ann110.zip          11-08-1996   Efficient multi-option ANN training program
anncam.zip          01-02-1991   An example of content-addressable memory
bam.zip             05-12-1990   Bidirectional Associative Memory Simulation
bayes.zip           03-10-1991   Tree-structured Bayesian belief network
bpnn132u.zip        04-27-1992   Backprop neural net w/adaptive learning rate
bps100.zip          06-13-1990   (DOS,UNIX,MAC) Back-Propagation Simulation pkg
bps210.zip          07-24-1991   (DOS only) Update to BPS100.ZIP, Back-Prop
brain12.zip         06-21-1996   Back propagation neural net simulator
datarep.zip         08-14-1991   Representing data in neural nets, AI-Exp. 6/90
et.zip              08-30-1989   Perceptron simulator
gaw110.zip          06-28-1992   Graphic demonstrations of genetic algorithms
genalg.zip          04-07-1991   A simple genetic algorithm demo program w/src
hopfield.zip        03-06-1991   Traveling salesman problem, PASCAL
nasanets.zip        03-06-1991   A back prop neural net system W/ C src
nerves.zip          04-08-1991   Nervous System Construction Kit w/ C++ src
netstuff.zip        04-24-1991   From 'A Practical Guide to Neural Networks'
neuc6.zip           06-21-1996   32-bit Neural Net classification package, 1of2
neucl6.zip          06-21-1996   32-bit Neural Net classification package, 2of2
neum6.zip           06-21-1996   32-bit Neural Net mapping package, 1of2
neump6.zip          06-21-1996   32-bit Neural Net mapping package, 2of2
neurfuzz.zip        05-15-1996   Trains NN + Fuzzy-engines, generating C source
neurpack.zip        11-19-1997   Didactical package on neural networks
nlmos112.zip        10-20-1997   NNelmos: Educational Perceptron,BP,SOM Simul.
nn2.zip             05-28-1989   ANN simulator with 256 neurons
nnetdraw.zip        03-12-1991   A very visual representation of a neural net
nnutl101.zip        08-01-1993   C source library/tutorial for neural networks
percept.zip         11-05-1990   Perceptron ANN
topmap.zip          09-21-1987   Kohonen topology preserving maps in Pascal