |T2|        |               |
                ______|        |               |    ____________________________
        HP_AS L       |\_______|_______________|___/
        (output)      |        |               |
                | T3  |  T4  | |               |
                |            |_|______         |    __________________
        HP_DAL H< ADDRESS    >_|______< DATA OUT    >__________________< DATA OU
        (BiD)                  |      |         |T7|                     
                               | |T5  |         | 
                _________________     |   T6    |_____________________
        HP_DS L                  \______________/                     \_________
                                 |              |         T8          |
                                 |      T9      |
                                 |              |  
        HP_WRITE L_______________|______________|_______________________________
        (output)                 |    |  T10    |
                                 |T11 |
                ______________________          ________________________________
        HP_RDY                        \________/

        Times are as follows:
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 87
External Operations and Timing                           19 January 1987

        | Name  |               Description                     | Time  |
        | T1    |               SYS_CLK cycle time              | 50 ns |
        | T2    |  SYS_CLK rising to HP_AS assertion (maximum)  | 61 ns |
        | T3    |  Address Valid to HP_AS assertion (minimum)   | 75 ns |
        | T4    |  Address Hold after HP_AS assertion (minimum) | 75 ns |
        | T5    |  SYS_CLK rising to HP_DS assertion  (maximum) | 54 ns |
        | T6    |  Data setup to HP_DS deassertion (minimum)    | 75 ns |
        | T7    |  Data hold after HP_DS deassertion (minimum)  | 40 ns |
        | T8    |       Data Strobe deassertion time (minimum)  | 245 ns|
        | T9    |       Data Strobe assertion time (minimum)    | 195 ns|
        | T10   |  HP_RDY assertion to HP_DS deassertion (min)  | 100 ns|
        | T10   |  HP_RDY assertion to HP_DS deassertion (max)* | 170 ns|
        | T11   |     HP_RDY assertion after HP_DS assertion    | 90 ns |
        |       |     to insure 500 ns. cycle time (max)        |       |

        * If HP_RDY is  asserted within the first 90 ns. of HP_DS, the 
          data strobe  will be 250 ns. long. The timing parameter, T10,
          refers to the synchronization delay if HP_RDY is NOT asserted 
          within the first 90 ns.

        12.5  Memory Read Cycles (Arbitrating Mode)

             When the SII wishes to begin a new transfer, it places  the
        address  of  the  memory location onto the HP_DAL lines.  At the
        same time, the HP_ADDR16 (LOAD) signal is asserted.

             Two clock cycles later, HP_AS (CTRCLK) is asserted to  load
        the counter.

             Two clock cycles later, the SII will withdraw  the  address
        from the multiplexed bus and deassert LOAD.

             Two clock ticks later, the SII  will  assert  HP_DS.   This
        signals  that  the  SII  wishes to read a memory location.  This
        pulse will last 200 ns.
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 88
External Operations and Timing                           19 January 1987

             One hundred and fifty ns.  after the  assertion  of  HP_DS,
        the SII will deassert CTRCLK.

             Fifty ns.  following the deassertion of  the  data  strobe,
        the  SII  will  assert  HP_AS (CTRCLK) to increment the counter.
        This pulse is asserted until 150 ns.  after the assertion of the
        following HP_DS.

             For each additional contiguous word the SII needs, it  will
        assert only HP_DS and CTRCLK.

             If the microprocessor wishes  to  access  an  SII  register
        while  a  DMA  operation  is  in  progress or an external device
        requests the SII memory bus, the SII will finish the data strobe
        currently  in progress and service the request.  Following this,
        the SII will NOT issue a new load strobe  and  will  expect  the
        external logic to continue from the address which was last read.
                    _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _
        SYS_CLK H__| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_
        (input)                            |                   
                   | T1|   |               |
                   | |T2   |               |
                ______     |          _____|____________________________________
        HP_ADDR16    |\____|_________/     |
        (output)     |     |         |     |
                     |     |         |     |
                     |     | |T3     |     |
                     |  T4   |   T5  |     |
                              _____________|_____________         ______________
        HP_AS   _____________/             |             \_______/     
        (output)              |            |  |          |  T13  |
                              |            |  |T6
                ______________|_______________                ___________
        HP_DS L               |               \______________/|         |\______
                              |              |                |    T12  |
                      |  T8   |  T9   |      |      T10       | |T7
                      |               |         |    T11      | |
                _____                  _________              | |_______________
        HP_DAL H_____< ADDRESS        >_________<    DATA IN    >_______________

        HP_WRITE L                          

        Times are as follows:
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 89
External Operations and Timing                           19 January 1987

        | Name  |               Description                     | Time  |
        | T1    |               SYS_CLK cycle time              | 50 ns |
        | T2    |   SYS_CLK rising to HP_ADDR16 assertion (max) | 61 ns |
        | T3    |   SYS_CLK rising to HP_AS assertion (max)     | 70 ns |
        | T4    |  HP_ADDR16 assertion to HP_AS assertion (min) | 90 ns |
        | T5    |  HP_ADDR16 hold after HP_AS assertion (min)   | 90 ns |
        | T6    |  SYS_CLK rising to HP_DS assertion (max)      | 54 ns |
        | T7    | Data hold time after HP_DS deassertion (min)  |  0 ns |
        | T8    |   Address Valid to HP_AS assertion (min)      | 75 ns |
        | T9    |   Address Hold after HP_AS assertion (min)    | 75 ns |
        | T10   |       Data Strobe assertion time (min)        | 195 ns|
        | T11   |  Data setup time to HP_DS deassertion (min)   | 75 ns |
        | T12   |   Data Strobe deassertion time (minimum)      | 95 ns |
        | T13   |        HP_AS deassertion time (min)           | 90 ns |

        12.6  Memory Write Cycles (Arbitrating Mode)

             When the SII wishes to begin a new transfer, it places  the
        address  of  the  memory location onto the HP_DAL lines.  At the
        same time, HP_ADDR16 (LOAD) is asserted.

