
$Id: tops-20,v 1.9 2003/08/12 16:58:15 phil Exp $

TOPS-20 Evolution
Phil Budne 

11/70	TENEX project start?
5/1/70	TENEX scheduled delivery date
6/15/70	TENEX Operational
1972	TENEX papers in ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles & FJCC
1973	KI10 TENEX
4/1973	Extended Addressing proposed by Dan Murphy
6/1973	"KL Paging Proposal" by Dan Murphy
5/1974	"New paging design" by Dan Murphy
12/1975	"KL10 Paging rev 2" by Dan Murphy

date	release	features
2/76	1	First release
4/76	1A	LPT, CDR
10/76	1B	Maint release
12/76	101B	ARPA support
7/77	2	mountable structures, quotas
1/78	3	Tree Structured  Directories (larger directories?)
		Account  Validation
		Usage JSYS, support for 2780 and 3780 termination and emulation
		integration of ARPANET support
9/78	3A	2060 (MOS memory) & 2020 support
		DX20/TX02 magnetic tape controller: TU70/1/2
		DECnet Phase II (via DN20)
4/80	4	ANSI Tape Labels, GALAXY 4, ACJ (access control job)
		File Archiving, Execute Only protection
		RAMP (Reliability and Maintainability Program)
		Class scheduler, High Priority Queue,
		Enhanced System Performance Reporting
		New ARPAnet leader format, Remote Job Entry Station (DN200)
		TV Editor Support, HASP support
1/82?	5.0	extended addressing, RP07, TU78, NVT (network virt. terminals)
		TTMSG unprivileged
10/82?	5.1	DECnet Phase III (via MCB)
		system disk no longer needs to called PS:
12/82?	5.2	TCP/IP support (BBN JSYS interface)
4/83	4.1	Last release for 2020; RP20 Support, SPEAR support, 5.1 EXEC
6/83	5.3	DEC TCP/IP interface (TCP: device)
9/84?	5.4	TCP/IP over Ethernet (NIA20)
11/84?	6.0	CI Clusters (CFS)
		Multi-forking EXEC, password encryption, Massbuss dual porting
		Monitor data (and MDDT & EXEC DDT) moved to extended sections
9/85	6.1	Ethernet (DECnet Phase IV, LAT, TCP/IP), TCP/IP over CI.
		NIA20 autoreload, LAT support, NI% JSYS
		CI20 and NIA20 code always on
		DECnet Phase IV over DN20, CI, and NIA20 (L1 Router), CTERM
		TOPS-10 PPN support
		EXEC SEND command
		Monitor code moved to extended sections
		uCode 407: section 0 OWGBPs, XJRST
6/88	7.0	Cluster-wide ENQ% And DEQ%
		uCode 2.1(442) required: PMOVE, PMOVEM support
		TU79 support
		PS: on HSC50
		16 node clusters (upto 4 KL's)
		support for 64 disk structures
		Host-Initiated (reverse) LAT Connections
		Recognition To The Point Of Ambiguity
		Minimum Password Length
			Cluster support via NEBULA
			cross-cluster printing
			printing to TTY, printing via LAT, to DQS server
			SEMI-OPR capability