64colors.zip        06-03-1990   How to display all 64 EGA colors on VGA,w/Csrc
abmake14.zip        08-09-1989   An improved 'make' utility w/source
actlib17.zip        10-25-1993   General purpose libs w/source for C/C++ pgmers
adtdv2.zip          01-26-1997   C/C++ Programmers time, date, and cal lib.
advc11.zip          04-23-1987   Thomas Hanlin's advanced 'C' routines. v.1.1
algo093b.zip        04-25-1998   Algomath-Library v0.91: C-lib of math routines
ansi-c.zip          11-30-1987   Header file activates ANSI.SYS for C
apm.zip             10-08-1988   Arbitrary Precision Math lib MS-C 5.x/TC/Unix
argtest.c           09-16-1985   Tests function, getargs()
asyncpec.zip        05-03-1989   Interrupt-driven async comm rtns for MSC 5.x
asynlib2.zip        03-20-1991   ASYNC communications library callable from 'C'
b2obj11b.zip        06-11-1994   ACA BIN2OBJ v1.10b: Binary to .OBJ converter
backlog.c           08-15-1988   Get latest add to BACKUP.LOG from DOS backup/L
bestl232.zip        09-12-1994   Extensive C programmer's library (FreeWare)
bin2c.zip           09-03-1996   Convert a binary file to a C structure
bituudec.c          12-24-1987   MSDOS/VMS UUdecode fixes lost trailing spaces
bltc127.zip         11-15-1996   Bullet C/C++ 16-bit btree/DBF database engine
bmp2cp11.zip        09-20-1997   BMP file to C/C++ source file converter
bmp2dat1.zip        11-28-1998   Converts 256-color BMP files to data files
boss01.zip          01-13-1991   Window Boss 01.07.91, windows for C pgms, 1of4
boss02a.zip         12-29-1990   Window Boss 01.07.91, windows for C pgms, 2of4
boss02b.zip         12-29-1990   Window Boss 01.07.91, windows for C pgms, 3of4
boss03.zip          01-13-1991   Window Boss 01.07.91, windows for C pgms, 4of4
bplus11.zip         01-23-1989   B-tree indexed file access in 'C', v1.1
bstr20.zip          03-29-1995   BASIC-style string functions for C and C++
btbwr10b.zip        08-02-1995   Number base conversion pgm/library/DLL w/C src
btoa.zip            01-24-1989   'C' source for binary-to-ascii convert pgm
bullet25.zip        07-02-1997   Database engine for DOS32,Win32s,Win95,NT,OS/2
c--final.zip        11-28-1996   Sphinx C--: Compiler, examples & source
c-eval.zip          04-23-1993   C source to evaluate mathematical expressions
c-flow.zip          06-24-1985   Display flow of 'C' programs
c4window.zip        08-06-1985   Window routines for 'C' programs
c60probs.zip        06-17-1990   List of problems found with MS C v6.0
c_check.zip         01-05-1986   C language syntax checker
c_flow.zip          06-23-1985   Display flow of 'C' programs
cacoph10.zip        04-19-1994   PC speaker music library for Turbo C and C++
calendah.zip        01-24-1997   ANSI C source for calendar calculations
cbase102.zip        09-22-1991   C routines for database applications, w/docs
cbooks.zip          06-29-1989   List of currently available C language books
cc01.zip            08-28-1985   'C' language functions and programs - 1 of 4
cc02.zip            01-03-1986   'C' language functions and programs - 2 of 4
cc03.zip            01-03-1986   'C' language functions and programs - 3 of 4
cc04.zip            11-25-1985   'C' language functions and programs - 4 of 4
ccc1053a.zip        12-24-1989   Complete C: learn/experiment w/OO systems,1of3
ccc1053b.zip        12-24-1989   Complete C: learn/experiment w/OO systems,2of3
ccc1053c.zip        12-24-1989   Complete C: learn/experiment w/OO systems,3of3
ccdl170e.zip        08-27-1998   CCDL: 32-bit C compiler for DOS/DPMI
ccdl170l.zip        08-27-1998   CCDL 32-bit C compiler RTL sources
ccdl170s.zip        08-27-1998   CCDL 32-bit C compiler sources
ccompile.zip        06-05-1985   Small 'C' compiler
cdecl.zip           10-20-1987   Decomposes 'C' language declarations
cephes27.zip        08-03-1998   Cephes Mathematical Library (C sources)
cfgop110.zip        08-02-1995   I/O for Windows type INI/CFG files. (C source)
