
                     -< TOPS-10/20 discussions held here >-
Note 286.2              History of DEC's 36-bit Machines                  2 of 3
VINO::FLEMMING "Have XDELTA, will travel"            13 lines  27-DEC-1991 06:58
                                -< TOPS-10 SMP >-
The next note is the chapter that Allan Wilson - an old time 36 bitter now
with Intergraph - and I wrote for the "book" Dan mentioned. There are 8 or
10 figures referenced in the text. The folks producing the "book" said they
would provide a graphic artist to do the pictures so they never existed in
soft copy form. I of course couldn't conveniently post them here even if they
did. For the most part, they just depicted various MP configurations so it
doesn't take much imagination to figure out what they were about. The only
possible exceptions to this are the figures depicting the flow of input and
output but unless someone were insane enough to want to try to do this again,
the general idea of how it worked should be more or less obvious from the

Note 286.3              History of DEC's 36-bit Machines                  3 of 3
VINO::FLEMMING "Have XDELTA, will travel"          1736 lines  27-DEC-1991 06:59
                          TOPS-10 Symmetric Multiprocessing
                        Allan B. Wilson and James M. Flemming
			Copyright (c) 1989 - A. Wilson and J. Flemming
			Copyright (c) 1991 - A. Wilson and J. Flemming
      Permission for electronic forwarding and reposting hereby granted.
     Rights to commercial and/or hardcopy publication reserved.  Contact
            the author at VINO::FLEMMING (
  [It is with sadness I note the passing away of JMF February 1995 -smw]
                                        - 1 -
          In the latter half of the 1970s,  Digital  Equipment  Corporation
          began  marketing  two  operating systems for its 36-bit family of
          computers.  TOPS-10 had evolved as the original internal product,
          whose  initial  development  began during the mid-1960s.  TOPS-20
          had its roots in an external product, TENEX, rights to which were
          acquired  by  DEC  to  provide  the software foundation for a new
          system series.
          Although TENEX had run on KA-10 and KI-10 processors  at  several
          research  and university sites, TOPS-20 was released as a product
          only on the KL-10 processor.  Therefore TOPS-10 and TOPS-20 share
          the same underlying hardware architecture of the KL-10, including
          the same basic instruction set.  However,  because  the  software
          architectures  of  the  two  systems  differ,  the mechanisms and
          details of operating-system calls  are  different.   Furthermore,
          each  system  has  unique  requirements  for  paging  and virtual
          memory.   Both   common   and   system-specific   functions   are
          implemented in cpu microcode.
          DEC introduced  TOPS-20  to  increase  the  size  of  its  36-bit
          customer  base  by  offering  a  powerful but easy-to-use product
          which represented the  latest  in  operating  system  technology.
          TOPS-20 was first released as part of a low-end system, the 2040,
          which was sold with only 64K words of memory.  In contrast,  most
          TOPS-10  users  already  had  very  large  systems  (many of them
          multiprocessors) and, though TOPS-20  had  some  very  attractive
          features,  there  was seldom justification for a TOPS-10 customer
          to change to TOPS-20.   Regardless  of  personal  preference  for
          TOPS-10  or  TOPS-20,  and there were many people strongly in one
          camp or the other, the TOPS-10 user-base was large,  which  meant
          significant  pressure  on DEC for an on-going commitment to TOPS-
          10.  Better multiprocessing support was viewed favorably by  both
          internal  and  external  TOPS-10  supporters:  it was interesting
          technically but, most important,  would  help  sites  with  heavy
          system  loads  until  the  planned  successor  to  the KL cpu was
          The  remainder  of  this  chapter  goes   into   historical   and
          implementation  details  of  TOPS-10 multiprocessing, focusing on
          the latest and most general version,  Symmetric  Multiprocessing,
          or  SMP.   SMP  was  developed  as  the next logical extension of
          TOPS-10, but at a time when TOPS-20 was being heavily  emphasized
          by DEC's Large Computer Group ("LCG").  It's probably accurate to
          state that if Jim Flemming  and  Tony  Wachs,  long-time  TOPS-10
          developers  and  key  designers  and implementors of SMP, had not
          been persistent with John Leng (LCG  Vice  President)  and  other
          senior  LCG  managers,  SMP  development  would  never  have been
          allowed to proceed.
                                        - 2 -
          Multiprocessing is a  computer  organization  in  which  multiple
          central    processing    units   ("cpus")   are   interconnected.
          Multiprocessing can be used to address several  different  system
          objectives,  for  example, to provide higher system availability:
          in case of a cpu failure, the other cpu(s) in the system continue
          Multiprocessing is  also  used  to  achieve  increased  computing
          power.   A  uniprocessor site could exchange its cpu for a newer,
          faster model in the same family.  If none is available,  however,
          the  site  could add another cpu of the same type as the existing
          cpu,  and  still  ensure  hardware  and  software  compatibility.
          Certainly  the  uniprocessor  site could acquire another complete
          system, that is, one with its own cpu, memory,  and  peripherals.
          This  would  offer  the  same  advantages  as  a  multiprocessing
          configuration for commonality of hardware, spare parts, software,
          and  training.   However,  there would be economic inefficiencies
          resulting from  multiple  copies  of  the  operating  system  and
          supporting   software,  and  additional  disk  storage  would  be
          required.  Furthermore, multiple  independent  systems  are  more
          difficult  to  administer.   The  user  community must be divided
          among systems, so load  balancing  becomes  a  problem,  and  all
          systems  must be kept current with software updates; a bug may be
          fixed on one system, but missed on another.  File  system  backup
          also  becomes  a bigger problem.  Additional support staff may be
          required to deal with multiple independent systems.
          There  are  two  basic  multiprocessing  organizations:   loosely
          coupled and tightly coupled.  In a loosely coupled system, two or
          more cpus are connected  by  means  of  communications  links  or
          high-speed  buses,  or share a common file system through special
          hardware, as represented by Digital's VAXclusters (Figure 1).
          In a tightly coupled multiprocessing system (Figure 2), there  is
          a single shared memory, only one copy of the operating system and
          supporting software, and a single file system.
          Multiprocessing software determines  the  degree  to  which  cpus
          share   the   workload.   Newer  architectures  strive  for  high
          parallelism, so that a single job or program can be worked on  by
          multiple  processors to reduce its overall execution time.  Since
          multiuser (timesharing) systems have multiple jobs  (programs  or
          processes)  competing  for  computing  resources, the traditional
          multiprocessing approach does not deal with parallelism within an
          individual  job,  but  instead  simply  has  each  cpu  work on a
          different job.  While this doesn't help a single job  run  faster
          even  though  there  are  multiple cpus available (and in fact if
          there is only one job to run, all cpus  except  one  stay  idle),
          overall system throughput and availability are improved.
                                        - 3 -
                            MASTER/SLAVE MULTIPROCESSING
          All  TOPS-10  multiprocessing  is  tightly  coupled.   The  first
          multiprocessing implementation for TOPS-10 used an approach known
          as master/slave, and was offered for the first time in the  early
          1970s  on  KA-10 and KI-10 processors, the 1055 and 1077 systems,
          respectively.   When  the  KL-10  was  introduced,   master/slave
          multiprocessing was also available in the 1088.
          TOPS-10 multiprocessing was developed to  meet  customer  demand.
          The KA-10 (the first PDP-10 processor, which followed the earlier
          PDP-6) simply couldn't satisfy the computational  needs  of  some
          TOPS-10  customers.  First, DEC's Peter Hurley worked with MIT to
          create a master/slave system with a PDP-6 and a  KA-10;  MIT  had
          just  added  the KA to their existing PDP-6 system, and wanted to
          use the KA to provide  additional  computing  power.   Once  that
          system  was running, Peter modified the code to allow KAs as both
          master and slave, then set about  turning  it  into  an  official
          product  to  satisfy commitments to the University of Pittsburgh.
          The  resulting  product  was   very   successful,   because   the
          master/slave  implementation  matched  the  university's workload
          well -- a heavy interactive load, but  with  sufficient  compute-
          bound  jobs  to keep the slave busy; the University of Pittsburgh
          and  DEC  worked  closely  together   improving   multiprocessing
          performance  (and  TOPS-10  in  general)  through  KI  and KL cpu
          In TOPS-10 master/slave multiprocessing (Figure 3), there are two
          cpus.   The  master  is  the  general-purpose  cpu:  it does both
          computation and all system input/output ("i/o").  The  slave  has
          no  i/o  devices  except  a  console  terminal  and  is therefore
          dedicated to computation.
