Root Directory
path: /
readme.txt      Information about this CDROM
setup.exe       Setup for Win 3.1 / 95 / 98 / NT
docs\           Documentation for this CDROM

animate\        Animation programs
arcers\         Archival and compression programs
arcutils\       Utilities for using archives
astrolgy\       Astrology programs
astronmy\       Astronomy programs
bbs\            BBS programs
bbslists\       BBS lists
bible\          Bible and searching tools
biology\        Biology programs
business\       Business programs
catalog\        Disk catalog programs
cdrom\          CDROM utilities
chemstry\       Chemistry programs
clocks\         Computer time utilities
database\       Database utilities
deskpub\        Desktop publishing
editor\         Text editors
educate\        Education programs
fileutil\       File management and conversion utilities
finance\        Finance software
freemacs\       FreEmacs word processor
genealgy\       Genealogy programs
geogrphy\       Geography programs
geology\        Geology programs
graphics\       Graphics programs
health\         Health, fitness, and medical utilities
html\           HTML tools
internet\       Internet programs and utilities
langtutr\       Foreign language tutorials
legal\          Legal documents
lingstcs\       Linguistics programs
literatr\       Literature utilities
math\           Math programs
menu\           Menu creation utilities
mmedia\         Multimedia programs
mouse\          Mouse utilities
pcmag\          PC Magazine files
projmgmt\       Project management programs
qmodem\         Qmodem communications program and related files
science\        Science related files
semware\        Semware word processor and related files
sound\          Computer sound programs
sports\         Sports programs
spredsht\       Spreadsheet programs
teaching\       Teaching assistance programs
telegard\       Telegard communications program
telix\          Telix communications program
termnate\       Terminate communications program
torah\          Torah related information and programs
virus\          Virus scanning programs
weather\        Weather forecasting programs
zmodem\         Zmodem file transfer protocol related programs
Animation programs
path: /animate/
anm8_113.zip        11-28-1995   Advanced sprite editing and animation software
anmtpr14.zip        03-08-1997   Ani Mate Pro v1.4a: Paint & Animate - 70 tools
atext001.zip        05-05-1997   Animated text specification sample prog/v0.01
draw-3d.zip         10-19-1994   Interactive 3D animation of convex bodies
dvmdkit.zip         10-14-1996   DVM animation development kit
fli2exe.zip         02-02-1997   Converts FLI/FLC 320x200x256 into EXE files
flici102.zip        09-07-1998   Flic v1.02: Simple FLI player. Freeware
flicit25.zip        04-07-1994   Makes Autodesk Animator FLC files from GIF/TGA
fliexe10.zip        06-17-1996   Convert FLI(tm) animations to self-showing EXE
flisee3.zip         06-21-1996   Point and shoot .FLI animation player
frexp.zip           02-28-1998   FracZoom Explorer 2000: Real time fractals, 3D
frnav501.zip        02-28-1998   FracZoom Navigator v5.01: Virtual Video
glshel21.zip        02-06-1995   Intuitive .GL and .EXE animation viewer
hcmake11.zip        06-17-1996   Make 32,768 HiColor FLI animations. 386 req.
hcplay12.zip        06-17-1996   Play 32,768 color (HiColor) FLI animations
me20.zip            08-25-1996   Complete PC Movie creation system v2.0
mzoom10a.zip        10-17-1995   Zooming animation of the Mandelbrot set
otf103.zip          04-06-1996   OTF v1.03: FLI animation player
pplay120.zip        10-25-1997   Power Play v1.20: Plays .FLI files
realtm04.zip        05-24-1997   Animate fractals with music from sound card
toon30.zip          04-06-1996   CARTOON v3.0: Draw/Animate long musical movies
us2_5v20.zip        01-24-1995   Microstudio 2.5D animation package v2.0
vfd16g.zip          04-08-1996   VFD 1.6 (Video for DOS): Converts FLI/FLC/AVI
vfd_16d.zip         01-05-1995   FLC/FLI/AVI <-> BMP/TGA/GIF cross-compiler
w7v1.zip            02-07-1995   Graphics editor, animator for game makers
Archival and compression programs
path: /arcers/
act-27.zip          02-25-1996   Archive Comparision Table, v27
actest41.zip        08-26-1998   Archive Comparison Test (Sept 1998 edition)
arce40g.zip         02-25-1996   Vernon Buerg's fast ARC extraction program
ari22.exe           10-24-1997   High perfomance archiver, self-extract release
arj260x.exe         08-08-1998   Robert Jung's ARJ archiver, v2.50, intl. vers.
ark101.zip          10-19-1998   Executable COM file archiver, EXE/COM convrtr
bmf_030b.zip        10-09-1998   BMF v0.3: Lossless image compression utility
crush18.zip         04-09-1996   CRUSH v1.8 -  Super-compressor for DOS
hap305bp.com        03-21-1996   Hamarsoft HAP archiver self-extract release
jam125sw.zip        03-10-1995   JAM Real-Time Data Compression Utilities
jar102x.exe         11-28-1998   JAR file archiver v1.02x (export version)
jrc110.zip          05-01-1995   Royalty-free file compressor and archiver
lgha11.zip          12-29-1997   LGHA v1.1: MS-DOS archiver
lha255e.exe         05-05-1996   LHA v2.55e: LZH archive make/extract (English)
msxie140.zip        01-17-1998   High-Performance Archiver v1.40 Pro
oop23.zip           12-14-1997   OOP v2.3.130: Archiver
rar203.exe          04-06-1998   RAR archiver v2.03 with built-in shell
rkive14.zip         10-29-1996   A high performance solids archiver v1.4
rsp00001.zip        11-05-1996   Keep varying levels of backup file versions
rsp4xl01.zip        11-05-1996   RSP for Excel users
tar320g.zip         07-04-1996   DOS/UNIX tar w/.Z/(g)zip/hardware support
uc2pro.exe          02-25-1996   UltraCompressor II Pro archiver from AIP-NL
uc2r3.exe           02-25-1996   UltraCompressor II archiver from AIP-NL
unarj243.zip        08-08-1998   ARJ file extractor for MS-DOS/Unix/VMS/others
untar105.zip        10-12-1997   Untar v1.05: Tar unpacker
untgz095.zip        02-26-1997   UNTGZ v0.95: Fast & easy tar/tgz/gz extractor
unz532x.exe         03-12-1998   Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.32: Free zipfile extractor
unz532x3.exe        03-12-1998   Info-ZIP's free UnZipper with fast 386 version
unzip532.zip        11-04-1997   Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.32 extractor, C source code
wavarc10.zip        08-04-1997   Waveform Archiver: Compress & store .wav files
xeq160.zip          12-16-1993   Packs small COM files into one to save space
zip22.zip           11-04-1997   Info-ZIP's portable ZIP v2.2, C source code
zip22x.zip          03-12-1998   Info-ZIP's portable ZIP v2.2, MS-DOS EXEs
Utilities for using archives
path: /arcutils/
2all210.zip         05-11-1996   Archive conversion util, handles 25 archivers
ac311.zip           11-20-1994   Converts between compressed archive formats
aczar210.zip        05-31-1996   Archive shell for ZIP,LZH,ARJ,PAK,ARC,ZOO,SCAN
ad2zip11.zip        06-08-1996   Automatically add a file to every .ZIP/.ARJ
am113.zip           04-07-1996   ArcMaster v10.3: Archive shell/manager
appnote.zip         08-01-1996   PKZIP 2.0+ data structures for util developers
arc-id20.zip        06-18-1997   Archive ID: Identifies 30 file types by sig
arcid122.zip        07-27-1996   Identifies archive types by file signature
arcon26.zip         04-05-1996   ARCON v2.6: Archive format converter
arjhdr.zip          06-02-1997   Tool to quickly add comments to ARJ archives
arjvw161.zip        05-31-1996   ARJ 2.41 viewer for NC 3.0&4.0 & VC 4.0
auto_11.zip         03-04-1995   Menu-driven shell for PKzip 2.04
av708.zip           10-05-1997   Archive View: Free ZIP etc directory viewer
aview65b.zip        02-13-1994   BBS util: view/extract files from archives
cb-av47.zip         08-13-1994   Chris Buijs' archive file front-end v4.7
cmar11.zip          04-28-1997   Arcom v1.1: Archive manager for DOS
dec01.zip           07-18-1996   Decompress files easily and efficiently
dizdir30.zip        03-02-1996   Lists file_id.diz files of archives
fv145.zip           02-25-1996   View dirs of ARC/DWC/LBR/LZH/PAK/ZIP/ZOO/SFXs
fvcbm30.zip         12-29-1997   List directories of Commodore 64/128 archives
gus_195.zip         05-31-1996   File add/extract shell for 13 archive types
instit12.zip        05-21-1996   Install-It v1.2: DOS-based archiving shell
jup162us.zip        10-27-1995   Identifies and uncompresses archived files
larch308.zip        05-26-1994   Archive manager for ZIP,ARC,PAK,LZH,ARJ,ZOO
lgav607.zip         12-29-1997   Archive viewer; 27 formats,built-in extraction
lhavw161.zip        05-31-1996   LHA 2.55 viewer for NC 3.0&4.0 & VC 4.0
lsize252.zip        09-29-1994   Archive re-sizer with LZH/ARJ/ZIP/RAR support
modzip12.zip        06-01-1995   Prepares for upload MOD/MTM/STM/S3M/669/FAR/XM
mscic006.zip        01-17-1998   Mercury Soft Compression Identifier Edition 6
mup122.zip          08-04-1997   Multiple Unpacker: Supports 18 archive types
ncav48bd.zip        11-22-1996   Norton Commander Archive Viewer v4.8 Beta-D
pci-a174.zip        06-12-1997   Ainviewer v1.74: Archive file viewer
pci-f215.zip        02-28-1998   FID v2.15: File_id.diz extractor
pkzf15.zip          02-25-1996   PKWare's file find pgm, searchs ZIPs too
puzv11.zip          07-12-1994   Powerful UnZipper: Extract shell for archivers
qa10.zip            03-15-1998   Quick Archive: Archive wiz for ZIP/PAK/ARJ/LZH
qa11.zip            08-01-1998   Quick Archive: Archive wiz for ZIP/PAK/ARJ/LZH
qaz_340.zip         06-22-1994   Archive viewer and file finder
rv251.zip           05-31-1996   Archive lister for ARJ/HYP/LZH/ZOO/PAK/ZIP/ZOO
rvs113.zip          05-31-1996   RView Shell: View/extract contents of archives
shaid242.zip        02-03-1998   Identifies archives and SFX files by signature
shez109.zip         02-25-1996   Shell for ZIP/LHA/ZOO/ARC/ARJ/SQZ/PAK/UC2
stelth24.zip        05-31-1996   Cvts all compressed files to any other format
szv102f.zip         06-01-1995   FreeWare, easy to use zip viewer
zdif21.zip          09-27-1994   Compare 2 dirs/archives or archive & directory
zipbr111.zip        04-02-1994   ZIP Brand FAST!: Comment ZIP archives quickly
zipcln11.zip        04-07-1996   ZIP Clean 1.1: Removes unwanted files from ZIP
zipcom.zip          11-27-1994   Add/remove ZIP comments to multiple files
zipcvt29.zip        05-31-1996   Converts ZIPS to 2.04 maximum compression
zipstr14.zip        04-06-1996   ZipStrip v1.4: Adds/removes ZIP comments
zipvw161.zip        05-31-1996   ZIP 2.04 viewer for NC 3.0&4.0 & VC 4.0
zm37.zip            02-20-1995   ZipMaster v3.7, ZIP file compression manager
zpdisk21.zip        05-05-1996   Zipadisk v2.1: .ZIP file manager
zrunr30.zip         05-03-1994   ZIP Runner: Zip file program mgr / file viewer
zt283.zip           05-31-1996   ZIPtool v2.83: Copy/delete/merge/split ZIPs
Astrology programs
path: /astrolgy/
asterpro.zip        11-19-1997   AsterPro: Astrology software
pat111.zip          11-29-1998   Astrolog Tool: Mass astrological data analysis
pd21eng.zip         10-21-1996   PlanetDance: Astrology program w/many features
runes.zip           02-23-1998   Divination and prediction using Viking runes
starma25.zip        10-09-1998   Starmate v2.5: Astrologer's tool
tlcdos10.zip        12-29-1997   The Love Calculator for MS-DOS, v1.0
Astronomy programs
path: /astronmy/
3dmw.zip            02-23-1998   3D Milky Way fly-through
3star1_1.zip        02-23-1998   3Star v1.1: View the nearest 300 stars in 3D
aa-54.zip           12-12-1996   Astronomical ephemeris calculator, C sources
aa200-54.zip        12-07-1997   Reader for JPL ephemerides, C sources
astrmt31.zip        11-08-1996   Astrometry and Photometry for CCD images
binary3.zip         07-10-1996   Eclipsing binary stars and light curves
coeli386.zip        05-25-1998   Coeli: Astronomy planetarium with new angles
cosmoh13.zip        01-30-1995   A 3D tour of the nearest 2300 galaxies
deep14-1.zip        12-22-1996   Star charts for the PC (part 1 of 3)
deep14-2.zip        12-22-1996   Star charts for the PC (part 2 of 3)
deep14-3.zip        12-22-1996   Star charts for the PC (part 3 of 3)
dspac556.zip        07-17-1998   Deep Space: For star maps & telescope control
earthw35.zip        05-31-1997   Earthwatch v3.5: Astronomical program
expwt21.zip         05-28-1994   Find relative weight & info on local planets
galsat53.zip        07-10-1996   Displays relative positions of Jupiter's Moons
glclu12.zip         12-09-1998   Easy-to-use Globular Cluster Simulation
grvkit02.zip        01-08-1994   N-body gravitational simulator and player
jimsd100.zip        04-26-1997   JIMSAIP v1.00: Astronomical image processing
jupsat40.zip        01-31-1994   Jovian satellites simulator with animation
koms231.zip         09-02-1995   Komsoft v2.31: Program for comet watchers
moon301.zip         11-25-1996   Show phases of the Moon from 9999 BC to 9999
mpla_eng.zip        07-04-1998   Mirapla v1.0: Realistic planetarium simulator
nalm1996.zip        10-11-1995   Nautical Almanac Data for 1996
nbodyd16.zip        01-25-1995   Point and click Nbody gravitational simulation
plnwch20.zip        05-26-1994   Solar system simulator and reference
satsat2.zip         07-12-1996   Displays relative positions of Saturn's Moons
sclock10.zip        11-08-1995   Animates stellar evolution in the HR diagram
simon10a.zip        02-23-1998   Simulation of occultation stars by the Moon
sky3dv11.zip        12-22-1997   View the universe in 3D
skyglb36.zip        02-25-1996   SkyGlobe v3.60: Desktop planetarium program
spack.zip           08-02-1998   SalatTimes: Islamic Prayer time calculator
starwrk2.zip        12-13-1993   Astronomical Planetarium Simulator (SVGA-HERC)
sundemo.zip         02-03-1997   Calculates several types of Sundials
suntab05.zip        12-01-1995   Sunrise/set for a year, any location
sv115.zip           06-22-1995   SVGA vector graph. planetary, ephemer. & anim.
tracker5.zip        07-10-1996   Displays location of Great Red Spot of Jupiter
BBS programs
path: /bbs/
a-menu11.zip        06-16-1996   A-MENU v1.1: 3-in-1 menu for Wildcat
addty100.zip        04-22-1995   Adds new file descriptions to BBS file lists
admsg130.zip        02-23-1998   ADMsg v1.30: Generates *.MSG, DOS+OS/2
adn_100.zip         02-23-1998   ADN v1.00: FidoNet NetMail Manager DOS+OS/2
afix433.zip         06-27-1996   AllFix v4.33 complete fileecho manager
anti142.zip         06-16-1996   ANTIAD v1.42: BBS ad detection and removal
antisb34.zip        07-09-1996   Bounce mail msg subscribing to news group etc
arcvw-rg.zip        09-09-1995   External archive viewer for Renegade BBS
bbsamt44.zip        07-19-1996   BBS ANSI Music Tutorial version 4.4
bbsapp58.zip        08-18-1995   How a BBS can be an associate member of ASP
bbsdwn31.zip        03-30-1997   BBSDOWN! v3.10: BBS answering machine
bbsfm120.zip        02-08-1995   BBS File Manager: Edit descriptions/move files
bbsfv50.zip         06-08-1996   Off-line BBS/FTP file list viewer
bbsmail2.zip        07-24-1994   PowerBBS - MS Mail Gateway version 2.0
bdoc_260.zip        07-31-1996   BinkleyTerm v2.60 Documentation
bdos_260.zip        07-31-1996   BinkleyTerm v2.60 Exectuables (DOS Version)
best21or.zip        12-14-1997   BESTator v2.10: RA 2.0 ASC/ANS stats generator
bfstat27.zip        04-04-1996   Unlimited CDROM drives for Spitfire BBS
bnt20pb.zip         10-22-1997   BNET 2.0: BBS network users mgt syst. ProBoard
bnt20pcb.zip        10-22-1997   BNET 2.0: BBS network users mgt syst - PCBoard
bnt20ra.zip         10-22-1997   BNET 2.0: BBS network users mgt syst. for RA
bsrc_260.zip        07-31-1996   BinkleyTerm v2.60 C Source Code
btag130.zip         12-11-1993   Displays tagline to callers of BBS, any system
btype20.zip         04-21-1996   Banana Type v2.0: ANSI viewer
cdrm122d.zip        11-28-1998   16-bit echomail util for Renegade BBS Systems
cdrm122w.zip        11-28-1998   32-bit echomail util for Renegade BBS Systems
cdrm122x.zip        11-28-1998   32-bit echomail util for Renegade BBS Systems
cdrom02.zip         10-03-1994   CDROM Update: Mount/dismount CDROMs in RA v2.x
chk4d100.zip        04-22-1995   Checks BBS or DIZ file lists for descriptions
cidph101.zip        03-16-1994   Validate Remote Access 2.xx BBS users with CID
clbkv372.zip        03-01-1994   MY Callback verifier for RBBS and DOOR.SYS BBS
comss1.zip          04-02-1995   Screen saver based on comport RI/DCD
d5pro210.zip        03-04-1995   Delta-5 v2.10: Highly configurable BBS System
db2ftp91.zip        07-15-1996   D'Bridge Queue to FTPMail (Bridge the Gap)
diz_100d.zip        09-12-1996   DIZiT Demo: Extract descr. from ZIP,RAR
dlx70bbs.zip        03-06-1994   DLX multi-user BBS. Freeware version, w/TP src
doorin10.zip        04-20-1995   Changes 'activity' field for Powerboard BBS
ebs-fs11.zip        10-20-1997   Sorts files.bbs alphabetically
echoinfo.zip        02-14-1994   D'Bridge v1.30 echomail bulletin generator
epshelv2.zip        10-22-1994   Safe BBS shell to DOS with file taging-send
eskyv281.zip        08-21-1996   Collection of utilities for Ezycom BBS 1.20
ezarc108.zip        08-21-1996   Online external archive viewer for ezycom
ezy120-1.zip        06-03-1996   EzyCom BBS v1.20 * Full Release *, Part 1/2
ezy120-2.zip        06-03-1996   EzyCom BBS v1.20 * Full Release *, Part 2/2
ezyspy12.zip        08-14-1996   Drop Carrier monitor for Ezycom BBS software
fal702.zip          05-21-1996   Falken BBS v7.02: Multi-line BBS
fd53dos.zip         07-12-1996   Filedude v5.3 (DOS): RG file manager
fidoq125.zip        10-23-1994   FidoQwk v1.25: QWK <-> FidoNet converter
fnnr16.zip          02-10-1994   FidoNet newsreader for Hudson messagebases
fnp101a.zip         12-11-1993   FeatherNet BBS Pro! v1.0 ShareWare, part 1of4
fnp101b.zip         12-13-1993   FeatherNet BBS Pro! v1.0 ShareWare, part 2of4
fnp101c.zip         12-12-1993   FeatherNet BBS Pro! v1.0 ShareWare, part 3of4
fnp101d.zip         12-14-1993   FeatherNet BBS Pro! v1.0 ShareWare, part 4of4
frame250.zip        06-29-1996   Customizable file headers & bulletins for RA
fs_st310.zip        12-31-1994   Free Speech BBS v3.10 - uses AI techniques
gcit102b.zip        12-27-1996   GenCit: A flexible, ANSI, Citadel BBS software
gmsg415.zip         07-30-1994   GenMsg: FidoNet reader/editor w/PGP Interface
hinfo120.zip        05-25-1998   HistInfo v1.20: Session reports for T-Mail
hmbed3.zip          04-11-1994   A lowlevel editor for Hudson Messagebases
idchk33.zip         04-02-1994   BBS: Lock out phone #'s. Use w/FD2.12.sw & up
il201.zip           08-17-1997   Illusion BBS software v2.01
inet16.zip          05-21-1996   Address Internet messages on BBS systems
inf121d.zip         04-30-1997   InfoMail/86 v1.21: Fidonet document server
inf121x.zip         04-07-1997   InfoMail/386 v1.21: Fidonet document server
insp110d.zip        05-21-1996   Inspecta: File, archive & FidoNet mail manager
iscalln1.zip        03-05-1994   Is this call #? for DOOR.SYS BBS's
jdrbbs97.zip        03-10-1997   JDR_BBS: Juggernaut '97 BBS+Mail software, 1/3
jdrd2_97.zip        03-10-1997   JDR_BBS: Juggernaut '97 BBS+Mail software, 2/3
jdrd3_97.zip        03-10-1997   JDR_BBS: Juggernaut '97 BBS+Mail software, 3/3
jetbbs50.zip        07-07-1996   JetBBS v5.0: Easy and customizable
kbbs_40.zip         05-27-1994   KISSWARE BBS v4.0 - easy install, operate, run
labtst32.zip        05-21-1996   LabTest v3.2: ZIP file virus checker
lcall131.zip        04-26-1997   MH-LastCaller: Statistic utility for sysops
llst200d.zip        05-16-1996   Complete file base utility for several BBS
mbbs35.zip          04-08-1996   MacroBBS 3.5: BBS written with {COMMO} macros
mbbstd62.zip        05-18-1994   The Major BBS Test Drive with quick start docs
mergs100.zip        04-22-1995   MERGESYS: Merge/keep/etc. BBS file descript.