cfog102.zip         05-01-1995   C source code obfuscator
cgazv5n3.zip        05-07-1991   Code from the C Gazette - Spring 1991 issue
cguide3.zip         06-04-1996   The PC programmer's guide to C
cl_7_bug.zip        10-08-1992   Bug examples for Microsoft C-Compiler CL-7.00
clp_v11.zip         10-13-1989   General purpose 'C' command line processor
clt167.zip          03-29-1994   CLint v1.67: C source checking tool
cm100exe.zip        11-15-1991   MAKE for MSC/WIN SDK (exe and samples), 1of4
cm100hlp.zip        11-15-1991   MAKE for MSC/WIN SDK (QuickHelp), 2of4
cm100txt.zip        11-15-1991   MAKE for MSC/WIN SDK (Help: text format), 3of4
cmake100.zip        11-15-1991   MAKE for MSC/WIN SDK (description), 4of4
cnews001.zip        06-22-1988   Issue #1 'C' programmer's newsletter
cnews002.zip        06-22-1988   Issue #2 'C' programmer's newsletter
cnews003.zip        02-05-1988   Issue #3 'C' programmer's newsletter
cnews004.zip        02-21-1988   Issue #4 'C' programmer's newsletter
cnews005.zip        03-07-1988   Issue #5 'C' programmer's newsletter
cnews006.zip        04-10-1988   Issue #6 'C' programmer's newsletter
cnews007.zip        05-29-1988   Issue #7 'C' programmer's newsletter
cnews008.zip        06-14-1988   Issue #8 'C' programmer's newsletter
cnews009.zip        07-17-1988   Issue #9 'C' programmer's newsletter
cnews010.zip        08-15-1988   Issue #10 'C' programmer's newsletter
cnews011.zip        09-09-1988   Issue #11 'C' programmer's newsletter
cnews012.zip        10-30-1988   'C' programming & compiler review #12
cnews013.zip        12-27-1988   'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #13
cnews014.zip        02-22-1989   'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #14
cnews015.zip        07-04-1989   'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #15
cnews016.zip        07-26-1989   'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #16
cnews017.zip        09-24-1989   'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #17
cnews018.zip        12-28-1989   'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #18
cnews019.zip        08-04-1990   'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #19
commasm.zip         07-13-1988   Info for programming MS-DOS COMM ports
configf.zip         04-30-1995   Use Windows-like config files in C (w/src)
conio.zip           06-08-1987   Direct console I/O ASM routines for MicrosoftC
consl10.zip         09-30-1995   Console text output 16/32 bit C/C++ library
consl11.zip         06-16-1996   Console text output 16/32 bit C/C++ library
cp14.zip            03-19-1992   C code outliner (DDJ8808, tweaked for BC++2.0)
cpc2.zip            01-21-1996   CodePrint for C/C++ Version 2.02 Jan 1996
cprimes.zip         08-17-1998   Cprimes: Example C prog to find Prime Numbers
cprot217.zip        06-14-1992   C and C++ incremental prototypes extractor
crc-c.zip           07-29-1987   CRC routines for C
crnchr22.zip        04-12-1993   C Libs - FFT,Wavelet,Coherence,Filter,Regr.etc
crobots.zip         12-12-1985   Game for 'C' programmers. Make own robots
crt1_6.zip          04-19-1998   Text mode drawing output/input C/C++ library
crt1_6s.zip         04-19-1998   Source code for crt1_6 C/C++ functions
cscop120.zip        01-01-1995   C source code analysis utility
csourc.zip          07-16-1987   Turbo-C source file manager
csr30_1.zip         07-11-1988   CSpotRun 'C' func lib., hdrs & examples 1of3
csr30_2.zip         07-11-1988   CSpotRun 'C' func lib., precompiled libs 2of3
csr30_3.zip         07-11-1988   CSpotRun 'C' func lib,. documentation 3of3
csubrtns.zip        05-17-1987   C Subroutines #2
ctask22d.zip        05-21-1996   Multitasking kernel in C w/ASM & C source
ctell.zip           03-08-1987   Translates C declarations into English
ctools10.zip        04-05-1992   Generic data structures in C (lists, hashtabs)
ctopas.zip          12-06-1989   Converts 'C' source to Pascal source (simple)
