16rec310.zip        07-14-1998   Tiramisu for DOS/WIN (FAT16) v3.10
1pass200.zip        05-11-1996   One-pass floppy disk copier. Uses RAM/EMS/HDD
1seagate.zip        04-03-1996   Specs for ALL Seagate drives from Seagate BBS
22dsk144.zip        08-02-1997   CP/M<->Diskette xfer, over 100 formats. SYDEX
2format.zip         10-01-1988   Format 2 floppys without hassles
2m30.zip            03-29-1996   Safely formats 3.5:1176/1972K & 5.25:976/1639K
2m30src.zip         05-11-1996   Commented source code for 2m30; TASM/Borland C
2mfshl11.zip        03-29-1996   Text shell for running 2mf 3.0 (2m30.zip)
35sec120.zip        09-24-1995   Floppy cache - reads and writes in background
3drvs260.zip        05-11-1996   Device driver: combine RLL/MFM/IDE drives
4drvu100.zip        05-11-1996   IDE hard disk inquiry utility, up to 4 drives
4spd100.zip         05-11-1996   Hard drive data transfer rate test
525td.zip           04-28-1992   Updated Mountain Tape soft (& some Compudynes)
800ks.zip           07-07-1988   Format 360k disk to 800k on AT, w/MASM source
8sgathtx.zip        05-10-1994   Seagate tech support's disk ref (needs HHV20)
act204.zip          01-02-1992   ActaeOn v2.04: Graphical hard disk manager
adamaker.zip        07-03-1990   Creates 'bootable' Coleco ADAM disk on PC
adamdisk.zip        07-03-1990   Transfer/edit Coleco ADAM floppy disks on a PC
adcsh122.zip        07-05-1990   ADCache: Dave Rifkind's EMS disk caching pgm
addrive.bat         08-26-1989   Program to switch AST SUPERDRIVE on and off
adqv101.zip         05-31-1998   ADQ: Inquiry utility for IDE/ATA HDDs
aefdsk11.zip        10-09-1998   AEFDISK v1.1: Command line driven partitioner
aformat.zip         05-09-1988   Format A & B drives without pause
align.zip           11-10-1986   Drive alignment program for technicians
amos111.zip         01-27-1994   Read/write OS/2 files HPFS<=>FAT under MSDOS
amprocpm.zip        11-11-1987   Read/write Ampro CP/M disks on MSDOS
anad207.zip         09-02-1992   ANADISK v2.07, analyze/edit/copy disks, SYDEX
aspibin.zip         01-25-1992   Gnu Tar for SCSI tape drives, Adaptec 154xx
aspiid15.zip        04-07-1996   ASPI-ID v1.5: SCSI mode sense and inquiry
aspipat.zip         01-25-1992   Patches for ASPIBIN relative to Gnu Tar 1.10
aspisrc.zip         01-25-1992   Src for Gnu Tar for SCSI tape, Adaptec ctrlr
ataid011.zip        10-28-1994   ATA/IDE diagnostic & identification pgm v1.11
atfmt100.zip        03-11-1992   Floppy formatter. Gets 1066K on 720K diskette
autopark.zip        05-03-1986   Automatically park hard disk when not in use
avgfs104.zip        10-06-1998   Reports average cluster usage/file size stats
bboot.zip           04-29-1993   Boot from B: drive instead of A:
bcopy.zip           01-15-1989   PC Mag utility: Copy files in the background
bdformat.zip        06-18-1997   Formats diskettes for distribution use
bigdisk.zip         01-03-1989   Utility to allow use of large drives
bios-drv.zip        12-21-1987   Award & Phoenix BIOS drive type tables
bkpfly20.zip        06-05-1996   Backups without a single click or keystroke
bkpwiz31.zip        11-14-1996   Make Op. sys. (DOS/Win) do all Backup Work
blrut55.zip         11-10-1996   28 miscellaneous disk utilities
boops.zip           01-31-1992   Allows booting HD w/diskette in A:, w/ASM src
boot.zip            05-17-1986   Create your own custom boot records
boot_b.zip          12-26-1990   Boots machine with A: and B: drives swapped
bootcode.asm        01-28-1986   Create your own custom boot records
bootdmod.zip        08-18-1989   Modifies disk BOOT record and cluster size
bootfun0.zip        03-05-1995   Changes floppy boot program or serial number
brinf130.zip        11-14-1992   Save/restore disk partition, boot, and track 0
bu4d130.zip         10-17-1997   Backup Fugue: Hard disk backup program
c33trap.zip         07-31-1987   Cvt HD mult track read/write req to single trk
cache2.zip          01-24-1986   Updated version of disk caching program
cacheart.zip        12-31-1987   Review of disk cache programs
