0del_v1.zip         08-16-1989   Deletes zero length files, version 1.01
1dirv2r1.zip        09-14-1996   OneDIR Pro 2.1: Powerful color DIR w/many opts
4sight52.zip        04-04-1997   4Sight: menu-driven file manager, file search
5dosd3.zip          07-21-1991   Replacement for DOS 5.0 directory utility
a_dseek3.zip        11-09-1998   File/folder search system for DOS/Windows
a_ren301.zip        10-01-1991   Rename dirs; move files across dirs w/o copy
acd300.zip          01-02-1998   ACD v3.00: ChDir Fast
acdii.zip           11-22-1998   Advanced Change Directory II v.70. Freeware
adtutl10.zip        09-20-1992   8 utils: CUT,DD,DELDIR,SEARCH,WC,XUPDATE, etc.
ajzap266.zip        12-19-1996   File/dir removal utility, with many options
an134.zip           08-23-1997   Analyzer, detects file type (graph/arch/etc.)
antid12.zip         11-28-1998   Antiduplicater: Finds duplicated files. Free
anywhere.zip        03-01-1986   Find files on any drive
attach.zip          08-08-1988   Attach aliases to subdirectories
attr220.zip         05-06-1994   Interactive file/directory attribute changer
attrib.zip          02-08-1986   Utility to alter file attributes
attribcr.zip        02-21-1986   Set file attributes util by Craig Milo Rogers
audit.zip           02-28-1988   Lists ALL suspicious and hidden files
bm_rm.zip           11-10-1991   Unix-like RM; remove files and/or dir subtrees
bob110.zip          12-11-1994   BOB v1.10: Enhanced directory lister
bobdir10.zip        10-14-1995   Dir util, customizable date-time formats, more
bookmk22.zip        10-17-1996   Bookmark DOS directory paths for fast access
ca13.zip            10-21-1989   Enhanced change attribute command, subdirs too
cadate.zip          05-27-1989   Allows user to change MS-DOS file dates
ccd077a.zip         11-16-1997   CCD 0.77a: DOS directory tree navigator
ccd110.zip          01-24-1993   Quickly change directories (for NT and DOS)
ccd13.zip           01-11-1997   CCD v1.3: Change folder easier
ccd20.zip           05-21-1992   CCD v2.0: An enhanced CD (chdir) for DOS
cdd.zip             10-11-1987   Change drive and directory with one command
cdd11.zip           03-25-1996   Chdir to drive+dir combination with 1 command
cddbng12.zip        11-16-1996   Enhanced CD ChDir command, sets drive too
cde10.zip           05-16-1991   Version of MSDOS ChDir that sets errorlevel
cdh50.zip           12-23-1993   Change Directory with History utility, v5.0
cdir100.zip         06-26-1995   Displays wasted disk space due to FAT clusters
cdir130.zip         02-10-1989   Create commented disk directories
cdir_v20.zip        11-15-1998   View a colorful sorted file list. Freeware
cdm9808.zip         10-19-1998   Change DIR from a menu, offer minimal name
cdq310.zip          04-19-1998   Change directories quickly w/Win95 LFN Support
cdto.zip            10-07-1987   Ward Christensen: Find file, then CD there
cdx.zip             03-24-1991   CD Extended: Search for dir and optionally CD
cf130.zip           05-10-1997   Change Fast v1.30: NCD Clone
cf_102d.zip         11-04-1996   Change Fast v1.02d: NCD clone. Freeware
cfind17.zip         04-07-1996   CFind v1.7: DOS utility to search for files
chainsaw.zip        02-16-1994   Remove entire directory tree (with C source)
chatt.zip           07-21-1987   Change File Attributes - full screen - easy
chd12.zip           04-02-1988   Enhanced directory changing utility
chgdir.zip          01-24-1987   Improved CWD, change directory
chmod2.zip          01-15-1987   Change file attributes, like Unix's 'chmod'
chngfil.asm         06-13-1986   Change file attribute, read-only/hidden/system
chunt1.zip          10-06-1988   Find files based on string w/in filename v1.0
ckdrv03b.zip        08-06-1996   Compare dir structure with one mirrored before
cleandir.zip        10-23-1996   CleanDir v1.0: Temp drive cleanup utility
clrv320.zip         09-30-1995   Color View 3.20: Fast colorful DIR replacement
cmcd10.zip          03-25-1997   Comdi v1.0: Changes directories
cmcn21.zip          04-21-1997   CONA v2.1: Gives direct access to programs
cmtd-d19.zip        11-17-1988   Dir w/comments & copy/print/view/ren/etc v1.9
codir382.zip        08-02-1998   Displays the directory in color