             Two clock cycles later, HP_AS (CTRCLK) is asserted to clock
        the new address into the counter.

             Two clock cycles later, the SII will withdraw  the  address
        from the multiplexed bus and deassert LOAD.

             Two clock ticks later, the SII  will  assert  HP_DS.   This
        signals  that  the  SII  has placed the data onto the DAL lines.
        This pulse will last 200 ns.

             One hundred and fifty ns.  after the  assertion  of  HP_DS,
        the SII will deassert CTRCLK.

             Fifty ns.  following the deassertion of  the  data  strobe,
        the  SII  will  assert  HP_AS (CTRCLK) to increment the counter.
        This pulse is asserted until 150 ns.  after the assertion of the
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 90
External Operations and Timing                           19 January 1987

        following HP_DS.

             For each additional contiguous word the SII writes, it will
        assert only HP_DS and CTRCLK.

             If the microprocessor wishes  to  access  an  SII  register
        while  a  DMA  operation  is  in  progress or an external device
        requests the SII  bus,  the  SII  will  finish  the  data  cycle
        currently  in progress and service the request.  Following this,
        the SII will NOT issue a new load strobe  and  will  expect  the
        external  logic  to  continue  from  the  address which was last
                    _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _
        SYS_CLK H__| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_
        (input)                            |                   
                   | T1|   |               |
                   | |T2   |               |
                ______     |          _____|____________________________________
        HP_ADDR16    |\____|_________/     |
        (output)     |     |         |     |
                     |     |         |     |
                     |     | |T3     |     |
                     |  T4   |   T5  |     |
                              _____________|_____________         ______________
        HP_AS   _____________/             |             \_______/     
        (output)              |            |  |          |  T13  |
                              |            |  |T6
                ______________|_______________                ___________
        HP_DS L               |               \______________/|         |\______
                              |              |                |    T12  |
                      |  T8   |  T9   |      |      T10       | |T7
                      |               |         |    T11      | |
                _____                  _________              | |_______________
        HP_DAL H_____< ADDRESS        >_________<    DATA OUT   >_______________

        HP_WRITE L______________________________________________________________

        Times are as follows:
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 91
External Operations and Timing                           19 January 1987

        | Name  |               Description                     | Time  |
        | T1    |               SYS_CLK cycle time              | 50 ns |
        | T2    |   SYS_CLK rising to HP_ADDR16 assertion (max) | 61 ns |
        | T3    |   SYS_CLK rising to HP_AS assertion (max)     | 70 ns |
        | T4    |  HP_ADDR16 assertion to HP_AS assertion (min) | 90 ns |
        | T5    |  HP_ADDR16 hold after HP_AS assertion (min)   | 90 ns |
        | T6    |  SYS_CLK rising to HP_DS assertion (max)      | 54 ns |
        | T7    | Data hold time after HP_DS deassertion (min)  | 40 ns |
        | T8    |   Address Valid to HP_AS assertion (min)      | 75 ns |
        | T9    |   Address Hold after HP_AS assertion (min)    | 75 ns |
        | T10   |       Data Strobe assertion time (min)        | 195 ns|
        | T11   |  Data setup time to HP_DS deassertion (min)   |  0 ns |
        | T12   |   Data Strobe deassertion time (minimum)      | 95 ns |
        | T13   |        HP_AS deassertion time (min)           | 90 ns |
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 92
Implementation Guidelines                                19 January 1987


             In order for the SII to operate at its peak transfer  rate,
        it  must be able to access memory immediately upon request.  Any
        delays for arbitration, hold-offs,  etc.   can  have  a  serious
        impact   on   performance.    The   SII  has  minimal  buffering
        internally, a total of five bytes in all.  This means the SII is
        very sensitive to its backport throughput.

             The following is a simplified model of  the  data  movement
        inside the SII for a memory write operation:

        1.  A byte is moved from the FIFO to the word builder.

        2.  Wait for new data to be ready.

        3.  A second byte is moved to the word builder.

        4.  The word is stored in memory.

             While the word is being stored, the SII data mover does not
        operate.   Therefore,  the  time  taken  to  store  the  word is
        actually idle time inside the SII.  However, during  this  time,
        new  data  bytes may be sent by the remote device.  A three byte
        FIFO is enough to handle this in the normal case.   The  problem
        arises when the FIFO is full and the traffic across the SCSI bus
        becomes throttled.

             The time to empty the FIFO and resume normal operation  can
        be  as much as 500-1000 nanoseconds.  Obviously, if this happens
        frequently, performance will suffer severely.

             There are ways to  avoid  this  problem.   The  list  below
        describes some of these options.

         o  Arbitrating mode

            1.  The number of BUS_REQs should be minimal.  If  possible,
                accesses should be done while the SII is idle.

            2.  If the external cycles are kept short (~150  ns.),  they
                may  be done during the "dead" time of the SII.  This is
                possible  since,  in  arbitrating  mode,  the  HP_DS  is
                shorter so the amount of SII "dead" time increases.

         o  Normal mode

            1.  The goal of the implementor should be to  maintain  a  4
                MB/s bandwidth on the SII memory bus.  This requires 500
                ns.  cycle times.  Since the  SII  specifies  a  minimum
                HP_DS  deassertion  time of 250 ns., the HP_DS assertion
                time must not exceed 250 ns.  To guarantee this,  HP_RDY
SII Specification - Rev 1.3     FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY            Page 93
Implementation Guidelines                                19 January 1987

                should be returned within 90 ns.  after the assertion of


                               APPENDIX A

                               SII PINOUT

SII PINOUT                                                      Page A-2
                                                         19 January 1987

             The following is the current pinout for the SII  chip.   It
        is currently packaged in a 68 pin grid array.

