387sxbug.zip        02-20-1991   Check for bad 386sx motherboard
486cac10.zip        09-09-1996   486Cache: Enable/disable internal 486 cache
486slo.zip          10-04-1991   Slows down progs which run too fast. 486 only
550_util.zip        05-11-1996   Information/utilities to manipulate 16550
5x86c2.zip          09-23-1996   Enables advanced features of Cyrix Cx5x86 CPU
686fast4.zip        11-14-1998   686FAST: Speedup for Cyrix/IBM/TI CPU
6x86ctl1.zip        01-03-1997   Change/view the Cyrix 6x86 CPU options
6xopt078.zip        10-12-1997   6x86opt v0.78 optimizes Cyrix/IBM 6x86/6x86MX
abort.zip           03-23-1986   Memory resident program to abort runaways
ac2000.zip          10-19-1998   Y2K compliance tester for all PC hardware
adapt12b.zip        11-24-1993   Administration system with multi-users-project
alarm400.zip        10-11-1987   Alarm - tunes, messages, more
amidiag.zip         04-05-1996   AMI BIOS diagnostics
amis2990.zip        10-02-1995   External Setup for AMI HighFlex/WinBIOS
ansi_sys.zip        07-07-1985   Tutorial on use of ANSI codes
ansiset.zip         11-09-1987   Set colors & do key reassignments via ANSI.SYS
antiboot.zip        03-17-1991   Disable CTRL+ALT+DEL key sequence on a PC
apmnge10.zip        04-14-1995   Control APM functions from DOS
argus161.zip        05-06-1996   Logs DOS system activities into a text file
at_slow3.zip        10-13-1989   Use high-res timer to slow down 80286/80386
atim.zip            12-26-1986   Precision program timing for AT
atperf.zip          04-14-1988   AT RAM performance tester. PC Tech Journal
atromutl.zip        11-11-1987   AT ROM BIOS and hard disk table utilities
autocmos.zip        09-22-1994   CMOS memory read/write/auto repair utility
autohb.zip          10-15-1994   Birthday Greeting - Musical/Automatic/FREE
autosave.zip        12-12-1986   Timed file save in any application
b6pack.zip          02-08-1986   DOS utils FATTR SIZE SPACE TOUCH WC WHEN WORDS
backer.zip          11-28-1998   Backs up/compares system files. Freeware
bart.zip            04-08-1991   Change DOS prompt to a drawing of Bart Simpson
batpower.zip        10-25-1987   Yet another selection of 'standard' utilities
bcu100.zip          12-31-1991   Bob's Combined utilities, like Norton's
bd_go21.zip         09-12-1996   GO v2.1: Run pgm by entering its first letters
bestutil.zip        08-06-1986   Assortment of the miscellaneous utilities
bf_171a.zip         01-06-1991   Back & Forth: Switch between tasks, 1 of 2
bf_171b.zip         01-06-1991   Back & Forth: Switch between tasks, 2 of 2
bf_util5.zip        10-28-1996   Nine misc. DOS utility programs by B. Friesen
bios_asm.zip        01-17-1988   Public domain generic PC BIOS (MASM source)
biosid.zip          05-31-1998   BIOSID: Display PC BIOS information
biosver.bas         07-03-1987   Report your PC's BIOS version
boost.zip           01-04-1987   Program to turn on/off Turbo mode
bootslow.zip        09-12-1991   Slow down old self-booting programs
bossdos1.zip        05-31-1997   BOSSDOS v1.2: DOS enhancer
break.zip           01-14-1992   Inhibit CTRL-C in DOS but not in program
bremz411.zip        03-14-1998   Bremze v4.11: PC slow down TSR
bscat260.zip        06-21-1996   Drive, longfilenames, file format describer
btrstd15.zip        11-06-1991   Counts the hours your PC is working, nonresid.