          In the TOPS-10 master/slave organization, the slave does not take
          orders from the master.  Both cpus execute the TOPS-10 scheduling
          routine to find a job to run; there is code to prevent both  cpus
          from  selecting  the  same job.  Jobs are processed by the master
          just as in a uniprocessor configuration.  The slave is  the  same
          for  user-mode computations and some non-i/o monitor calls.  When
          the job the slave is running requires  i/o,  however,  the  slave
          cannot  proceed.   It  marks  the  job  as  needing  the master's
          attention, then enters the scheduler and selects another  job  to
          run.   The master, in the meantime, is working on other jobs, and
          when it schedules again, will find and run jobs marked  as  "run-
          on-master"  by the slave.  Thus the slave is a slave by virtue of
          the fact that it cannot perform all system duties  and  therefore
          relies on the master for many services.
          If there are compute-bound jobs to  work  on,  performance  of  a
          master/slave  system can be good.  As long as jobs do few master-
          only monitor  calls,  the  slave  can  stay  busy  running  them.
          Availability  of  a  master/slave system should also be good.  If
          the slave fails, only some cpu power is lost.   When  the  master
                                        - 4 -
          fails, devices can be switched to the former slave, which is then
          restarted as a conventional uniprocessor system; therefore system
          services  are  interrupted  only  briefly.   In either case, work
          continues to be processed,  and  corrective  maintenance  can  be
          scheduled for a convenient time.
          Performance of i/o devices is limited by  mechanical  constraints
          --  the  time  it  takes to move a disk head across the recording
          surface ("seeking"), or waiting for  the  desired  data  to  come
          under  the  head  once it's on cylinder ("latency"), for example.
          Caching of disk data is a common technique to avoid some disk i/o
          altogether;  read-ahead  for  sequential  input  is often done to
          reduce disk i/o transfer setup as well as seek and latency times.
          Nevertheless,  even  with  advances in peripheral performance and
          software optimizations, i/o  speeds  remain  relatively  constant
          while cpu speeds increase.  Therefore newer computer systems tend
          to be more i/o bound.  For example, if a program does  i/o  every
          10,000  instructions,  a  faster  cpu  will  execute  the  10,000
          instructions more quickly and reach the i/o requests sooner  than
          a  slower cpu.  Thus the faster cpu spends a larger percentage of
          its time waiting  for  i/o,  and  therefore  the  definitions  of
          compute-bound  and  i/o-bound  change  with  the  introduction of
          faster  cpus.   This  means  that  job   mixes   well-suited   to
          master/slave  processing  on  older cpus are not necessarily well
          balanced on  later  cpu  models,  since  master/slave  efficiency
          depends  on having adequate compute-bound jobs in the mix to work
          on.   Therefore,  the  underlying   problem   with   master/slave
          multiprocessing  is  its asymmetry with respect to i/o -- the mix
          has to be just right, or the activities of the slave may actually
          hurt  system  performance,  reducing throughput by the additional
          overhead of memory contention, waiting for code interlocks within
          the monitor, and extra context switching.  The performance factor
          which  characterized  a  successful   master/slave   system   was
          typically about 1.8 times a uniprocessor configuration, though as
          described, the job mix, which is usually very dynamic, determined
          actual performance.
                           SYMMETRIC MULTIPROCESSING (SMP)
          The 7.01 release of TOPS-10 eliminated master/slave  restrictions
          by  reorganization  to  Symmetric Multiprocessing, extending full
          functional capabilities to all cpus.  (SMP  officially  supported
          only  two processors at initial release, but the SMP software was
          designed and written to support up to six.)  Notice  (Figures  3,
          4)   that  SMP  hardware  configurations  are  quite  similar  to
          master/slave configurations except that with SMP i/o devices  can
          be  connected  to  any cpu, and, with availability in mind, dual-
          ported disks connected to two cpus may be desirable.   Memory  is
          still shared between processors, and there is still a single copy
          of the operating system.  In SMP, however, the entire monitor  is
                                        - 5 -
          reentrant and all monitor calls can be executed on all cpus.
                              SMP -- AN EXAMPLE:  ORNL
          Oak Ridge National Laboratory ("ORNL") started using TOPS-10 on a
          KA-10  in  1971.  The system was acquired for general timesharing
          and linear accelerator data reduction  (but  not  real-time  data
          acquisition).  To meet their growing computational workload, ORNL
          acquired a KL-10 in 1977.  (The  KA-10  was  kept  for  the  data
          reduction  work,  and  when  it  was  finally retired in 1985 the
          service meter showed 128,000 hours -- 14.6 years!)
          In  late  1977  ORNL  started  using  the  (now  CompuServe  Data
          Technologies)  System 1022  database  system.   Because  of  user
          enthusiasm for the package, system demand increased dramatically,
          and  ORNL  acquired a second KL-10 processor in 1979.  They began
          running SMP in 1980, the same year they acquired a  third  KL-10.
          The ORNL system then became the largest TOPS-10 SMP configuration
          documented, with  5  cpus;  the  fourth  and  fifth  KL-10s  were
          acquired  in  1982  and  1984,  respectively.   The  ORNL  system
          configuration diagram is shown in Figure 5.
          At peak, there would be about 200 jobs logged in, of which  about
          25  were  system jobs; system demand was such that local software
          was written to queue users if all available login slots  were  in
          use.   A  typical  day  would see around 5000 logins and logouts.
          Fortran was the dominant language from the  beginning  (including
          many  1022 database applications written in Fortran), followed by
          The ORNL SMP installation continues to  be  very  successful  and
          When multiple cpus are executing the same  code,  interlocks  are
          necessary  to  guarantee exclusive access to critical sections of
          the code; a critical section  is  any  sequence  of  instructions
          which  must  be executed atomically, that is, as an uninterrupted
          unit.  A section of code is critical  only  if  global  data  are
          being  changed, and could result in an inconsistency if more than
          one processor try to change the same data simultaneously.  As  an
          example,  assume  that the system maintains a linked-list of free
          memory pages.  If two cpus each need to allocate a page of memory
          both  will  consult  the  free-list  to  find  an available page.
          Without an interlock, both cpus could determine  that  the  first
          page  in  the  list  is  free  and  both  allocate  the  page for
          themselves.   An  interlock  ensures  that  such   accesses   are
          correctly coordinated.
          The lowest level where atomic execution is  required  is  at  the
          machine  instruction-set  level.   Certain instructions that read
                                        - 6 -
          data from memory, modify the data, and write  the  modified  data
          back   to   memory   must   be   uninterruptible,  that  is,  the
          read/modify/write cycle must be atomic.  Given such instructions,
          they  can  be  used  to  "lock" and "unlock" critical sections of
          code.  The SMP lock/unlock  mechanism  is  an  implementation  of
          semaphores, with appropriate queueing of requests when a resource
          is busy.
          Granularity of locking is important -- locking larger sections of
          code means that other cpus will generally have a better chance to
          collide for access  to  a  resource.   Therefore  the  smaller  a
          section  of  code  that  is  locked,  the more likely that access
          contention for the section is reduced and thus the better overall
          system  performance.   In  SMP,  the  code  was  instrumented for
          performance measurement to ensure proper locking granularity.
                              SMP LOCKS:  A CLOSER LOOK
          In a uniprocessor configuration, the processor's interrupt system
          can  be  used  as a synchronization mechanism:  interrupts can be
          turned off -- as a group or selectively -- to prevent routines at
          other interrupt levels from modifying shared data.
          Many of the synchronization mechanisms employed  in  uniprocessor
          systems  simply require generalization to provide synchronization
          in a multiprocessor system.  However, caution must  be  exercised
          since  locks  which  are not a bottleneck in uniprocessor systems
          may cause  serious  performance  problems  in  a  multiprocessing
          environment (perhaps due to lock granularity).  A few examples of
          locks that normally exist in a uniprocessor operating system  and
          how  they  can  be  generalized for multiprocessing will serve to
          illustrate SMP synchronization techniques.
          Before describing these mechanisms, it is necessary to  introduce
          a  type of lock not usually encountered in a uniprocessor system.
          This lock is known as a "spin lock".  It is normally obtained and
          held  only for a short time relative to a context switch (or when
          a context switch is not possible).  A spin lock is implemented as
          1.  Using a read/modify/write instruction, attempt  to  test-and-
          set   a   memory   location   (the   lock)  associated  with  the
          data/critical section to be accessed.
          2.  If the test indicates that  the  set  succeeded,  proceed  to
          access/modify the data associated with the lock.
          3.  If the test indicates that the set failed, that is, the  lock
          is already owned by another processor, then loop back and execute
          the test-and-set until the set succeeds and the lock is obtained.
          This lock is known as a spin lock because the  processor  "spins"
          in a tight loop waiting to acquire the lock.
