about-d-files.txt        05-03-1997
acnf212b.zip        05-20-1997   GNU autoconf 2.12 for DJGPP V2
acnf212d.zip        05-22-1997   GNU autoconf 2.12 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
acnf212s.zip        05-20-1997   GNU autoconf 2.12 sources
amake13b.zip        08-28-1998   GNU automake 1.3 for DJGPP V2
amake13s.zip        08-28-1998   GNU automake 1.3 sources
bc103b.zip          02-19-1997   GNU bc 1.03 for DJGPP V2
bc103d.zip          05-03-1997   GNU bc 1.03 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
bc103s.zip          02-19-1997   GNU bc 1.03 sources
bnu27b.zip          10-31-1996   GNU Binutils 2.7 for DJGPP V2
bnu27d.zip          05-03-1997   GNU binutils 2.7 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
bnu27s.zip          10-28-1996   GNU binutils 2.7 sources
bnu281b.zip         01-15-1998   GNU binutils 2.8.1 for DJGPP V2
bnu281d.zip         07-30-1997   GNU binutils 2.8.1 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
bnu281s.zip         07-17-1997   GNU binutils 2.8.1 sources
bsh1147b.zip        04-19-1997   GNU bash 1.14.7 for DJGPP V2
bsh1147d.zip        05-03-1997   GNU bash 1.14.7 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
bsh1147m.zip        04-19-1997   GNU bash 1.14.7 docs: info/man
bsh1147s.zip        04-19-1997   GNU bash 1.14.7 sources
bsn125b.zip         03-18-1997   GNU bison 1.25 for DJGPP V2
bsn125d.zip         05-03-1997   GNU bison 1.25 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
bsn125s.zip         03-19-1997   GNU bison 1.25 sources
copying             10-19-1996   GNU Copyright Notice
copying.lib         10-19-1996   GNU Library Copyright Notice
cpio242b.zip        11-02-1997   GNU cpio 2.4.2 for DJGPP V2
cpio242d.zip        11-22-1997   GNU cpio 2.4.2 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
cpio242s.zip        11-02-1997   GNU cpio 2.4.2 sources
cprf21b.zip         04-06-1997   GNU cperf 2.1b for DJGPP V2
cprf21d.zip         05-03-1997   GNU cperf 2.1b docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
cprf21s.zip         04-06-1997   GNU cperf 2.1b sources
cvs19b.zip          09-24-1997   GNU cvs 1.9 for DJGPP V2
cvs19s.zip          09-24-1997   GNU cvs 1.9 sources
dif271b.zip         10-19-1996   GNU diff 2.7.1 for DJGPP V2
dif271d.zip         05-03-1997   GNU diff 2.7.1 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
dif271s.zip         10-19-1996   GNU diff 2.7.1 sources
ed-02b.zip          05-29-1997   GNU ed 0.2 for DJGPP V2
ed-02d.zip          06-02-1997   GNU ed 0.2 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
ed-02s.zip          05-29-1997   GNU ed 0.2 sources
em1934b.zip         04-29-1998   GNU emacs 19.34 Binaries for DJGPP V2
em1934d.zip         05-03-1997   GNU emacs 19.34 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
em1934l1.zip        10-27-1997   GNU emacs 19.34 Elisp sources (1 of 3)
em1934l2.zip        12-29-1997   GNU emacs 19.34 Elisp sources (2 of 3)
em1934l3.zip        10-27-1997   GNU emacs 19.34 Elisp sources (3 of 3)
em1934r1.zip        12-29-1997   GNU emacs 19.34 Runtime support (1 of 3)
em1934r2.zip        10-27-1997   GNU emacs 19.34 Runtime support (2 of 3)
em1934r3.zip        10-27-1997   GNU emacs 19.34 Runtime support (3 of 3)
em1934s1.zip        12-29-1997   GNU emacs 19.34 sources (1 of 3)
em1934s2.zip        10-27-1997   GNU emacs 19.34 sources (2 of 3)
em1934s3.zip        10-27-1997   GNU emacs 19.34 sources (3 of 3)