cops710.zip         12-08-1997   Copies files modified since given date
copydate.zip        02-20-1993   COPYDATE v1.2: Copy file date and time stamp
csap423.zip         03-14-1996   Sorts disk directory, removes deleted entries
cspc120.zip         07-19-1996   Shows free space on HD/CDs/Network drives
cudup21.zip         09-14-1991   Finds duplicate files, even in archives
cwd31.zip           11-13-1996   CWD 3.1: Shows all current working directories
d_097a.zip          04-17-1991   Fancy color coded directory listing utility
da-310.zip          08-03-1998   Full featured file/directory deletion utility
dab140.zip          01-02-1994   Delete All But v1.4: Exclude files to delete
daba10.zip          04-16-1990   Delete all files but ZIP/ARC/LZH/GIF
dass20.zip          11-17-1991   Lists directories in color, configurable
datecode.zip        06-24-1996   Encodes the file-date in the file-extension
dater11.zip         09-21-1996   Renames command line filename to date/time
dc100.zip           07-20-1996   DupeChecker: Find duplicated files on HD
dc106f.zip          09-02-1989   Directory Control: Improved ver. PCMag's DR&CO
dc200011.zip        02-22-1998   Directory 2000 v1.1: Solves year 2000 problem
dcolor.zip          01-20-1995   Color-coded directory lister for DOS
dcpdir62.zip        02-22-1991   D.Crokett's sorted and double directory pgms
dd107.zip           08-11-1989   Sorted directory utility with many options
ddel200.zip         10-11-1993   DIRDEL v2.00 - deletes non-empty directories
ddesc217.zip        04-07-1996   DIR-DESC v2.17: Add descriptions to dir list
ddir0789.zip        05-24-1989   Sorted dir down 2 columns, paginated, 07/89
ddir100.zip         11-12-1994   Scrollable directory display and file manager
del120.zip          04-30-1996   Delete with option to wipe, use carefully
del21.zip           09-08-1988   Prompted file delete
deldir11.zip        05-18-1992   Safe recursive directory and file removal pgm
deldup23.zip        02-27-1989   Delete files already in another subdirectory
delen103.zip        12-16-1997   Enhanced DELete
delnull.zip         06-24-1996   Deletes all files that are 0 bytes long
delupto.zip         09-27-1992   Deletes files older than a given date
delx.zip            10-13-1988   Delete all except, the way that people think!
derase.zip          02-01-1989   Pgm to unerase files
df-ml.zip           10-18-1994   Display free disk space, even on joined drives
df.zip              09-06-1988   Graphic display of disk free space E.Trujillo
df100.zip           08-07-1991   Display free disk space, even on joined drives
df202.zip           08-24-1991   DF 2.02: Stacker/JOIN-aware disk freespace utl
df460.zip           12-17-1992   Directory Freedom v4.60: Directory Manager
df_join2.zip        05-04-1990   Display free disk space, even on joined drives
df_uz.zip           07-24-1989   Displays disk free space for all drives, w/src
dfjb195.zip         12-24-1996   Lists files by extensive range of parameters
dfl340.zip          12-30-1993   Duplicate File Locator 3.40 scans archives too
dfs097.zip          03-04-1992   Delete/find/calc. size of files/directory tree
di11.zip            04-01-1988   Extended directory lister v1.1 w/C source
dir-com1.zip        11-09-1998   DIR alternative, see files and descriptions
dir2file.zip        01-09-1988   Creates ASCII file of directory
diract15.zip        02-04-1997   Dir-Act!: DIR command replacement for MSDOS
dircen12.zip        02-23-1998   Directory-2000+ detects files 1980 to 2079
dirclean.zip        10-18-1992   Deletes directory trees containing files
dircmp10.zip        10-16-1992   Compares files in two directory structures
dirco710.zip        12-08-1997   Updates files based on source directory
dircp100.zip        07-18-1994   Compare two directory listings, display diffs
dirdat25.zip        06-21-1998   Dir_Date: Change date and time on directories
dire30.zip          04-15-1990   Replaces DOS DIR command. Displays more info
dired306.zip        02-28-1992   'DirEdit' v3.06; Edit/sort DOS directories
dirhide1.zip        07-16-1991   Hide/unhide directories for security
dirm13.zip          10-31-1990   Faster directory lister than DOS DIR command
dirno120.zip        09-04-1990   Create commented dir listings, from PC Mag.