                                        - 7 -
          Since the processor owning a lock should spend little time in the
          critical section, a spin lock should not be too expensive in lost
          time for a cpu that has to wait  for  the  lock.   Unfortunately,
          however,  a  test-and-set  instruction  may  consume  significant
          memory bandwidth since the read/modify/write operation locks  out
          all other processors (including i/o channels) until it completes.
          A useful variation of the "spin lock" mechanism is  therefore  to
          first  simply  test the lock; if it is potentially available (not
          currently set), then try to obtain it using the read/modify/write
          test-and-set instruction.  Thus the loop becomes:
          1.  Test the lock for availability
          2.  If potentially available, try to obtain it  using  the  test-
          and-set instruction
          3.  If obtained, proceed.
          4.  If not obtained,  loop  back  to  the  potential-availability
          This modification eliminates  the  read/modify/write  instruction
          from  the  main loop and thus substantially reduces the demand on
          memory bandwidth.
          The most common, and usually  most  easily  recognized,  form  of
          synchronization  that  must  occur  in  uniprocessor  systems  is
          between process level and interrupt level  when  dealing  with  a
          device  and  its  associated  data  structures.  This is normally
          achieved by disabling interrupts from a device when dealing  with
          device-specific  data at process level which could be modified at
          interrupt level should a device interrupt  occur.   This  usually
          takes the form of the following sequence of instructions:
               disable interrupts from the device
               test and perhaps modify device data/state
               start i/o (if appropriate)
               ensure device data is in a consistent state
               enable interrupts from the device
          In  a  multiprocessing  environment,  the   above   sequence   is
          insufficient   because   the   device   must  be  prevented  from
                                        - 8 -
          interrupting any processor.  This  can  be  achieved  within  the
          above  instruction sequence by introducing a spin lock.  The lock
          must be obtained  after  interrupts  are  disabled  and  released
          before interrupts are reenabled; furthermore, the interrupt-level
          processing code must also use the same spin lock before executing
          interrupt-level  code  associated  with  the device.  In summary,
          disabling interrupts will  keep  the  interrupt-level  code  from
          being  executed on the current processor while the device data is
          being modified, and the spin lock will keep  the  interrupt-level
          code  from being executed on any other processor while the device
          data is inconsistent.
          The introduction of spin-lock synchronization in  this  situation
          is simply a generalization of the synchronization that is already
          necessary in a single processor system.  Thus, a  first  step  in
          the  implementation  of  a  multiprocessor  system is to identify
          those places where the  interrupt  system  is  used  to  disallow
          conflicting  execution  of  code paths, and to augment these with
          spin locks to prevent concurrent execution of the code  paths  by
          multiple cpus.
          Cpu scheduling is another area where spin locks can  be  applied.
          Locking could be implemented implicitly rather than explicitly by
          not allowing a processor to be rescheduled  while  in  privileged
          mode, except as the direct result of a call to the cpu scheduler.
          If it happens to be true that the operating system can reschedule
          at  any  time,  the locks necessary to guarantee data consistency
          will already exist and all that is required is that the locks  be
          generalized  for multiprocessing.  However, as is often the case,
          and was the case in TOPS-10, data consistency  on  a  single  cpu
          system  was  maintained by not allowing the cpu to be rescheduled
          at any arbitrary point when it was executing in privileged  mode,
          but instead requiring an explicit call to the scheduler when data
          structures were consistent and rescheduling was proper.
          It  is  this  implicit  interlock  on  data  structures  and  the
          difficulty in maintaining consistency during concurrent execution
          by  multiple  processors  which  has  led  to  the   master/slave
          approach;   the   implicit  interlock  is  maintained  by  simply
          rescheduling the slave cpu whenever a job enters privileged mode.
          This   maintains   the   single-threaded  execution  of  jobs  in
          privileged mode.
          Allowing multiple cpus concurrent execution  in  privileged  mode
          requires   that   those  areas  where  data  is  inconsistent  be
          identified  and  locked  to  bracket  those  critical   sections.
          Fortunately, this turns out to be simpler than it might initially
          appear.  Since a job cannot be  run  simultaneously  on  multiple
          processors,  internal  process  data need only be consistent when
          rescheduling, and  thus  individual  process  data  need  not  be
          interlocked.  Also, much data is local to an individual processor
          and so such per-processor data also require  no  interlock.   The
          only  data which must be interlocked are true system-global data.
          An excellent example of such  data  is  the  scheduler  database:
                                        - 9 -
          scanning,  adding  jobs to, and removing jobs from the run-queues
          must be single-threaded and is therefore protected in SMP by  the
          scheduler spin lock.
          Many other data structures fall into this  category  and  usually
          include  system-wide  linked-list  manipulation, changing process
          state with respect  to  the  scheduler  when  the  process  isn't
          running, allocation of system-wide resources, etc.  Whether these
          data structures are  protected  by  spin  locks  or  a  scheduler
          semaphore is usually determined by the length of time required to
          access the particular data structure and,  if  modifying  it,  to
          leave it in a consistent state.  If the time is short compared to
          the time required to do a context switch, a spin lock is probably
          the  best mechanism.  If the time is longer but the likelihood of
          collision on an interlock is low, a spin lock may  still  be  the
          best choice.  Independent of the duration, if nothing can be done
          without access to the  critical  section  (again,  the  scheduler
          database  and  the  execution  of  an  interrupt routine are good
          examples) a spin lock is required.  The best choice  can  usually
          only   be  determined  by  performance  analysis,  so  good  lock
          instrumentation is critical to achieving the best possible system
          Mechanisms for managing  other  system  resources  which  usually
          require  the  long-term  ownership  of  a lock, e.g., across i/o,
          already exist in uniprocessor operating systems and usually don't
          require modification for an SMP environment.  Such mechanisms are
          implemented  by  trying  to  obtain  a  lock  and,  if  it's  not
          available,  calling the scheduler rather than spinning.  Once the
          lock is obtained data access proceeds normally.   When  done,  in
          addition to relinquishing the lock, a check is made to see if any
          jobs are waiting for it.  If so, the scheduler is  notified  that
          it should run a particular job, or allow all jobs waiting for the
          lock to run to compete for it.   As  mentioned,  these  types  of
          locks  don't  usually  require modification for a multiprocessing
          environment (although the scheduler interlock may come into  play
          when  making these resources visible to the scheduler when such a
          lock is relinquished), but it may be  advantageous  to  introduce
          additional   locks  of  this  type  when  implementing  symmetric
          This type of lock would be introduced into  the  system  where  a
          spin  lock  would  be  acceptable  except  for  the fact that the
          average waiting time to obtain the lock if it is not available is
          potentially  long  compared  to the time required to do a context
          switch.  Examples of these types of locks in TOPS-10 include  the
          CB  resource  (owned  to  search the file system's in-memory file
          cache -- no i/o is done while  owning  this  lock),  and  the  DC
          resource  which  is used to search the physical disk-block cache.
          Neither of these resource locks is necessary  in  a  uniprocessor
          TOPS-10 system.
          Finally, there are two additional locks in TOPS-10 that should be
          mentioned.   The  first  is  the memory management lock, which is
                                       - 10 -
          essentially a hybrid of the locks described above.   Its  purpose
          is  to  interlock the data structures used for memory management.
          The memory management data structures  are  accessed  in  process
          context  for initial memory allocation, for memory expansion, and
          for paging.  They are accessed in system-context by  the  swapper
          (which  runs  in system-context rather than in process-context or
          as a user-mode process), and, perhaps even  at  interrupt  level,
          for physical memory fault recovery.
          Since all of these accessors must see and leave  the  data  in  a
          consistent  state,  and since the method of access depends on the
          context of the access, the memory  management  lock  is  actually
          dealt  with in three different ways.  If an attempt to obtain the
          lock occurs in process context and the lock isn't available,  the
          scheduler  is  called and the job is put into a memory-management
          resource wait state.  If the swapper fails to obtain the lock, it
          just tries again later.  Finally, if the error recovery code must
          obtain the lock and it's not available, it spins waiting for  the
          lock  to be released.  This means the memory management (MM) lock
          is unlike  sharable-resource  locks  (which  are  only  owned  by
          processes) and spin locks (which are only owned by processors) in
          that the MM may at various times be owned either by a process  or
          a processor.
          The other unusual lock is a spin lock  which,  unlike  the  other
          spin  locks  described  earlier,  is  held for however long it is
          needed.  This is the lock associated with panic  situations  such
          as   bugchecks,   memory   parity  errors,  etc.   This  lock  is
          appropriately called the DIE lock even though the end result  may
          not  be a reload if recovery is possible.  Its main purpose is to
          guarantee that the hardware and software are frozen in a state as
          close as possible to the state at the time of the fault so that a
          dump will yield the maximum possible information.
