3_4encod.bas        01-25-1988   3-4 en/decoder, send binary files via email
abe.zip             07-19-1989   ASCII<->binary encoding system w/error check
ascify13.zip        02-09-1989   Convert binary files to/from ASCII
asmake10.zip        12-31-1997   Converts binary to ASM-files
base64_7.zip        03-03-1997   Base64 encode/decode for DOS, Windows 3.1 & 95
bcscode1.zip        08-27-1998   BCSEncode/BCSDecode v1.0: MIME type encoder
bd102.zip           08-08-1997   Boogie's Decoder: A B64,C91,UUE,XXE decoder
bin2dbg.zip         04-09-1996   Convert binary file to debug script
clnuue10.zip        04-11-1996   Cleans text file for use with UUDdecode
comhex.zip          07-24-1987   Hexify a .COM file
comphex.zip         10-06-1986   Compares INTEL-format HEX files
dpct1610.zip        04-22-1996   File splitting with redundancy + BASE64 coding
ecd66dos.zip        04-11-1996   UUE/MIME/SHIP/BTOA decoder/encoder for DOS
embedraw.zip        03-07-1994   Send VGA 640x480 drawings in ASCII e-mail
fcode20.zip         04-12-1997   De/encode UU/XX/MIME raw or corrupted files
filehex.asm         08-13-1983   Hexify a binary file
fixuue11.zip        09-02-1991   Fixes translation problems on UUEncoded files
format83.zip        11-24-1987   Convert binary file to Intel hex
hc.zip              05-02-1984   COM to HEX - HEX to COM conversion utility
hex-bin.zip         03-30-1994   Converts Intel HEX files into binary
hexbin.zip          02-20-1989   Convert Com + Exe files to Hex and back
hexcom.zip          07-24-1987   Convert hex file to .COM
makebas.zip         09-27-1988   Cvt binary file to BASIC pgm w/data statements
makeuu11.zip        08-22-1992   Create self-decoding uuencoded files, w/C src
mimdec12.zip        04-08-1996   Mime Decoder v1.2: Decodes MIME base-64
mime64b.zip         04-11-1996   MIME base64 decoder/encoder (with source)
mimeqp.zip          02-01-1994   ASCII encoder/decoder for MIME-QP, w/C source
mpack15d.zip        04-11-1996   Encode/decode MIME messages, smart UUdecode
msbooasm.zip        03-15-1989   Make ASCII files from binary files and back
msbpct.zip          08-22-1987   Convert a .BOO file back to binary [PAS]
ncdc151.zip         10-26-1992   Fast XX/UU de/encoder for DOS/VAX/UNIX w/C src
netrun31.zip        06-30-1995   Convert COM/EXE pgms to ASCII. No decode req'd
netsend1.zip        06-17-1995   Binary > executable 7-bit ASCII email program
nwsuu125.zip        11-10-1993   NewsUUD v1.25: UUdecoder for news articles
plcode1d.zip        12-16-1996   Uuen(de)coder,decodes files containing garbage
post110.zip         10-22-1993   UUencode/split utl-Post binary files to Usenet
qux01_91.zip        01-14-1991   Quick UUencode/UUdecode and XXencode/XXdecode
rebuild2.zip        11-07-1990   Rebuild split uuencoded files, w/MSC 5.0 src
suud10.zip          11-11-1991   UUdecoder w/error diagnostics/graphic counter
toaduu21.zip        04-11-1996   Unix-compat. fast UUEncode/UUDecode, w/ASM src
toadxx11.zip        10-28-1989   XXEncode/XXDecode w/overwrite protection v1.1
ubx100d.zip         02-25-1995   Allows sending binary files via Email
udec1_1.zip         07-15-1995   UUdecode,XXdecode,MUnpack(MIME),Ship & BINHEX
udec1_2.zip         06-26-1996   UUdecode,XXdecode,MUnpack(MIME),Ship & BINHEX
unpos234.zip        03-21-1994   'Smart' uudecoder to extract USENET binaries
uu33.zip            10-02-1994   UU v3.3: UUDecoder - Freeware version
uu41s.zip           05-06-1996   Smart and fast uudecoder for multipart files
uuapp100.zip        08-25-1997   UUAppend v1.0: Append uuencoded mail messages
uuasm_11.zip        11-01-1995   UUencode/UUdecode programs for MS-DOS
uud281.zip          05-31-1996   Batch Decoder for UUEncode/UUDecode/MIME files
uudo15.zip          08-06-1994   Multi-file/multi-part 'smart' uudecoder
uudoall.zip         10-02-1991   More flexible uudecode for MS-DOS & Unix
uudvd05d.zip        03-04-1997   UUDeview: Smart UU/XX/Base64/BinHex en/decoder
uued02.zip          12-31-1997   En/Decode binary files for E-mail transfers
uuexe656.zip        11-12-1996   R.E. Marks' fast multi-section UU/XX EN/DEcode
uufill.zip          12-23-1996   Restores corrupted uuencoded files (src + exe)
uustrip.zip         03-19-1989   Make uuencoded bin posting ready for uudecode
uuxfer20.zip        11-04-1990   Comprehensive UU/XX en/decoder with C source
uuxt214.zip         01-13-1997   Smart & fast uu extractor and decoder