                   68+  67+  65+  63+  61+  59+  57+  55+  53+    

               2+   1+  66+  64+  62+  60+  58+  56+  54+  52+  51+

               4+   3+    o                                49+  50+

               6+   5+                                     47+  48+

               8+   7+                                     45+  46+

              10+   9+                                     43+  44+

              12+  11+                                     41+  42+

              14+  13+                                     39+  40+

              16+  15+                                     37+  38+

              17+  18+  20+  22+  24+  26+  28+  30+  32+  35+  36+

                   19+  21+  23+  25+  27+  29+  31+  33+  34+    

                                    Top View
SII PINOUT                                                      Page A-3
                                                         19 January 1987

        The pin names are as follows:

        1.  SP_DATA<1> H                35. HP_DAL<15> H
        2.  SP_DATA<2> H                36. HP_ADDR16 H
        3.  SP_DATA<3> H                37. HP_WRITE L
        4.  SP_DATA<4> H                38. HP_AS L
        5.  SP_DATA<5> H                39. HP_DS L
        6.  SYS_TEST L                  40. HP_BUSGRANT L
        7.  SYS_CLK H                   41. HP_DAL<00> H
        8.  VDD                         42. VDD
        9.  GND                         43. GND
        10. SP_DATA<6> H                44. HP_DAL<01> H
        11. SP_DATA<7> H                45. HP_DAL<02> H
        12. SP_PARITY H                 46. HP_DAL<03> H
        13. SP_CMD H                    47. HP_DAL<04> H
        14. SP_MSG H                    48. HP_DAL<05> H
        15. SP_SELOUT H                 49. HP_DAL<06> H
        16. SP_TGS H                    50. HP_DAL<07> H
        17. SP_INPUT H                  51. HP_DAL<08> H
        18. GND                         52. GND
        19. SP_REQ H                    53. HP_DAL<09> H
        20. SP_ACK H                    54. HP_DAL<10> H
        21. SP_ARB H                    55. HP_DAL<11> H
        22. SP_ATN H                    56. HP_DAL<12> H
        23. SP_SBEN L                   57. HP_DAL<13> H
        24. SP_IGS H                    58. HP_DAL<14> H
        25. VDD                         59. VDD
        26. GND                         60. GND
        27. SP_SELIN H                  61. HP_CLK H
        28. SP_BSYIN H                  62. HP_CS L
        29. SP_BSYOUT H                 63. HP_RDY L
        30. SP_RSTIN H                  64. HP_ADREN L
        31. SP_RSTOUT L                 65. HP_DATAEN L
        32. SP_ID<0> L                  66. SYS_INT L
        33. SP_ID<1> L                  67. SYS_RESET L
        34. SP_ID<2> L                  68. SP_DATA<0> H


                               APPENDIX B



             This appendix presents some implementation models  for  the
        diagnostics  of  the SII.  These are by no means a comprehensive
        set  and  can  be  added  to.   The  algorithms  presented  here
        demonstrate a possible test procedure for the SII.


             This  test  simply  checks  the  SII  SCSI   drivers,   the
        connection  to  the Receiver/Driver chip, the SCSI bus receivers
        and drivers.  This test only exercises a small  percent  of  the
        SII.   This  test  makes  use  of  a  loop-back connector.  This
        loop-back connector should be configured as follows:

                PARITY          ties to         BSY
                DATA<7>         ties to         SEL
                DATA<6>         ties to         RST
                DATA<5>         ties to         ACK
                DATA<4>         ties to         REQ
                DATA<3>         ties to         ATN
                DATA<2>         ties to         MSG
                DATA<1>         ties to         C/D
                DATA<0>         ties to         I/O

             This configuration allows values written into  the  SDB/SC1
        to  be  read  in  the  same bit positions in the other register.
        This test should proceed as follows:

        1.  Verify the DIA bit in the CSR is set.

        2.  Set the following bits in SC2:  SBE

        3.  Write various patterns to the SDB.  These patterns should be
            readable in both the SC1 and SDB registers.
                                                         19 January 1987

        4.  Set the following bits in SC2:  None

        5.  Write various patterns to bits BSY,SEL, and RST in the  SC1.
            These patterns should be reflected in the PARITY,DATA<7> and
            DATA<6> bits of the SDB, as well as in the SC1.   The  other
            bits in both of these registers should read as zero.

        6.  Set the following bits in SC2:  IGS

        7.  Write various patterns to ACK and ATN  in  the  SC1.   These
            patterns  should  be reflected in DATA<5> and DATA<3> of the
            SDB, as well as in the SC1 register.  The other bits in both
            of these registers should read as zero.

        8.  Set the following bits in SC2:  TGS

        9.  Write various patterns to C/D,I/O,MSG, and REQ in  the  SC1.
            These patterns should be reflected in bits DATA<4>, DATA<2>,
            DATA<1> and DATA<0> of the SDB register.  The other bits  in
            both of these registers should read as zero.

       10.  Set the following bits in SC2:  ARB

       11.  Write the SDB register to 01FFH.   Read  the  SDB  register.
            There  should be only one bit asserted.  The bit significant
            position of this single bit should agree with the  value  in
            the ID register.

       12.  Vary the ID of the chip (see ID register description).   The
            value  read  in the SDB should change accordingly (i.e.  the
            number 2 raised to the ID should appear  in  the  SDB).   In
            other  words, if the ID of the chip were 5, the SDB register
            should read 020H.

                                                         19 January 1987


             This section describes the internal loop-back testing which
        can  be done with the help of diagnostic 'hooks' provided in the
        SII.   The  following  examples  serve  only  as   a   template;
        implementations may choose other methods of testing.

        B.3.1  Target Testing

             In this mode, the SII is to function as the target, and the
        local  processor  is  to  be  the initiator.  The processor will
        "select" the SII, transfer the required  command  bytes,  follow
        with  the  required  data bytes and then receive the status byte
        from the SII.

             Three subroutines are defined in this section, one to  send
        a  command  byte,  another to send a data byte, and the third to
        receive the status byte.  They are described below.

        SendCommByte(CommByte)  /* The only parameter is the
                                   command byte to be sent */

        word CommByte;

         Read SC1 /*    This register contains the control 
                        signals the SII uses on the SCSI
                        bus.                    */

         *  We are waiting for the SII to assert REQ in the command phase. 
         *  It may be advisable to set a software timer to avoid being 
         *  here forever.