cachemon.zip        03-13-1990   TSR disk cache monitor: count hits and misses
ccache11.zip        07-07-1996   DOS concurrent disk cache v1.1
ccopy107.zip        04-06-1996   Controlled Copy 1.07: Advanced DOS file copier
cdc11.zip           11-14-1996   Compare Disks & CDs v1.1: CD/Disk comparer
cdnav41e.zip        02-03-1998   CD Navigator v4.1: Audio & data disk catalog
cformat2.zip        04-14-1988   Format A: and B: disks at same time
chain217.zip        05-27-1989   Displays disk clusters used by a file
chkprt.zip          12-20-1990   Determines disk suitability for SMARTDRV.SYS
cleaner2.zip        12-15-1996   Clean floppy diskette drive read/write heads
clnfil23.zip        02-15-1991   Wipes out sensitive data in unused file space
clone210.zip        03-23-1994   CLONE 2.10: Single pass floppy disk duplicator
clustrck.zip        04-21-1987   Find, mark/unmark bad disk clusters
cmflop15.zip        08-30-1996   Floppy disk copier/formatter/scanner
cnfmt108.zip        07-16-1992   Background floppy disk formatter by SYDEX
combi113.zip        05-01-1993   RAM disk & disk cache sharing XMS memory
conrfeat.zip        03-22-1993   Change interface of Conner HD from CAM to ISA
copyall.zip         04-06-1991   Copy files to multiple disks with optimization
copyd11.zip         12-05-1992   Wsscopyd, copy/format disks, 1-pass, w/source
copydsk.zip         03-10-1990   Similar to DOS's XCOPY, only better. w/C src
copym113.zip        06-16-1989   CopyMaster 1.13 disk and file copy program
copyq324.zip        05-31-1996   One pass dup. disks. Reads MS DMF fmt. SYDEX
core303.zip         07-13-1996   Core International hard disk benchmark, v3.03
cotdos10.zip        06-07-1990   MS-DOS Driver for the British/Sears Apricot
coverup1.zip        07-20-1990   Erases unused sectors and tails of files
cp95_v24.zip        09-27-1995   COPY95: 1 pass copier handles 1.68M DMF format
cpark.zip           02-15-1994   Configurable HD parking utility (w/C source)
cpdsk195.zip        04-08-1996   Single-pass disk copy with XMS, incl. 2.88mb
cpyds125.zip        10-24-1992   Fast copy/format/verify multiple diskettes
crash_1a.zip        09-16-1996   Deletes a file as to be irreversible, M. Aydin
crhdt351.zip        07-13-1996   COREhdt v3.51: Disk test and exerciser tool
cross10.zip         08-20-1989   Word Search Puzzle creator for educators
ct50a.zip           05-31-1996   Cache Test: Evaluates disk cache performance
cuvl1.zip           09-14-1991   Colorado Utilities disk volume labeler ver 1.0
dask102.zip         10-04-1995   Bar graphs of volumes, used & free diskspace
dat405.zip          05-31-1996   PowerDat tape backup software v4.05, from CMS
dcache.zip          10-11-1988   Hard disk cache program from PC-Magazine
dcf53.zip           06-09-1996   Very fast 1-pass diskette copy utility
dcfr004.zip         01-01-1995   Extracts files from DCF imagefiles, UNZIP-like
dcopy332.zip        10-16-1991   Copy whole diskette with subdirs to a file
dcp41.zip           08-26-1994   Saves and restores floppy disk images
dctest11.zip        06-12-1996   Disk cache timing tests - optimize disk cache
dcu100.zip          10-21-1990   Delete unwanted files & call backup/defrag pgm
ddpc250.zip         12-06-1991   Multiple hard disk parker and screen saver
ddt150.zip          08-08-1988   Directory/sector editor
ddupe409.zip        09-08-1994   Duplicates and formats floppy disks
deltmp15.zip        04-02-1996   Scans disk drives to delete temporary files
dermon11.zip        04-29-1990   TSR monitors disk errors, keeps log of last 50
dfa13.zip           11-21-1986   Speed up Disk I/O
dfacc10a.zip        08-15-1986   DOS file accelerator, speeds up by read ahead
dfix12.zip          05-07-1991   Finds and marks bad disk sectors, w/C source
dfree36a.zip        03-29-1996   Shows bytes formatted/used/free per drive
di103.zip           01-19-1991   DiskInfo 1.03: Displays information about disk
dim14a.zip          04-17-1993   Disk image archiver, copyer w/password prot.