mmqwkn34.zip        01-07-1997   Converts QWK to REP for networking BBS systems
mnet210.zip         07-24-1996   MNET v2.10 QWK->REP network conversion util
msgscn10.zip        05-19-1995   Msg 'Private' flag changer for Powerboard BBS
mtic160d.zip        06-06-1997   MegaTIC v1.60.00: TIC file processor
mwiz3g2.zip         12-03-1994   Enhanced menu editor for RemoteAccess 2.0x
nobog134.zip        09-10-1994   Search .PKT files for bogus and dupe messages
orgcut20.zip        07-31-1998   Grab origins, taglines, etc from Fido messages
pb126_1.zip         05-22-1996   PowerBoard BBS 1.25, easily configured, 1 of 4
pb126_2.zip         05-22-1996   PowerBoard BBS 1.25, easily configured, 2 of 4
pb126_3.zip         05-22-1996   PowerBoard BBS 1.25, easily configured, 3 of 4
pb126_4.zip         05-22-1996   PowerBoard BBS 1.25, easily configured, 4 of 4
pbnet185.zip        04-05-1995   Fido mail process for Powerboard BBS 1.25/1.45
pbu_113.zip         02-04-1995   UUCP<->Fido(*.msg) Easy handler
pcb2rg09.zip        08-08-1996   Converts '@x' colour codes to '|' colour codes
pcpn41a1.zip        11-11-1994   PCPN BBS v4.1a, installation utility, 1of5
pcpn41a2.zip        11-12-1994   PCPN BBS v4.1a, distribution file, 2of5
pcpn41a3.zip        11-11-1994   PCPN BBS v4.1a, distribution file, 3of5
pcpn41a4.zip        11-11-1994   PCPN BBS v4.1a, distribution file, 4of5
pcpn41a5.zip        11-11-1994   PCPN BBS v4.1a, distribution file, 5of5
pssa411.zip         09-03-1996   Sapphire, the Zero-maintenance BBS
psurvey.zip         08-02-1998   PowerSurvey v2.0: BBS Survey Door
ptag0491.zip        12-31-1997   Psych0Tag v0.491: Appends tagline to text file
qlast09.zip         08-08-1996   Renegade custom last caller bulletin generator
qpasci09.zip        08-08-1996   Displays an '@x' or '|' colour coded textfile
qpick20.zip         05-03-1997   QuotePicker v2.0: Random quote program
qua_app.zip         08-08-1996   Application form generator for quaalude_net
rab20.zip           01-08-1995   Remote Access 2.0 RAFILE/GENFBASE replacement
ramon110.zip        09-02-1996   RemoteAccess BBS Monitor v1.10
rfa310.zip          12-24-1994   Fidonet-style BBS netmail robot. Executes cmds
rmlast10.zip        09-24-1994   Graphic Last Callers List for Renegade 07-17+
sa_st411.zip        09-22-1996   Sapphire, the Zero-Maintenance BBS
sbbs230a.zip        06-23-1997   Synchronet Multinode BBS Software v2.30
scid201.zip         01-03-1997   Maximus Caller-ID validates/bars/logson users
scptr510.zip        03-22-1997   Front Door for 2 BBS's on one PC
seckit10.zip        05-19-1995   Monitors Powerboard BBS user's security levels
sf351-1.zip         04-05-1996   SpitFire BBS v3.2: System Disk, 1 of 2
sf351-2.zip         04-05-1996   SpitFire BBS v3.2: Docs/Utilities, 2 of 2
sffam215.zip        07-10-1995   Spitfire BBS File Area Manager. Many features
sqsh_111.zip        11-01-1994   Squish EchoMail processor v1.11 (DOS mode)
ss-112.zip          08-17-1998   SysOp Statistics v1.12: Toolbox for RA BBS
stgen108.zip        04-05-1996   USRSTATS Generic version 1.08, for USR modems
sx54h1.zip          08-31-1995   AgX v5.4: OPX/QWK Maildoor for Hudson-based
syedt206.zip        09-27-1995   Full-screen editor for SBBS BBS platforms
tbapp.zip           07-25-1996   Application for ThunderBolt message network
tic4diz1.zip        12-06-1996   Describes *.TIC files for 4DOS/4OS2 systems
ticfn115.zip        07-23-1995   TicToss for FeatherNet Pro v1.15, TIC tosser
ticsf115.zip        07-23-1995   TicToss v1.15 FDN pgm for Spitfire Pro BBS
tictr115.zip        07-23-1995   TicToss for TriBBS v1.15, TIC processor
tid20.zip           05-11-1995   The Infinite Door v2.0: BBS door menu system
tide101.zip         04-28-1996   Tide full screen editor v1.01 for Ezycom BBS
twitmgr2.zip        05-27-1997   Mail manager to reduce phone costs of points
twtlopt.zip         05-27-1997   Log file optimizer for TwitMgr
uage10.zip          05-17-1995   Powerboard BBS User Age bulletin generator
umpu120.zip         08-18-1996   Ultimate Multi Purpose Utility for Ezycom BBS
vuucp223.zip        02-08-1994   UUCP interface for VBBS; requires Waffle 1.65
w-hunt1.zip         06-28-1998   Extracts information from BBS and CD-Rom files
wake291.zip         02-11-1997   WAKE! v2.91: Sysop alarm clock
wedit220.zip        10-20-1995   FTS-compliant MSDOS message editor
whofq110.zip        05-25-1998   Who-Freq'd: Files-Requests reports for T-Mail
zcview20.zip        04-04-1996   ZCVIEW v2.0: Tic file viewer
zn622.zip           09-17-1995   ANSI/ASCII/AVATAR BBS news bulletin generator
zsxd-310.zip        01-25-1994   ZSX v3.10: BBS file xfer multi-protocol driver
BBS lists
path: /bbslists/
919_9702.zip        01-29-1997   The 919 Area Code BBS Listing - February 1997
aspbbs71.zip        01-31-1997   ASP BBS Membership Listing - Edition #71
bbsf9705.zip        06-10-1997   French BBS list
dabbs106.zip        06-01-1998   Detroit-area BBS List for June 98
gbbs9607.zip        07-06-1996   Worldwide Genealogical BBS listing - July 1996
pnc.zip             04-23-1995   Local phone # check + Get local #s in bbslists
timelst1.zip        04-22-1996   Create a self-executing BBS list with search
usbbs171.zip        08-03-1998   The National USBBS List for August, 1998
usbup15.zip         05-31-1996   USBBS List remote update program
Bible and searching tools
path: /bible/
123bible.zip        05-11-1996   Bible Numbers: Number learning w/pics & sound
1sword20.zip        03-18-1996   King James Bible search and study utility
acts410.zip         04-07-1996   Interactive Bible atlas of Apostles' journeys
asw_dos.zip         11-29-1997   New Testament Bible with a GUI Interface
bbash1_1.zip        09-27-1995   Powerful and Flexible Bible search pgm, 1of3
bbash1_2.zip        09-27-1995   Powerful and Flexible Bible search pgm, 2of3
bbash1_3.zip        09-27-1995   Powerful and Flexible Bible search pgm, 3of3
bcomp510.zip        04-07-1996   Collection of Bible helps, charts and maps
bibb-101.zip        01-11-1997   Bible books names tutor v1.01
bibday11.zip        03-17-1996   BIBDAY 1.1 - Bible verse of the day
biblea10.zip        12-15-1994   Dynamic Concordance to the entire KJV Bible
bibver10.zip        02-09-1997   BibleVerse v1.0: Random Bible verse generator
bj1n17.zip          04-08-1996   Bible Jumbles v1.7: Bible word game
buprov10.zip        07-08-1995   Boot-Up Proverbs v1.0: Displays random proverb
bvd411.zip          12-23-1993   Displays Bible verse on bootup. Customizable
bxword13.zip        02-15-1997   Bible X-Word Puzzles - Interactive puzzle game
cbc93ii.zip         06-15-1997   Calculated Biblical calendar: Holy Day timer
cbc94ii.zip         10-14-1997   Calculated Biblical Calendar: God's Holy Days
eo53.zip            10-09-1998   Executable Outlines: Bible study materials
front310.zip        04-07-1996   Frontlets: Bible verse screen saver for DOS
gospel22.zip        04-06-1996   Gospel Parallels: Side by side New Testament
greek_a.zip         12-29-1996   135+ Bible verses, each with a Greek insight
honey130.zip        08-06-1997   Honey: Inspirational Bible verse depictions
honeyadd.zip        02-23-1998   Add-on set of 30 pictures for Honey v3.x
jonah.zip           05-21-1996   Crossware's Bible Quest: The Book of Jonah
kjv110.zip          04-06-1996   KJVocabulary: Dictionary/quiz on King James
kjv2ng10.zip        07-23-1994   Converts the King James Version to NG Format
kjv50.zip           01-22-1997   Complete King James Version Bible program
kl9708.zip          06-23-1997   Kids LAMP: A monthly Christian publication
kl9709.zip          08-17-1997   Kids LAMP: A monthly Christian publication
kl9711.zip          11-16-1997   Kids LAMP: A Monthly Christian Publication
kl9712.zip          12-22-1997   Kids LAMP: A Monthly Christian Publication
lamp9510.zip        10-07-1996   LAMP, a monthly Christian publication, Oct. 95
lamp9511.zip        10-07-1996   LAMP, a monthly Christian publication, Nov. 95
lamp9512.zip        10-07-1996   LAMP, a monthly Christian publication, Dec. 95
lamp9601.zip        10-07-1996   LAMP, a monthly Christian publication, Jan. 96
lamp9602.zip        10-07-1996   LAMP, a monthly Christian publication, Feb. 96
lamp9603.zip        10-07-1996   LAMP, a monthly Christian publication, Mar. 96
lamp9604.zip        10-07-1996   LAMP, a monthly Christian publication, Apr. 96
lamp9605.zip        10-07-1996   LAMP, a monthly Christian publication, May 96
lamp9606.zip        10-07-1996   LAMP, a monthly Christian publication, Jun. 96
lamp9607.zip        10-07-1996   LAMP, a monthly Christian publication, Jul. 96
lamp9608.zip        10-07-1996   LAMP, a monthly Christian publication, Aug. 96
lamp9609.zip        10-07-1996   LAMP, a monthly Christian publication, Sep. 96
lamp9610.zip        10-07-1996   LAMP, a monthly Christian publication, Oct. 96
lamp9611.zip        10-19-1996   LAMP, a monthly Christian publication, Nov. 96
lamp9612.zip        11-29-1996   LAMP, a monthly Christian publication, Dec. 96
lamp9701.zip        01-01-1997   LAMP, a monthly Christian publication, Jan. 97
lamp9702.zip        01-26-1997   LAMP, a monthly Christian publication, Feb. 97
lamp9703.zip        02-21-1997   LAMP, a monthly Christian publication, Mar. 97
lamp9704.zip        03-27-1997   LAMP, a monthly Christian publication, Apr. 97
lamp9705.zip        05-04-1997   LAMP, a monthly Christian publication, May 97
lamp9706.zip        06-09-1997   LAMP, a monthly Christian publication, Jun. 97
lamp9707.zip        06-27-1997   LAMP, a monthly Christian publication, Jul. 97
lamp9708.zip        08-04-1997   LAMP, a monthly Christian publication, Aug. 97
lamp9710.zip        10-12-1997   LAMP: a monthly Christian publication, Sep. 97
lamp9711.zip        11-02-1997   LAMP, a monthly Christian publication, Oct. 97
lamp9712.zip        12-01-1997   LAMP, a monthly Christian publication, Dec. 97
lamp9801.zip        01-06-1998   LAMP, a monthly Christian publication, Jan. 98
lamp9802.zip        02-08-1998   LAMP, a monthly Christian publication, Feb. 98
lamp9803.zip        03-09-1998   LAMP, a monthly Christian publication, Mar. 98
lamp9804.zip        04-02-1998   LAMP, a monthly Christian publication, Apr. 98
lamp9805.zip        05-10-1998   LAMP, a monthly Christian publication, May 98
lamp9806.zip        06-06-1998   LAMP, a monthly Christian publication, Jun. 98
lamp9807.zip        07-15-1998   LAMP: A monthly Christian publication
lamp9808.zip        08-06-1998   LAMP: Monthly Christian Publication, August 98
lamp9809.zip        09-18-1998   LAMP: Monthly Christian publication, Sep. 98
lamp9810.zip        10-19-1998   LAMP, A Monthly Christian Publication
lamp9811.zip        11-14-1998   LAMP, a monthly Christian publication, Nov. 98
mvers341.zip        04-07-1996   Memory Verse: Assists in memorizing Bible
newtst20.zip        03-31-1997   New Testament QuizChamp! v2.0: Bible quiz
oldtst20.zip        03-31-1997   Old Testament QuizChamp! v2.0: Bible quiz
parables.zip        04-07-1996   Parables of the Messiah - hypertext poetry
prov_day.zip        12-11-1994   Proverb-A-Day for DOS version 1.0
provso21.zip        04-06-1996   Proverbs of Solomon: Kingly wisdom and quiz
qbible13.zip        02-15-1997   Questions From The Bible - interactive test
roadmap.zip         10-07-1996   Roadmap, a Christian teaching publication
sav101.zip          12-16-1997   Multimedia presentation of Jesus' life
schkjv10.zip        09-01-1994   Searches Bible for text without lookup table
sq510.zip           04-07-1996   Scripture Quest: 1600 Bible question/trivia
stench10.zip        11-29-1998   Stench: Audio-Visual Gospel Message
sword25.zip         12-15-1997   New Testament Bible with a GUI Interface
tehb11.zip          05-27-1996   The electronic Holy Bible v1.1
tehb20.zip          05-23-1997   The Electronic Holy Bible v2.0: King James Ver
verses30.zip        10-06-1995   Displays Bible Verses when computer is booted
vine410.zip         04-06-1996   The Grape Vine - graphic Bible word/verse game
Biology programs
path: /biology/
etree202.zip        10-13-1995   Etree v2.02: October 1995 Evolution of Plants
fission.zip         08-03-1998   Graphical teaching program about cell division
pchc30.zip          02-15-1995   ECG Cardiac monitoring program with tutorial
rapd104a.zip        09-27-1996   RAPDs analysis package. Text files
rapd104b.zip        09-27-1996   RAPDs analysis package. Executable files 1/2
rapd104c.zip        09-27-1996   RAPDs analysis package. Executable files 2/2
wasps004.zip        03-04-1997   Simulation: biology, economics, optimization
Business programs
path: /business/
aatsp20.zip         03-13-1997   Construction/Cost/Employee/Management
aesti988.zip        10-09-1998   Estimating system for construction works
aimscm21.zip        05-01-1996   AIMS contact management system v2.1
amsdv12d.zip        11-22-1998   AMS v1.2d: Customer Appointment Manager. DEMO
apos51b.zip         08-08-1997   Low cost Point of Sale for small business
apos523.zip         03-18-1998   Advanced Point Of Sale for Small Business
apr150a.zip         09-22-1996   Apropos: Personal contact manager, PIM, 1of2
apr150b.zip         09-22-1996   Apropos: Personal contact manager, PIM, 2of2
arsm106a.zip        03-28-1997   Business application for auto repair shop
atnd42bs.zip        10-04-1996   Employee attendance database
barebone.zip        06-19-1996   Double entry accounting for multiple funds
bbkd31.zip          11-25-1996   Owl Basic Bookkeeping for DOS version 3.1
bclink30.zip        10-25-1997   Labor tracking timeclock, in/out board & email
bpr12en.zip         11-29-1998   Business-Prognosis: Solution of Risk-Mgt tasks
c1a2a179.zip        10-07-1997   Group Medical Practice Claim Entry System
c1b3a210.zip        10-07-1997   Medical Billing Service Billing System
calcto97.zip        06-21-1998   Asset depreciation management
ccsw1.zip           01-27-1997   Produce complete cutlist of all cabinet parts
cjpos552.zip        12-03-1996   Complete POS system,invoices,inventory,reports
claim683.zip        04-16-1997   The Claims Manager: TV/VCR repair shop program
cmix22.zip          04-02-1997   Invex v2.2: Business Inventory Organizer
cntws15.zip         08-27-1998   Cent$Wise: Integrated Accounting System
costit10.zip        11-15-1996   ES Job-Costing v1.0: Job/Project Costing
crisp.zip           06-19-1996   Separate accounting for properties
crispr.zip          06-19-1996   Accounting for Multiple Properties
dbsb.zip            03-18-1998   Tothpik v4.0: Dental office manager
deprec97.zip        06-21-1998   Calctor: Asset depreciation management
dispt200.zip        12-11-1996   Custom Dispatch v2.0: Computer aided dispatch
dm1.zip             08-17-1997   Direct Marketing Checklist v1.0
dmarket.zip         11-16-1997   Direct Marketing Checklist
dns201.zip          06-23-1996   DNS v2.01: Amway distributor networking system
eezze14.zip         08-03-1998   Auction invoicing and recordkeeping demo
emarkt21.zip        08-07-1996   Market on the Info Superhighway
ezcashv2.zip        04-20-1997   EZCASH Register program v2,0
fbs20.zip           04-27-1997   FBScheduler v2.0: 3 shift scheduling utility
firstp12.zip        04-22-1996   Point of Sale for beauty and hair salons
freemed.zip         11-19-1997   Freemed 245: Free Multiuser Medical Billing
fxast13.zip         10-09-1998   FixedAssetsRegst: Manage fixed assets
ii704.zip           06-25-1994   Full featured material management system
inv40n.zip          05-10-1998   Invoice Store: Invoice, POS, Customer Tracking
kehov20.zip         02-23-1998   Duplex, Bungalow Rental Software
lawnsrvu.zip        06-10-1997   Billing system for lawn care business
layaway.zip         03-11-1997   Retail layaway management system (Demo)
lhpeds31.zip        07-07-1996   Medical office management system
lma153.zip          05-21-1996   Loan Master Loan Accounting v1.53, 1 of 3
lmb153.zip          05-21-1996   Loan Master Loan Accounting v1.53, 2 of 3
lmc153.zip          05-21-1996   Loan Master Loan Accounting v1.53, 3 of 3
lndsp101.zip        10-22-1996   Make Your Landscape Profitable, v1.01
logdos.zip          11-15-1996   How to gain newspaper advertising access
mag1042.zip         12-07-1997   File 1042 for 1997 (paper, disk, or e-file)
mag1099.zip         12-07-1997   File 1099 for 1997 (paper, disk, or e-file)
magw2x1.zip         02-23-1998   Magw2: Fill/file W-2 forms
medlin52.zip        04-25-1998   Payroll, G/L, A/P, A/R, and Invoicing for DOS
mpme211.zip         12-24-1996   Maintenance Planning and Management v2.11
mrtqual6.zip        11-24-1997   Mortgage Qualification Program
ncse202.zip         11-29-1997   News-Carrier v2.02: News Paper Route Manager
netdlx10.zip        11-15-1997   NetWork (MLM) Marketing Management System
netmrk10.zip        11-15-1997   NetWork (MLM) Marketing Management System
oasid301.zip        07-17-1996   OWL invoice, sales & customer mgmt. for DOS
orchis12.zip        11-08-1996   ORCHIS v1.2: Org-chart maker
pa210d.zip          08-11-1996   Small business purchasing program
pcash11.zip         11-15-1996   ES PETTY CASH-Petty Cash accounts and analysis
pcest546.zip        02-05-1997   PC-Estimator construction cost estimating syst
pcfakt46.zip        11-21-1998   Billing and cash for double entry bookkeeping
pcfd902.zip         12-31-1997   Food Costing, Inventory and Margin Mgmt
pcucto46.zip        11-21-1998   PC-UCTO v4.6: Double entry bookkeeping program
pdc42b.zip          09-10-1996   Prodecom: Orders, invoices, labels, fax etc.
plus56.zip          04-23-1997   Sales and inventory control system
remod246.zip        02-08-1997   Remodel construction cost estimating system
repairv1.zip        06-04-1997   Logs and reports on repairs in a business
rooms10.zip         07-20-1997   Meeting Conference rooms reservation program
runpg46.zip         11-21-1998   Print program for double entry bookkeeping
sa11.zip            07-04-1996   Auto repair facility management program
sba983.zip          08-09-1998   Small Business Advisor v98.3: Start a business
sc97.zip            06-01-1997   Invoice/inventory software for businesses
scroog20.zip        06-07-1996   Complete retailer's analysis system
sdnkit12.zip        05-04-1996   SDN's Author Kit 12
sell461c.zip        11-19-1997   PC-SELL Point of Sale/Rental
teqp120.zip         10-19-1996   Test equipment, database tracking system
thgprd28.zip        10-09-1998   Payroll calculation and reporting aid v2.8
thgtcdos.zip        02-23-1998   Tims homegrown time clock: Links with payroll
tksch30.zip         11-13-1996   Schedule Wizard: Doctor/Patient Appointments
tmcap311.zip        08-07-1996   TimeCapture v3.11: Time clock program
vend31gb.zip        12-24-1996   The Disk Vendor makes on-disk sales catalogs
vid30n.zip          05-10-1998   Video Store 3.0n: Video Rental Store POS
viplt101.zip        04-22-1998   Professional hospitality food & liquor control
vis109.zip          03-28-1997   Business application for video rental store
wsa170.zip          10-07-1997   Solo Practice Medical Claim Entry System
zpay341.zip         03-02-1997   ZPAY 3 v4.10: Payroll for DOS
ztree24.zip         10-29-1996   The Calling Tree v2.40: Contact Manager
Disk catalog programs
path: /catalog/
4cat140.zip         05-11-1996   Floppy disk catalog program, 4DOS compatible
arch26.zip          10-27-1997   Archiv v2.6: Disk catalog program
archiv21.zip        12-28-1994   Disk cataloguer,TV interface,many search opt.
arv200d.zip         05-31-1996   File/exch.media archival&database sys. GERMAN
arv200e.zip         05-31-1996   File/exch. media archival & database system
cdisk902.zip        05-31-1996   CatDisk v9.02: Floppy disk catalog system
de-v092.zip         03-14-1997   Floppy Disk Indexer/Database Program
disklblr.zip        07-20-1995   Print on labels included with 3.5'' disks
dls320.zip          11-06-1994   Disk labeling system, interfaces w/catalogers
file-it5.zip        04-08-1996   File-It v1.5: Keep inventory of diskettes
flmas350.zip        01-15-1995   Small and fast floppy/hard disk cataloger
mydisks1.zip        02-21-1994   MyDisks v1.22: Disk cataloguer
rpdclg11.zip        03-16-1996   Rapid Catalog: Quickly read that pile of disks
vend30sw.zip        04-13-1996   The Disk Vendor for Shareware distributors
wcat9all.zip        08-02-1998   WhiteCat v9.8: Multi-lingual catalog system
wizfil1a.zip        05-31-1996   Global 'where is' catalogs multiple partitions
wssi601a.zip        02-28-1997   Disk indexer, ARC/ARJ/GIF/JPG/LZH/ZIP/ZOO,1of2
wssi601b.zip        02-28-1997   Disk indexer, ARC/ARJ/GIF/JPG/LZH/ZIP/ZOO,2of2
CDROM utilities
path: /cdrom/
acdc200.zip         03-24-1994   Resident audio CD player for DOS
acp_112.zip         12-22-1996   Another CD Player: Text-screen CD player
apcdl202.zip        08-24-1996   CD AUDIO library for Watcom C and DOS4GW. EVAL
atacd203.zip        08-23-1997   ATAPI CD-ROM Drive Identify program v2.03
atainf13.zip        11-30-1996   Display IDE/SCSI HD/CD-ROM capabilities
bpl_v1r4.zip        12-19-1996   CD-player for PC machines, VGA. DEMO
cd-v19.zip          03-29-1996   Complete VGA audio-CD player w/Scope/Spectrum
cd2cd31.zip         04-10-1997   Freeware programs for popular CD-ROM recorders
cdcr21r.zip         03-15-1997   CDROM Cheater v2.1r: CD emulator
cdct11s.zip         07-18-1997   CDCT v1.1: Package of three CD emulators
cde111en.zip        09-28-1996   CD-ROM Explorer: User interface/catalog CDROMs
cdext223.zip        09-23-1996   Microsoft's MSCDEX.EXE v2.23 CD-ROM extensions
cdgb32.zip          03-29-1996   Grab CD tracks to disk in WAV, VOC, RAW format
cdgply10.zip        11-30-1996   Display CD+G graphics /w SCSI/ATAPI CDROM
cdindex.zip         10-02-1994   Measures performance of CD-ROM drives, fast
cdinf12.zip         11-30-1996   Display MSCDEX/CD-Enhanced CDROM info
cdlist34.zip        06-02-1997   CD browser and full ZIP manager with GUI
cdm330.zip          04-09-1996   Full featured DOS-based CD player for CDROMs
cdp-a3.zip          02-27-1996   Command line driven audio CD player for MS-DOS
cdp_v27.zip         06-16-1997   CD player, shows name of CD and song titles
cdplay10.zip        07-28-1996   Command line driven audio CD player
cdpro31.zip         05-31-1996   CD-ROM file librarian w/multi-disc player sup.
cdqck130.zip        06-23-1996   CD-Quick Cache: CD-ROM speedup for DOS/Win31
cdrecv10.zip        08-17-1997   CD-R.ecover v1.0: Bad CD-R track recover
cdrok99c.zip        01-24-1997   CDRocker v0.99c: CD player with oscilloscope
cdromcom.zip        03-22-1995   Basic CD-ROM commands from prompt, w/BP7.0 src
cdutl10e.zip        03-29-1996   Collection of 5 CD Utilities (eg. play, lock)
chron112.zip        03-16-1994   CHIRON TLG CD-ROM search program for MS-DOS
da2wav17.zip        02-03-1997   Copy audio CD to WAV or CDi movie to MPEG file
dance10h.zip        12-12-1996   Screendance v1.0H: Music Animator & CD Player
fakecd.zip          03-29-1996   Make hard disk directory look like CD for pgms
fcd357.zip          05-06-1997   FastCD v3.57: CD player with special features
fxeject.zip         09-14-1996   Open/close CD-ROM drive disc tray
fxplay.zip          09-14-1996   CD player for Mitsumi (no ATAPI) no driver req
goacd11.zip         08-17-1997   Programmable CD player (extracts to WAV, etc.)