ctrl_c.c            09-05-1988   Intercept Ctrl C's
ctutorde.zip        04-25-1994   C language tutorial, style, and quiz program
cug236.zip          01-02-1980   Highly portable utilities from C Users' Group
curpos.asm          09-14-1983   Cursor positioning for C
cwd.c               08-15-1988   Change working directory for C
cxl52_1.zip         02-16-1990   Window/menu/mouse C func lib, docs/utils, 1of2
cxl52_2.zip         02-16-1990   Window/menu/mouse C func lib, libraries, 2of2
cxlhderr.zip        11-06-1989   C source for critical error handler with CXL
cxt250.zip          06-21-1998   C source code analysis
dbflib20.zip        11-28-1996   Borland C library for dBase (.DBF) files
dbreak.zip          02-12-1991   Disable CTL-C/CTL-BREAK/CTL-ALT-DEL. C source
debugc.zip          07-18-1985   #include level printf() debugging
delete.c            07-30-1987   Delete a file
dflat15.zip         11-14-1992   Dflat: SAA-compatible windowing LIB w/C source
dflat386.zip        10-04-1994   Update to DFLAT windowing system for 386 & up
dirlib.c            12-31-1988   Unix 'dirlib' package ported to MS-C
dlc-tsr.zip         02-12-1987   TSR interface for Datalight C
dmake38e.zip        01-24-1992   'make' util for MS-DOS C programmers. EXE/doc
dmake38s.zip        01-26-1992   C src: 'make' util for MS-DOS & Unix SysV/BSD
dosdbg20.zip        10-11-1996   C runtime checker for Microsoft C v8.00c
dxlib60.zip         06-28-1996   DOS Extender Library for Protected-Mode DOS
ems4c10.zip         04-10-1996   Expanded Memory Management for C
emsif24a.zip        06-26-1993   EMS interface for Borland/Turbo/MS C[++]
encom100.zip        07-07-1992   EnCom v1.00: C async lib - supports 16550
encom_td.zip        07-07-1992   Sample terminal pgm using EnCom1.0 C async lib
eoue1097.zip        11-24-1997   C source and font to handle Japanese text
fe1.zip             02-05-1992   Bitmap editor for Zortech C++'s FlashGraph Lib
fft142.zip          06-05-1991   Fast Fourier transforms, with C source
filtr30s.zip        04-20-1995   Text file searcher, simultan. multi-term check
fortify.zip         02-04-1995   C/C++ memory tracker and protector, R1.0
func11.zip          08-01-1995   Mathematical function Compilator for C pgms
function.zip        06-23-1995   Mathematical function Compilator for C pgms
fxvmm210.zip        04-05-1996   Virtual Memory Manager. C source
gdir.c              06-13-1986   Enhanced DIR w/attributes, hidden/system files
gencsrc.zip         11-20-1987   Coronado's Generic 'C' tutor v2.0, (1 of 2)
genctxt.zip         11-20-1987   Coronado's Generic 'C' tutor v2.0, (2 of 2)
getargs.c           09-16-1985   Get cmd line args
getargs.doc         09-16-1985   Doc for GETARGS.C
getargs.h           09-16-1985   Part of GETARGS.C
getf.zip            11-20-1988   Locate 'C' source file w/particular function
gifsave.zip         09-26-1992   C source to save GIF images
gkit05b.zip         06-25-1996   GameKit v0.5 C/C++/ASM game library for Watcom
glob.zip            02-10-1988   Change wildcard filespec to list of files
gnuctags.zip        11-20-1989   Microsoft C 5.1 port of GNU [ce]tags
graph.zip           07-21-1987   ASM CGA/EGA graphics routines for MS C (4.0)
gymake12.zip        11-18-1988   Make utility for MS-DOS w/C source v1.2
handles2.zip        04-08-1992   Get >20 handles in TC (also DJGPP). Docs & src
hgraphic.zip        04-15-1988   Hercules graphics routines for MS Quick C
hsort.c             08-05-1985   General purpose heapsort for C
ibmcom.zip          04-28-1989   Interrupt-driven comm routines for Turbo C
ibmcur.c            06-23-1984   C & ASM fast screen write, save, and restore
ibmcur.doc          06-24-1984   Short description of functions in IBMCUR.C
idl10.zip           08-14-1996   Indicates ifdef level nesting in c/c++ source
idp302ev.zip        12-03-1996   idllPower v3.02: DOS DLL support. (Watcom 32)