dir-acc4.zip        07-14-1998   View, Copy, Replace, Restore actual directory
discex.zip          10-24-1988   Fixed disk exerciser
diskanl.zip         12-14-1987   Scans diskettes and reports errors
diskbk11.zip        06-18-1997   Diskback v1.1: Backs up hard disk
diskbuf.zip         05-18-1987   Utility to optimize BUFFERS= config
diskdump.zip        03-07-1989   Read disks by sector in dec/hex/ASCII/EBCDIC
diskdup2.zip        08-17-1989   Very fast disk copier; uses advanced DMA, v2.0
diskedt.zip         02-15-1989   Disk and binary file editor
diskf1.asm          02-14-1990   Corrects AT floppy disk timing problems
diskf20e.zip        08-23-1994   Fills disks up to the last sector. (English)
diskf20i.zip        08-21-1994   Fills disks up to the last sector. (Italian)
diskflag.zip        03-11-1989   Warns about decreasing hard disk space
diskid21.zip        08-21-1991   View/change serial on DOS 4/DOS 5 floppies
diskinfo.zip        09-26-1990   Database of 775 different type hard drives
diskopt.zip         03-16-1989   Set floppy step rate/on-off time/RAM ref rate
diskoray.zip        04-02-1986   Checks floppy rotational speed
diskread.zip        08-04-1987   Version 1.5 of disk exploration program
disksav2.zip        11-09-1994   Make backup copies of boot and fat sectors
diskst01.zip        11-30-1993   Displays status of all disk drives assigned
disktime.zip        11-13-1985   Checks the speed of your hard drive
diskuse.zip         02-12-1990   Displays disk use in bytes with bar graphics
ditu10.zip          08-01-1995   Fast disk/image copying utility (w/C src)
dixcpy32.zip        09-27-1994   Fast & easy use one pass copyer, ext. formats
dkcare40.zip        08-31-1995   Run DOS's CHKDSK, DEFRAG & SCANDISK via Menu
dki191.zip          03-29-1994   Display/analyse disk type, used/free/total spc
dkopie30.zip        08-17-1997   DiskCopy DOS,2M(GUI),FDformat disks (VGA,286+)
dnav14.zip          09-27-1989   Disk Navagator: point & shoot HD manager shell
dog316.zip          03-29-1992   Disk OrGanizer: Disk defragmenter DOS5-compat.
dogrevu.zip         03-17-1991   Review of 'DOG' disk organizer/defragmentizer
dqcl11.zip          06-08-1996   Diskette quality control lab
dqwik211.zip        08-04-1994   Boost IDE perf. by activating block xfer mode
drivelst.zip        02-22-1989   Large listing of hard disks & their parameters
drivepar.zip        02-26-1988   Parameters for many different hard drives
drs120.zip          02-08-1992   Data Recovery Software: Reads BAD disks
drsp-220.zip        10-09-1998   DriveSpeed: Test R/W speed of almost any drive
drvdt3.zip          01-08-1990   Information on 208 different hard disks
drvtypes.zip        03-03-1988   Display drive types your AT recognizes
dskcpy20.zip        10-14-1994   Fast and easy-to-use disk copy program
dskdup50.zip        04-07-1996   Disk Dupe v5.0 R13: Fast format/dupe/compare
dskim102.zip        03-03-1997   Ingot Disk Imager: Hard disk replication tool
dskit13.zip         12-16-1997   DSKCASE v1.03: Menu-driven disk management
dskrw237.zip        01-15-1993   FAST 1pass disk copy and disk image handling
dskwaste.zip        08-03-1998   Measures disk waste due to FAT16 cluster size
dskwatch.asm        10-05-1985   Report disk errors in screen window
dspace.zip          06-24-1996   Displays recursive disk space
dstat103.zip        04-06-1996   Displays information about disk drives
dtool0p1.zip        11-21-1998   Disk Tools: Sector-level wipe, backup, restore
du.c                05-15-1987   Routine to display disk space usage
dugide21.zip        05-31-1998   DUG_IDE: Displays IDE hard disk info, C Source
dw110.zip           09-26-1996   Shows wasted space with diff. cluster sizes
dware.zip           02-23-1998   DWare: Use bad disks for archival
easydiag.zip        07-05-1989   WD diagnostic: Test AT hard disk & controller
eb-free.zip         09-09-1996   Reports on free disk space, Freeware w/src
ebak73.zip          06-14-1998   Easy Backup v7.3: Compressed Backup System
edpart.zip          05-01-1988   Hard disk partition table editor
ei60.zip            08-17-1995   Easy Install v6.0: Install disk maker
eidete20.zip        11-17-1996   EIDE Flaw tests and FAQ, RZ1000 CMD640B
emmcache.zip        08-03-1987   Cache program using extended memory
errmon.zip          08-30-1985   Memory resident disk error monitor
ess1.zip            11-10-1993   3 DOS tools: 1Pass dskcopy/FastDskwipe/kbd dvr