pn_cdb20.zip        02-23-1998   CD-BENCH: Benchmark for CD-ROMs
pseucd02.zip        12-22-1997   PseudoCD v02: Device driver for virtual CDROM
readcda2.zip        09-17-1996   READCDA v2.0: Read Compact Disc digital audio
rurcd1.zip          06-28-1998   G0RUR's Easy Doc's CD Format Guide v1.0
s2rbbs10.zip        09-20-1994   Makes RBBS-PC file listings for Simtel CD-ROMs
shsucd11.zip        02-25-1996   CDROM Client/Server + unloadable MSCDEX
sim2pcb.zip         05-08-1994   Generate PCBoard DIRn files for Simtel CD-ROMs
sjgpl125.zip        04-07-1996   CD audio player for DOS
smrtcd30.zip        03-29-1996   SMART! CD Audio Player, TSR programmable
spindn12.zip        11-30-1996   Spin/power down IDE drives after idle period
Chemistry programs
path: /chemstry/
atoms1a.zip         04-07-1997   Periodic Table (Informative/SuperVGA) - ZaStaR
ccal9116.zip        05-25-1994   Chem Calculator for MW,%Composition,Equations
chem101b.zip        02-22-1997   Rearrange, connect, solve chemistry equations
chem2_us.zip        06-14-1996   LearnCHEM learning aid(PT+structural formulae)
chmspecs.zip        03-02-1997   Calculation of chemical speciation of seawater
chrsim2.zip         09-03-1996   Chromatigraphy (HPLC/GC) simulation program
cs-92.zip           05-31-1995   Chemical Speciation of Major Ions in Seawater
hmo10.zip           11-20-1996   Student Huckel molecular orbital calculator
jmr1_20.zip         06-23-1994   Raytrace renderer for organic molecules
jmr_bs.zip          06-14-1994   Molecule ball n stick demo
molwt272.zip        04-29-1996   Utility for simple chemical calculations
molwt29d.zip        08-02-1998   Utilities for simple chemical calculations
mv140.zip           10-13-1994   Displays, prints pictures of atomic structures
mwt2_87.zip         01-02-1997   Molecular weight calculator for DOS
pertable.zip        01-05-1997   Graphical, informative periodic table
ph10.zip            07-19-1996   Finds pH and pOH based on concentration
polar13a.zip        07-05-1995   Simulator of voltammograms
torg420.zip         03-22-1997   Simulates qualitative organic analysis
waves10.zip         07-19-1996   Finds wave related values
Computer time utilities
path: /clocks/
aclk12.zip          01-11-1994   TSR real time/alarm clock (screen upper right)
anclock2.zip        01-26-1996   Analog full screen clock with PCX clock face
bclock10.zip        08-17-1997   Binary Clock and BCD Clock
binclk10.zip        07-27-1995   BINCLK: Binary display of date and time
calltime.zip        05-09-1995   Set time/date to U.S.N. Observatory. Req. VGA
clk231.zip          12-27-1993   TSR displays time/date w/international support
clk360rs.zip        12-11-1993   Clock driver with automatic daylight savings
clkon240.zip        05-06-1994   Resident upper right corner clock and alarm
clkwrk55.zip        12-09-1998   Clockwork: Adjusts drift, std/dst, dials NIST
cloc212.zip         05-31-1998   Clock v2.12: Shows real-time clock on screen
clock372.zip        04-07-1996   Clock v3.72: Clock device driver
clockpop.zip        01-28-1997   Tiny TSR PopUp clock for intensive DOS users
clockupd.zip        06-06-1995   TSR synchronizes date and time w/RTC. Incl src
clok132.zip         04-25-1996   TSR clock+alarm
cntdn201.zip        05-19-1995   Small countdown timer. User configurable
corrt100.zip        04-25-1997   Adjusts PC system time to fix clock slippage
fixcloc2.zip        05-15-1997   Clock speed adjust and daylight/standard reset
fixclocp.zip        07-08-1997   Fixes clock/calendar with millennium problems
m24clk11.zip        07-28-1995   Clock driver for Olivetti M24, AT&T 6300
pcclk460.zip        11-09-1998   Digital Clock with Timesetting by Modem
pclklw17.zip        12-10-1996   PCLOCK v1.7: Freeware clock & calendar program
settm1_6.zip        02-20-1994   Sets computer's clock via modem to 'real' time
thetimer.zip        01-10-1997   TSR that displays the current time
timestr0.zip        03-12-1997   Writes system time according to user format
uptim400.zip        03-14-1998   System timer update from real-time clock
vclock15.zip        04-21-1996   TSR provides a running display of the time
y2k-v101.zip        04-01-1997   Display days,hours,mins,secs until year 2000
y2kdos01.zip        08-03-1998   Y2K Test v1.03 for DOS: Y2K testing utility
y2kv30b.zip         05-18-1998   Test PC for year 2000 compliance and fix it
Database utilities
path: /database/
a1pos512.zip        04-07-1996   Point of sale program for small businesses
abrdr200.zip        07-18-1994   Record keeping system for Avian breeders
acdisp26.zip        07-05-1995   ACDISP: FoxPro 2.6 Report viewer
acha30.zip          04-08-1996   Free form database, PIM
adbook10.zip        08-05-1995   Easy to use Address Book manager
addr1_1.zip         09-20-1995   Address database, print labels, listings
address.zip         02-19-1995   Addressing and label printing system
addrs2.zip          06-18-1997   Address Book: Stores addresses/phone numbers
adlib115.zip        04-20-1996   Address Librarian: Address book
aerolog3.zip        12-14-1994   AEROLOG v3.0: Tracks aerobic exercise progress
albm850.zip         05-19-1996   AlbumMaster: Catalog your albums
album1_1.zip        09-20-1995   Track media bought & sold, selective reports
as-bib2b.zip        12-09-1998   AScribe Draft: APA/CMS/MLA Reference Manager
astinv11.zip        03-29-1998   AssetsInventory: Home/Business Inventory Sys
astrg10a.zip        12-22-1997   AssetsRegst: Home/Office Assets Register [1/2]
astrg10b.zip        12-22-1997   AssetsRegst: Home/Office Assets Register [2/2]
ath300.zip          04-06-1996   Around the House v3.00: Home/personal info mgr
attend57.zip        02-23-1998   Church membership contribution and attendance
auctn_67.zip        04-23-1996   Auction info. mgmt. system - Ver 6.7
aud215.zip          04-20-1996   Audio Librarian: Music cataloger
aunx13.zip          08-18-1996   AudioNexus v1.3: Music library records
ba-562.zip          03-12-1995   BOWLING ASSISTANT v5.62: League Secretary Mgr
bar33.zip           04-26-1994   Graphical database guide to cocktails & drinks
bbase22.zip         04-04-1996   Business Base: Small business data base mgr
biblo302.zip        12-19-1993   BIBLOGIC v3.02: Bibliographic database manager
bizwiz5.zip         06-09-1994   BIZZ WIZZ: Complete small business package
bknx13.zip          08-18-1996   BooksNexus 1.3: Book library records
bl216.zip           04-20-1996   Book Librarian: Book library management system
bodydemo.zip        02-05-1997   Auto body shop estimate record keeping program
bookb21.zip         10-26-1994   BookBank II v2.01: Personal library management
bowlst32.zip        02-05-1995   BowlStat/YSM v3.2: Bowling Statistics Program
btran111.zip        12-05-1994   Create transit directions for your area
budg-100.zip        01-11-1997   Budget manager for Paradox 3.5
cardscan.zip        03-02-1996   Scans/converts Windows cardfiles
cas2614.zip         11-23-1996   Church Accounting System (SonShine Software)
casm910.zip         05-19-1996   CassetteMaster v9.10: Catalog your cassettes
cdbfile.zip         03-25-1997   C++ library to handle dBASE III files (GPL)
cdhpx23.zip         07-05-1995   Church Data Helper Plus v2.3: Church software
cdlm100.zip         07-01-1995   CD Library Manager: Organize CD collections
cdm860.zip          05-19-1996   CDMaster v8.60: Catalog your CD library
cds58.zip           07-10-1995   Music CD cataloguing system v5.8
ceqpt51.zip         03-18-1997   Database for equipment service/usage histories
ceu20d.zip          06-19-1996   Continuing education unit/hour tracker. DEMO
ciamck_1.zip        09-14-1995   CIA World Fact Book in MCKS format
cib10d.zip          06-19-1996   Use 10 databases to track career info. DEMO
cinvt75.zip         03-18-1997   Tracks stock inventory levels & creates orders
clklib10.zip        08-22-1994   Very useful routines for the dBASE programmer
cmdt33.zip          06-01-1997   ComData v3.3: Database - stores anything
cmfo20.zip          03-25-1997   ComInfo v2.0: Database management system
cms9612.zip         11-23-1996   Church Membership System (Sonshine Software)
cmww15.zip          04-28-1997   Who & What: Creates/maintains database info
coin15.zip          04-02-1996   Coin and currency cataloging database
coins11a.zip        03-02-1995   Coin collecting program for U.S. coins, 1of2
coins11b.zip        03-07-1995   Coin collecting program for U.S. coins, 2of2
collect1.zip        08-23-1995   Collection Agency: Accounts receivable manager
conx13.zip          08-18-1996   CoinsNexus 1.3: Numismatic collection records
count41g.zip        08-08-1997   Multi-element digital counter and database
crstab11.zip        03-05-1996   dBASE file compatible crosstab generator
csvideos.zip        05-28-1995   Catalog your videotapes/laserdiscs/etc.
ctdb101.zip         03-07-1997   Cocktail Database manager, Sam Gillham
cts105.zip          01-02-1997   CTS v1.05: Contribution tracking system
cvs42.zip           08-21-1996   Visitation database system for the churches
cvsched.zip         05-18-1997   Database & scheduling for church volunteers
datacan.zip         04-10-1995   Browse/export compressed DBF/ASCII databases
dbdes107.zip        03-30-1997   Prints Paradox table's structure
dbperl11.zip        06-02-1996   Large database of Internet sites and info
dbsoft2.zip         07-13-1995   Database for inventorying computer software
dbsrc101.zip        11-24-1995   Creates BP7 src from Paradox 4 tables
dbt110.zip          09-28-1997   dBTAB v1.10: Makes an ASCII report from a DBF
dbt111.zip          11-24-1997   Makes a TAB delimited ASCII report from a DBF
dbv123.zip          04-06-1994   DBF database file view/search utility, v1.23
dbx104.zip          10-20-1996   dBASE file eXtract utility
djpro12b.zip        08-06-1996   Music Collection Database created just for DJs
dmast32.zip         06-29-1996   Create/modify/sort/report/query dBase files
dn215_1.zip         02-01-1997   Self-relating, free format database, 1of4
dn215_2.zip         02-01-1997   Self-relating, free format database, 2of4
dn215_3.zip         02-01-1997   Self-relating, free format database, 3of4
dn215_4.zip         02-01-1997   Self-relating, free format database, 4of4
dn218u.zip          07-03-1997   Upgrade DN2 free format database syst. to v1.8
dn230.zip           07-09-1998   DN2 v3.0: AI database
dnd4fe51.zip        02-22-1994   Sample File Express databases for D&D
dosfbase.zip        12-14-1997   DOSFBase: Database for DOS
dp-mouse.zip        02-12-1995   Mouse menus and driver, DataPerfect
dragsh2.zip         11-20-1996   Drag Logger:Records data input for time tuning
dt326en.zip         08-27-1998   DirTel v3.26: Electronic address book, English
dt326es.zip         08-09-1998   DirTel v3.26: Electronic address book, Spanish
dt326fr.zip         08-09-1998   DirTel v3.26: Electronic address book, French
dtamas33.zip        01-22-1997   Create/edit dBase files
dxt148.zip          06-21-1998   DBASE source code analysis
eb114.zip           06-09-1998   Easy Base v11.4: Relational Database (RDBMS)
echeck50.zip        02-05-1995   ExpressCheck v5.0: Checkbook management
eclips10.zip        12-08-1994   ECLIPSE v1.0: Integrated accounting package
esc10.zip           06-08-1996   Expert system compiler
evidda10.zip        08-08-1994   Configurable database for lending libraries
ez-db015.zip        04-07-1996   EZ-DB v1.5: Simple, easy-to-use database
fe60doc.zip         04-08-1996   File Express v6.0: Powerful database, 2 of 2
fe60prog.zip        04-08-1996   File Express v6.0: Powerful database, 1 of 2
ffbmgr33.zip        04-07-1996   Financial Freedom Billing Manager v3.3
flexicat.zip        07-11-1996   Flexicat v1.2: Tiny database program
frb144.zip          04-05-1996   Fundraiser Basic: Donor management database
geocnt1.zip         03-18-1998   7.5 minute series topographical map helper
gobowl40.zip        04-08-1995   Gone Bowlin' v4.0: Bowler's record keeper
grocer42.zip        03-02-1996   Grocery shopping database and coupon organizer
helpd11.zip         05-10-1995   HelpDisque: Help Desk management system
hl11msd.zip         07-24-1996   Home Librarian 1.1: Home librarian database
homecont.zip        08-24-1995   Job/cost tracker for Home contractor/remodeler
hoops102.zip        11-17-1994   PC-Hoops, The Pro Basketball Analyst, 1994 ed.
hr315.zip           04-20-1996   Household Register v3.15: Record your assets
hwpp106.zip         04-08-1996   Personal Possessions, Audio/Video inventory
hymn100a.zip        05-21-1996   Hymnal Database v1.00: Christian Songs (1/2)
hymn100b.zip        05-21-1996   Hymnal Database v1.00: Christian Songs (2/2)
icca01.zip          11-22-1998   Inventory Control and Cost Analysis v.01
icp14.zip           04-05-1996   General purpose inventory control program
iddemo11.zip        11-24-1997   Increment/Decrement variables, dBASE IV/V
idex219.zip         11-25-1996   Infodex v2.19: Multipurpose database
inv1_1.zip          10-01-1997   Inventory maker, stores info on lists of items
ip302.zip           04-08-1996   Information Please v3.02: Free form database
kpds110.zip         10-29-1994   Personal name, address, phone number database
lbhr24.zip          02-23-1998   LibrHire: Books, video tapes rental management
lphon10a.zip        11-19-1997   Little PhoneBook v1.0a (FoxPro compatible)
lpinv3_1.zip        06-22-1995   Inventory control and analysis
lwmd338.zip         04-05-1996   Lifetime Wealth Management 3.38
manedit1.zip        06-14-1995   Medical Journal Reviewer/Specialty database
mb_754.zip          10-17-1995   Travel Agency accounting and bookkeeping
mcb24a.zip          04-05-1997   MCBase v2.4a: Music collection database system
mcks_d0c.zip        10-11-1995   MCKS: MultiCentric Knowledge System, 1of3
mcks_l0c.zip        10-11-1995   MCKS: MultiCentric Knowledge System, 3of3
mcks_t0c.zip        10-08-1995   MCKS: MultiCentric Knowledge System, 2of3
mdb43d.zip          05-20-1995   Music Database System for music collections
member10.zip        06-04-1996   Club membership database
member33.zip        09-03-1995   Maintain info about organization's members
mgr4dos1.zip        06-03-1996   Editorial office submission/peer-review system
minibse1.zip        06-07-1996   Command line database works from DOS prompt
ml121sex.zip        09-20-1995   Media Library v1.21 for all collectors
mlist160.zip        01-16-1995   Master*List v1.60: Multipurpose database mgr.
mmaid40.zip         06-04-1996   View/search/change dBase files
movilg26.zip        12-15-1993   Keeps track of video movies you collect
mphone.zip          03-15-1998   Magic Phone Number dBase: Name/Phone Database
mpro.zip            03-23-1995   M-PRO programmable database for MS-DOS. EVAL
mtrac30.zip         09-22-1996   Membership tracking system
muscdb20.zip        01-26-1995   Music database with report generator
music100.zip        09-10-1994   The Music Tree: CD/tape/record/etc. database
nbase7a1.zip        12-26-1996   nanoBase 97.01: Free EXEs for small PC
nbase7a2.zip        12-26-1996   nanoBase 97.01: Free Runtime EXEs for small PC
nbase7a3.zip        12-26-1996   nanoBase 97.01: Free EXEs for 286 with 2M+
nbase7a4.zip        12-26-1996   nanoBase 97.01: Free DOCs
nbase7a5.zip        12-26-1996   nanoBase 97.01: Free examples
nbase7a6.zip        12-26-1996   nanoBase 97.01: Free SRCs for version 96.06.16
nbase7a7.zip        12-26-1996   nanoBase 97.01: Free SRCs for current version
nlspim95.zip        09-29-1995   NLS-PIMS: Personal Information Mgmt System
nursry20.zip        02-23-1998   Nursery: Church nursery/school database
ossfb04.zip         07-04-1995   XBase Card file/Mileage log/Bank account mgr.
pb170.zip           07-20-1996   With this tool you can show/modify .DBF
pb3170.zip          07-20-1996   Power Browze: Show/modify .DBF files
pcfd71.zip          04-07-1996   PC-FOOD II: Professional food costing v7.01
pcfpl22e.zip        11-14-1995   PC Flt Plan v2.2e: IFR/VFR flight planning
pdb375.zip          08-03-1998   Professional DOS Business Database
pdx21b.zip          01-24-1994   Bibliography reference management package
pedfv10.zip         05-30-1997   PED v1.0: Avian Pedigree Database (pigeons)
permit20.zip        04-20-1996   Permit20 Bldg. dept. data management software
pib10d.zip          06-19-1996   Easy to use address/phone/date book. DEMO
ppi30s.zip          04-06-1996   PPI v3.0s: Personal Property Inventory
propo13.zip         11-04-1995   MS-DOS DBMS with built-in data container
prtrk131.zip        04-23-1996   Tracks problem reports, bugs, defects
pstamp19.zip        08-15-1995   Full-featured, easy-to-use stamp collector
px1.zip             07-01-1996   Fringe Science analysis, database & research
pxforms1.zip        08-05-1994   Paradox forms documentation aid
reg607b.zip         10-23-1995   Register: Railroad history tracking database
rm35dp23.zip        12-30-1994   RequestMANAGER v3.5, DataPerfect
rmresv10.zip        10-14-1995   Make hourly/daily room reservations (GUI)
rms32b.zip          03-20-1994   Annotated DOS menu biblio/reference system
runco94b.zip        06-20-1995   RunCoach v0.94: Running/jogging Expert System
sayv31x.zip         11-02-1994   Save and retrieve data quickly from DOS
sc24.zip            05-25-1998   ShareCon v2.4: Share contacts with others
scbatr26.zip        12-31-1997   Fire Dept SCBA Maintenance Record System
scrlz210.zip        05-19-1996   ScrollZ: Library management for printed matter
sdd13.zip           07-23-1996   Database system especially for s'ware authors
sftk700e.zip        09-07-1994   Database pgm for MOD/MTM/S3M/ULT/FAR/DMF lists
sg100b.zip          03-27-1995   Sounds Good! CD/tape/record database system
sm35dp23.zip        11-30-1994   ServiceMANAGER dispatch syst. Req. DataPerfect
sman102.zip         02-28-1997   Database program helps organize Internet sites
smms20.zip          08-19-1995   Shareware Management & Marketing System v2.0
snap502.zip         02-25-1996   SNAP! v5.02: dBase Documentation System
soundz4.zip         05-19-1996   SoundZ v4.00: Enhanced audio librarian
ssn10.zip           03-31-1995   Social Security number validator
swizd30.zip         04-11-1996   Small business accounting for most businesses
swizdr20.zip        04-11-1996   Small business accounting for retail business
swpdb375.zip        10-20-1997   Business Database with image importing
tarjet96.zip        06-10-1996   Credit card coupons management (Spanish)
telwhr13.zip        06-03-1996   US+Can+PRc telephone number location database
tlabel25.zip        02-23-1998   Tlabel: Audio tape cassette label database
tourusa.zip         04-22-1996   Organize a Tour de France 1996 tour pool
tpmkr20.zip         04-10-1994   Music database and audio cassette label maker
treklib.zip         04-24-1995   Star Trek TV collections database
trklog10.zip        05-09-1996   Tracks loads and drivers in a trucking company
trnact21.zip        03-20-1995   General Ledger using dBASE files
unfor10.zip         08-01-1995   Unforgettable 1.0: Personal Info Manager. EVAL
vdnx12.zip          02-08-1995   VideoNexus v1.2: Video collection records
vdnx13.zip          08-18-1996   VideoNexus 1.3: Video collection records
vehi24.zip          09-22-1996   Monitors the cost of operating vehicles
ventor20.zip        08-06-1996   Ventory 2.0: Service technicians inventory mgr
vidm900.zip         05-19-1996   VideoMaster v9.00: Catalog your videos
visitt40.zip        09-12-1995   Hazardous waste cleanup technologies database
vlb415.zip          04-20-1996   Video Librarian v4.15: Video cataloging
wedding4.zip        09-20-1995   Smart-N-Easy(R) Wedding Planner v4.0
wjs13c.zip          09-22-1996   Job summary tracking for contractors w/reports
wlk240.zip          11-14-1994   Precinct Walker v2.40, political campaign tool
xmagic32.zip        02-03-1998   CrossMagic v3.02: Cross-stitch database
yh133.zip           02-04-1995   Realistic job interview simulator - Practice
zcld10.zip          06-10-1995   Zip Code Locator - displays the City and State
zkey312e.zip        06-27-1996   ZIPKEY v3.12e: Zipcode directory program
zprl175e.zip        04-06-1996   ZIPPER PAYROLL v1.75: Small business payroll
Desktop publishing
path: /deskpub/
ecuatif1.zip        12-17-1994   Ecuadorian ethnographic images in TIFF format
evp204.zip          01-11-1997   EnVision Publisher: DTP GUI, WYSIWYG, mouse
ezbook31.zip        12-10-1997   Creates E-Books for Windows and DOS
nb21d.zip           05-22-1996   NeoBook v2.1d: Multimedia authoring system
urdupc.zip          11-17-1996   PageComposer:Publish Urdu,English,Farsi,Arabic
Documentation for this CDROM
path: /docs/
view.txt             The View Browser Documentation

catalog.txt          Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog
Text editors
path: /editor/
aaema95a.zip        10-10-1995   AAEMACS: EMACS-type text editor w/mouse suppt.
adraw120.zip        02-27-1997   AcidDraw v1.20: ANSI Editor for DOS
ae170.zip           08-14-1996   Multi-file editor, w/Pascal source
ae26.zip            06-21-1998   AsmEdit: Assembly Language Programmer's editor
auror300.zip        08-02-1996   Aurora v3.00: Full-featured text editor
be400b.zip          06-09-1996   Bingo Text Editor v4.0b, Undo, large files ASP
boxer75a.zip        07-19-1997   Boxer v7.5a: Full featured DOS text editor
breeze56.zip        07-22-1996   Award-winning word processor/text editor
bx60.zip            11-24-1997   Brief Macro Package v6.0 (for Brief v3.1)
calsrc23.zip        12-22-1997   C and ASM source code for Calvin v2.3
calvin23.zip        12-22-1997   Small partial clone of the Unix vi editor
ce361.zip           11-12-1996   CMEditor v3.61: File text editor/viewer
dddos13.zip         01-18-1995   DingDang Chinese word processor for DOS
dnot193.zip         02-14-1998   notGNU: Emacs-like text editor for DOS
dp110e.zip          10-02-1995   DiskPaper v1.10e: Graphic and text editor
e4dv204.zip         06-09-1996   Multi-file Outline editor w/user-defined menus
e4v204.zip          06-09-1996   Multi-file Outline editor. Mouse/macros/SVG.
