100letrs.zip        08-22-1988   100 business form letters for office and home
4tune.zip           08-09-1990   Get a fortune cookie or add one to the prompt
acrodos.zip         07-31-1996   The Adobe Acrobat Reader - for DOS
add304.zip          03-31-1993   Add up a column of numbers in a text file
addcr10.zip         03-14-1994   Converts UNIX to DOS newlines in text files
adulate.zip         06-29-1990   Let your PC adore you with one-liners
altrn234.zip        06-21-1990   Mass global and alternate text replace util.
amspel20.zip        07-31-1992   Check/correct spelling ASCII & TeX text files
an2as03.zip         06-23-1997   Freeware ANSI to ASCII text conversion
animdt11.zip        11-16-1992   Put text & numeric variables into a text file
anstxt11.zip        01-01-1997   ANST2TXT: Convert ANSI text to standard text
asc2ebc.zip         09-08-1985   Converts ASCII to EBCDIC, w/ASM source
asc2word.zip        11-09-1986   Converts ASCII to MS Word docs, w/C source
ascii2ws.zip        07-28-1988   Converts ASCII text to WordStar doc. mode
asciiart.zip        10-24-1995   Creates and edits ASCII art, w/mouse interface
ascutils.zip        05-25-1988   Collection of utilities used with ASCII files
aspll095.zip        08-13-1991   On-line spell check for text editor like PE2
ataricnv.zip        09-15-1988   Convert Atari internal character set to ASCII
atcomp17.zip        11-01-1998   Compares/reports DOS text files side by side
ath_hwr1.zip        07-11-1996   Compiles a text file to an executable form
autotxt3.zip        12-31-1997   AutoText: Professional Text to EXE Compiler
autrd101.zip        07-02-1990   LIST-like util with indexing/chapters in files
av_scr41.zip        02-04-1992   Creates 2 column TV scripts from ASCII text
awk320.zip          05-21-1991   AWK text scanning and processing language
awk320sr.zip        05-21-1991   AWK v3.20 source from author's BBS
bakzap.zip          12-08-1988   Backspace zapper for capture files
baudasc1.zip        07-28-1992   Converts ASCII <--> Baudot
besth158.zip        04-07-1996   BESTHES v1.58: 3,056,200-word thesaurus
bfind806.zip        07-26-1998   Boolean FIND command (BFIND BEGIN & END)
bfmt139.zip         04-27-1993   Format text various ways (esp. for vi users)
bfort10.zip         03-13-1993   Berkeley fortune cookies w/perl scripts for PC
bgtext32.zip        07-22-1996   Create fully-featured standalone e-books
bigsrt22.zip        04-20-1990   In-memory sort program for large files
bigtxt21.zip        04-08-1996   BigText v2.1: For BATs, creates large letters
bison111.zip        11-14-1990   Bison v1.11, yacc-compatible parser generator
bizpln12.zip        03-23-1992   Makes it easy to write complete business plan
blurb_20.zip        04-27-1992   Fortune prog. Fast & clean even with big files
boxit_10.zip        12-30-1992   Quickly add boxes & lines to your text files
breakup.c           04-26-1986   Break up large text files into several smaller
breakup.doc         04-26-1986   Documentation for BREAKUP.C
brows11.zip         09-03-1995   Long text file reader; saves place on exit
browse2.zip         02-23-1991   Full screen file pager, VGA and SVGA support
bss150.zip          07-15-1996   Versatile VAX/VMS-style string search utility
case31.zip          09-25-1994   Text file case converter
caser.zip           10-14-1990   Text case changing pgms with TC++ v1.0 source
cawf404.zip         12-07-1993   Unix nroff-like text formatter for DOS w/C src
cc21d.zip           03-08-1994   Filter files with carriage control characters
cc500.zip           02-21-1991   Copy CON replacement, create/edit BAT files
cfortune.zip        05-04-1991   Collection of fortunes/quotes & Cookie program
chang806.zip        08-01-1998   Change strings in text/binary files
change17.zip        11-29-1992   Change text in one or more files
chktxt.zip          02-11-1992   Text file control character filter, CRLF fixer
cleans11.zip        06-23-1988   Clean any text file to make it pure ASCII
cmsnt100.zip        07-22-1992   MS-DOS 5 QBASIC program to view CMS NOTEBOOKs