bug386.zip          06-05-1987   Check 80386 CPU for early version bugs
bugfix.zip          11-28-1998   Bugfix: Millennium Bug hardware test & fix
burnin43.zip        10-22-1990   PC system exerciser and diagnostic tool, v4.3
busy1.zip           11-08-1989   'Busy' symbol demo in C and assembler
bxpack.zip          03-04-1990   Balena's collection of programmer utilities
calcqf.zip          08-09-1988   Calculate and set CPU refresh rate
can.zip             02-15-1994   Autoappend argument to .COM files (w/source)
cardg20.zip         05-10-1996   I/O card jumper setup information utility
cboot40.zip         03-21-1990   CBOOT Deluxe v4.0 beta: TSR re-booter/program
cfgarc14.zip        12-12-1993   Store, retrieve and edit last 5 config files
charw110.zip        02-27-1997   Character translation screen/printer/keyboard
check87.asm         03-29-1985   Check for 8087 processor
chips.zip           01-01-1988   Identifies CPU and coprocessor chips
cloktest.zip        07-18-1998   PCAT RTC/BIOS Year 2000 Computer Tester
clutl199.zip        04-11-1992   Five handy command line utilities, v1.99
cmos14.zip          07-23-1992   CMOS v1.4: Saves/restores CMOS to/from file
cmos93cd.zip        12-06-1996   Save/Restore extended CMOS, C. Dye
cmoser11.zip        07-27-1989   386/286 enhanced CMOS setup program
cmosram.zip         07-23-1991   Save AT/386/486 CMOS data to file and restore
cmossv29.zip        11-22-1996   Restores damaged CMOS
cmostool.zip        02-28-1998   CMOSTool v1.0: CMOS utility
cmpwd13b.zip        10-09-1998   Recovers cmos/bios password (Award,AMI,Dell)
cmpxchg8.zip        12-29-1997   Detects opcode which can cause system lock-up
command2.zip        12-18-1996   Joke Command.COM simulator, with C source code
comp.zip            05-28-1987   Load and unload device drivers after bootup
convrt12.zip        11-28-1989   Hex/Dec/Oct/Bin/ASCII converter
cpcug.zip           04-20-1987   A powerful collection of utilities
cpu24_11.zip        06-20-1991   Extensive burn-in test of major PC components
cpuid593.zip        06-30-1991   Identify system CPU 8086/8088/286/386/486sx/dx
criterr.zip         03-30-1986   Pop-Up DOS Critical Error handler
critt132.zip        01-11-1997   TSR: Safely escape Abort/Retry/Ignore error
csdpmi3b.zip        08-27-1996   Charles Sandmann's DPMI provider, binaries
csdpmi3s.zip        08-27-1996   Charles Sandmann's DPMI provider, source code
csh4.zip            01-07-1989   Unix csh -like shell v4.0, w/C source
cshel131.zip        03-26-1989   C-Shell for MS-DOS, some features of UNIX
csutil13.zip        04-01-1995   CsUtility: Powerful collection of utilities
csvs.zip            04-26-1987   'Computer Shopper' clone validation tester
ctlenabl.zip        03-25-1987   Enable ^U and ^W in DOS 2.x and 3.x
ctrlalt.zip         04-17-1986   Programmer's TSR sidekick, w/asm source
ctsspu42.zip        01-02-1997   Modem & Com Port setup & testing
cufnd1.zip          09-14-1991   Colorado Utilities fast file & text find v1.0
cuset1.zip          09-14-1991   Colorado Utils set file attributes/date/time
cv100.zip           12-30-1990   CoreView v1.0: Search/scan/display PC's memory
cyrix100.zip        04-06-1994   Cyrix 486DLC/486DR/486SLC CPU config. utility
d8v0100.zip         12-09-1998   D8: Notes on Y2K problem. Test/Trap DOS/BIOS
dabutil2.zip        01-29-1991   Disk and file utilities featuring EVENTMAN
danix201.zip        02-26-1996   25 UNIX-like utils including man, ls, ptime
dantools.zip        07-10-1987   Daniel Norton's Unix-like utility collection
datum.zip           12-07-1997   Show date and time, with A86 ASM source
dd-help.zip         02-15-1994   Multi-level command line help (w/compiler)
ddosaid.zip         12-18-1985   Double DOS utility programs & helps
devic104.zip        05-30-1991   Load and unload device drivers after bootup
devlod.zip          12-05-1990   Dynamic load of device drivers after boot-up