dirord.zip          05-30-1989   Position directory entries to desired order
dirr.zip            12-31-1985   List current directory for any version of DOS
dirs100.zip         02-21-1994   Directory/file manager copy,move,del,etc. VGA
dirsiz30.zip        02-23-1998   DirSize: Graphical tree of your directories
dirstack.zip        03-01-1993   Batch file push/pop directory stack commands
dirsts21.zip        08-23-1994   Pie-chart display of disk space usage by dir
dirto710.zip        12-08-1997   Directory lister and totaller
dirutils.zip        12-14-1987   Misc directory-related utilities
dirwi201.zip        11-14-1998   DirWide v2.01: Dir lister w/ NASM src
diskfr55.zip        03-04-1989   Displays total disk space available on PC
diskfree.zip        02-04-1986   Find true size of files on HD
diskor10.zip        09-22-1994   DiskOrganizer v1.0: Directory logger & browser
disp102.zip         04-06-1992   DIS Plus: Configurable directory viewer
djm_size.zip        08-07-1989   DIR filter displays total space used by files
dlinks10.zip        11-02-1994   Provides aliases for DOS directories
dlxdr280.zip        06-03-1996   Sorted DIR, 3 col, hid files, Hebrew and more
dmav12.zip          07-28-1994   Directory Maven v1.2: Change dir utility
dnames12.zip        04-05-1996   DONAMES: Change names of a series of files
dosdir21.zip        06-24-1994   Portable MSDOS/UNIX/VMS directory API w/C src
dosmap21.zip        11-15-1994   Unix->DOS directory/file name transform [perl]
down211.zip         11-12-1987   Enhanced replacement for CHDIR command
dp13.zip            07-03-1992   Allows pgms to find their data files in path
dr.zip              05-21-1987   PC-Magazine file utility
drip200.zip         07-14-1992   TSR to store and retrieve current path
drun203.zip         06-03-1996   Directory Runner, fast directory changer
ds421b.zip          04-25-1992   Directory Scanner 4.21b: DOS disk/file manager
ds_ls21a.zip        09-28-1997   LS.com v2.10: Color file listing for DOS
dt12.zip            08-02-1998   DirTotal v1.2: Directory size lister, w/src
dta12.zip           10-16-1988   Directory Tree Atributes, DIR/TREE replacement
du.bas              01-22-1986   Displays disk usage by directory
du113.zip           04-09-1992   Unix-like du (disk usage), many options, w/src
du_pv.zip           08-05-1989   Displays dir tree and disk usage, w/A86 src
dx_264.zip          06-05-1991   Directory eXtended v2.64 super dir & file util
edir151.zip         07-14-1996   Directory lister that recognizes files
ejchmd12.zip        12-20-1991   Edward Jajko's change file attributes program
elim10.zip          11-23-1990   Delete file DOS can't see, like spaces in name
eraq.com            02-01-1986   Delete program with y/n ?
eren.zip            09-06-1985   Extended rename utility
exd110.zip          06-30-1991   Exdel v1.10: Replacement for DOS DEL command
exe34.zip           10-20-1997   Ex: Drive browse, file recognize, smart scroll
ezfind15.zip        03-30-1996   DOS file/dir utility with hypertext help
f32as.zip           02-27-1996   VM/CMS-style directory and file manager
fd203.zip           03-08-1989   Locate duplicate files, tag/delete/view/print
fdate12a.zip        01-10-1990   Flexibly rename files to their dates
fdate2.zip          05-21-1992   Set selected file date and/or time
fdel10.zip          10-19-1998   File Terminator v1.0: File deleter. Freeware
fdf.zip             12-25-1985   Check directory trees for duplicate files
fdf_1_01.zip        04-28-1992   Find duplicate files utility
fesub100.zip        10-10-1992   Searches for empty subdirectories
ff211.zip           01-03-1990   Where-is file finder for multiple/large drives
ff_revu.zip         03-08-1990   Kay Rigg's review of 17 'find file' programs
fff52.zip           03-20-1996   Derr's FileFinder 5.2, performs fuzzy search
ffind133.zip        04-19-1989   Find file on disk, in LZH, ZIP, PAK, ARC files
ffind14e.zip        08-29-1990   Smart file-finder for large HD/network drives
fh_dz32.zip         12-19-1994   DZ shows subdirs with sizes in a bar chart
fhid22.zip          07-14-1988   Make files 'invisible' (kinda)
fichici.zip         07-07-1993   Checks for files matching current system date