colorit2.zip        07-16-1988   Add color to DOS text files, needs ANSI.SYS
coloriz2.zip        09-06-1996   Inputs a text file and then 'colorizes' it
concat10.zip        05-02-1989   Copy multiple text files to file/ptr/console
convdw12.zip        04-21-1993   Converts IBM Displaywrite 3, 4, or 5 to ASCII
cookie.zip          12-10-1991   Fortune cookie quotes (tight, small, ASM src)
cpycn310.zip        05-15-1989   Small editor for creating/editing batch files
crlf.zip            05-11-1988   Convert files between Unix and MS-DOS
crlf15b.zip         04-12-1992   Unix<->Dos text convert (add/remove cr or lf)
cspella.zip         12-14-1987   Spelling checker (see CSPELSRC for source)
cspelsrc.zip        12-08-1987   C language source for CSPELLA.ZIP
ct_4.zip            11-28-1998   Changes case of alternate letters in text file
ctoc30.zip          05-15-1990   VP/XyWrite/Penta/MagnaType txt code conversion
ctrans15.zip        04-12-1992   Converts Ascii<->Ebcdic<->Iso<->used defined
cursive.zip         11-24-1987   Horizontal cursive banners (w/C)
cut-past.zip        03-05-1987   Screen cut/paste utility
cut101.zip          07-19-1987   Cut out spec. fields from each line of file
cvrft102.zip        04-21-1993   Convert IBM DCA/RFT(RevisableFormText)to ASCII
daed.zip            02-15-1987   Fast text editor
ddjgrep.zip         02-26-1993   Find strings in files, with source
dedupe12.zip        05-31-1997   Removes duplicate lines located anywhere
dfutil1.zip         01-17-1991   Dr. Funkey's text handling utilities, 1 of 2
dfutil2.zip         11-09-1990   Dr. Funkey's text handling utilities, 2 of 2
dg53.zip            06-08-1997   Data-Grep: Text file phrase search
dgarbage.zip        05-09-1988   Removes line noise from captured text files
diff.zip            03-11-1986   Difference between 2 text files (like Unix)
diff23.zip          08-02-1988   File compare and changebar inserter V2.3
diffrnc2.zip        02-12-1987   Displays differences between 2 files
digex104.zip        12-08-1991   Undigest (extract) digests in mail file format
dl102.zip           06-28-1988   Displays two files simultaneously on screen
do30.zip            10-08-1987   Text search program 3.0 - powerful
docmen02.zip        11-22-1987   Menu-driven utility displays your doc files
docprep.zip         05-17-1992   Document preparation for non-major languages
dofilter.zip        06-21-1987   Comprehensive ASCII text filter
dos2unix.zip        10-04-1989   MSDOS<->Unix newline conversion pgm, w/C src
doscvt27.zip        02-26-1996   Convert text file formats between DOS and UNIX
double15.zip        08-17-1998   View two files or search for differences
downer.zip          10-15-1987   Lower case text files w/special cases
drc21.zip           06-22-1993   David's Readme Compiler: Make pgm doc into EXE
drdoc17.zip         12-02-1994   Makes indexed manual from ASCII docs
drlistj.zip         09-06-1989   V.Buerg's special version of LIST for CTTY use
dts20doc.zip        04-13-1993   dtSearch 2.0 documentation & Alphabet utility
dtsd20.zip          04-13-1993   dtSearch 2.0: Full-text retrieval for wrd proc
dubltk16.zip        05-13-1991   Compare two ASCII files side-by-side
ebc2asc.zip         02-06-1990   EBCDIC to ASCII text conversion program
ebcdic.zip          11-28-1986   Convert IBM EBCDIC encoding to ASCII
edct9401.zip        01-26-1994   EDICT: Japanese<->English dict (lookup w/JDIC)
egrep.zip           03-30-1988   Fast search for text in specified files
ejdx9401.zip        01-26-1994   EDICT.JDX ready-to-use index for edct9401
emdk100.zip         11-12-1995   Electronic magazine developer's kit
ensoft11.zip        01-01-1986   Change text to WordStar DOC format
etext410.zip        02-18-1997   Electronic Text Publishing takes ASCII to EXE
ezspell.zip         03-21-1986   Spelling checker
f_11.zip            01-12-1985   ASCII file filter, to/from WS, CR->CRLF, copy
faq12.zip           09-08-1994   Frequently Asked Questions utility v1.2
fb211n.zip          09-12-1990   Browse ASCII/Wordstar, find/mark/print text