diagerr.zip         01-02-1988   Memory res MS-DOS error codes w/ASCII source
diags.zip           04-28-1986   PC diagnostics and instructions
dice402.zip         05-15-1990   DOS command editor displays commands, has help
dircmdr1.zip        06-30-1991   Menu config. util. for DOS5 DIRCMD variable
diskwiz.zip         07-29-1988   Disk file and printer management program
dmv401.zip          01-11-1997   DosMaster: Complex command line switch shell
do.zip              10-02-1987   String commands together on the command line
dos94-01.zip        10-23-1996   Windows 95 style utility menu for DOS
dosamatc.zip        10-22-1985   DOSamatic: Multitasking utility
dosc090.zip         04-09-1995   DOS-C: MS-DOS compatible operating system
dosix30a.zip        07-04-1990   UNIX-like utils: DF, DU, HEAD, RM, TOUCH, WC
dosmax21.zip        06-27-1996   Load MS-DOS (3.1 through 6) into UMBs
dosnx24c.zip        01-23-1997   DOSNIX v2.4c: Unix-style utilities for MS-DOS
dospan1b.zip        06-22-1994   Window to text apps and run parallel actions
dossh099.zip        12-22-1997   SH: Unix-like DOS shell
dosvr211.zip        03-14-1998   DOS version-setting TSR (directly and auto)
dosxt142.zip        07-22-1988   Dos Extender: Alias, History, colors, and more
drain.zip           06-17-1987   Water in disk drive simulator (humor)
dramfast.zip        09-18-1988   Decrease DRAM refresh rate - better CPU speed
drvins11.zip        12-03-1990   Load and unload device drivers after bootup
dskutl11.zip        06-29-1991   Unix-like utils chmod/cp/du/find/mv/page/ls/rm
dtool302.zip        05-03-1996   D-Tools v3.02 - Misc. utilites for MS-DOS
eisac141.zip        09-21-1992   Generates EISA .CFG files for ISA based cards
emu86.zip           08-14-1996   V86 shell demonstration w/sources
enable12.zip        01-22-1997   Enable expanded and/or upper memory on request
epu95.zip           03-09-1995   EaglePlus Utils III, 34+ useful DOS utilities
epuptm21.zip        08-15-1994   Shows system uptime. No data files or TSR
err_ret.zip         09-21-1989   Display error code returned by program on exit
eu1_00.zip          08-11-1992   Eldar Utilities: Set of system/file/disk utils
exec.doc            05-11-1984   Doc for EXEC 1/2/3.ASM
exec.zip            09-12-1988   Assembly how-to relocate .EXE files
exec1.asm           03-18-1985   Callable DOS EXEC routines
exec2.asm           05-11-1984   Callable DOS EXEC routines
exec3.asm           05-11-1984   Callable DOS EXEC routines
execsw13.zip        04-05-1990   Swaps calling program into expanded memory
exectest.asm        09-19-1984   Test EXEC 1/2/3.ASM
exelink2.zip        06-16-1993   Symbolic links for EXE/COM to keep path small
extpt100.zip        08-22-1995   Extends path length and modifies environment
fakelh.zip          10-24-1994   Fake LOADHIGH for use in network batch files
fastl150.zip        08-17-1993   Loads pgms into EMS/XMS for later fast execute
fatal14.zip         12-24-1989   Trap DOS critical errors & handle them better
fcii_2_1.zip        12-16-1989   File Commando v2.1, a PC Tools clone, 1 of 3
fcii_2_2.zip        12-16-1989   File Commando v2.1, a PC Tools clone, 2 of 3
fcii_2_3.zip        12-09-1989   File Commando v2.1, a PC Tools clone, 3 of 3
fdk.zip             05-24-1988   Automatically create DOS filters
fflip218.zip        01-27-1993   FastFlip 2.18: Fast multiple program swapper
filec106.zip        03-07-1991   Filename completion at the DOS prompt
filec15.zip         04-19-1992   TSR to add filename completion for COMMAND.COM
files102.zip        01-02-1990   Increase DOS max. open files from command line
fixbeep.zip         03-16-1987   Change the obnoxious IBM beep
frntnd41.zip        08-23-1990   Point and Shoot front end for any program
fserver.zip         08-08-1990   Point and Shoot front end for any program
ftool200.zip        10-06-1995   Partition protector, batch enhancer, etc.
