act-27.zip          02-25-1996   Archive Comparision Table, v27
actest41.zip        08-26-1998   Archive Comparison Test (Sept 1998 edition)
arce40g.zip         02-25-1996   Vernon Buerg's fast ARC extraction program
ari22.exe           10-24-1997   High perfomance archiver, self-extract release
arj260x.exe         08-08-1998   Robert Jung's ARJ archiver, v2.50, intl. vers.
ark101.zip          10-19-1998   Executable COM file archiver, EXE/COM convrtr
bmf_030b.zip        10-09-1998   BMF v0.3: Lossless image compression utility
crush18.zip         04-09-1996   CRUSH v1.8 -  Super-compressor for DOS
hap305bp.com        03-21-1996   Hamarsoft HAP archiver self-extract release
jam125sw.zip        03-10-1995   JAM Real-Time Data Compression Utilities
jar102x.exe         11-28-1998   JAR file archiver v1.02x (export version)
jrc110.zip          05-01-1995   Royalty-free file compressor and archiver
lgha11.zip          12-29-1997   LGHA v1.1: MS-DOS archiver
lha255e.exe         05-05-1996   LHA v2.55e: LZH archive make/extract (English)
msxie140.zip        01-17-1998   High-Performance Archiver v1.40 Pro
oop23.zip           12-14-1997   OOP v2.3.130: Archiver
rar203.exe          04-06-1998   RAR archiver v2.03 with built-in shell
rkive14.zip         10-29-1996   A high performance solids archiver v1.4
rsp00001.zip        11-05-1996   Keep varying levels of backup file versions
rsp4xl01.zip        11-05-1996   RSP for Excel users
tar320g.zip         07-04-1996   DOS/UNIX tar w/.Z/(g)zip/hardware support
uc2pro.exe          02-25-1996   UltraCompressor II Pro archiver from AIP-NL
uc2r3.exe           02-25-1996   UltraCompressor II archiver from AIP-NL
unarj243.zip        08-08-1998   ARJ file extractor for MS-DOS/Unix/VMS/others
untar105.zip        10-12-1997   Untar v1.05: Tar unpacker
untgz095.zip        02-26-1997   UNTGZ v0.95: Fast & easy tar/tgz/gz extractor
unz532x.exe         03-12-1998   Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.32: Free zipfile extractor
unz532x3.exe        03-12-1998   Info-ZIP's free UnZipper with fast 386 version
unzip532.zip        11-04-1997   Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.32 extractor, C source code
wavarc10.zip        08-04-1997   Waveform Archiver: Compress & store .wav files
xeq160.zip          12-16-1993   Packs small COM files into one to save space
zip22.zip           11-04-1997   Info-ZIP's portable ZIP v2.2, C source code
zip22x.zip          03-12-1998   Info-ZIP's portable ZIP v2.2, MS-DOS EXEs