          While (SC1 != 132H) do
            Read SC1

         *  Once REQ is asserted, we can present the data to the SII. After
         *  writing the data, we will assert ACK, signaling that the data 
         *  is available.

          Write CommByte into SDB
          Write 132H into SC1

         *  We now wait for the SII to accept the byte. This is done by 
         *  its deassertion of REQ.
                                                         19 January 1987


          While (SC1 != 102H) do
            Read SC1

         *  Now deassert ACK and we're done.

          Write 102H into SC1

         *  The byte has now been delivered to the SII. 


        SendDataByte(DataByte)  /* The only parameter is the
                                   data byte to be sent */

        word DataByte;

         Read SC1 /*    This register contains the control 
                        signals the SII uses on the SCSI
                        bus.                    */

         *  We are waiting for the SII to assert REQ in the data phase. 
         *  It may be advisable to set a software timer to avoid being 
         *  here forever.

          While (SC1 != 130H) do
            Read SC1
         *  Once REQ is asserted, we can present the data to the SII. After
         *  writing the data, we will assert ACK, signaling that the data 
         *  is available.

          Write DataByte into SDB
          Write 130H into SC1

         *  We now wait for the SII to accept the byte. This is done by 
         *  its deassertion of REQ.

          While (SC1 != 100H) do
                                                         19 January 1987

            Read SC1

         *  Now deassert ACK and we're done.

          Write 100H into SC1

         *  The byte has now been delivered to the SII. 


        GetStatusByte()  /* This routine gets status byte from the SII */


          * Wait for SII to assert REQ in status phase
           While (SC1 != 133H) do
             Read SC1.

          * Status is ready in SDB register.
          * Let's get it.

            Read byte from SDB into StatusByte.

          * Now assert ACK to acknowledge byte

            Write 133H to SC1

          * Wait for SII to deassert REQ

            While (SC1 != 103H) do
              Read SC1

           * Now deassert ACK

                                                         19 January 1987

            Write 103H to SC1

           * Return status byte


             These three subroutines are used  in  the  transmission  of
        data from the processor to the SII.  The main routine to be used
        is described below.
                                                         19 January 1987

        /* First we must set up the proper data structure in memory for
         * the SII to receive data into. Refer to DSSI mode for 
         * further definition of these fields. Remember Buffer must be on
         * a quad word boundary.
         word Buffer[100];

         Write 0 into Buffer[0] /* this is last buffer */
         Write 0 into Buffer[1] /* clear the status word */
         Write 8000H into Buffer[2] /* interrupt when thru */

         * Memory is now set up. Let's point the SII short target list
         * pointer to this structure.

          Shift Address of Buffer[0] right 2 places.
          Write this value into STLP.

         * Now that the SII is set up, let's define the data structures 
         * that the microprocessor will need. Refer to the DSSI datalink
         * specification for further definition of these bytes.

         word CommandBytes[7];
         word DataBytes[11];

         CommandBytes[0] = 1E1H;/* This is DSSI datalink opcode.  Note  */
                                /*  this is a short buffer              */
         CommandBytes[1] = 100H;/* This is the flag byte.  Note that    */
                                /*  the ReqAck offset must be zero for  */
                                /*  loopback to work.                   */
         CommandBytes[2] = 007; /* This is the destination port.        */
                                /*  This must match the ID of the SII   */
         CommandBytes[3] = 100H;/* This is the source port.             */
                                /*  This must match the ID that the     */
                                /*  SII thinks selected it.             */
         CommandBytes[4] = 10AH;/* This is the number of data bytes     */
                                /*  that we are sending                 */
         CommandBytes[5] = 100H;/* This is the most significant byte    */
                                /*  of the length.                      */
         CommandBytes[6] = 0ECH;/* The checksum of the command bytes    */

         DataBytes[0]  = 1FFH;  /* Various data pattern to test the SII */
         DataBytes[1]  = 100H;  
         DataBytes[2]  = 155H;
         DataBytes[3]  = 1AAH;  
         DataBytes[4]  = 10FH;  
                                                         19 January 1987

         DataBytes[5]  = 1F0H;  
         DataBytes[6]  = 1A5H;  
         DataBytes[7]  = 15AH;  
         DataBytes[8]  = 100H;  
         DataBytes[9]  = 1FFH;  
         DataBytes[10] = 1FFH;  /* Checksum of the previous 10 bytes    */

          * Note that bit 8 of the above bytes is the odd parity.

          * Now to begin the operation. We will set up some SII registers 
          *  correctly. The DICTRL,CSR and ID registers must be properly        
          *  initialized.                                               

          * Put chip in loopback mode.

          Write  8 into the DICTRL register.

          * Enable selections and parity checking 

          Write  6 into the CSR register.

          * Set up ID of the chip. 

          Write 8007H into the ID register.

          * Note the ID register is set to 7. This is not a requirement. 
          * However, if it is different, the command byte must be modified
          * as well as the selection pattern.

          * Let's get started. First, we will enable DSSI mode in the SII.
          * Then, we will select the SII and transfer the data.

           Write 80FFH into the DSCTRL register. /* SII is enabled */

          * Note that all devices are DSSI devices.

                                                         19 January 1987

           Write 181H into the SDB register. /* This is the selection   */
                                            /*  for device 0 selecting  */
                                            /*  device 7. Refer to SCSI */
                                            /*  spec for more detail.   */

           Write 80H into SC1 register. /* We assert the SEL signal so  */
                                        /*  the SII realizes this is a  */
                                        /*  selection.                  */

         /* Now we wait for the SII to respond to the selection. This   
          * is signified by the SII returning BSY. We will poll SC1     
          * until this is set.

           While (SC1 != 102H) do
             Read SC1 Register.

          * Now deassert SEL, set BSY and proceed with the transfer.

           Write 102H into SC1

          * First the command bytes (Command phase)

           for (i=0,i<7,i++) do

          * Now the data bytes (Data phase)
          * First, make sure SII enters DATA OUT.