fileattr.zip        02-13-1988   Set file attributes, hide, R/O, ARCH
filel20.zip         11-24-1991   VM/CMS-like FILELIST shell program for MS-DOS
filemv06.zip        04-02-1993   Fast and safe file move tool
fileq223.zip        11-29-1996   FileQuery2.23: Freew. DIR,ATTR,text/fileSEARCH
filesize.zip        04-23-1986   Like Norton's FS
filmatch.zip        09-02-1991   Find differences between two lists of files
filup710.zip        12-08-1997   Copy updated files based on a control list
find21.zip          08-13-1988   Trisoft's fast file finder v2.1 w/Del & Sort
find221.zip         08-07-1992   Gavin's fast file finder for DOS 3 and higher
finda29.zip         01-01-1990   Finds anything. Multiple search methods w/GUI
findfi36.zip        11-29-1992   Find file/s and change to directory if req'd
findfil2.zip        12-15-1990   Locate files on disk, w/Unix sh type wildcards
findit.zip          04-21-1986   Locates desired file, returns path
findit10.zip        06-16-1992   Fast utility to locate various file formats
findup39.zip        10-30-1988   List duplicate files on multiple disks
fl.zip              08-11-1989   Fast file locator with Turbo C v2 source
floc123.zip         06-12-1997   Free file finder, like Norton FL, w/A86 source
fls047.zip          01-29-1994   Unix-ish alternative DIR cmd, requires 386+
fndex20.zip         05-29-1997   Catalog/index any DOS file name
free16.zip          02-16-1989   Kapustein's free-disk reporter, v1.6
free19.zip          05-02-1991   Displays available & total space on all drives
free2.zip           12-17-1986   Lets you know free space and much more
frenum0.zip         11-01-1998   Renames files with a string and numbers
fstmp105.zip        10-06-1998   Touches files with specified date/time stamp
ft100.zip           08-07-1991   Shows each file type & disk space it occupies
futil220.zip        06-24-1995   Collection of fast pgms (Del,Copy,Move,UnDel)
fw_ls2.zip          04-06-1991   Unix-like ls directory lister for DOS & OS/2
g.zip               04-19-1989   'CD' replacement. Jump easily between subdirs
g280.zip            05-24-1991   Go any directory, any drive, Fast! v2.80
g_21.zip            04-14-1994   Change directories, display mem use, TSRs, etc
gcd_100.zip         09-19-1990   Fast graphical change directory, cursor/mouse
gcdv3.zip           09-26-1994   Changes drive as well as directory. + more
gd350.zip           04-27-1994   Quickly move to another directory
glob11.zip          05-30-1988   Make DOS cmds 'global'
go.zip              11-03-1987   Change current directory using mnemonic
go54.zip            11-05-1990   7-in-1 DOS util. Fast file finder w/options
go_3_0.zip          01-27-1991   Enhanced cd w/name completion & dir utilities
go_v_10.zip         03-07-1994   NCD-like dir. utility with no external files
godir10.zip         09-12-1996   Browses disk for specified directory
godirv10.zip        06-09-1995   Chdir across drives and uses CDPATH as in csh
gx_st101.zip        12-31-1994   Macro alternative to DOS CD command
hd4-1.zip           05-25-1998   Handy Directory: DOS color DIR command
hernoem.zip         12-07-1997   Dynamically rename a non-zero length file
hhd327.zip          05-06-1994   Howard Harvey's directory lister, many options
hhff303.zip         05-06-1994   Harvey's directory file finder, many options
hhuntr11.zip        06-08-1996   Find and delete largest and oldest files
honto211.zip        01-06-1995   Colored directory lister with much extra info
hotdir75.zip        03-17-1996   HotDIR 7.5 - Color sorted directory utility
icd220.zip          08-10-1993   Instant Change Directory (auto-updating)
imd102.zip          04-07-1996   IMD v1.02: DOS Image Directory utility
incdos11.zip        09-14-1993   Long's set of added DOS-type commands R1.1
incdos20.zip        02-20-1995   Virtuosi's set of added DOS-type commands v2.0
jadu13.zip          10-30-1989   Just Another Directory Utility
jb_du13.zip         04-10-1989   Displays disk space usage
jcd124.zip          06-14-1989   Enhanced change directory program
jdir11.zip          01-15-1990   4 across alphabetic directory lister w/attrib.