          As already mentioned, proper lock instrumentation is necessary to
          understand  and  perhaps improve system performance.  In TOPS-10,
          all spin locks have associated with them the current owner of the
          lock.   This  is  useful for debugging both software and hardware
          failures and can be useful in studying performance.  In addition,
          many  locks  also  maintain  counts  on  how many times they were
          obtained and how many times they "spun" waiting to be freed.
          To study lock granularity, a user  mode  monitoring  program  was
          developed   to   determine  the  propriety  of  lock  collisions.
          Basically the program noted where a spinning cpu tried to  obtain
          a  lock and what the cpu which owned the lock was actually doing.
          This made it possible  to  determine  whether  the  spinning  cpu
          really  needed  the  lock  in  question  before  proceeding.  For
          example, if the cpu owning the scheduler  interlock  was  running
          the scheduler, and the cpu spinning on the lock wanted to run the
          scheduler, this was a proper collision.  If on  the  other  hand,
          the  cpu owning the scheduler interlock was allocating disk space
          by updating a bit-table, and the cpu spinning on the lock  wanted
          to  run the scheduler, this was an improper collision which could
                                       - 11 -
          be avoided by creating another lock for allocating from the  bit-
                                I'M OKAY, YOU'RE OKAY
          In SMP, though all cpus are equal in that functionally  they  are
          able  to  handle both computation and i/o, certain activities are
          allocated to only a single cpu, known as  the  policy  cpu.   For
          example,  the  policy  cpu maintains the system date and time-of-
          day, and system up-time.  The cpu on which TOPS-10 is  originally
          booted  automatically  becomes  the  policy cpu, and thus is also
          referred to as the boot cpu.
          All cpus within SMP are checked periodically, so if  a  cpu  goes
          down,  clean-up  action  is  taken.  In TOPS-10, many events take
          place at "clock ticks", which occur  at  the  main  system  power
          frequency,  either 50 or 60 times per second.  One SMP clock-tick
          event is cpu checking.  Each  cpu  has  a  "keep-alive"  counter,
          which  it  reinitializes at each clock tick.  A non-boot cpu sets
          its keep-alive counter to -N, while the boot cpu initializes  its
          keep-alive  word  to -CPUN*N ("CPUN" is the number of cpus in the
          After reinitializing its own counter, a non-boot  cpu  increments
          the  boot  cpu's  keep-alive counter; the boot cpu increments the
          keep-alive counters of all other cpus.  If the resulting value of
          a  keep-alive counter is still negative, the corresponding cpu is
          considered okay; if the count reaches zero, however, it means the
          corresponding   cpu  wasn't  able  to  reinitialize  its  counter
          recently, and the cpu is declared dead.  After a cpu is  declared
          dead,  its  keep-alive  word  continues  to be incremented and is
          therefore positive.  A positive keep-alive  word  indicates  that
          devices  connected only to that cpu are no longer accessible, and
          programs set to run only on that cpu (by monitor call or  console
          command) can no longer be run; these problems are reported to the
          system operator and user as appropriate.
          If the keep-alive counter incremented  to  zero  belongs  to  the
          current  boot  cpu, the cpu which performed the increment to zero
          assumes the role of boot cpu.  This is called  a  "role  switch",
          and  is  accomplished by changing a few variables which determine
          which cpu is currently the policy cpu.  These include the  SKPCPU
          instruction,  which  skips  when executing on the policy cpu, the
          location of the system console terminal ("CTY"), and the variable
          which   contains  the  cpu  number  of  the  current  policy  cpu
          ("BOOTCP").  The fact that a role switch has occurred is reported
          to the operator.
                                       - 12 -
          The TOPS-10 scheduler runs both periodically (at each clock tick)
          and  when  the currently executing job is finished or temporarily
          unable to continue (waiting for i/o completion, for example).  In
          selecting   the   next  job  to  run,  single-cpu  TOPS-10  gives
          designated special jobs and interactive jobs higher  priority  to
          use  the  cpu than normal and compute-bound work.  Basically, the
          attempt  is  made  to  assign  the  cpu  to  high  priority   and
          interactive  jobs  when  they  want  to  run;  other jobs are run
          round-robin in the background, that is, when there are no  higher
          priority   jobs   needing   the   cpu.   Optionally,  the  system
          administrator can partition background  jobs  into  classes,  and
          allocate percentages of cpu time to individual classes.
          If the scheduler selects the same job to  run  that  was  running
          during the previous interval, the job can be resumed immediately.
          Otherwise a  context  switch  is  necessary.   Context  switching
          entails  saving  the  status  ("context") of the former job, then
          setting up and starting the selected job.  Context switching  can
          take from several microseconds to several milliseconds, depending
          on hardware characteristics and the amount of context to save and
          In SMP, multiple cpus execute the scheduling routine to find jobs
          to  run,  which  typically  results  in the same job being run at
          different times by different cpus throughout the  course  of  its
          processing.  It is possible, however, to assign an individual job
          to execute exclusively on a particular cpu.   This  is  known  as
          "cpu  affinity",  and is useful for running user-mode diagnostics
          on a suspect cpu, or servicing a real-time device connected to  a
          particular cpu.
          In general, the scheduling technique of multiple cpus working  on
          a  single queue of jobs is efficient.  Queueing theory shows that
          multiple servers working from a single queue give better response
          than  multiple  servers  and  multiple queues, which would be the
          case in a loosely coupled multiprocessing  organization  or  with
          multiple  independent systems, where each cpu has its own copy of
          the operating system and thus its  own  scheduler  and  scheduler
          queue.  Due to its architecture, SMP offers automatic and dynamic
          load balancing.
          Scheduling in  a  multiprocessor  environment  offers  additional
          opportunities  for  trying to optimize overall system performance
          and throughput.  In SMP, the policy cpu  processes  the  workload
          using normal single-cpu scheduling priorities.  Other cpus can do
          the same, or schedule "asymmetrically", looking  for  other  work
          first.   This  way, interactive jobs are serviced by a non-policy
          cpu only when there is no designated high-priority or  background
          work  to do.  This happens to be the default scheduling policy in
          SMP as released and has the basic effect that one  cpu  works  on
          interactive  jobs,  while  the others run compute-bound jobs.  If
                                       - 13 -
          there are sufficient compute-bound jobs  in  the  mix,  the  non-
          policy  cpus process them with little context switching overhead,
          even if there is also a heavy interactive load.  The disadvantage
          is  that  if the mix is predominantly interactive, the non-policy
          cpus waste time looking for compute-bound work before they get to
          the interactive jobs.
          It is  possible  for  the  system  administrator  to  dynamically
          specify  symmetric  or  asymmetric  scheduling to reflect current
          operating demands.  Alternatively, it was considered to have  the
          system alter scheduling itself, based on mix characteristics.
          An important aspect of scheduling in a multiprocessor environment
          is  inter-cpu  interference.  For example, if both cpus enter the
          scheduling routine simultaneously they will compete for  accesses
          to  instructions  and  data,  and, potentially even more harmful,
          cause each other to wait for various interlocks (such as the  one
          to  prevent  cpus  from  selecting  the  same job to run).  While
          studies show that most scheduling is done as  a  result  of  jobs
          blocking  for  i/o or other events, and not because of clock tick
          interrupts, SMP skews the clocks on all cpus to ensure that their
          clock interrupts occur at different times.  Each cpu has the same
          frequency of timer interrupts, but none occur at the same time as
          interrupts  on  other  cpus.   Therefore  SMP  prevents  periodic
          simultaneous scheduling and attendant overhead.
                                     QUEUED I/O
          In TOPS-10 SMP the cpu running a job is called the executing cpu;
          the cpu connected to devices used by the job is called the owning
          cpu.  Because monitor calls can be executed by any cpu, unless  a
          job  can't  continue  until  an  i/o  request  is  satisfied  the
          executing cpu can continue  to  run  the  job  even  if  the  job
          requests  i/o on devices connected to another cpu.  This is vital
          to reduce context switching overhead;  otherwise,  the  executing
          cpu  would  need  to  reschedule and context switch away from the
          job, and the owning cpu would have to context switch to  the  job
          to  process the monitor call and i/o, suffering the same overhead
          as in a master/slave implementation when the slave encounters  an
          i/o  request.   A  queued  i/o mechanism was created to eliminate
          this problem.
          If a job requests i/o  to  devices  on  the  executing  cpu,  the
          request  is entered into that cpu's device i/o queue immediately.