           While (SC1 != 100H) do
             Read SC1 Register.

          * Now write phase back to SII.

           Write 100H to SC1.

           for (i=0,i<0AH,i++) do
          * Now let's receive the status (Status phase)
          * First, make sure SII enters STATUS IN.
                                                         19 January 1987

           While (SC1 != 103H) do
             Read SC1 Register.

          * Now write phase back to SII.

            Write 103H to SC1.

            Status = GetStatusByte();
            Check if Status is the expected value (ACK or NAK).

           * Wait for SII to disconnect.

            While (SC1 == 103H) do
              Read SC1
            Write 0 into SC1.

           * Transfer is all over now.
           * Let's check the status in the buffer now.
           * The second word in the buffer should read 8000H

            Check that Buffer[1] is 8000H
            Verify that the correct data appears in the buffer.

             This procedure can be modified to verify the error-checking
        capabilities of the SII chip as a target.  Several variations of
        this procedure will be enumerated and the  differences  in  code

         -  Use of both lists - The above mentioned procedure should  be
            repeated  using  a  long buffer to verify that functionality
            using the LTLP.  This is done by setting  up  the  LTLP  and
            appropriate data structures in memory and changing the first
            command  byte  to  0E0H  and  modifying  the  command  phase
            checksum   accordingly.   The  remainder  of  the  procedure
            remains the same.  Using the STLP and LTLP to point  to  the
            low  end  as  well as the high end of the buffer memory also
            provides additional coverage,  as  well  as  exercising  the
            entire set of address lines.

         -  Comm Error - the SII checks the incoming command  opcode  to
            insure  that bits 7-5 are all 1.  This field is in the first
            byte.  See DSSI Data Link Specification for more detail.  If
            these  bits  are  not  all  1, the SII will receive a second
            command  byte  and  then  continue  with  the  Status  byte,
                                                         19 January 1987

            returning  NACK (negative acknowledgment).  Buffer[1] should
            read 8002H.

         -  Destination Error - the SII checks the lower three  bits  of
            the incoming destination port as sent in the packet with its
            own ID.  This information appears in the third command byte.
            See  DSSI Data Link Specification for more detail.  If these
            two values do not match, the SII will switch to Status phase
            after  receiving  this  byte  and  deliver  a NACK (negative
            acknowledgment).  Buffer[1] should read 8002H.

         -  Source Error - the SII checks the lower three  bits  of  the
            incoming  source  port  as sent in the packet with its SLCSR
            register.  This information appears in  the  fourth  command
            byte.  See DSSI Data Link Specification for more detail.  If
            these two values do not match, the SII will switch to Status
            phase after receiving this byte and deliver a NACK (negative
            acknowledgment).  Buffer[1] should read 8002H.

         -  No Available Buffer - If the  SII  has  no  available  input
            buffers,  it aborts the transfer after receiving one command
            byte and returns a NACK (negative acknowledgment) in  Status
            phase.   This  can  be  done  by  setting up the memory data
            structures as shown above except for the following change:

             Write 8000H into Buffer[1]

            The SII will receive the first command byte and then  switch
            to Status phase.  Nothing will be written into memory.

         -  RSTIN asserted during Status Phase -  Follow  the  procedure
            detailed  above until Status phase is reached.  Once the SII
            has signaled that the status byte is  ready  (i.e.   REQ  is
            asserted),  assert  RST in SC1.  Now clear the SC1 register.
            The buffer  should  appear  correctly,  except  the  status,
            Buffer[1],  will read 8080H.  The appropriate bits should be
            checked in the CSTAT register as well.

         -  RSTIN asserted before Status Phase - Similar to the previous
            test, except RSTIN is asserted before reaching Status phase.
            In this case, the SII will abort the  transfer,  leaving  no
            status in memory.  Follow the procedure detailed above until
            Data phase.  Now assert RST in  SC1.   Then  clear  the  SC1
            register.    The   buffer   will  show  any  data  that  was
            transferred (i.e.  command bytes), however, the status word,
            Buffer[1] will be clear.

         -  Checksum Error - Follow the procedure detailed  above  until
            the   seventh  byte  of  the  command  phase.   Replace  the
            checksum, 0ECH, with another value (any  other  number  will
            do).   After  receiving  this  byte,  the SII will switch to
            Status phase and return  a  NAK  (negative  acknowledgment).
            The  other variation of this is to corrupt the data checksum
            (leaving the command one  intact).   Buffer[1]  should  read
                                                         19 January 1987


         -  Parity Error - Follow the above detailed procedure, with the
            following  change.   Replace  one byte's parity bit with its
            complement.  This can be done in either the Command or  Data
            phase.   After  receiving  that byte, the SII will switch to
            Status  phase  and  return  NAK  (negative  acknowledgment).
            Buffer[1] should read 8001H.

         -  Selected with ATN - This test emulates a DSSI initialization
            sequence.    After  the  DSCTRL  register  is  set  up,  the
            following should be done:

              * Write SDB register. This is the selection pattern for device
              * 0 selecting device 7. Refer to SCSI spec for more detail.

               Write 181H into the SDB register. 

              * Assert SEL signal so that the SII realizes that this is a
              * selection. We also assert ATN.

               Write 88H into SC1 register. 

             /* Now we wait for the SII to respond to the selection. This       
              * is signified by the SII returning BSY. We will poll SC1         
              * until this is set.

               While ((SC1 & 100H) != 100H) do
                 Read SC1 Register.

              * Now deassert SEL, set BSY and proceed with the transfer.

               Write 100H into SC1

                 At this point, the CSTAT and DSCTRL registers should be
            read.   The  CSTAT  register  should read 84F8H.  The DSCTRL
            register should have the  DSA  bit  cleared  now.   At  this
            point, either SCSI commands can be attempted or the chip can
            be reset.  Nothing should be written to memory.