jsdown2.zip         12-04-1988   CD substitute
k-locate.zip        11-05-1989   File locator for searching drives
kdr234.zip          02-12-1993   Killdir: Erase the contents of any directory
kill.zip            11-15-1992   Removes a dir and all its files and subdir's
kill11.zip          05-03-1990   Find filenames system-wide, prompt for delete
kill150.zip         08-26-1992   Recursive directory removal with many options
kill1_1.zip         01-10-1995   Delete a directory, its files & subdirectories
killdir.zip         05-16-1990   Delete subdirectory and all files within
ks_ls.zip           10-18-1988   4.xBSD Unix-like 'ls' dir for DOS, w/TC1.5 src
l.zip               03-13-1989   Directory lister with many options
l11.zip             05-04-1993   Ricki's powerful DIR replacement
l3_0.zip            03-27-1988   TopView-aware fast directory lister
lastdr23.zip        05-22-1988   Save last drive/directory in environment
lc10.zip            04-22-1990   Sorted directory lister similar to Unix 'ls'
lcd_40b.zip         08-24-1991   Ledbetter's ''Led's Change Directory'', v4.0B
ld.zip              04-16-1986   List directories LD
ldir30.zip          06-04-1986   Directory list w/options - V. Buerg
lf34.zip            03-08-1992   Find files on any drive/optionally execute cmd
lfnbat24.zip        11-10-1997   Restores Windows 95 long filenames
lfnbat25.zip        02-23-1998   LFNbat: Restore Win95 long filenames
lfnsrt14.zip        09-30-1996   Directory sorter for DOS/Win95 disks
lildir1.zip         12-27-1994   Dir. pgm, 1-5 cols. recurse, tree, Env. var.
listrs11.zip        07-05-1995   Directory/program list makers w/action options
locat110.zip        10-25-1998   Locate: Finds files on your drives. Freeware
ls26.zip            11-29-1992   List file directories with many many options
ls_color.zip        05-16-1995   Color coded directory lister like UNIX 'ls'
ls_n_df.zip         11-01-1990   Unix-like ls/df - show dir contents/disk usage
lsv15.zip           08-02-1996   Emulates ls command in DOS w Pascal source
ltdir245.zip        10-19-1998   Little Dir v2.45: Dir Utility. Freeware
ma_rm14.zip         10-21-1989   Extended delete command, removes subdirs too
ma_touch.zip        11-23-1988   Adjust file time and date
masdir54.zip        04-20-1991   Directory sort program by date/extention/size
mastrd38.zip        04-08-1991   MASTERdIR: Sorted dir lister w/many options
mcd.zip             09-08-1994   Make a subdirectory, then CD to it
mdel13.zip          02-13-1994   MDEL v1.3: Delete matching files, except some
mdir400.zip         08-19-1994   Change directories/run pgms in DOS with mouse
mdir_v10.zip        03-21-1995   Mike's Directory Fast: Sorted directory lister
mds_rm.zip          11-07-1988   Unix-like 'rm' clone with C source
mh_du12.zip         01-22-1993   File and directory utility, GUI interface
mh_mv102.zip        06-18-1991   UNIX-like file and directory move utility
move11.zip          11-10-1987   Move Command that DOS Forgot!
move111.zip         08-09-1990   Move files between directories and/or drives
move201.zip         05-26-1988   Moves files around on disk -- small, fast
move453.zip         07-04-1989   Move files from one drive/directory to another
mt220.zip           04-10-1997   CD replacement: Partial paths, prev. dirs, src
mulsearc.zip        11-15-1997   MulSearch: Find files over network drives
mv.zip              11-08-1984   UNIX-like, moves and renames files
mv200.zip           06-12-1989   Move files from one drive/directory to another
mycd.zip            02-15-1989   Unix-like change directory program
namezap.zip         08-31-1995   Directory and file renamer
nd-096.zip          05-18-1996   NiceDir: Color DIR, instant dir sizes, more
ndelv00.zip         02-24-1991   Delete all files in current dir except a list
ndir186.zip         12-26-1997   NDIR: Multi-color sorted directory lister
new17.zip           02-18-1989   Locates files by date
newchdir.zip        11-19-1988   Directory changer, recognizes abbreviations
nfd104.zip          11-25-1987   Change date/time on one or multiple DOS files
no.zip              07-05-1986   Exclude some files from wildcard command
nuke111.zip         03-09-1989   Totally delete disk data, no chance to recover
obslt10.zip         07-04-1992   Recursive delete files older than selected age
odel12.zip          10-09-1991   Makes room on drive by deleting oldest file(s)
older.asm           02-28-1984   Return which files are older
oz111.zip           09-18-1992   Multiple-version undelete + HD Protection
pattr15.zip         11-05-1990   Set DOS file attribs with wildcards. Patriquin
pc-flist.zip        03-31-1986   Full-screen directory. Like VM/CMS
pcfn16.zip          10-27-1996   FileNotes: Attach pop-up notes to filenames
pd_12.zip           04-07-1996   Pick Directory v1.2: Fast and easy Change Dir
pdel44.zip          04-30-1992   File delete utility, extra features over DOS
pik110.zip          09-16-1990   Pick files from directory for ZIP, COPY, etc.