estima11.zip        11-23-1994   Estimate storage needs for back-up of files
exdel100.zip        07-19-1994   Deletes files so UNDELETEs cannot recover them
extrac21.zip        09-30-1996   EXTRACT v2.10: Extracts files from disk image
ezcl_1_7.zip        03-05-1990   EZ-Copy Lite: Copy/verify multiple diskettes
ezcp_1_2.zip        02-27-1990   EZ-Copy: Copy/format/verify multiple diskettes
ezf32a.zip          01-11-1991   Format disks in 2 drives at once, v3.20, 1of2
ezf32b.zip          11-29-1990   Format disks in 2 drives at once, v3.20, 2of2
fancychk.zip        06-28-1987   Graphic Display of Disk Status
fastcpy2.zip        05-27-1987   Excellent disc copy/duplicate utility
fat.zip             09-13-1986   FAT/Disk allocation info utility
fat109.zip          01-16-1990   FAT v1.09, display a file's chain of clusters
fatbak11.zip        01-19-1987   Back up FAT tables. Great safety measure
fatman32.zip        06-02-1987   Edit and mark FAT entries as good or bad
fbios12.zip         11-17-1996   Check floppy BIOS for bugs
fbpcheck.zip        01-26-1990   Fastback+ utility w/7 day warning & file list
fbr181.zip          05-30-1992   Buerg's fast backup/restore utility - v1.81
fbtrial.zip         06-05-1989   FASTBACK PLUS v2.01 Trial vers. Limited to 2MB
fdc_8477.zip        06-14-1991   Nat'l. Semicon. test of the 8477FDC chip
fdc_test.zip        06-14-1991   Nat'l. Semicon. floppy controller chip test
fdf_v35.zip         09-26-1996   Shell for FDFORMAT utilities
fdform18.zip        07-20-1991   Format floppies for greater density/storage
fdrpm.zip           03-17-1990   Checks diskette drive speed. SYDEX
ffit162.zip         12-05-1992   Copies files to disks optimally (knapsack)
ffrm231a.zip        08-21-1996   FreeForm: Menu-driven floppy disk formatter
fhard101.zip        07-22-1990   Creates 5 Meg removable disk using floppies
fill806.zip         07-26-1998   Stuffs as many files as possible on disk
fips15.zip          04-17-1996   Nondestructive hard disk partition split util.
fit10.zip           10-10-1990   Intelligent copy - fill each floppy - mass cpy
fix-fat.zip         06-15-1985   Tools to reconstruct floppy FAT
fix_disk.zip        03-04-1987   Disk fixers. Include swap FAT1/FAT2
fixboot.zip         12-15-1987   Fix floppy boot sectors
fixdsk.asm          12-25-1985   Corrects AT floppy disk timing problems
fixfat.zip          10-26-1987   How to fix your FAT tables (text)
flexp300.zip        07-25-1993   Flexibak Plus: Hard disk backup w/compression
flopchek.zip        06-13-1990   Displays AT/386/486 CMOS floppy drive configs
flpkit11.zip        03-13-1995   8 free utilities to speed up and test floppies
fm55.zip            08-19-1993   FormatMaster: Menu-driven floppy disk format
fmtfix11.zip        03-31-1994   Fix for long floppy format delay in MS-DOS 6.2
formnu22.zip        09-24-1992   Fast, easy menu to format diskettes
formq201.zip        04-08-1996   Format number of diskettes in a single session
fr0_01.zip          03-27-1997   Formats defective diskettes
fr20.zip            05-23-1991   Shows free space on all drives (v2.0)
fre561.zip          01-10-1994   Multi-drive disk space check info with graph
free151.zip         02-08-1989   Report of free space on disk, v1.51
freee500.zip        12-31-1996   Overview of free space in bytes/0n ALL hd:s
fsave11.zip         04-08-1996   FSAVE: Selective backup pgm for DOS & Windows
fstcpy.zip          03-25-1989   Fast disk copy program, with options
gcopy1_0.zip        11-02-1996   Gcopy v1.0: File copier on disks with split
gdfrag.zip          04-10-1995   Run unattended defragmentation on all drives
gtak100.zip         01-11-1992   DOS+OS/2 tar for SCSI tapes on Adaptec cntl's
halt10.zip          09-05-1996   Protect disks and data during shutdowns
handle20.zip        07-16-1987   Hold open up to 256 files in DOS 3.xx
hd-diag.zip         03-28-1988   Hard disk diagnostics
hd0989r1.zip        09-22-1989   Info on 823 hard drives from 64 manufacturers
hdbackup.zip        04-23-1988   Hard drive backup utility
hdcodes.txt         12-26-1987   List of hard drive codes
hdcp20ad.zip        06-01-1996   HD-Copy: Fast diskcopy for DD/HD disks; German
hdcp20ae.zip        06-01-1996   HD-Copy: Fast diskcopy for DD/HD disks
hdcp31.zip          01-17-1997   Hard disk sector backup/copy utility
hddchk20.zip        10-09-1998   Checks hard disk drive & forecasts a drop out