          If a job requires i/o on a different cpu, then the executing  cpu
          makes  a  request of the owning cpu for action by making an entry
          in a global i/o work queue.  At its next clock  tick  the  owning
          cpu  will  scan  the  global  i/o queue and move i/o requests for
          itself to its private queues for  normal  processing.   Once  the
          global  i/o queue entry is made by the executing cpu, however, if
          the  job  is  still  runnable,  i.e.,  there  are  still  buffers
          available  for  the  job to fill or empty, the executing cpu will
          complete the monitor call and resume the job.   Thus  no  context
                                       - 14 -
          switch   is  necessary  and  maximum  advantage  is  provided  by
          symmetrical i/o support.
          Also implemented in SMP is i/o load balancing using  dual  ported
          disks  (Figure  6).  Either a single cpu can be connected to both
          ports of a disk, or two  cpus  can  each  access  a  port.   Load
          balancing  is  therefore  dynamic  and  automatic  on dual-ported
          disks, and yields higher availability and throughput.
          Multiporting  disks  was  quite  attractive  during  initial  SMP
          implementation  because  of  available technology; however, later
          hardware offered some alternatives.  The KLIPA, officially  known
          as the CI20, is a physical port driver interface to the CI -- the
          70-Megabit per second Computer Interconnect bus which,  with  the
          HSC  disk  controller,  is  the  hardware  basis for VAXclusters.
          Having a KLIPA on each cpu is like having a disk  port  per  cpu.
          Therefore,  queued  protocol  is unnecessary for disk accesses in
          this configuration, and there is no 8-ms average latency  waiting
          for a clock tick to start disk i/o on another cpu.
          Magnetic tape i/o is queued under SMP,  and  dual-ported  magtape
          support  across  cpus  is  provided.   Jobs accessing unit-record
          equipment (e.g., card readers and  line  printers)  have  "device
          affinity",  that  is,  any unit-record i/o must be done while the
          job is running on the owning cpu; therefore  either  such  a  job
          must  be  assigned to the owning cpu, or context switching to the
          owning cpu is necessary for unit-record i/o.
          Cache memory is commonly used  in  computer  systems  to  provide
          better  overall  system performance by improving effective memory
          access times.  To understand some  of  the  complexities  of  SMP
          implementation,  a  look  at  the  KL-10  cache implementation is
          The memory  controller  portion  of  the  KL-10  cpu  (Figure  7)
          coordinates   memory  access  requests  from  the  cpu  and  from
          peripheral devices such as disks and magnetic tapes connected via
          internal  channels/controllers (RH20s).  The standard KL-10 cache
          is a 2048 (36-bit) word semiconductor memory  that  serves  as  a
          buffer  for primary memory.  Read references to primary memory by
          the cpu result in the memory controller checking to  see  if  the
          referenced  words are in the cache.  If so, the memory controller
          supplies the cpu with the data  directly  from  the  cache;  this
          results  in  higher  performance  because the much slower primary
          memory need not be accessed.
          If the requested data are not in the cache, the memory controller
          gets  the data from primary memory, supplies them to the cpu, and
          places them in the cache, where they will be found on  subsequent
          references.   (Actually,  accesses  to  primary memory and cache-
          fills are normally done in "quad-words", so that  the  referenced
                                       - 15 -
          word  and  three  adjacent  words  are  fetched;  thus  speed  of
          sequential accesses to instructions and data is improved by  pre-
          loading cache locations.)
          KL-10 memory write operations are done only in the cache, not  in
          both  cache  and  primary  memory  as  in  a  write-through cache
          organization.  The cpu has instructions  to  explicitly  validate
          memory  with  updated  cache contents ("sweep the cache"); memory
          validation is automatic if the  memory  controller  needs  in-use
          cache  locations  for new data.  The memory controller also deals
          with memory accesses by  the  internal  channels/controllers  and
          will  supply  updated  data from the cache on "write-from-memory"
          (output) transfers, and invalidate the data found in the cache on
          input  operations  so  that a subsequent read will fetch the data
          from primary memory.
          Typical program characteristics and system  operation  result  in
          using  data  in  the  cache  90%-95%  of the time, thus improving
          effective memory  access  times  and  thereby  increasing  system
          throughput.    Of   equal   importance   in   a   multiprocessing
          configuration, 90%-95%  of  cpu  primary  memory  references  are
          avoided,  reducing  contention for primary memory and eliminating
          many memory interference problems.
          While the KL-10 cache organization is efficient with  respect  to
          primary  memory accesses and improved system performance, it does
          cause two problems.  The first and most significant is that  when
          a  cpu  runs  a  job or does anything which causes job data to be
          modified in its cache, the cpu must sweep its cache  to  validate
          primary   memory  before  another  cpu  can  run  the  same  job.
          Otherwise, the new cpu could use "stale" data in  primary  memory
          because  updated  values  would be in the other cpu's cache.  The
          new cpu cannot recognize the data as stale, and thus would not be
          working  with  the  job's  proper  context.   Such  operation  is
          incorrect and can result in subtle bugs  that  are  difficult  to
          track down.
          The second problem is important in terms of availability.  It may
          be the case that a cpu has modified data in its cache for several
          different jobs before a sweep completes.  If the  cpu  suffers  a
          failure  before  the  sweep  completes,  other system cpus cannot
          select any of these jobs since they are unrunnable  with  respect
          to  the  cache.   Therefore  these jobs are effectively lost, and
          must be  manually  restarted  from  the  beginning  or  the  last
          Thus, because of the  KL-10  cache  implementation,  an  SMP  cpu
          failure  may  cause  from  zero  to  several  jobs  to  be  lost.
          Nevertheless, losing a few jobs is still preferable to losing  80
          to  100  jobs,  as  would  be  the  case  if a loosely coupled or
          completely independent system cpu failed.
          A cache sweep serial number scheme  is  used  to  keep  track  of
          primary  memory currency with respect to cache.  Every time a cpu
                                       - 16 -
          completes a sweep of its cache, it  increments  its  cache  sweep
          serial  number.   When  a  job  is  stopped  or requests i/o, the
          current cpu and cache sweep serial numbers are saved.  The system
          can  tell  if  a cache sweep has completed for a job by comparing
          the current cache sweep serial number for the cpu with the  saved
          value.   If  the current cache sweep serial number for the cpu is
          greater than the saved value, at least one sweep  (and  a  single
          one  is  sufficient)  has  completed.  Thus the system can safely
          manipulate the job, knowing that its image in primary  memory  is
          If during a cpu's scheduling cycle, jobs are available to run but
          cannot  be run because cache has not been swept for them yet, the
          scheduling cpu keeps track of this "cache lost  time"  as  a  cpu
          operational  statistic.   High cache lost time is bad, because it
          means that a cpu is available to run jobs but has to remain  idle
          since  jobs cannot be run with respect to the cache.  To minimize
          cache lost time, a cpu can request that  another  cpu  sweep  its
          cache,  thereby updating primary memory with cache data from jobs
          the other cpu has processed.  Every  scheduling  cycle  each  cpu
          honors any sweep requests from other cpus (one sweep suffices for
          all requests).  To further reduce  cache  lost  time,  if  a  cpu
          selects  a  job to run and is context-switching from another job,
          it starts a cache  sweep  so  that  the  "old"  job  will  become
          runnable  with  respect  to  cache  on  other cpus when the sweep
          completes (in about 250 microseconds).
          The KL-10 cache implementation does permit cache to be enabled or
          disabled  for  each  page  in  memory.   This facility allows the
          monitor to "uncache", i.e., selectively disable cache  for  pages
          containing  certain  monitor  data  for  which  sweeps  would  be
          impractical.  Terminal i/o buffers, per-cpu data (cpu cache sweep
          serial number, cpu uptime, etc.), and lock databases are examples
          of data stored in uncached pages.   Accesses  to  such  data  are
          relatively  infrequent,  so  no large cpu speed or primary memory
          access penalties are incurred.
                              CACHE MANAGEMENT FOR I/O
          To  overlap  computation  and  input/output,  TOPS-10  implements
          producer/consumer  buffering  for  i/o;  Figure 8 shows the basic
          buffer structure.  If a device is inactive when  a  user  program
          makes  an input monitor call, the monitor starts reading into the
          buffer ring at the buffer specified by the buffer control  block.
          As  soon  as  at  least  one  buffer is full, the user program is
          allowed to proceed.
          The monitor continues reading into subsequent buffers,  following
          the  ring structure, until it advances to a buffer which the user
          program has yet to empty; at this point, the  monitor  marks  the
          device  as  inactive.   Each  time  the user program does another
          input, the buffer control block is simply advanced  to  the  next
          buffer;  if  the  buffer  is  full,  control  returns to the user
                                       - 17 -
          program for processing.