fx2000.zip          02-23-1998   Fix2000: Year 2000 Fix for older dos computers
g7ac19.zip          06-20-1996   GEN7 Desktop: Talking multi-user MAC-like GUI
geterr.zip          04-02-1995   Records and reports DOS errorlevels
geterror.zip        08-01-1987   TSR tells ending errorlevel of last program
getname.zip         11-07-1986   Find program name in memory
giveli10.zip        01-23-1995   Gives lists of filenames to any program
gjoy30.zip          12-13-1996   GJOY v3.0: Fixes joystick's hardware problems
go220.zip           10-18-1992   GO!: Install-archive-from-a-diskette program
go51.zip            04-23-1990   Nick Shaw's 7-in-1 utility for IBM-compatibles
grbag220.zip        04-25-1990   GRABBAG v2.20: 33 DOS utilities in one program
grtool14.zip        01-16-1997   24 great tools that make DOS life much easier
gsetup31.zip        03-15-1989   AT setup program runs from DOS; supports 3.5''
gu11.zip            01-04-1990   The Grund Utilities, version 1.1
gx_st101.zip        12-31-1994   Macro alternative to DOS CD command
hbreak52.zip        03-28-1993   Exit to DOS from some crashed computer progs
hlpmst11.zip        10-31-1989   TSR pop-up help for any application
hot_36.zip          12-26-1988   Replace Ctrl-Alt-Del (w/ASM src)
hotdos.zip          08-31-1986   Allows instant access to DOS
hours15.zip         09-29-1990   Counts hours your PC is working, nonresident
hshell10.zip        03-16-1993   Supports Hercules graphics with TST0831.ZIP
htmu.zip            03-20-1989   Read/modify AT ROM drv types to burn new EPROM
idclog20.zip        05-09-1988   Memory resident time logging facility
idcutils.zip        06-09-1990   Gary Conway's assorted utilities, 07/16/90
idrv01.zip          11-26-1991   Install/uninstall device drivers after bootup
idt.zip             06-11-1988   Internal DOS table viewer, w/C source
incx110d.zip        01-29-1993   InContext v1.10: Work environment manager, 1/2
incx110p.zip        01-29-1993   InContext v1.10: Work environment manager, 2/2
ink152.zip          02-03-1998   Inkutils v1.52: DOS/Win95 DOS system utilities
int-util.zip        12-21-1986   How to work with INT vectors
int24.zip           02-18-1986   New Int 24H ('Critical Error') handler
intdsp21.zip        08-15-1991   Interactively call DOS/BIOS interrupts
interc2.zip         10-08-1991   Traces software interrupts
ioinfo11.zip        01-26-1997   IOInfo v1.1: Provides info about I/O port use
ipca12a.zip         10-09-1991   Uses last BIOS bytes as a mini-SET utility
irqinf16.zip        03-12-1996   IRQInfo: Interrupt (IRQ) diagnostic and detect
irqr.zip            04-22-1988   Report status of IRQ channels,w/TP4 & MS C src
is_con10.zip        12-20-1991   Report if handle is associated with console
jbalarm.zip         06-17-1991   Alarm/reminder w/multiple sounds. Works w/WIN3
jcfg100.zip         11-22-1996   Assigns/swaps 'dummy' drive letters
jobs32.zip          04-15-1989   JOBS v3.20 - DOS shell/Disk manager, 1 of 3
jobs32a1.zip        04-15-1989   JOBS v3.20 - DOS shell/Disk manager, 2 of 3
jobs32a2.zip        04-15-1989   JOBS v3.20 - DOS shell/Disk manager, 3 of 3
joyread.zip         03-12-1992   Reads & displays Joy Stick buttons/pots status
kbdr.zip            04-17-1989   Swaps control & cap lock keys on IBM AT & PS/2
kbmap.asm           02-16-1989   Remap AT keyboard keys
keyboard.zip        06-15-1988   Kbd*.com, utilities to re-map selected keys on
kgb104.zip          04-20-1992   Monitors some DOS funcs, creates history w/src
killr100.zip        04-25-1996   TSR intercepts invalid opcodes
kwikhelp.zip        06-27-1996   Pgms to make TSRs, save screens; w/A86 asm src
kzap22c.zip         11-02-1991   Kill-O-Zap 2.2c disk/RAM/file hex editor (TSR)
last200.zip         03-06-1988   A programmer's Pop-up utility
launch13.zip        03-20-1989   Run a program in the background
lilopw11.zip        11-09-1998   LILOpwd v1.1: Recovers LILO password. Freeware
linkln10.zip        09-12-1994   Creates links to EXE and COM files
lo11.zip            11-13-1991   Hard disk parker/screen saver. Small. v1.1
log21v17.zip        04-16-1997   DOS logfiler - trace pgm calls during exec
log3.zip            05-09-1987   Another system utilization tracker
lsddl150.zip        08-14-1996   Simple 32-bit 386 OS w/source
mastrdos.zip        05-13-1987   DOS shell with comm terminal & more
mdosp401.zip        10-26-1991   MultiDos Plus: Real-time multitasking for DOS
memscn10.zip        03-30-1996   Memscan Displays, search, edits, dumps memory
mirfix.zip          09-15-1991   Bug fix for DOS 5's MIRROR command
morehand.zip        04-19-1991   Allows programs to open more than 20 files
moreutl2.zip        11-29-1998   More Utilities v2.0 for MS-DOS, w/PDS 7.1 src.