hddprt2.zip         10-28-1996   HDD system areas protect daemon, v2
hdinfo10.zip        11-30-1987   Hard drive info in text, dBase, and DIF format
hdpark2.zip         06-07-1989   Fancy hard disk head parking utility
hdprep.zip          12-31-1985   Hard disk format and block bad sector utility
hdsentry.zip        05-23-1987   Rudimentary hard disk protection (w/ASM)
hdsource.zip        06-15-1986   PD ver of IBM's Advanced Diags w/ASM src
hdtrak12.zip        08-01-1993   HardTrack v1.2: Tracks hard drive/LAN changes
hdts535a.zip        10-19-1991   Comprehensive HD test with support for DOS 5.0
hdtst128.zip        10-24-1989   Comprehensive hard disk drive check/intlv adj.
hhv20.zip           11-23-1990   Hyper Helper viewer for 8SGATHTX.ZIP
hicpy25b.zip        05-26-1993   High density disk copier, using hard disk
hp15s211.zip        05-31-1996   Device driver for HP-150 diskettes. SYDEX
hsutil60.zip        11-15-1992   Hughes-Schoolfield collection of DOS utilities
iau19e.zip          02-01-1991   Nondestructive hard disk interleave adj.
ibuv2.zip           03-26-1988   Interactive Backup Utility, Ver 2
icach121.zip        05-07-1996   I_Cache v1.21: XMS disk cache for all disks
ideata26.zip        08-23-1997   IDE-ATA Drive Identification Program v2.6
ideinf10.zip        08-03-1994   Displays info on IDE drives, including ATA-2
img1_21e.zip        04-27-1995   Disk image extracter
infdsk10.zip        06-30-1995   IDE Hard disk auto-detection
interlv.zip         05-04-1987   Check hard disk interleave
invis.zip           01-12-1987   Lets harddisk boot with floppy in drive A:
is32.zip            06-02-1997   Icon Shell: Display dir as icons/drag and drop
ispace10.zip        06-30-1996   Backup & archive utility with automatic recall
jp_du11.zip         04-16-1990   Recursive disk usage utility by Jussi Puttonen
jumbo405.zip        05-31-1996   CMS 120MB and 250MB tape drive software v4.05
kd20b.zip           04-07-1996   KOPYIT v2.0b: Floppy disk duplicator
kg_df105.zip        03-14-1993   Disk Free: Disk free/used as 0f total, w/src
klspace.zip         01-29-1992   Keith Ledbetter's graphical disk space display
l_rmnd17.zip        02-27-1990   Disk back-up reminder/timed event scheduler
lan.zip             06-29-1988   Floppy-based LAN w/ Pascal source
laund27.zip         11-17-1996   Rapidly reformat a pile of floppies
lk_df.zip           03-21-1993   Unix-like DF disk usage command, w/source
llformat.asm        01-14-1991   Hard disk low-level format pgm. ASM source
lo11.zip            11-14-1991   Hard disk parker/screen saver. Small. v1.1
lofmt222.zip        11-29-1998   BIOS level floppy formatter for 3-5 inch disks
mac-ette.zip        06-22-1996   Mac-ette: Util to read Mac 1.4 meg diskettes
macet30u.zip        06-22-1996   Read, write, and format Mac disks on a PC
macsee4b.zip        06-22-1996   Read/write Mac disks on PC. DOS & WIN3.x. DEMO
maintain.zip        04-10-1995   Run unattended maintenance on all DOS drives
mapdsk30.zip        10-02-1988   Maps all disk extents; DOS & OS/2 versns v3
master20.zip        05-07-1994   Prepare diskettes as masters for duplication
mback230.zip        04-30-1993   Patri-Soft's comprehensive disk system backup
mfa11.zip           06-26-1993   Allocates files on diskettes space-efficiently
mform19.zip         05-25-1998   MAXIForm: Floppy disk format expander
micropls.zip        07-24-1991   List of parameters for Micropolis drives
mindos11.zip        04-04-1991   Read Minix File System (MFS) files from MSDOS
multvol1.zip        01-13-1992   Backup files larger than media (auto-split)
new-mis5.zip        11-29-1998   Reports new, missing, or changed files & dirs
newpark.zip         05-03-1986   Park all hard disks at last track/improved
newspace.zip        06-19-1989   Save space: driver compresses hard disk files
no_idle.zip         11-11-1994   Disables auto-idle on PC system-hard drives
notready.zip        12-21-1987   Dummy disk device driver for never ready drive
novre217.zip        07-14-1998   Tiramisu for Novell v2.17: Data Recovery
ntrec160.zip        07-14-1998   Tiramisu for WinNT v1.60: Data Recovery
oc210.zip           05-10-1991   Finds optimum packing for file copy to floppy
ocp11eng.zip        03-06-1995   Copy command optimizer; optimally fill disk
omtifix.zip         08-04-1988   Fix for OMTI 8620 disk controller memory prob.