fc20.zip            03-19-1990   Compares two text files line by line, v2.0
fgrep183.zip        04-04-1996   Chris Dunford's fast text search w/wildcards
fig.zip             04-29-1988   FOG Index Generator (in BASIC)
figfont1.zip        09-24-1995   Collection of 150 Figlet fonts
figlet21.zip        09-18-1995   Figlet v2.1, makes big letters for signatures
filecmp.zip         03-03-1988   Compare 2 files
filecomp.zip        02-02-1987   Compare two text files
filters.zip         11-27-1986   Collection of ASCII text filters
filtr30.zip         04-20-1995   Text file searcher, simultan. multi-term check
filtx2a.zip         01-12-1987   File filter utility. Clean ASCII files
finder28.zip        --19
finder29.zip        12-09-1998   Search files for text patterns, special modes
findline.zip        12-13-1992   Scan file for text string; returns errorlevel
finds101.zip        08-05-1986   Find strings in any file
findx16.zip         07-11-1996   Search one/many text files for string w/AND/OR
fixch401.zip        01-18-1994   Replace non-printable ASCII codes
fixcr.zip           08-08-1988   File editor, patcher, and filter
fixform.zip         05-25-1992   CDF -> Fixed length ascii converter
fixtx710.zip        12-08-1997   Translate text file characters en masse
flcom60m.zip        06-28-1998   Files to COM v6.0m: Text to COM Compiler
flex251s.zip        04-13-1995   GNU clone of Unix LEX lexical analyzer, C src
flex251x.zip        04-13-1995   GNU clone of Unix LEX lexical analyzer, EXE
flip1exe.zip        07-27-1989   Convert text files MSDOS<->UNIX format, 1of2
flip1src.zip        07-10-1989   Convert text files MSDOS<->UNIX format, 2of2
fold10.zip          04-20-1991   Insert CR/LF after specified text line length
fortune.zip         08-16-1989   Fortune cookie program, add your own
fragtalk.zip        07-17-1998   FragTalk: Make ordered text-idea collections
fran10sg.zip        11-27-1998   Fran: Counts entries of words in a text file
gdiff22a.zip        05-13-1993   GNU Text file differences finder, v2.2, w/src
gestalt.zip         12-06-1988   New string similarity function. ASM,C,TurboPas
getlines.zip        05-21-1994   Shows lines of a text file given line numbers
ggrep.zip           08-25-1987   Find regexp patterns in files
gmbk150.zip         08-29-1995   Gorin's Microbook 1.50: Text presentation tool
grep20ap.zip        03-31-1995   GNU Grep: Find patterns in files, DOS patches
grep20as.zip        03-28-1995   GNU Grep: Find patterns in files, C src
grep20ax.zip        03-28-1995   GNU Grep: Find patterns in files, EXE
grepfv10.zip        03-16-1994   Text/binary/archive regular expression search
grepfv2.zip         04-23-1991   Search for expressions in archives too
grepsb40.zip        11-29-1998   Find strings/regular expressions in files
gsar110.zip         08-16-1996   File search and replace util. (bin/asc) w/src
hardsoft.zip        08-11-1988   Convert WordStar document to/from nondocument
hc15.zip            10-22-1996   HypoCase v1.5: Text files case converter
hdiff122.zip        01-07-1988   File 'diff' utility
head.zip            02-29-1988   Display beginning of text files
hfind10.zip         07-01-1996   *Highlighting* grep-like text finder
hfnd10.zip          03-17-1995   Text finder - highlights target within results
histrip.zip         09-02-1987   High order bit stripper for text files
hunter52.zip        04-06-1991   Search entire disk for a word or phrase
hyphen.zip          12-30-1989   HyphenAid v1.0S, TSR hyphenation dictionary
iavs400e.zip        07-17-1995   Creates electronic magazines
indexr24.zip        10-02-1996   Creates indexes from text files
instdx11.zip        06-28-1994   Compress/index/search text files. Fast & small
ipsort11.zip        07-14-1998   Sort program for IP addresses in a text file
isamf603.zip        04-07-1996   Full-text searching help desk documents
ispel40s.zip        10-26-1993   GNU Ispell: Spell checker, source files
ispel40x.zip        10-26-1993   GNU Ispell: Spell checker, exe & dictionaries
jb_wc.zip           04-09-1989   Counts words, lines, characters in documents