          Similarly, on an output monitor call, if the device is  inactive,
          the  monitor  starts  writing  from  the  buffer specified by the
          buffer control block and control returns  to  the  user  program.
          When an output interrupt occurs, the monitor advances to the next
          buffer in the output ring  and,  if  the  user  has  filled  that
          buffer,  the  monitor  continues  writing.   Each  time  the user
          program does another output, the buffer control block  is  simply
          advanced  to  the next buffer; if it is empty, control returns to
          the user program to fill it.
          Unless non-blocking i/o was specified, a user program is  blocked
          on  input  only when the next buffer is empty, i.e., has not been
          filled by the monitor  yet.   On  output,  the  user  program  is
          blocked  only  if  the next buffer that the user would fill still
          contains data, i.e., the monitor has not yet emptied it.  For  an
          input  ring,  the monitor only makes the device inactive whenever
          the entire ring has been filled.  For an output ring, the monitor
          makes  the  device inactive when it advances to a buffer that the
          user program has yet  to  fill.   The  coordination  between  the
          monitor  and  the  user  program is accomplished by a bit in each
          buffer itself.  This bit is called the "use-bit" and  is  set  by
          the  monitor whenever a buffer is available to the emptier.  That
          is, if the use-bit is on in an input  buffer,  it  contains  data
          which  the  user program may process.  If the use-bit is on in an
          output buffer, the buffer contains data which  the  monitor  must
          write to the output device.
          This basic scheme is simple and optimizes i/o throughput as  seen
          by  both  the  device  and the user program.  However, it becomes
          more complicated in an SMP environment where the caches  in  each
          cpu  must  be  taken  into  account.   Basically,  there  are two
          problems  which  must   be   addressed:    data   integrity   and
          coordination  of the use-bits among cpus.  For example, if a user
          program fills a buffer and does an output call on  one  cpu,  the
          data  in  that  buffer  will  be in the cache of the cpu that the
          program was running on.  The data will not necessarily be current
          in  main  memory, and if the device which the data is destined to
          is owned by another cpu, the write operation cannot be  initiated
          until the cpu which the program is running on has swept its cache
          (making the data visible in main memory to  all  cpus  and  their
          attached  i/o devices).  Likewise, if the monitor filled an input
          buffer or emptied an output buffer on a cpu and set  the  use-bit
          appropriately, the use-bit would be in the cache of the cpu which
          the operation was completed on and might not be current  in  main
          Actually, the problem is even  more  serious.   If  the  cpu  the
          program  is  running on examines the word containing the use-bit,
          then there will be a valid  copy  of  that  word  in  its  cache.
          Therefore,  even if the cpu which turns on the use-bit causes the
          word containing the use-bit to be written  into  primary  memory,
          the  cpu  that the program was running on would use the copy from
                                       - 18 -
          its  cache  rather  than  refetching  the   word   from   memory.
          Basically,  the  implication  of  these  two  aspects  of the i/o
          subsystem is that for proper data integrity, the data must be  in
          primary memory if the read or write operation will actually occur
          on some cpu other than the one that the user program was  running
          on  when  a buffer was filled.  Furthermore, the use-bits must be
          visible from all cpus, i.e., they must  be  read/written  from/to
          primary  memory and must not be valid only in an individual cpu's
          As stated earlier, the KL-10's standard  cache  is  organized  in
          four-word  chunks  (called  "cache  lines").  If the cache refill
          algorithm (which is programmable) is specified correctly, when  a
          word  is referenced, the other three words in the same cache line
          are read from primary  memory  and  placed  in  the  cache.   For
          example,  if a word were read from an address which ended in a 2,
          adjacent word addresses ending in 0, 1, 2, and  3  would  all  be
          read  from  primary  memory  and placed in the cache line.  Since
          there are 2048  words  in  the  standard  cache  (512  lines),  a
          reference  to a virtual address which is different from a virtual
          address whose contents are already in the cache,  but  which  has
          the same low-order nine bits, will cause the data in the cache to
          be displaced; in addition, the cache-line contents  are   written
          back  to  primary  memory before the cache-line is reused for the
          new data if the cache-slot data is fresher than the corresponding
          data  in  primary memory.  This can be viewed as a one-line cache
          There is a routine which implements this called OUCHE.   Whenever
          a  use-bit  is  read  from  or written into a buffer, the monitor
          calls OUCHE with the address of the word containing the  use-bit.
          OUCHE then uses the low-order nine bits of the virtual address of
          the buffer to form a different cached virtual  address  which  it
          reads,  thus  forcing  the word containing the use-bit out of its
          cache and, if necessary, updating primary memory.  Thus, the word
          containing  the  use-bit  will  only  remain  valid,  and perhaps
          modified, in the cache of the  cpu  making  the  reference  until
          OUCHE is called.  OUCHE is the mechanism used in SMP to solve the
          use-bit problem.
          Solving the data integrity  problem  requires  another  approach.
          Consider  a  user program filling an output buffer and then doing
          an output monitor call to cause the monitor to write  the  buffer
          to  the  device.  If the device is directly accessible by the cpu
          where the user program is currently running, the output operation
          can  begin  immediately  since  the  i/o channel on that cpu will
          fetch its data from that cpu's cache.  However, if the device  is
          on  a  different  cpu  from where the program is running, the i/o
          request must be queued for processing on the cpu  that  owns  the
          device.   The data in the user program's buffer is not visible to
          the channel connected to the owning cpu unless the executing  cpu
          first sweeps its cache.
          The problem is even more complicated in  the  case  of  an  input
                                       - 19 -
          operation.   Once  again,  if the monitor call to begin the input
          operation and the actual i/o both occur on the same cpu, there is
          no  problem  since  the i/o channel will write data read from the
          device into primary memory and invalidate the cpu's cache if  the
          cache  references an affected address.  If, however, the i/o must
          be done on another cpu, when the input operation is complete, the
          executing  cpu  must  sweep  its  cache  to  ensure that previous
          references to the input buffer are invalidated so that data  read
          from the device will be fetched from primary memory when the user
          program accesses the buffer.
          The cache-sweep serial number scheme described earlier is used to
          guarantee that data is visible to the device on whatever cpu owns
          the device on output, and is visible to the user program on input
          regardless of the executing cpu.  Whenever a user program does an
          output monitor call indicating it has filled  an  output  buffer,
          that  buffer  is  said to have been swept when one complete cache
          sweep has occurred on the executing cpu.  When an  output  buffer
          has  been  swept,  it may be written to a device connected to any
          cpu in the SMP system.  Likewise, when an input buffer  has  been
          filled  by  some  cpu  in the SMP system, it is said to have been
          swept when the  executing  cpu  has  done  a  cache  sweep  after
          completion  of  the  input operation.  The basic algorithms which
          maintain the number of buffers which are correct with respect  to
          the  cache,  that  is, have been swept, for both input and output
          are shown in Figure 9.
                                 CACHE AND DEBUGGING
          Debugging  can  be   very   challenging   in   a   multiprocessor
          environment,  especially  when  cache-related  bugs are involved.
          For example, one particular SMP bug which was very  difficult  to
          track down would variously result in minor confusion, or complete
          chaos.  A variable ("USRHCU") was being interrogated at interrupt
          level  to  determine  how virtual-to-physical address translation
          was to be done.  During some monitor source-code  edits,  several
          new variables were added to the data structure containing USRHCU.
          As a result of these changes, USRHCU happened to wind up  in  the
          same  cache-line  as  the  process  program-counter ("USRPC", the
          address of the next instruction to execute, which must  be  saved
          when a process is suspended during a context switch).
          Because of the standard KL-10 cache-fill  mechanism  wherein  the
          referenced  word  plus  the words at the three adjacent addresses
          are all loaded into the  appropriate  four-word  cache-line,  the
          reference to USRHCU also caused an apparently valid copy of USRPC
          to be loaded into the cache of the cpu making the interrupt level
          access  to USRHCU.  Now, if the process was running on some other
          cpu at the time of the reference, when that cpu context  switched
          away  from  the  process,  it  would  properly  store the current
          process program-counter ("PC") in USRPC.   However,  if  the  cpu
          which  made the interrupt-level reference to USRHCU then selected
          the process to run, the PC at which the process would be  resumed
                                       - 20 -
          was  the  stale  copy of USRPC which was loaded into the cache by
          the reference to USRHCU.  Thus, the process would be resumed with
          all  of its proper context except the PC, which was set to an old
          value.  The resulting behavior came to be  described  as  the  PC
          running backward.