ed209v13.zip        11-16-1995   EDI multi-language for DOS using Turbo Vision
eda351ed.zip        11-15-1996   Editor with spreadsheet and database functions
edcnf102.zip        12-02-1994   EDITCNFG: Use to edit AUTOEXEC/CONFIG files
editor10.zip        03-03-1995   Powerful text/binary editor for DOS & Windows
editv16.zip         05-11-1997   DOS text editor with Pascal source (BP7+TV)
edrhr15b.zip        04-05-1994   EDT like editor, DOS/WIN binary distribution
edrhr15s.zip        04-04-1994   EDT like editor, source code distribution
ef12.zip            06-09-1996   EasyFold: Folding editor w/menus/mouse/macros
ekiz110.zip         06-09-1996   TP7 IDE-like multi-file menued text editor
elv18exe.zip        02-26-1996   ELVIS v1.8, Unix vi-compatible text editor
elv18src.zip        02-26-1996   Sources for ELVIS v1.8 vi-compat. text editor
envir130.zip        06-18-1997   Environs Text Editor: Programmer's text editor
ew104.zip           06-09-1998   Easy Word v10.4: Word Processor
ezquote4.zip        06-15-1994   EZ-Quote v4.0: Text editor for offline readers
fae-100.zip         04-01-1995   First ADE Edit v1.00: Multilingual text editor
fedit192.zip        03-15-1998   Fedit: Hexeditor for Files/Memory/HD/Disks
fedsh20.zip         05-31-1996   Folding text editor. Requires 386+
fsedit.zip          12-09-1998   Editor that doesn't care about file types
g471exe.zip         06-28-1996   G: Fast, powerful, PD text editor with macros
g471src.zip         06-28-1996   'C' source for the G editor, on UNIX and MSDOS
gg-m21.zip          08-14-1996   M v1.21: Emacs-style text editor
goed10.zip          06-10-1997   Text and binary editor for 386+, 32 bit
hebed15.zip         08-27-1995   Hebrew text editor supporting vowels
ie101.zip           08-09-1998   DOS-extended (32 bit) text editor. Freeware
ink10.zip           04-17-1997   Ink v1.0: 64K o' RAM word processor
jed096-1.zip        05-31-1996   Emacs-like extensible editor with source code
joe2x2.zip          05-31-1996   Pwrful editor for programmers, Usenet/mail, GP
jove416s.zip        04-02-1996   Jove v4.16: EMACS editor subset, source
jove416x.zip        04-02-1996   Jove v4.16: EMACS editor subset, MSDOS EXEs
kidrite3.zip        06-09-1996   Word processing for kids
looksee2.zip        08-06-1995   Looksee v2.0: Text file viewer and printer
lwed229a.zip        08-17-1997   LWED v2.2.9: Command-line INI file editor
medit151.zip        09-17-1996   GUI, multi-win, source, FREE text editor
melite.zip          06-09-1996   Multi-Edit Lite: Programmer's text editor
ne300b.zip          05-31-1996   Text editor with spell check, freeware
nedit17x.zip        09-08-1994   Powerful Programmers' text editor 
njcwp31.zip         01-06-1998   NJStar Chinese Word Processor v3.1
njjwp31.zip         01-06-1998   NJStar Japanese Word Processor v3.1
ntuit310.zip        02-02-1997   Ntuitive!: Powerful ASCII text editor
outplus2.zip        05-31-1996   Outline processor with integrated text editor
paintpro.zip        11-24-1997   ANSI graphics editor, many facilities/mouse
pctamil1.zip        01-30-1994   Transliterates Roman text to Tamil script
pctco295.zip        02-28-1996   PCTECO: Fully implemented TECO-11 editor clone
pcw415a.zip         05-22-1996   PC-Write 4.15: WordProcessor by Quicksoft 1/5
pcw415b.zip         05-22-1996   PC-Write 4.15: WordProcessor by Quicksoft 2/5
pcw415c.zip         05-22-1996   PC-Write 4.15: WordProcessor by Quicksoft 3/5
pcw415d.zip         05-22-1996   PC-Write 4.15: WordProcessor by Quicksoft 4/5
pcw415e.zip         05-22-1996   PC-Write 4.15: WordProcessor by Quicksoft 5/5
pedit310.zip        03-14-1998   Pedit v3.10: Text editor
rmd_40.zip          07-25-1996   Resume Master Deluxe: Menu-driven resume maker
rwread37.zip        05-27-1997   ASCII Text Editor and Viewer
scrthi.zip          03-11-1994   Screenwriting demo version of ScriptThing
sedit110.zip        06-30-1996   Easy to use text editor with spelling check
smed21.zip          04-07-1996   SMOOTH EDITOR v2.1: Editor with fast scrolling
smedit01.zip        11-01-1994   Small editor w/many features & life simulator
st10.zip            10-19-1998   ST IDE v1.0: Edit, manage software projects
star32.zip          03-11-1996   Mega-Star: MS-DOS and Unix text editor
syedit11.zip        06-09-1996   EdIt! v1.1 text editor replaces EDIT.COM
tde40.zip           05-31-1996   PD multi-window/file bin & text ed w/ C & asm
teknow43.zip        06-02-1997   Word processor with hyper cards
thedjg22.zip        06-04-1996   THE v2.2: CMS/XEDIT-like editor. 386-mode exe
thedos22.zip        06-04-1996   THE v2.2: CMS/XEDIT-like editor. real-mode exe
thesrc22.zip        06-04-1996   THE v2.2: CMS/XEDIT-like editor. C source code
thiru10.zip         11-07-1994   THIRU 1.0 WYSWYG DOS editor in Romanized Tamil
tpet211.zip         03-30-1997   TPET v2.11: Electric typewriter
trived09.zip        04-23-1995   FOSSIL/console vi-subset, secure for BBS w/src
tsqed18.zip         03-02-1996   Timo Salmi's utilities for QEdit v2.15 editor
vde17sp.zip         04-06-1996   Screen writers macros for VDE text editor
vde184.zip          12-25-1997   Meyer's small, fast, WordStar-like text editor
vdemc18.zip         04-06-1996   VMC v1.8: Macro Compiler for VDE text editor
ved35.zip           05-31-1996   VISION EDIT v3.5: Versatile text editor
vidoh70a.zip        02-23-1998   Oak Hill Vi v7.0a: Vi Text Editor for DOS
vim46p32.zip        04-17-1997   Vi Improved v4.6: Text editor, 32-bit EXE+docs
vim46r16.zip        04-17-1997   Vi Improved v4.6: Text editor, 16-bit EXE+docs
vim46src.zip        04-17-1997   Vi Improved v4.6: Text editor, Source
vim51d16.zip        06-08-1998   Vi Improved v5.1: Text editor, 16-bit EXE+docs
vim51d32.zip        06-08-1998   Vi Improved v5.1: Text editor, 32-bit EXE+docs
vim51src.zip        06-08-1998   Vi Improved v5.1: Text editor, Sources
wink10.zip          04-15-1997   Small word processor with Forth source
xlolqm03.zip        12-05-1996   RightSide justification in TSE-Jr/former QEdit
xnot17.zip          06-09-1996   NotGNU Emacs for DOS, Windows, NT (Free)
Education programs
path: /educate/
10tk97en.zip        05-03-1997   Turbo Keyboard v1.0: Typing tutor
1mathfun.zip        12-17-1995   Teaches basic math concepts to children
1phonics.zip        03-20-1995   Teaches children and adults phonetics reading
2-0_voc.zip         07-05-1995   Multilingual vocabulary trainer for DOS
abc440.zip          06-16-1996   ABC Fun Keys 4.40: Preschool edu-games & music
ablesoft.zip        05-16-1997   Able: Series of nine educational programs
abugs10a.zip        06-10-1996   Animated Bugs: Child's bugs in garden game 1/2
abugs10b.zip        06-10-1996   Animated Bugs: Child's bugs in garden game 2/2
aclock30.zip        06-10-1996   Animated Clock: Teach kids to tell time
actmath2.zip        09-09-1995   Educational math game teaches times tables
actstate.zip        08-22-1995   U.S. State Capitals educational game
adsub10a.zip        11-02-1995   Animated Addition & Subtraction grades 1-4;1/2
adsub10b.zip        11-02-1995   Animated Addition & Subtraction grades 1-4;2/2
afpak10.zip         10-29-1994   Anne Frank and the Holocaust; resource package
aids.zip            05-30-1995   AIDS - The Truth (educational program)
ajohn30.zip         06-10-1996   John's Animated Computer Game for young kids
amd30.zip           06-10-1996   Animated multiplication/division game v3.0
amemv10.zip         06-10-1996   Animated Memory Game: Teaches concentration
ammv01.zip          02-24-1998   Alphabet matching game for young kids K thru 1
amon10a.zip         06-10-1996   Animated Money: Teaches coin recogn./math, 1/2
amon10b.zip         06-10-1996   Animated Money: Teaches coin recogn./math, 2/2
amv10-a.zip         05-17-1994   Animated Memory Game: Teach concentration, 1/3
amv10-b.zip         05-17-1994   Animated Memory Game: Teach concentration, 2/3
amv10-c.zip         05-14-1994   Animated Memory Game: Teach concentration, 3/3
anewt30.zip         06-10-1996   Animated New Testament: Kids learn Bible
aot10.zip           06-10-1996   Animated Old Testament: Kids learn Bible
applem01.zip        09-28-1997   Counting game quizzes in English and Spanish
awords40.zip        05-27-1995   Animated Words 4.0 children's educational game
behvevol.zip        04-08-1995   Behavioral evolution simulations and tutorials
bertaa46.zip        04-13-1996   Bert's African Animals v4.6: Kids coloring
bertca46.zip        04-13-1996   Bert's Christmas v4.6: Kids coloring
bertda46.zip        04-13-1996   Bert's Dinosaurs v4.6: Kids coloring
bertpa46.zip        04-13-1996   Bert's Prehistoric Animals v4.6: Kids color'n
bertwa46.zip        04-13-1996   Bert's Whales and Dolphins v4.6: Kids color'n
bigma250.zip        01-18-1997   Arcade game tests math, spell & typing skills
budget10.zip        03-11-1997   Budget & Investment: a real-life simulation
busydemo.zip        05-09-1997   Christopher's Busy Day: Electronic storybook
calfed30.zip        07-12-1995   California/Federal tax preparer CE course
capskil2.zip        07-08-1995   13-lesson course on capitalization
cbook20.zip         05-31-1996   Coloring Book:50 colors,10 pix,sound fx,prints
cmtt12.zip          03-25-1997   Test and Study: Tests knowledges
codeq.zip           01-19-1997   Coded Quotes: Educational game of anagrams
college.zip         11-15-1996   Get your college degree from home
const2.zip          05-18-1997   U.S.Constitution v2.0: Full Text & Amendments
cp100d.zip          02-06-1995   Cybernetic Physician: Self-diagnosis program
cptcln20.zip        11-20-1994   The homeowner's complete carpet care tutorial
crayon41.zip        04-07-1996   Crayon Box: Kid's education and activity pack
crossp7h.zip        10-17-1997   Crossword Power: Creates Crossword Puzzles
cssa.zip            04-28-1997   College-level introductory poetry course
cubism.zip          03-15-1998   Cubism: Logic game with 3d graphics
dc101.zip           06-01-1995   DC101: Introduction to DC Electronics
dean100.zip         05-23-1996   Cryptarithm (replace letter with digit) solver
dolla26.zip         04-13-1996   Rachel's Fashion Dolls v2.6: Dressup dolls
dotman13.zip        03-30-1997   Join-the-dots educational game for kids
drive115.zip        07-12-1998   Driver's Edge: Study for written driver's exam
educat13.zip        01-19-1995   Multichoice testing system. Inc. sample tests
effact23.zip        03-19-1995   Effective Action on any issue. Grassroots
elements.zip        10-12-1997   Study aide: data on the 106 chemical elements
emlymath.zip        02-28-1997   Emily's Math: Elementary Math Drills
eviqz242.zip        08-30-1995   Evidences 2.42: Educational quiz game w/editor
examgn12.zip        01-17-1997   Multiple choice/multi user exam generator
eztutr61.zip        12-10-1997   Authoring System for Windows and DOS
fables.zip          04-23-1997   Aesop's Fables and browser
feder2.zip          05-19-1997   Federalist Papers v2.0: Essays on Constitution
fmaz21.zip          04-17-1995   Generate and solve mazes in 3D on VGA display
fracexp.zip         09-03-1996   Interactive / Educational Fractal program
freeqote.zip        08-18-1996   Displays 3 random quotes from 7000 in database
fschd10.zip         05-03-1997   FishCard v1.0: Flash card review
gmathe.zip          01-27-1997   Math for pupils, teachers & students. (German)
gmthe404.zip        05-27-1997   Math for pupils, teachers & students. (German)
gpa70.zip           08-03-1998   Uses 2-7 grade points/calculates GPA
grammar3.zip        10-11-1995   Teaches and drills English grammar
gret.zip            07-13-1997   Software to test your Vocab for the GRE test
hegate10.zip        04-10-1997   Heaven's Gate Quiz: Cult awareness education
hsdir961.zip        07-19-1996   Bloomunit Homeschool Directory 96 v1.1
htest6.zip          11-28-1998   Make printed paper, computer & Internet tests
jaws10.zip          04-05-1995   Keyboard tutor game for VGA no falling letters
johncmp.zip         05-12-1994   John's Animated Computer Game for young kids
jt21enb2.zip        10-06-1998   Just Type II v2.1: Touch typing tutor. Free
kcart10.zip         05-07-1995   Kinder Carton: Phonics, math, logic (pre-K-2)
kcart40.zip         03-03-1997   27 phonics, math, and logic activities
kface101.zip        05-21-1996   Krazy-face: Drawing pgm for kids 3 years & up
kidpaint.zip        05-21-1996   Graphics program for kids. Req. EGA or better
kidsp21.zip         10-09-1994   Kids at Play 2.1: 7 fun games for kids age:2-9
kp411.zip           04-19-1998   KP Typing Tutor w/ virtual keyboard and palms
lilpic13.zip        02-08-1997   Lil' Picasso: Coloring/creativity pak for kids
lnix11fs.zip        01-02-1998   L-nix: Interactive Unix tutorial program
logicg11.zip        02-22-1997   Problems In Logic (Shareware Version)
logicp.zip          01-22-1997   Problems In Logic: A game of problem solving
lz102.zip           08-17-1998   Leerzaam v10.2: Learn foreign words. Freeware
malbuch1.zip        05-02-1996   Coloring book for children
math1as.zip         10-09-1996   The Math Tutor: Basic math problem generator
mathbv02.zip        12-15-1997   Public Domain math quiz game: Add/Sub
mathpr21.zip        03-16-1995   Math practice (+-*/) for 1st thru 4th graders
mathrd2a.zip        11-28-1998   Competitive testing of Addition/Subtraction
mathtow1.zip        03-23-1997   Math Tower: Game of basic math skills
mathts30.zip        08-10-1995   Practice basic/adv. math problems with games
matut1a.zip         11-28-1998   Math Tutor 1: Counting, Add, Sub, Compare
matut2a.zip         11-28-1998   Add, Sub, Mult, Divide, Bar Chart Tutorials
matut3a.zip         11-28-1998   Math Tutor 3: Introduction to Fractions
matut4a.zip         11-28-1998   Math Tutor 4: More tutorials on fractions
mdes233.zip         06-10-1996   Manufacturing system planner for Tech. Ed
mest203.zip         03-31-1996   Mestieri: An educational game for Italians
mmenu22.zip         03-18-1995   Masterpiece Menu v2.2: Children's menu program
modulsh3.zip        07-03-1996   ModulesH: Design and animation of robots
ms2demo.zip         02-28-1998   Math Strategies: Arcade game elementary math
msc30.zip           11-19-1997   Make & Solve Crosswords
mspig40.zip         03-03-1997   Six activities teach children 6-10 about money
mtprg01.zip         10-15-1996   Free High School math review programs
muse_10.zip         06-16-1998   Invaders v1.0: Play the piano with a game
newtcmp.zip         05-13-1994   Animated New Testament: Learn order of books
newtrain.zip        11-22-1998   Plastic injection mold press operator training
ode11.zip           03-15-1998   ODEcalc v1.10: ODE calculator program
otd_217.zip         11-22-1998   What happened on this day in history?
pbp62ne1.zip        06-21-1995   Physics Educational Courseware
pcblx30s.zip        04-19-1998   PC-BLOX: 3-D VR building blocks toy for kids
person.zip          08-04-1997   Your Own Personality v1.04: Assess personality
peter14.zip         04-13-1996   Peter's Warbirds v1.4: Kid's coloring
pmath10.zip         06-07-1996   Practicing Math v1.0: Math problem practice
powers1.zip         11-15-1997   Historica: A Brief History of the World
ppk40.zip           03-03-1997   6 activities teach counting, alphabet, & more
prac10.zip          05-11-1996   User designed tutorial
psspd120.zip        01-23-1997   SPEED v1.2: Typing game - improves speed
psypracs.zip        10-24-1998   Cognitive psychology experiment simulations
ptable01.zip        04-06-1996   Pop Quiz on the Periodic Table
punc10.zip          04-01-1995   Punctuation Fundamentals 1.0 Reference
qm.zip              03-23-1997   Quote Machine: Will present many quotes
quiz0_99.zip        06-19-1996   QUIZ GAME v0.99: Test Your Knowledge
quizbu22.zip        08-10-1996   Generate math quizzes, perfect for teachers
quizk2_0.zip        11-09-1996   Quiz program, enter questions and it tests you
quizzer.zip         08-04-1997   Fat Art's Quizzer: Create quizzes & see result
radcarbn.zip        12-21-1994   Radiocarbon dating from a Biblical viewpoint
rflex20.zip         06-18-1997   Speed reading for beginners and experts
riddle10.zip        04-07-1996   Riddle Balloon v1.0: Riddle/spelling practice
rockcy06.zip        11-02-1994   Rock Cycle Puzzle - FreeWare for schools
romnum.zip          12-23-1997   Roman Numeral converter
sarav10.zip         01-18-1997   Saragram v1.0: A children's typing program
sat-vv23.zip        04-05-1996   Verbal Vanquish v2.3: SAT/ACT/GRE tutor
scopeswp.zip        09-23-1994   Provides practice in reading oscilloscope
scramb10.zip        02-05-1997   Scrambled Words v1.0: An educational game
sdream.zip          03-30-1996   Day Dreams - Children's interactive storybook
silly.zip           03-30-1996   Silly Poems - Children's interactive storybook
skillab2.zip        08-06-1995   English Language Skills Development Laboratory
skills3d.zip        07-25-1996   Teacher's grade book program for OBE
sla22.zip           03-04-1995   Sounds Like A... - Associate sounds w/pictures
sla40.zip           03-03-1997   Entertaining SoundBlaster game for children
sm6tools.zip        01-28-1995   SuperMemo6 tool kit
smvga10e.zip        03-30-1996   VGA multimedia kit for kids, parents, schools
sortdm24.zip        03-19-1995   Animation of different sorting methods
sparty.zip          03-30-1996   Let's Party: Children's interactive storybook
spell1as.zip        10-09-1996   Spelling Tutor: Put your word list in to study
spell210.zip        04-06-1996   Show 'N Spell: Graphic spelling bee & tutor
splmn101.zip        07-26-1998   SpellmaN: Children's spelling test helper
storyv24.zip        03-30-1996   EGA multimedia kit for kids, parents, schools
stryfun1.zip        02-09-1997   Story Fun: Whimsical story generator for kids
student.zip         08-09-1995   Helps students with everyday school tasks
suprmem6.zip        07-23-1995   SuperMemo6: Speed learning w/optimized reps.
talkjew3.zip        03-14-1998   Speaking of Jews v3.0: Interactive tutorial
tcndos41.zip        10-17-1997   Constitution Notebook: Constitution study aid
teach25.zip         03-17-1995   Talking Teacher - alphabet/reading/spelling
tg21.zip            12-08-1996   Intro to computer for toddlers
tma12a1.zip         11-28-1995   Arithmetic word problems generator
tmastr32.zip        02-16-1997   TypingMaster v3.2: Touch typing training pgm
tnum40.zip          03-03-1997   Help children recognize, say, & write numbers
trd1a1.zip          11-11-1995   Reading skill exerciser
tsgame15.zip        10-18-1998   T.Salmi: First package of educational games
tsgmeb17.zip        01-15-1998   T.Salmi: Second package of educational games
tsgmec13.zip        01-26-1998   T.Salmi: Third package of educational games
tsgmed14.zip        02-07-1998   Learn national flags as a game, T.Salmi
tsgmee13.zip        02-08-1998   Classic Hangman and Towers of Hanoi, T.Salmi
ttime40.zip         03-03-1997   Four activities teach your child to tell time
uquest31.zip        11-15-1997   Kids' typing tutor game for one or two hands
valgetal.zip        10-24-1998   Valgetal: Falling numbers, math and fun
vcdp2-1.zip         07-01-1995   Visual Computer Dictionary Plus v2.0 [1 of 4]
vcdp2-2.zip         07-01-1995   Visual Computer Dictionary Plus v2.0 [2 of 4]
vcdp2-3.zip         07-01-1995   Visual Computer Dictionary Plus v2.0 [3 of 4]
vcdp2-4.zip         07-01-1995   Visual Computer Dictionary Plus v2.0 [4 of 4]
vcdp200a.zip        08-08-1995   Visual Computer Dictionary 2.0 (1/2)
vcdp200b.zip        08-08-1995   Visual Computer Dictionary 2.0 (2/2)
vocabp3h.zip        10-17-1997   Vocabulary Power:Creates vocabulary study aids
vocabpls.zip        07-06-1995   Vocab+: Foreign language vocabulary program
vocmon02.zip        11-01-1998   Vocabumonkey v0.2: Word recognition game. Free
wc142.zip           12-10-1997   Word Challenge: Educational word game
wfb96.zip           04-15-1997   CIA 1996 World Fact Book Browser
wm1.zip             08-25-1996   Create anagrams, hangman, word search tools
wmchal10.zip        02-27-1997   WORD MATH CHALLENGE 1.0: Word math, grades 3-6
worldint.zip        01-19-1995   Interactive interface to CIA World Factbook
wrdprb22.zip        02-15-1997   Word Problems v2.20: Multimedia math game
wspm26.zip          04-06-1996   Word Search Puzzle Maker v2.6
xword130.zip        02-15-1997   Crossword Challenge: Increase your vocabulary
yourday.zip         08-16-1996   Generate historical data for a given date
zenkoans.zip        04-30-1997   Displays Zen Buddhist parables
zplr410.zip         05-19-1996   Zpeller: Spelling and vocabulary tutor
File management and conversion utilities
path: /fileutil/
32crcfck.zip        04-05-1996   FILECRC does a Cyclic Redundancy Check
altvw15.zip         02-01-1995   Any viewer under NC4/arc.viewers (no limits)
amana132.zip        12-15-1997   Adrenal Manager v1.32: Graphical file manager
angame31.zip        04-24-1997   AntiGame: Removes games from PC networks
ash005a.zip         02-06-1994   ASh v0.05a: Advanced DOS file manager
axcpy111.zip        10-29-1995   File copy, replication and synchronization
berkf100.zip        07-06-1998   BerkFind: Command-line file and text finder
binfix10.zip        04-22-1996   BinFix v1.0: Recovers corrupted binaries
bisect10.zip        12-11-1996   Cut large files into smaller chunks, v1.0
bobby14.zip         08-11-1997   BOBBY v1.4: Full graphical file manager
bobdmp10.zip        10-14-1995   Dumps files (all/part) in hex, dec, oct, alpha
bpc-105s.zip        02-03-1998   bP Copy v1.05: File copy, bar graph/disk swap
bpte104d.zip        06-04-1997   BinPatch 1.04: Create and apply binary patches
breakdn2.zip        03-15-1998   Split a huge text file at specific locations
buload01.zip        06-24-1995   Unload btrieve files using keys
carve20a.zip        04-17-1995   Splits and joins files to specified size
cc108dos.zip        08-11-1997   Powerful, flexible and fast file copier/mover
cc_st201.zip        01-31-1995   Change comma-delimited data to column format
cf606.zip           08-23-1997   CMFiler v6.06: Multifunction Disk/File Manager
choose.zip          12-14-1997   CHOOSE!: Manage frequent commands in DOS
chop0595.zip        05-17-1995   Chop/join large files ASCII/binary, with C src
cmcr34.zip          03-25-1997   Comar v3.43: File manager and Archive shell
cmcx18.zip          04-13-1997   Codex v1.8: File encoder and decoder
cmlo10.zip          05-01-1997   LOCOM v1.0: Fast file finder w/ many features
cmp40.zip           11-30-1998   Show differences between files, set ERRORLEVEL
cmtx19.zip          04-07-1997   ComText v1.9: File viewer with many features
cnp090.zip          07-16-1995   CUT & PASTE: File cutting utility
cnt.zip             12-11-1996   Controlo 1.0: File associations for DOS
comp_pv2.zip        11-30-1994   Enhanced replacement for MS-DOS COMP.COM
cop10d.zip          11-21-1998   COP: Powerful File Management Program (GUI)
cread216.zip        04-08-1996   DOS text file browser, file manager
cs-251.zip          08-06-1994   CHK-SAFE checks file integrity w/MD5 algorithm
csdif140.zip        04-28-1996   File/directory/ZIP difference utility
ctree180.zip        11-14-1998   Compare files & subdirs with log & delete
ctrl3-80.zip        07-30-1996   Very fast and versatile file manager - times 3
cutter25.zip        04-20-1995   Splits file into any number/size smaller files
datafy1.zip         11-19-1997   Create 'data' image file of any type of file
dcc41.zip           11-25-1996   DOS-Command-Center v4.1e: Powerful filemanager
dirconv1.zip        10-08-1996   Advanced Dir/File Manager for DOS & Win95
dirman16.zip        09-28-1996   DIRMAN v1.60: File Manager & File Viewer
disect10.zip        12-14-1997   Cut large files to fit on floppies
dizrvd15.zip        10-17-1997   DizRevue v1.50: Vendinfo file viewer
dltd31.zip          06-18-1997   Tracks downloads from the Internet/BBS
dmaker20.zip        04-25-1996   Redirects many DOS commands to a file output
dnote421.zip        01-31-1997   Disk Note Librarian: File cataloging utility
doslfn22.zip        05-04-1997   DOSLFNBK: Backup/restore long filenames/attrs
dosvue_4.zip        02-18-1995   Powerful & Easy DOS Shell for PCs, LANs, WANs
drfvssy1.zip        11-22-1998   File mgr, viewer, searcher, file pick. w/src
dtek95b.zip         04-07-1996   Dtek File Detective: Records file changes
dz2csv15.zip        03-18-1998   DIZ2CSV: Vendinfo-to-database converter
easyrun.zip         06-26-1994   Compiles and runs sources in comfortable way
ebs-gi20.zip        10-20-1997   Gets the FILE_ID.DIZs and makes a text file
eddy8h.zip          02-04-1997   EDDY v8h: DOS shell and file manager
egress2c.zip        01-04-1995   DOS file manager with Graphic User Interface
epspltv1.zip        12-01-1994   Splits/combines large file into smaller files
exam-102.zip        04-21-1996   Examines a program and returns execution info
exehex20.zip        10-10-1994   Burn EPROMS from MSDOS compiled & linked code
exetoo11.zip        04-21-1996   Examines .EXE files for validity
eyeglass.zip        12-21-1996   EyeGlass hidden file viewer
fb315.zip           09-18-1994   FileBUDDY: Text/dBASE/archive/image viewer
fdust103.zip        05-10-1998   File2Dust: Maximum security file deletion util
ffile20.zip         06-20-1994   Identifies contents of a given file
fhd210us.zip        04-02-1996   Elegant Disk,File,Find,Shell & Launch utility
fi100.zip           06-16-1997   Identifies 300+ file types by content not ext.