imc9101.zip         01-17-1991   Inside Microsoft C Journal source, Jan. 1991
imc9102.zip         01-24-1991   Inside Microsoft C Journal source, Feb. 1991
imc9103.zip         03-04-1991   Inside Microsoft C Journal source, March 1991
imc9104.zip         03-04-1991   Inside Microsoft C Journal source, April 1991
imc9106.zip         05-08-1991   Inside Microsoft C Journal source, June 1991
indents.zip         05-29-1993   Indent C & C++, (vanilla) C source code
indentx.zip         05-29-1993   Indent & format C & C++ source. DOS exe & docs
inparser.zip        01-14-1986   Extracts tokens from an input string
input.c             05-04-1986   Place batch input in environment
input.doc           05-04-1986   Examples of usage of INPUT.C
int24_c2.zip        04-15-1990   C routine intercepts Abort/Retry/Ignore prompt
intercep.asm        07-05-1987   Prevent printing ^C with signal() in MS-C
interp11.zip        03-29-1998   Command interpreter (C library)
isd31.zip           02-28-1997   Icon and sprite designer for high resolution
janus11.zip         06-04-1996   BBS door construction library for Borland C
jazdoc.zip          07-23-1986   Documentation for JAZLIB.ZIP
jazlib.zip          08-15-1986   C utility library with source (w/C)
jlib_1-7.zip        11-21-1996   JLib v1.7: Fast Portable Graphics Library
jpl-c.zip           08-06-1988   JPL library of portable C routines
julcal10.zip        12-21-1992   C language sources for Julian date programs
julin105.zip        08-01-1993   Source in C for calendar date calculations
jxfn_1-0.zip        11-21-1996   Font Functions for use with JLib v1.7+
jzchkdsk.zip        07-21-1986   Better CHKDSK program
kafsrt20.zip        06-13-1993   Complete file system and sort pkg for C pgmers
kbdhandl.zip        07-31-1993   Multiple keypress INT 9 keyboard handler w/src
kernel.zip          11-24-1986   Multitasking kernel from DDJournal, w/ASM src
kh-date.zip         07-21-1996   C/C++ library - routines for date calculations
lex.zip             08-25-1986   DeSmet C source for PD version of Unix LEX
libkb100.zip        07-23-1996   Advanced and portable low-level keyboard lib
lingua14.zip        06-30-1996   Easy multi-language support for C programs
locale12.zip        11-16-1997   Locales' support for DOS (C source)
lpc052.zip          04-16-1994   LPC-Parcor-Cepstrum code gen. for C programers
lzpip104.zip        04-17-1995   Compressed/deflated file access library
maek.c              08-25-1985   Public domain MAKE
maek.doc            08-25-1985   DOC file for MAEK.C
make-pd.zip         02-15-1987   Public domain MAKE
make.c              06-28-1984   Public domain MAKE
make.h              06-29-1984   Header file for MAKE.C public domain MAKE
makedep.zip         09-29-1994   Dependency generator for MAKE, with C source
match110.zip        03-11-1991   Unix sh-style regex parser (wild cards), C src
math.c              03-23-1984   Double precision math rtns for Lattice or MS-C
math.h              03-23-1984   Header file for MATH.C
matrix04.zip        05-24-1992   Small Matrix toolbox v0.4 for C programmers
matrixc.zip         02-18-1994   C source for matrix algebra and 3D line shapes
matrx042.zip        04-16-1994   Small Matrix Toolbox v0.42 for C programmers
mc302emb.zip        03-18-1994   MICRO-C Embedded Control kit - Test-drive vers
mc302pc1.zip        03-18-1994   MICRO-C PC 'C' compiler v3.02
mc302pc2.zip        03-18-1994   MICRO-C PC Example programs
mcomm600.zip        04-07-1996   Interrupt-driven async LIB for MS-C/Turbo-C/BC
mfile.asm           01-29-1988   Allows more than 20 files open at once in MS-C
mfile.c             07-18-1991   Allows more than 20 files open at once in MS-C
mgdos212.zip        11-09-1998   MGUI: GUI lib & designer for DOS/Win/Unix
millisec.zip        11-30-1991   MSC/asm src for millisecond resolution timing
miracle.zip         12-05-1996   Miracle C Compiler v1.7
mixfft04.zip        03-15-1998   Arbitrary-N FFT, C-source and benchmark