emacs.README        04-29-1998   GNU emacs 19.34 README
ens150b.zip         06-01-1997   GNU enscript 1.5.0 for DJGPP V2
ens150s.zip         06-01-1997   GNU enscript 1.5.0 sources
fil316b.zip         12-09-1997   GNU fileutils 3.16 for DJGPP V2
fil316d.zip         05-03-1997   GNU fileutils 3.16 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
fil316s.zip         04-27-1997   GNU fileutils 3.16 sources
find41b.zip         10-19-1996   GNU findutils 4.1 for DJGPP V2
find41d.zip         05-03-1997   GNU findutils 4.1 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
find41s.zip         10-19-1996   GNU findutils 4.1 sources
flx254b.zip         03-27-1997   GNU Flex 2.5.4 for DJGPP V2
flx254d.zip         05-03-1997   GNU Flex 2.5.4 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
flx254s.zip         12-09-1997   GNU Flex 2.5.4 sources
g770523b.zip        10-23-1998
gcc280b.zip         03-03-1998   GNU GCC 2.8.0 for DJGPP V2
gcc280d.zip         03-28-1998   GNU GCC 2.8.0 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
gcc280s.zip         03-03-1998   GNU GCC 2.8.0 sources
gcc281b.zip         10-23-1998   GNU GCC 2.8.1 for DJGPP V2
gcc281s.zip         10-23-1998   GNU GCC 2.8.1 sources
gdb416b.zip         10-19-1996   GNU Debugger 4.16 for DJGPP V2
gdb416d.zip         05-03-1997   GNU Debugger 4.16 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
gdb416s.zip         10-19-1996   GNU Debugger 4.16 sources
gdbm173b.zip        08-09-1996   GDBM 1.7.3 binaries
gdbm173s.zip        08-12-1996   GDBM 1.7.3 sources
gpc20b.zip          12-13-1996   GNU Pascal 2.0 binaries for DJGPP V2
gpc20d.zip          05-03-1997   GNU Pascal 2.0 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
gpc20s.zip          12-13-1996   GNU Pascal 2.0 sources
gpp280b.zip         03-03-1998   GNU G++ 2.8.0 for DJGPP V2 (no libs)
gpp281b.zip         10-23-1998   GNU G++ 2.8.1 for DJGPP V2 (no libs)
gpt112b.txt         04-26-1996
gpt112b.zip         05-06-1996   GNU Pascal with Turbo Pascal Extensions
grep22b.zip         05-24-1998   GNU grep 2.2 for DJGPP V2
grep22s.zip         05-24-1998   GNU grep 2.2 sources
gro110b.zip         03-13-1997   GNU groff 1.10 for DJGPP V2
gro110s.zip         03-13-1997   GNU groff 1.10 sources
gtxt032b.zip        10-03-1997   GNU gettext 0.10.32 for DJGPP V2
gtxt032d.zip        10-31-1997   GNU gettext 0.10.32 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
gtxt032s.zip        10-03-1997   GNU gettext 0.10.32 sources
gwk303b.zip         06-01-1997   GNU awk 3.0.3 for DJGPP V2
gwk303d.zip         06-02-1997   GNU awk 3.0.3 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
gwk303s.zip         06-01-1997   GNU awk 3.0.3 sources
gzp124ab.zip        10-18-1998   GNU gzip 1.2.4+alpha for DJGPP V2
gzp124as.zip        10-18-1998   GNU gzip 1.2.4+alpha sources
gzp124b.zip         10-19-1996   GNU gzip 1.2.4 for DJGPP V2
gzp124d.zip         05-03-1997   GNU gzip 1.2.4 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
gzp124s.zip         10-19-1996   GNU gzip 1.2.4 sources
hello13.zip         03-27-1997   GNU hello 1.3 for DJGPP V2
hello13d.zip        03-28-1998   GNU hello 1.3 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
idu32b.zip          02-23-1997   GNU id-utils 3.2 for DJGPP V2
idu32d.zip          05-03-1997   GNU id-utils 3.2 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
idu32s.zip          02-23-1997   GNU id-utils 3.2 sources
