alged35.zip         04-23-1997   Algebra Editor with 3D graphics, Free C source
bc090.zip           06-08-1998   Converts values between hex, oct, bin, and dec
biglie51.zip        03-29-1998   Lie analysis of big differential eqns
binom10.zip         07-19-1996   Expands two binomials into a single trinomial
cf515.zip           07-07-1995   Science/Engineering curve fitting program
conpak10.zip        07-19-1996   Programs dealing with conic equations
conv98.zip          08-01-1998   Converts numbers to dec-hex-bin. Freeware
convt10b.zip        09-06-1996   Imperial <-> Metric Converter v1.0 Beta
curve31.zip         05-05-1997   Linear, nonlinear and global curve fitter
delpx04.zip         06-09-1995   Multi-exponential fitting, FFTs, filtering ...
dmat10.zip          07-04-1998   Real Matrix,Vector and Polynomial Library v1.0
dmgrap11.zip        02-08-1997   Free, easy to use math function grapher
drgeo050.zip        12-15-1997   Dr GEO v0.50b: Dynamic geometry & sketchpad
drgeo060.zip        06-28-1998   Dr Geo v0.60b: Dynamic figure & geometry
equa10.zip          07-19-1996   Programs that find equations to model data
femis.zip           12-29-1993   Finite-Element Matrix Interpretive System
fitit11.zip         09-16-1996   Polynomal fitting pgm - up to 10th order, v1.1
fndash40.zip        03-11-1997   Differentiates functions graphically 9 times
formu220.zip        05-17-1995   Fast interpreter of math functions (in C)
formula1.zip        12-10-1997   Calculates X value in formula given (QuickBas)
garibald.zip        08-04-1997   Numerical and probabilistic analysis language
gm12.zip            07-19-1996   Plots and connects points in 2-space
graph10b.zip        01-06-1997   Grapher v1.0 Beta: Function Grapher
ingma450.zip        08-02-1998   Ingmath v4.50: Engineering Mathematics
inte12.zip          01-19-1997   Integral v1.2: Solve integration
inte145.zip         01-28-1997   Integral: Solve integration (English version)
jkmath14.zip        10-31-1994   Matrices;graphs/calculus;probability;RPN calc.
leapb09a.zip        10-07-1995   LEAP: Relational Algebra Process/RDBMS
lie51.zip           03-29-1998   Lie analysis of differential eqns, exact solns
mafia2c.zip         03-02-1994   Complex math calculation utilities package
math20.zip          07-19-1996   Many basic algebra functions
mathpl37.zip        11-21-1995   Mathplot 3.7: Mathematical Function Plotting
mfloat20.zip        08-19-1994   Fast high precision arithmetic: C++, C, Pascal
nfit095.zip         12-20-1996   Nonlinear least SQR minimization/approximation
pascal10.zip        07-19-1996   Finds values in Pascal's triangle
poly02.zip          02-09-1997   Polynomial calculator: +, -, *, /, ^, sub, etc
prime.zip           11-05-1995   Prime number generator. Requires 386+
prime13.zip         05-08-1996   Prime Number Generator for MS-DOS OS/2 & Linux
primes.zip          09-17-1995   Prime List & Prime Factorization Generator
quine20.zip         03-18-1998   Quine: Scratchpad for Truth-functional Logic
rlab117d.zip        01-30-1995   RLaB: High level matrix programming language
series10.zip        07-19-1996   Arithmatic and geometric series
sgnls400.zip        09-10-1994   Illustrates signal processing concepts w/plots
shpdemo.zip         04-16-1997   Calculates areas and volumes on shapes
sieve01.zip         04-25-1998   Prime numbers via Ramdisk array
space10.zip         07-19-1996   Programs in 3-space and beyond
spectr21.zip        09-14-1994   Spectral analysis of random time series
stefi.zip           09-27-1995   Mathemathical Graph Editor and Analyser
trigraph.zip        04-20-1997   Plots graphs of any mathematical equations
tsfima14.zip        08-08-1998   Programs of financial mathematics, T.Salmi
tslin35c.zip        09-04-1998   Linear programming and linear goal programming
tsnum14.zip         09-16-1998   T.Salmi:Various programs in numerical analysis
txmm_08b.zip        06-12-1996   A complete and easy to use math analisys tool