be.zip              04-13-1988   Binary file editor
beav140.zip         04-13-1993   Binary file editor, many features and options
beav140s.zip        04-15-1993   Binary file editor, C source, PC, UNIX, Amiga
bedit25.zip         03-08-1993   Bedit v2.5: Binary/hex file viewer/editor
bntls120.zip        04-21-1996   BINARY TOOLS: Edit, view and control files
bpe14.zip           03-28-1989   Examine and patch binary files
bview1_0.zip        11-29-1992   BView v1.0: Binary or hex file viewer/editor
cedit56a.zip        06-06-1996   CEDIT 5.666-A: Hexeditor with lots of features
edbin04.zip         10-08-1990   EDLIN-like string editor for binary files v0.4
edcom44.zip         08-31-1990   Editor for COM and EXE files, does disassembly
efile.zip           02-19-1989   Binary file editor with cut/paste
fed165.zip          05-18-1997   FileEdit:Binary file editor w/alfa & hex modes
filez17.zip         03-06-1992   Binary file editor: hex/ASCII search/translate
fix220.zip          08-12-1989   File Fix; binary file editor, v2.20
fm.zip              06-17-1986   Edit binary files at byte level in ASCII/HEX
hex52as.zip         05-28-1997   Hex: Powerful mouse driven binary file editor
hexed100.zip        05-22-1990   Binary file hex/ascii editor w/insert & delete
hexit132.zip        02-22-1998   HexIt v1.32: Hex editor w/builtin disassembler
hexit_18.zip        05-25-1998   Create hex image file, view/copy disk sectors
hexman10.zip        06-03-1994   Hex and ASCII file editor
hexpress.zip        11-21-1996   Hexpress v2.10: Hex (binary) file editor
hextool.zip         10-12-1997   Hex: Powerful mouse driven binary file editor
hexv11.zip          07-02-1997   Hex v1.1: Small hex editor with many features
hexvw10.zip         09-21-1992   Hexadecimal file viewer and editor
hxedit21.zip        04-30-1996   Programmer's hexadecimal patch editor
lmhedt23.zip        11-12-1993   Michaels' HEX/ASCII editor for binary files
mzap102.zip         05-25-1991   Easy ASCII/HEX file editor, v1.02
pdt_32c.zip         12-22-1997   2-gig file editor: Binary/EBCDIC/dBASE/EXE
pdt_rev.zip         08-01-1995   Review of PDT (2gig editor) by competing authr
xed11b.zip          08-24-1994   Binary file editor with Ins/Del, S&R. 
zap104.zip          04-28-1991   ZAP v1.04: Full screen file editor for binary
zapit510.zip        10-12-1997   Zap-It v5.10: Hex file/disk editor
zipzp715.zip        01-06-1992   ZIPZAP v7.15, hex file and sector editor