ficomp10.zip        12-14-1997   Filecomp: Fast file comparison utility
file_td4.zip        11-09-1998   Set Time and/or Date of one or many files
filedust.zip        12-23-1997   File2Dust: Maximum security file deletion util
fileid11.zip        07-18-1998   Detects filetypes based on standard headers
fileit15.zip        01-13-1998   File-It v1.5: File manager
filev011.zip        04-30-1996   GUI-based file management program
filex16.zip         06-10-1996   File identification based on extensions (1800)
filtrak3.zip        08-23-1997   Tracks and displays file usage
fish304.zip         07-04-1998   Fish v3.04: Really delete files
fix510s.zip         05-05-1997   Find/replace any size string in any size file
fixini23.zip        06-30-1997   AutoModify INI files based on filter set
fm20016.zip         11-16-1997   FileManager Pro: Text based file manager
fo_st200.zip        12-31-1994   Process/backup files based on age (new/oldest)
frgmnt11.zip        03-18-1998   Fragment: Breaks up & reassembles large files
gdv092md.zip        03-15-1998   GD View v0.92: Viewer for over 400 formats
gencm132.zip        12-28-1996   Genesis Commander 1.32: Norton Commander clone
glue11.zip          02-04-1997   Glue v1.1: Joins files split under Unix or NC
goc10.zip           06-10-1997   DOS file manager w/resizeable directory panels
h2h23.zip           07-23-1995   Background Copy, Change Win's Startup Picture
hack120.zip         04-21-1996   Split files by number of lines/number of bytes
hexdmp15.zip        08-03-1998   Hex-ASCII dump & edit utility with C source
hfm404.zip          02-17-1995   Mouse oriented filemanager and archive shell
hfm404nl.zip        06-12-1996   Freeware filemanager and archive program shell
iexe130.zip         05-27-1996   Identifies compressed/encoded executable files
infoma21.zip        06-01-1995   INFOMANIA: Text file and disk indexer
jdif01.zip          05-27-1996   jDif v1.0: Fast file difference utility
kkc092.zip          02-08-1998   Ketchup Cmdr v0.92:File Manager with data type
kode10.zip          12-14-1997   Scrambles/Descrambles any file
kwe10.zip           04-19-1998   Karaoke Words Extractor v1.0: From MIDI files
lcrid144.zip        10-02-1996   Quick info viewer, ASCII viewer, binary viewer
maketx10.zip        02-23-1998   Converts files to plain ASCII (can wrap lines)
md5sum.zip          05-03-1997   Generate/check MD5 Message Digests
menu_1b.zip         04-23-1997   Graphical menu & shell utility for DOS w/utils
merge220.zip        04-08-1996   MergeFile 2.20: Merges sorted files, any size
mknews20.zip        01-24-1995   Turn files into news (sequentially numbered)
moveit.zip          11-21-1996   File/Directory Manager (30 major features)
mpc110.zip          07-02-1997   MPC v1.10: Binary patching program
mrip130.zip         07-20-1996   Extracts files inside other files
mu9709.zip          10-12-1997   Magic Utilities September 1997
namnum1b.zip        05-12-1996   Rename file to CRC32 of file contents
ndx304.zip          04-08-1996   Btree indexing package with C source
nfo_100.zip         12-14-1997   DIR alternative with descriptions & colors
nocrlf10.zip        11-20-1995   Fixes binary files corrupted by ASCII transfer
nucpy203.zip        03-31-1994   Automatic file update/report management tool
nuke32s.zip         09-15-1996   Secure, safe, fast, data deletion utility
oh30.zip            02-23-1998   Orchard House v3.0: DOS shell for power users
pci-lsft.zip        08-14-1997   Linux style file runner v1.00 with source
pf_11s.zip          08-24-1994   Advanced Disk Management System (menu driven)
pms203.zip          12-22-1997   DOS 7 shell+ editor for techies, repl Explorer
ppatch10.zip        12-26-1996   Patch files bytewise, many features, C-source
pspa390.zip         03-16-1997   File convert modify extract export change edit
psse322.zip         09-03-1996   Macro-capable file viewer/printer
purger11.zip        11-15-1997   Overwrites entire file(s) then deletes
quick10.zip         06-15-1994   Lets you load, cd, and xcopy/move by alias
rc150.zip           08-30-1995   Clone of Norton Commander w/some new features
rccopy30.zip        08-28-1994   Copy/Move files to fill multiple floppies
readdx30.zip        04-24-1994   READDX v3.0: File viewer/manager/ZIP shell
redbn120.zip        04-21-1996   ReadBin: Enhanced replacement for DOS's TYPE
resolv13.zip        06-15-1995   Duplicate file handler for multiple disks
rfm310.zip          08-30-1994   Rob's mouse driven File Manager, requires VGA
rippr500.zip        10-23-1996   Sound/Mod/Music/Picture extraction utility
rnhtype.zip         07-28-1997   Htype: Shows a file in Hex/ASCII
rt101.zip           11-28-1998   Removes binary code from files, leaving text
safgrd13.zip        03-16-1995   Click&Drag backup & file management for DOS
scrambl3.zip        05-25-1998   Scrambler/Unscrambler v1.3: Scramble a file(s)
scrmble2.zip        09-28-1997   Scramble/unscramble file(s) for security
sd_500.zip          03-31-1996   StupenDos v5.0 directory/file management util.
sdmpros2.zip        09-28-1997   SDM Pro II: Cuts BIG files to smaller volumes
se_st310.zip        12-31-1994   SEE v3.10: Macro-capable file viewer/printer
seprate1.zip        03-16-1995   Separates ZIP files into two smaller parts
sgcopy15.zip        11-21-1998   SGcopy v1.5: Commandline file copier. Freeware
sheval11.zip        06-30-1995   Simplifies evaluating software programs
shnkxm11.zip        08-14-1997   The OBSESSiON XM optimizer, v1.1
slxff20.zip         02-08-1998   eXtended File Finder v2.0: Search/action
spawner1.zip        12-06-1996   File Spawner: Copies files to another location
split102.zip        06-17-1996   Splits/UnSplits large files onto floppy disks
split60i.zip        08-02-1998   Split & rebuild files with CRC verification
splitv10.zip        06-02-1997   High-speed and low-drag file splitter
splt11.zip          07-04-1995   Splits large files to fit on floppies
tcpatch.zip         12-29-1997   Speed up copying with filemanagers NC, UFO
tcptch12.zip        02-08-1998   TC-Patch v1.2: Speed up filemanager's copying
times-10.zip        08-17-1997   Stamp file(s) with exact time, e.g. version #
trish53.zip         03-18-1995   Triple Shell v5.3: Power user's DOS shell
tsf2cm16.zip        03-03-1996   Comparison of 2 binary or text files, T.Salmi
tuteng23.zip        10-12-1997   DOS Shell: Supports long filenames (English)
tutit23.zip         10-12-1997   DOS Shell: Supports long filenames (Italian)
ucopy_12.zip        04-20-1994   Copy/move new & updated files skipping others
udh11.zip           09-12-1994   Universal Directory Handler - file management
ufc10.zip           05-17-1997   UFC v1.0: Compares multiple data files
unite.zip           03-11-1996   Join or merge two similar text files
user300.zip         06-21-1996   Protects EXE and COM files with a password
v1v200.zip          08-02-1995   Efficient File Manager. SVGA/4DOS/Zips/Colour
vcc26dos.zip        12-29-1996   Visual Control Center v2.6: File/disk manager
vf512.zip           03-24-1997   Small size and vast feature list file manager
view99c.zip         04-07-1996   Viewer for most major word processor files
vndnfo15.zip        08-04-1997   VENDINFO Toolkit: Create & use VENDINFO files
vndutl13.zip        08-02-1995   VendUtil VENDINFO Utilities v1.31 
vndutl15.zip        03-18-1998   VendUtil Vendinfo Utilities v1.50
vshell20.zip        07-01-1995   Object oriented, programmable shell with GUI
wastre12.zip        04-06-1997   Report space wasted on disk, dir or dir tree
wfind202.zip        10-01-1996   wfind2 v2.02: Search/select/act program
wh_used6.zip        06-16-1997   Reports all files used by an application
wipe-303.zip        02-03-1998   Wipe v3.03: Overwrites files, recov impossible
wipem20.zip         02-05-1997   Wipe sensitive files FAST to protect privacy
wipvk201.zip        12-16-1997   File wiper: Several options and wiping modes
wmd2f102.zip        05-31-1998   WMD2FN: Assigns current date as a file's name
wmd2fn10.zip        02-15-1997   Assigns current date as a file's name
x3_0s.zip           07-14-1997   Xcalibur 3.0s: Feature packed file manager
xlist271.zip        11-15-1997   Xlist v2.71g: File Manager for DOS & OS/2
xsum11.zip          02-08-1995   Computes CRC-32, MD4 & MD5 checksums of files
xview4b.zip         03-15-1997   Fast NC filemanager clone w/ windows/GEM feel
zcopy35.zip         05-09-1997   ZCOPY v3.5: Enhanced XCOPY replacement
zeof120.zip         04-21-1996   Filter out the End-Of-File markers from files
zkcheck.zip         09-26-1996   File-authentication program (CRC16 & CRC32)
Finance software
path: /finance/
acct-49.zip         04-19-1998   Data*Easy PC Open Item A/R v4.9
ace103.zip          07-15-1996   Financial software for annuities
amort21.zip         10-15-1996   AmortizeIT v2.1: Fast, flexible loan analyzer
amortz23.zip        04-19-1998   Amortz 2.30: Financial loan calculation system
amrtz10.zip         06-21-1996   Amortization calculator and retirement planner
anal141.zip         11-23-1995   Stocks, Charts, Moving Averages, Trade Signals
as16102b.zip        10-09-1998   49 checkbook/accounting/invoicing prgs - 16bit
as32102b.zip        09-07-1998   49 checkbook/accounting/invoicing prgs, 16bit
bam361.zip          04-01-1994   Bank Account Manager v3.61: Family finance mgr
bankp400.zip        06-17-1997   Bank-Plan: Small business cash flow planner
bnknt421.zip        09-22-1996   Bankonit v4.21: Prepay mortgage and save $$$$
bpln43.zip          04-08-1996   B/Plan Developer 4.3: Write a plan like a pro
broker2.zip         04-07-1996   SmartBroker v2.0: Stock and Options analysis
busb7d20.zip        03-28-1997   Barometers v2.0: Business analysis & planning
ccmath12.zip        09-01-1995   Credit Card Math - exposes hidden costs of use
cfk10t.zip          02-14-1994   Cash For Kids: Child's financial plan/track
cgz40.zip           05-21-1996   Capital Gainz 4.0 investment portfolio manager
chf112.zip          07-15-1996   Loan Chief v1.12: Loan calculator
chqwrt10.zip        09-03-1996   Cheque Writer v1.0: Cheque writing system, 1/2
chqwrtrs.zip        09-03-1996   Cheque Writer v1.0: Cheque writing system, 2/2
chxmst80.zip        11-15-1997   Financial/Budget/Small Biz Management System
cmtg0100.zip        06-29-1995   Spreadsheets for Canadian mortgages
colg7d20.zip        03-28-1997   College Planner v2.0: Plan now for college
coltv80.zip         02-23-1998   Bank/Credit Union charge off loan tracing DEMO
creditfi.zip        01-17-1995   Complete credit repair kit animated slide show
cshfl351.zip        01-15-1994   CashFlow: Controls expenses and monthly income
cu1a.zip            09-15-1994   Util. for MetaStock & MegaTech stock charting
dist-49.zip         04-19-1998   Data*Easy PC Accounts Payable v4.9
easil400.zip        06-17-1997   Easi-Plan Lite: Business financial planner
easim400.zip        06-17-1997   Easi-Plan Micro:Small business finance planner
easip400.zip        06-17-1997   Easi-Plan Pro: Larger business finance planner
ebbs36.zip          12-23-1997   Expert Bail Bond System: The Edge v3.6
econ2.zip           02-20-1994   ECON v2.0: Stock market forecasting/analysis
edi-pd-e.zip        03-18-1998   Edifat 98: Management of a Workshop
endgame.zip         05-30-1995   The EndGame: Retirement planning system
ezcr216.zip         05-15-1996   Credit report retreival program, easy to use
ezkit20a.zip        06-24-1996   E-Z Credit Kit 2.0a counseling for DOS
ezm18.zip           03-18-1998   Easy Money v1.8: Income/expense tracking
fin10127.zip        02-10-1995   FINANCE 101: Comprehensive Financial Advisor
flap2.zip           02-04-1994   Scrolling mortgage manager/loan calculator
gktodos1.zip        07-23-1995   Plan cash flow, check/sav-acc, calc interest
goldnyr5.zip        02-23-1998   Gold'N Years retirement funds projections/pmts
holdem.zip          03-05-1994   Stock market forecaster worksheet 1-2-3/Excel
homebiz1.zip        05-20-1994   Home Business Success v1.0 information package
hsb10a.zip          04-06-1996   Handy Stuff v1.0: Loan/Lease aids, reminder
int234.zip          05-21-1996   Interest/Amortization/Depreciation analyzer
invest07.zip        01-26-1994   Forecast and display future retirement income
ira_v10.zip         11-15-1997   IRA/Individual investment account calculator
lamort17.zip        11-27-1998   L'Amort v1.7: Loan tool w/ pre-pmt and PMI
lconta12.zip        10-19-1998   Little Conta v1.2: Accounting program
lnview10.zip        11-18-1995   Performs 7 analyses for mortgage prepayments
loan310.zip         02-18-1997   Home Loan Diary - tracks mortgage payments
loansk20.zip        11-25-1994   Loan selection and re-finance decision making
lwmd32.zip          04-01-1995   Lifetime Wealth Management v3.2
mbnk16b.zip         05-02-1996   Money & Banks v1.6b, pers. banking manager
mclip316.zip        08-14-1995   MONEYCLIP v3.16: Household budget manager
mes1.zip            12-05-1994   MarketEdge: Stock Market trend/timing analysis
mftra36e.zip        04-15-1996   The Mutual Fund tracker 3.6e
midas132.zip        03-09-1997   Predicts stock turning points&draws S/R lines
mlmmst70.zip        03-02-1995   Multi-Level & Check/Financial/Budget/Business
money.zip           11-15-1996   How to obtain free money for graduate studies
money07.zip         04-30-1996   Graphic account book
mort_cal.zip        11-27-1998   Mortgage v1.0: Mortgage payment/payoff calc.
mrkmst70.zip        02-20-1995   Multi-Level Marketing management system
mrt204.zip          07-15-1996   Mortgage schedule, qualification, acceleration
mrtcst50.zip        02-02-1995   Mortgage & loan cost comparison program v5.0
mtrad121.zip        04-07-1996   Momentum Trader v1.21: Tracks/plots stocks
nav.zip             11-08-1996   Mutual fund performance analyzer, with data
nystx09.zip         09-14-1994   NYSE common stocks, symbols,  0iv., earnings
oexbse11.zip        08-20-1994   Stock market timing buy/sell expert
opnhm310.zip        04-07-1996   Openhome 3.1: Open Home announcement generator
oppl33.zip          11-25-1996   OWL Portfolio Price Loader (OPPL) v3.3
oppm60.zip          11-25-1996   OPPM 6.0: OWL Stock Charting & Portfolio Mgmt.
option10.zip        04-26-1995   The Options Analyzer: Stock market calculator
p_mgr55.zip         07-05-1997   Complete investment portfolio manager
pbond10.zip         10-13-1994   Predict movement in the Treasury Bond yield
persp330.zip        03-24-1996   Pers-Plan: Household cash planner
pfroi39.zip         12-14-1993   PFROI v3.9: Portfolio Manager, stocks/bonds
port7d31.zip        03-28-1997   Portfolio Planner v3.1: Asset allocation
pta47.zip           01-23-1994   PTA treasurer's financial database program
ptt323.zip          05-20-1995   Downloads quotes from CIS, DJNS, Dial Data
retr7d20.zip        03-28-1997   Retirement Planner v2.0: Plans and what-ifs
rsa2d.zip           03-13-1995   RSA/2 v1.3: Stock market technical analysis
sharreg3.zip        02-23-1998   Share Register/Shareholder Registry System
siglit10.zip        11-14-1996   SIGMA Lite DOS based cashbook program
slvit43.zip         10-15-1996   SolveIt v4.3: Easy to use Financial Calculator
stax9622.zip        12-21-1996   1996 Share-TAX/1040 US tax preparation program
sview10.zip         06-02-1994   Stock charting/technical analysis;w/train mode
tas605.zip          05-06-1996   Scans and analyzes stock market data
tchgde12.zip        12-31-1996   TECH 30 Stock Guide Dec.'96: Tech stocks info
tool7d20.zip        03-28-1997   Retirement Toolbox v2.0: Analysis tools
tp201.zip           09-23-1996   Stock market timing program/ tech. analysis
tracut27.zip        04-21-1996   The Wall Street utilities v2.7
trx11.zip           06-14-1997   TRX Portfolio Manager v1.10
value.zip           12-09-1998   Value v1.0: Future value calculator
video20z.zip        09-28-1996   Video Store v2.0z: Video rental store POS
walst71d.zip        04-15-1996   The Wall Street tracker v7.1d
werks112.zip        11-26-1995   Investment Projection utility, w/QBasic source
wizbgt27.zip        01-11-1997   BudgetMASTER v2.7: Powerful budget helper
wsr6_61.zip         08-09-1998   Wall Street Raider v6.61: Financial simulation
yourp210.zip        03-24-1996   Your-Plan: Personal cash planner
zilch119.zip        09-01-1995   Rapid debt reduction program
FreEmacs word processor
path: /freemacs/
emac16gs.zip        07-26-1998   Freemacs editor v1.6g (tasm src)
emacs16g.zip        07-26-1998   Freemacs editor v1.6g. Freeware
Genealogy programs
path: /genealgy/
55gedcom.zip        01-10-1996   GEDCOM Standard 5.5/WP 5.1 format
ac4paf21.zip        12-10-1995   Ancestors and Cousins for PAF
ahnds33a.zip        05-29-1996   Ahnentafel and Descent Charts
ba4paf23.zip        12-10-1995   Birthdays & Anniversaries for PAF
bk52a.zip           04-06-1996   Brother's Keeper Genealogy 5.2, Part 1 of 5
bk52b.zip           04-06-1996   Brother's Keeper Genealogy 5.2, Part 2 of 5
bk52c.zip           04-06-1996   Brother's Keeper Genealogy 5.2, Part 3 of 5
bk52d.zip           04-06-1996   Brother's Keeper Genealogy 5.2, Part 4 of 5
bk52e.zip           04-06-1996   Brother's Keeper Genealogy 5.2, Part 5 of 5
cft41.zip           07-25-1996   Cumberland Family Tree Professional
desc2491.zip        12-31-1997   Descend: Descendancy chart print prog for PAF
ezrdf.zip           01-10-1996   EZ Description of RDF
ezt230.zip          04-08-1996   EZ-Tree v2.30: Family tree tracking/reporting
gc4paf18.zip        11-07-1995   Generation Counter for PAF
ged2ttj1.zip        04-07-1996   GEDCOM to Tiny Tafel
gedcht16.zip        01-02-1994   Make family tree chart from GED file (LJ3/PS)
gedhtml1.zip        11-19-1997   Gedcom to HTML v1.0: Gedcom to HTML translator
gedsimpl.zip        01-10-1996   A simple explanation of GEDCOM
genbx202.zip        01-10-1996   Prints box charts from GEDCOM files
gim_318.zip         11-01-1998   Full-featured genealogical information manager
gnkt200.zip         04-06-1996   Genealogy Tool Kit v2.0
igi25547.zip        05-20-1996   Builds database from FamilySearch files
imprt29a.zip        03-10-1996   Import ASCII text into PAF notes
locase23.zip        11-02-1995   Translate PAF names to Upper/Lower
movnm23a.zip        01-10-1996   Move, globally edit place names
msg2paf.zip         03-10-1996   Genealogy data ASCII to PAF/GEDCOM
namcl23a.zip        05-29-1996   Clears unused names from PAF
ne4paf72.zip        12-10-1995   Name Editor for PAF
notcln13.zip        03-10-1996   Cleans unused notes from PAF
paf-expo.zip        03-10-1996   Export Lifelines to PAF GEDCOM
paf-note.zip        03-10-1996   Correcting a PAF NOTEs problem
paf2pf11.zip        03-10-1996   Copy RIN from one PAF DB to another
pafab209.zip        11-02-1995   PAF Ability: Create book from PAF data
plclst14.zip        12-15-1995   View/monitor PAF place names
setid10.zip         03-10-1996   Auto fill PAF ID field
soundex1.zip        05-31-1998   Soundex: Convert names to Soundex Code
stack.zip           01-10-1996   Stack DOS commands from the DOS command line
ws4paf26.zip        11-07-1995   Worksheets for PAF
Geography programs
path: /geogrphy/
basis24.zip         03-16-1996   Comprehensive Land Surveying Computations
eurv22.zip          04-26-1996   Europe!: Game teaches European geography
farsight.zip        02-24-1998   Geographic information package v2.3: Map/GPS
picbook2.zip        08-17-1997   Set of ten history/geography info programs
usgeo40.zip         03-03-1997   11 activities teach U. S. geography
Geology programs
path: /geology/
acpl0301.zip        02-07-1997   Package 4 analysis & ctrl of pollution, 1of11
acpl0302.zip        02-07-1997   Package 4 analysis & ctrl of pollution, 2of11
acpl0303.zip        02-07-1997   Package 4 analysis & ctrl of pollution, 3of11
acpl0304.zip        02-07-1997   Package 4 analysis & ctrl of pollution, 4of11
acpl0305.zip        02-07-1997   Package 4 analysis & ctrl of pollution, 5of11
acpl0306.zip        02-07-1997   Package 4 analysis & ctrl of pollution, 6of11
acpl0307.zip        02-07-1997   Package 4 analysis & ctrl of pollution, 7of11
acpl0308.zip        02-07-1997   Package 4 analysis & ctrl of pollution, 8of11
acpl0309.zip        02-07-1997   Package 4 analysis & ctrl of pollution, 9of11
acpl0310.zip        02-07-1997   Package 4 analysis & ctrl of pollution, 10of11
acpl0311.zip        02-07-1997   Package 4 analysis & ctrl of pollution, 11of11
ancmanps.zip        03-01-1994   acpl001 pollution pkg manual-PostScript format
np940107.zip        01-07-1994   NewPet: A geochemical data plotting system
qdg206.zip          02-20-1994   Map digitizer: contours, points, outcrops, etc
Graphics programs
path: /graphics/
1svga.zip           06-14-1996   31 SuperVGA and other programs with TP sources
2l8pe113.zip        06-14-1996   TooLate fill-pattern editor 1.13 for C coders
2show204.zip        04-11-1996   CompuShow 2000! v/2 GIF,JPEG,PNG view/convert
2svga.zip           06-14-1996   More SuperVGA/VGA and other programs w/TP srcs
3d_land.zip         05-11-1996   Virtual Reality mountain generator
3denvmap.zip        11-05-1995   3D Real-time renderer with environment mapping
3dexampl.zip        03-04-1997   3DExampl: How to animate in 3 dimensions
3dgpl.zip           05-11-1996   3D graphics tutorial w/ C source of 3D library
3dmaker.zip         09-28-1997   Creates 3D pattern-based stereoscopic images
3dpath10.zip        03-13-1994   Animation path creator for POV
3dskt10.zip         06-29-1995   StereoSketch 1.0 3-D Toolkit
3dv095.zip          05-12-1997   3DView: Object previewer
3dvect39.zip        05-11-1996   3D Vector engine with ASM/QBasic source
3dvis10.zip         06-14-1996   Displays and rotates 3D curves and surfaces
a_view3.zip         05-31-1997   View captured BBS ANSI (multiple) screens
alch18.zip          06-14-1996   Image Alchemy v1.8 image format conversion
asgv1.zip           06-15-1996   Random Dot Stereogram generator
bb-final.zip        08-17-1997   High qual. audio-visual demo for text terminal
bb-fnl3.zip         03-16-1998   BB: Portable audio-visual demo for text term
bcut.zip            06-15-1996   VGA protected mode PCX brush cutting utility
bmorph30.zip        05-29-1994   Morphing program, BMP image input, outputs BEN
bmp2eri4.zip        07-04-1998   Lossless compressor for True Color images
bmp2txt.zip         10-10-1994   Converts .BMP files to a .TXT picture
bmpcut10.zip        06-12-1995   DOS command-line based BMP file image cutter
bvista.zip          08-01-1995   3D data view, convert & render/rtaytrace. EVAL
bzztbzzt.zip        09-24-1994   Button reader/slide show viewer for Game Shows
canipk01.zip        06-25-1995   Pack of 10 color prompts for CaniPrompts
canipk02.zip        09-30-1995   Pack of 10 color prompts for CaniPrompts
caniprom.zip        04-02-1995   Makes DOS prompt colorized and animated +more
canvas11.zip        02-23-1998   256 color pcx viewer and sprite editor
cloudv09.zip        01-13-1994   A simple cloud generator (386/VGA req.)