ms_sh23b.zip        02-26-1996   Stewartson's Ksh-like Shell for MS-DOS, Binary
ms_sh23s.zip        02-26-1996   Stewartson's Ksh-like Shell for MS-DOS, Source
msh21b.zip          03-02-1993   Mi-shell, a programmer's shell, Ver 2.1b
msutil14.zip        02-09-1994   Useful system & batch utils from MicroSource
multask.zip         12-31-1979   Two program multitasker
mute110.zip         04-25-1996   Mutes PC speaker beeps but not digital music
newbeep.zip         09-26-1987   Change sound of PC's beep
newbell.asm         05-17-1985   Replace DOS bell with shorter one
noshare.zip         03-22-1990   Small replacement for 'SHARE' for DOS4.0 users
np100.zip           02-01-1989   Indicates when you are shelled to DOS - remind
np3.zip             08-01-1993   Shows when you have shelled to DOS from a pgm
obskit15.zip        01-09-1992   Obs Toolkit: Collection of 9 powerful utils
omswitch.zip        12-23-1988   Change DOS switch character, with 'C' source
ox.zip              07-06-1987   Redirect DOS AUX I/O to keyboard/mono display
ozpack13.zip        07-25-1996   Many useful DOS utilities
parapass.zip        05-31-1988   Pass parameters to programs
parint.asm          01-18-1986   Trap memory parity errors
pc2time.zip         02-24-1987   PD clone of DoubleDOS multitasker
pc_dcl.zip          11-22-1992   Vax/VMS DCL-like command interpreter for DOS
pcc.doc             03-11-1992   PC-Choices installation (for PCC.ZIP)
pcc.zip             03-12-1992   PC-Choices object-oriented 386 operating syst.
pchist11.zip        05-08-1995   Creates/maintains detailed PC config history
pci07.zip           11-16-1997   View or change PCI configuration registers
pcmv13x.zip         10-27-1994   Monitors PC activity for later audit
pecho11.zip         12-21-1991   ECHO replacement with printf syntax
peepok12.zip        10-09-1991   Peek/poke utility with binary and hex display
pf_11s.zip          08-24-1994   Advanced Disk Management System (menu driven)
pgrap207.zip        09-18-1991   Unix-like tools (grep,tab,untab,print,tolower)
ph-utils.zip        07-28-1989   Phil Herron's collection of utilities
picnix31.zip        05-24-1988   Unix-like commands for PC's (1 of 3)
picnix32.zip        05-24-1988   Unix-like commands for PC's (2 of 3)
picnix33.zip        05-25-1988   Unix-like commands for PC's (3 of 3)
pidsim22.zip        09-07-1995   A PID control loop simulator for MSDOS
pmk32.zip           02-14-1991   Professional Master Key utilities - v3.2
pock53.zip          05-10-1998   PocketD Plus v5.3: File Manager
popdown.zip         06-07-1988   Pop down to DOS from any running program
popedit.zip         12-03-1986   Create/edit/save mem-resident pop-up screens
portfix.zip         03-12-1996   Fixes SMC super I/O port lockup on 486/Pentium
porttool.zip        01-12-1993   16 Unix-like tools ported to MS-DOS
power10.zip         06-01-1995   Simple CPU monitor for multitaskers / DOS
powkt173.zip        02-01-1988   Keyboard speedup, screen blank, unhang, more
ppc96.zip           10-19-1996   ProPC 96 v0.1: DOS GUI shell. Freeware
prmpt5.bat          09-13-1987   Top-screen status w/DOS prompt
prodo10.zip         07-31-1989   Stack program commands on DOS command line
prof.zip            08-22-1991   EXE & COM pgm profiler, uses pgm's map file
prtscr.zip          11-26-1985   Enable/disable Shift-Printscreen
ps4dos14.zip        04-07-1997   4DOS-like commands and more