         -  Selected by non-DSSI device - The effect of this  is  almost
            the  same as a select with ATN.  Begin by writing the DSCTRL
            register to 8000H.  Follow this by writing 181H into the SDB
            register and then 80H into the SC1 register.  The DSA bit in
            DSCTRL should now be cleared.  The CSTAT should read  84F0H.
            Nothing should be written to memory.
                                                         19 January 1987

        B.3.2  Initiator Testing

             In this mode, the SII is to function as the initiator,  and
        the  local processor is to be the target.  The processor will be
        "selected" by the  SII,  receive  the  required  command  bytes,
        follow  with  the  required  data bytes and then send the status
        byte to the SII.

             Three subroutines are  defined  in  this  section,  one  to
        receive  a command byte, another to receive a data byte, and the
        third to send the status byte.  They are described below.



         Read SC1 /*    This register contains the control 
                        signals the SII uses on the SCSI
                        bus.                    */
         *  We are waiting for the SII to assert REQ in the command phase. 
         *  It may be advisable to set a software timer to avoid being 
         *  here forever.

          While (SC1 != 132H) do
            Read SC1

         *  Once REQ is asserted, we can read the data from the SII. After
         *  reading the data, we will assert ACK, signaling that the data 
         *  has been taken.

          Read byte from SDB into CommByte.
          Write 132H into SC1

         *  We now wait for the SII to deassert REQ.

          While (SC1 != 102H) do
            Read SC1

         *  Now deassert ACK and we're done.

          Write 102H into SC1

         *  The byte has now been delivered by the SII. 
                                                         19 January 1987

         *  Return the value





         Read SC1 /*    This register contains the control 
                        signals the SII uses on the SCSI
                        bus.                    */

         *  We are waiting for the SII to assert REQ in the data phase. 
         *  It may be advisable to set a software timer to avoid being 
         *  here forever.

          While (SC1 != 130H) do
            Read SC1

         *  Once REQ is asserted, we can read the data from the SII. After
         *  reading the data, we will assert ACK, signaling that the data 
         *  has been taken.

          Read byte from SDB into DataByte.
          Write 130H into SC1

         *  We now wait for the SII to deassert REQ.

          While (SC1 != 100H) do
            Read SC1

         *  Now deassert ACK and we're done.

          Write 100H into SC1

         *  The byte has now been delivered by the SII. 
         *  Let's return the value
                                                         19 January 1987


        SendStatusByte(StatusByte)  /* This routine gives status to the SII */

        word StatusByte;

          * Wait for SII to assert REQ in status phase
           While (SC1 != 133H) do
             Read SC1.

         *  Once REQ is asserted, we can present the data to the SII. After
         *  writing the data, we will assert ACK, signaling that the data 
         *  is available.

          Write StatusByte into SDB
          Write 133H into SC1

         *  We now wait for the SII to accept the byte. This is done by 
         *  its deassertion of REQ.

            While (SC1 != 103H) do
              Read SC1

           * Now deassert ACK

            Write 103H to SC1


             These three subroutines are used  in  the  transmission  of
        data from the SII to the processor.  The main routine to be used
        is described below.
                                                         19 January 1987



        /* First we must set up the proper data structure in memory for
         * the SII to send data out from. Refer to DSSI mode for 
         * further definition of these fields. Remember Buffer must be on
         * a quad word boundary.
         word Buffer[100];

         Buffer[0]  = 0; /* this is last buffer */
         Buffer[1]  = 0; /* clear the status word */
         Buffer[2]  = 8000H; /* interrupt when thru, select 0 */
         Buffer[3]  = 00E1H; /* E1H and 00H are first two comm bytes */
         Buffer[4]  = 0700H; /* 00H and 07H are third and fourth bytes */
         Buffer[5]  = 000AH; /* 10 bytes of data coming */
         Buffer[6]  = 000AH; /* Next segment has 10 bytes, no link */
         Buffer[7]  = address of Buffer[8] shifted right 2 places;
         Buffer[8]  = 00FFH;
         Buffer[9]  = AA55H;
         Buffer[10] = F00FH;
         Buffer[11] = 5AA5H;
         Buffer[12] = FF00H;

         * Memory is now set up. Let's point the SII initiator list
         * pointer to this structure.

          Shift Address of Buffer[0] right 2 places.
          Write this value into ILP.

         * Now that the SII is set up, let's define the data structures 
         * that the microprocessor will need. Refer to the DSSI datalink
         * specification for further definition of these bytes.

         word CommandBytes[7];
         word DataBytes[11];

          * Now to begin the operation. We will set up some SII registers 
          *  correctly. The DICTRL,CSR and ID registers must be properly        
          *  initialized.                                               

          * Put chip in loopback mode.
                                                         19 January 1987

          Write  8 into the DICTRL register.

          * Enable selections and parity checking 

          Write  6 into the CSR register.

          * Set up ID of the chip. 

          Write 8007H into the ID register.

          * Note the ID register is set to 7. This is not a requirement. 
          * However, if it is different, the command byte must be modified.

          * Set up a pattern in the SDB register so that the SII thinks it
          * won arbitration.

            Write 80H into SDB register.

          * Let's enable DSSI mode in the SII.
          * The SII will attempt to select device 0.

           Write C0FFH into the DSCTRL register. /* SII is enabled */

          * Note that all devices are DSSI devices.

          * Check SC1 until the SII asserts SEL.

           Read SC1
           While (SC1 != 81H ) do
            Read SC1;
          * Now let's respond to the selection by asserting BSY and
          * set the phase to COMMAND OUT.

                                                         19 January 1987

           Write 102H into SC1

          * First the command bytes (Command phase)

           for (i=0,i<7,i++) do
             Check that values are those expected.
          * Now the data bytes (Data phase)
          * First, change phase to DATA OUT.

           Write 100H to SC1.

           for (i=0,i<0AH,i++) do
             Check that values are those expected.
          * Now let's send the status (Status phase)
          * First set the phase to STATUS IN
            Write 103H to SC1.
            Set StatusByte to ACK (or NAK).

           * Disconnect from the bus.

            Write 0 into SC1.