org30sw.zip         12-29-1991   Greve/Rifkind's hard disk defragger/optimizer
palert24.zip        10-21-1991   Patriquin's low disk space warning utility
park.zip            10-11-1986   This will park your hard disk heads safely
part.zip            01-23-1994   Provides HD partition table & controller info
partit10.zip        06-30-1991   The Partitioner: MultiBoot w/HD security &more
partitn.zip         11-09-1988   Mainpulates partition info on hard disk v2.0
pastcopy.zip        11-20-1989   Turbo Copy from PAS Software. Fancy copy pgm
pau-50.zip          05-11-1989   Park one or two hard disks v5.0, w/ASM source
pckwk319.zip        11-23-1988   PC KWIK shareware disk cache program, v3.19
pcopy93d.zip        05-22-1996   Patriquin COPY, file copier with many options
pdisk.zip           02-12-1989   Modify hard drive tables in PC match any drive
pdrive.zip          05-11-1991   Protect against floppy disk change. Reread FAT
pdtimprk.zip        09-02-1987   Public Domain auto HD park, with source
pers3650.zip        12-26-1987   Text file on PERSTOR HD controller
perstore.zip        05-11-1988   Perstore disk controllers & compatible drives
pkanydsk.zip        12-09-1987   Park any hard disk
pkback2.zip         05-02-1993   Hard disk backup utility, uses PKZIP
poly221s.zip        11-23-1990   Fast bulk disk-copy pgm. 360K/720K/1.2M/1.44M
power405.zip        07-20-1994   Software for PowerTape drives from Colorado
prebak13.zip        04-13-1990   Backup preprocessor/automator/reminder
presz130.zip        11-14-1998   Resizes and moves DOS/Win partitions. Freeware
protect.asm         01-26-1988   Toggle write-protect on hard disk
protect.zip         05-11-1988   Toggle write-protect on hard disk
prune22.zip         03-30-1992   Clear out unallocated bytes at the end of file
ptpm1203.zip        12-31-1997   Change language of PTS Partition manager v1.2
ptpm1204.zip        12-31-1997   Change language of PTS Partition manager v1.2
pxdds101.zip        12-05-1993   Simple disk speed tester with source code
qc420_1.zip         01-07-1990   QUICKCACHE II v4.20: disk cache pgm, part 1of2
qc420_2.zip         01-06-1990   QUICKCACHE II v4.20: disk cache pgm, part 2of2
qcdox341.zip        03-15-1994   Docs for qkopy341, HP-Laserjet/Postscript frmt
qcop51.zip          10-15-1995   QCopy v5.1: Floppy disk duplication/formatting
qcopy.zip           01-14-1988   Another quick disk copying program
qcopy51.zip         04-06-1996   QCOPY v5.1: Floppy disk duplication/format
qdr40c.zip          07-10-1991   V. Buerg's quick floppy disk format/reformat
qfa250.zip          01-07-1992   CMS QFA-250 tape software, 01/08/92 release
qform10.zip         12-02-1989   Diskette formatter for 5-1/4'' & 3-1/2''
qformat.zip         03-26-1988   Memory resident quick disk reformatter (w/ASM)
qic02_11.zip        05-27-1993   Tape device driver for Archive SC402/499 cards
qicbat12.zip        05-31-1996   Tape backup utility for Colorado drives 
qkopy341.zip        03-15-1994   Quikcopy v3.41: Quick file/diskette copier
raind121.zip        04-08-1996   Device driver for DEC Rainbow diskettes. SYDEX
ramit166.zip        05-08-1990   Speed disk access w/8 bit ctrlr on 16 bit bus
rawdsk14.zip        01-22-1997   Maps an arbitrary HD area to a regular file
rddmon.zip          06-26-1997   Real Disk Drive Monitoring System
readcpm.zip         06-13-1987   Allows reading CPM-86 disks on PC
reform12.zip        06-30-1993   Disk defragmenter [Turbo Pas src]
reform16.zip        03-02-1990   Disk defragmenter with TurboPascal v5.0 source
rep128.zip          11-25-1996   Diskette database / duplicator