jdic23.zip          08-05-1993   Japanese<->English dictionary (needs edct9401)
jis16.zip           03-04-1990   JIS Kanji 16x16 font files (used by JDIC)
jobhnt51.zip        05-21-1996   Write letters/address envelopes to employers
jobhunt5.zip        02-24-1994   Write letters/address envelopes to employers
jorj97.zip          01-03-1997   Pop-Up English dictionary
jq14.zip            04-27-1994   4000 jokes and quotes in 25 categories
kanji20.zip         09-23-1990   Display Japanese Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana
kindex.zip          09-11-1996   Indexes paginated hard copy text
kinfo23.zip         09-16-1993   Japanese Kanji Info file (used by JDIC)
kjdc9308.zip        08-26-1993   KANJIDIC: Japanese Kanji dictionary
ktext10.zip         04-20-1997   KewlText v1.0: Improves text presentation
ktype.zip           05-30-1988   Viewer for Japanese text files (CGA/EGA req.)
kws111.zip          02-25-1992   Keyword Search: And/or finds in text files
kws144.zip          09-02-1994   Keyword search program (grep replacement)
lbl2tab.zip         02-07-1995   Convert raw text files to tab separated format
lcomp110.zip        03-20-1994   Compares contents of two ASCII list files
lcread10.zip        07-08-1996   Quick-info files reader
less291s.zip        04-03-1995   File viewer/pager 'better than more'; sources
less291x.zip        03-31-1995   File viewer/pager 'better than more'; exe/doc
lfcr.zip            09-20-1986   Fixes text files by putting cr/lf
lfcrlf11.zip        01-06-1992   Safe & Fast UNIX<->DOS text file translation
lfeed.zip           09-30-1988   Add or delete line feeds from text
lfind.zip           09-09-1995   Enhanced grep-a-like for index files
line0.zip           03-13-1997   List a range of lines w/ optional numbering
lines_a2.zip        08-17-1998   Rearrange the order of lines in a document
list77a.zip         10-06-1992   V. Buerg's classic ASCII/binary file viewer
list93a.zip         12-05-1997   V. Buerg's classic ASCII/binary file viewer
listcnfg.zip        09-21-1990   Configuration suggestions for Buerg's LIST pgm
listedit.zip        03-09-1990   How: Make Buerg's LIST.COM invoke text editor
lm206.zip           01-29-1997   Text/stream line manipulator
logos.zip           03-22-1992   LOGOS - crossword and anagram searches
logos12.zip         12-31-1993   LOGOS - crossword and anagram searches
look4-28.zip        09-26-1988   Search text for 'AND' or 'OR' relationships
lookfr50.zip        10-01-1990   Text file quick search with AND/OR logic
lower11.zip         01-23-1995   Converts characters from stdin to lowercase
lsrcmp13.zip        09-10-1996   LaserCompare v1.3: Fast ASCII file comparator
lst60asm.zip        04-06-1986   ASM for early V Buerg LIST file viewer
man.zip             12-31-1986   Unix-like 'man' utl for online doc display
manprep.zip         12-14-1987   Prepares doc files for MAN Unix-like 'man' pgm
manprint.zip        01-26-1993   Simple Unix man page reformatter for MS-DOS
margin3.zip         07-08-1989   MarginText 3.0 - Reformats ASCII text files
margtext.zip        04-09-1991   Reformat based on longest line in text file
maxfnd33.zip        04-04-1996   Search files for multiple strings,many options
merge17.zip         10-15-1987   MAIL-MERGE pgm 1.7, October 1987 release
mergf220.zip        04-22-1995   MergeFile v2.20: Merge ANY size text file
mergp100.zip        03-20-1995   MERGEPRO v1.00: Merge/keep/replace/remove
mfrm240.zip         05-01-1991   Convert mainframe numeric data to PC-readable
mintr151.zip        08-23-1996   MiniTrue v1.5.1: Text search/view/replace util
miscnix.zip         05-29-1988   Split, head, and tail for MSDOS
mknews20.zip        01-24-1995   Turn files into news (sequentially numbered)
more13.zip          06-25-1990   Scroll forward/backward thru text file, w/src
moref241.zip        03-26-1990   More-like text file viewer with many options
msiguide.zip        09-27-1990   Shareware Norton Guide clone from MSI
msort0.zip          03-12-1997   Sorts externally large text files