           * Transfer is all over now.
           * Let's check the status in the buffer now.
           * The second word in the buffer should read 8000H

            Check that Buffer[1] is 8000H

             This procedure can be modified to verify the error-checking
        capabilities   of   the  SII  chip  as  an  initiator.   Several
        variations  of  this  procedure  will  be  enumerated  and   the
        differences in code included.
                                                         19 January 1987

         -  Bad Status returned - Follow the  above  procedure,  however
            return  a  value  other  than  61H.   This  includes  simply
            changing the parity.  Buffer[1] should read 8008H.

         -  Phase  Change  at  unexpected  time  -  When  acting  as  an
            initiator,  the  SII  is  capable  of  detecting  unexpected
            changes and responding to them, as long as the change is one
            allowed  by  DSSI.  Follow the above procedure except switch
            to status phase before the requested number  of  bytes  have
            been delivered.  Several cases may include

            1.  Switch to Status after 3 command bytes

            2.  Switch to Status after 6 command bytes

            3.  Switch to Status after 4 data bytes

            Buffer[1] should read 8004H.

         -  Illegal Phase entered - The SII cannot handle phase  changes
            to  phases  that  are not allowed by DSSI.  In this case, it
            will assert RST for 25 microseconds and abort the operation.
            Examples of illegal phases include:

            1.  Remain in COMMAND OUT for an eighth byte.

            2.  Remain in DATA OUT for an eleventh byte.

            3.  Enter an illegal phase (MESSAGE IN, DATA IN,  etc.)  and
                issue REQ.

            Buffer[1] should read 8014H.

         -  Selection of non-DSSI device - The SII allows the programmer
            to  place list elements destined for non-DSSI devices on the
            ILP list.  The SII will arbitrate for the bus until it wins,
            and  interrupt  the  processor with the BUF bit set.  Follow
            the above procedure, except  write  C000H  into  the  DSCTRL
            register.   After  arbitration,  the  SII  should interrupt.
            Read the CSTAT to determine if this worked  correctly.   DSA
            in the DSCTRL register should also be deasserted now.

         -  No element on ILP - In the process of adding an  element  to
            the  ILP  list,  the  SII  may be inadvertently pointed to a
            'done' buffer.  This is fine because  the  SII  will  simply
            move  onto  the  next buffer.  However, if this was the last
            buffer, the SII has nothing to do.  In this  case,  the  SII
            will  relinquish  control  of  the  bus  (remember,  the SII
            arbitrates and wins control of the bus before  checking  the
            list  elements).  Set up the memory as shown in the example,
            except  make  Buffer[1]=8000H.   Allow  the   SII   to   win
            arbitration.   However,  the SII should never assert SEL, in
            fact it should drop BSY, as well.  Check the ILP; it  should
            read zero.
                                                         19 January 1987

             Whenever   an   initiator   activity   does   not    finish
        successfully,  the  OUTEN  bit  in  the  DSCTRL register will be
        deasserted.  This should be checked following each of the  error
        cases described above.

                               APPENDIX C



             SII Data Link code consists of two basic concepts;  queuing
        output  buffers  and  receiving  input  buffers.  Other concepts
        include retries and reclaiming unused  resources.   These  ideas
        will  be discussed as they pertain to the SII.  Again, these are
        only suggestions; implementations may choose  other  methods  to
        implement these ideas.

        C.1.1  Adding An Element Onto The ILP

             In order to send a buffer to a remote node, the packet must
        contain  correct header information and be placed on the list of
        outbound buffers.  The following steps are needed to fill in the
        buffer header information:

        1.  Zero the buffer thread word - since this  element  is  being
            added, it must be the last.

        2.  Zero the buffer status  word  -  the  status  word  must  be
            cleared to allow the SII to process this buffer.

        3.  Fill in the ID of the remote device and interrupt enable bit
            in  the buffer command word - bit 15 denotes whether the SII
            will interrupt upon  completion  of  this  buffer.   Bits  2
            through 0 denote the ID of the destination device.

        4.  Fill in entire buffer command field (six bytes) - these  six
            bytes  (command  byte,flags  byte,  destination port, source
            port and length fields) must be written.

        5.  Link command bytes with data field - on output, the  command
            bytes  must be linked to the data field.  Following the last
            command byte, the length of the data  segment  must  appear.
            Bit 15 is set if there is a data segment following this one.
            The next word is the address of the data segment  shifted  2
            places to the right.
                                                         19 January 1987

        6.  Link together various data fields (if necessary) - if  there
            are  multiple  data  segments,  these  must  also  be linked
            together following the steps described above.

             Once the buffer is set up properly, it can be added to  the
        list as follows:

        1.  Write the last item on the ILP  list  with  the  new  buffer
            thread word, pointing to this new buffer.

        2.  If the ILP is zero, write it with the  address  of  the  new

        C.1.2  Retries

             This section only deals with setting up the SII to retry  a
        buffer, it does not suggest a retry algorithm.

             When the SII attempts  to  send  outbound  traffic  and  is
        unsuccessful,  it  stops processing outbound data.  Unsuccessful
        is defined as a packet which:

        1.  The target returned NAK

        2.  RST was asserted during the transfer

        3.  The target disconnected during the Status phase completed.

        4.  The target changed phase before the SII expected it would.

             Note that all these cases do not store a status of 8000H in
        memory.  They either store a value other than 8000H or no status
        at all.

             Whenever the SII stops processing outbound traffic, one  of
        the following situations has occurred:

        1.  the RST bit in CSTAT is set, generating an interrupt

        2.  the OBC bit in CSTAT is set, generating an interrupt

        3.  if the IE bit in the buffer was set, the LDN bit in CSTAT is
            set, generating an interrupt

             If the IE bit in the command word of each  buffer  is  set,
        the SII is guaranteed to interrupt whenever it disables outbound
                                                         19 January 1987

             The SII ILP will be pointing to the element  which  it  had
        unsuccessfully attempted to deliver in all cases.

             Once the OUTEN bit in the DSCTRL register is set again, the
        SII will attempt to retransmit the failed buffer.

