auhtml71.zip        04-12-1997   Text to linked HTML translator
bbs2html.zip        06-11-1996   Converts FILES.BBS listings to HTML
cq9571.zip          06-29-1995   Converts WWW form text to regular text
d2h100.zip          11-24-1997   DBF2HTML: Makes an HTML table from a DBF
dox110d.zip         05-10-1998   Dox v1.10: RTF/HTML/text document converter
em_html1.zip        05-25-1998   EM_HTML v1.0: Executable Manual for HTML
extvwr21.zip        11-28-1998   Soft scrolling, multilingual txt/html viewer
h2t151b.zip         06-14-1998   Html2text: Converts HTML files to ASCII files
h2t70309.zip        03-22-1997   Converts HTML files to formatted text files
h2txt100.zip        07-20-1996   Converts Internet HTML pages into text files
hlist064.zip        05-10-1998   HList: View and print HTML Files
hpg13.zip           10-19-1998   Home Page Generator program
htasc17.zip         04-07-1996   HTASC v1.7: .HTM to .ASC file converter
htm2a10.zip         04-12-1996   Hypertext to ASCII converter v1.0
htm2t240.zip        03-22-1996   Converts HTML files to text files
htm_txt.zip         10-25-1998   HTML file to Text file converter
htmasc12.zip        12-24-1996   HTMASC v1.2: Convert WWW files (*.htm) to text
htmlbu20.zip        07-23-1996   Simple HTML code stripper
htmlc200.zip        07-03-1997   Creates Web page calendars that list events
htmlco20.zip        05-22-1995   HTML to ASCII text file translator (NagWare)
htmlconv.zip        08-17-1998   Creates pic library using links/tables/frames
htmlipfd.zip        01-26-1997   HTML - IPF converter for DOS/WIN
htmlref.zip         02-18-1995   HTML reference generator for DOS/WIN
htmls12d.zip        09-18-1996   Converts HTML to ASCII; Saves tags separately
htmltxtd.zip        01-26-1997   HTML to text converter for DOS/WIN
htmst806.zip        08-01-1998   Reprocesses HTML pages for humans to read
htmutls1.zip        01-02-1997   Modify HTML files quickly using built-in tags
hview066.zip        07-04-1998   HTML Viewer v0.66: View HTML file in text mode
jpg2html.zip        11-15-1998   Creates htm file w/ thumnail links to jpg/gifs
knots2_0.zip        01-30-1997   DOS graphical HTML browser for web authors
lstpcs12.zip        01-06-1997   LISTPICS: Creates HTML file to show graphics
makehtm.zip         09-26-1995   Converts text files to HTML. (DOS/Win3/OS2)
ntrdos14.zip        08-17-1998   File & Offline HTML Browser and App Launcher
piclib.zip          08-30-1996   Use your web browser to library graphic files
ppd.zip             01-27-1995   Create WWW pages without knowledge of HTML
qstrip2s.zip        02-27-1996   Strips HTML codes from documents
smashtms.zip        11-21-1998   Compress .HTM files and manipulate new file
ssh10.zip           09-06-1996   SSH! Convert HTML into formatted text
sshtml10.zip        09-20-1996   Guide to HTML (ASCII format)
strph102.zip        11-09-1998   Strip HTML: Removes HTML tags from a document
tagcase0.zip        03-20-1997   Converts case of HTML tags (ANSI C w/src)
transcol.zip        12-29-1997   Translates colors from decimal to hexadecimal
unhtml15.zip        06-09-1996   UnHTML removes HTML code from ASCII files
uptag0.zip          03-12-1997   Converts HTML tags to lower or upper case
viewht25.zip        12-15-1997   Viewhtml v2.5: Quickie HTML viewer & converter
webapd10.zip        05-02-1997   WebANSI Publisher: DOS HTML/ANSI text editor
winent22.zip        11-01-1998   Simple text to HTML converter w/ANSI src
wptohtml.zip        04-05-1996   Converts Word Perfect files to HTML for DOS