pschel35.zip        10-02-1986   PC-Shell: UNIX System V-like csh for MS-DOS
puff307.zip         05-17-1989   TSR pop-up directory and text file browser
pv12.zip            03-04-1993   Pro-View v1.2: Disk and memory browser/editor
pwr97_01.zip        11-22-1998   Set auto power up time on atx TX97-XE board
qdram.zip           06-15-1988   Checks and sets best refresh rate
qemmmenu.zip        08-15-1990   Menu shell for QEMM v5.0 and MANIFEST
qinfo30.zip         08-14-1991   Displays free mem & disk space for all drives
ralloc.zip          02-12-1991   EMS/XMS fixes for QEMM-386 5.00/5.10/5.11/5.12
rbpci115.zip        07-06-1998   Display PCI-bus config, register details
rdstderr.zip        02-23-1988   Redirect STDERR to a file, with src
redir.zip           03-17-1990   Combines STDERR with STDOUT for redirection
redview3.zip        08-23-1992   View redirected output on screen, w/ASM source
rele106.zip         01-19-1994   Unloads residents and recover system crash
restor61.zip        11-17-1996   Replacement for DOS RESTORE
rgtt101.zip         06-01-1997   Calibrate PC system clock. Freeware
rjmfilec.zip        12-13-1990   TSR provides filename completion w/hotkey
rndatime.zip        07-28-1997   Datetime: Display date/time without input req.
rom2.zip            12-17-1989   Save AT and 386 CMOS data to file and restore
rstlkit1.zip        10-12-1989   28 Unix-like tools for MS-DOS, 1 of 2
rstlkit2.zip        06-22-1988   28 Unix-like tools for MS-DOS, 2 of 2
rtime.zip           06-16-1987   Time a program's exececution w/c SRC
runtim10.zip        09-09-1994   Measures execution time of pgms, cmds & bats
s-tool.zip          12-15-1988   Magnuson's wildcard expansion utility
safari2.zip         09-23-1987   Explains reason for Abort, Retry, etc.
safesend.zip        03-31-1995   Talk to devices w/o Abort-Retry-Fail errors
scope140.zip        08-13-1991   Use PC as comm protocol analyzer/line scope
scout55.zip         07-14-1992   Super TSR disk manager, v5.4 - fmt/mv/cpy/etc
sct_em55.zip        07-14-1992   Memory resident file/disk manager, runs in EMS
se_st310.zip        12-31-1994   SEE v3.10: Macro-capable file viewer/printer
sendcod2.zip        10-11-1992   Send hex values from cmd line to STDOUT
setbeepl.zip        03-09-1988   Now you can specify the length of PC's beep
setup21.zip         06-02-1988   Setup program which modifies CMOS RAM
setvrm10.zip        01-02-1995   Setverm solves DOS version problems for MS-DOS
sh1-111.zip         10-27-1987   Unix-like DOS shell with novel features
sharefix.zip        12-27-1993   Utility to fix problems with MS-DOS SHARE
shbom11.zip         06-21-1998   ShellBom v1.1: Shell with filename completion
shell452.zip        06-23-1992   Convert DOS 4 DOSSHELL menus to DOS 5
showdevs.zip        03-14-1989   Show all active device drivers, w/'C' source
shrom26a.zip        01-11-1997   ShellRoom v2.6a: Swap program from MEM to disk
sil2.zip            10-13-1985   Silence PC speaker
silence.zip         12-31-1985   Turns PC speaker on and off
siren.zip           12-05-1989   Make siren sounds on PC speaker
skey40.zip          12-23-1991   Keystroke emulation and batch file utilities
sl-cut11.zip        01-23-1995   Deletes characters from standard-input
slash2.zip          04-21-1992   Chg switch-char from /. DOS 5 & earlier. w/doc
slodn101.zip        06-21-1998   Slow down a fast computer to run old programs