msort115.zip        04-06-1996   Master Sort: Flexible sorting for large files
mspantoc.zip        01-20-1987   MSPANTOC v1.0 document processing utility
mulco501.zip        03-19-1995   Multicolumn text with headers, dBase supported
ngclon11.zip        02-20-1990   Norton Guides clone, w/Turbo Pascal 5.0 src
ngdump.zip          06-20-1990   Decompiler for Norton Guides database files
nghelp.zip          02-27-1994   Norton Guide clone with TP 7.0 source code
ngrep.zip           11-08-1987   Improved GREP, takes wildcards
ngrj160.zip         01-07-1993   Text justifier, ideal for .NG compiling
ngs_11.zip          06-30-1994   Norton Guides Sourcer v1.1: Decompiles NG file
nlword10.zip        11-01-1992   Dutch wordlist for spell-checkers e.g. AmSpell
nobit71.zip         12-01-1988   Strips high-order bit of text files
nocz12.zip          10-13-1989   Strip Ctrl Z's from files, 3 versions, ASM src
nonull10.zip        08-09-1996   Replace nulls in file with spaces, w/ASM src
note.zip            10-09-1988   Resident file/dir/prtsc utility
nroff1.zip          12-06-1990   Unix V7 nroff clone with source for MS C 5.1
off_09.zip          01-10-1993   OFF: A simple text formatter
ovrsgr.zip          11-06-1987   Overstrike/backspace etc. to ANSI
page.com            02-01-1986   Displays ascii files one page at a time
page1_4.zip         01-04-1995   Quick text file viewer useful for large files
pagin710.zip        12-08-1997   Paginates text (indexes, sorts, tables)
pbjst104.zip        05-20-1993   ASCII text justifying filter by Peter Breuer
pc-man19.zip        01-23-1994   Online document manager (like Unix man)
pc-pro34.zip        07-01-1996   PC-Proof v3.4: Grammar checker for DOS
pc-read.zip         01-23-1986   Rates complexity of writing to grade level
pc_pro18.zip        02-18-1993   PC-Proof: Grammar checker for word proc. files
pcb101_1.zip        02-15-1990   TSR Pop-up file scan & hypertext tool, 1of2
pcb101_2.zip        09-28-1989   TSR Pop-up file scan & hypertext tool, 2of2
pci30.zip           08-04-1990   PC-INDEX: Creates indexes from text files
pcman10.zip         01-01-1997   Man v1.0: Display online manual documents
pco334.zip          11-30-1987   PC-Outline v3.34: Outlining & planning program
pcowp20.zip         09-13-1988   Converts PC-Outline files to WordPerfect 5.0
pcpatch.zip         02-05-1988   Patch old source to current version
pcpub216.zip        04-08-1996   PC Publisher 2.16: Create text, books, catalog
pcwrd110.zip        02-28-1990   Viewer for PC-Write files
pdsrt212.zip        06-18-1990   PD disk-based external sort program, w/C src
pgrep.zip           10-07-1986   fgrep/egrep variation; many options
phrase24.zip        02-15-1989   Phrase Watcher 2.4, avoid bad, awkward phrases
pil50kit.zip        04-08-1992   Publishing Interchange Language v5.0 source
pscan0.zip          03-12-1997   Scans text files organized in paragraphs
pscribe.zip         10-13-1988   Professional Scribe, improves your writing
pszx100.zip         08-24-1996   Convert UPPERCASE text files to mixed case
ptf12.zip           05-13-1990   Portable Text Formatter with contents & index
ql569.zip           07-30-1991   Fortune cookie program (Quantum Leap sayings)
qp201.zip           12-29-1990   ASCII text file file viewer and print utility
qsort320.zip        07-10-1988   Ben Baker's Qsort v3.20: Fast sort utility
qt202.zip           11-08-1992   Fortune cookie program with 5000+ quotes
quote25b.zip        03-08-1994   Random quote generator, 1000+ quotes, w/C src
rcntx325.zip        02-15-1994   RACONTEX v3.25: Indexing Text Search System
rdansi11.zip        01-17-1995   ANSI and ASCII file viewer
read201s.zip        08-21-1995   Writing style analyzer & readability checker
read34.zip          12-24-1996   READ v3.4: Read/edit ASCII text files
read710.zip         12-08-1997   Free viewer, also make any text self-viewing
readyref.zip        05-16-1988   Pop-up configurable reference utility
recall25.zip        04-09-1991   RECALL 2.5, WordPerfect and ASCII text viewer
refs51.zip          11-05-1989   Finds references in name, date form in manusc.