cmplg201.zip        04-11-1996   CompuLog v/2 graphic catalog/thumb/database
cmt20.zip           04-04-1996   CHUNK Media Tools: Create bizarre slideshows
cshow904.zip        04-11-1996   CompuShow v/9 GIF,JPEG,PNG,etc view/converter
cthug53.zip         06-24-1995   Cthugha v5.3: real-time graphics from sound
cthug53s.zip        06-24-1995   C Source code for Cthugha v5.3 (cthug53.zip)
cthug53x.zip        06-24-1995   Extra goodies to go along with Cthugha v5.3
disp189a.zip        05-30-1996   Display/Convert images/movies w/many formats
disp189b.zip        05-30-1996   Video driver sources and Fonts for disp189a
dl_dj_63.zip        02-04-1997   Data Plotting Library DISLIN for GCC
dl_ef_63.zip        02-04-1997   Data Plotting Library for ELF90
dl_em_63.zip        02-04-1997   Data Plotting Library DISLIN for EMX
dl_g7_63.zip        02-04-1997   Data Plotting Library DISLIN for G77
dl_ps_63.zip        02-04-1997   DISLIN PostScript Manual
dvpeg30l.zip        06-01-1996   Dvpeg 3.0l JPEG/GIF/Targa/PPM viewer, 286+ req
fgl402a.zip         04-09-1996   Fastgraph/Lite Graphics Library 1 of 6
fgl402b.zip         04-09-1996   Fastgraph/Lite Graphics Library 2 of 6
fgl402c.zip         04-09-1996   Fastgraph/Lite Graphics Library 3 of 6
fgl402d.zip         04-09-1996   Fastgraph/Lite Graphics Library 4 of 6
fgl402e.zip         04-09-1996   Fastgraph/Lite Graphics Library 5 of 6
fgl402f.zip         04-09-1996   Fastgraph/Lite Graphics Library 6 of 6
firewrks.zip        02-23-1998   Fireworks v1.0: Configure and create fireworks
fpunr210.zip        11-13-1994   Fast, easy to use Mandelbrot/Julia set plotter
fract3.zip          10-24-1996   Shows how to produce a fractal image, w/C src
fracxtr6.zip        06-30-1996   Lots of Extras files for Fractint v19.1+
frain195.zip        09-03-1996   Fractint fractal generator version 19.5
frasr195.zip        09-03-1996   Source for Fractint 19.5 fractal generator
ft-beta.zip         11-16-1997   FreeType: TrueType rendering library w/source
g2a12.zip           10-09-1998   GFX2ASC v1.2: Graphics To ASCII Converter
gcl_21.zip          02-18-1997   GCL: Graphics Command and Language Interpreter
gcl_21ps.zip        02-18-1997   Manual of the Graphics Command Language GCL
gds31f.zip          01-10-1995   Graphics file viewer, converter, cataloger
geoclk70.zip        02-29-1996   GeoClock: Sunlight clock with 4 maps and moon
geoxtr70.zip        02-29-1996   3 more maps and data bases for GeoClock
gforge13.zip        05-24-1996   Fractal landscapes: heightfields for POV-Ray
gfview11.zip        08-05-1996   gFView v1.10: Graphics file viewer for LIST
gfxck121.zip        04-04-1996   GFXCheck v1.21: Graphics file checking utility
gmk1a.zip           08-03-1998   Stereoscopic editor and viewer for 3D objects
grfwk70f.zip        04-17-1996   View/cvt/print MAC/IMG/GIF/TIFF/EPS graphics
guf1c.zip           08-01-1998   GUF v1c: Graphic File Search Engine & Viewer
gview25s.zip        02-06-1997   Gview v2.5s: Graphics viewer/manager
hcshow15.zip        06-17-1996   Targa image viewer for HiColor VGA graphics
hidimg30.zip        09-27-1994   SVGA256 Hidden Image AutoStereogram Generator
hotkey21.zip        01-15-1995   HOTKEY v2.1: Editor of PCX images
ico2gif.zip         07-03-1996   Convert ICO images to GIF format
icoview2.zip        07-07-1997   IconView: Mini program which shows simple .ICO
j3d284.zip          06-07-1997   Advanced 3d Model Viewer with texture mapping
jaluit11.zip        06-20-1996   BSP tree compiler: hidden-surface removal etc.
jhavew11.zip        08-25-1997   Aview: A high quality ASCII art image browser
jpeg6b.zip          04-01-1998   Convert JPEG files to/from BMP,PPM,PGM,TGA
jpeg6b32.zip        04-01-1998   Faster version of jpeg6b for 386 or better
jpegsr6b.zip        04-01-1998   Source code for JPEG compression/decompression
ldpcxtga.zip        08-17-1997   PCX/TGA file viewer with C++ source
ldraw10b.zip        12-07-1996   Friendly paint editor: Developers tool+source
lwhiz131.zip        08-17-1997   LWHIZ v1.31: True color graphics viewer
magps410.zip        04-01-1997   Convert image file to PostScript-2 file format
mand13.zip          11-16-1996   Draws and navigates Mandelbrot fractal set
mand56a.zip         04-13-1996   Mandelbrot/Julia set generator v5.6, fractals
mandec75.zip        07-15-1997   MandelbrotEyeCandy v.75: Free Mandelbrot prog
maze11.zip          04-05-1997   Generates and prints 86 million unique mazes
modesaa1.zip        07-04-1998   Lists your PC's screenmodes & their properties
morphm10.zip        07-18-1997   Morphing Magic v1.0: A 2D morphing program
mp123.zip           12-14-1996   Non-complicated sprite editor by Maktos
mtmrf21.zip         03-15-1998   Metamorf v2.1: Display 3D morphing objects
neopt32a.zip        06-02-1996   NeoPaint v3.2a: Graphics bitmap editor/paint
ns26.zip            04-07-1996   NeoShow 2.6 Slideshow maker for PCX/GIX images
nsp26f.zip          06-06-1996   NeoShow Pro: Slideshow presentation/graphics
nview150.zip        02-29-1996   Graphics Viewer/Slideshow/Catalog for SuperVGA
ombra717.zip        08-16-1996   Image viewer, color/pan/zoom with mouse
pcx2txt.zip         04-04-1996   PCX image to text file conversion utility
pcx98fix.zip        01-28-1997   Fixed 98 byte long PCX viewer (320x200x256)
pcxans15.zip        04-05-1997   Convert PCX images to ANSI
pcxdmp93.zip        06-01-1996   EGA and (S)VGA screen grabber
pep17.zip           03-09-1996   PEP: Picture Editing Package v1.7
pic14.zip           07-29-1996   PIC Editor: Sprite libraries manager
pv271e.zip          11-09-1998   PV: Picture viewer/converter/animation player
qpv17e.zip          02-28-1997   JPG/TGA/GIF/PCX/BMP viewer-FAST! Req 386+ VGA
qv103a.zip          06-01-1996   DOS Multimedia Viewer including AVI with sound
s3spd310.zip        10-11-1996   Speeds up S3 graphics cards (req. S3 VBE 2.0)
s3vbe311.zip        11-12-1996   Installs a VESA VBE 2.0 for S3 graphics cards
scthf158.zip        08-05-1996   ScreenThief: Screen capture to GIF/PCX/TIF/BMP
sea3.zip            08-08-1997   Fast DOS viewer converts graphics & plays AVI
showpcx.zip         11-26-1996   Command-line PCX image file display util. v1.2
spacefx1.zip        09-20-1997   Spacecraft and planetary animation program
spart121.zip        11-29-1998   Sprite Artist: Sprite editor w/ user interface
spmorf19.zip        09-13-1994   SPMORF v1.9: Powerful morphing program
sse10.zip           09-19-1996   70 FPS Sprites & Scrolling Lib-Watcom 10 C/C++
svgacc25.zip        03-31-1997   SVGA Gfx lib for MS compatible C/C++ compilers
svgakt52.zip        06-16-1996   Developer's SVGA kit for DOS/Windows
svgapb25.zip        03-31-1997   SVGA Graphics lib for PowerBASIC 3.00c & later
svgapv25.zip        03-31-1997   SVGA Graphics lib for MS PDS & MS VBDOS
svgaqb25.zip        03-31-1997   SVGA Graphics lib for MS QuickBASIC 4.5
sws075.zip          12-07-1997   SineWave Surfer: Creates seamless patterns
t2p16.zip           07-18-1996   Convert plain text to B/W PCX image
tiffy605.zip        10-12-1997   View/process/print images, all common formats
tlpr12.zip          03-04-1994   Graphical TelePrompter. 5000 lines. Herc-VGA
topos.zip           03-17-1997   TOPOS: 3D map scanner and viewer
tpcx113.zip         11-14-1996   Smallest PCX viewer in 134 Bytes
tpcx2.zip           07-07-1997   PCXView: Mini program shows simple .PCX
tsdraw16.zip        03-02-1996   Graphical pres. of equations and LP problems
tsgifs17.zip        04-19-1998   Timo's collection of GIF labels for the Web
twinkle1.zip        11-16-1997   VGA novelty, screen saver, or random demo
txpnt18.zip         07-25-1996   Text-based paint program
uf11.zip            12-07-1997   Mandelbrot fractals, realtime zoom, true-color
univbe51.zip        06-01-1996   Universal VESA VBE for most SuperVGA cards
vesadrv2.zip        06-17-1996   VESA TSR graphics drivers. For DCVIEW21.ZIP
vpic61e.zip         05-31-1996   GIF/MAC/PCX/ColorRix pics view/convrt, EGA/VGA
vthf006.zip         12-29-1997   VideoThief 0.06: VGA/X-mode/SVGA screengrabber
xaos30b.zip         03-16-1998   XaoS: Realtime interactive fractal zoomer
zuk108.zip          10-09-1998   Realtime zoom Mandelbrot viewer. Freeware
Health, fitness, and medical utilities
path: /health/
fitt401.zip         03-03-1998   Fitness Tests: Exercise motivational program
glucoh10.zip        07-14-1997   Blood sugar PC logbook/diary database
heal211.zip         05-09-1997   Healing with Herbs v2.11
heal31.zip          04-19-1995   700pg. hypertext on health, learning & toxins
heathi.zip          03-18-1998   Health Index: Check your heath point
herbage.zip         02-21-1995   Searches a database of 262 useful plants
medic100.zip        10-12-1996   Track re-order date for mail-order medications
tachist.zip         08-11-1997   Tachistiscope: Visual reaction time program
HTML tools
path: /html/
auhtml71.zip        04-12-1997   Text to linked HTML translator
bbs2html.zip        06-11-1996   Converts FILES.BBS listings to HTML
cq9571.zip          06-29-1995   Converts WWW form text to regular text
d2h100.zip          11-24-1997   DBF2HTML: Makes an HTML table from a DBF
dox110d.zip         05-10-1998   Dox v1.10: RTF/HTML/text document converter
em_html1.zip        05-25-1998   EM_HTML v1.0: Executable Manual for HTML
extvwr21.zip        11-28-1998   Soft scrolling, multilingual txt/html viewer
h2t151b.zip         06-14-1998   Html2text: Converts HTML files to ASCII files
h2t70309.zip        03-22-1997   Converts HTML files to formatted text files
h2txt100.zip        07-20-1996   Converts Internet HTML pages into text files
hlist064.zip        05-10-1998   HList: View and print HTML Files
hpg13.zip           10-19-1998   Home Page Generator program
htasc17.zip         04-07-1996   HTASC v1.7: .HTM to .ASC file converter
htm2a10.zip         04-12-1996   Hypertext to ASCII converter v1.0
htm2t240.zip        03-22-1996   Converts HTML files to text files
htm_txt.zip         10-25-1998   HTML file to Text file converter
htmasc12.zip        12-24-1996   HTMASC v1.2: Convert WWW files (*.htm) to text
htmlbu20.zip        07-23-1996   Simple HTML code stripper
htmlc200.zip        07-03-1997   Creates Web page calendars that list events
htmlco20.zip        05-22-1995   HTML to ASCII text file translator (NagWare)
htmlconv.zip        08-17-1998   Creates pic library using links/tables/frames
htmlipfd.zip        01-26-1997   HTML - IPF converter for DOS/WIN
htmlref.zip         02-18-1995   HTML reference generator for DOS/WIN
htmls12d.zip        09-18-1996   Converts HTML to ASCII; Saves tags separately
htmltxtd.zip        01-26-1997   HTML to text converter for DOS/WIN
htmst806.zip        08-01-1998   Reprocesses HTML pages for humans to read
htmutls1.zip        01-02-1997   Modify HTML files quickly using built-in tags
hview066.zip        07-04-1998   HTML Viewer v0.66: View HTML file in text mode
jpg2html.zip        11-15-1998   Creates htm file w/ thumnail links to jpg/gifs
knots2_0.zip        01-30-1997   DOS graphical HTML browser for web authors
lstpcs12.zip        01-06-1997   LISTPICS: Creates HTML file to show graphics
makehtm.zip         09-26-1995   Converts text files to HTML. (DOS/Win3/OS2)
ntrdos14.zip        08-17-1998   File & Offline HTML Browser and App Launcher
piclib.zip          08-30-1996   Use your web browser to library graphic files
ppd.zip             01-27-1995   Create WWW pages without knowledge of HTML
qstrip2s.zip        02-27-1996   Strips HTML codes from documents
smashtms.zip        11-21-1998   Compress .HTM files and manipulate new file
ssh10.zip           09-06-1996   SSH! Convert HTML into formatted text
sshtml10.zip        09-20-1996   Guide to HTML (ASCII format)
strph102.zip        11-09-1998   Strip HTML: Removes HTML tags from a document
tagcase0.zip        03-20-1997   Converts case of HTML tags (ANSI C w/src)
transcol.zip        12-29-1997   Translates colors from decimal to hexadecimal
unhtml15.zip        06-09-1996   UnHTML removes HTML code from ASCII files
uptag0.zip          03-12-1997   Converts HTML tags to lower or upper case
viewht25.zip        12-15-1997   Viewhtml v2.5: Quickie HTML viewer & converter
webapd10.zip        05-02-1997   WebANSI Publisher: DOS HTML/ANSI text editor
winent22.zip        11-01-1998   Simple text to HTML converter w/ANSI src
wptohtml.zip        04-05-1996   Converts Word Perfect files to HTML for DOS
Internet programs and utilities
path: /internet/
adscap11.zip        02-01-1998   AdScape v1.1: WWW Classified Ads Program
autont33.zip        02-27-1996   Automates Internet SHELL account usage - Fast
c2smtp.zip          05-27-1998   Connect2SMTP v4.32:Connect network to Internet
c2uucp.zip          05-27-1998   Connect2UUCP: Connect to Internet for e-mail
cleanuud.zip        06-23-1997   Strips > and spaces from quoted files
cvm1.zip            08-17-1997   CompuLinks Virtual Merchant: WWW StoreFront
exe_15a.zip         09-04-1996   DOS-LYNX v0.15a: DOS-based Web (WWW) Browser
htget102.zip        12-22-1997   Fetch files using HTTP from DOS machine
hyteln69.zip        02-25-1996   HYTELNET v6.9: Internet resource browser
ipcfg010.zip        07-18-1996   Dynamic IP address to environ. for TCP config
irc101.zip          11-15-1995   Trumpet IRC client (uses packet driver)
kspmts25.zip        04-06-1996   KSP-Mail v2.5: Multi-threaded server for SMTP
listdos.zip         01-14-1997   Filters, sorts, and maintains FTP site lists
m2dns.zip           05-27-1998   Mach2 Domain Name Services: Manage domain name
mach2.zip           05-27-1998   Mach2 Internet Server: Software-only router
mailsc32.zip        06-21-1998   MailScan: Extract e-mail addresses from HTML
mserch11.zip        03-30-1998   MailSearch v1.1: Scans for loose email address
nd130.zip           08-25-1997   NetDial v1.3: Simple modem script dialer
nd131scr.zip        08-01-1998   NetDial Sample scripts v1.31. Freeware
nmdos200.zip        03-18-1998   NetMail DOS: SMTP/POP3 Internet email mailer
qvttcp21.zip        12-27-1996   QVT/TCP v2.1: Telnet/FTP package for MS-DOS
tn211.zip           08-01-1998   TransNet v2.11: Internet/Fidonet Gateway
tn2int11.zip        08-01-1998   TransNet v2.0: International support v1.1
tn2mu95b.zip        08-01-1998   TransNet v2.0: Mail Utilities for Windows 95
tn2mudos.zip        03-18-1998   TransNet v2.0: Mail Utilities for MS-DOS
trash982.zip        12-31-1997   GTI'z Cache Trasher'98: Removes Netscape cache
vch13.zip           05-20-1997   VCHLite v1.3: Digital signature authentication
websurv1.zip        11-02-1996   WWW surveys collector and analysis
Foreign language tutorials
path: /langtutr/
aect33.zip          11-07-1996   Advanced English tips and tricks
china130.zip        02-21-1995   Write Chinese v1.30: Chinese calligraphy tutor
euro42.zip          05-06-1996   EuropeanLearner: French German Italian Spanish
fr_gram2.zip        01-29-1997   FRGRAM2: Basic French Grammar TSR
fr_vrbs2.zip        01-29-1997   FRVERBS v2.0: Basic French Verbs TSR
frvoc2.zip          12-31-1997   French Vocabulary v2.0: French vocab tutor
frvocab.zip         10-25-1997   French Vocabulary 1.0: French vocabulary tutor
gak111v1.zip        12-26-1993   Gakusei v1.1.1 Japanese grammar tutorial, 1of2
gak111v2.zip        12-26-1993   Gakusei v1.1.1 Japanese grammar tutorial, 2of2
gi-adres.zip        01-01-1995   10,000 addresses of German institutions
gi-dland.zip        01-01-1995   More facts about Deutschland (Germany)
gi-lehrw.zip        01-01-1995   List of teaching materials of German
gi-zerti.zip        01-01-1995   Basic vocabulary German (Zertifikat DaF)
gplus30.zip         05-18-1994   German Language Tutorial v3.00
grvoc2.zip          12-31-1997   German Vocabulary v2.0: German vocab tutor
grvocab.zip         10-25-1997   German Vocabulary 1.0: German vocabulary tutor
gvoctr40.zip        02-12-1997   German/English/French/Latin/Italian teacher
han13.zip           09-02-1996   HAN v1.3: CAL for learning Chinese characters
hfc162.zip          04-07-1996   Hebrew Flashcards: Elementary Hebrew primer
id_100.zip          12-04-1995   An English to Italian dictionary for DOS
iect32.zip          11-06-1996   Teaches finer points of intermediate English
lexis20.zip         10-24-1997   Improve English/French/German reading skills
lprsp270.zip        08-08-1995   Complete Spanish Language teaching system
spanh113.zip        04-16-1995   Interactive program to learn Spanish
trans10.zip         06-30-1994   Phrase translator with Japanese dictionary
trnsmail.zip        12-19-1994   TRNSMAIL: Translates mail to six languages
tt.zip              09-25-1995   Travel Tutor: Teaches phrases in 48 languages
turkish2.zip        08-19-1996   Turkish language tutorial
virgil.zip          03-18-1995   Quizzes user on Latin vocabulary and grammer
voc-eng1.zip        12-19-1994   Multi-lingual vocabulary trainer - ENGLISH
voc-fre1.zip        12-19-1994   Multi-lingual vocabulary trainer - FRENCH
voc-ger1.zip        12-19-1994   Multi-lingual vocabulary trainer - GERMAN
voc-ita1.zip        12-19-1994   Multi-lingual vocabulary trainer - ITALIAN
voc-spa1.zip        12-19-1994   Multi-lingual vocabulary trainer - SPANISH
Legal documents
path: /legal/
ca100d.zip          12-13-1994   Cybernetic Attorney: Legal form generator
Linguistics programs
path: /lingstcs/
debes100.zip        02-23-1998   deBabel ES v1.00: English/Spanish translator
debge100.zip        12-23-1997   English to German translator utility program
debhu100.zip        12-23-1997   English to Hungarian translator utility
entspn13.zip        02-06-1995   Two-way English/Spanish interactive translator
kling31.zip         01-16-1995   Klingon language morphological analyzer
poet101.zip         12-15-1997   Poet v1.01: Random poetry generator
rhyme.zip           02-19-1995   Rhyme Finder: Finds rhymes/crossword solutions
tagtamil.zip        04-23-1994   Tamil part-of-speech tagger cum spell checker
Literature utilities
path: /literatr/
sgmidse8.zip        08-17-1997   Guide to Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream
Math programs
path: /math/
alged35.zip         04-23-1997   Algebra Editor with 3D graphics, Free C source
bc090.zip           06-08-1998   Converts values between hex, oct, bin, and dec
biglie51.zip        03-29-1998   Lie analysis of big differential eqns
binom10.zip         07-19-1996   Expands two binomials into a single trinomial
cf515.zip           07-07-1995   Science/Engineering curve fitting program
conpak10.zip        07-19-1996   Programs dealing with conic equations
conv98.zip          08-01-1998   Converts numbers to dec-hex-bin. Freeware
convt10b.zip        09-06-1996   Imperial <-> Metric Converter v1.0 Beta
curve31.zip         05-05-1997   Linear, nonlinear and global curve fitter
delpx04.zip         06-09-1995   Multi-exponential fitting, FFTs, filtering ...
dmat10.zip          07-04-1998   Real Matrix,Vector and Polynomial Library v1.0
dmgrap11.zip        02-08-1997   Free, easy to use math function grapher
drgeo050.zip        12-15-1997   Dr GEO v0.50b: Dynamic geometry & sketchpad
drgeo060.zip        06-28-1998   Dr Geo v0.60b: Dynamic figure & geometry
equa10.zip          07-19-1996   Programs that find equations to model data
femis.zip           12-29-1993   Finite-Element Matrix Interpretive System
fitit11.zip         09-16-1996   Polynomal fitting pgm - up to 10th order, v1.1
fndash40.zip        03-11-1997   Differentiates functions graphically 9 times
formu220.zip        05-17-1995   Fast interpreter of math functions (in C)
formula1.zip        12-10-1997   Calculates X value in formula given (QuickBas)
garibald.zip        08-04-1997   Numerical and probabilistic analysis language
gm12.zip            07-19-1996   Plots and connects points in 2-space
graph10b.zip        01-06-1997   Grapher v1.0 Beta: Function Grapher
ingma450.zip        08-02-1998   Ingmath v4.50: Engineering Mathematics
inte12.zip          01-19-1997   Integral v1.2: Solve integration
inte145.zip         01-28-1997   Integral: Solve integration (English version)
jkmath14.zip        10-31-1994   Matrices;graphs/calculus;probability;RPN calc.