        C.1.3  Receipt Of Incoming Traffic

             Once the SII is in DSSI mode, it will  continue  to  accept
        all  incoming  packets  (as  long as buffer space is available).
        The SII will interrupt on incoming traffic only if the IE bit in
        the  buffer  is  set.  Once a buffer is marked 'Done', the local
        intelligence is free to remove that buffer  from  the  SII,  and
        process it.

        C.1.4  Reclaiming Of Allocated Buffers

             Buffers that have not been marked 'Done' cannot be  removed
        at will, since the current state of the SII with respect to that
        buffer is not known.  For example, the processor may  check  the
        STLP  and  see  that  it  points  to the second buffer.  It then
        decides to remove the fourth buffer.  Between the time  the  TLP
        was  read  and the processor dequeued the fourth buffer, the SII
        could, theoretically have finished the second and third  buffers
        and be using (or be ready to use) the fourth buffer.  Removal of
        buffers (especially short buffers) once given to the SII is  not

             If this must be done,  the  SII  should  be  disabled  from
        operating in DSSI mode.  This is done as follows:

        1.  Clear the SLE bit in the CSR register.   This  disables  the
            SII from responding to selection attempts.

        2.  Clear the OUTEN bit in the DSCTRL register.   This  disables
            the SII from sending any other buffers out.

        3.  The SII may be already busy processing a  buffer  (input  or
            output)  when  the above steps were executed.  Therefore the
            code must wait for the SII to be idle.  The SII is idle when
            the MCDIAG register reads 100H.

        4.  Dequeue any buffers.


                               APPENDIX D

                          APPLICATION CIRCUITS


             The logic necessary to  connect  the  SII,  in  arbitrating
        mode,  to  memory  is  small.  The design has been done so as to
        allow implementations to use the SII with minimal support  logic
        in this mode.

             This mode is most useful in allowing two  devices  (one  of
        which  is the SII) to access a shared memory.  Most logic needed
        for arbitration is contained inside the SII chip.  The following
        are the blocks needed to design this type of system.

         o  Memory - this is the shared buffer memory to be used by  the
            two  devices.  It is recommended that this memory be capable
            of  faster  than  200  ns  cycles  (150   ns   is   probably
            preferable).   The  address lines are called RAM_ADDR, while
            the data bus is HP_DAL.  Control lines to the  memories  can
            be multiplexed using the HP_ BUSGRANT signal.

         o  SII Address Counters - the SII does  not  issue  an  address
            cycle for each memory access that it does.  Consequently, an
            external counter must be incorporated into the design.   The
            SII  provides  a  LOAD and CLOCK signal to be used by such a
            counter.  The input to these counters is  HP_DAL  while  the
            outputs are called SII_ADDR.

         o  Ram Multiplexers - these multiplexers are needed  to  select
            either  the  SII  ram  address or device ram address for use
            with the memory.   The  inputs  to  these  muxes  should  be
            DEV_ADDR  and SII_ADDR.  The output, RAM_ADDR is selected by
            the SII output, HP_BUSGRANT.  A multiplexer is  also  needed
            to  select  the  HP_WRITE  signal  or  DEV_WRITE  signal.  A
            multiplexer  is  also  needed  to  select  either  HP_DS  or
            DEV_RAMCS to become the RAM_CS signal.  The select for these
            is also HP_BUSGRANT.

         o  Register Address  Buffer  -  a  single  buffer,  enabled  by
            HP_ADREN,  should be used to supply the register address and
            read/write line to the  SII.   The  inputs  to  this  buffer
            should   be   DEV_ADDR   and  DEV_WRITE.   The  outputs  are
APPLICATION CIRCUITS                                            Page D-2
                                                         19 January 1987

            HP_DAL<5:1> and HP_WRITE.

         o  Data Transceivers  -  a  set  of  transceivers,  enabled  by
            HP_DATAEN  or  HP_BUSGRANT,  whose  direction is selected by
            DEV_WRITE should be used to buffer the HP_DAL bus  from  the
            DEV_DATA bus.  These transceivers are used to:

            1.  gate the SII register write data onto the HP_DAL lines.

            2.  gate the SII register read data onto the DEV_DATA lines.

            3.  gate the device ram write data onto the HP_DAL lines.

            4.  gate the device ram read data onto the DEV_DATA lines.

            The A input to these buffers is DEV_DATA, while the B  input
            is HP_DAL.

         o  Control Machine -  control  must  be  added  to  handle  SII
            register  cycles and device ram accesses.  Outputs that must
            be generated by this block include:

            1.  HP_BUSREQ - a request for use of the SII bus

            2.  HP_CS - a request to access a SII register

            3.  DEV_RAMCS - a ram  chip  select  used  when  the  device
                accesses the memory.

             This completes the list  of  blocks  needed  to  design  an
        arbitrated  memory  using  the  SII  chip.   Again,  this  is  a
        suggested implementation; designers may choose other methods  of

        D.2  NORMAL MODE

             Normal mode of the SII requires more logic to interface  to
        a system.  This mode is used when the memory is multi-ported and
        the SII may be held off from accessing it.  This mode allows the
        implementor  to  design  his own arbitration scheme, rather than
        using that built into the SII.

             The basic design  is  similar  to  that  presented  in  the
        previous  example,  with  several exceptions.  These differences
        will be enumerated below.

         o  SII Data Buffers (or FIFO) - to allow the SII to operate  at
            its peak rate, it is advisable that data to and from the SII
            be buffered.  In this way, memory accesses are  not  limited
            to those times when the SII is accessing memory.
APPLICATION CIRCUITS                                            Page D-3
                                                         19 January 1987

         o  Control Machine - the control for this system  is  different
            from  that described above.  This machine must arbitrate the
            memory, generate RAM timing signals, return  HP_RDY  to  the
            SII and perform SII register accesses.

         o  Data Path - the data bus used for memory  is  isolated  from
            the  HP_DAL  lines.   The  SII  Data Buffers and Device Data
            Transceivers are used to separate the RAM_DATA bus from  the
            HP_DAL bus and DEV_DATA bus, respectively.