          If the correct PC was actually a user-mode  PC,  the  result  was
          usually  improper  results  from  the  user  process, or the user
          process just crashed.  However, if the PC turned  out  to  be  an
          exec-mode  PC,  nearly  anything  was  possible.  The fix for the
          problem was simply redefining the data structures so  that  USRPC
          and USRHCU could never fall in the same cache-line.
                                    CPU DOORBELLS
          Cpus in SMP communicate continually since a single  copy  of  the
          operating  system  is  shared  among  all  cpus.   Accessing  and
          modifying global values such  as  job  status  information  is  a
          common  form of communication.  Reading another cpu's cache sweep
          serial number is a typical example of one  cpu  needing  specific
          information about another cpu.  However, there is no cpu hardware
          such as a "doorbell" for one cpu  to  interrupt  another  cpu  or
          otherwise   get   its   immediate   attention.   The  design  and
          implementation of SMP  revealed  that  for  scheduling  or  cache
          management  no  such doorbell was necessary.  In fact, a hardware
          doorbell would only be useful during emergencies ("I'm dying"  or
          "get out of my way").
          Rather than implement a hardware doorbell,  a  software  doorbell
          was  chosen  for  SMP.   The basic mechanism allows a cpu to ring
          another cpu's doorbell, or the doorbells of all other cpus, on  a
          "significant  event",  such  as cache sweep done (jobs can be run
          with respect to cache), context switch from a runnable job (which
          is  eligible  to be run by another cpu), i/o done (job can be run
          because i/o request has been satisfied), and  queued-i/o  request
          made (i/o to do for job run on another cpu).
          A cpu has to  "listen"  for  a  doorbell;  a  doorbell  will  not
          interrupt  or  otherwise disturb a cpu.  The only time a cpu pays
          attention to doorbells is when it is idle, that is, when  it  has
          scheduled,  found  nothing  to  do, and is running the "null job"
          until something happens to make work available.
          This software doorbell implementation is good in that  a  cpu  is
          not  taken  away from useful work with interruptions.  A negative
          aspect is that a cpu may look for work to do as the result  of  a
          doorbell  yet  find nothing to do.  While looking for work to do,
          it holds interlocks and increases memory contention, and  thereby
          possibly interferes with other cpus that do have work to do.
                                       - 21 -
          Redundancy, or  duplication  of  critical  components,  increases
          availability by providing additional units to handle a particular
          function should one unit fail:  the failing unit can be  repaired
          or   replaced   while  the  backup  units  assume  the  workload.
          Therefore there may  be  some  performance  degradation,  but  no
          service  outage.  The master/slave system provides cpu redundancy
          but requires additional operator action for switching peripherals
          and reloading the monitor after certain failures.
          SMP provides better inherent availability than master/slave.   In
          SMP,  all  devices can be duplicated and placed on multiple cpus.
          Thus any  device  in  an  SMP  system  can  fail  ("single  point
          failure") and the system can still provide all critical functions
          and services.  With dual-ported disks, failure of a cpu, channel,
          controller,  or  disk  port  will  not  prevent  the  system from
          accessing  data  through  the  other  path.   Such  operation  is
          automatic  and  the  operator  is  notified  of  the  failure  so
          corrective maintenance can be scheduled.
          Memory parity errors are rare, but are automatically tried up  to
          three  times  per  word.   A  hard  error,  that  is,  an  access
          unsuccessful on all retries, causes  the  associated  job  to  be
          stopped  and an error message issued to the user if the access is
          to a private page.  A hard error in  a  shared  page  causes  the
          system to get a new copy from the disk area used for shared pages
          and continue automatically.  Parity  errors  within  the  monitor
          itself  are  also  handled.   If  the  situation warrants it, the
          operating system moves itself into better memory.
          There is also a TOPS-10 Ethernet interface, known  as  the  KLNI.
          This  option  may  be  included  with  each  SMP  cpu  for higher
          availability.  Ideally there would be one such  interface  active
          per  cpu,  but  because  of the Ethernet specifications, only one
          active interface per SMP system is allowed; the others  are  only
          present  for  hot-standby  failover.   In  SMP, if the active one
          fails, or the cpu that the active one is connected to goes  down,
          the  system  automatically  switches  over  to  an alternate, and
          notifies the operator.
          Of course  the  operating  system  logs  all  system  errors  and
          failures   so  that  the  system  administrator  and  maintenance
          personnel have a history  of  system  operation  and  can  detect
          trends.   Components  configured  into  and out of the system are
          also logged.
                                SMP DEVELOPMENT TIME
          The original estimate for implementing SMP was  six  months,  and
          the  basic  "SMP part" of the project was actually working on the
          KI-10 in somewhat less than six months.   However,  other  issues
                                       - 22 -
          stretched  the  overall time to release to about two years.  This
          section summarizes some of those items and events.
          Software development within DEC's Large Systems Group was  always
          heavily  influenced  by  the  needs  of  its  existing customers.
          Because the  user  base  was  made  up  of  both  commercial  and
          university  sites  (those  that regularly had funds available for
          computer equipment, as well as those that had to stay many  years
          with   their  original  configurations),  software  compatibility
          between old and new versions of  the  operating  system  and  the
          support of new features and functions across the entire family of
          processors were always  given  high  priority.   Because  of  the
          special  requirements  of  SMP,  several important decisions were
          The first was getting management agreement that SMP did not  have
          to  run  on  the  KA-10.  The development team wanted SMP to be a
          virtual memory system and to use memory mapping to take  care  of
          addressing  matters,  such as referring to data in CDBs (Cpu Data
          Blocks); the KA-10 addressed a CDB  through  an  index  register.
          Once  the  decision was made to support KIs and KLs only, a major
          reorganization of the entire  cpu  database  and  system  address
          space was undertaken.
          A limitation in pre-SMP TOPS-10 was a maximum of  128  jobs.   It
          didn't seem proper to have massive cpu power available in SMP and
          not be able to exploit it fully.  Unfortunately, supporting  more
          jobs would require more job-related data structures and therefore
          would consume more of the  monitor's  address  space,  which  was
          starting  to  get very crowded.  To solve these problems, changes
          were made to the way TOPS-10 managed its address  space,  and  to
          allow  many  data  structures which previously were always memory
          resident to be swapped to disk.
          For the system to be truly  symmetric,  all  devices  had  to  be
          supported  on  every  cpu,  which  meant  redesigning  the device
          databases and rewriting all device service routines to make  them
          reentrant;  for  completeness,  real-time  support also had to be
          provided for all SMP cpus.  As described earlier, queued protocol
          was implemented for disks and tapes.  It was also implemented for
          terminals and networks; this involved a total rewrite of  SCNSER,
          the monitor module responsible for terminal support.
          As described, cache support and debugging took  a  major  effort,
          and,  though  not technically difficult, it turned out to be hard
          to make dual-ported disks work  properly  across  cpus.   Getting
          proper  locking  granularity  was not difficult, but was just one
          more thing to work on.
          Because SMP had to  support  many  cpus  and  data  channels,  an
          initial  worry  was that memory bandwidth might not be sufficient
          to satisfy demand.  The developers  were  prepared  to  implement
          memory  bandwidth  scheduling, but fortunately that turned out to
          be unnecessary.  However, memory overruns  and  related  problems
                                       - 23 -
          were   troublesome   enough   to  require  the  availability-test
          described in the section on locks.  With this change, no  further
          memory bandwidth problems were observed.
          SMP developers believed that all these tasks  were  necessary  to
          provide    basic   SMP   functionality   and   meet   performance
          requirements.  The tasks were completed and the developers  began
          preparing to release the product, but then LCG management decided
          that before shipment SMP had to be very maintainable and  provide
          very  high  availability.   To  meet  these new goals, additional
          development was undertaken.
          All of the hardware error recovery algorithms were reexamined and
          most   were   rewritten.   Full  and  completely  dynamic  system
          reconfiguration under software control was implemented.   It  was
          then  possible  to take essentially any system component down for
          preventive or corrective  maintenance  without  interfering  with
          timesharing  other  than  to  degrade system performance.  System
          sleep was also implemented.  This allows the operator to have the
          system  suspend  itself  and save complete system status to disk.
          Then the operator can perform any special  reconfiguration  (such
          as  memory  interleaving), and subsequently bring the system back
          up where it left off.
          DECnet was in its infancy during this time, but  TOPS-10  already
          had    a    comprehensive    network    providing    task-to-task
          communications, terminal concentration, and remote stations.   To
          meet  the  new  availability  requirements,  network  support was
          redone   to   provide    for    complex    topologies,    dynamic
          reconfiguration, and down-line loading.  As an example of overall
          system availability, there was no interruption in service  for  a
          terminal  connected  to the front-end PDP-11 of a cpu that failed
          as long as a network  link  existed  to  a  PDP-11  front-end  on
          another cpu that was still running.
