1lnr_15b.zip        06-19-1996   1Liners v1.5/Beta: One Liners for Telegard BBS
bbsedit1.zip        05-23-1996   BBS list editor v1.0 for Telegard v3.0
bdays200.zip        05-19-1996   Telegard 3.0 user birthday stats software
bw311tg.zip         05-19-1996   Blue Wave offline mail door for Telegard3
chtca003.zip        05-19-1996   Telegard 3 multiple node user chat script
cidtool1.zip        05-19-1996   Telephone Caller-ID toolbox for Telegard3
fdtg_300.zip        05-22-1996   FrontDoor to Telegard 3 download counter
fflst100.zip        05-22-1996   File listing generator for Telegard 3.0
flags100.zip        05-22-1996   Change user flags/restrictions in Telegard 3
ftg110.zip          06-20-1996   Files.bb? to Telegard 3.0 file-area import
hist100.zip         06-03-1996   Active Telegard 3.0 history graph utility
hstat200.zip        06-03-1996   Comprehensive Telegard 3.0 stats generator
invis11.zip         06-03-1996   An invisible login option for Telegard 3.0
last100.zip         06-03-1996   Telegard 3.0 'last user' to FrontDoor history
ldirs100.zip        06-04-1996   Telegard 3.0 file path listing generator
logit30a.zip        06-04-1996   Drive-to-Telegard 3.0 file upload utility
msltg100.zip        06-04-1996   Telegard 3.0 complete file list generator
numsg100.zip        06-04-1996   Telegard 3.0 'New User Message Sent' util
padi099.zip         06-08-1996   Areafix (BACKBONE.NA) import to Telegard 3
padi0991.zip        06-27-1996   Areafix (BACKBONE.NA) import to Telegard 3
pofd090.zip         06-12-1996   Offline-file deletion for Telegard 3.0
pstat057.zip        06-12-1996   Psych0Stat v0.57, statistics for Telegard
remof100.zip        06-17-1996   Remove 'offline' files from Telegard 3.0
rg2tg100.zip        06-04-1996   Renegade 10-05 to Telegard 3.0 conversion
spack100.zip        06-04-1996   Pack the Telegard 3.0 SHORTMSG.DAT file
t-dos120.zip        06-24-1996   MiniDos (T-DOS) v1.2a for Telegard 3.0
tbm200_g.zip        06-24-1996   Top bulletin maker for Telegard 3.0
tc-shut1.zip        06-24-1996   Telegard 3.0 Shuttle-Login script file
tfiles01.zip        06-24-1996   Telegard 3.0 T-Files script module v0.01
tg3typ11.zip        06-12-1996   Telegard 3.0 MCI colour file display util
tg_302.zip          08-02-1998   Telegard bulletin board system v3.02 (07/96)
tg_pcr.zip          06-12-1996   Setting up POST:CALL ratio in Telegard 3.0
tgafl260.zip        06-12-1996   Telegard 3.0 files list generator v2.60
tgans100.zip        06-12-1996   .ANS to .MSG conversion for Telegard 3.0
tgcal10.zip         06-12-1996   Last callers utility for Telegard 3.0
tgcoolb1.zip        06-24-1996   Telegard 3.0 -cool- string editor beta 1
tgdev301.zip        06-17-1996   Telegard 3.0 development kit 3.01 06/09/96
tgfam10b.zip        06-24-1996   Telegard 3.0+ file area manager 1.0b
tgfbc9b.zip         06-24-1996   Telegard 3.0 file area description cleaner
tgflg9b.zip         06-24-1996   Telegard 3.0 file freqlist generator
tgmdf200.zip        06-12-1996   200+ modem definitions for Telegard 3.0
tgmh110.zip         06-12-1996   FrontDoor history stats. for Telegard 3.0
tgmpk101.zip        06-18-1996   Telegard 3.0 message area packer v1.01
tgtag100.zip        06-12-1996   External file-tagger for Telegard 3.0
top1210.zip         06-12-1996   Top-12 message posters for Telegard 3.0