mkutil22.zip        09-30-1995   SciTech Makefile Utilities
mot2intl.c          06-09-1989   Convert Motorola S-record hex to Intel hex
ms-prof.zip         09-11-1989   Execution profiling for Microsoft C / Quick C
msc.c               08-15-1988   Program to pass arguments from a file to CL
mschrt3.zip         07-23-1990   High resolution timer toolbox for MSC 5.1
msec_12.zip         12-10-1991   High-definition millisec timer v1.2 (C,ASM)
mv.c                09-08-1986   UNIX-like, moves and renames files
mv.doc              09-11-1986   Documentation for MV.C
mwcon10.zip         09-28-1997   MwCONIO:Metaware/PharLap console I/O lib w/src
ndmake45.zip        12-11-1987   Unix-like MAKE for DOS C programmers v4.5
netclb35.zip        03-20-1996   Novell Netware C API library - version 3.5
njsdk30.zip         02-15-1994   NJSDK: Chinese C lib. software development kit
odoors60.zip        06-28-1996   C library for creating professional BBS doors
oxcc1434.zip        09-07-1996   OXCC v1.434: Interpreting C compiler
pc_8250.zip         02-06-1991   Serial port rtns. & VT100 emul. (C src only)
pcc12c.zip          06-20-1989   Personal C compiler. Fully functional, C WARE
pcl4c61.zip         12-31-1997   Personal Communications Library for C/C++
pcpilot.zip         01-13-1990   C programmer's TSR utility, with source
pcsound.zip         05-20-1991   Plays many types of digitized sound files
pctime14.zip        03-29-1998   Millisecond Resolution Timing Lib for DJGPP v2
pcw_c.zip           12-28-1991   PC Windows: C menu/window library w/full src
pmpro22.zip         09-30-1995   Protected mode DOS extender API
pmw132.zip          12-29-1996   DOS/4GW replacement for WATCOM C/C++
ppc.zip             09-17-1988   'Pretty Printer' for 'C' language sources
ppl4c10.zip         05-03-1995   Protocol library for C/C++
ppl4c11.zip         04-10-1996   Protocol library for C/C++
prf.zip             11-24-1988   Profiler for Microsoft 'C' programs
profil.zip          09-04-1989   C language EXE program profiler (source only)
ptrtut01.zip        06-28-1996   Text tutorial on C pointers (ASCII)
qlib210.zip         02-03-1998   QLIB v2.10 (PMODE/W SDK): C Lib replacement
qlib211b.zip        07-04-1998   QLIB: PMODE-32 SDK. Freeware
qsort.c             08-06-1985   Quick Sort in C
quikc21.zip         07-04-1989   Quick screen utilities v2.1 for Turbo C & MS C
r250.zip            10-13-1992   Portable C src: Pseudo-random number generator
random_c.zip        05-27-1990   C lang random number generator,one of the best
readin11.zip        01-12-1997   Convert any file to variable in a header file
reboot.c            02-17-1990   How to do a warm or cold boot in 'C' language
recio215.zip        10-29-1996   C library reads/writes files as records/fields
redirect.c          04-27-1989   Feed line to shell w/stdin/stdout/stderr redir
reslb201.zip        10-31-1987   Function library for Turbo-C to make TSRs
rootpath.c          07-26-1986   Convt pathname arg to root-based connical form
scale.cq            09-25-1985   Calc scaling parms for plotting, axes w/labels
scsidrvr.zip        02-09-1989   'C' source for SCSI disk drivers
sgvlib10.zip        09-05-1995   C library supporting for EGA/VGA text/graphics
shar.c              07-07-1985   Concatenate text files like Unix 'shar'
shar.doc            07-07-1985   Part of SHAR.C
simc100.zip         06-03-1996   C/C++ function library for discrete simulation
sine.c              06-01-1986   Sine functions in 'C'
sldc5141.zip        07-14-1998   SLDC51 v4.1: C compiler for 8051
sleep.zip           12-06-1987   Millisecond-resolution delay function for 'C'
smake155.zip        06-14-1993   Make utility for most compilers/linkers
smooth11.zip        06-09-1991   'Lowness' and 'split linear' data smoothers
snip9707.zip        07-09-1997   ~2.4 Mb of free C source/info, 30% PC specific
snpd9707.zip        07-09-1997   Updates snip9611.zip to snip9707.zip (cf.)