ind191b.zip         04-16-1997   GNU indent 1.9.1 for DJGPP V2
ind191d.zip         05-03-1997   GNU indent 1.9.1 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
ind191s.zip         04-16-1997   GNU indent 1.9.1 sources
isp3120b.zip        11-04-1997   GNU ispell 3.1.20 for DJGPP V2
isp3120d.zip        11-22-1997   GNU ispell 3.1.20 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
isp3120s.zip        11-04-1997   GNU ispell 3.1.20 sources
lgp2811b.zip        06-06-1998   GNU libg++ for DJGPP V2
lgp2811s.zip        05-06-1998   GNU libg++ sources
lss332b.zip         08-16-1998   GNU less 322 binaries for DJGPP V2
lss332s.zip         06-01-1997   GNU less 322 sources
m4-14b.zip          02-23-1997   GNU m4 1.4 binaries for DJGPP V2
m4-14d.zip          05-03-1997   GNU m4 1.4 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
m4-14s.zip          02-23-1997   GNU m4 1.4 sources
mak375b.zip         10-24-1996   GNU Make 3.75 for DJGPP V2
mak375d.zip         05-03-1997   GNU Make 3.75 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
mak375s.zip         10-24-1996   GNU Make 3.75 sources
mak3761d.zip        09-27-1997   GNU Make 3.76.1 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
mak377b.zip         08-16-1998   GNU Make 3.77 for DJGPP V2
mak377s.zip         08-16-1998   GNU Make 3.77 sources
objc280b.zip        03-03-1998   GNU ObjC 2.8.0 for DJGPP V2
objc281b.zip        10-23-1998   GNU ObjC 2.8.1 for DJGPP V2
pat21b.zip          10-19-1996   GNU patch 2.1 for DJGPP V2
pat21s.zip          10-19-1996   GNU patch 2.1 sources
pat25b.zip          09-15-1997   GNU patch 2.5 for DJGPP V2
pat25s.zip          09-15-1997   GNU patch 2.5 sources
perl54b.zip         09-24-1997   Perl 5.004.2 for DJGPP
perl54s.zip         09-24-1997   Perl 5.004.2 sources
perl552b.zip        09-30-1998   Perl 5.005_02 for DJGPP
perl552s.zip        09-30-1998   Perl 5.005_02 sources
rcode34b.zip        06-09-1997   GNU recode 3.4 for DJGPP V2
rcode34d.zip        07-08-1997   GNU recode 3.4 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
rcode34s.zip        06-09-1997   GNU recode 3.4 sources
rcs5712b.zip        02-05-1997   GNU rcs 5.7pl12 for DJGPP V2
rcs5712s.zip        02-05-1997   GNU rcs 5.7pl12 sources
rcs5713b.zip        03-25-1997   GNU rcs 5.7pl13 for DJGPP V2
rcs5713s.zip        03-24-1997   GNU rcs 5.7pl13 sources
rdln22b.zip         07-16-1998   GNU readline for DJGPP V2
rdln22s.zip         07-16-1998   GNU readline sources
sed118b.zip         12-09-1997   GNU sed 1.18 for DJGPP V2
sed118s.zip         12-09-1997   GNU sed 1.18 sources
sed302b.zip         08-16-1998   GNU sed 3.02 for DJGPP V2
sed302s.zip         08-16-1998   GNU sed 3.02 sources
shl112b.zip         11-05-1996   GNU sh-utils 1.12 for DJGPP V2
shl112d.zip         05-03-1997   GNU sh-utils 1.12 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
shl112s.zip         11-05-1996   GNU sh-utils 1.12 sources
tar112b.zip         11-22-1997   GNU tar 1.12 for DJGPP V2
tar112d.zip         10-31-1997   GNU tar 1.12 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
tar112s.zip         11-22-1997   GNU tar 1.12 sources
txi312b.zip         09-16-1998   GNU texinfo 3.12 for DJGPP V2
txi312s.zip         09-16-1998   GNU texinfo 3.12 sources
txt122b.zip         02-16-1997   GNU textutils 1.22 for DJGPP V2
txt122d.zip         05-03-1997   GNU textutils 1.22 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
txt122s.zip         02-17-1997   GNU textutils 1.22 sources