pkfind11.zip        05-16-1987   Katz's locate file utility, ARCs too. v1.1
pmove20.zip         09-23-1987   File move/delete between subdirs and disks
pppd301.zip         05-22-1993   Push-Pop DOS path string & current drive:\dir
prune10.zip         05-22-1990   Mefford's DIR tree pruning & grafting utility
ps52b.zip           06-29-1992   PSearch 5.2b, find file fast, by name or text
ptouch2.zip         05-04-1988   Patriquen's change date/time utility
purgtre1.zip        10-06-1988   Recursive delete of files in subdirectories
push.zip            12-11-1991   Save/restore drive/dir/envir. via .BAT file
push_pop.zip        07-24-1990   Directory stack manipulation programs, w/src
pushdir.asm         07-15-1986   Save current drive and subdir
pushpop.zip         02-24-1993   Save current drive/dir for later return
putcwd.zip          03-27-1988   Puts present dir name in environment variable
pwd.zip             07-08-1989   Displays working directory on all drives
pwd_c.zip           08-20-1990   Displays working dir on all drives, w/MSC src
q-dir30.zip         08-02-1998   Q-DIR: Enhanced DIR program for DOS
q_20.zip            08-01-1995   Quicker alternative to MS-DOS CD command
qcd11.zip           05-31-1995   Jump around your directory-tree to change path
qd_wcy10.zip        09-19-1996   Change directories using incomplete path names
qdel033.zip         11-11-1993   Kill dir tree FAST! Options, statistics, fun
qdups15.zip         01-09-1988   Nice utility for cleaning out dupes
qf300.zip           05-22-1989   Quick Find v3.00 find files, even in archives
qff64.zip           07-04-1995   Quick File Find v6.4: Enhanced file finder
rcd24.zip           04-11-1996   Powerful, do-what-I-mean change disk/directory
rcdel262.zip        08-26-1994   Delete directory trees. Faster than deltree
rdir153.zip         06-28-1995   Relative DIRectory Size. Disk usage Pie Chart
ren2date.zip        09-09-1994   Renames last four characters of a file to MMDD
renamer2.zip        08-01-1998   Rename a group or all files in one pass
rendir10.zip        06-27-1994   Freeware utility to RENname DIRectories
retain30.zip        12-17-1992   Pure BAT eq. of PUSH/POPDIR, no limits, no TSR
rfind10.zip         04-14-1995   RFind: Neat little file finder and processor
rh_ls.zip           01-08-1992   4.xBSD Unix-like 'ls' dir, with MSC5.1 source
rlbdel10.zip        09-14-1993   Long's BDEL ('Branch DELete') v1.0
rlbdir11.zip        08-29-1993   Long's BDIR ('Branch DIRectory') v1.1
rlgd11.zip          08-29-1993   Long's GD ('Go to Directory') v1.1
rlkd12.zip          08-29-1993   Long's KD ('Kill Directory') v1.2
rlxd10.zip          09-14-1993   Long's XD ('eXpand to Directory') v1.0
rm-t130.zip         05-31-1994   Removes protected files including directories
rm.zip              04-28-1987   Unix-style file/directory deleter
rm11_yg.zip         07-09-1989   Like Unix 'rm', delete files, recursive, safe
rm_hs.zip           02-16-1989   File/directory deletion program with source
rm_om.zip           10-15-1991   Unix-style file/directory deleter, w/C source
rm_ver10.zip        07-22-1996   RM.EXE v1.0: A better delete prog. for DOS
rmx.zip             01-04-1988   Unix-like 'rm' file delete program
rmyg13.zip          07-03-1992   Joseph Gil's tiny Unix-like file removal util.