rembs1.zip          11-21-1988   Removes backspaces in text files
repstr40.zip        04-24-1993   Remove or modify strings in text files
resize.zip          05-14-1991   Resize text file to retain data before Ctrl-Z
rlist10.zip         08-03-1991   Ron's LIST Program - CUA-like text file viewer
rmail41.zip         08-17-1993   PC ReadMail v4.1: News, email and msgs reader
rmdup0.zip          03-20-1997   Remove dups from sorted files (w/ANSI C src)
rmhead14.zip        03-14-1994   Removes/changes headers of e-mail, news files
rnlower.zip         07-27-1997   Lower: Convert a ASCII file to all lowercase
rpsort.zip          09-16-1991   Fast sort very large files. Multiple sort keys
rpsrt102.zip        12-15-1992   Fast sort very large files. Multiple sort keys
rrts00.zip          02-07-1993   Remove redundant trailing spaces in text files
rss30.zip           04-21-1993   Ron's smart existential dictionary search pgm
rtextu10.zip        05-04-1993   Ricki's misc. text file utilities (filters)
rtrim51.zip         12-04-1991   Remove unwanted spaces/ctl chars from txt file
rum10.zip           11-15-1993   Rapid Unix/MS-DOS text file translator, v1.0
scanx106.zip        05-08-1996   ScanText v1.6 ASCII file text pattern searcher
scripto.zip         05-21-1991   Builds cursive writing from text, w/TPas src
sed15.zip           09-30-1991   Unix-compatible streaming editor v1.5 TC src
sed15x.zip          09-30-1991   Unix-compatible streaming editor v1.5 EXE/docs
see11.zip           12-21-1988   Alternative to DOS 'TYPE' command
see212.zip          06-07-1992   View/print/publish/organize files
see510.zip          04-08-1996   SEE: File viewer and printer from MicroFox
sendit.zip          11-30-1994   Enhanced replacement for DOS' TYPE command
serchv11.zip        07-19-1988   Search text files for 1 or 2 words with and/or
showv20x.zip        10-22-1994   Convert text to self-displaying COM files
shrlck20.zip        09-06-1990   Sherlock 2-window interactive textfile compare
simdoc30.zip        10-18-1994   ASCII file to EXE converter - many features
simp465.zip         07-30-1991   Fortune cookie program (Things Simpsons say)
sleek51.zip         04-09-1996   Sleek v5.1: File reformatter/word wrapper
sort.zip            06-12-1987   Pembertons' numeric sort utility
sortf237.zip        09-19-1991   Vernon Buerg's fast text sort utility
sortx20.zip         09-27-1995   Fast sort of big files, replaces DOS' sort
spel204.zip         05-15-1987   Spell checker
spellr20.zip        09-10-1988   Spell checker outputs list of misspelled words
splitc.zip          04-25-1988   Split file into multiple files
spltjd13.zip        05-31-1993   Splits large text files into multiple files
ss30.zip            02-26-1996   Text file screen-oriented spell checker, v3.0
ss303.zip           05-06-1994   ASCII or HEX string searcher with many options
sspell14.zip        07-17-1992   TurboC++ or Unix C source for Unix Spell clone
sstrim12.zip        10-09-1994   Remove trailing spaces from text files
stprt203.zip        03-02-1994   Unformatted ASCII file formatter/printer
strep11.zip         11-11-1997   Remove/replace strings from text files
strip21.zip         02-06-1986   Strips high-order bits from WordStar files
strpit11.zip        11-29-1990   Strip characters from left/right side of text
stview.zip          10-29-1990   ST-VIEW, text file viewer with mouse support
stype27.zip         11-29-1992   Display files contents with many options