leapb09a.zip        10-07-1995   LEAP: Relational Algebra Process/RDBMS
lie51.zip           03-29-1998   Lie analysis of differential eqns, exact solns
mafia2c.zip         03-02-1994   Complex math calculation utilities package
math20.zip          07-19-1996   Many basic algebra functions
mathpl37.zip        11-21-1995   Mathplot 3.7: Mathematical Function Plotting
mfloat20.zip        08-19-1994   Fast high precision arithmetic: C++, C, Pascal
nfit095.zip         12-20-1996   Nonlinear least SQR minimization/approximation
pascal10.zip        07-19-1996   Finds values in Pascal's triangle
poly02.zip          02-09-1997   Polynomial calculator: +, -, *, /, ^, sub, etc
prime.zip           11-05-1995   Prime number generator. Requires 386+
prime13.zip         05-08-1996   Prime Number Generator for MS-DOS OS/2 & Linux
primes.zip          09-17-1995   Prime List & Prime Factorization Generator
quine20.zip         03-18-1998   Quine: Scratchpad for Truth-functional Logic
rlab117d.zip        01-30-1995   RLaB: High level matrix programming language
series10.zip        07-19-1996   Arithmatic and geometric series
sgnls400.zip        09-10-1994   Illustrates signal processing concepts w/plots
shpdemo.zip         04-16-1997   Calculates areas and volumes on shapes
sieve01.zip         04-25-1998   Prime numbers via Ramdisk array
space10.zip         07-19-1996   Programs in 3-space and beyond
spectr21.zip        09-14-1994   Spectral analysis of random time series
stefi.zip           09-27-1995   Mathemathical Graph Editor and Analyser
trigraph.zip        04-20-1997   Plots graphs of any mathematical equations
tsfima14.zip        08-08-1998   Programs of financial mathematics, T.Salmi
tslin35c.zip        09-04-1998   Linear programming and linear goal programming
tsnum14.zip         09-16-1998   T.Salmi:Various programs in numerical analysis
txmm_08b.zip        06-12-1996   A complete and easy to use math analisys tool
Menu creation utilities
path: /menu/
adm216s.zip         08-16-1994   Advanced DOS menu and application launcher
ala451.zip          08-03-1998   AlacartE v4.50: DOS menu system
amm.zip             12-01-1995   Aquatic Moon Menu: DOS disk menu w/mouse supt.
aumenu13.zip        03-15-1998   AUMenu v1.3.0: Unix Menu Shell
autodosb.zip        10-09-1998   AutoDOS v7.9b: Enhance DOS, Win or OS/2
btndos61.zip        04-07-1996   Point & Click menu to launch any DOS software
cmcp10.zip          03-25-1997   CoPro v1.0: Program manager and a menu system
cygmnu11.zip        04-12-1994   Menu shell w/passwords, logs, low mem. usage
dmenu177.zip        04-12-1996   Free stand-alone or Netware based menu program
dos222.zip          05-12-1996   PC Menu for all versions of DOS
dosmnu10.zip        12-28-1996   Freeware DOS-shell, source available
drm301.zip          10-09-1995   DRMENU: Menu system uses ordinary batch files
dsmous10.zip        07-18-1996   Start programs with mouse from dir-listings
em81.zip            06-09-1998   Easy Menu v8.1: Hard Disk Menu
ezmenu38.zip        10-17-1994   EZ-Menu v3.8: PC Automation/Security/Organizer
ezywin1.zip         01-28-1996   Allow the user to build his own menu
fmlite10.zip        03-01-1995   Fastmenu LITE 1.0c Desktop/Menu (GUI)
gaze10ur.zip        08-23-1994   Graphical menu menu program for DOS
glance30.zip        06-03-1994   Graphical menu menu program for DOS
gold70b.zip         02-09-1995   Fastmenu GOLD 7.0b: Desktop/Menu (GUI)
grfmenu1.zip        04-22-1995   Chinese/English graph-menu, with BC++ 3.1 src
hdacc170.zip        02-28-1996   DOS menu w/mouse & cache ctrl; CRT saver +more
hdm504.zip          05-12-1996   Hard Disk Menu & Security for DOS & LANs
jocmnu20.zip        11-27-1998   JOC Menu v2.0: Compact and fast Pull-down menu
kidsmenu.zip        03-18-1994   Program menu for small children
lan206.zip          04-05-1996   LAN Menu v2.06: Network Menu/Security system
launch47.zip        11-10-1997   Launch-menu,fast,help,win95 LFN,security,netwk
lmenu30.zip         06-15-1995   Launch-shortcuts/help/m-user/mouse/security
lp13.zip            09-27-1994   The Launch Pad v1.3: Hard disk menu program
magmnu10.zip        11-27-1995   Clipper-based DOS menu program. ShareWare
menu200.zip         03-06-1995   Easy to use&customize menu, NO mem usage,mouse
menumas1.zip        08-18-1995   Menu Master: Menuing & directory control util.
menumst.zip         11-15-1997   Menu Master: Graphics menu program for MS-DOS
menumt21.zip        04-22-1994   Auto directory menus. No manual work required
menus315.zip        12-23-1996   The menu to run your programs easy & free(VGA)
menuv1_1.zip        08-11-1996   Menu v1.1: Select ten programs, configurable
menzip42.zip        04-05-1996   MENUZIP v4.2: Menu and DOS shell
mm-v040.zip         04-13-1997   Mini Menu v0.4: Configurable menu shell
mmenu100.zip        12-24-1996   'The Main Menu': Creates boot-up main menu
mnimnu11.zip        09-19-1994   Menu shell w/icons for kids who can't yet read
mpro20.zip          06-30-1997   MPRO: Tiny and fast Freeware menu system
mrcosh40.zip        08-01-1998   MarcoShell v4.0: Desktop Menu System
mrmenu2.zip         05-07-1995   MRMENU v2.0: Make menus quickly and easily
msel212a.zip        10-12-1995   Menu Selector with built-in reminder dates
oliomenu.zip        07-27-1996   Olio 1.0: Easy-to-use menu program
paccs28.zip         02-07-1995   DOS Front-End PC Access Control Menuing Shell
pcnav11.zip         02-24-1995   PC-Navigator: Menuing, tools, noRAM, Sun&Moon
power-10.zip        08-23-1997   Powerful small menu, uses 1.4kb RAM...no BATs
qm31b.zip           04-08-1996   QuickMenu III: Graphical menu/desktop for DOS
qmenu3.zip          02-27-1995   QuickMenu v3.0: Menu development program
qmiii31c.zip        07-11-1996   Icon-based graphical menu and desktop for DOS
qmpage12.zip        02-28-1998   QM-Page v1.2: Changes the entry 'Page=' in QM
starmu50.zip        03-09-1994   Star Menu 5.0 DOS/Windows menu w/mouse support
txtmenu1.zip        04-22-1995   Text menu for DOS, with source code
wsm11.zip           06-19-1997   WSmenu v1.1: Simple DOS program launcher
ymenu20.zip         09-15-1994   Your Menu, Sir: Easy & efficient menu program
Multimedia programs
path: /mmedia/
ccard98.zip         11-01-1998   Multimedia electronic Christmas card. Freeware
cssh1b.zip          04-28-1997   Multimedia trivia for grownups
dshow14a.zip        08-29-1996   DataShow: Mutimedia program
easybk26.zip        08-07-1996   MultiMedia Electronic Publisher
ismpgds.zip         07-07-1996   InterStreams MPEG player for DOS
krisca35.zip        12-09-1998   KrisCards v3.52: Musical Christmas cards
multim16.zip        12-09-1998   Multi Media Viewer v1.6: File Explorer. Free
quikrf21.zip        08-07-1996   Create HyperText menu lists
quizmk51.zip        08-07-1996   Create Multi-Media quizzes
qvpro232.zip        11-22-1998   DOS Multimedia Viewer with AVI/MOV/MP3 support
sassi10.zip         10-27-1996   TSR - Adjust sound volume/screen brightness
scoped32.zip        12-23-1997   Computes realtime 3D-Animation fitting music
sgxmas.zip          08-17-1997   Computerized Christmas Cards: Animated cards
testmk31.zip        10-31-1996   Multi-Media test creator
twrite51.zip        08-07-1996   Multi-Media electronic publisher
Mouse utilities
path: /mouse/
2l8ce115.zip        09-30-1996   TooLate graphic mouse cursor editor v1.15
cpast221.zip        04-25-1996   TSR mouse cut/paste in all DOS text modes
csedit10.zip        12-18-1993   VGA graphics mode mouse cursor editor
ctmous12.zip        01-08-1997   Cute Mouse Driver v1.2: Only 8k resident size
hgxmou10.zip        08-25-1994   HGXMOUSE: Multi-mode (text/SVGA) mouse driver
jm10.zip            06-10-1997   Emulate mouse using the joystick
joyky141.zip        06-14-1998   Joykeys v1.41: Use joysticks with any program
m2key120.zip        04-25-1996   TSR that emulates cursor keys with a mouse
me1k10.zip          06-22-1996   Emulate MS serial mouse with one external key
me5k10.zip          06-22-1996   Emulate MS mouse w/5 external keys or joystick
mouse03g.zip        10-19-1995   Mouse motion to cursor keys TSR /w ASM/C src
mouseb03.zip        03-12-1994   Use a mouse to cut and paste in DOS' textmode
mousk305.zip        06-14-1998   Mouskeys v3.05: Use mouse with any program
mswap10.zip         02-13-1995   Swap L-R mouse buttons for any DOS application
mw643.zip           08-05-1996   Logitech Mouse drivers v6.43
pcmou15a.zip        03-09-1995   Cut and Paste w/mouse for DOS text modes
xpcarr12.zip        03-09-1997   Mouse arrow key TSR, Xterm std, /w ASM src
xpcmou13.zip        12-16-1997   Mouse copy/paste/position TSR with src
PC Magazine files
path: /pcmag/
00_pcmag.zip        07-06-1998   ZIP dir listings of PC Mag. files in this dir
dirmat31.zip        04-17-1996   PC Mag update: Compare 2 dirs, report matches
pcmi9510.zip        04-07-1996   PC Magazine Index: Index of V3N25 to V14N18
v12n18.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: AltAdd,Echo,Foned1,FoneWo,FonSrc,Meter
v12n19.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: Blinde, DrvAsm, Drvload, FilCdr
v12n20.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: Aedit,DelayT,Email,EscMen,Menus,Unicha
v12n21.zip          02-23-1996   PCMag: bootti,montor,pagnum,seqprt,unityp
v12n22.zip          02-23-1996   PCMag: d2jul,dllacc,fonpix,numprn,qpath,winasm
v13n01.zip          02-23-1996   PCMag: cdd,intloo,ln,norepe,pcdz,slowit
v13n02.zip          02-23-1996   PCMag: ck,cosuse,inform,umb,winclip
v13n03.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: Brush,Dialog,Form,Ordsuf,Testva,Vulcan
v13n04.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: Confix,Dater,NtPath,Vidtes,Winapi
v13n05.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag:Count,NewMac,PathOp,SevPay,ThinDi,TmtoGg
v13n06.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: Update, ExitWin, WinVer
v13n07.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: Peruse, DocTrak, TestCm, DialIt, PathRg
v13n08.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: DiskPie, Name, FontSrt, MaxWin
v13n09.zip          02-23-1996   PCMag: IniBak,TsrMem,VM,CdxCod,NtxFor,MovieP
v13n10.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: Switcher, Xflt, Vtutor, Rever
v13n11.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: WinPrn, AtoTol
v13n12.zip          02-23-1996   PCMag: Wcl2, WPHead, EZFont
v13n13.zip          02-23-1996   PCMag: WinCrypt,EnvSiz,VigEnc,TestXc,DelDlg
v13n14.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: LapNap, StackM, QuikCo, NetMes, EMF1
v13n15.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: EMF2, KToday, Capita, AllPap, CMOSPC
v13n16.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: AUTOPA.BAT,MYGRPS.ZIP,P.ZIP,TOOLTP.XLS
v13n17.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: CDXCod,EMF3,Filter,PrForm,WipeZ,WPntr
v13n18.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: AltPmo, Audio, EMF567, Paste, SndPas
v13n19.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: DelDlg,EMF9,HookAp,Serial,WDPERM.XLS
v13n20.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: Contai, FIXPAR.BAT, PCMkey, StackC
v13n21.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: AvHelp, BLT, EDITHE.PRG, EMF12, FdDLLs
v13n22.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: GenCrt, Sched, SehDump, VPrtSc, WordSc
v14n01.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: Colors,Shred,CDD,TryColor,1Prog,Tile
v14n02.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: DateTi, OnceAd, WhatCp, PlIcon
v14n03.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: TapeCs,TapeCa,TapeC2,RTF,FilleN,ClearE
v14n04.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: AutoPa,TestCo,CP,DkDLL,DKick,Button
v14n05.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: PkDozi,VP,UlCase,Table1,PPV14N,DefEdi
v14n06.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag:1MBF,Alacarte,DCount,MsgPum,SolTr,WPromp
v14n07.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: BlnkWp, ExConv, ExePro, SPad
v14n08.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: Age, ExePro, MMDD, NoBat, SysCap
v14n09.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: Dialer, GuiTn, GuitSc, PEcho
v14n10.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: PS, SaveIt, TicTac
v14n11.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: COA, HTML
v14n12.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: ChkDrv, IconJa, NSF
v14n13.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: FHunt, HAcc, Save1, Save2, CMPDAT.BAT
v14n14.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: 2new,DiskSp,Invoi,TryMet,Wcomp,WebDb
v14n15.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: Create,Hhook,Savewp,Sound.prg,Winbar
v14n16.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: Flchk, Inctr2, Isdir.prg, Split.bas
v14n17.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: Bltmask,Cd,Chkdrive,Getdd,Lc,Psound
v14n18.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: Chgcap, Htmtab, Params.bat, Recedi
v14n19.zip          02-23-1996   PcMag: Posit.wcm, Nextid, Prompt.bat, Wmatch
v14n20.zip          02-23-1996   PCMag: Edhead.Txt,Esc.Bat,OnceAmon.Bat,Wj
v14n21.zip          02-23-1996   PCMag: HTMLSa, IsDir.Ab, Thread
v14n22.zip          02-23-1996   PCMag: Cdd.Bat, Opendbs.Prg, Ssbrow, Zipvie
v15n01.zip          02-23-1996   PCMag: Choice, Exwin.Ab, Exwinx.Ab, Somos2
v15n02.zip          02-23-1996   PCMag: AcrNms, Bascon, CppCon, WinSta, Zdrop
v15n03.zip          02-23-1996   PCMag: Kdisab, OLEAut
v15n04.zip          02-23-1996   PCMag: Delb4.Bat, Pbprnt.Txt, SBDemo, WarpCa
v15n05.zip          02-23-1996   PCMag: Appoin, Cdrom.Bat, Elapse.Ab, Oleaut
v15n06.zip          03-17-1996   PCMag: DeTab,GoMon,Tee,UserIn,WinChk,WsWin
v15n07.zip          04-18-1996   PCMag: Crc,GetSize,IdinCr,Oleau3,PicAlb,SavNcl
v15n08.zip          04-18-1996   PCMag: NoSerial,NuSerial,Randge,ScInvoke,Xwrap
v15n09.zip          04-18-1996   PCMag: CheckE, CtlDem, HideSet.bat
v15n10.zip          05-30-1996   PCMag: julian.ab, multil, whatis
v15n11.zip          05-30-1996   PCMag: hkd,javap,numdirs,rexbox,simspin,tbwiz
v15n12.zip          06-24-1996   PCMag: chop.bat, noblan.txt, quod, snap.bat
v15n13.zip          06-24-1996   PCMag: inctr3, rextrk
v15n14.zip          07-28-1996   PCMag: ddgame,disasm3.bat,javati,rupl
v15n15.zip          08-24-1996   PCMag: fs.com,nomult,regacc.txt
v15n16.zip          09-23-1996   PCMag: bootop, fdlnks.exe, form
v15n17.zip          09-23-1996   PCMag: grcode, monsys, tbl2str.ab
v15n18.zip          10-05-1996   PCMag: menued, m.bat, postc.ab, v.bat
v15n19.zip          10-24-1996   PCMag:compplay.bat,dual.zip,en.zip,tic-tac.bat
v15n20.zip          11-12-1996   PCMag: cndfrm,lvdemo,setrfrsh.fsl,tarday.doc
v15n21.zip          11-12-1996   PCMag: imgvie,nextcent.prg
v15n22.zip          11-20-1996   PCMag: 9runli.reg, atlsrc, fdf, timeda
v16n01.zip          12-16-1996   PCMag: bdayadd.vba, coa32, delshel, mmdd
v16n02.zip          12-21-1996   PCMag: btest, delsh2, rupl
v16n03.zip          01-27-1997   PCMag: cdtray, clipai, vplug
v16n04.zip          03-09-1997   PCMag: #files, trayln, win2un
v16n05.zip          03-09-1997   PCMag: eatery, filegr
v16n06.zip          03-09-1997   PCMag: logoma, zantel
v16n07.zip          12-11-1997   PCMag: dbcgi,it2und.wcm,lblblk.vba,ltos,tic
v16n08.zip          12-11-1997   PCMag: extcab.bat,pntnow,setby.vba,shrmem
v16n09.zip          12-11-1997   PCMag: detectos.bat,dialup,mfctip,zdkeym
v16n10.zip          12-11-1997   PCMag: formfx,mailpa,mfc2,sortprob.bat
v16n11.zip          12-11-1997   PCMag: bigbin,script
v16n12.zip          12-11-1997   PCMag: iconed,ipc,javscr.htm
v16n13.zip          12-11-1997   PCMag: atlctl,opentr
v16n14.zip          12-11-1997   PCMag: spell.xls,zddesk
v16n15.zip          12-11-1997   PCMag: extdll,livcon,runtot.mdb,shutup
v16n17.zip          12-11-1997   PCMag: piefil.exe,zoomin
v16n18.zip          12-11-1997   PCMag: fone32,piefil.exe,toggle.doc
v16n19.zip          12-11-1997   PCMag: cleanm.inf,roboty
v16n20.zip          12-11-1997   PCMag: cedemo,exactt
v16n21.zip          12-11-1997   PCMag: allfiles,cntwin.mdb,fontli.txt,tidy95
v16n22.zip          12-11-1997   PCMag: aspsrc,grppag.mdb,spell.xls,unfrag
v17n01.zip          12-11-1997   PCMag: oneins.txt,syncur
v17n02.zip          07-06-1998   PCMag: chang2,dhtml,srtmon
v17n03.zip          07-06-1998   PCMag: wscrip
v17n04.zip          07-06-1998   PCMag: 1inst,incsch.mdb,script,ssnag
v17n05.zip          07-06-1998   PCMag: screens
v17n06.zip          07-06-1998   PCMag: javmed.txt,scroller,tmpfil.mdb
v17n07.zip          07-06-1998   PCMag: cachemm.txt,dupeless,text2dat.txt
v17n08.zip          07-06-1998   PCMag: mts,telephon.mdb
v17n09.zip          07-06-1998   PCMag: cnfrmac,paws.com,paws.dbg,pawstest.bat
v17n10.zip          07-06-1998   PCMag: union.mdb,xml
v17n11.zip          07-06-1998   PCMag: getver.bas,lakh.txt,mmdd,yesno.txt
v17n12.zip          07-06-1998   PCMag: deffind.txt,filedel.vbs
v17n13.zip          07-06-1998   PCMag: domidl,midiacc.txt
v17n14.zip          07-06-1998   PCMag: acmur,fixowner.vbs
Project management programs
path: /projmgmt/
aim20.zip           12-30-1994   Action Item Manager II v2.0: Project manager
bobts10.zip         10-14-1995   ASCII text searcher for project management
mnlin2p5.zip        01-03-1998   MainLine v2.5: Project Management
qr301.zip           04-19-1998   QuickRef Project Assistant v3.01
tmast24c.zip        06-29-1996   Task Master 2.4c: All purpose project tracking
Qmodem communications program and related files
path: /qmodem/
qm46td-1.zip        07-09-1996   Qmodem SST 4.6 Test Drive comm program (1/2)
qm46td-2.zip        07-09-1996   Qmodem SST 4.6 Test Drive comm program (2/2)
Science related files
path: /science/
bip_3.zip           07-12-1997   BIP: Identification of an unknown microbe
crsaf_02.zip        06-30-1996   CROSAFIN: Identifies Receptor subtypes
crystal2.zip        06-29-1996   Crystal calculation tool
ds800p20.zip        10-07-1996   DS800Pro 2.0: Converter of XSAM-800 data files
ewa298bn.zip        06-30-1996   Multi-proc spectrum evaluation for XPS/UPS/XRF
ewa298dc.zip        06-30-1996   Complete documents (PostScript) for ewa297bn
flora40d.zip        10-10-1996   Flora v4.0d: Native plant identifier. DEMO
mag3d70b.zip        07-30-1996   Draw 3D trajectories of electron in magn field
nucptle2.zip        01-12-1997   New template predicts nuclear particles
prism12.zip         04-25-1998   Prism: Processes mass and other spectral data
ptch_293.zip        05-18-1998   Patchit: Scientific data acquisition program
saalr100.zip        10-06-1998   LR analysis of data acquired by SpectrAA GFAA
simkit12.zip        08-23-1997   Simulates atomic collisions in solids
spooky2.zip         12-31-1996   Animated graphics of EPR paradox
spookyl2.zip        01-09-1997   Animation of three mysteries of light
spookym2.zip        01-07-1997   Simple predictor of nuclear particles
spookyr2.zip        01-15-1997   Spookym2 blamed on a new symmetry
tack_383.zip        05-18-1998   Tack: Scientific data analysis program
waitfr13.zip        08-11-1997   Waitfor v1.3: Cooperatively runs EG&G programs
Semware word processor and related files
path: /semware/
tsedos25.zip        03-19-1997   The SemWare Editor (TSE) Pro v2.5 Test-Drive
tsejr4.zip          03-19-1997   The SemWare Editor Jr v4.0 
tstse19.zip         05-21-1997   SAL macro sources to extend SemWare Editor 2.5
Computer sound programs
path: /sound/
ab111.zip           12-07-1996   Command line sound file player for PCs
alogic11.zip        10-20-1997   Analogic v1.1: Software synthesizer
ampeg43.zip         12-09-1994   Audio MPEG Layer 1 and 2 encoder/decoder
ampegsrc.zip        12-09-1994   C source code for AMPEG (see ampeg43.zip)
awemp140.zip        04-05-1996   Sound Blaster AWE32 Module Player
bmstr62.zip         10-07-1994   Blaster Master: VOC/WAV/SND sound file editor
bunked10.zip        03-07-1994   Yamaha-OPL2/FM patch editor v1.0(Adlib/SB/Pro)
c2snd201.zip        09-11-1994   Converts DeskMate .SND to/from .WAV & others
cdbox306.zip        01-01-1994   VGA/mouse SB sound player/playback shell 
cdply10.zip         07-22-1995   DOS command line Audio-CD Player with C source
cdplyr10.zip        05-08-1995   Simple DOS audio CD player
ddplay12.zip        10-08-1995   DingDang Speaks in Chinese
dmp32289.zip        04-02-1994   Protected mode .MOD player for 386+
dmpla400.zip        04-08-1996   Dual Mod Player, supports most sound cards
dqa113sb.zip        11-29-1998   Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis v1.13
dse_demo.zip        11-26-1996   WAV player and realtime SFX maker for GUS
dtmf_d4.zip         07-21-1996   Decodes DTMF tones stored in a sound file
dtmf_rt4.zip        07-21-1996   Real time DTMF decoders using a SB sound card
fft4wav3.zip        12-01-1994   Analyse WAV/VOC/SND/RAW/IFF/SAM/MAT files+more
fftscop5.zip        07-25-1994   Realtime scope display of Sound Blaster input
fmed101.zip         01-08-1995   DOS FM OPL3 sound editor for game programmers
freq51.zip          04-08-1996   Real time spectrum analyzer using sound card
gsnd_101.zip        09-04-1996   Use sounds/fonts/CD and mixer with GoldEd
gsnd_xft.zip        09-04-1996   X-Files theme for GoldSound 1.1
guslib.zip          06-30-1996   ASM programmer's library for Gravis Ultrasound
horndrv1.zip        10-23-1995   Text/Phoneme to Speech DOS device driver
iplay10b.zip        12-24-1993   Inertia 1.0b: Multi-format sound file player
lbit157.zip         05-27-1997   Lossy packer/player (.wav/.au/.xm/.mod/ ...)
lmuse07b.zip        11-30-1998   LMUSe: Interprets L-systems as MIDI music
meat301e.zip        09-06-1995   Adds text to song-messages of MOD,S3M,MTM etc.