restaur1.zip        03-23-1991   More versatile DOS RESTORE replacement
restor55.zip        10-15-1990   Working replacement for MS-DOS restore
rewrite.zip         10-23-1989   Rewrite 360K disks written on 1.2M drive
rmdriv30.zip        08-17-1994   Disable or enable any DOS logical disk drive
rocalc.zip          09-16-1990   Counts floppies needed for backup (SAVELOAD)
roinfo10.zip        08-15-1988   Guide for setup of fixed disk drive
rttfrm.zip          04-26-1992   High/low density drive format,TEXT mode screen
rtvfrm.zip          04-26-1992   High/low density drive format, VGA mode screen
rub46x.zip          10-22-1996   Removes files and directories with over-write
rwcpm.zip           06-21-1987   Read & Write Epson CP/M diskettes
rx50.zip            09-04-1986   Read DEC RX50 Disks on Your IBM PC
sad12.zip           03-20-1997   SAD v1.2: Search and delete selected files
safera16.zip        06-20-1991   Safe Erase v1.6: Enables UNerasing of files
safpak21.zip        04-08-1996   SAFEPACK v2.1: Disk defragmenter, sorts files
saveload.zip        09-16-1990   Disk backup program - (use with ROCALC)
scav31.zip          10-06-1988   Jennings' find & mark bad sectors on disks
scopy202.zip        08-11-1991   Copy disk to disk image file with /compression
sdc300.zip          11-30-1990   Fast copy/format/verify multiple diskettes
sdf21.zip           10-05-1990   Fast floppy disk formatter and speed-up, v2.1
sdk301.zip          04-06-1996   Safety Disk v3.01: System backup/recovery
seaatbus.zip        04-06-1996   Specs for Seagate AT Bus hard disk drives
seascsi.zip         04-06-1996   Specs for Seagate SCSI hard disk drives
seccopy4.zip        06-07-1993   Periodic automatic copy of files to bkup drive
seg_drvs.zip        03-08-1989   Seagate hard disk install help & config info
serino_1.zip        11-11-1996   Changes serial number floppy or hard disk
set80.zip           08-15-1987   Tells DOS that drive B default is 80 tracks
setdrive.zip        02-17-1990   Change physical drive parameters, low/hi dens.
sgatfmt4.zip        04-07-1996   Seagate Format v3.0: Low-level format utility
sho24.zip           04-09-1990   SHOWDISK v2.4: checks floppy/HD space usage
showf251.zip        06-23-1993   Intuitive display of disk FAT & dir structure
showlog.zip         03-19-1992   Display, search & manipulation of BACKUP.LOG
sided102.zip        05-31-1998   SIDED: Performs diagnostics on IDE/ATA HDDs
slate10.zip         05-01-1997   Clean Slate v1.0: Clears disk partition tables
sleep12.zip         04-04-1996   SLEEP turns off IDE harddrive after n seconds
slim110a.zip        04-03-1991   Write compressed files to disk; expand on read
sloback.zip         08-12-1986   Hard disk backup program
smarcopy.zip        03-05-1990   Copies files the way DOS copy should work
smart_12.zip        09-29-1991   Smart Utilities v1.2: Modify specs of SMARTDRV
smartpmt.zip        05-18-1993   Flushes SmartDrive deferred writes on DOS pmt.
spacemk2.zip        05-31-1998   Spacemaker v2.0: Utility to delete TMP files
spcchk12.zip        02-03-1990   Graphic display of disk use/space available
spindn12.zip        08-23-1994   Spin/power down IDE drives after idle period
spininfo.zip        09-30-1989   SpinriteII Hypertext Infofile, by Steve Gibson
spintest.zip        08-31-1988   HD transfer rate and interleave test ver. 1.2
spkt475s.zip        05-31-1996   HyperDisk disk cache w/HyperKey & HyperScreen
sprngcln.zip        06-18-1996   Find largest files on HD
sst201.zip          10-21-1986   Hard disk de-fragmentizer. Careful!