stzpreed.zip        11-27-1998   STZP REED v3.07: Smooth text file viewer
swputils.zip        03-13-1991   Does vertical/horizontal text file extractions
t9282437.zip        04-17-1997   Transform files: Pagecode 928 to pagecode 437
tab.zip             08-14-1989   Indent a file one tab or specified # of spaces
tabin50.zip         11-18-1996   Converts spaces to tabs in an ASCII file
tabout22.zip        11-18-1996   Converts spaces to tabs in an ASCII file
tabs21.zip          01-06-1988   V.Buerg's replace spaces w/Tabs, & vice-versa
tabx10.zip          03-01-1990   Filter that expands TABs to SPACEs, w/TC src
tail.zip            04-07-1988   Display lines from tail end of text file
take1304.zip        03-31-1993   Take1st: Remove
tamilvu1.zip        11-02-1994   TAMILVU 1.0 Romanized Tamil text viewer MSDOS
tcless.zip          04-24-1988   TurboC version of Unix LESS, better than MORE
td120.zip           01-23-1986   Create ANSI text
tds_v10.zip         12-25-1990   Transliterate/delete/complement txt characters
tea102.zip          05-25-1998   TEA word search for crosswords and word games
teadling.zip        04-27-1992   TEA dictionary database - 
teadweb.zip         04-27-1992   TEA dictionary database - Webster's 2nd Ed
tee0.zip            03-26-1997   Simple TEE filter for DOS (w/ ANSI C src)
texrep12.zip        06-09-1996   Search/replace, multi string, easy DOS program
text_m28.zip        12-15-1997   Text Modifier: Automatically modify text files
textc173.zip        04-21-1993   Reformat ASCII files for import to wordprocess
texttest.zip        06-21-1994   File selector, spell checker, text viewer
tfb.zip             02-15-1994   Small TSR multi-file browser w/search/mark
thesar39.zip        03-30-1989   Extendable menu driven on-line thesaurus v3.9
thespl22.zip        04-09-1990   Memory resident thesaurus, deluxe version 2.2
to5_205.zip         04-21-1993   Convert WordPerfect 5.x to ASCII, many options
toadcr11.zip        08-03-1989   Unix <> DOS text file EOL converter w/ASM src
toadebc.zip         08-12-1990   Collection of ASCII <> EBCDIC conversion utils
toadso11.zip        01-14-1986   Convert text to WS / WS to text format files
toadtrim.zip        01-18-1990   Strip trailing spaces from text file,w/ASM src
tok09fw.zip         07-09-1997   Tree of Knowledge: ASCII text file organizer
tr-v112.zip         05-25-1998   TRep: Grep utility, find strings in files
tr112.zip           11-13-1992   DOS version of UNIX TR print command w/source
tran05.zip          01-19-1993   Windows and DOS prog to cnvrt string <-> ascii
tran10.zip          06-04-1996   Random Number Generators for C and C++
travesty.zip        12-18-1988   Text/music style simulator w/C source
trcp0.zip           06-22-1997   Flat text file multi-code page translator
trnsmail.zip        05-31-1996   TRNSMAIL: Translates mail to six languages
tschek15.zip        03-03-1996   Unix-like spelling checker for text files
tsfcom24.zip        05-28-1993   Progs for manipulating text files, T.Salmi
tsfilt22.zip        03-02-1996   Filters for message/log text files, T.Salmi
tsfltb19.zip        03-02-1996   Build your own text & binary filters, T.Salmi
tsfltc21.zip        09-27-1998   dump,col,concat,cut,detab,rep,rot13,undump
tsp217.zip          07-04-1998   TSP: DOS text search utility
tspell24.zip        03-29-1991   Screen oriented spelling checker by T.Salmi
tsv1_0.zip          12-04-1994   TextScroller 1.0: Interactive text file viewer
tt_r5.zip           10-07-1997   TextTools Rel.5: 21 text/table filters, etc.