mmm10.zip           04-30-1995   Multimedia Maker authoring package v3.0
moddis00.zip        03-19-1994   MOD file disassembler v0.00 - with sources
modman17.zip        01-02-1994   Queue MODs to play and choose player for each
mp5utils.zip        11-08-1994   Miscellaneous utilities for SoundBlasters; 386
musiceq.zip         02-02-1997   Real time music equalizer for Sound Blaster
ots.zip             09-23-1994   One-Touch-Sound: Sound player for Theater use
plany15.zip         05-07-1996   Play any file (.AU,.WAV,etc) on SoundBlaster
pwgus113.zip        11-15-1997   Patchwork: FM synthesis patches for Gravis
qseq-13b.zip        08-04-1997   QSEQ: Complete DOS MIDI sequencer for SB card
riffwave.zip        06-28-1995   Format of Windows .WAV files
rt201.zip           04-10-1997   Real Tracker v2.01: Sound tracker
rukc110.zip         10-21-1994   Ruckus v1.1: Soundcard toolkit for DOS C/C++
rukq110.zip         10-30-1994   Ruckus v1.1: Soundcard toolkit for DOS BASIC
s2k0105a.zip        01-20-1995   Ensoniq SoundScape drivers v1.20.03, Disk #1
s2k0105b.zip        01-04-1995   Ensoniq SoundScape drivers v1.20.03, Disk #2
sb02.zip            09-06-1994   SB sound playing/recording under djgpp, C code
sb16doc.zip         08-03-1995   SB16DOC - Document on programming the SB16
sb16ex00.zip        08-19-1995   Sound Blaster 16 programming example
sb16snd.zip         02-18-1995   SB16SND: Code demonstrating SB16 programming
sblast09.zip        01-29-1995   SoundBlaster Programming Information v0.90
sbply257.zip        06-14-1998   SBPlay v2.57: Sound file player
sbpv401.zip         05-31-1998   SBPVOL v4.01: TSR to adjust SB Pro volume
sbvol092.zip        01-14-1997   SB volume control, TSR +-250 bytes, w.source
setsb04b.zip        02-23-1998   SetSB: Change Sound Blaster Pro volume setting
silic357.zip        05-06-1997   Silicium Module Player 3.57 spec modes/effects
smix130.zip         06-11-1997   SMIX Sound Library v1.30 for Turbo Pascal
smixc130.zip        06-11-1997   SMIXC Sound Library v1.30 for Borland C
smixw130.zip        06-11-1997   SMIXW Sound Library v1.30 for Watcom C DOS/4GW
sndblst4.zip        12-11-1993   EXEs+source for Sound Blaster DSP programming
sndst301.zip        08-02-1998   SNDSTATE v3.01: Sound card mixer
sngply10.zip        01-18-1997   .SNG player (adlib) + source
snmusic.zip         07-17-1998   Sound utility using PC speaker
sox10dos.zip        08-02-1998   SoundExchange: Translates sound samples
spchtool.zip        05-21-1996   Speech recognition tools, DTW, DHMM, CHMM etc
specgrm1.zip        10-02-1994   Real-time spectrogram program for PAS/SB cards
specgrm2.zip        04-08-1996   Real time spectrogram display using sound card
spkrtool.zip        05-21-1996   Speaker recognition tools, Ceps. GMM, VQ, MLP
sspro200.zip        05-29-1996   v2.0 Rack-mount stereo system w/11 components
swmp141.zip         04-05-1996   Sound Wizards Module Player v1.41 with SDK
tspak17.zip         09-11-1994   8 programs+info for Tandy DAC on T1000/2500
vat061.zip          04-07-1996   Varmint's Audio Tools (VAT) for Sound Blaster
vm110.zip           01-12-1995   Text-to-speech player and phoneme recorder
wavtool.zip         02-02-1997   WAV file player and WAV->EXE converter
whistl16.zip        11-30-1998   Whistle: Play any tune through the PC speaker
wm10_1.zip          08-30-1995   WAVmaker 1.0 digital audio/music system, 1/5
wm10_2.zip          08-30-1995   WAVmaker 1.0 digital audio/music system, 2/5
wm10_3.zip          08-30-1995   WAVmaker 1.0 digital audio/music system, 3/5
wm10_4.zip          08-30-1995   WAVmaker 1.0 digital audio/music system, 4/5
wm10_5.zip          08-30-1995   WAVmaker 1.0 digital audio/music system, 5/5
wmbzz201.zip        06-30-1996   PC speaker sound sample player
x_mod31.zip         07-07-1994   Displays fractals and plays sounds
x_shell.zip         08-22-1994   Universal shell for sound files
xmstr201.zip        02-14-1995   Menu to use MOD/GIF/etc files from ZIP/ARJ/LZH
xsb16io1.zip        06-06-1995   SBlaster16 library: Concurrent play&record,DMA
xtracker.zip        01-14-1995   32-Chnl SoundTracker for SB,SB_16,SB_AWE32,GUS
Sports programs
path: /sports/
1997nfl.zip         06-04-1997   1997 Football Guide for the NFL season
armssw.zip          12-31-1997   Ballistics/trajectory generator for firearms
bal413.zip          07-01-1996   Calculate/graph exterior ballistics functions
basev41.zip         11-26-1996   Used by baseball coaches to create game lineup
basket1s.zip        10-17-1997   Basketball Statistical Analysis
bsm2.zip            07-01-1995   Manages basketball statistics for a team
bu27.zip            08-28-1996   Batterup v2.7: Baseball stats manager
burraco.zip         02-24-1998   Automatic mgmt of a Burraco tournament-Italian
burracoe.zip        02-23-1998   Automatic management of a Burraco tournament
bwldos16.zip        01-18-1997   Bowling league management for MS DOS
cbydos10.zip        10-23-1995   DOS Dallas Cowboy Fanatic's Companion
champ5e.zip         09-18-1995   CHAMP 5: Soccer championships management (Eng)
champ5i.zip         09-17-1995   CHAMP 5: Soccer championships manag. (Italian)
csprt221.zip        08-04-1997   Compu-Sport v2.21: Sports statistics
ddata_48.zip        06-01-1997   Baseball/softball statistics tracker
ddata_49.zip        11-22-1998   Baseball/softball statistics tracker
fast25a.zip         10-05-1995   F.A.S.T. v2.5a: Football statistics program
fixtf200.zip        11-22-1998   Creates set of league fixtures
fpmv100.zip         08-07-1995   Office Football Pool Manager
gmx24.zip           08-28-1996   Game Master Deluxe: Sports game scheduler/mgr
golftrn4.zip        03-12-1995   Golf tournament organizer
itim216.zip         02-24-1998   ITIM: Audible exercise/rowing-machine pacer
kmtime21.zip        02-16-1995   Accurate timing of athlete performance
madness.zip         03-02-1994   Example sports pool generator/manager, v1.2
mm20.zip            08-28-1996   Match Maker v2.0: Tournament/game scheduler
pacer320.zip        10-09-1998   PCR: Exercise-machine audible pacer/timer
pfedge96.zip        08-07-1996   Pro Football Edge v5.0: 1996 NFL
pfh_1998.zip        05-25-1998   Pro Football Handicapper v2.01
pickem.zip          08-23-1995   Football pool handler and totaller
rr17.zip            08-28-1996   Rink Rat v1.7: Hockey stats manager
su16.zip            08-28-1996   Sign-Up v1.6: Sports registration manager
t-n-t36.zip         08-21-1994   NFL Tracker: Predicts football game winners
Spreadsheet programs
path: /spredsht/
123toasc.zip        05-11-1996   Convert Lotus 1-2-3 files to ASCII format
401kpln.zip         05-11-1996   Spreadsheet figures return from 401K plan
asa57d.zip          12-16-1996   AS-EASY-AS v5.7d: Powerful Spreadsheet
centu12a.zip        12-16-1994   Census data for business users, 1 of 2
centu12b.zip        08-31-1994   Census data for business users, 2 of 2
convr803.zip        04-25-1998   Convert dBase, ASCII-delim, fixed, 1-2-3
graphm22.zip        04-10-1997   GraphMaT 2.2: Spreadsheet macros and templates
joccal20.zip        11-27-1998   JOC Calc v2.0: Useful spreadsheet easy to use
jour166.zip         05-21-1996   I'm no Accountant: Templates for Lotus
linear.zip          12-18-1996   Linear Programming examples for AS-EASY-AS
mscor102.zip        02-28-1994   Men's Gymnastics scoring templates for Excel40
qtview11.zip        08-12-1994   Quattro viewer (for .WQS/.WQ1/.WQ2/.WB1 files)
sc621_3.zip         05-14-1994   Spreadsheet Calculator sc v6.21, OS/2 and DOS
tsaea11.zip         07-11-1998   Timo's templates for As-Easy-As spreadsht pgm
Teaching assistance programs
path: /teaching/
cdms11.zip          02-11-1997   Classroom Data Management System v1.1
dcchal20.zip        10-24-1994   DC Challenge: Electricity/electronics drills
digtal20.zip        04-08-1995   Digital Challenge: Electronics/computer drills
examb208.zip        04-07-1996   ExamBank v2.09: Teacher's aid stores questions
ezquiz61.zip        12-10-1997   Creates quizzes for Windows and DOS
eztest41.zip        12-10-1997   Creates multimedia tests for Windows/DOS
flash100.zip        10-25-1995   Create and display flash cards
grad21.zip          08-03-1998   Grades v2.1: Classroom organizer
gradeb5a.zip        08-06-1998   GradeBook Power Teacher's Grade Book v5.01
grader51.zip        02-28-1996   GRADER: Enter, modify and curve student grades
grades20.zip        10-29-1995   Grade keeper, seating/attendance, progress rpt
grgid453.zip        10-09-1998   Student grading book for educators
gsh40b.zip          02-27-1995   GRADESHEET: Easy and powerful gradebook
gvg351.zip          12-22-1996   Teacher's gradebook - 40 students per class
gvg352.zip          12-10-1997   Grenville Grader: Teachers' gradebook
gvgp352.zip         12-10-1997   Grenville Grader Plus: Gradebook for teachers
gvgu102.zip         05-12-1996   GVGU 1.02 Grenville Grader utility
lplnz260.zip        05-19-1996   LessonPlanZ 2.60: Lesson planning for teachers
mtg32a.zip          01-23-1994   User-friendly menu-driven teacher's gradebook
nlsgr96.zip         07-04-1996   NLS-Gradespack<96>: Grades keeping program
orario.zip          04-22-1997   Scheduler of school hourly (Italian language)
powergrf.zip        03-17-1994   Math and Science graphics tool for teachers
prodi60d.zip        07-04-1998   Class management program for Italian schools
quiz308.zip         12-24-1996   Create A Quiz makes on-screen interactive test
schcat02.zip        08-03-1994   School timetable management for teachers
srs15.zip           01-10-1997   Student Records System: A school database
sw_all27.zip        12-16-1997   SchoolWrite: Academic records & school accting
swintr27.zip        12-16-1997   Slide Show & Intro training to SchoolWrite
swmony27.zip        12-16-1997   SchoolWrite: General ledger/payroll/creditors
techme11.zip        01-10-1997   School Technology Tracking: A school database
testadd1.zip        01-29-1995   Gives test totals & percents from page totals
testmk31.zip        08-07-1996   Multi-Media test creator
testnet2.zip        10-11-1995   Student testing in school, home, or business
tpgen1.zip          06-08-1996   TPGen v1.0: Random test papers generator
tqm13.zip           02-21-1997   Teacher's Quiz Maker: A quiz sheet generator
varg604c.zip        03-02-1997   VAR Grade: Grading program for DOS
wsheet40.zip        06-18-1998   Create crossword, word search & word scramble
Telegard communications program
path: /telegard/
1lnr_15b.zip        06-19-1996   1Liners v1.5/Beta: One Liners for Telegard BBS
bbsedit1.zip        05-23-1996   BBS list editor v1.0 for Telegard v3.0
bdays200.zip        05-19-1996   Telegard 3.0 user birthday stats software
bw311tg.zip         05-19-1996   Blue Wave offline mail door for Telegard3
chtca003.zip        05-19-1996   Telegard 3 multiple node user chat script
cidtool1.zip        05-19-1996   Telephone Caller-ID toolbox for Telegard3
fdtg_300.zip        05-22-1996   FrontDoor to Telegard 3 download counter
fflst100.zip        05-22-1996   File listing generator for Telegard 3.0
flags100.zip        05-22-1996   Change user flags/restrictions in Telegard 3
ftg110.zip          06-20-1996   Files.bb? to Telegard 3.0 file-area import
hist100.zip         06-03-1996   Active Telegard 3.0 history graph utility
hstat200.zip        06-03-1996   Comprehensive Telegard 3.0 stats generator
invis11.zip         06-03-1996   An invisible login option for Telegard 3.0
last100.zip         06-03-1996   Telegard 3.0 'last user' to FrontDoor history
ldirs100.zip        06-04-1996   Telegard 3.0 file path listing generator
logit30a.zip        06-04-1996   Drive-to-Telegard 3.0 file upload utility
msltg100.zip        06-04-1996   Telegard 3.0 complete file list generator
numsg100.zip        06-04-1996   Telegard 3.0 'New User Message Sent' util
padi099.zip         06-08-1996   Areafix (BACKBONE.NA) import to Telegard 3
padi0991.zip        06-27-1996   Areafix (BACKBONE.NA) import to Telegard 3
pofd090.zip         06-12-1996   Offline-file deletion for Telegard 3.0
pstat057.zip        06-12-1996   Psych0Stat v0.57, statistics for Telegard
remof100.zip        06-17-1996   Remove 'offline' files from Telegard 3.0
rg2tg100.zip        06-04-1996   Renegade 10-05 to Telegard 3.0 conversion
spack100.zip        06-04-1996   Pack the Telegard 3.0 SHORTMSG.DAT file
t-dos120.zip        06-24-1996   MiniDos (T-DOS) v1.2a for Telegard 3.0
tbm200_g.zip        06-24-1996   Top bulletin maker for Telegard 3.0
tc-shut1.zip        06-24-1996   Telegard 3.0 Shuttle-Login script file
tfiles01.zip        06-24-1996   Telegard 3.0 T-Files script module v0.01
tg3typ11.zip        06-12-1996   Telegard 3.0 MCI colour file display util
tg_302.zip          08-02-1998   Telegard bulletin board system v3.02 (07/96)
tg_pcr.zip          06-12-1996   Setting up POST:CALL ratio in Telegard 3.0
tgafl260.zip        06-12-1996   Telegard 3.0 files list generator v2.60
tgans100.zip        06-12-1996   .ANS to .MSG conversion for Telegard 3.0
tgcal10.zip         06-12-1996   Last callers utility for Telegard 3.0
tgcoolb1.zip        06-24-1996   Telegard 3.0 -cool- string editor beta 1
tgdev301.zip        06-17-1996   Telegard 3.0 development kit 3.01 06/09/96
tgfam10b.zip        06-24-1996   Telegard 3.0+ file area manager 1.0b
tgfbc9b.zip         06-24-1996   Telegard 3.0 file area description cleaner
tgflg9b.zip         06-24-1996   Telegard 3.0 file freqlist generator
tgmdf200.zip        06-12-1996   200+ modem definitions for Telegard 3.0
tgmh110.zip         06-12-1996   FrontDoor history stats. for Telegard 3.0
tgmpk101.zip        06-18-1996   Telegard 3.0 message area packer v1.01
tgtag100.zip        06-12-1996   External file-tagger for Telegard 3.0
top1210.zip         06-12-1996   Top-12 message posters for Telegard 3.0
Telix communications program
path: /telix/
ap121.zip           05-20-1996   Adds minor enhancements to Telix
auto-r11.zip        05-20-1996   Execute Telix script at specified time of day
telix351.zip        07-25-1996   Telix v3.51 communications program
tlx351-h.zip        07-25-1996   Host files for Telix 3.51 communications pgm
txmdm351.zip        07-25-1996   TELIX.MDM file for Telix MODEMCFG program
Terminate communications program
path: /termnate/
1t-tutor.zip        05-01-1996   Terminate tutor and FAQ
4capibuf.zip        05-01-1996   Sets Terminate 4 CAPI buffers to correct size
500ter.zip          08-17-1997   Terminate, The Final Terminal v5.0: Comm prog.
bo.gif              05-01-1996   Picture of Bo Bendtsen, Terminate developer
Torah related information and programs
path: /torah/
mtrd001.zip         09-18-1998   MTR Hebrew Legal Classics Part 1
mtrd002.zip         09-18-1998   MTR Hebrew Legal Classics Part 2
mtrd003.zip         09-18-1998   MTR Hebrew Legal Classics Part 3
mtrd004.zip         09-18-1998   MTR Hebrew Legal Classics Part 4
mtrd005.zip         09-18-1998   MTR Hebrew Legal Classics Part 5
mtrd006.zip         09-18-1998   MTR Hebrew Legal Classics Part 6
mtrd007.zip         09-18-1998   MTR Hebrew Legal Classics Part 7
mtrd008.zip         09-18-1998   MTR Hebrew Legal Classics Part 8
mtrddel.zip         09-18-1998   MTR Uninstaller removes old MTR versions
mtrdinfo.txt        09-18-1998   MTR Info on Elul 5758 Version Package
Virus scanning programs
path: /virus/
adinf931.zip        04-17-1996   Advanced Diskinfoscope. Integrity checker
aedos480.zip        12-14-1997   Anyware Antivirus v3.01.480: Scanner for DOS
ansichk9.zip        08-09-1994   ANSI bomb and bad batch file detector
astealt2.zip        09-24-1995   Program for searching stealth viruses
avast16.zip         05-25-1998   AVAST! v7.70: Antivirus for DOS and Win3.x
avp22e-a.zip        06-27-1996   AntiViral toolkit pro 2.2 evaluation version
avpve97a.zip        02-28-1997   AVP Virus Encyclopedia, Ed. 02/97
btprt102.zip        09-06-1996   Detect and clean any BOOT SECTOR virus
ccfile77.zip        11-15-1998   Ccfiles v7.70: 14000+ file virus detector
check15.zip         06-06-1995   Check v1.5: File/system integrity checker
chkmem05.zip        07-04-1998   ChkMem: Universal semiheuristic memory scanner
clctr960.zip        08-27-1995   Virus Database Auto-Import Scanner reports
cm211.zip           06-10-1996   ChekMate: Generic virus detection w/word macro
crcheck.zip         04-24-1995   Generates and validates 32 bit checksums
dat-3111.zip        11-20-1998   McAfee's virus signature data file, Nov. 1998
diskse24.zip        12-28-1993   DiskSecure: Protects hard disk partition table
ds242.zip           02-16-1997   DiskSecure: Hard disk protection program
dsii242.zip         04-18-1996   BIOS-level anti-virus with access control
f-hare.zip          08-21-1996   Scanner and disinfector for the Hare viruses
f_def482.zip        01-13-1995   File Defender Plus: File protection driver
f_valid9.zip        11-09-1998   Validate all files in a drive or directory
fav120d.zip         04-28-1997   Fiber Anti Virus 1.20d
fiber100.zip        04-21-1997   Fiber Anti Virus v1.00d
fixuti6b.zip        02-16-1997   BIOS detection and recovery from BSI viruses
flsf106.zip         07-01-1995   FileSafe: Computer virus detection system
fp-303.zip          10-16-1998   F-PROT v3.03: Virus detector and remover
fv_conv1.zip        10-12-1997   Convert FV ref. file for text compatibility
hmvs300e.zip        11-22-1998   Neural & heuristic macro virus scanner/cleaner
i_m401a.zip         02-13-1998   Integrity Master: Antivirus/data integrity
invb612c.zip        12-29-1996   InVircible anti-virus and disaster recovery
killmnk3.zip        02-25-1996   KillMonk v3.0: Monkey and INT_10 virus remover
m-disk.zip          02-25-1996   Remove boot sector or partition table viruses
maclis11.zip        02-16-1997   Padgett's WORD Macro antivirus v1.10
mkillr12.zip        08-13-1996   Detects & deletes Word Macro virus infections
mythsv10.zip        02-25-1996   Computer Virus Myths by Greenberg/Rosenberger
netzutil.zip        08-25-1995   NetZ's anti-virus utilities
nukema12.zip        01-18-1997   Nuke MANZON.1404 & MANZON.1416. v1.2 + Source
nukere11.zip        01-18-1997   Nuke REPLICATOR.649 & .651 v1.1 + source
nuketp22.zip        01-18-1997   Nuke TAIPAN.438 virus version 2.2 + source
overs701.zip        09-28-1995   Resident virus guardian system
pass-av.zip         05-08-1994   [PASS:] Anti-virus software authentication
qwxyc01.zip         03-18-1995   Removes WXYC virus from HDs and diskettes
resav.zip           11-11-1997   Detects and cleans unknown viruses
sbabr311.zip        02-24-1998   SBABR: System Boot Areas Antivirus
scn-320e.zip        11-20-1998   McAfee's VirusScan 3.2.0: Scans/cleans viruses
snr9501.zip         12-29-1994   The Scanner anti-virus newsletter, Jan95 issue
snr9503.zip         03-02-1995   The Scanner anti-virus newsletter, Mar95 issue
snr9504.zip         04-16-1995   The Scanner anti-virus newsletter, Apr95 issue
snr9607.zip         08-18-1996   The Scanner: Today's Anti Virus Newsletter
spm-320e.zip        11-20-1998   McAfee's VirusScan v3.20 DOS (Protected Mode)
stscan17.zip        10-09-1998   Windows-specific virus scanner/cleaner
tbdos803.zip        09-28-1997   Thunderbyte virus detector, Thunderbyte B.V.
test1995.zip        12-20-1995   Virus Resrch Unit's antivirus scanner analysis
ttrap132.zip        04-01-1995   Trojan activity detector/protector
valid100.zip        08-20-1994   Replacement for McAfee VALIDATE 2.00 w/source
validat3.zip        02-25-1996   Validate shareware programs for authenticity
vbait12.zip         05-11-1994   Simple virus bait, detects COM infecting virus
vchck285.zip        01-24-1997   Detects changes made by known & unknown virus
vds31h.zip          06-09-1997   Antivirus with scanner and integrity checker
virlst12.zip        05-12-1994   Generates report from McAfee's virlist.txt
virus_l.faq         02-25-1996   Virus-L Frequently Asked Question list
virx299.zip         07-27-1996   Virex-PC: Anti-virus utility with small TSR
vschek10.zip        01-03-1994   Checks if McAfee VShield anti-virus TSR loaded
vsh-320e.zip        11-20-1998   McAfee's VShield v3.2.0: Antivirus TSR
vste204.zip         03-21-1995   FreeWare Novell virus scanning and reporting
vsumx809.zip        10-02-1998   Virus information hypertext summary list
Weather forecasting programs
path: /weather/
merln17c.zip        04-07-1996   Merlin Hurricane Tracking Tool v1.7c
storm98.zip         11-14-1998   Stormy Weather Tracking System v3.C for 1998
weath10.zip         03-14-1997   Weather Tracking Program v1.0
weathr30.zip        06-03-1996   Keep track of local weather conditions
wg2.zip             03-05-1997   Weather database and analysis program
Zmodem file transfer protocol related programs
path: /zmodem/
classicz.zip        11-18-1996   Classic ZCOMM: Non-graphic vers. of ZCOMM.EXE
dialers.zip         02-22-1996   Modem dialing scripts for ZCOMM & YAM. 940426
dsz0919b.zip        02-22-1996   Additional background info on DSZ and Zmodem
dsz1027.zip         10-27-1996   X/Y/Zmodem protocol file transfer pgm - 961027
dsz1027n.zip        10-27-1996   What's new in the 961027 release of DSZ
dsz1027x.zip        10-27-1996   X/Y/Zmodem file transfer, EXE version - 961027
fdsz0607.zip        04-07-1996   DSZ module for systems using FOSSIL drivers
gsz0924.zip         10-30-1996   Graphical version of DSZ X/Y/Zmodem file xfer
mpmod160.zip        01-01-1994   DESQview-aware X/Y/Zmodem file transfer pgm
scripts.zip         02-22-1996   ZCOMM/YAM phone/instant dwnload scripts 911015
txzm241.zip         04-07-1996   Texas Zmodem: Fast/free Zmodem protocol driver
yamdemo.zip         10-30-1996   Pro-YAM communications program demo
yamhelp.zip         02-22-1996   Flash-up help processor+database for YAM
zcommdoc.zip        10-30-1996   Documentation for ZCOMM communications pgm
zcommexe.zip        10-30-1996   Comm pgm w/Kermit, X,Y,ZModem, SEAlink. 930529
zcommhlp.zip        10-30-1996   Flash-up help for ZCOMM communications program
zest20.zip          08-29-1996   ZeST v2.0: Fast Z-Modem protocol for EGA/VGA