st225.zip           01-06-1987   Seagate hard drive info
st2dos10.zip        04-16-1993   Make Atari ST written floppies DOS-readable
stbfp20.zip         11-20-1997   STBFP v2.0: Save the boot, FAT, partition/MBR
steprat1.zip        02-07-1989   Set floppy drive steprate for speed/less noise
stow191.zip         08-06-1992   Patriquin's true disk archival (backup) system
stowdir1.zip        04-15-1992   StowDir version 1.1. Directory for StowAway
stowgen2.zip        04-15-1992   Rebuild archive indexes for MegaBack
stuf10cs.zip        01-23-1994   Stuff 1.0: Optimize diskette space during copy
stufit2.zip         07-26-1989   Moves selected files to HD innermost tracks
stufr01.zip         07-22-1988   Backup, archive, disk file copy
sy-at720.zip        04-13-1989   BIOS patch for 720K disks in 1.2M drive, SYDEX
tape_dir.zip        10-27-1991   Reads dirs of CMS 120MB and 250MB tape drives
tcopy10.zip         11-30-1989   TCOPY v1.0: Multi-featured copy utility
tcpy200.zip         03-21-1993   Fast multi-volume file copy program
tdchk110.zip        07-11-1990   TeleDisk image file validator. SYDEX
tdisk10.zip         11-15-1998   TestDISK v1.10: Fast Disk Surface Tester
tdisk334.zip        12-27-1989   TESTDISK 3.34, disk performance measurement
teenfmt2.zip        08-02-1994   Teeny Format: Memory resident disk formatter
teled212.zip        12-11-1990   TeleDisk v2.11 - xfer disk into a file. SYDEX
testdr14.zip        12-06-1990   Comprehensive floppy drive diagnostic utility
thrasher.zip        12-16-1986   With DOS 3.1+ how many BUFFERS do you need?
ti101a.zip          09-10-1996   TurboImage v1.01a: Uses image file as a drive
timep37e.zip        06-14-1990   Park hard disk(s) after specified time
tp.zip              08-19-1987   Transpose characters in a file
track0.zip          11-29-1998   TSR makes track 0 defective floppies usable
trak405.zip         05-31-1996   Trakker v4.05: Trakker tape drive software
trk0bad.zip         10-13-1985   What to do if track zero is bad on hard disk
tstdisk.zip         12-27-1989   Test hard disk data xfer rate in 'Real Terms'
tstdsk14.zip        11-09-1998   TestDisk v1.4: Check, recover lost partitions
tweakf14.zip        11-20-1996   TWEAK v1.4: Tunes floppy disk speed
typenum.zip         07-08-1988   List hard disk types in BIOS Drive Table
types.zip           03-27-1989   Displays list of hard drives supported by BIOS
ucopy146.zip        03-14-1996   Duplicates disks, also 1.68MB WIN'95 format
uformt21.zip        08-27-1994   Fast VGA disk formatter with GUI interface
vacuum.zip          01-24-1987   Recover data from damaged disks w/ASM
varvdisk.asm        10-24-1983   Variable-size RAM drive
vdu.zip             04-25-1992   Display directory tree with disk usage info
verdisk.asm         07-13-1985   Check for diskette or hard disk for errors
verdisk.doc         07-13-1985   Documentation for VERDISK.ASM
vgacp623.zip        05-06-1997   VGA-COPY/386 v6.23: Disk utility
vidpk106.zip        06-02-1991   Video blanker/hard disk head parker utility
volume.com          02-01-1986   Change volume label on a disk
wastdv18.zip        04-10-1997   Calculate wasted space due to cluster sizes
wasted20.zip        06-30-1995   Reports disk space WASTED due to cluster size
watchdsk.zip        11-05-1993   Show, sort & print current and prev dir sizes
wd.zip              02-26-1989   Files from Western Digital's BBS
wdconfig.zip        07-29-1987   HL/LL format for WD 1002S-WX2 HD
wdfmt210.zip        02-07-1988   Format/verify/test w/any WD AT HD controller
wdprods.zip         02-22-1989   List of complete WD HD controller product line
westype.zip         04-12-1993   Specs for Western Digital hard drives
wphd.zip            11-06-1985   Write protect hard disk
wprot2.zip          08-08-1990   Prevents misuse of INT13 write/format disk
xdcpy200.zip        09-15-1993   Copy diskettes without swapping, by S. Huseby
yase.zip            03-10-1989   Yet Another (disk) Sector Editor, CGA required
zb12.zip            04-07-1996   ZIP Backup v1.2: Backup utility uses PKZIP
zerodisk.zip        03-07-1989   Erase unallocated disk blocks - with C source
zip_go52.zip        04-08-1996   ZIP&GO v5.2: Auto-zip/run/backup directories
zpro227.zip         11-25-1996   Program compression utility
zprt111.zip         09-10-1998   ZPart v1.11: HDD partition, decompressor