txpro102.zip        09-01-1994   TextPro: Batch-oriented text formatter
txs32.zip           05-23-1993   Fast text search with existential dictionaries
txtab710.zip        12-08-1997   Generates text tables
txtcom.zip          08-23-1987   Text-to-COM translator
txtout13.zip        01-16-1990   Converts WordPerfect 5.0 files to ASCII files
typbck13.zip        11-29-1992   Type a log file line by line backwards
ukacd15.zip         02-12-1997   ASCII wordlist for advanced cryptic crosswords
unansi10.zip        07-11-1995   Strips ANSI codes from files (1.5K ASM util)
unbox.zip           06-08-1990   Cvt graphic box chars to ASCII substitutes
undigest.c          07-10-1996   Break down newsletter digests to individ. msgs
uneek101.zip        06-17-1990   Eliminate duplicate records in text files, w/C
uniq12.zip          01-14-1995   Remove or report adjacent duplicate text lines
unsoft11.zip        06-09-1984   Convert WordStar DOC format to text
utter202.zip        08-11-1994   Fortune-like quote displayer w/lots of options
vf150.zip           08-24-1985   Screen Oriented File Maintenance Util
view645.zip         09-05-1988   Fast text file viewer v6.45, Shareware
viewit.zip          02-24-1993   Simple easy-to-use file viewer and searcher
views200.zip        07-18-1998   Text viewer with soft scrolling & fast search
vocal231.zip        10-02-1996   Changes chars ASCII>127 to ASCII<=127
vocali20.zip        07-08-1996   Changes chars ASCII>127 to ASCII<=127
vtext100.zip        12-24-1996   Turns text into colorful VGA online books
w_clean.zip         12-07-1997   Concatenates EOL hyphenated words (C++ src)
wc14.zip            01-18-1994   Statistics, word freqs, and readability index
wc_11.zip           09-28-1997   DOS vers. of UNIX wc word count utility (v1.1)
wcat9eng.zip        06-28-1998   WhiteCat v9.8 Catalogue system (English)
wcat9fre.zip        06-28-1998   WhiteCat v9.8 Catalogue system (French)
wcat9ger.zip        06-28-1998   WhiteCat v9.8 Catalogue system (German)
wcat9ita.zip        06-28-1998   WhiteCat v9.8 Catalogue system (Italian)
wcat9spa.zip        06-28-1998   WhiteCat v9.8 Catalogue system (Spanish)
wcnt120.zip         05-03-1997   Fast word counter w/stats, code page support
wisdom2.zip         05-27-1991   A fortune cookie program with Turbo C source
wlist11.zip         10-20-1993   Fast word frequency and word length counter
wp5look.zip         03-05-1989   File browser for WordPerfect5.0 document files
wraplin2.zip        12-30-1988   Wraps long lines of text to make file readable
wsascii.zip         08-24-1985   Convert WordStar document files to ASCII
wsconv.bas          06-12-1985   Convert WordStar DOC files to text
wsconv.doc          06-12-1985   Doc for WSCONV.BAS
wsrefman.zip        07-14-1986   Reference manual for WordStar 3.xx
wstriprg.zip        10-21-1991   Gautier's WordStar file stripper & dot remover
wsx21a.zip          10-20-1987   WordStar to ASCII conversion program
xcd20.zip           07-26-1991   Command line search for TXS dictionaries
xcols0.zip          11-01-1998   XCOLS: Extracts columnar data to a template
xfile101.zip        03-05-1997   The X-Filer: Converts .TXT files into .EXEs
xgrep103.zip        03-02-1996   Fast Unix-compatible grep (in 80x86 asm)
xort110.zip         09-06-1993   Sort huge text files in XMS memory, fast
xsort.zip           11-27-1987   Expanded,faster sort-handles multiline records
xtractr4.zip        05-10-1998   Extract parts for a new file or from a file