speaker.c           09-14-1983   'C' language routines to output sound to spkr
spline29.zip        11-10-1992   Interpolate using splines under tension
spwno413.zip        12-11-1992   Disk/EMS/EXT/INT15-swapping spawn() replacemnt
srdemo10.zip        06-14-1995   C lib sorts filenames containing digits. DEMO
steph1d0.zip        06-04-1995   C libraries for DOS text mode user interface
stgdk321.zip        11-15-1997   Stellar Game Development Kit v3.2 for DOS, 1/2
stgdk322.zip        11-15-1997   Stellar Game Development Kit v3.2 for DOS, 2/2
swap300.zip         10-03-1990   C routines allow swap of app to disk, XMS, EMS
system.zip          05-22-1992   C src for system() w/redirection & exit status
t2c.zip             12-01-1987   Microsoft's Turbo Pascal to C translator
tabx.c              02-23-1990   Filter that expands TABs to SPACEs
tags.c              07-12-1986   TAGS file system for C and Epsilon
tcio.zip            04-19-1995   Input/output functions for C and C++
tdat11.zip          04-22-1995   Date and Time functions for C and C++
teach-c.zip         04-06-1986   VG C tutor, great display format, w/ quizzes
teglc.zip           06-28-1990   Graphical windowing toolkit demo (TC/MSC)
testdir.zip         01-10-1989   Directory checkout (optional)
tgasave.zip         10-29-1993   C source to save Truecolor Targa (TGA) images
thread.zip          11-13-1986   C Reference guide
timestmp.c          01-21-1986   Time & date routines for C86 and Lattice-C
timestmp.h          01-21-1986   Header file for TIMESTMP.C
tools4c.zip         08-15-1987   Shareware windowing package for C programmers
tran10.zip          11-09-1995   Random Number Generators for C and C++
tsd060.zip          11-10-1995   Finds given C-function in a set of C-files
tsr-asm.zip         08-05-1988   C-callable assembler routines to go TSR
tsrc.zip            04-05-1988   TSRs in C, source code from Computer Language
txms.zip            04-20-1995   C Functions for Extended Memory Access Via XMS
u16pc.zip           12-07-1988   'C' language source for 'uncompress' for PC
undoc-cl.swi        07-09-1987   Undocumented C compiler switches (MS-C 4.0)
units.zip           11-02-1987   Powerful unit conversion program
unixclib.asm        10-14-1985   Unix/C functions in MASM for DeSmet C
update.c            08-26-1989   Copy new/altered files, with confirmation
uw210.zip           02-10-1992   UltraWin version 2.10 windowing C library
uwdemos.zip         12-31-1992   Sample programs, etc., with UltraWin C lib
uwfonted.zip        10-11-1991   Font Editor/samples for UltraWin C library
uwshadow.zip        03-04-1992   How to: Shadowed windows with UltraWin C lib
vlib_10.zip         04-15-1997   Watcom C, SVGA/VESA2.0 gfx programming library
vm10_arh.zip        03-25-1996   VGA/SVGA graphics mode mouse cursors library
vmouse22.zip        03-19-1997   VGA/SVGA Mouse cursors using VESA/VBE2.x
weekday.c           05-10-1989   Computes weekday for date w/Zeller Congruence
wfl102.zip          11-28-1998   Windows Function Library v1.02: LFN in DOS
wgt45.zip           07-13-1996   WordUp Graphics Toolkit for Borland/Turbo C
wgt51_r2.zip        08-14-1996   Watcom C/C++ graphics programming library
wildf113.zip        05-06-1991   Unix sh-style regex parser (wild cards), C src
wr_prot.c           02-14-1990   Check to see if a drive is write protected
xmmapi.zip          01-12-1997   Extended memory access functions w/ source
xmsif15.zip         05-15-1993   XMS interface for Borland/Turbo/MS C[++]
xmslb17.zip         09-01-1991   XMS library for Turbo/Borland C/C++, w/source
xrf.zip             02-05-1985   C crossref lister w/Computer Innovations C src
zcc096.zip          11-04-1996   Small C compiler, assembler and linker for DOS
zglob10.zip         09-20-1992   *argv[] wildcard file expansion, Zortech C
ztimer23.zip        06-16-1996   Microsecond accuracy timer for C, C++, ASM