slow300.zip         04-25-1996   On the fly speed selection
softl300.zip        04-25-1996   TSR: tables, disasm, calc, intr, mem, CPU
sostb.zip           05-18-1993   Solid Oak Software's DOS Tool Box. 76 utils
spkrsys.zip         05-31-1986   Device driver for speaker
sprst161.zip        07-05-1991   Like MS-DOS's 'set' command, with additions
srs236.zip          10-19-1987   Still River Shell version 2.36
ssafepro.zip        08-03-1998   Safeguard yourself from a Win95 system crash
stack.zip           03-27-1988   Stack DOS commands from the DOS command line
stack26.zip         08-30-1990   Command line recall/edit, with pop-up window
stepdos.zip         11-08-1987   Step through executing program tracking INT21H
stop20.zip          06-17-1990   Time the execution of other programs
stoppr33.zip        04-18-1997   Stopprg: TSR for exit to DOS from any program
stpfcb12.zip        05-26-1991   Replacement for DOS' file locking SHARE.EXE
stpprg20.zip        03-04-1993   Back to primary DOS shell hotkey, w/ASM source
sumacs.zip          12-10-1985   Make your own Sidekick-like programs
suniq96.zip         03-31-1995   Stewart's essential Unique DOS Utilities, v9.6
superv11.zip        04-10-1994   Logs all run programs and deleted files
swap12.zip          04-09-1989   Swap from one application to another
swapds.zip          01-30-1990   SWAPDOS: Swap two programs in memory
swell100.zip        07-06-1989   Allows full use of RAM when shelling to DOS
switchar.asm        07-07-1985   DOS call to find '/'
switchar.doc        07-11-1985   Doc for SWITCHAR.ASM
switchar.pas        07-11-1985   DOS call to find '/'
switchar.zip        07-09-1988   Using '/' in pathnames
swpirq11.zip        03-12-1996   SwapIRQ: Interrupt redirector for DOS apps.
swpkeyat.zip        02-25-1989   Swap escape and tilde keys on AT keyboard
sysfs10.zip         06-20-1997   System File Save: Backup/restore system files
sysprof3.zip        06-20-1989   BIOS-call profiler (nr of calls & time spent)
sysup101.zip        08-24-1991   System up time program for DOS and Windows3
t320.zip            10-15-1994   DOS prompt timestamp for any date(s) or today
talisoft.zip        01-10-1997   Text editor, Flochart, Typing tutor, Sorter
tcap30.zip          06-21-1998   TCAP: Captures console I/O (text) to a file
tee11.zip           09-20-1988   Redirect output to std out & screen v1.1 8/88
tee9201.zip         01-10-1992   Tee filter for MS-DOS (w/ASM src)
timeit.zip          08-02-1988   Check time it takes to run a program
timer1.zip          12-04-1987   Program execution elapsed timer
timera01.zip        08-11-1994   Times command/program execution
tjutil14.zip        03-13-1993   Mouse- & ColorPower for BAT. X11 in text mode
toad8253.zip        08-31-1988   Tweak RAM refresh rate [ASM]
toadexec.zip        06-29-1988   EXEC programs [ASM]
tone100.zip         01-20-1990   Makes tone to aid computer audio troubleshoot
top121.zip          10-28-1992   Top v1.10: DOS command enhancement utility
tryst.zip           03-30-1988   A good tutorial on computer boot up
ts5dos11.zip        09-10-1992   Timo Salmi's programs for MS-DOS 5 (or 4.0+)
tsrsl104.zip        10-15-1991   TSR task-switcher for DOS. Swaps to disk/EMS
tss22.zip           03-28-1988   Total system statistics, ver 2.2
tst0831.zip         08-30-1990   Provide hotkey shell to DOS for progs w/o it
tstsr22.zip         03-28-1998   TSR pgms noboot/reslock/timedown/timeup, etc.