          Finally, delays resulted from the normal process of releasing any
          complex  hardware/software  combination,  such  as  designing and
          manufacturing  ROMs  for  booting  front-ends   through   various
          connections, diagnostics, documentation, testing, and performance
          analysis.   Interestingly,  after  initial   dual-cpu   SMP   was
          released,   it   took  another  year  to  formalize  the  version
          supporting  additional  cpus,  but  the  process  didn't  involve
          writing a single line of code -- just logistics.
          To simplify SMP development with respect to cpu coordination, cpu
          byte manipulation instructions were made read/modify/write.  This
          was accommodated on the KL-10 by a microcode change; an  official
          hardware engineering change was implemented for the KI-10.
          Initial SMP development was actually carried out on the KI:   the
          equipment  was  readily  available  and  the developers preferred
          debugging on the KI.  Before SMP release, however,  the  decision
          was made to restrict SMP support to the KL.  The KI was already a
          relatively old product by that time, and extra resources would be
                                       - 24 -
          required   to   continue  to  test  and  maintain  SMP  for  both
          configurations.   Because  this  decision  came   late   in   SMP
          development,  only  two  items were missing for comprehensive SMP
          support on the KI.  The DL-10, a  memory  sharing  interface  for
          front-end  PDP-11  processors,  worked  only  on  KI  CPU0.  More
          important,  the  KI  never  acquired  Phase  IV  DECnet  support.
          Initially   TOPS-10  developers  believed  DECnet  support  would
          require KL-only extended addressing.  When it became  clear  that
          DECnet  could be implemented on the KS (a compact and inexpensive
          single-cpu-only TOPS-10/TOPS-20 system), retrofitting  DECnet  to
          the KI would have been possible, but by then the TOPS-10 group no
          longer had a KI for development and testing.
          Contributing to the rapid pace of SMP development, and definitely
          part  of TOPS-10 folklore, were the working hours of Jim Flemming
          and Tony Wachs.  Though most of the staff  tended  to  keep  more
          standard  business  hours,  ordinarily  Jim and Tony preferred to
          start work around 2 a.m.  This allowed them dedicated  access  to
          hardware  for  development  and  debugging, and largely kept them
          from being bothered  by  typical  office  distractions.   Because
          their  hours  did  overlap with the beginning of the conventional
          workday, they were not completely isolated from other  personnel,
          so communication was not impacted.
                                ON-GOING DEVELOPMENT
          Useful KL-10 hardware development did not  cease  after  SMP  was
          released,  partly because development of the planned KL follow-on
          processor was  cancelled  in  1983.   Existing  customers  needed
          greater  KL performance while they evaluated eventual replacement
          options for their TOPS-10 systems, so the MCA25 was introduced in
          1984 to double the size of the KL-10 cache and paging memory.  It
          also increases the size of a cache-line from four to eight words,
          and  implements  a "keep me" bit in the page tables.  The keep-me
          bit is a suggestion to the microcode that when the paging  memory
          is  flushed,  certain  data  which  are  likely to be needed soon
          should be kept around.  (The most interesting  problem  regarding
          SMP  support for this option is what to do when some cpus have it
          and some don't; in TOPS-10, the solution was to make the  keep-me
          bit  part  of  the  per-cpu  database  and  simply  OR  it in for
          appropriate pages.)
          Certainly the introduction of a new product such  as  the  MCA25,
          with SMP support, shows that SMP development didn't stop in 1980.
          Furthermore, it demonstrates  that  if  the  basic  SMP  software
          architecture  is  correct,  incremental  hardware  additions  can
          enhance  SMP  system  performance  with  only  relatively   minor
          software changes.
                                       - 25 -
                          SMP'S RELATION TO OTHER PRODUCTS
          SMP was not developed in response to multiprocessing competitors.
          It was simply the best way to extend the utility of TOPS-10 while
          waiting for a successor to the KL cpu  (though  no  such  product
          ever materialized).  Neither was SMP implemented according to any
          externally  published  specification  or  design;  it  just  grew
          normally out of the existing TOPS-10 design and philosophy.
          SMP did  have  an  important  influence  on  later  DEC  hardware
          designs,  however:   in  new  products hardware, not software, is
          responsible for cache coherency.  The design, implementation, and
          debugging  problems  associated with cache in TOPS-10 SMP clearly
          demonstrated the need for hardware to maintain  cache  coherency.
          This  is  particularly  important with the increasing interest in
          parallel  processing,  where  sharable,  writable  user  data  is
          In spite of TOPS-10's success with SMP, TOPS-20 never gained such
          capability.   It  should  not  be  technically  difficult because
          TOPS-20 already has the basic mutual exclusion support needed for
          SMP.   Also,  because  of  TOPS-20's "mapped" i/o, cache problems
          should be nearly non-existent.  Finally, from the  standpoint  of
          cpu   scheduling,  TOPS-20  SMP  should  present  relatively  few
          TOPS-20 SMP was never seriously considered simply due to lack  of
          suitable  shared  memory.   The  DECSYSTEM-20  had  only  private
          internal memory.  A shared internal memory product, the MX20, was
          planned  but  cancelled  (had it appeared, however, it would have
          supported  only   two   cpus).    Furthermore,   in   the   final
          specification  for  the  "Jupiter"  (planned  follow-on to the KL
          cpu),  memory-sharing  capability  was  eliminated   for   higher
          performance  and  lower  cost.   Therefore the anticipated future
          hardware   platform   for   TOPS-20   precluded   tightly-coupled
          multiprocessing support.
          As far as  VAX  multiprocessing  is  concerned,  there  has  been
          significant  contact  between  TOPS-10  SMP  and  VMS developers.
          Principally Jim Flemming has been conveying TOPS-10 SMP ideas and
          experience  to  other  groups.   Jim  has  also  been involved in
          implementing an  SMP  version  of  UNIX  (a  trademark  of  AT&T)
          System V for VAX computers.
          TOPS-10 is a very successful operating  system,  which  benefited
          greatly from user input.  DECUS (Digital Equipment Computer Users
          Society) meetings were always a valuable  source  of  suggestions
          for  new features and enhancements, and from the early days TOPS-
          10 developers were very accessible to users, thereby contributing
          to  a  constant  exchange  of  ideas.  Both internal and external
                                       - 26 -
          users always looked forward to new releases of  TOPS-10,  because
          each  release brought more power and capability.  Initial support
          for multiprocessing was provided in the early 1970s.
          Tightly-coupled  multiprocessing  can  offer  configuration   and
          processing   flexibility   over   a   conventional  uniprocessing
          architecture.   TOPS-10  multiprocessing  moved  from  an   early
          master/slave approach to Symmetric Multiprocessing, which is more
          general and provides especially attractive benefits in  terms  of
          system  performance  and  availability, and also has economic and
          administrative advantages.  In an interesting  parallel,  initial
          multiprocessing  support  in  VAX/VMS  was  also  a  master/slave
          implementation.  VAX/VMS support  for  symmetric  multiprocessing
          was not provided until version 5.
          The first TOPS-10 SMP release was  in  1980,  and  represented  a
          major  milestone  in  Digital's  36-bit  system history.  TOPS-10
          continues to be a workhorse in sites around the world,  which  is
          quite amazing considering it is already in its third decade.
          Some of the material presented herein appeared in the June, 1980,
          Datamation article "More Power to You", by Allan B. Wilson.  Tony
          Wachs (one of the key designers and implementors of  TOPS-10  and
          SMP)  and  Barbara  Huizenga  (a  member of the TOPS-10/SMP team)
          reviewed several drafts of this chapter.  Duane  Winkler  of  Oak
          Ridge  National  Laboratory  (operated  by Martin Marietta Energy
          Systems, Inc.), Oak Ridge, TN, furnished the information  on  the
          ORNL SMP system.  TOPS-10 and SMP represent the work of many more
          contributors than can be given proper credit individually.
                                     THE AUTHORS
          Allan Wilson worked for Digital Equipment Corporation  for  eight
          years,  and  held software development, technical consulting, and
          marketing positions there; he participated in the development  of
          SMP,  and  also  independently  developed TOPS-10 support for the
          original DECSYSTEM-20-only hardware, thus  creating  the  product
          later  released  as  the  DECsystem  1091.   He  currently  is an
          Executive Vice President of Intergraph Corporation.
          Jim Flemming  is  a  Consulting  Software  Engineer  for  Digital
          Equipment  Corporation.   He  was one of the principal architects
          and implementors of  TOPS-10  SMP.   A  recent  project  involved
          implementation  of  an  SMP  version  of  System V  UNIX  for VAX
                                       - 27 -
The End.