rn-dr22.zip         01-18-1988   Enhanced PC-Mag utils DR and RN
rn_dr22.zip         01-17-1988   Enhanced PC-Mag utils DR and RN
rndat20e.zip        12-18-1991   Rename file to unique name based on date/time
rnlist.zip          07-28-1997   List: Lists file true size
rntolow.zip         07-28-1997   Tolow: Converts long filenames to lowercase
rtn89nov.zip        11-23-1989   Return to original directory after CD elswhere
run102.zip          09-30-1989   Repeat actions for selected files in directory
rwfman13.zip        01-02-1997   DOS file manager
sadel101.zip        04-25-1996   Keeps deleted files for recovery
samedat1.zip        10-17-1992   Copy date/time stamp from one file to another
samedate.zip        04-26-1992   Copy time/date stamp from one file to another
satrib14.zip        11-29-1992   Modify any attributes
savdir25.zip        11-29-1992   Save current directory to a batch file
sd62.zip            06-02-1989   Sorted directory - versatile - ZIP/ARC too
sd98-780.zip        10-09-1998   SuperDIR: DIR replacement for DOS/Win95/NT
sd_v2.zip           04-08-1996   Create, maintain secure directories
sdc1_2f.zip         05-27-1996   SDC v1.2: Replacement for CD command
sdel132.zip         04-02-1997   SmartDelete v1.32: Smart file deletion utility
sdir.zip            05-27-1987   Sorted dir, 2/4 up, across subdirectories
sdir40.zip          05-14-1988   Sorted directory display
sdl32.zip           08-16-1988   Sorted Directory Lister with many options
secret3.zip         10-22-1992   MD,CD,RD hidden directories v1.3 w/ASM src
seek202.zip         08-05-1994   Fast file-find w/grep-like string srch option
seeker12.zip        07-03-1996   File mngr/launcher. Win95 support. DOPUS 4 DOS
sf33.zip            03-29-1989   Search for files by subtree. Like DIR
sfa.zip             06-26-1986   Menu-driven file attribute setter
sfcombo.zip         03-12-1995   Finds files easily on one or many drives
shhrm010.zip        05-06-1994   Unix-like rm-command (delete) with recursion
showsz14.zip        07-10-1996   ShowSize v1.4: Directory sizing utility
shwhch10.zip        04-20-1994   Locates executables in PATH (like Unix which)
since-w.zip         12-21-1986   Directory for files created after certain date
since.zip           05-23-1991   DIR of files since today or since certain date
since137.zip        04-08-1996   SINCE make list of files since specified date
sldir210.zip        11-29-1992   Select directory via a menu
smove151.zip        11-04-1992   A very FAST multiple file moving utility
snif134.zip         03-15-1992   C. Declerck's fast multiple drive file finder
ssearch4.zip        12-14-1990   Super Search v1.4: Fast file finder
sst_53a.zip         07-01-1991   Keith Ledbetter's super file & archive locator
st330e.zip          11-05-1994   STREE v3.30: Displays the size of directories
struzfda.zip        12-03-1992   Struz's file and directory attribute utility
subdir.zip          11-27-1994   Executes a command in all subdirectories
subdir20.zip        01-26-1989   Change subdirectories with a single character
supdir11.zip        06-29-1996   DIR lister w/ include/exclude masks, DB output
swapname.zip        02-20-1986   Swap two file names
sweep221.zip        12-02-1987   Menu-driven file handler
sync10.zip          06-07-1995   Synchronizes one directory tree with another
syncdr31.zip        08-01-1998   Synchronize directory trees. With source
sz15.zip            10-21-1989   Number of bytes & space of files/directories
tdattr10.zip        01-09-1994   Enhanced replacement for DOS ATTRIB command
tdir92.zip          03-04-1992   TreeDir jump to directories from a menu, w/ASM
tf77.zip            02-18-1989   TurboFind - fast 'whereis' file find utility
tfind215.zip        09-03-1991   ThunderFind: Fast file finding utility
tk_ls.zip           01-14-1989   Unix-like ls dir. lister for MS-DOS w/src v1.0
to40b.zip           10-13-1990   Fast dir switcher, abbreviated subdir names
toadadel.zip        05-24-1991   Delete files older than specified nr of months
todir22.zip         03-21-1995   Jump directly to any subdirectory on any drive