tsutil44.zip        05-17-1998   Timo's utils sysinfo, dirw, dtetimal, timelog
tsutlb21.zip        03-02-1996   Timo's utils touch, chars, dire, setgra
tsutlc23.zip        12-29-1996   Timo's utils dirf, dirinfo, doubles, split
tsutld23.zip        01-25-1997   Timo's utils bigcurs, keyrate, caps, switchar
tsutle22.zip        03-02-1996   Timo's utils lock kbd, mailsplit, tdel, cmos
tsutlf15.zip        03-02-1996   Timo Salmi's 6th utility set (strings,strmemo)
tsutlg11.zip        10-26-1996   Timo's 7th utility set (backgrnd,backdemo)
tvdsh171.zip        02-20-1995   Unix-like shell, DOSKEY/recall/mouse/cut-paste
u.asm               01-02-1989   Remove the TSR program, DOSEDIT, from memory
u.doc               01-03-1989   Two line description of U.ASM
uartbug.zip         03-08-1987   UART and COM port debuging tool, TSR
ud16_v33.zip        11-10-1997   All 62+ Unix 32-bit utilities for MS-DOS
undoc2eh.zip        01-08-1989   Demo of undocumented interrupt service 2Eh
upsmon10.zip        12-07-1997   Small program to display SmartUPS info
uptime.zip          01-19-1991   Time in days/hours/mins/secs since system boot
uptimer.zip         10-22-1996   System timer update from real-time clock
util1.zip           10-24-1995   A group of utilities for MS-DOS
utils1.zip          07-27-1989   Misc. utilities by E. Miller
utl115.zip          04-05-1996   Utilities with file viewer and printer support
uxutl23a.zip        02-26-1996   Unix-like utilities for DOS. Rel 2.3. 1of4
uxutl23b.zip        02-26-1996   Unix-like utilities for DOS. Rel 2.3. 2of4
uxutl23c.zip        02-26-1996   Unix-like utilities for DOS. Rel 2.3. 3of4
uxutl23d.zip        02-26-1996   Unix-like utilities for DOS. Rel 2.3. 4of4
uznix120.zip        02-26-1996   UZfulnix v1.20: Unix-like utilities for MS-DOS
veal0989.zip        08-25-1989   Craig Veal utility programs
vecs_ck3.zip        08-03-1998   Reports changed vectors and/or SFM
viaspeed.zip        02-03-1998   Speedup for VIA chipset mainboards
viewcmos.zip        02-09-1990   Display contents of AT CMOS RAM, w/C source
vintro.zip          09-28-1985   Intro & tutorial to NEC V20/30 - C/G required
vmix285.zip         05-04-1993   Multitasking/multiuser environment for 286-586
vsms111.zip         12-12-1992   Very Simple Multiuser System v1.11 for XT/AT
vtype.zip           09-09-1986   Enhanced DOS 'type' command with options
watch102.zip        11-10-1990   Tracks exec time of a pgm/method of DOS return
whoapc.zip          08-24-1988   WHOA! slows down PC or AT, v1.0
wildcard.zip        08-01-1988   Add wild cards to progs that don't have them
wizard.zip          09-15-1986   Program Wizard - hard disk menu and file mgr.
xanadu20.zip        04-26-1987   Xanadu utils v2.0 HOTDIR/PCSTAT/QUICKCRT/SFIND
xkb.zip             12-09-1989   Set AT keyboard repeat rate & delay, w/C src
xlock132.zip        10-31-1990   Security system, prevents unauthorized access
xpack.zip           03-05-1990   Balena's collection of programmer utilities
y2k_hf11.zip        05-31-1998   Holmes's Fix for Year 2000 Bug
y2kaah.zip          05-31-1998   Year-2000 v1.00: MsDOS PC year date fixer
year2000.zip        05-10-1998   Year-2000 v1.00: MS-DOS PC year date fixer
z10.zip             01-17-1989   General purpose utilities from Scott Pazur
zap33.zip           08-19-1990   Multi-purpose file handler/disk utility
zlog12.zip          09-30-1989   Keeps track of system usage, commands, time
zutils02.zip        10-16-1995   Collection of tiny utils HD/file related, lock