artist52.zip        06-02-1997   Designer of sprites/screens/storyboard/3D
brexx13.zip         03-02-1997   Rexx interpreter for MSDOS/UNIX (+src)
cl5bi386.zip        08-31-1992   Caml Light (ML compiler). Binaries for 386 PCs
cl5bi86.zip         08-31-1992   Caml Light (ML compiler). Binaries for all PCs
cl5docdv.zip        09-10-1992   Caml Light (ML compiler). Manual (DVI)
cl5docps.zip        09-12-1992   Caml Light (ML compiler). Manual (Postscript)
cl5sr386.zip        08-30-1992   Caml Light (ML compiler). Sources for 386 PCs
cl5sr86.zip         08-30-1992   Caml Light (ML compiler). Sources for all PCs
cmsc10.zip          04-13-1997   SACAL: Stores and organizes your source codes
cpe41.zip           10-17-1989   Integrated editor/compiler/linker environment
dwrk11i.zip         09-15-1993   Demo Workshop 1.1i: Demo and tutorial maker
e_os302.zip         02-25-1997   EOS v3.02: DOS extender for Watcom, TASM, MASM
efontd11.zip        11-24-1997   Cvt any graphic font to the CHR format (BGI)
exec23.zip          10-10-1990   EXEC or spawn function with pgm swap to EMS
exec33b.zip         11-29-1993   Exec function for C and TP w/swap to EMS/XMS
facd12.zip          05-20-1996   Facade v1.2: PCX splashscreen display
ffe200.zip          08-17-1997   File Formats Encyclopedia: Database of formats
fntpak32.zip        12-31-1997   Font Pak-Programmer's fonts/mouse/symbol tools
force400.zip        10-19-1998   Force v4.0 Program Development Suite
idtag.zip           01-14-1990   Cvt text file to OBJ for linking to executable
inasm101.zip        04-02-1992   Inline opcode generator for TP/Logitech-Modula
inter112.zip        04-06-1996   INTERTST v1.12: Test Interrupt functions
irun12.zip          05-20-1996   Image::Runner v1.2: PCX display utility
jocscr20.zip        11-27-1998   JOC Screen Designer 2.0: Source code generator
luthe200.zip        05-02-1997   LUTHOR: Lexical Table generator and library
lx2l_102.zip        07-17-1998   General-purpose multi-thread preprocessor
makeobj.zip         06-19-1988   Cvt data file to OBJ for linking to executable
mc105.zip           05-06-1996   Manual Compiler v1.05: Documentation aid
mfp130x3.zip        11-28-1998   Masterbyte's File Patcher: Create file updates
moukey10.zip        05-31-1997   C/C++ mouse/kbd lib/even-driven interface
msoberon.zip        07-21-1992   Oberon pgmming language/operating environment
ngascii.zip         01-07-1993   ASCII table in Norton Guide .NG format
objsc101.zip        01-04-1987   Scans MS .OBJ files, reports types of records
obronm11.zip        02-23-1991   Oberon-M compiler v1.1, w/sources and docs
pc370v42.zip        01-17-1991   PC/370 v4.2 IBM 370 assembler and emulator
pc_ipc.zip          11-21-1989   Inter-Process Comm: Pass info between programs
pcg310d.zip         06-21-1998   Software protection without hardware keys
pcrob141.zip        01-05-1993   Learn programming by writing robot programs
pcxtod10.zip        12-14-1997   Unpacks a PCX file and separates the palette
pentax10.zip        03-23-1997   Pentaxtil v1.0: Utils for game creation
petal1ds.zip        07-04-1998   Petal: Low Level Graphics Library
pew2_1.zip          09-18-1992   Estelle Protocol Engineering Workbench, v2.1
plc100c.zip         06-21-1998   Programming Language Creator v1.00c. Freeware
plysph10.zip        02-14-1998   3-D Polygon Sphere Generator v1.0
precom10.zip        05-02-1996   Language independent macro preprocessor v1.0
prexcm60.zip        08-21-1996   Protect! EXE/COM v6.0: Software encoder
protx300.zip        12-13-1996   ProtEXE v3.0: Protect/encrypt COM & EXE files
protx310.zip        08-23-1997   ProtEXE v3.10: Protect/encrypt COM & EXE files
pvide50.zip         02-23-1998   Watcom C++ Integrated Development Environment
pvidesrc.zip        02-23-1998   Source code for Power View Windowing Interface
pxsc.zip            03-18-1991   PASCAL--XSC to C compiler for Microsoft C6.0
rcs57pc1.zip        01-29-1997   GNU RCS 5.7 for PCs (OS/2, DOS/Win, Win32) 1/2
rcs57pc2.zip        01-29-1997   GNU RCS 5.7 for PCs (OS/2, DOS/Win, Win32) 2/2
rpgmu10.zip         05-04-1993   Ricki's miscellanous utilities (filters)
scc112.zip          06-21-1998   Source code colorizer
sec21.zip           10-24-1996   Protect the files you distribute from cracking
secure21.zip        08-02-1998   Stop people cracking programs you have written
sic51.zip           11-29-1998   Symbolic Instruction Code interpreter v5.1
smut100.zip         03-13-1991   Software control system handles multiple users
strpcx10.zip        12-14-1997   Strips header and palette from a PCX file
switch22.zip        02-02-1989   Swap to disk or EMS from within ASM, C, Pascal
tags15.zip          10-06-1991   Comprehensive Tags Generator for C/C++, ASM
task3210.zip        10-29-1996   DPMI32 multitasking/multithreading microkernel
trace27.zip         11-20-1994   Trace MS-DOS system calls
tracer10.zip        01-18-1997   OBSESSiON Mini Debugger v1.0 + ASM source
tsbase13.zip        10-20-1997   Progrmr's tools base: base, basecalc, scancode
tutility.zip        03-29-1998   Program utils, text-to-source code translator
val_link.zip        02-17-1989   Troendle's VAL experimental linker, w/C source
wdosx093.zip        04-02-1997   DOS extender for ASM, Delphi2, BC4 (or better)
wisplng3.zip        01-18-1991   WISP v3.0: Text-oriented interpreter w/editor
xmsbcp11.zip        04-14-1997   XMS natural interface for Borland C[++]/Pascal