tomar90.zip         03-23-1990   Improved CD - change directory without \'s
tools.zip           09-22-1987   Unix-like utility programs for PC, w/C source
touch.zip           09-27-1987   Change the Date/Time shown on any program
tppdr101.zip        09-06-1993   Push/pop dir pgm that uses the DOS environment
tpzdr124.zip        03-15-1994   ZapDir: Directory tree killer for MSDOS/DRDOS
trak10.zip          03-21-1995   TrackDir v1.0: Directory navigation tracker
tree.zip            08-27-1986   Graphic TREE directory (PD) with masm source
treedupl.zip        09-05-1986   Find and display duplicate file names
treesurg.zip        01-09-1987   Dir tree surgeon: find/compare/prune dupes
treesz02.zip        07-29-1993   Graphic tree display of dir/path/disk sizes
trunk120.zip        09-10-1988   Recursive directory lister
ttfind3b.zip        01-17-1989   TriSoft Technologies fast FileFind
ttrack21.zip        08-04-1998   Finds duplicates, files of equal size/name
twoutils.zip        10-16-1989   Enhanced DIR (ls) and DELETE, Unix-like
ua-go320.zip        08-11-1995   Fast change directory utility
ug.zip              10-23-1987   DOS path & subdirectory utility
unera13.zip         06-05-1989   Recover erased files from disk, improved
up100.zip           11-11-1987   Move towards root in directory tree w/prompt
upcopy61.zip        05-25-1998   UPCOPY v6.1: Directory synchronizer
vadcd180.zip        03-14-1993   Vadol Change Directory: Easy CD, quick access
vcd10.zip           12-26-1988   Visual Change Directory
volume11.zip        07-19-1988   Name/rename disk volume
walkdir.zip         12-17-1992   Walk through directory structure & print info
wcd214bs.zip        07-26-1998   WCD: Chdir for DOS and Unix, w/C src
wdir126.zip         07-03-1997   DIR replacement w/ GIF/JPG/ZIP, long filenames
wha-new3.zip        09-07-1998   Reports new/missing files & directories
what24.zip          07-21-1988   Add commentary to directory, ver. 2.4
whch20gt.zip        08-01-1990   Theall's scan PATH for executable programs
whch21gr.zip        07-27-1993   Clone of Unix 'which': locate commands in path
where12.zip         10-24-1993   Where is a file in PATH or other env. variable
where282.zip        04-06-1996   Whereis v2.82: Find and catalog on hard disk
whereis.asm         10-24-1985   Locate file on hard drive
whereis.doc         10-26-1985   Doc for WHEREIS.ASM
whereis.zip         05-13-1988   Finds any file on drive and uses wildcards
whereis3.zip        06-07-1989   Whereis file locator across multiple disks
which_bw.zip        09-23-1988   Weissman's search dirs for specified file
which_mc.zip        04-27-1988   Cohen's fast WHEREIS for commands in PATH
which_tf.zip        11-15-1998   Finds executables in PATH, like UNIX 'which'
whiz8706.zip        07-06-1988   Behman's fast file finder
wild15.zip          07-25-1989   Improve MS-DOS wildcard handling, v1.5
wiper.zip           10-10-1991   Remove a whole directory subtree in DOS & OS/2
with10.zip          08-13-1992   Executes a command on randomly selected files
wiz37.zip           08-08-1996   Fast, multidisk, many options file finder
wpr027.zip          10-02-1995   Recursive directory deleter
xdir.zip            03-18-1987   TSR directory program, call up anytime
xk420e.zip          11-05-1994   XKILL v4.20: Enhanced file deleting
xrd30.zip           06-19-1997   Extented RD: Removes subdirectories and files
yatu102.zip         05-13-1997   Free touch utility, with A86 source
ycom10.zip          08-29-1994   Run applications using English commands
zab12.zip           05-08-1997   Zero All But 1.2: Delete ALL files/subdirs BUT
zapdir40.zip        06-04-1991   Remove entire branches of directory tree
zdel3001.zip        05-04-1987   Selective delete utility
zdiff23.zip         07-04-1996   Visual directory/zip difference viewer/manager
zdir20.zip          03-02-1992   Fast sorted dir replacement with many options
zero11.zip          05-31-1997   Insert markers/dividers into directories
zeroin26.zip        12-07-1997   Super replacement for DOS's cd command